Dear Church Family,

No great movement of God has ever occurred apart from the extraordinary prayer of God’s people. The time is now for us to come together before God in clear agreement, visible unity, and with urgency for our church, our city, our nation and our world. For lost and broken people all around us, and for the sake of our nation, it’s time to humble ourselves before God. I plead with each member of Park Cities Baptist Church, young and old, to diligently seek God in prayer and fasting over these next 40 days. As we come to God in humility and repentance, entering into this special season of fasting and prayer, we plead with God for spiritual revival personally, revival in our church, and for revival in our nation. Each Monday over these 40 days I encourage you to spend time fasting in addition to prayer. You can read more about fasting on our website at pcbc.org/40daysofprayer.

day 1 | October 3 Day of Fasting | Info about fasting at pcbc.org/40daysofprayer Travis Cook, Minster to Singles

JESUS PRAYED | READ MARK 1:35 Jesus prayed. Jesus is the perfect Son of God who proclaimed to be one with the Father (John 10:30). He was extremely busy. In the previous passage, He is healing and casting out demons, and pouring Himself into His exhausting work. If anyone could list legitimate reasons not to wake up early to pray, it was Jesus. He was already one with the Father. Did He really need to spend time talking with Him? He just poured himself into His work and probably had a full day of it coming up. Did He really have the time to spend talking to God about it? His days were clearly long and challenging. Is time with God more valuable than blessed rest? The short answer from Jesus is: Yes. And the short answer for us too, particularly during these 40 days of prayer is yes. Let no excuses come between you and your prayers to the Father. There simply can be no excuse.


Pray that God will speak to you and grow you deeper in your relationship with Christ over these next 40 days. Pray, like the disciples did in Luke 11, “Lord, teach (me) to pray.”

day 2 | October 4 Barbara Loest, Prayer Ministry Associate



In the beginning, God spoke. He spoke the world into being, saying “Let there be…”. And then He said, “Let us make man in our own image.” He created man and from then on His communication was directly with man. “Be fruitful…You will have…I have given you…” all evidence of His desire to communicate with us. His Word itself is proof that He wants us to know Him and speak to Him and worship Him. Even when Adam and Eve sinned, God went inquiring of them, “Where are you?” How do we know He hears our prayers? How can such a magnificent, powerful God want to be so intimate with man? Because He loves us. Because He made us. He is our Father. He’s waiting, He’s listening. Won’t you speak to Him today?


Take time to thank God that He hears your prayers. Thank Him that in Christ the way has been opened for a relationship with the creator of the universe.

day 3 | October 5 Bill Zukoski, Prayer Committee Chairman



Karen’s and my daughter, Amy, is a freshman at Baylor University. A couple of weeks ago she called me and—shock—asked for some money. On her end, she needed it and knew she could call me and ask for help. On my end, I had the resources to provide for her and I wanted to help her. I didn’t give her less than she needed, I didn’t give her more than she needed. I gave her what she needed at the time. The Bible says that God knows what we need; He has the resources to provide for us, and He wants to give us good gifts. God does answer our prayers. So let Him hear from you. Ask for what you need and in turn He will give you exactly what He knows is best for you at that time.


What are you in need of today? What is heavy on your heart and mind? Ask in faith and trust that God cares and will answer according to His will.

day 4 | October 6

Justin Hornsby, Associate Pastor of Worship and Prayer


–––––––––––––– Without Jesus we cannot get to God. There’s no work great enough, no prayer strong enough, no act of love beautiful enough to earn God’s approval. We only come to God through Jesus’ death for us at the cross. And Jesus is alive, forever standing in the gap that once existed between God and man because of sin. So if Jesus stands in the gap for us, who is there to condemn? We can have great joy knowing that we are loved and accepted by God, never forsaken or abandoned because Christ died for our sin, was raised by God showing the payment for sin was good, and is now seated in glory at God’s right hand intervening for us. We pray in Jesus’ name because He’s the only hope we have of knowing God. And He’s the only hope we need.


