15 TH 16 TH OCTOBER 2015

Author: Paula Burns
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October 2015 African Violet

TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- II LIST OF ACRONYMS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV 1.0 INTRODUCTION------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.1 About the Project and Workshop -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.2 Objective of the workshop ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

2.0 WORKSHOP OUTCOME ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 3.0 THEME 1: OPENING ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 3.1 Welcome Remarks and Introductions -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 3.2 Introduction to Minamata Convention -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 3.3 Statement from Ministry of Energy and Minerals ------------------------------------------------------ 5 3.4 Official Opening: Speech of Guest of Honour ---------------------------------------------------------- 6 3.5 Group Photograph -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

4.0. PAPER PRESENTATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------- 9 4.1 Summary of Papers Presented ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 4.2 Paper Presentation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 4.2.1: Overview of the project -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 4.2.2: History and Overview of Minamata Convention on Mercury -------------------------------10 4.2.3: National Action Plan (NAP) on Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Miners Elaboration and Draft NAP outline and discuss refinements needed and gaps that must be filled --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 4.2.4 Panel Discussion 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 4.2.5 Group Work Break out ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 4.2.6 Chemicals exposure and their effects to humans ---------------------------------------------16 4.2.7 Panel Discussion 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 4.2.8 Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources (SMMR) – World Bank Funded Project Statement --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 4.2.9 Panel Discussion 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 4.2.10 Groups Reporting Back ------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 GROUP 1 Presentation: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 GROUP 3 Presentation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24

5.0: CLOSING SESSION ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 APPENDICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 APPENDIX 1: Minamata Convention Related Projects Matrix in Tanzania ------------------------- 30 APPENDIX II: WORKSHOP PROGRAMME --------------------------------------------------------------- 32 APPENDIX III: PARTICIPANTS LIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 34


APPENDIX IV: WORKSHOP PHOTOGRAPHS ----------------------------------------------------------- 38 Fig. IV.1: Group Photograph of the workshop participants -----------------------------------------38 Fig. IV.2: Chief Guest delivering his workshop opening speech ----------------------------------38 Fig. IV.3: AGENDA Chairperson welcoming Chief Guest to Officiate Workshop Opening 39 Fig. IV.4: Two separate paper presentation sessions ------------------------------------------------39 Fig. IV.5: Workshop Participants sharing light moment during a break -------------------------39 Fig. IV.6: Project Coordinator interviewed by media people ---------------------------------------40 Fig. IV.7: Project Advisor sharing a point during the workshop -----------------------------------40 Fig. IV.8: Workshop participants listening attentively ------------------------------------------------41 Fig. IV.9: Participants raising a comment ----------------------------------------------------------------41 APPENDIX V: NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 42 Mtanzania newspaper – 16th October 2015 ------------------------------------------------------------42 Sunday news 18th October 2015 --------------------------------------------------------------------------44 APPENDIX VI: TECHNICAL PAPER ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46 Appendix VI A: Overview of the project “Contributing to the preparation/ implementation of the Minamata Convention with focus on Developing Strategies to Implement the National Action Plans for Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining” -----------------47 Appendix III B: History and Overview of Minamata Convention ----------------------------------51 Appendix VI C: National Action Plan (NAP) on Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Miners Elaboration; and Draft NAP outline and discuss refinements needed and gaps that must be filled. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------63 Appendix VI D: Statement from ministry of Energy and minerals --------------------------------72



AGENDA for Environment and Responsible Development


African Caribbean Pacific countries Multilateral Environmental Agreements


Artisanal Gold Council


Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining


Chemical Mining Engineering


Civil Society Organizations


District Commissioner


Division Of Environment


European Environmental Bureau


Environmental Impact Assessment


Environmental Management Act


Environmental, Humana Rights Care and Gender Organization


Food and Agriculture Organization


Federation for Miners Association Tanzania


Government Chemist Laboratory Agency


International Conference on Chemicals Management


International POPs Elimination Network


Local Government Authorities


Ministry of Energy and Minerals


Ministry of Health and social Welfare


Morogoro Regional Miners Association


Mwanza Regional Miners Association


National Environment Management Act


National Environment Management Council


National Environmental Policy


Non Governmental Organizations


Personal Protective Equipments


Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management


Shinyanga Regional Miners Association


Singida Regional Miners Association


Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources


State Mining Corporation



Tanga Regional Miners Association


Tanzania Women Association




University of Dar es Salaam – Chemicals and Mining Engineering Department


United Nations Environment Programme


Vice Presidents Office


World Health Organisation


Zero Mercury Working Group


1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 About the Project and Workshop A two days “National Stakeholders workshop on Minamata Convention on Mercury - National Action Plan (NAP) on Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Miners Drafting Contribution Process” was organised by AGENDA for Environment and Responsible Development (AGENDA). This initiative is part of the African Caribbean Pacific Multilateral Environmental Agreements 2 (ACP MEA 2) project funded by the European Commission and implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations via the European Environmental Bureau/Zero Mercury Working Group (EEB/ZMWG). The workshop was held at the Peacocks Hotel, Dar es Salaam on 15th and 16th October 2015. The aim of the workshop was to develop Strategies for preparations of the National Action Plans for Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining. The workshop was attended by 41 participants on the first day and 28 on the second day emanating from government departments’ and agencies, academia, research institutions, NGOs, CBOs and media. The workshop was structured into plenary sessions (paper presentation, plenary discussions and group discussions).

