ADD/ADHD Part 2 - Focusing on ADD/ADHD: Classroom Practices Webinar Training


1. Any classroom intervention considered “Best Practice” for ADD/ADHD students, should also be considered “Best Practice” for engaging ______ ______________. 2. Accommodations for students with ADHD typically focus on _____________________ , ____________________, and _______________________. 3. The most successful approach is to build on the student’s ___________________ in order to develop strong competencies and build self-esteem and confidence. 4. __________________ are the most important classroom influence on students and can help those with ADD/ADHD remain focused. 5. A motivating environment, in which _________________________-for student efforts and academic achievement is encouraged. 6. Possible strategies for environmental modifications: ________________________

_________________________ ________________________.

7. To modify work routines, educators can: ___________________________________




8. Directly _______________ organizational and study skills! 9. Provide opportunities in the classroom for students to develop ______________ peer relationships. 10. Teachers can provide a lively, __________________ style of teaching that maintains student interest. 11. A behavior plan outlines what is________________ and what will _______________ when that does or does not occur.

12. The four components in the pathway of behavior are: 1. __________________________________ 2. __________________________________ 3. __________________________________ 4. __________________________________ 13. Not all inattentiveness or impulsivity is related to _________________. 14. A case study for Special Education Services should be completed when intervention strategies are not sufficient enough to ________________ the negative impact on the student’s educational performance.

ADD/ADHD Part 2 - Focusing on ADD/ADHD: Classroom Practices Webinar Training PPT2 Answer Sheet

1. Any classroom intervention considered “Best Practice” for ADD/ADHD students, should also be considered “Best Practice” for engaging all students. 2. Accommodations for students with ADHD typically focus on increasing attention span, increasing impulse control, and limiting over activity. 3. The most successful approach is to build on the student’s strengths in order to develop strong competencies and build self-esteem and confidence. 4. Teachers are the most important classroom influence on students and can help those with ADD/ADHD remain focused. 5. A motivating environment, in which acknowledgement for student efforts and academic achievement is encouraged. 6. Possible strategies for environmental modifications: Desks in straight rows

Place student closer to teacher

Use study carrels.

7. To modify work routines, educators can: Provide a consistent weekly schedule

Post classroom expectations and apply consistently

Prepare students for transitions

Provide frequent feedback

8. Directly teach organizational and study skills! 9. Provide opportunities in the classroom for students to develop positive peer relationships. 10. Teachers can provide a lively, engaging style of teaching that maintains student interest. 11. A behavior plan outlines what is expected and what will happen when that does or does not occur. 12. The four components in the pathway of behavior are:

a. Prevent b. Teach/Practice c. Acknowledge and/or d. Correct/Redirect 13. Not all inattentiveness or impulsivity is related to ADD/ADHD. 14. A case study for Special Education Services should be completed when intervention strategies are not sufficient enough to reduce the negative impact on the student’s educational performance.

ADD/ADHD Part 1: Defining & Identifying ADD/ADHD Webinar Training Answer Sheet


1. ADD/ADHD is defined as developmentally __inappropriate__ behavior that may show itself in a short ___attention span__, poor __impulse control__ and/or __over activity___. 2. This behavior is not due to __medical___ issues, low ___intellectual functioning__ and/or reaction to recent ___trauma___. 3. Other features of ADD/ADHD are low frustration ___tolerance,___ lack of __organizational__ skills, ___distractibility___ and/or poor__concentration___. 4. All these features must last ___6 months___ or longer and they are demonstrated across ___settings___. 5. When identifying ADD/ADHD, the characteristics would not be related to other ___behavioral health___-or ___developmental___ disorder. 6. No ___psychological___ or ___educational___ test nor medical procedure can identify ADD/ADHD. 7. Not all ___inattentiveness___ or ___impulsivity___ is related to ADD/ADHD. 8. ADD/ADHD can be identified from childhood through ___adulthood___. 9. Assessing ADD/ADHD for school intervention typically involves the use of ___standardized rating scales___. 10. Both ___parent___ and teacher need to be involved in the assessment and intervention process. 11. A case study should be completed when intervention strategies are not sufficient enough to reduce the ___negative___ impact of attentional difficulties, impulsivity, and/or hyperactivity

12. ___IDEA___ Amendments of 1997 and Section ___504___ of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 along with other legal mandates arising from lawsuits require school based accommodations for students with ADD/ADHD. 13. Accommodations for students with ADD/ADHD include: •

Modifications of the classroom environment,

Individualized Behavior Intervention Plans, and

Classroom Behavior Management Plans.

14. Medicine alone is usually ___not sufficient ___ enough!