Thank God for the cross and that we are forgiven and loved. Praise Him that Jesus stands in our defense for all of eternity.

day 5 | October 7 Sam Holm, Associate Pastor of Teaching



God is uniquely present when His people gather together. The most important event in Jewish history is Mount Sinai—when the people first met God. Throughout scripture, Mount Sinai is referred to as the day of assembly. The first time the word assembly appears in the New Testament is after Peter professes faith in Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus responds: “…on this rock I will build my church (Greek word for assembly)” (Matthew 16:18). The disciples didn’t stop Jesus and ask: “What was that word again?” Why? Because they knew that God had always been uniquely present when His people gather together. Jesus said “If two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them” (Matthew 18:19–20).


Pray that God will lay someone on your heart to pray with and for and then find a way to pray with him or her today.

day 6 | October 8 Dr. Jack Martin, Minister of Pastoral Care



The Christian life is not an easy one. We will face difficult and painful times. And we will suffer from all sorts of trials. It is just part of being in a fallen world. Yet, Paul reminds us how to respond as believers when trouble comes. He says to be joyful in the hope we have. As Christians, we have a hope, a confident assurance, that we don’t face our trials and afflictions alone. We have a God who is present, who knows about our suffering, and who cares. He is also a God who promises a secure future beyond our suffering. Having hope in Him leads us to a settled and peaceful joy in life. It also encourages us to patiently endure when facing afflictions or persecution. And it causes us to be persistent in prayer, knowing that the God who hears is our Father and He answers His children.


Whatever you are facing today, ask God to help you persevere in His strength. Ask God for joy, hope, patience, and a steady faithfulness as you seek His face.

day 7 | October 9 Jay Miller, Minister to Children



This text of Jesus praying in the garden gives us a beautiful glimpse into the struggle He faced—His humanity and divinity in one. How many times have I uttered the phrase, “God, please don’t let this happen!” As my 5-year-old son would say, “A bazillion.” Being uncomfortable with what God places before you is never fun. The key to this verse is what Jesus says in the second half, “Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.” Jesus shows us it’s ok to tell God exactly how we feel—our God is big enough to handle it. We might not be excited about the upcoming road ahead, but we can trust Him to guide us through it. God will sometimes purposefully give us more than we can handle—because it’s in those moments that we realize our need for Him. We need His power. We need His guidance. We need His grace. Are you willing to boldly trust your Heavenly Father today?


Ask God for the strength to trust Him, even in life’s hardest moments. Pray the prayer of Jesus: “not my will, but Yours, be done.”

day 8 | October 10 Day of Fasting | Info about fasting at pcbc.org/40daysofprayer Dr. Jeff Warren, Senior Pastor

SUBMIT TO AUTHORITY | READ ROMANS 13:1 As Christians, we are called to live in submission to governing authorities because they have been placed in position by God Himself. The Bible reveals that God is involved in the process of placing and removing leaders, “so that everyone may know that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone He wishes” (Daniel 4:17, 32, 5:21). Not all political leaders are God-honoring and certainly none are perfect. When our authorities explicitly contradict God’s Word and ask us to do things contrary to the laws of God, we are to “obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). Peter and the apostles defied governmental authorities of their day but they remained respectful of the authorities and submitted to the punishment for their unlawful behavior. They “left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name” (Acts 5:41).


It’s been said that a democracy always gets the leaders they deserve. Pray that God will bring revival to our nation so that we will select the leaders He has chosen for us. Pray His will be done in our upcoming election and trust Him as He works through it all to bring glory to Himself.

day 9 | October 11 Rodney Schell, Executive Pastor



Although the Pharisees were trying to test Jesus with this dilemma, He affirms that the obligations to Caesar do not infringe on the rights of God, but are ordained by God. They are not two separate things because Caesar, and all that is his, belong to God. A temporary duty is no comparison to the sovereign Lord we ultimately serve. Oftentimes in today’s culture we are faced with the same dilemma. Supporting the temporal should not detract from the truth that, through Jesus we have received the ultimate gift of salvation. Just as the denarius bore the image of Caesar we are to bear the image of Christ and we have the privilege of engaging in culture and fulfilling our responsibilities as citizens to the glory of God.