1.2 Objective of the workshop Objective of the workshop is to build and synergise with the existing initiatives carried out by other stakeholder in the country in order to contribute into preparation of the implementation of the Minamata Convention with focus on developing strategies to implement phase-out provisions and the National Action Plans for Artisanal and Small scale Mining.


2.0 WORKSHOP OUTCOME Tanzania Government has signed the Minamata Convention in 2013 Tanzania was among the countries which signed this convection on the Diplomatic meeting that was held in Kumamoto, Japan. The government is currently in the process of preparing ratification documents. Artisanal Small Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) is among the sectors which use significant amount of mercury in the process of gold extraction and the sector employs a large number of Tanzanians. National Action Plan for ASGM preparation is important as part of fulfilling national obligations to the convention. As discussed in more detail below, a very interesting mix of participants attended the conference including: representatives of government departments’ and agencies, academia, research institutions, NGOs, CBOs, Federation of Miners as well as media people. They provided valuable information, and inspired an interesting and spirited debate. The workshop discussion and results are summarised below. 

Representative of the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, acknowledge that (ASGM) sector provides an important source of income to miners and support livelihood to many people particularly in rural communities and regions where alternatives income generating activities are limited. He informed that ASGM is the single largest intentional release of mercury in the country and causes severe mercury exposure to workers; release in the environment results in extensive environmental degradation and ecosystem contamination. Most artisanal and small-scale gold miners who use mercury are often unaware of its dangers as could cause harm to them, their families and communities. He mentioned that the Government plans to: - Building the mercury free demonstration centers; Provide training centers for small scale miners and the surrounding society on the effect and protective measures; Provide grant to miners to facilitate and allow them on the easy implementation of mercury alternative methods of gold ore processing; and Control of mercury business; Representative of the Federation of Miners Association of Tanzania (FEMATA) informed the workshop that the federation is at infancy stage and hence needs more technical and financial support in order to meet its establishment objectives. The government is working closely with the federation in order to improve miners performance and welfare. They urged that the government should carry out awareness rising and trainings as well as propagation of alternative technologies to mercury as mist miners are not aware of easy and accessible alternatives and equipment together with provision of grants and soft loans to miners in order to enhance their productivity and performance; Representative of the research institutions enlighten that there are several researches that are being carried out in the research institutions that they may be put into use by the miners through the support from the government would have benefited miners as well as helped them shift to alternative technologies that are more efficient and safer technologies than their current practices; Vice Presidents office – Division of Environment representative highlighted that ASGM NAP should be coordinated by their office while in collaboration Ministry of Energy and minerals while involving other important stakeholder on board in order to be successful; 2

Representative of the Groundwork South Africa who is also work as a technical advisor to the project shared the evolution of the Minamata convention as well as information on the current mercury free technology in Burkina Faso as well as availability of the edited version of the mercury emission baseline estimation developed by Artisanal Gold Council of which attracted attention of most of the participants; Representative of the Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources (SMMR) – World Bank Funded Project Statement informed participants on the details of the project that has three components of which one component objective is t improve mineral section by conducting training on environment and health to the miners; giving out small grants to small scale miners with the condition of not to use mercury; the project promote exploitation of minerals through fair trade initiatives. Also they intend to build demonstration centers in order for small scale miners who use mercury to learn mercury- free methods and technologies and through the process miners can adopt them easily; One of the representatives of the miners advised that the use of Audio visual communication methods like cinema and Television (TV) programs as the best way to send message for changing perceptions of the miners and public on the effect of mercury

Minamata Convention Related Projects in Tanzania It was noted that there are eight project running in Tanzania that are related to Minamata Convention of which there are possible syrgenising in projects implementation for maximum outcomes to be achieved. Project participants urged for enhancement of the communication between related projects in the country.

ASGM NAP Preparation coordination at National Level It was agreed that as VPO-DoE is the custodian of all convention and has oversee their implementation of the convention in the country had to be part of the main coordination team in collaboration with key sector ministry of Ministry and Energy and Minerals. Moreover, other important stakeholders should be included in the steering committee including relevant Government Ministries, institutions and agencies together with Federation of Miners, Research institutions as well as NGOs actively working in the sector.

Group Work Outcomes Preparations of the ASGM NAP process that involves: Establishment of the coordination mechanisms and organization of the process; Developing a National overview by reviewing available information in the sector; Formulation of an implementing strategy; Developing Evaluation Process for the NAP; Endorsement and submission the NAP. Stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities were identified. Moreover, sources of information for national overview were proposed and tentative NAP goals and objectives were proposed.


Furthermore, formulation of the implementation strategy was drafted. Lastly, draft monitoring and evaluation process was developed by the stakeholders.

