A conocernos. 1 Darlene is asking questions about some of your classmates. Match each of her

, Nombre _ _ _ _ _ _---_---'-' Clase _ _ _ _ __ Fecha _ _--..,;_ _ m CAPiTULO A conocernos VOCABULARIO 1/GRAMATICA 1 1 Darlene is asking questio...
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A conocernos



Darlene is asking questions about some of your classmates. Match each of her questions to a logical answer. 1. le6mo es Mateo?

a. Son altos.

2. le6mo sois vosotras?

b. Es romantica. c.Soy trabajador(a). d: Es guapo y simpatico. e. Sf, y son bastante inteligentes. f. Somos serias.

3. tEllas son intelectuales? 4. ~Y tli? le6mo eres?

5. le6mo son Jon y Lucas? 6. le6mo es Laura?


Write two sentences to describe each of the people in Mirta's picture album. The first , sentence should say what the person is like, and the second should say what he or she is not like. MODElO Jimmy

Jimmyes simpatico. No es antipatico. \

1. Marcela

2. el senor Varela

3. Linda

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Britney and Silvia are talking about a new student. Fill in the blanks in the following conversation. .Britney Silvia, Bruce es muy simpatico. Brimey (2)_--;-'--'--_"--'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. , - - _ - - - ­

. ' • Silvia No. El es bastante extrovertido.


Britney (3)_ _--'-_,--_ _ _ _ _ _ _- + · - - - - - - - - - ­



Tiene dieciseis; afios.


4 Maria and Anita are opposites in many ways. Read the paragraph below and write a description of Anita by changing the name and substituting new adjectives for the ones numbered. Maria es (1) ba;a y es '(2) moreha. Tambien es muy (3) extrovertida y

bastante (4) tonta. Ella noes (5)antipatica. Es (6) perezosa pero (7) c6mica.

5 Tyler is preparing a list with thebirthdates offamily members. Next to each date, he wrote how old.that person is. Write out the ages in Spanish. 1. Mama, 23 de jU:nio~ 47 afios ..:..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. Papa, 20 de febrero, 53 afios _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _~_'___ __ 3. Lourdes, 13 de mayo, 61 afios _ _ _~_ _ _ ___'__ _ _ _ ___'__ __ 4. Juan, 8 de ~eptiembre, 35 aDos _ _ _ _ _, . . . - - _ - - - - - - - - - ­ 5. Tio Octavio, 2 de enero, 74afios _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6. Abuelita, 12 de abril, 82 aDos _'_ _ _--,_ _ _ _ _ _ _--,-_ _-'--____,.­ 7. Abuelo Rogelio, 7 de noviembre, 96 aDos _ _ _ _ _-'-~_ _ __:_-----­

6 Luis is interviewing Isabela for the school newspaper. Write the questions he asks for each response that Isabela gives.


MODELO Me llamo Isabela Britos. tCOmo te llamas?

1. Tengo quince afios. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---..:..--­ 2. Mi cumpl~afios ese13 de octubre. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3. Mi mejor amiga es Meg Ames..._-'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'--_ _ 4. Soy activa y atletica. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _----,_ _--,_ _ _-:-_ _ _ __ 5. No. Soy bastante timida. ~_ _ _ _ _ _--._ _ _ _'____ _.,..--_ ___.:. Holt Spanish ., Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston, All rights reserved.

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Clase ________

Fecba - - - - - - - - c



7 Read the following paragraph thatTed wrote about his Spanish class. Then answer the questions in Spanish, using complete sentences.

Me llamo Ted y soy un estudiantede California. Tengoquince anos. El senor

Gomez es mi profesor de espanol. El es muy inteligente. Sasha y Uriel son

mis arnigos. Ellos' son extrovertidos. Uriel es gracioso y Sasha es intelectual.

El cumpleanos de Sasha es el trece de mayo. El tiene dieciseis anos. Mis

companeras de clase son Lisa y Daniela. Ellas son muy activas y bonitas.

Lisa es rubia y Daniela es morena.

1. lDed6nde es Ted? _'____~___________________ 2. lCmintosanos tiene Ted? __~______________________

3. lEI senor Gomez es inteligente? ______--'-_______________________ 4. lQuienes son losamigos de Ted?



5. lCOmo es Uriel? ________~___--,_ _____;;-------------­

6. lCmil es el muchacho intelectual? _______________________ 7. lCuando es el cumpleanos de Sasha? ____________________ 8. lLisa es activa y morena? _ _ _ _~~______________,__

8 Solve the following crossword puzzle by filling in the appropriate adjectives in Spanish. Use unaccented capital letters. 2


HORIZONTAL 1. Foolish, silly

5. 6. 7. 9. 10.



A girl with dark hair She is very shy. Handsome (plural) People who don't like to be still A basketball player needs to be like this.