Pray that God will help you to bear His name. While fulfilling the obligations of being a citizen on earth, ask God to help you honor Him before men.

day 10 | October 12 Dr. Debi Newman-Riesling, Minister of Congregational Care



Jesus told us that we will always have the poor among us. He tells us this so we as a church understand that He cares for the poor. As we pray for our nation, pray for the poor in our nation. Pray for the poor who live in our city. Pray for the poor who live all over the earth. Pray that our nation will not become a people who plunder the poor. Pray that our churches will never overlook Jesus’ call to meet the needs of the poor through our stewardship. God, we know that there will never be a complete end to poverty in this fallen world, but we pray that You will continue to guide our hearts to protect the poor from being plundered and that You might use us and our church to meet the needs of the poor.


Spend time praying for the poor in our city, nation, and world. Be open to allowing God to use you to meet their needs.

day 11 | October 13 Marty Lewis, Minister to Preschool


–––––––––––––– God’s Word and His righteousness should be our greatest striving in life. We seek Him and He seeks us to come to Him. Matthew 6:33 turns prayer on its head. The verse shifts our priorities from “things” back to seeking God. If we seek Him on a daily basis He will take care of our needs. This is a promise. Too often we are quick to pray for some certain thing or situation for God to take care of. In this case, prayer becomes the thing we do when in need as opposed to a daily walk with God. Let your prayer life be a daily walk with God. Let Him take care of all the rest. You will be surprised at the ways God will choose to handle your needs.


Pray that Jesus will always be first in your life, in your family, in your work, in your finances and that others will see Christ in you.

day 12 | October 14 Kelly Hamilton, Minister to Adults, 30’s–50’s



Heaven is our final destination—it is home. As we journey to our final home we must remember why we are here. We have a unique purpose to share with the world, a message that the world hates. We are to be salt and light to a world that is tasteless and dark. Jesus prayed for us that last night (John 17). He prayed, “I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one.” Jesus was thinking of us as He took on our sins. Jesus prayed for us that last night knowing that we would reside in a foreign and sometimes hostile land.


Pray that God will give you strength to resist the evil one and to remain faithful as we await our Lord Jesus Christ.

day 13 | October 15 TJ Marrow, Junior High Student and Preteen Minister



Look around you…OK, maybe when you are done reading this. Look around you. Where do you live? Who do you see? It is easy to go throughout our day and ignore a world that is really hurting. It is easy to forget the people who are in need of a Savior. People need a Savior to “do good” to them or plead their cause when they have been wronged. That is what Jesus did. We serve Jesus when we serve those in need. And by meeting a need of those oppressed within our city, it opens the door for a spiritual conversation and allows Jesus to enter their life.


Pray for God to show you someone who needs to be shown his or her spiritual Father. Pray for opportunities to serve others in need today and when the time comes, serve them with the love of Christ.

day 14 | October 16 Stephen Carrell, Associate Pastor of Worship & Music



Our identity remains as Christ-followers within the glorious Church of the Living God. In this gospel passage, Luke, the physician-disciple, records the powerful witness of Jesus Christ as He entered the synagogue of His hometown, Nazareth. Not only would Jesus lead in worship by reading aloud the scriptures, He would select passages from Isaiah which would identify Him as the fulfillment of prophecy. The powerful truth found in what He would read qualified Him to be the Savior of mankind! “Release to the captives…to set free those who are downtrodden.” True freedom now explodes beyond the association of no longer being enslaved to an owner or a ruler, to become the eternal state of the heart and soul of the one who surrenders to Christ.


Thank God that we are set free from sin in Christ. Pray that our nation would seek this freedom in Jesus Christ well beyond our understandable desires to be a free country.

day 15 | October 17 Day of Fasting | Info about fasting at pcbc.org/40daysofprayer Nat Burns, Ministry to Adults, 60’s+

MADE IN GOD’S IMAGE | READ GENESIS 1:27 We are the singular creation (of all that God created in heaven and earth) made in the image of our creator-God. We have the capacity to respond to our Creator. We are called to be ‘ambassadors for Christ.’ Our Creator deserves our worship, praise, and obedience.