In summary In summary, AGENDA hope that this workshop has contributed towards giving an insight to participants and other stakeholders on how ASGM NAP process for Tanzania can be carried out.

The workshop showed that enhancing communication among stakeholders was seen as an important in order to enhance resources utilization for efficient, effective and fruitful ASGM NAP preparation process to take place.

Acknowledgments AGENDA for Environment and Responsible Development (AGENDA) gratefully acknowledges financial and other support from the European Commission, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nation, European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Zero Mercury Working Group (ZMWG), GroundWork South Africa, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). The project is funded by the European Commission and implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations via the European Environmental Bureau/Zero Mercury Working Group (EEB/ZMWG)


3.0 THEME 1: OPENING 3.1 Welcome Remarks and Introductions The opening ceremony started at 9.00 a.m. by Mr Silvani Mng’anya, Executive Secretary of AGENDA who thanked all participants for coming in the event. He then asked the participants to introduce themselves by mentioning their names, where he or she is coming from including their working position. After the self-introduction, Mr. Mng’anya shared with participant the aim of the workshop and then welcomed the Chairperson of AGENDA, Prof. Jamidu Katima to provide brief explanation on the Minamata Convection and Mercury use in Tanzania.

3.2 Introduction to Minamata Convention Introduction to Minamata Convention and mercury use in Tanzania was presented by Prof. Jamidu Katima, who is the Chairperson of AGENDA. He gave a welcome address to the participants and he expressed his sincere gratitude to all participants for sparing time, travel and participate in this important workshop. He said that the project aims at preparing the NAP (National Action Plan) for the ASGM (Artisanal Small Scale Miners). He started by explaining briefly about the Minamata Convection on Mercury which in 2013 Tanzania was among the countries which signed this convection on the Diplomatic meeting that was held in Kumamoto, Japan. Artisanal Small Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) is among the sectors which use significant amount of mercury in the process of gold extraction and the sector employs a large number of Tanzanians. However, mercury is one of the heavy metals of concern due to its health and environmental effects it poses and therefore poses threat to ASGM workers and community around the mining centers. Tanzanian Government has plans on the reduction and elimination of mercury use in the mine fields and he also added that Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) including unions/organizations should also contribute into the reduction and elimination of the mercury use in the ASGM sector. He finalized by saying that he gladly know that all participants can contribute actively in setting up the foundation on drafting the National Action Plan. After that presentation from AGENDA Prof. Katima, Mr. Mng’anya thanked him for his words and welcomed Mr. Chacha Marwa, who represented the Commissioner of Mining from the Ministry of Energy and Minerals Headquarter (MEM) - HQ to give a Government statement on the Minamata convection, Mercury use in ASGM sector.

3.3 Statement from Ministry of Energy and Minerals On behalf of the Commissioner of Mining from the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, Mr. Chacha Marwa started by saying that Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) sector provides an important source of income to miners and support livelihood to many people particularly in rural communities and regions where alternatives income generating activities are limited. He continued by stressing further that Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining 5

(ASGM) is the single largest intentional release of mercury in the country and causes severe mercury exposure to workers; release in the environment results in extensive environmental degradation and ecosystem contamination. This could go on for decades after mining activities cease. Most artisanal and small-scale gold miners who use mercury are often unaware of its dangers as could cause harm to them, their families and communities. He explained that the main processes causing mercury pollution to human and environment in Tanzania are:  Amalgamation process: in this process mercury is added to all of the ore being processed during the crushing, grinding or sluicing. This is the most polluting way which uses mercury.  Burning amalgamation: in this process miners heat amalgam to recover the gold, amalgam is burned in a shovel or metal pan over an open fire. When this is done without the use of retort, mercury vapors are released to the air and inhaled by the miners, their families and others nearby.  Processing of tailings containing mercury with cyanidation process. The way forward plans for the Government - Ministry of Energy and Minerals (MEM) in order to minimize uses of mercury are: 

  

Building the demonstration centers in area of small scale gold mining which are used to train the miners the alternative method of ore processing such as gravity separation or concentration methods (e.g. carpet sluice, magnet- based methods and centrifuges) have great potential to reduce mercury which is simple technologies and affordable by small scale miners. Provide training centers for small scale miners and the surrounding society on the effect and protective measures. Provide grant to Small Scale Miners (SSM) to facilitate and allow them on the easy implementation of mercury alternative methods of gold ore processing. Control of mercury business.

After completion of Ministry of Energy and Minerals statement, Mr. Mng’anya thanked him for his good words, he then welcomed Prof. Katima to invite Chief Guest. Prof Katima invited the Chief Guest, Mr. Issaria Mangalili representing Assistant Director of the Vice- President Office- Division of Environment (VPO- DoE) to offer his opening remarks.

