Duval County Public Schools District Curriculum Guide

Duval County Public Schools District Curriculum Guide Grade 9-12 Course: Spanish II Pacing Days Big Idea/Supporting Idea: Describing My Classes 13...
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Duval County Public Schools District Curriculum Guide Grade 9-12 Course: Spanish II



Big Idea/Supporting Idea: Describing My Classes

13 days

10 - 22

Topic II: School and Classroom Standards


Essential Content


Students will be able to:

Students will know:

INTERPRETIVE LISTENING: WL.K12.IL.1.1 Use context cues to identify the main idea and essential details on familiar topics expressed in short conversations, presentations and messages. WL.K12.IL.1.2 Demonstrate understanding of the main idea and essential details of short conversations and oral presentations. WL.K12.IL.1.4 Identify key points and essential details on familiar topics presented in a variety of media.

- Identify and produce vocabulary related to school supplies and class schedules.

- Names of items used in the classroom.

INTERPRETIVE READING: WL.K12.IL.2.1 Use context cues and background knowledge to demonstrate understanding of the main idea and essential details in texts that contain familiar themes. WL.K12.IL.2.2 Interpret written literary text in which the writer tells or asks about familiar topics. WL.K12.IL.2.4 Demonstrate understanding of vocabulary used in context when following written directions. WL.K12.IM.2.2 Determine the main idea and essential details when reading narratives, literary selections, and other fictional writing on familiar topics.

INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION: WL.K12.IL.3.1 Initiate and engage in a conversation on familiar topics. WL.K12.IL.3.2 Interact with others in everyday situations. WL.K12.IL.3.3 Express and react to feelings and emotions in real life situations. WL.K12.IL.3.4 Exchange information about familiar academic and social topics including participation in an interview. WL.K12.IL.3.8 Initiate engage and exchange basic information

Evidence of Learning (Progression of Standards)

DEVELOPING - Students recognize the names of classroom objects and school - Forms of the verb “tener” in supplies. - Discuss what they have to do the present tense. - Students recognize names of in class. classes and adjectives that can - Various adjectives in Spanish describe them. - Use the present tense forms to describe their classes. - Students identify classroom rules, list activities that occur in a of the verbs "hacer", "poner", - The forms of "hacer", and "traer" in the context of picture and complete sentences "poner", and "traer" in the school supplies and classes. with the correct forms of the stempresent tense. changing verbs in present tense. - Recognize and produce - Students identify affirmative and vocabulary related to activities, - Vocabulary and expressions negative words. classroom rules and items for describing what happens in their classes and school day. needed for class. ACHIEVING - Students produce names for - Discuss and create - Expressions used in school classroom objects and school appropriate classroom rules for rules. supplies and form basic sentences various classroom activities. about what they have in their - Classroom objects. backpacks. - Conjugate stem-changing - Students produce names for - Affirmative and negative verbs in the present tense in classes they are taking and form the context of talking about words. basic sentences describing them. their classes. - Students write statements about - Common stem-changing classroom activities, write about - Recognize differences in verbs. good study habits, demonstrate grading systems and class understanding of authentic rules schedules in Spanish-speaking versus false ones, and complete countries as compared to the sentences choosing the U.S. appropriate affirmative or negative word. - Use affirmative and negative expressions in the context of EXCELLING school. - Students write and speak about classroom objects and school - Explore the differences in supplies in complete sentences classroom culture in Spanishcontaining some expanded speaking countries and the U.S. information. - Students write and speak about - Recognize and produce the classes they are taking in vocabulary related to good complete sentences containing study habits. some expanded information. - Students give advice to someone - Discuss and generate who has school problems, discuss classroom rules that are good the meaning of quotes about for students' success in school education write a paragraph

Initiate, engage and exchange basic information to solve a problem. WL.K12.IM.3.6 Use known words and phrases to effectively communicate meaning (circumlocution) when faced with unfamiliar vocabulary.

PRESENTATIONAL SPEAKING: WL.K12.IL.4.2 Descibe people, objects, and situations using a series of sequenced sentences. WL.K12.IL.4.3 Express needs, wants, and plans using a series of sentences that include essential details.