Thank God that you bear His image and that He created you just as you are for His glory. Ask Him to help you be His image bearer in this world.

day 16 | October 18 Dr. Jeff Warren, Senior Pastor



Paul wanted the church in Ephesus to understand and apply the Gospel to every aspect of life. He wanted them to see that the Gospel brings a unity to God’s people that runs deeper than any religious background, nationality, or ethnicity. Former Torah-observant Jews and believing Gentiles were now one in Christ. The disunity in Ephesus was as much a racial divide as it was a religious one. Through Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross, He has removed our sin and the dividing wall that would otherwise separate us from people who are not like us. The Gospel makes us one. As we confront our nation’s original sin of racism, we live out our salvation and show the world the unconditional love of Christ. Praise God that He has taken away the dividing wall that once separated you from Him and from others.


Pray that He will change your heart so that you will love others who are not like you, without bias or judgment. Pray for opportunities this week to go out of your way to express love to others who are not like you.

day 17 | October 19 RJ Holt, Minister of Community Transformation



Today there are as more refugees without homes than during the aftermath of World War II…more than 20 million. In Dallas, 60% of all people were born outside the U.S. Among refugees, the fastest growing people group in Vickery Meadow is Arabic speakers. The latest church building in Vickery is not a Christian church, but a Mosque. Galatia was made up of diverse people groups with many religions, belief systems, and political beliefs. Paul talked about how, in God’s economy, there is no difference between ruling classes and slaves. There is no difference between one language or the other. It takes the work of Christ for us to see others as ourselves. In this economy, none of us measure up to, but have been made equal by His work. We should see others as equals to us in Christ.


Prayer today for all the refugees in Dallas, particularly those we minister to in Vickery Meadows. Pray that you will see all people how Jesus sees them: as the beloved of God.

day 18 | October 20 Damon Berry, Minister of Sports Outreach


–––––––––––––– Jesus here prays for unity among believers. Paul, in Philippians 2, begs for the same thing. But, how often do we see disunity among believers? Have you ever experienced true unity with a group of believers? Many times we experience this unity as we serve together—working toward a common goal and for the good of others. I have seen this most evident on mission trips. The key to true unity is our focus. If we are focused on loving God and serving others, unity is unavoidable. If we are focused on ourselves, unity will never be found. It’s interesting that this prayer of Jesus is one that we as believers are able to work towards accomplishing. Let’s all do our part to be in unity with each other and in doing so, we please our Lord.


Pray for the unity of Park Cities Baptist Church. Pray that Jesus would be the One who unites us, not our preferences or personal desires. Lord, make us one.

day 19 | October 21 Sam Holm, Associate Pastor of Teaching



What is God’s will for your life? Scripture shows us that God requires you to “do justice.” Literally, those who follow God are required to judge fairly. However, many of us do not. Jesus said: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others” (Matthew 23:23). Is there hope for us? Yes! Isaiah promised that God would send Jesus to “proclaim justice” and “bring justice to victory” (Isaiah 42:1–3, Matthew 12:18–21).


Are you acting unjustly in any way? Repent and pray for His help to do justice. Praise God for Jesus and the perfect justice Jesus proclaims and brings. Follow Jesus today.

day 20 | October 22 David Huey, Minister to Families


–––––––––––––– Jesus tells His disciples to “love one another.” He is not telling them something they didn’t already know. So why does He offer it as a new commandment? Jesus offers something new by commanding His disciples to love one another as He had loved them. This was different! No longer was love built on conditions, but on a covenant. Jesus’ love is completely unconditional and therefore it never wavers or fades. A love like this is powerful. Jesus knew if believers would love like this, it would change lives and change the world! We are called to love regardless of differences of opinions and preferences. Conditional love drives people apart because it isn’t true love, while covenant love binds us together. Love as Jesus loves!