3.4 Official Opening: Speech of Guest of Honour Chief Guest started by thanking Prof. Katima and AGENDA for providing him an opportunity to officiate opening of this important workshop: National stakeholders’ workshop on Minamata convention on Mercury - National Action Plan (NAP) on Artisanal and small scale gold miners drafting contribution process in Tanzania. He commended that this is very much arguer well with global initiatives of reducing risks of Mercury to human health and environment as well as initial preparations for ratification and domestication of Minamata convention in which


Tanzania has already signed. He continued by commending AGENDA for for organizing this important National workshop. He clarified that this is part of the initiative of the African Caribbean Pacific Multilateral Environmental Agreements 2 (ACP MEA2) project funded by the European Commission and implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations via the European Environmental Bureau/Zero Mercury Working Group (EEB/ZMWG). He also said that, the project is complementing the Government of Tanzania`s efforts, build and synergies with existing initiatives carried out by other stakeholders in the country on reducing the use of mercury in Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) through the development and implementation of a National Action Plan in accordance with the Minamata Convention. He continued by saying that he believe the draft text for National Action Plan on Artisanal Small Scale Gold Miners developed from the workshop will help in laying foundation on steps towards establishment of National Action Plan that will help in setting milestones on reduction and phase out of mercury use in Artisanal Small Scale Gold Mining sector in Tanzania hence reducing unintentional exposure to miners and communities in mining centers and general public. He also explained that mercury is rare metal found in nature and is mainly used to amalgamate loose gold particles for recovery and eventually mercury is burned off to remain with gold which is later sold as precious metal. The health impacts of mercury include neurological and behavior disorders, its symptoms include tremors, emotional ability, insomnia, memory loss, neuromuscular changes, also has effects on kidney and thyroid and headaches. High exposures may result in death; also mercury can be converted to methyl mercury by microbial metabolism in the environment. Methyl mercury cause adverse effects on the cardiovascular system. He clarified the efforts to address issues pertaining to mercury use and their effects in Tanzania started since Minamata convention text completed, Tanzania also signed this convention. Currently the Government is in process of preparing the ratification document. He continued saying that in developing countries like Tanzania, demand and use of mercury in gold recovery within Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining sector is increasing despite of its potential risk to human health and environment due to gold price elevation in the global market. Large portion of the general public lack basic information on health and environmental effect of mercury and alternative technologies in gold recovery, he hope this workshop could be great help in initiating preparation of National Action Plan that will set target and milestones into the reduction and phase out of mercury use in Artisanal Small Scale Gold Mining sector. He concluded by assure the Vice President`s Office, Division of Environment will be responsible for overseeing Minamata convention ratification and domestication process in the country and keen to work with all interested parties on the reduction and elimination of mercury use on Artisanal Small Scale Gold Mining sector. Then he declared that the National stakeholders’ workshop on Minamata convention on mercury – National Action Plan (NAP) on


Artisanal Small Scale Gold Miners Drafting Contribution Process in Tanzania is officially opened.

3.5 Group Photograph After the opening speech delivered by the chief guest, Mr. Silvani thanked chief guest for his remarks that explained how the Government has prepared to implement Minamata convention on the ASGM sector. Mr. Silvani therefore invited all participants for group photograph before heading for health break.


4.0. PAPER PRESENTATIONS 4.1 Summary of Papers Presented The following papers were presented on the workshop:


Overview of the project “Contributing to the preparation/ implementation of the Minamata Convention with focus on Developing Strategies to Implement the National Action Plans for Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining”;


History and Overview of Minamata Convention;


National Action Plan (NAP) on Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Miners Elaboration; and


Draft NAP outline and discuss refinements needed and gaps that must be filled.

After the papers presentation, break out for group works followed and the following day, group work continued and lastly groups reported back on the plenary.

The paper presented is annexed and it’s summery as well as panel discussions follow hereunder.

4.2 Paper Presentation 4.2.1: Overview of the project Overview of the project “Contributing to the preparation/ implementation of the Minamata Convention with focus on Developing Strategies to Implement the National Action Plans for Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining” Presented by Mr. Haji Rehani who is the coordinator of this project and started by outlining the report as: introduction of the project; objectives; and project activities.

On the part of introduction, he mentioned the title of the Project is “contribution to the Implementation/Implementation of the Minamata Convention with focus on developing strategies to implementing the National Action Plan (NAP) on Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining”. He started by introducing the project to the participants and he mentioned that project is part of the African Caribbean Pacific Multilateral Environmental Agreements 2 (ACP MEA 2) project funded by the European Commission and implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations via the European Environmental Bureau/Zero Mercury Working Group (EEB/ZMWG) through AGENDA for Environment and Responsible Development. The overall objective of the program is to contribute to the preparation for ratification and implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury in ACP countries. He also mentioned project outcomes which include:


 

Technical assistance in developing National Action Plans (NAP) for Artisanal and Small scale Gold Mining(ASGM) as per the Minamata Convention; Provision of training and awareness raising to the national and regional stakeholders of the project.

Also, he further explained that project activities includes:  Project launching Activities: • Project launch that includes initial consultation with stakeholders and initial research •

Two-days National Workshop/ consultations for developing draft outline of the National Action Plan (NAP) on Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) as per UNEP’s NAP Development Guideline and experiences from other countries

The draft outline will be further elaborated based on available inventory information (either Level 1 inventory conducted under previous UNEP project, or other inventory prepared under existing GEF or SAICM products).

