Author: Shannon Kelly
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DECLARATION FORM 1.Na me of the Organization: RESIDENTS WELFARE ASSOCIATIO N OF DELTA III, GREATER NOIDA (RGD). 2. Address of the Organiza tio n: O-48 , De lta III, Gr. NOIDA. 3. Area o f a ctivities of the Organization. 4.

Blocks M, N & O of De lta III, Greater No ida, UP.

Aims and Objectives. The a ims a nd object ives of t he A ssoc iat io n are: 1. To create, foster a nd promote feelings of frater nit y and kinsman ship, a nd to strengt he n social b ond s, in general and through co operative e fforts, in particular. 2. To foster a sp irit of mutual help and goo dwill among t he inhabitants of t he Sector in genera l a nd the members of the Associat io n in particular, thereb y promoting communa l harmony and nat io nal int egrat ion. 3. To p ro mote and encourage act ivit ie s t hat are co nducive to socia l, recreat ional, cultural, mo ral, int ellectual, e conomic develo pment a nd other ob jects of w elfare nature of t he res idents of t he Delt a III, Gr eater Noida in ge neral, and it s memb ers, in p articu lar. 4. To make all possib le efforts to achieve normal civic ame nit ies for its res idents a nd redress their le git imate difficult ie s, to ac hieve ge neral amenities, co nsumer protection, e. g. int eract io n wit h trad ers o n qualit y and quant it y of go ods, over-c harging et c. and environmental protectio n, suc h as steps to curb po llution, ensure c lea nlines s, p lant atio n of trees etc. 5. To und ertake all such law fu l a cts, deeds or things, inc luding sports and cultura l a ct ivit ies a s are incid ental and condu cive to overall wellbe ing of t he resid ent s. 6. To set up, construct and maintain charitable a nd education inst itutio ns, communit y halls, lib rarie s, reading roo ms, hea lt h clu bs, Bha va ns a nd Barat Ghar, etc.

7. To work for welfare of women, c hildren, aged, infirm, widows, destitute and orpha ns.

8. To bring o ut/ publis h perio dica ls, books, new spapers and suitable literature to pro mote cause and object ive s of t he Associat io n.

9. To cooperate and coordinate w it h As so ciatio ns a nd Societ ies, ha ving s imilar ob jects and funct io ning in t he t erritory o f GREATER NO IDA. 5. Office Bearers of the Organ ization: S. No.


Father’s/ Husband’s, W ife’s name

Addre ss

Designatio n

Occupati on

(1 )






Brig. Binod Ku mar Mr. Shr ipal Singh Shee lwa nt Mr. Vis harad Gautam Mr. Sunil Gu pta Mr. Neeraj Ku mar Mr. A.K. Aggarwa l Mr. Ad it ya Bo se Dr. Nirupa Sen

s/o Late S h. Ramashr ya Singh s/o late S h. Raghubir Singh

O-48. De lta III, Gr. No ida O-209, De lta III, Gr. Noid a.

Pres ident

N-21, De lta III Gr. No ida M-119, De lta III, Gr. No ida s/o Shri O-202, C.S.Gupta. De lta III, Gr. No ida s/o late S h. N-140, N.LA garwal De lta III, Gr. No ida s/o Sh. O-194, B. K. Bose De lta III, Gr. No ida w/o Mr. O-113, Prasenjit De lta III, Sen Gr. No ida

Vice Pres ident


Vice Pres ident










s/o late S h. Brij Autar Gautam s/o Sh. M. L. Gu pta.

Vice Pres ident

Secretar y

Army Offic er (Rtd). Retired

Govt. Service


Retd. Business.

Orga nizat io nal Secretar y Joint Secretar y

Computer Engineer Science Professio nal

6. We the unders igned declare t hat to achieve the aim s a nd objects of this Or ga nizat ion, we w ish to get t he Res idents We lfare Asso ciat io n, De lta III, Great er Noida re gistered u nder t he So ciet ie s Re gistrat io n Act, 1860. Name 1. Brig. Binod Kumar. 2. Mr. Shrip al S ingh S hee lwa nt. 3. Mr. Visharad Gautam. 4. Mr. Shunil Gupta. 5. Mr. Neeraj Kumar. 6. Mr. A. K. Aggarwa l. 7. Mr. Adit ya Bose. 8. Dr. Nirup a Sen.

Signa tures.

BYE L A WS Residents Welfare Association Sector – Delta III Greater Nodia

RESIDENTS WELF ARE ASSOCIATIO N (REGD) of DELTA III GREATER NO ID A GREATER NOIDA 1.Na me of the Organization: RESIDENTS WELFARE ASSOCIATIO N OF DELTA III, GREATER NOIDA (RGD). 2. Address of the Organiza tio n: O-48 , De lta III, Gr. NOIDA. 3. Area o f a ctivities of the Organization. 4.

Blocks M, N & O of De lta III, Greater No ida, UP.

Aims and Objectives.

The a ims a nd object ives of t he A ssoc iat io n are:


To create, fo ster and promo te fee lings of fraternit y and kinsman s hip, a nd to strengthen so cial bond s, in genera l and thro ugh cooperative efforts, in part icular.


To foster a spir it of mutual he lp a nd goodwill amo ng t he inhab itants of the S ector in ge nera l and t he members of t he As so ciat io n in p art icular, thereb y p romoting communa l harmo ny a nd nat io nal inte grat ion.


To p ro mote and encou rage act ivit ies t hat are condu cive to social, recre at iona l, cultural, moral, int ellectual, economic deve lopment a nd other ob jects of welfare natu re of the reside nts of the D elta III, Great er Noid a in ge nera l, a nd it s members, in particu lar.


To make all possible e ffo rts to achie ve no rmal civic ame nit ies fo r it s re sid ents and redress the ir le git imat e difficult ies, to achie ve ge nera l ame nit ies, consumer protectio n, e. g. interact ion wit h traders on qualit y and quant it y of go ods, over-charging etc. and enviro nmenta l protectio n, such a s step s to curb po llu t ion, ensu re clea nliness, plantat ion of tree s etc.


To undertake a ll such lawfu l act s, deeds or things, including sports and cu ltu ral act ivit ies as are inc ident a l and conducive to overall wellbeing of t he reside nts.