Pray that God will help you love people like He loves you. Is there someone in your life who is hard to love? Pray that God will help you love them well today.

day 21 | October 23 Sam Silva, Minister to Park Cities en Español



God loves diversity. When you look at nature you see trees, shrubs, and flowers of every kind. You see birds and animals in many shapes and sizes. When you look at mankind, you see God’s greatest joy in diversity. God purposefully populated the earth with hundreds of cultures rich in customs and languages. Yes, God loves diversity. It was His divine purpose from the beginning of time to bring salvation to every nation. God delights in His creative design of humanity. It is His heart to reach and redeem every individual regardless of skin color, culture, or language. We focus on a person’s appearance, but God sees their heart. He loves us all. Imagine God’s joy as heaven fills with people from all nations! Oh, that our present times would mirror heaven! Lord, open our hearts to love people of all nations.


Thank God for diversity. Pray that God will help you reach out and love people with the love of Christ today who are not the same color as you or are from a different walk of life.

day 22 | October 24 Day of Fasting | Info about fasting at pcbc.org/40daysofprayer Justin Hornsby, Associate Pastor of Worship & Prayer


In the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6, Jesus is teaching on the danger of making money our treasure. We all need money. You can’t eat without it or have anything to wear without it. You certainly can’t have shelter over your head without it. Money itself is not evil—it’s morally neutral. But we can make money into an evil by valuing it too much. Wise people, those that are the true sons and daughters of God, put their treasure where they cannot lose it, where it will never wear out. Their treasure is in heaven. It is safe with the Father. What is this treasure that we must pursue above all things? It’s Jesus. He satisfies our longings more than any treasure this world has to offer. C.S. Lewis said, “Don’t let your happiness depend on something you may lose.” Jesus is the only guarantee in this life. He can never be taken from you. Is He your treasure?


Confess to God what you have valued above Him, what you have made your treasure. Ask Him to be your everything and for the ability to make wise choices when it comes to your possessions.

day 23 | October 25 Rodney Schell, Executive Pastor


–––––––––––––– We live in a society that measures success by wealth, but as Christians we realize all that we have is from God and not from our own triumphs. Honoring the Lord with your best first comes out of overwhelming love and gratitude, not for our wealth, but for the abundant love and grace given to us through Christ. True generosity results from recognition of this love and expresses itself in service, sharing of our gifts and influence and in a stewardship of our financial resources. What a privilege to present back to Him the gift of your best, not your left-overs.


Are you honoring the Lord with your wealth? Ask God to show you how you can best use the resources He’s given you to bring Him glory. Are you giving regularly to Christ’s body, the church? Ask God to help you be a regular giver to His Kingdom.

day 24 | October 26 Dr. Kelly Hamilton, Minister to Adults, 30’s to 50’s



Selfish ambition left unchecked can lead to destruction and harm to your family, church, faith, colleagues and you. What are signs of selfish ambition? You take credit when the credit is due elsewhere—the credit belongs to God. You take advantage of people instead of valuing people. You think that everything should center on you, when EVERYTHING ultimately centers on Jesus. You promote yourself on social media, not considering the ramifications of your post/comments. The last few sentences begin with “you.” Selfish ambition always begins with you. It is the same with all sin. James is clear that selfish ambition leads to disorder and vile practice. How do you stop selfish ambition? By taking that motivation for yourself and turning it towards others. Give God thanks. Value other people by putting them first. Focus on Jesus! Use social media to build people up! Let Jesus, instead of yourself, be your ambition!


Confess your selfish ambitions to God. Repent of the sin of elevating yourself above God and others.

day 25 | October 27 Stephen Carrell, Associate Pastor of Worship & Music



In these verses Mark records the words of Jesus Christ, through which the emptiness of worldly pursuits are revealed. The sovereignty of our Lord knew that today’s American culture would fall headfirst into an unprecedented fixation upon materialism and consumerism. We have become anesthetized to the American pressure of needing to accumulate things, while seeking to be relentlessly amused and entertained. Yet what is more tragic is the refusal of man to humble himself before a Holy God, to forfeit oneness with the Father for worldly pursuits. To forfeit is to lose. The people of our nation are losing their most valuable possessions…their souls. In a profit-conscious culture, the sad irony remains; America’s soul is at a deficit. This truth calls for our unprecedented prayer.