2. Hard-working (feminine) 3. Pretty



4. Serious (plural) 8. She is not very tall. 10

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Ac onocernos



People in Spanish-speaking countries have expr~$siQns for describing people according to their skin and hair color. Based on your knowledge of this aspect of culture, say whether the following statements are true or false. If a statement is false, correct it on the lines that follow. 1. Hector Chavez haslight skin and

s~ndy-blord hair. In Puerto Rico h~ would

probably be described as giiero. _ _ _ _+--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _­

2. Ximena is a brunette with olive-colored

black hair. Her Latin

American friends might say she is triguena. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ __ driver's license probably has . the word trigueiia or rubia on it. _ _ _-'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. Mayte has dark hair and light brown skin.


Say whether,each of the following statements or falso (false).

Puerto Rico is cierto (true)

. 1. In most Latin American countries, the legal voting and

driving age is 16. 2. Puerto Rico's national spod is baseball. 3. The Parque Nacional EI Yuhque is a large amusement park. ' 4. Pollo frit9 con tostones isa typical Puerto. Rican dish.

5. The national currency in Puerto Rico is the dollar. 6. El Moreno is the name of a famous Spanish fortress in

Puerto Rico.

11 What kind of music do you generally listen to? Are you familiar wIth salsa? Describe the origins of salsa a~ a blend of two m~sic types. Name one instrument used in playing salsa and' one Puerto Rican musiban who has helped make salsa popular worldwide.

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Fecha _ - - - CAPfTULO


A conocernos



The people below are expressing their feelings about certain things. Match each picture with an appropriat~ statement from the list on the left. ~-----~---,



a. 1. jEs delicioso!

2. Es bastante malo. 3. jEs formidable! 4. Es pesimo. 5. Es muy divertido.




Choose the best noun to complete each sentence. 1. Clara es timida. No Ie gustan _,_. a.las hamburguesas b.los carros

c. las fiestas

2. Saw es inteligente. Le gusta mucho _ . a. el ajedrez b. el helado

c. las verduras

3. Graciela es muy seria. Le gustan _ '. a. los libros b. los animales

c. los videojuegos

4. Felipe es bastante activo. Le gustan_. a. las peliculas b. los deportes

c. las fru tas

14 Use the followmg expressions to describe things that you like or don't like in complete sentences. bastante bueno



' algo interesante







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, ­

Read the following notes Sandra took while conducting a survey of her classmates' . likes and dislikes. Write stateme~ts to s1lIll.Jnarize h~r findings in complete sentences. MODELO Marisa / animales / no A Marlsa no Ie gustan los animales. . "

1. Julio y Hector / musica rock / no

2. Susana / libros de misterio / no

3. Vivian y Brent / pizza / no .

, 4. Karl / peliculas de terror /


5. Jackie / helado / SI


You want to spend some'tim~ With your friends, you ask them what they enjoy doing. Based on the pictrtres below, write the question you would ask each person or group of people. MODELO Tti

tTe gustan los deporte~?


1.Tu _______________,__~

3. Ustedes _ _ _ _~_-'-~_ Holt Spanish 1 Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.

4. Vosotros _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Cuaderno de actividades

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Ariel loves Mexican food. Chavita prefers Italian. Jacinto only likes Chinese food, and Chucho thinks they are all just as good. What might each of them say if you suggested going for tacos? Ariel


Jacinto Chucho


Write a sentence. in Spanish to say. whether you like or dislike the following things and why. . ' I'

MODELO Las verduras Megustan las verduras po~ue son bastante buenas.



. 1 La mtisica disica 2. Las fiestas de cumpleafios 3. Los libros de terror 4. Las peliculas



Write a question for each of the foilowing answers .

. MODELO Me gustan mas las fiestas. tTe gustan mas os deportes 0 las fiestas? 1. Porque son divertidas.

2. A mi me gusta: 3. No, no Ie gustan.


4. Porque son fenomenales ..


5. ATony y a Juan les gllsta.


Read the note your cousin wrote about her likes and ~islikes and then write your own below on the same topic. Write, at least five sentel ces about yourself.

Me gusta mucho la pizza. Tambien me,gusta el helado.F ero (but) no me gustan las verduras. Son pesimas. Me gustan mas las frutas porq We son buenas. La com ida china me da igual.


Holt Spanish 1 Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.

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A conocernos



Read the following entry in Ariana's diary'and th en say whether each statement about it is cierto (true) or falso (false),

Lunes, Veintid6s de septiembre. Hoy lJeg6 Peter, mi

uevo (new) companero de

c1ase. EI es alto, pelirrojo, atletico y divertido. Tiene dieciseis alios y no es de Nueva York. Es de Texas. A Peter Ie gustan las peliculas de misterio y Ie gusta bailar (to dance)salsa. TambiE!n Ie gustan las fiestas divertidas. No Ie gusta la com ida italiana pero Ie gustan mucho las hamburguesas. Peter es bastante activo.Le gustan los deportes pero no Ie gustanlosvideojuegos. No Ie gustan los libros de ciencia ficci6n porque son aburridos.

1. Peter es alto y divertido.

2. Peter es de Nueva York. 3. A Peter Ie gusta la musica salsa. 4. Peter e~ un poco p~rezoso. 5. A Peter Ie, gustan mucho los videojuegos.

22 'Read the following invitatioIl. Then answer the questions below in English. lTe gusta la musica mexicana?

lTienes quince 0

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