 Technical assistance for further NAP development and elaboration a) Facilitating regular meetings of stakeholder group work and assisting with writing as needed b) Carry out intensive engagement with mining communities and use results to revise the NAP to make it more practical and realistic c) Facilitation of final NAP consultation meeting, where the elaborated plan is presented and discussed d) Facilitation of final sign off by necessary authorities  Technical assistance to bodies responsible for NAP implementation a) Support establishment of NAP implementation committee (inter-ministerial one), in each country b) Support establishment and structure of national miners group in each country. Mr. silvani thanked Mr. Haji for good representation and he welcomed Mr. Rico for the next representation.

4.2.2: History and Overview of Minamata Convention on Mercury The paper was presented by Mr. Rico. He started by thanking all participants and he started by informing participants that he is going to share a presentation that dwells on ASGM and the Minamata Convention on Mercury. Globally, ASGM is a Highly Variable Sector, is a source of employment to 10-20 million miners in over 70 countries worldwide, especially in rural areas; most of ASGM activities can be illegal. ASGM can have direct benefit to local economy and means of transferring wealth to people in poverty while also can be a source of social problems: Child labor and other labor issues, Land tenure issues, Migration, social instability and Conflict. He also talked about Occupational Health and Safety, Health Impacts on Vulnerable Populations and Health Effects of Mercury.


He mentioned that health effects of Mercury are in Nervous System, Respiratory System, Cardiovascular System, Kidneys, Immune System and Digestion. He also show video clips concern with Mercury health impacts cause by ASGM sector, most of Artisanal and small scale Miners risk their life in the process of gold extraction as many of them do not wear personal protective equipment which can help protect them from mercury exposures. When mercury released on the environment from ASGM sector tend to stay on the atmosphere for a long time and have tendency of circulate in other places. Therefore, the World must act together on the mercury phase out on ASGM sector.

Also Mr. Rico said that, around 1600 tons per year of mercury used globally where by Tanzania releases 25-50 tons of mercury per year through ASGM sector activities. ASGM is Now the Largest Global Mercury Source. Also he described how Mercury is used and lost. Mercury used in ASGM because is cheap (relatively), easily accessible, quick, and easy to Use and independent and enables division of profits. Solutions of this issues are include short terms and long terms. Short terms: Reduce mercury use and emissions by avoid bad practices and mercury exposure through the use of retorts while Long terms: include transition to mercury free techniques by using gravity-only processes, chemical Leaching processes. He mentioned the elements which are needed to transform the ASGM Sector; include Improved technical knowledge ,Enabling policy framework, Limited, controlled mercury supply, Market incentives and access to financial resources, Clear legal status and land tenure rights, Best environmental practices ,Good social, health, and labor practices and Public acceptance and support (“social license).

Overall Elements of the Minamata Convention are operational articles, information and awareness raising support to Parties and administrative matters. He clarified Article 7: Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining which stated that ASGM countries “shall take steps to reduce, and where feasible eliminate, mercury” in ASGM. Also he explained that Annex C indicates mandatory elements of the NAP which can be divided roughly into four categories namely Goals and Processes, Enabling Policy Framework ,Technical Strategies and Health these contributed much on the NAP Development Process which consisting Coordination Mechanism, National Overview, Objectives and Targets, Formulate Strategies, Evaluation Mechanism and Endorsement and Submission. In the NAP development process: coordination is the most important step – this is a multi-sectoral problem that must be solved in cooperation and coordination. A country may use additional strategies to achieve its objectives as stated in Paragraph 2 of Annex C, e.g. Use or introduction of standards for mercury - free artisanal and small-scale gold mining market-based mechanisms or marketing tools. Also he mentioned other articles that Affect ASGM- art 3-Mercury trade, art 10Environmentally sound storage of mercury, art12-Contaminated sites, art13-Financial resources, art15-Compliance, art 16-Health and others. He concluded by assure the information on the NAP development process and guidance will be available in UNEP’s ASGM Partnership Website and UNEP ASGM NAP Guidance document.