To set u p, construct a nd ma intain c har itab le and educat ion inst itutio ns, co mmunit y halls, librar ies, reading roo ms, hea lth club s, Bha vans and Barat G har, etc. - 1 -


To wo rk for welfare of women, childre n, a ged , infirm, widows, destitute a nd orphans.


To bring ou t/ pu blish perio dica ls, books, new spapers and suitable liter ature to promo te cau se a nd object ives of t he As so ciat io n.


To cooperate and coo rd inate w it h Associat io ns and Societ ies, having s imilar ob jects a nd funct ioning in t he territor y of GREATER NOIDA.

- 2 -




Short Title:

(i). The As so ciat ion shall be kno wn as the ‘DELTA III GREATER NOIDA RES IDENT S WELFARE ASS OCIAT ION’ ( hereinafter referred to as “Associat io n’). (ii). T he Re gistered office of t he A ssocia tion s hall be situated at O-48 , Delt a III, Greater No ida. The Re gistered O ffice ma y, however, be changed , as and whe n t he nec es sit y ar is e.


Association’s Financial Yea r. The Associatio n’s fina ncia l ye ar s hall be from Ist Ap ril to 31 st March of t he following year.


Territo rial Limit/ Jurisdiction. For the purposes of t he Asso ciat io n, onl y the t hr ee Bloc ks, viz. M, N a nd O (w hich form Delt a III) s hall be the jurisdict io n o f t he As sociatio n.


Membership Eligibility. Owner s of p lo ts in D elta III a nd/or their sp ouses/ immed iat e members o f t he famil y will b e e ligib le for regular membership , su bject to being abo ve 1 8 ye ars o f a ge. Authorized te nant s of D elta III a nd tho se having business interest in D elta III ma y also be considered for temporar y memb ership.


Categories of Members. M emb ership shall be of two categor ies as under : (a).

Regular Member: Ow ners of p lots in d elta III a nd their spouses/ immediate members of t he famil y s ha ll b e eligib le for regu lar members hip as well a s for ele ct ion to the Managing Committee.

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Temporary Memb er: Authorized tena nt s of Delt a III (t ho se ha ving register ed with t he A ssoc iat ion) shall b e e ligib le for temporar y membership . However, t he y s ha ll no t ha ve voting right s and s ha ll not be eligible for being elected to the Managing Committ ee. Tempo rary membership ma y also be granted to bu sine ssme n having s takes in De lta III and are au thorized b y GN IDA.

Admissions & Termination: i). Ever y person desir ing to become a memb er o f the Associat io n s hall ap ply for members hip in t he prescr ibed form accomp anied b y t he admiss io n fe e. The rates of ad mis sion fee a nd subscript ion s ha ll be as under: Admissio n fee: Rs. 2000 /-( Rs. Two thousa nd o nl y). Sub scrip tio n: Rs. 500/- per mo nth (Rs. five hund red onl y). Rates of sub scrip tio ns m a y be cha nged from time to time b y the Mana ging Committee. (ii). Ad ditiona l contrib utions ma y be raised, as and w he n requ ired, for spec ific occas io ns, a s approved b y t he Managing Comm ittee from time to time. iii). Termina tion of Membe rship. A member shall cease to be a member of the Associat ion on s hifting of his/ her re sid ence out o f t he De lta III, on volunt ar y res ignat io n, on non-pa yment of subscription for the ye ar ending 31 st March la st or whe n his members hip is term inat ed b y t he Mana ging Committee for his working aga inst t he object s of the As sociat ion. However, the cond itio n of t erm inat ion of membership on s hifting his res idence out of Delta III s hall not apply to a memb er enro lled u nder sub -rule 4 above as lo ng as he/s he co nt inues to o wn propert y in De lta III. iv).


A ll ap plicat io ns for members hip s hall have to be ap proved b y the Managing Comm ittee.

Organizatio nal set up. The orga nizat iona l set u p of the As sociat ion sha ll consist of : Mana ging Committ ee and Genera l Bo d y. - 4 -


Managing Co mmittee. i).

The Managing Committ ee sha ll co nsist of the follow ing office bearers and Bloc k rep rese ntat ive s: President : Vice Pre sident (One from each Blo ck). Secretar y. Joint Secretar y. Organiz ing Secret ar y. Treasurer.


Immediatel y preced ing ex- P reside nt and Secretar y o f t he A ssociat ion, who do not ho ld an e lected office, and shall ha ve t he right to atte nd the meet ings a nd to vote. Specia l invit ee. Total:

1 3 1 1 1 1

2 1 11

ii). Auditor: A person co mpetent to carr y ou t au dit of accounts sha ll be appointed b y the General Bod y. He s hall be ent itled to attend meet ings o f the Mana ging Committee and of the General Bod y, particular l y whe n accounts and matters r elat ing t her eto are to be discus sed. Such an Audit sha ll not have a right to vote, unless he is o therwise a member o f the Associat ion The Mana ging committ ee ma y appoint members of t he As sociatio n as Au dit (s) t ill t he As sociat ion’s as set s rem ain b elow Rs. 20 lakhs. 9. Term of Office-bearers: i). Office bearer s of the Asso ciat io n s ha ll b e elected a nnu all y. No member shall be eligib le to ho ld the sa me office for more tha n two consecutive terms. ii). In t he event of a casua l vac anc y occurring in t he office bearers, it ma y b e filled in b y the Managing Committe e it self from amo ngst its ow n members, b ut the term o f su ch members sha ll expire at t he next Gener al Bod y Meeting. iii). If an office bearer or a memb er of the Managing Committ ee fa ils to atte nd two conse cutive me et ings, wit hout prior notice, or reasonable cause to the s at is fact ion o f t he Mana ging Committee, he/s he s ha ll cea se to hold the office.

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10. Duties a nd Powers of the Mana ging Committee. i). The Managing Committee s hall deal w it h all matt ers, ad minis trat ive, financial and others, relat ing to De lta III and it s re sid ents, keeping in view the a ims and object s of t he Associat io n.



The Ma naging Co mmitt ee sha ll imp leme nt d ecis ions ta ken b y the Gener al Bod y.


T he Ma naging Committee ma y a ppoint Sub-Committee(s) and Ad ho c Committee(s) and ma y co-opt members of the Associat io n w ho are not members of t he Mana ging Committee to su ch Sub Co mmittees o r Ad-hoc Committ ees. One of t he memb ers of the Ma naging Co mmitt ee s hall be no minat ed as the Co nve ner of such S ub or Ad hoc Committees.