Pray that God will help you die to self today, to die to the American Dream of accumulating more and more. Pray instead that God will help you make Jesus the treasure of your life.

day 26 | October 28 Dr. Nat Burns, Minister to Adults, 60’s+


–––––––––––––– True contentment comes from godliness in the heart, not wealth in the hand. All that we acquire physically on this earth will not last. Our true joy, peace and contentment found in our Savior will satisfy for now, and last for eternity.


Are you content with your circumstances, the good and the bad, believing God is sovereignly in control of your life? Ask God to help you rest in Him and trust Him. Ask God for the help to find your worth in Him, not in things this world has to offer.

day 27 | October 29 Damon Berry, Minister of Sports Outreach


–––––––––––––– When do you find yourself most worried? Chances are, the times you worry are the times when you don’t feel that you have enough. Not enough money, not enough time, not enough security, not enough control. But today we are reminded that God is faithful and He provides for our needs. In Jesus, we have enough. It’s funny how we worry about things even though by worrying we aren’t able to reduce our need or increase our supply of any of these things. God is the one who can meet our needs and He has done it in Christ Jesus. In Jesus you have enough.


What are you worried about today? Give it to Jesus. Trust that He’s enough for you. Ask for His wisdom and guidance for the days ahead.

day 28 | October 30 Luke Sammons, Minister to High School Students


–––––––––––––– Take a moment to take a mental inventory of your life accomplishments: What have you strived hard for, and achieved? What are you most proud of? Think of the past decade: What big “wins” have you had in your professional life, ones that cost you time, money, energy, and focus? Take a minute to think about what are you most proud of: What privileges, talents, and accomplishments do you have under your belt that others would love to have? Family background, academic accomplishment, financial stability, social status, civil influence, talents and skills, leadership position, awards, beauty, influence? C.S. Lewis wrote: “He who has God and everything else has no more than he who has God only.” In the end, only 2 things matter: Jesus Christ, and knowing Jesus Christ. Pursue Him, and know Him. Nothing else matters.


Do you know Jesus? One way we know Him is by spending time in His word. Thank God for His word today and ask Him for a renewed passion to pursue His word daily.

day 29 | October 31 Day of Fasting | Info about fasting at pcbc.org/40daysofprayer Sam Silva, Minister to Park Cities en Español


Salt has curious properties. It can enhance the flavor of food. It can cure certain meats. It can also cause a sharp sting on an open wound. You might say salt causes change. Jesus says we are the salt of the world. What properties do we manifest as salt? Here are some thoughts. When we walk in integrity and truth, we enhance society to a level of wholesomeness. When we apply God’s principles and promises to daily living, we bring healing and health to our families, our church, and our community. When we stand boldly for God’s word (his precepts), we may make others uncomfortable...the truth stings. In conclusion, salt is extremely valuable. In the physical world, it is needed for many reasons. In the spiritual world, it is the sprinkling of God’s love, a love that changes the human heart and makes things right.


Pray that your life will be a steady and faithful influence for Christ in this world. Being a believer makes you different. Pray that others will notice that you are different and want the Christ that they see in you.

day 30 | NOVEMBER 1 TJ Marrow, Junior High Student and Preteen Minister


–––––––––––––– Think about being lost at sea on the deepest and darkest night of your life. The lights on the boat are not working either and no one in your crew can see or find anything. You don’t have any idea how close to the shore you are or if there even is a shore. Something tells me you would be ready to give up all hope. Then in the faint distance you see a light. A light that tells you there is land and rescue is near; a light that gives you and your crew hope. As a follower of Jesus, that is who you are to someone who is trying to find his or her way through the dark.


Ask God to help you be a light in the darkness. Confess any sin that is keeping you from doing so. Who is that person who needs to see “the Light of the world” through you today?

day 31 | NOVEMBER 2 RJ Holt, Minister of Community Transformation


–––––––––––––– Every war that has been fought, every fight I’ve seen, every church split involved the selfish ambition of one group over the other. The last thing demonstrated was an attitude reflected in these verses. Placing one over the other requires realizing what Christ modeled for us. He said to His Father, “not my will, but yours be done;” “I came not to be served, but to serve others.” I’ve always referred to the last one as Jesus’ job description. It’s ours too. Further, we are to champion the ideas (the worth and dignity) of others (v. 4b). In other words, not a passive “not being selfish,” but placing others in our equations of success. Jesus boiled down the equation of the entire Bible, “Love God, …Love your neighbor.” In our very equation of loving God, we are to include others.