After the end of the presentation from Rico, Mr Silvani invited all participants for the comment and questions session. Mr Farijala Kiunsi from SIREMA- Singida said that mercury is hazardous chemical to our people some NGOs say that even cyanide is more hazardous than mercury, he asked what can we use cyanide or mercury? On the side of Borax method although is a good method have the problem cause it used many amount of water while in some mines have the problem of shortage of water. Mr. Chacha Marwa responded that it is easy to control cyanide than mercury also he thanks Mr. Rico for good representation. Mr Haji Rehani from AGENDA explained that the use of mercury is much simpler than cyanide and also added that cyanide have short term effect that means its effects seen in a short period of time after being used than mercury which have long term effect. He continued to saying that cyanide chemical tends to be expired in the short time after being used than mercury which can be used in long period of time without being expired. It is more efficient to use cyanide but we must have technological experience and experts. The problem of Mercury use in ASGM processing consist a lot of steps to captured quartz gold. In Tanzania miners used open burning to recover gold from the gold-mercury amalgam and this was most problems as community surrounded the mines and miners inhale more mercury fumes from the open burning. Mr. Hamza Butwiga from SHIREMA-Shinyanga added that the use of mercury was continued cause of its cheapness and accessibility, normally people afraid of cyanide use because they understand its effect that are immediate. He advised that people especially miners should be educated on the effects of mercury on their heath and in environment and also we should have the long plan of finding the best alternative technology in ASGM sector. Another challenge was that cyanide could give a lot of gold but the problem was capital and technology. On other hands he has little knowledge on borax method and other alternative methods. Dr. Mzeru Nibuka from MOREMA clarified on the issue of borax method that was cheap and easy method, he insisted that small scale miners should be aided by Government through giving them permits, also should be recognized that they can contribute on the national earn through taxes and levies payment. Also small scale miners should form their groups which will help them to access small grants and subsidy from the Government. Mr. Shabani Guya from Simiyu said that there is saying say that practice builds character, miners think that there`s no other method that can be used to recover gold like mercury. It will take long period of time to convince and explain the effects of mercury to miners, all participants who get this information should share with our fellow miners. He finished by saying that the Government should introduce alternative technologies for gold recovery and should provide protective gears to miners. Mr. Hamza from SHIREMA-Shinyanga insisted that we should have two plan on the reduction and elimination of Mercury in ASGM namely long term and short term and he confessed that he is one of the victims of mercury. Government in collaboration with


other stakeholders should make provisions of miners education on the effects of mercury in human health and environment and should provide free PPEs to miners. Salma k. Ernest from TAWOMA Handeni insisted on the importance of trainings concerning judicious mercury use should reached to all miners and confessed that there is no existing statistics of existing small scale miners in Tanzania. She explained that in Tanzania we have two types of miners namely licensed miners, those who under the licensed miners and unlicensed miners who always tend to migrate from one place to another place which have minerals. Government should put laws which can recognise all unlicensed miners as well. Dr. Mzeru Nibuka replied Ms. Salma k. Ernest from Handeni by defining small scale miners: is one who has licence and area of mining but other who undertake mining without licence are invaders. He insisted that we should not marginalize invaders as even we marginalize them we could not solve the problem. Mr. Rico from S. Africa explained that all things commented so far are within the NAP Development process- in the following representation. Mr. Hamza from SHIREMA-Shinyanga said that on tackling of effects of mercury we must give out education to all small scale miners on the effects of Mercury use and put efforts on the laws concerned with chemical use, FEMATA should prepare good procedure which can raise awareness to the small scale miners on the issue of mercury use and its effects.. Dr. Mzeru Nibuka added that Government should compose the policy concerned with invaders/ unlicensed miners, and should recognize them as small scale miners and also should give them license so that they can contribute on the National earns through the payment of taxes and levies. Selemani Thomas from Nsangano NGMP- Geita explained that borax method had machines that been manufactured in South Africa and then tested in Zimbabwe and later brought to Mwanza. In that model, it involves tanks that contain full water, ore is added in those tanks and mix thoroughly and later gold particles settles on the bottom. Then they put boric acid which used to capture gold, normally boric acid have ability of capture gold to 95%. Mr Mshindo Muyaga from TAREMA - Tanga commented that policy makers should compose policy concerning mercury use which can help reduce and eliminate all effects of mercury not only to miners but also to neighboring community and other countries affected by mercury. Mr. Haroun Kinega from FEMATA Headquarter started by thanks all participants for their contributions and comments which concerned with reduction of mercury use on ASGM sector, he insisted that education on the mercury use, effects of mercury and mercury free methods should reach to small scale miners. Anna Sekiete from MOHSW asked that some few years ago MOSHW conducted field visits that included mines inspection mines. There were complains that several small scale miners tend to swallow gold; swallowing of gold could it bring their health effects? Mulele Mundeba commented that small scale miners also have their local skills but most of gold in the mines are burned of and tend to be dry, the gold which is dry it difficult to swallow as usually have rough surfaces.


Mr. Hamza from SHIREMA-Shinyanga said that definitely that situation happen in the mines of diamond not in the gold mines. Mr. Shabani Guya from Simiyu advised that Government to provide free equipment mercury recovery system during amalgam to all small scale miners. Winfrida Japhet from TAWOMA- Singida insisted that education on mercury use should also provide on rural areas as many trainings and education held and covering mainly urban areas. Seleman Thomas from Nsangano NGMP- Geita commented that miners have negative thought on wearing of protective gears, so it is hard for them to wear them. Issaria Mangalili from VPO-DoE said that we have been speaking on the reduction of mercury but he did not see the representative from GCLA office which is responsible for management of chemical issues in our country. We do not know what amount of mercury used in ASGM sector in Tanzania and what amount of mercury allowed to enter in the country by GCLA, all these questions could have been answered by GCLA office. On the side of MEM, up to now what number of small scale miners who have get licences, VPO-DoE wait for answers from MEM and GCLA offices and then we can also give our recommendation on this issue. There is the need of collaboration among VPODoE, GCLA and MEM offices on the mercury use reduction on ASGM sector. Mr. Silvani thanks for the comments and questions from participants, also he explained that GCLA is the focal point of SAICM in Tanzania, SAICM is an international strategy which deals on chemical use. So GCLA concerned on the management of chemical in the country, but sadly they did not attended in the workshop even though invitation were extended to them through e-mail and hard copy letter. He also informed all participants on Silicosis disease as another challenge in the ASGM sector, Silicosis is the health effect brought by being exposed with silica dust from Gold mines. After the comments and questions from participants, Mr. Silvani invited all participants for the Lunch time break.