Terms o f refere nce of S ub Committe e(s)/ Ad hoc Committee(s) s ha ll be laid down b y t he Mana ging Committ ee and Reports sub mitted b y su ch Sub /Ad hoc Committ ee( s sha ll be considered b y t he Managing Committee fo r fina l dec isio n.

Duties a nd Powers of the General Body. i).

T he Ge neral Bod y sha ll elect offic e bearers a nd Block represe ntat ive at its Annua l General Meet ing (AGM). Propo sals for elect ion to differ ent office s shall be invited at the AGM one b y one. If t her e are more t ha n one proposals for an office, elect io n to that office s ha ll b e he ld b y ba llot on t he spot. When proposals for a ll offices requiring e lect io ns have been received a nd elect io n for more tha n o ne office is to be he ld, a conso lid ated b allot pap er sha ll b e issued and elect io n co nducted immediate ly t hereafter.


The Au ditor for the year s hall be a ppointed b y t he Genera l Bod y at its A nnu al Genera l Meet ing.


Income & Expe nditure Account for the fina ncia l year and the Balance S heet, if a ny, of t he As sociat io n, du ly audited alo ng w ith t he au dit report and Report of the Managing Committee t hereo n a nd A nnu al Report on the act ivitie s o f t he Associat io n shall be cir cu lat ed a long wit h t he Notice calling an A nnua l General Meet ing and s ha ll also be p rese nted for ap proval at t he A nnual Meet ing o f t he Genera l Bod y.

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Any q uestio n of general we lfare o f Delt a III res idents ma y be discussed in an Annual Gener al M eeting and direct io ns give n to the Managing Committ ee.

12. Meetin gs: Managing Committee Me etings. i). The Ma naging Co mmitt ee s ha ll meet as fr equent l y as possible and needed but at least onc e a mont h. ii). T he q uorum for a meet ing shall b e 1 /3 r d of the tota l numb er of members of t he Managing Co mmitte e or nine (9) whic hever is le ss. iii). T he Preside nt s hall pres ide over m eet ings o f t he Managing Co mmitte e. In t he abse nce o f t he Pres id ent, the Vice Pres ident sha ll take the chair and when bo th of t hem are abse nt, an y o ne of the Managing Committee members present ma y be elected to preside o ver t he me et ing, u nless t he meet ing is agreed to be postponed. iv). A prop er notice o f at least 5 da ys in adva nce of the meet ing w ill ordinar il y be give n b y t he Secret ar y a nd, in his absence, b y t he J oint Secretar y. 13.

General Body Meetings: i). Annual G eneral Me et ing o f t he As sociat io n s hall ordinaril y be held b y 31 st o f Ma y ever y ye ar so that office b earers and memb ers of t he Ma na ging Comm ittee, who are e lected , ma y take over immed iate ly aft er t he e le ct ion S ectio n 4 of t he Societ ies Registrat ion A ct s ha ll b e co mplied wit h. ii). Onl y thos e members w ho ha ve no outstand ing du es on t he da y of the meet ing s hall be eligib le to vo te and co ntest any elect ions... iii). A Specia l General Bod y Meet ing may be co nve ned b y t he Pres ident on his own or at t he wr itt en r equ est of at least te n (1 0) memb ers to d iscuss spec ific age nda. The r equ isit io ned meet ing sha ll be called b y t he Pres ident wit hin 21 da ys of t he rece ipt of the requ isit io n. iv). A notice of not less t ha n fourteen ( 14) days s ha ll b e give n for a meet ing of t he Ge neral Bod y. v). Quorum for a meet ing s hall be 1/5 t h of the total number of memb ers or 10, whiche ver is less.

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14. Adjourned Meeting s: If t he required quorum for a meeting is not present on t he particular da y, it shall be cons idered ad journed , and sha ll be held on the same da y, at t he same place, a fter a lapse of clear half an ho ur. This s ha ll a lso ap ply to adjou rned meet ings of the Managing Committee. No fres h not ice or q uorum s hall be required for such ad journed meetings. T he adjourned meeting shall b e deemed to be co nt inuat ion o f t he originall y co nvened meet ing. However, if t he Pres iding O fficer finds that t he atmosphe re is not conducive to hold the meet ing in a proper manner, he ma y adjo urn it. 15. Duties o f the President: i). The Pres ident s ha ll be t he admini strat ive he ad o f t he Associat io n and s hall be as sisted b y t he Vic e Presid ent and ot her memb ers of the Managing Committee. (ii). He s hall pres ide o ver all meet ings of t he Mana ging Committ ee and of the Ge neral Bod y and shall be respo ns ib le for the p urposes of Sect ion 6 of the S ocieties Registrat ion Act a nd ensure co mplia nce with S ect ions 4, 12,13, 14 and 45 of the s aid Act. (iii). S hall exerc ise ge nera l supervis io n over t he activitie s of t he Associat io n. (iv). Ma y aut horize expend iture up to Rs. 200 0/- not exceeding Rs. 10,000/- in a mo nt h, which w ill be approved at t he next m eeting of the Mana ging Committee. v). He ma y de legat e an y o f his p owers for the tim e be ing to t he o ne of the Vice Pres ident. 16.

Duties o f Vice President. (i). In t he absence of t he Pres ide nt, one o f the Vic e Presid ent s s hall pres ide over t he me et ings of t he M ana ging Committ ee a nd of the Ge ner al Bod y as ma y be decid ed b y the Managing Comm itte e b y majorit y vote. (ii). Each Block (O, M & N) shall e lect a n Executive Memb er, who s hall be d es ignated as Vice Pres ident (Executive). T hu s, t here shal l be three Vice Pres idents (E xecutive). (iii).

Vice Pre sid ent (E xecut ive) s ha ll be responsible to Project prob lems, suggest/ recommend measures, p repare est ima tes/ o ptions, prepare List of Members, be in contact w it the members as frequent l y as possible.