PRESENTATIONAL WRITING: WL.K12.IL.5.1 Write on familiar topics and experiences using main ideas and supporting details. WL.K12.IL.5.2 Describe a familiar event or situation using a variety of sentences and with supporting details.

CULTURE: WL.K12.IL.6.1 Recognize similarities and differences in practices and perspectives used across cultures (e.g., holidays, family life) to understand one’s own and others’ ways of thinking. WL.K12.IL.6.2 Demonstrate awareness and appreciation of cultural practices and expressions in daily activities. WL.K12.IL.6.3 Examine significant historic and contemporary influences from the cultures studied such as explorers, artists, musicians and athletes. WL.K12.IL.6.4 Identify products of culture (e.g., food, shelter, clothing, transportation, toys, music, art, sports and recreation, language, customs, traditions). WL.K12.IM.6.3 Research contributions made by individuals from the target culture through the arts such as visual arts, architecture, music, dance, literature, etc.

COMPARISONS: WL.K12.IL.8.1 Recognize language patterns and cultural differences when own language and culture with the target language and culture. WL.K12.IM.8.2 Give examples of cognates, false cognates, idiomatic expressions, and sentence structure to show understanding of how languages are alike and different.

for students success in school and life beyond school. - Read and interpret levelappropriate poems and generate orginal lines of poetry in Spanish that rhyme.

education, write a paragraph describing their favorite class, write sentences with negative and affirmative words, and create a set of classroom rules.

Duval County Public Schools District Curriculum Lesson Guide Grades: 9-12 Course: Spanish II



Topic II: School and Classroom

13 days

10 - 22

Suggested Days


Students will identify and produce vocabulary related to school supplies and class schedules.

Essential Questions

Students will describe their classes and ¿Qué tienes que discuss what they hacer en la clase have to do in de ...? class. 10

Resources & Activities

¿Qué tienes en tu COMMON mochila? Realidades 2 Text: - Speaking, Writing Act. 1, p. 14 (IL.4.2) ¿Qué clase tienes - Writing Act. 2, p. 15 (NM.5.3)                      en la primera Realidades 2 Guided Practice Activities: hora? - p. 15 (IL.8.1) Realidades 2 Practice Workbook: ¿Cómo es la clase - p. 5 (IL.8.1) de inglés? ONLINE http://teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=21 9983 (IM.8.2)

Vocabulary & Structures

THEMATIC VOCABULARY - Classroom objects - Backpack items - Class descriptions STRUCTURES - Tener + que + infinitive

Provide "tener" verb chart.

Explain step-bystep "tener + que+ infinitive."

LINGUISTIC TERMINOLOGY - Irregular verbs = verbos irregulares - Possessive adjectives = adjetivos posesivos - Cognates = cognados

ADDITIONAL - Play Taboo in pairs with the class subjects. Students can use other vocabulary words to help describe the subject. (IM.3.6) - Work with a partner to describe your ideal class. Include the subject, a description of the teacher, what period you have it, and what supplies you need to bring to the class. (IL.4.2)

Students will use the present tense forms of the verbs "hacer", "poner", and "traer" in the context of school supplies and classes.

¿Qué haces para COMMON la clase de ...? Realidades 2 Text: - Gramática-The verbs tener, p. 15 (IM.8.2) ¿Qué pones en tu - Reading, Writing Act. 3, p. 15 (IL.2.1; IL.8.1) mochila? Realidades 2 Guided Practice Activities: - p. 16 (IL.8.1) ¿Qué traes a la Realidades 2 Practice Workbook: clase de ....? - p. 6 (IL.8.1) ONLINE - www.conjuguemos.com (Present tense: spellchanging verbs, choose "traer", "poner", "hacer") (IM.8.2) - www.conjuguemos.com (Present tense: irregular verbs, choose "tener") (IM.8.2)


Higher Order Questions

How can you identify an irregular verb? What makes it irregular? Give examples.