Afternoon session started at 14: 08 after lunch whereby discussions continued as follows:

 Mr. Chacha Marwa commented that on the issue of education/awareness on the effects of mercury to the miners his Ministry has already done while the statistical number of artisanal and small scale miners is not yet established by Ministry. FEMATA have main function on the facilitation of small scale miners who unlicensed to join in groups as groups help them to get funds and grants easily rather than staying alone. The issue of safety in the mines is for miners and he insisted FEMATA and license holder to create awareness to small scale miners on the occupational and safety especially on the use of protective gear during gold processing activities. Also Government had short terms strategies which insists on the use of protective gear during gold processing activities and the use of retorts.


 After the comment from Mr. Chacha Marwa, Mr. Silvani also said there are a lot of initiatives held so this assures the availability of data on the ASGM sector by being said so, Mr. Silvani invited Mr. Rico for another representation.

4.2.3: National Action Plan (NAP) on Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Miners Elaboration and Draft NAP outline and discuss refinements needed and gaps that must be filled Mr. Rico explained in details on the steps for developing the National Action Pan (NAP), first step is to establishing Coordinating Mechanism and Organization Process; here he insisted that should contain groups of people who have knowledge on Artisanal small scale Gold Mining, but in Tanzania you have already have the structure needed in this steps he clarified as in this workshop contain different stakeholders from different sector concerned with ASGM. Second step is to developing a National overview: this tells how the formulation of the National Action Pan (NAP) should be, contain some information needed in 19 pages. He insisted that Tanzania have enough knowledge to go on even we do not have the statics of mercury tons used per year. On third step: Setting goals and objectives explained in 20 and 21 pages in the National Action Pan (NAP) guidance document book while Fourth step: Implementation strategy already we heard from Ministry of Energy and Minerals (MEM) on building 6 demonstration centers , awareness raising on the mercury effect to miners etc. Furthermore the fifth step on Evaluation mechanism in this step each country should show report to secretary. He left the questions of who will go to be the lead on developing the National Action Pan (NAP) process in Tanzania.

4.2.4 Panel Discussion 1  Dr. Rwaichi Minja from UDSM-CME continued to collect views on who will go to be the lead on developing the National Action Pan (NAP) process in Tanzania. Dr. Mzeru Nibuka from FEMATA-Morogoro thought MEM should be the lead with the collaboration with all organizations concerned with ASGM. Ms. Salma K. Ernest TAWOMA-Handeni pointed out MEM with collaboration with FEMATA. Mr. Issaria Mangalili from VPO said MEM should be the lead with collaboration with other stakeholders on ASGM sector. Mr. Haroun Kinega from FEMATA Headquarter pointed out VPO-DoE Ms. Dorah Swai from AGENDA pointed out VPO-DoE because Minamata convention consist many issue. Mr. Castro pointed out VPO-DoE because if you put MEM, you still left section of environment. Mrs. Rogathe Kisanga VPO-DoE alarmed all participants by clarify that there are National Action Pan (NAP) concerned with mercury from Minamata convention coordinated by VPO-DoE but on the issue of ASGM Sector she think the lead should be MEM .


Dr. Mzeru Nibuka from FEMATA-Morogoro added that all small scale miners are under the Government on the umbrella of STAMICO may be STAMICO should communicate with VPO-DoE and MEM but the lead should be MEM while the presented NAP fits in our country. Shabani Guya from NGASSAMO NATIVE-Simiyu thinks that the lead should be MEM because this issue concentrates on ASG Miners while the NAP structure presented is agreed. Mr. Haji from AGENDA explained that Minamata convention have National Action Pan (NAP) to all products which leaded by custodian but this National Action Pan (NAP ) is on the ASGM sector which contribute much on mercury exposures, he concluded by saying MEM should take lead on development of National Action Pan (NAP) process to ASGM.  Dr. Minja from UDSM-CME recommended that on this responsibility MEM should take a lead while the NAP structure presented fits our environment.  Mr. Chacha Marwa from MEM-Headquarter thanks for being pointed out to be a focal point of NAP, he asked on the links and their responsibilities as MEM.

4.2.5 Group Work Break out Mr. Rico wanted us to have mapping process shown in appendix below. After being said so Dr. Minja told all participants to break up into three groups for discussion on the steps during developing of the National Action Plan (NAP) in our country. Group work continued where later Dr. Minja postponed the workshop by wishing all participants a good evening and mentioned that the group work will continue tomorrow, hence making it the end of day one.