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Recommend vendors, o btain te nders. Sup ervis e all a spects of securit y o f t he block, inc lu ding d uties of securit y guards, prep are t heir att endance a nd pa y s lips. Ensure t hat no Vend ors other t han a uthorized enter t he Blocks. Duties o f Secretary.


i). He shall ma int ain a Regist er, s ho wing names, ad dresse s, Te l. Nos, etc. of the members of the Associat ion. ii). Is sue notices for the meetings in cons ultatio n wit h the Pres ident, and record the minutes of all t he meetings of t he Managing Co mmitte e and of the General Bod y. iii). He w ill ordinaril y conduct all co rrespo ndence o n behalf o f t he Mana ging Committee a nd be responsible for safe custod y o f t he records of Associat ion. iv). The Secret ar y ma y incur expe nditure not e xce eding Rs. 500/-, not exceeding Rs. 2000/- a mo nth, in a nt icipat ion of forma l sa nct ion. v). S ha ll be resp ons ible to the Pres ident/ Managing Committee for all a ct ivit ies of t he Asso ciat io n. vi). Shallrep ort to the AGM on the wor king o f t he A ssoc iat io n for the preced ing year. vii). Shall execu te co ntr act s on b eha lf o f t he A ssociat io n. viii). He/ she shall further carry out any o ther funct io ns entrusted to him b y t he Managing Comm itte e/Pres ide nt. 18.

Duties of Joint Secretary.

i). The Jo int Se cretar y s ha ll a ss ist t he Secretar y in discharge of his duties a nd s hall perfo rm the d uties of the Se cretar y in his ab se nce. ii). He sha ll exercise all t he po wers of the Secretar y, w he n t he secre tar y is not a va ilab le for some reason, fo r a period exceeding one mo nt h. T he S ecretar y ma y de le gate all or an y o f his/her powers to the Jo int Secretar y, as and w hen neces s itated b y circu mstances and co nsid ered to be in the intere st of the As sociat io n.

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Note: In t he absence of S ecretar y a nd Jo int S ecret ary, t he proceedings of the meet ing w ill be recorded b y a member of t he Managing Comm ittee so authorized b y the Presid ing Officer. 19.

Duties of Organizing Secreta ry. Shall be responsib le for orga nizing e vents, e.g. AGM, Managing Committe e meet ings, cu ltu ral and socia l ac t ivit ies, vis ito rs’ passage thro ugh blocks, media, web and Environme nt ma nageme nt. He sha ll be aut horized t o spend Rs. 1 000/- for organizing an e vent a nd account for the sa me. Shall perform the du tie s of S ecretar y/ Jt. Secretar y in t heir absence during office hours. Shall a ct as co nstru ct ion consult ant.


Duties o f Treasurer:

i). The Treasurer shall open an Account in the name o f t he Associat io n in a Sc hed ule Bank as approved b y t he Managing Committee and operate the same joint l y w it h t he Pres ide nt/ Secretar y. All chequ es sha ll be s igned jointl y b y t he Pres ident/Secre tar y and the Treasurer. ii). The Treasurer s ha ll be responsib le for making all collect ions and to receive cash/cheques/drafts and give receipt t herefore on behalf of the As so ciat ion. Shall keep p roper accou nts of t he same, and present t he accounts to the Mana ging Committee/ Ge ner al Bod y as a nd when required . He s ha ll ensure that all voucher s are dul y s igned b y t he Pres ident/ Secr etar y and the Treasu rer. iii). He s hall not disb urse an y sum wit hout the writt en sanct ions from the Pres ident o r the Secretar y in the Sanct ions Regist er.. iv). Boo ks o f Account s, includ ing all vou cher s and Rece ipt Bo oks s hall rem ain in t he custod y of the Trea surer a nd s hall be kep t as p er financial regu lat ions in vogue. v). S hall keep cas h in ha nd up to Rs. 500 /- onl y and deposit t he exce ss funds, if any, in the Bank. vi). Sha ll b e respons ib le for mainta ining all financial documents, suppo rting rece ipts a nd e xpend iture w it h late st Bank stat ement s and submit quarterl y to the Managing Committee.

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vii). Shall prepare an Annua l Stateme nt of Accounts at t he e nd of each financ ial year and after it s approva l b y t he Managing Committee, sub mit it to the AGM, duly audited, alo ng w it h t he Auditor’s Rep ort and replies t her eto, if a ny. viii). Shall be resp ons ible for the custo dy o f all the propert y of the Associat io n. 21. Audit Boa rd. F ro m amongst regu lar memb ers of t he Assoc iat ion, t he Managing Committee shall be appointed ever y Quarter a n Audit Board for au dit of accounts of t he particular quarter and An Annua l Au dit Board sha ll to aud it accounts of t he prece ding year. 22. Source of Income. Income to the Ass ociat ion s hall a ccrue through a). Membership sub scriptio ns/ fe es as laid down in t he Cons t itution and /o r funds raised from time to time on spec ified counts. b). Gra nts-in-a id fro m the Go ver nment/GR. N OID A. c). Donatio ns / contr ibutions. d). Monthl y char ges from ve ndo rs/hawker s/ca nt ee ns/any fa cilit ies estab lis hed b y t he co ntracto rs. 3). Inter est on bank deposit s. 23. Ba nk account in t he name of the Asso ciatio n s hall be operated under the signatures of any two offic e bearers - Pres ident, Vice Presid ent, Secretar y and Treasurer. 24. Reca lling of Office Bearers of th e Manag ing Committee. In case, in t he op inion of t he Pre side nt/Managing Committee, a n offic e bearer is u nable to perfo rm his du ties a nd s er ve t he Asso ciat io n effect ive l y, it ma y recommend to the A GM to recall such a n office bearer a nd replace him wit h a nother mem ber. The AGM s hall ha ve t he right to enterta in suc h a request a nd recall such a memb er a nd elec t another in his place. 25. W elfare Funds. The Treasurer s ha ll ma intain s ep arate accounts of ever y Welfare Fund created b y t he As so ciat ion fo r any s pecific purpose. The Managing Committee s hall fram e Ru les for the operation of such Funds.

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26. Pro perties. Ownership of a ll properties, mo veable or immove able, acquired, possessed or he ld b y t he Associat ion, s hall ve st in t he A ssociat io n. 27.Code of Conduct. Ever y member, includ ing a ll t he members of the Managing Committee, s ha ll fait hfu ll y fo llo w t he aims and objects of t he Associat io n and maintain decorum and discip line at meet ings and co ntr ibute to normal and prop er funct ioning and unit y of t he Associat io n. In case of violat ion of t he se obligat ions, conduct o f d efault ing memb er(s) s ha ll be re ferred to the Managing Committee for taking suitable actio n und er the Ru le s. 28.