Confess any areas of pride in your life. Ask God to make you humble and to give you a deep love for other people. Ask for an opportunity today to serve someone and to put their interests above your own.

day 32 | NOVEMBER 3 Dr. Debi Newman-Riesling, Minister of Congregational Care


–––––––––––––– Fixing our eyes on Jesus will calm any soul that might feel distressed by all the evil that is prevalent in the world. When we look at Jesus we look at the way He walked through the shame of the cross, confident that even though it was a horrific reality, it was part of God’s plan to recreate the world. Somehow Jesus moved forward by keeping His own eyes fixed on the joy that was before Him, sitting at the right hand of the throne of God. That is where you can fix your eyes on Him today. He is victorious and He is Ruler over all! Whatever is happening on the earth today, there is no crisis, no decision, no disruption that can change the truth that Jesus has overcome the effects of sin and death, trampling them through the cross, and He now sits at the right hand of God. We can have joy as we endure, knowing the outcome of our life of faith is eternity with Jesus Christ.


Ask God for help in keeping your eyes on Him. What are you enduring today? As you look to the example of Jesus, ask God for His strength to see you through.

day 33 | NOVEMBER 4 Marty Lewis, Minister to Preschool


–––––––––––––– Sure, we pray for personal needs, conflicts and our own lives. In all those things we know that God does listen. But how often have you and I prayed about sharing our faith with others? Specifically sharing our faith in such an effective way that others cannot deny the good news of Jesus Christ. We will never become effective if we choose not to share our faith. Sharing our faith sharpens our experience and makes us eager to share it again! When we share what God has done for us we will realize the good things He provides. For the sake of Christ, we must share. Once we receive the good news we are responsible to give it away. The gospel is the gift that keeps on giving.


We all have friends, co-workers, neighbors, class mates or family members who don’t know Jesus. Pray for them today and ask God to give you an opportunity to boldly proclaim the good news of Jesus.

day 34 | NOVEMBER 5 Jay Miller, Minister to Children


–––––––––––––– In our Kids Ministry, we paraphrase this verse a lot: “Love God, Love People.” We’ve even made some wristbands that anyone can pick up and wear as a reminder of this verse that say, “Love Jesus Love Dallas”. What’s amazing to me is Jesus has just been asked to think about all of the commandments throughout the Old Testament, 613 to be exact, and tell the crowd which one of them is the most important commandment. Jesus simply tells them the greatest commandment is to love God with all of your being and then selflessly love the people you come in contact with today. All 613 commandments depend upon these two commandments. When I am in tune with the Father, it shows in how I treat the people I come into contact with. When I’m not connected with the Father, it shows then, too. Love the Lord with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength today. And then let that overflow to every person you see.


Tell God how much you love Him. Thank Him for who He is and what He’s done. Ask Him to help you love Him more. And then ask God to help you love others just as Christ has loved you.

day 35 | NOVEMBER 6 Dr. Jack Martin, Minister of Pastoral Care


–––––––––––––– What does it mean to be blessed? Webster says it means “fortunate,” “blissful,” “beatified.” Literally, the Hebrew word means “happy.” And here, we discover the secret to happiness for a nation. It is to have the right God. And the Psalmist tells us that the right God is the God of the Bible. There were many gods in the ancient world that were trusted to give fertility, health, long life, or a bumper crop. But none of them could provide the desired results because they weren’t real gods. They were simply fakes who couldn’t see or hear or do anything. It is only when the real God shows up, that blessing can occur. The same is true for America today. While we cannot vote for God in this upcoming election, we can pray that our country would repent and make God our Lord. Our blessing depends on it!