ESOL/ESE Accomodations

ADDITIONAL Play dice game with verbs. Make dice from a template found online. On one dice write the subject pronouns. On the other dice write the verbs "tener", "tener que", "poner", "hacer", and "traer". (Write "poner" twice.) Make enough dice for a class set. In small groups students roll the dice. On a piece of paper they must write a sentence with the subject and verb they roll. (IM.8.2)

Compare and contrast the use THEMATIC VOCABULARY of subject pronouns in Spanish - Classroom objects and English. - Backpack items - Class descriptions STRUCTURES - Irregular "yo" forms of poner, hacer, traer and tener LINGUISTIC TERMINOLOGY - Irregular verb = verbo irregular

Provide verb charts of "poner", "hacer", "traer" along with a chart of subject pronouns. Add color coding to highlight the irregular forms.

Students will recognize vocabulary related to activities, classroom rules and items needed for class.

¿Qué haces en la COMMON clase de ...? Realidades 2 Text: - Listening Act. 1 & 2, pp. 18-19 (IL.1.2) ¿Cuáles son las - Writing, Speaking Act. 4, p. 22 (IL.3.1) reglas en la clase - Speaking Act. 5, p. 23 (IL.3.2) de español? - Writing, Speaking Act. 6, p. 23 (IL.3.1) Realidades 2 Practice Workbook: - pp.7-8 Realidades 2 WAV Workbook: - Writing Act. p.12 (IL.5.1)


THEMATIC VOCABULARY - School activities - Classroom rules

Provide vocabulary list.

STRUCTURES - Hay que ... - Se prohíbe ... LINGUISTIC TERMINOLOGY -IInfinitive = infinitivo

ADDITIONAL Have students write five sentences about what they have to do after school using "tener que" and five sentences saying what everyone generally has to do either during or after school using "hay que". (IL.5.2)

Students will ¿Qué se prohíbe produce hacer en la clase vocabulary de español? related to activities, classroom rules and items needed for class.


Compare and contrast the constructions "hay que" and "tener que". Give examples.

Students will discuss and create appropriate classroom rules for various classroom activities.

Students will ¿Por qué se recognize and prohíbe dormir conjugate stem- en clase? changing verbs in the present tense.

COMMON Realidades 2 Text: - DVD Videohistoria pp.20-21 Act 3 (IL.1.1, IL.2.1) - Speaking Act. 8, p. 24 (IL.3.8) Realidades 2 Practice Workbook: - pp.9-10 (IL.5.1) Realidades WAV Workbook: - Listening Act. p.9 (IL.1.1); - Video Act. pp.6-8 (IL.1.4)

How does "prohíbe" differ from "se prohíbe"?

STRUCTURES - Tener que + infinitive - Hay que ... - Se prohíbe ... LINGUISTIC TERMINOLOGY - Infinitive = infinitivo

ADDITIONAL -Ask students what are some common problems they have at school or are related to school. They must use Spanish. Write these on the board. Then have students brainstorm ideas to solve these problems using their new vocabulary. (IL.3.8) -Across the board list different situations in the classroom such as "warm-up", "test", "speaking activity", etc. Have students write the rules that would apply under each situation. (NM.5.3)

COMMON Realidades 2 Text: - Gramática-Stem-changing verbs, p. 27 (IM.8.2) - Reading, Writing Act. 14, p. 27 (IL.8.1) - Speaking, Game Act. 15, p.28 (IL.8.1) Realidades 2 Guided Practice Activities: - pp. 27-28 (IL.8.1) Realidades 2 Practice Workbook: - p. 11 (IL.8.1) ONLINE - www.conjuguemos.com (Present Tense: Stemchanging verbs) (IM.8.2) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18zgcTNvQ5I (e > ie verbs) (IM.8.2) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBj7-ZnP-Dk ( e > i verbs) (IM.8.2) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIwFPNfUoik (querer) (IM.8.2) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL7f8FOjwpg (o > ue verbs) (IM.8.2) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGkNWt3jAfo (jugar) (IM.8.2)

THEMATIC VOCABULARY - Classroom activities - Habits and rules

Have students use a graphic organizer to match typical school problems and solutions for each. Provide a SpanishEnglish dictionary. Provide a word order formula and pattern. Provide visuals such as clip art or drawings.

Compare and contrast the stem-changing verbs to regular verbs. Why do you think that stem-changing verbs are often refered to as "shoe" or "boot" verbs?

THEMATIC VOCABULARY - School day STRUCTURES - Stem-changing verbs in present tense LINGUISTIC TERMINOLOGY - Conjugate = conjugar - Verbos con cambios de raíz = stem-changing verbs - Present tense = tiempo presente

Provide verb charts with color-coding of stem-changes.