The repres entatio n of t he Associat ion in lega l matter s in an y court sha ll be made b y t he la w yer or an y suit ab le person as autho rized b y t he p resid ent or secretar y of the Associatio n.


Amend ments. i). A ny amendme nt, additio n, delet io n or alterat io n to t hese rules and Regulat ions s ha ll not be made u nles s prior notic e t her efore has been circulated and a reso lution appro ving t he proposed amendme nts( s) has b een passed at t he AGM b y a ma jorit y of memb ers prese nt and voting/ / or in t he Special ge ner al Bod y meet ing fo r the purpo se called. ii). Any ame ndment, ad dition, delet ion or alterat ion to t he ‘A ims and Objects’ or the Nam e of t he Asso ciat ion shall be included in t he agend a of t he A nnual Genera l Bo d y meet ing or special genera l bod y meet ing convened for the pu rpose and shall be approved b y votes o f three-fift h(3/5 t h ) of the members present a nd voting. iii). A cop y of t he Resolut ion approving the ame ndment( s) s hall be filed wit h t he Registr ar of Societ ies co ncerned, as required under the law.


Ha nding Over Cha rge. The Secret ar y of the outgoing Ma naging Co mmittee sha ll be responsible for handing o ver t he char ge to the Secretar y o f t he newl y ele cted Managing Co mmitt ee wit hin 15 da ys or the date on which resu lts of the elect ions are d eclared. All re gisters r elat ing to acco unts, inclu ding Pas s Bo oks, Cheq ue Bo oks, and other papers s hall be handed over b y t he Treasurer to his succe ssor. - 12 -


The pro ceedings of t he dissolutio n of t he a ssoc iat ion sha ll be governed in a cco rd ance w ith the provis io ns of sect io n 13 and 14 of Societ ies Re gistratio n Act, 1860 .

32. Societies Registration Act. All p rovisions of T he Societies Registr at ion Act, s hall apply to this Associat io n.


GREATOR NOIDA, UP, 201306 Dated: 18-07-2010


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M e mo r a n d u m o f U n d e r s t a n d i n g Residents Welfare Association Sector – Delta III Greator Nodia

RWA of Delta III, Greater Noida (Regd.)

H.O.: O-48, Delta-III, Greater Noida, PIN - 201308 E-mail : rwadelta 3 @


RWA Delta –III has been formed under “Registration of Society Act 21 of 1860 and approved by Registrar of Society, U.P. on 26th July, 2010 and granted No. 619 of 2010-11/ ( Copy enclosed).


General Body Meeting (GBM) was held on 11-04-10 and following Officials were selected unanimously:-





Gen. Secretary





Vice President Executive (M Block) Vice President Executive (N Block) Vice President Executive (O Block) Treasurer


Joint Secretary


(h )

Organising Secretary -


Legal Advisor (Special Invitee)

(d) (e)



Brigadier (retd.) Binod Kumar, VSM 0 – 48, Delta-III Er. Neeraj Gupta 0 -202, Delta-III Mr. Sunil Gupta, M-119, Delta-III Mr. Visharad Gautam, N-21, Delta-III Dr. S.S. Sheelwant, O-209, Delta-III Mr. A.K. Agarwal, N-140, Delta-III Dr. (Mrs.) Nirupa Sen, O-113, Delta-III Mr. Aditya Bose, O-194, Delta-III Mr. R.K. Aggarwal, Advocate

3. Within a fortnight of receipt of the Registration Number of RWA Delta-III, a GBM was held on 8th Aug., 2010 to arrive at major decisions for smooth running of the RWA. 4. Following major decisions were approved by the GBM and subsequent MCM (Management Committee Meeting) :(a) Membership Fees : (i) Residents : Registration Fee Rs. 2000/Monthly Subscriptions Rs. 1000/(ii) Non-resident/ Registration Fee Rs. 2000/Tenants Monthly Subscriptions Rs. 500/(iii) Institution/Person Business Fee Rs. 2000/- to Rs. 10000/having business Monthly Subscriptions Rs. 1000/- or more Hawkers in Delta-III as contributed

(b) Provision of Security Guards : GNIDA have withdrawn the Security Guards from all Sectors of Greater Noida based on decision taken at the highest level. This has resulted in thefts and breaking into the unattended houses and the threat to the houses of nonresidents have increased manifold. Keeping in view threat perception of Greater Noida, most of RWAs sectors hence deployed Security Guards on hire from a Private Security Agency. Monthly subscription from owners of plots/houses of the sector have been charged for funding the deployment of Security Guards and other requirements of the sector. Guards have been deployed w.e.f. 01-09-2010 and barrier at entry gate has been installed. (c) Unauthorised Occupants : In fact, this is the single biggest threat to the security , hygiene & sanitation and environment of Delta-III. RWA has initiated number of steps to scrutinize such occupants (A notice in this regard has been issued and taken up through media-copies enclosed). (d) Census of completion houses without proper sanitation of kitchen & Toilet : A census will be carried out under the aegis of RWA and Report submitted to GNIDA for suitable action. (e) Removal of Business Runners From Delta-III: A copy of Dainik Jagran Report enclosed for your perusal. (f) Repair of Existing Boundary walls & Wire Fencings : The issue has been taken up with GNIDA. (g) Intraction with civil departments & Police Authorities : Letters signed by President have been sent to all concerned/copies enclosed. (h) Miscellaneous points : Many other issues which will affect the improvement in security, hygiene and sanitation and camaraderie have also been raised and are being pursued vigorously by the RWA. 5. It will thus been seen that RWA, in a very short time of its inception, has taken major steps to improve the environment, surroundings & security of Delta-III. All owners of plots /houses of Delta-III can be rest assured of continued efforts of RWA. 1. A Standard operating procedure for maintaining and running of RWA accounts have been prepared and is under final approval of the M.C.(copy enclosed) 2. A membership form has been prepared and is endorsed for ready reference. 3. Fees can be deposited by cheque /draft/cash/ECS to “RWA of Delta-III, Greater Noida, Payable at Greater Noida, Oriental Bank of Commerce Current A/c. No. 08981131002281. 4. Our appeal to owners/residents or otherwise, is to obtain membership of the RWA and contribute the prescribed fees for survivability of the RWA. Your contribution will not only benefit the present generation but will also benefit our future generations once solid foundation is laid for running the RWA.