Pray for personal revival in your life. And pray for revival in America. Pray that God would pour out His Spirit upon our nation and that we truly would turn from our sin and seek His face.

day 36 | NOVEMBER 7 Day of Fasting | Info about fasting at pcbc.org/40daysofprayer Travis Cook, Minister to Singles


Honor is a word that means to have a high regard for the object that is being honored. The place it most frequently occurs in the New Testament is whenever the 5th commandment is quoted. “Honor your father and mother.” As a society, usually, we have some concept of honoring our parents. We love them despite their faults. We may take care of them despite the inconvenience. We work to respect them even if there is little to visibly respect. God commands us to respect our ruler (and by extension those that represent him or her), to the same degree that we regard our parents. We are called to love them, care for their causes, and respect them. The first and best step is to beseech God on their behalf. Regularly. Often. Whenever you come before the Father and pray for your parents or your family, remember too your leaders. In this way you honor them.


Pray for the leaders of our city, state and nation. In particular, take time to pray for our president today and our future president. Pray that they will lead and govern our country with God’s wisdom and Christ’s love and compassion.

day 37 | NOVEMBER 8 Luke Sammons, Minister to High School Students


–––––––––––––– Jesus speaks stunning words to a man who thought he was ultimately in charge. Before now, the conversation between Pilot and Jesus had been somewhat tame. But one mention of Pilot’s authority to crucify the Eternal Son of God, and Jesus responds with a reminder by means of rebuke. Pilot learned that he was not in charge. God the Father was—and just as surely as God the Son is the King of Kings, God the Father is the Ruler of Rulers. What a comfort to wake up today and know Who runs the universe. No matter who leads, no matter who rules, no matter who decides what, remember the words of Jesus today. God is not confused about who is in authority. Take comfort that He is the One in charge.


Today is Election Day. Pray for our next president. Pray that all Americans today will know that our true leader is the Lord. Pray for peace and civility today as Americans cast their votes.

day 38 | NOVEMBER 9 David Huey, Minister to Families


–––––––––––––– It is easy to be frustrated and mad at those who don’t think like you. In fact, it is easiest to simply think these people are wrong or even misguided because they don’t see things the way we do. Are we guilty of this when it comes to those who are called to lead us, a boss, a pastor, or even a president? The easy way out is to give up or get mad, yet we are called to do more. Paul urges each of us to pray for those who lead us, and he doesn’t quantify it by saying, “only if they agree with you, think like you, or even believe like you”. The call for us is to simply pray and lift our leaders up before the Father and Holy Spirit who is the master in the sanctifying work within the life of a person; He does all the work! Pray on behalf of those who are called out to lead, this will not only bring new blessings to you, but also to those you are lifting up.


Pray again today for our current president and future president. Pray for their families and those they work closely with. Also pray today for Pastor Jeff Warren and Stacey. Pray for all the minsters of Park Cities and their families that they will lead like Jesus.

day 39 | NOVEMBER 10 Justin Hornsby, Associate Pastor of Worship & Prayer


–––––––––––––– We might know who our president-elect is at this moment, but it’s also possible that it will be many more days for votes to be counted and courts to weigh in. What we do know is that God is still God. He always has been, He always will be. In Psalm 22 we see a vivid picture of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, penned 1,000 years before His birth. The first 21 verses recount his suffering but the Psalm closes with shouts of victory. One day the entire world is going to worship Him. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. All of history is coming to a close and Jesus will reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Our ultimate allegiance is to Him, not to any human leader. He’s working all things for your good and for His glory in your life and in our world.


Thank God that He is the sovereign Lord of the universe and that He is reigning over us. Ask for renewed commitment to follow Jesus every day. Pledge your allegiance and devotion to Him.

day 40 | NOVEMBER 11 Dr. Jeff Warren, Senior Pastor


–––––––––––––– Now that Election Day is behind us, remember that our ultimate devotion is not to a political party or ideology. Instead, for those who have received the grace of God in Christ, we are now citizens of another kingdom with a King who will reign forever. Political leaders and agendas will come and go, but Christ our King will reign forever and His kingdom agenda will be accomplished. We can live with great confidence and hope, seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. As we live as citizens of heaven while residents on earth, we worship and obey our great King because of all that He has done for us.


Praise God for sending His Son to live the perfect life on your behalf and to die on the cross for your sin. Pray that He will empower you to live as a subject of His kingdom and help you never forget that you are a child of the King. Thank God for the promise that one day He is coming again!