ADDITIONAL - Play a dice game with verb conjugations. Make one class set of dice with the subject pronouns and another with various regular "ar, er, and ir" verbs. Have students work in pairs or small groups and roll each dice. The student who rolls the dice must say the conjugation. The other student may check the answers on a verb chart. The student who earns the most points wins. Higher level: have students write sentences with the subject and verb they roll on the dice. Go to the following website to make your dice: http://www.mathsisfun.com/geometry/cubemodel.html (IM.8.2, AL.8.1)


Students will ¿En qué clase conjugate stem- pides ayuda? changing verbs in the present tense in the context of talking about their classes.


Students will recognize differences in grading systems and class schedules in Spanish-speaking countries as compared to the U.S.

Students will use ¿En qué clase affirmative and siempre sacas negative una buena nota? expressions in the context of school.


Students will explore the differences in classroom culture in Spanishspeaking countries and the U.S.

COMMON Realidades 2 Text: - Writing, Speaking Act. 16, p. 28. (IL.5.2, IL.3.4) - Writing, Speaking Act. 17, p.29 (IL.3.3) - Reading, Writing, Speaking Act. 18, p.30 (IL.6.1) - Fondo Cultural p.30 (IL.6.1) Realidades 2 WAV Workbook: - Writing Act. 11, p.13 (IL.5.2) Realidades 2 DVD Program: - GramActiva Video - Stem-changing verbs ONLINE - www.conjuguemos.com (Present Tense: Stemchanging verbs) (IM.8.2)

Compare and contrast the different types of stemchanging verbs.


Provide verb charts with color-coding of stem-changes.

STRUCTURES Compare and contrast the - Stem-changing verbs in present class schedule and the grading tense system in Mexico with the LINGUISTIC TERMINOLOGY grading system in Duval County. Which do you prefer? - Conjugate = conjugar - Verbos con cambios de raíz = Why? stem-changing verbs - Present tense = tiempo presente

ADDITIONAL - Students will write a paragraph about their favorite class using as many stem-changing verbs as possible. Provide a list of suggested verbs such as almorzar, dormir. empezar, entender, jugar, pedir, pensar, poder, preferir, querer, and repetir. Tell students they must use at least five of the verbs from the list. (IL.5.1)

COMMON Realidades 2 Text: - Reading, Writing, Speaking Act. 18, p. 30 (IL.2.1, NH.6.1) - Gramática-Affirmative and Negative Words, p. 31 (IM.8.2) - Reading, Writing Act. 19, p. 31 (AL.8.1) - Fondo Cultural p.32 (IL.6.2) Realidades 2 Practice Workbook: - pp.12-13 Realidades 2 Guided Practice Activities: - pp. 29-30 (AL.8.1) Realidades 2 WAV Workbook: - Audio Act. p.11 (IL.1.2) - Writing Act. p. 14 (IL.5.1) Realidades 2 DVD Program: - GramActiva Video - Affirmative and negative words ONLINE - www.conjuguemos.com (Spanish Grammar>Negative/Affirmative Words) (IM.8.2) - Have students look up grading systems in different Spanish-speaking countries and compare to that most commonly used in the U.S. (IL.6.1)

Compare and contrast how THEMATIC VOCABULARY teachers are addressed in - Classes and Schedules Spanish-speaking countries - Grades and in the U.S. How do you - Ordinal numbers believe this affects the teacherstudent relationship in each STRUCTURES culture? - Affirmative & Negative expressions (algunos/ningunos, alguien/nadie, siempre/nunca, también/tampoco, algo/nada) LINGUISTIC TERMINOLOGY - Sentences = frases completas/oraciones - Word order = orden de palabras

Provide a chart with the affirmative and corresponding negative expressions across from each other.

Students will recognize and produce vocabulary related to good study habits.


¿Cómo puedes estudiar mejor?

Students will discuss and generate classroom rules that are good for students' success in school and life beyond school.

Students will read ¿Quién es José ? and interpret levelappropriate ¿Cuál es la poems (e.j., nacionalidad de "Cultivo una rosa José Martí? blanca" by José Martí or other verses within "Versos Sencillos") and generate original lines of poetry in Spanish that rhyme.