Ensure no encroachment / illegal occupation of plot/house. Ensure no one breaks into the house and stays illegally-a rampant occurrence in Greater Noida. Assist in Organizing rental for your house ...... ensure authenticated tenant and reasonable rental Prevent growth of undue vegetation in the house Prevent water leakage/sewage leakage to remain in touch with owners on six monthly basis extend invite for GBMs and any get-togethers Assist organize yearly whiter washing on payment any other assistance required by the owners in emergency.

lwpuk lSDVj MsYVk&3] xzsVj uks,Mk ds leLr Hkw[k.M ds ekfydksa@fdjk;snkjksa@vuqfpr rjhds ls jgus okys O;fDr;ksa dks lwfpr fd;k tkr gS fd %& 1-

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RWA dh cSBd fnukad 08-08-2010 es loZlEefr ls ;g r; fd;k

x;k gS fd %& (a)

fdjk;snkj@vuf/kd`r :i ls jgus okys fuokfl;ksa }kjk 30 flrEcj] 2010 rd Hkw[k.M ds ekfydksa ls vf/kdkj i= izkIr dj RWA ds dk;kZy; esa tek djk nsaA vf/kdkj i= esa Hkw[k.M ekfyd dk uke] i= O;ogkj dk irk ,oa VsyhQksu@eksckbZy uEcj vo’; fn;k tk;sA


Hkw[k.Mksa ij fufeZr Hkou esa ‘kkSpky;] Lukukxkj ,oa jlksbZ?kj dk;Z’khy voLFkk esa gksa ,oa budk mi;ksx gh Hkou esa jgus okys O;fDr;ksa }kjk fd;k tk;sA ;fn fdlh fuoklh }kjk budk mi;ksx ugha fd;k tkrk gS rks mUgsa bl lSDVj esa jgus dk vf/kdkj ugha gksxkA ;s nksuksa i;kZoj.k dh LoPNrk ,oa lSDVj fuokfl;ksa ds LokLF; dh n`f”V ls vko’;d gSA bldh vuns[kh cnkZ’r ugha dh tk;sxhA


dksbZ Hkh fuoklh vxj ?kj dk mi;ksx vkoklh; ds vfrfjDr fdlh vU; mn~ns’; ¼O;kikj vkfn½ ds fy, dj jgk gks rks] mls rqjUr cUn dj fn;k tk;s ojuk ,lksfl,’ku }kjk mlds fo:) dk;Zokgh gsrq xzsVj uks,Mk vkWFkfjVh dks lwfpr dj fn;k tk;sxkA


fo|qr pksjh vlguh; gksxk vkSj dksbZ Hkh fuoklh bldk iz;kl u djsaA mYya?ku dh fLFkfr esa ,u0ih0lh0,y0 dks dk;Zokgh gsrq lwfpr dj fn;k tk;sxkA


lkoZtfud lEifRr;ksa tSls lM+d] ikdZ] o`{k] fo|qr iksy] tykiwfrZ] lhoj ykbZu vkfn dh lqj{kk ,oa mfpr mi;ksx fuokfl;ksa }kjk fd;k tk;sA


NksVs&NksVs cPpksa dks lM+d ij [ksyus u nsa vU;Fkk fdlh Hkh nq?kZVuk dh fLFkfr esa lEcfU/kr O;fDr@ifjokj Lo;a ftEesnkj gksxkA


lM+d dk mi;ksx cSBus ds fy, u djsa ftlls fdlh Hkh nq?kZVuk dh vk’kadk ls cpk tk ldsA



vuf/kd`r fuokfl;ksa dks lwfpr fd;k tkrk gS fd og tYn ls tYn Hkou dks [kkyh dj vuqxzghr djsaA


RWA of Delta III, Greater Noida


H.O.: O-48, Delta-III, Greater Noida, PIN - 201308

xkMZ ds dk;Z ;s djks 1- viuh M~;wVh dk pktZ ysrs le; mifLFkfr iaftdk esa gLrk{kj vo’; djsaA 2- viuh M~;wVh gj le; eqLrSnh ls djksA 3- jkr esa 10-00 cts ds ckn xsV vkSj cSfj;j can dj nks A 4- fnu esa pktZ ysrs le; iwjs CykWd dk ,d pDdj yxkvks vkSj ;dhu djsa fd lc dqN Bhd gSA ;s gj fnu lqcg jftLVj esa ntZ djksA 5lqcg 5-30 cts ¼xehZ esa½ vkSj 6-30 cts ¼tkM+s esa½ ,d ckj iwjs CykWd dk pDdj yxkvks vkSj ;dhu djks fd lc dqN Bhd gSA dksbZ xM+cM+ fn[kus ij rqjUr lfpo vkSj mik/;{k dks [kcj djksA bu nksuks dh vuqifLFkfr esa v/;{k dks [kcj djksA 6- ,d xkMZ xsV ij] ,d xkMZ vks&194 ds vkl&ikl rFkk rhljk vks&83 ds vkl&ikl pDdj fu;fer :i ls yxk;sA tc Hkh pDdj yxkvks rks gj ysu esa ,d nks ckj lhVh t:j ctkvksA nksigj 12-00 cts fQj ,d ckj iwjs CykWd dk ,d pDdj yxkvksA 7- xsV ij M~;wVh djus okyk xkMZ fdlh vUtku O;fDr dks rc rd vUnj u vkus ns tc rd mldks iwjh rjg ls pSd u dj ysA xsV ij jgus okyk xkMZ gj vkus tkus okyh xkM+h dks pSd djsaA ftl xkM+h ij oS/k LVhdj yxk gks mls NksM+dj ckdh xkfM+;ksa@lkbZdy@eksVj lkbZdy@fjD’kk Bsyh dks fcuk pSfdax ds vkSj jftLVj esa ,UVªh ds fcuk vUnj u vkus nsA 8fdlh Hkh gkyr esa dksbZ tkuoj vUnj u vk,A vxj vk tk, rks rqjUr mls ckgj dj nksA 9- dksbZ Hkh vkneh ;k cPpk CykWd ds vUnj ‘kkSp u djs& vxj djrs fn[kkbZ ns rks mls rqjUr mik/;{k ds ikl ys tkvks vkSj fjiksVZ djksA 10- gj ?kj esa ;g lqfuf’pr djks fd tks Hkh jgrk gS oks dkuwuh lgh gS ;kfu dksbZ Hkh ?kj esa Hkou ekfyd dh vuqefr ds cxSj mlesa u jg jgk gksA vxj

,slk ik;k tk, rks mlls rqUjr edku [kkyh djkvks vkSj mik/;{k dks fjiksVZ djksA 11;g lqfuf’pr djks fd izR;sd ?kj esa jgus okyk vius ?kj ds vUnj cus gq, ‘kkSpky;] jlksbZ?kj vkSj Luku?kj dk bLrseky djsA 12- dksbZ Hkh vxj fctyh dh pksjh dj jgk gks rks mls rqjUr fyf[kr esa mik/;{k dks fjiksVZ djksA 13- ikdZ esa yxs cksMZ ij fy[ks funsZ’kksa dk ikyu lqfuf’pr djkvksA 14lHkh edku ekfydksa vkSj fdjk;snkjksa ls mfpr O;ogkj ls is’k vkvks vkSj mudh leL;k nwj djksA 15fdlh Hkh gkWdj@osUMj dks vUnj u vkus nsa] tc rd mlds ikl vkj0MCyw0,0 dk vuqefr i= u gksA 16v/;{k@lfpo@mik/;{k ds vkns’kksa dk ikyu lqfuf’pr djksA

;s er djks 1- dHkh Hkh iksLV ij er lksvks ;k ysVksA 2-

dHkh Hkh M~;wVh ij ‘kjkc ihdj u vkvks vkSj u ihvksA


CykWd esa fdlh ls fcuk dke ds ckr er djks vkSj fdlh ls nksLrh u djksA


fdlh Hkh efgyk ls dksbZ ckrphr u djksA vxj fdlh efgyk dh dksbZ xyrh gks rks mlds ?kj okyks dks lwpuk nks vkSj dkjZokbZ djus dks dgksA


fdlh Hkh edku ekfyd ls cn~rehth dnkfi er djksA


fdlh Hkh O;fDr dks fdlh [kkyh ?kj esa@ikdZ esa@lM+d ij ‘kjkc u ihus nksA

RWA of Delta III, Greater Noida


H.O.: O-48, Delta-III, Greater Noida, PIN - 201308 Minutes of the meeting of Management Committee held on 29.08.10, at N-140, Delta-III Following attended the meeting: 1. Brig (R) Binod Kumar, President. 2. Mr Neeraj Gupta, Secretary. 3. Mr Sunil Gupta, Vice President. 4. Mr Visharad, Vice President. 5. Mr A.K. Agarwal, Treasurer. 6. Dr ( Mrs.) Nirupa Sen, Joint Secretary Following points were discuussed :






Approval for Hiring Security Guards from Ravi Security. Based on lowest rates, Managing Committee approved hiring of Ravi Security unanimously. It was also decided to hire a total of 10 Guards for the sector; 5 each for O Block and M & N Blocks. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Accounts SOP of accounts written by Brig. Binod was approved by the committee in toto. Fabrication of Steel Boards and Barriers. Mr. Annees, one of the fabricators was called in to quote his rates. His rates were found high and hence a decision was taken to contact a fabricator in Rampur area for lower rates. A team of members were detailed to organize. Mr Neeraj brought out a suggestion on behalf of Dr Sheelwant, Vice President to organize a cultural meet for raising funds. It was decided a proposal report be submitted in the next meeting for consideration of the Committee. Meeting was declared closed by the President with a request to add the number of membership by personal visits to the blocks of the sector.

RWA of Delta III, Greater Noida (Regd.)

H.O.: O-48, Delta-III, Greater Noida, PIN - 201308 E-mail : rwadelta 3 @ Lt. No.

/RWA D-III/10-11


To, The Senior Superintendent of Police, Greater Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar. Dear Sir, Residents of DELTA-III Sector are extremely pleased to inform your goodself that RWA, Delta-III has been formed and stands approved by the Registrar of Society, Meerut (Copy of approval enclosed). I take this opportunity to bring to your notice an important aspect concerning security. Delta III has probably maximum number of transient labour. Delta-III, particularly O Block, is the most isolated and is bounded by forest on three sides and even the fourth side is highly vulnerable to entry of unsocial elements being open areas leading to Dadri. Delta-III should occupy an important place in your security vigilance because of the threat perception emanating from a large number of unidentified and unchecked residents who have illegally occupied the unattended houses. It will not be an exaggeration to mention that this Sector could become an ideal hide-out for terrorists and criminals. It is thus requested that a combined team of Police and RWA representatives be detailed to scrutinize each and every house of this Sector on highest PRIORITY. We are in the process of selection of a Security Agency for provision of guards w.e.f. 01 Sep., 2010. Your co-operation in this regard will go a long way in providing security particularly to the residents of Delta III and Greater Noida at large. Thanking you, Enclosure: as above. Yours faithfully,


(retd.) Binod Kumar, VSM PRESIDENT

Copy to : 1-


S.P. (Rural), Gautam Budh Nagar for instructions to the concerned please. S.H.O., Thana-Surajpur, Greater Noida for necessary action please.


RWA of Delta III, Greater Noida (Regd.)

H.O.: O-48, Delta-III, Greater Noida, PIN - 201308 E-mail : rwadelta 3 @ Lt. No.

/RWA D-III/10-11


To, The Senior Manager,(Works), Delta-III area, GNIDA, Greater Noida. Dear Sir, 5.

We are pleased to inform you that RWA] Delta-III has been formed and approved by

the Registrar of Societies. (Copy enclosed for your reference please) 2.

Being the President of RWA, it is incumbent on my part to apprise you of failure of

routine administrative tasks by GNIDA staff in Delta-III. 3.

Stoppage of issue of Polythenes : Polythenes for garbage disposal have not been

issued to the residents for over last two months. 4.

Garbage collection : Garbage collector comes too late, by that time, kachras are

strewn all around by the dogs/wind. 5.

Road Cleaning. : Sweepers are not attending to their work for over three months.