COMMON Realidades 2 Text: - Reading Act. pp.34-35 (IL.2.2) - Presentational Speaking Act. p. 37 (IL.4.3) Realidades 2 Guided Practice Activities: - p.31 (IL.2.1) - p.32 (IL.4.1) Realidades 2 FCAT Workbook: - Reading Act. p. 10 (IL.2.2) Realidades 2 WAV Workbook: - Listening Act. 9, p.11 (IL.3.4) - Writing Act. p. 15 (IL.5.1)

Which rules can help a student's academic success and why?

Which school policies help STRUCTURES prepare you for life after high - Stem-changing verbs school? - Affirmative and negative expressions LINGUISTIC TERMINOLOGY - Affirmative words = palabras afirmativas - Negative words = palabras negativas

ADDITIONAL - In small groups, have students discuss which are the most important affirmative and negative rules and make a small poster of these rules to hang in the classroom. (IL.3.1)

COMMON Realidades 2 Text: - Culture, Reading, Writing, Speaking Act. 9-10, p. 25 (IL.2.1, IL.2.2, IL.6.3) - Reading, Writing Act. 13, p. 26 (IL.2.2) Realidades 2 FCAT Workbook: - p. 9 (IM.2.2) Realidades 2 WAV Workbook: - Audio Act. p. 10 (IL.1.2) - Song Lyrics p.187 (IL.1.4)

THEMATIC VOCABULARY - Classroom rules - Study habits

Why do you think the words of THEMATIC VOCABULARY José Martí in ""Versos - Words related to poetry Sencillos"" are still significant STRUCTURES to many people today? - Rhyme schemes LINGUISTIC TERMINOLOGY - Rhyme = la rima - Vowels = las vocales - Syllable = la sílaba - Cognate = cognado

Use a graphic organizer to list common study problems and solutions. Make a copy of the reading so that students can underline and highlight the words and translate directly on the paper.

Provide map of Latin America. Discuss the poet's background and compare it to the students´ own cultural experiences.

ONLINE - http://www2.fiu.edu/~fcf/jmarti.html (IL.6.3) (Research information on José Martí. (IM.6.3) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Js0rKmv-0Iw (Listen to Guantanamera and compare lyrics to Versos Sencillos by José Martí. IL.1.4) ADDITIONAL -Have students listen to "Guantanamera" and follow and sing along with lyrics from p.187 of the Realidades WAV workbook. (IL.6.4) -Before reading the poem, "Cultivo una rosa blanca" by José Martí, have students identify all the words that are cognates and other words they all ready know. Help them translate other words. Read the poem aloud and have them listen for rhyming words. See if they can identify the rhyme scheme. (IM.8.2) -Have students write their own verses in Spanish. First, brainstorm rhyming words and group rhyming words together on the board. Then, have students choose a theme that they can discuss in Spanish. Let them try writing a couple of rhyming sentences. See if they can then put them into a poem. Perhaps the class can put their sentences together into one class poem or small groups can work together. (IL.5.1)


Review and Enrichment

COMMON Realidades 2 Text: - Reading, Writing Act. 23, p. 33 (IL.3.4) - Reading, Speaking, Videomisterio pp.38-39 (IL.2.1) Realidades 2 Practice Workbook: - pp.14-15

How do you think a highschool student in Mexico would react to how you are graded, how many classes you take, or how you talk to your teachers?

All previously learned vocabulary, structures and linguistic terminology in this chapter.

Discuss Interpretive Listening and Reading Strategies such as context clues and cognates

cognates. ADDITIONAL - Use the videomisterio activity above or find information about Guanajuato, Mexico online to share with students. Have them make a list of cultural highlights - what they find most interesting or different. -Have students write an email to a fictitious friend in Mexico telling about school here and asking questions about school and activities in Mexico.



ASSESSMENT OPTIONS Design a test with a listening portion, a reading portion, and a writing portion. Call students up to the teacher's desk to ask a couple of the essential questions or have a short conversation to assess speaking skills.

20 Have students edit and embellish their emails written on Day 19.

21 22

Review/Enrichment End of Quarter Assessment/Enrichment

Provide a study guide.

Provide extended time.