No Fogging : Fogging has not been undertaken for quite a long interval despite

these being critical months for Dengue and Malaria. 7.

Shrubs Cleaning : Shrubs and bushes have overgrown all over the sector.


Pints mentioned above are of immediate importance to guard against spread of any

epidemic in Delta-III keeping in view a large number of transient labour occupying completion houses where neither toilet nor kitchen facilities exist. You are requested to pass suitable instructions on priority. It is also recommended that signature of Vice President of M, N and O Blocks may be obtained by the concerned representatives of GNIDA, if deemed fit. Thanking your, Encl. : as above. Yours faithfully,

Brigadier (retd.) Binod Kumar, VSM PRESIDENT

RWA of Delta III, Greater Noida (Regd.)

H.O.: O-48, Delta-III, Greater Noida, PIN - 201308 E-mail : rwadelta 3 @

Lt. No.

/RWA D-III/10-11


To, The General Manager (Projects), GNIDA, Greater Noida, U.P. Dear Sir,

1. We take immense pleasure to inform you that RWA, Delta-III has been formed and approved by the Registrar of Societies, Meerut, U.P.(Copy enclosed for the perusal please). 2. I wish to bring out following issues for your kind consideration and suitable instructions (a) Boundary Wall in O Block : Construction of Boundary wall is incomplete for a considerable period of time. Wall as well as goose-neck fencing has been left undone at some places leading serious security and hygienic hazards. (b) Broken Wire Fencing : Fencing has been broken at number of places making all the blocks porous enough for undesirable social elements as well as animals. (c) Resurfacing of roads : Resurfacing of roads after the monsoon is essential since it has not been done for last three years. (d) Parks : There is a requirement of developing three smaller parks, one each in M, N, & O Blocks. This will not beautify the blocks but will also help in environment protection. (e) Playing Fields : There is an urgent need of developing a football ground and a cricket field in the block at suitable locations. (f) Street Lights : O Block is a highly isolated block and bounded by forests on three sides and thus becomes highly vulnerable to serious threats. There is a requirement of provision of Sodium Vapor Street Lights along the boundary facing the forested areas. 3. We are also pleased to inform you that we are in the process of selection of a security agency for provision of security guards w.e.f. 01 Sep., 2010. 4. You are requested to issue suitable instructions on the above mentioned issues raised by the residents. Thanking you, Encl.: as above. , Yours faithfully,

Brigadier (retd.) Binod Kumar, VSM PRESIDENT

RWA of Delta III, Greater Noida (Regd.)

H.O.: O-48, Delta-III, Greater Noida, PIN - 201308 E-mail : rwadelta 3 @ Lt. No.

/RWA D-III/10-11


To, The General Manager (Planning), GNIDA, Greater Noida, U.P.

Dear Sir, 1. We are pleased to inform you that RWA, Delta-III has been formed and approved by the Registrar of Societies, Meerut, U.P.(Copy enclosed for the perusal please). 2. O Block of Delta-III occupies a unique significance in GNIDA’eyes since it is a highly isolated Block bounded by forests on three sides and the fourth side is vulnerable to local miscreants being easy entry to the block. 3. It is therefore requested that the boundary wall constructed so far be extended right up to the Gate of O Block. 4. It is also important to highlight that a Convent School is under speedy construction in O Block and hence maximum security will be of paramount importance. 5. Facilities in O Block. Though the area is earmarked, no construction has commenced so far. You are requested to expedite the approval of construction of the facility area. Thanking you, Encl.: as above. Yours faithfully,

Brigadier (retd.) Binod Kumar, VSM PRESIDENT

RWA of Delta III, Greater Noida (Regd.)

H.O.: O-48, Delta-III, Greater Noida, PIN - 201308 E-mail : rwadelta 3 @ Lt. No.

/RWA D-III/10-11


To, The CEO/ACEO/DCEos, GNIDA, Greater Noida, U.P. Dear Sir, We, resident of DELTA-III, are pleased to inform your goodself that RWA, Delta-III stands approved by the Registrar of Society. (Copy of approval enclosed for your perusal). We undertake to provide all assistance to GNIDA in smooth running of activities of the Sector as desired by the AUTHORITY and would hope for reciprocal assistance from you in our day to day administration and welfare activities. We have written to GMs to address our concerns as raised in our General Body Meeting. You are requested to pass a word to them for speedy resolution of our problems/grievances.

Thanking you, Encl.: as above. Yours faithfully,

Brigadier (retd.) Binod Kumar, VSM PRESIDENT

RWA of Delta III, Greater Noida (Regd.)

H.O.: O-48, Delta-III, Greater Noida, PIN - 201308 E-mail : rwadelta 3 @ Lt. No. 6 /Security/RWA D-III/10-11

Dated: 31-08-10

To, M/s. Ravi Security, FF-21, NQI Plaza, Alpha Commercial Belt, Gautam Budh Nagar, Greater Noida. Subject:- Providing Security Guards for Delta-III, Greater Noida. Dear Sir, Kindly refer to your quotation dated 21-08-2010 regarding above subject in response to this office letter No. 2/RWAD III/D-11 dated 19-08-2010. I am pleased to inform you that management committee has approved the following rates. S. No. 1 2 3 4 5

Category of guard Security guard (Civil) Gunman (Civil) Supervisor Security guard (Ex service man) Gunman (Ex service man)

Rate for 12 hrs. duty ( Rs. /month/guard) 4390.00 (Rs. Four thousand three hundred ninety only) 5558.00 (Rs. Five thousand five hundred fifty eigtht only) 8359.00 (Rs. Eight thousand three hundred fifty nine only) 6598.00 (Rs.Six thousand five hundred ninety eight only ) 8337.00 (Rs. Eight thousand three hundred thirty seven only)

The service tax on the above rates will be paid extra, if applicable. You are thus requested to provide 10 security guards (Civil) w.e.f. 02-09-2010 to 30-11-10 as following. From 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. From 8.00 p.m. to 8.00 a.m.

6 No. 4 No.

The number of guards may vary as per requirement. You are also required to execute an agreement on a non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- purchased from the Treasury, Gautam Budh Nagar. The terms & conditions from 1 to 12 mentioned in letter No. 2/RWAD III/D-11 dated 19-08-2010 shall be applicable. Thanking you, Yours sincerely,

(Neeraj Kumar Gupta) SECRETARY

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