4.2.6 Chemicals exposure and their effects to humans Workshop day two started with all participants Registration. Main session started at 09:10 A.m. Mr. Haji welcomed all participants in another day of workshop. He then invited Dr. Mzeru Nibuka for representation concerned with the effect of Mercury on human health as a medical staff professional point of view. Dr. Mzeru started by the explaining how people exposed by the mercury and how mercury affected human health. He said, mercury is highly toxic silvery liquid metal which has a habit of isolating itself from other materials. People are exposed by it when they inhale and ingest especially on the gold extraction process. When mercury is inhaled or ingested by human it can spread in different parts of the body and reach to the on kidneys where usually will be filtered out and usually mercury causes pores in the kidneys hence cause their damage. Also mercury can cause embolism as used to make bubbles, this bubbles go on the veins of blood and prohibit the supply of blood to other part of the body. He added that mercury can cause cerebral infection and lead to cardio pulmonary diseases.


4.2.7 Panel Discussion 2 Dr. Mzeru invited questions from all participants and the following were the discussions details: Milele Mundeba from MAREMA- Musoma requested more clarification on how methyl mercury affects the brain. Ahmada Butwiga from MWAREMA - Mwanza asked how mercury entered in the body while it is a metal.  Dr. Mzeru replied Ahmada that mercury enters in the body through gold extraction processing held in mines especially in the amalgamation process and also through use of water which contaminated by it.  Mr. Rico added that mercury have tendency of evaporate even at room temperature as well as during the process of burning of gold, so we get it through inhalation. You cannot see when it evaporates and therefore more dangerous to children and pregnant women. Mercury does some exceptional biological processes as can cross placenta and other parts of body barriers; Mercury is a toxic metal which change from metal to the fish tissue thus means from inorganic to organic. He insisted that having mercury/ continuation of mercury use in mines and burning off mercury in the house is very dangerous.  Mr. Rico finished by announces the replacement of Artisanal Gold Council (AGC) document on developing baseline on ASGM sector.  Mr. Haji thanks Dr. Mzeru and Mr Rico for their representation, he informed participants to continue to their groups discussion. Mr. Haji later invited participants to coffee break.

4.2.8 Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources (SMMR) – World Bank Funded Project Statement Mr. Haji welcomed all participants into the second session of the day. The session started by inviting the representatives from World Bank (WB) project for the project statement that was delivered by Ms. Veronica .F. Nangale She started by giving brief information about the project which known as SSMRP, the project has 3 components and one of component is to improve of mineral sector. She continued to explain that mercury has a lot of effects on environment and in human health, furthermore there was baseline study taken among the mines in Tanzania and she noted that mercury amalgamation is a source of mercury exposure. The Government decided to conduct training on environment and health to the miners. She continued saying that Government gives out small grants to small scale miners with the condition of not use mercury; the project promote exploitation of minerals through fair trade initiatives. Also they intend to build demonstration centers in order for small scale miners who use mercury to learn mercury- free methods and technologies and through the process miners can adopt them easily. She continued explaining that mercury use has a lot of challenges while miners use it because is a simple


and cheapest method. Government should help miners to get chemical which are not toxic and establish a method that will be accessible and cheapest to miners. After the presentation, Mr. Rico thanks World Bank (WB) representative for representation. He then welcomed comments and concerns from participants and the following were the discussions:

4.2.9 Panel Discussion 3 Dr. Mzeru asked if Government knows mercury is a toxic and dangerous chemical and therefore what efforts are being taken to see other alternative solutions on it. Veronica Nangale from WB project replied to the question by clarifying Government taken step of sending professional staff outside the country to look on and learn on best alternative methods on ASGM sector, as she was among of staff who went to Mongolia. In Mongolia Borax method is used on processing gold ore and it’s cheap method and not toxic as mercury. We are still looking on best mercury alternatives. Dr. Mzeru commented that we should stick also on training on how to use Borax method as mercury use continuation could bring much risk and effect. He asked about the efficiency of the borax method on gold processing. Veronica Nangale replied that Borax method produces almost 95% of gold. Mr. Mshindo Commented that the government should have help small scale miners and its people because mercury do not affect only miners but even people who use water which contaminated by mercury and who eat fish. He suggested that those borax methods should be propagated to the miners in order to protect its people and environment. Mr. silvani added that there are problem of small scale miners on resistance on the stopping using mercury and insisting that mercury does not affect them as he/she had been using mercury for 20 years and not affected. Dr. Mzeru suggested that Government with other stakeholders when they undertake some meetings and visiting on the mines they should use visual communications method like cinema and also put Television (TV) program as the best way of changing perceptions of the miners and public on the effect of mercury. Dr. Minja said there are several papers that had been published showing that borax methods has already been tested in the country, it simple method to be used. He advised the educational and training institutions and research institutions should stick on research and training of borax method. After plenary discussion, Mr. Haji thanks all participants for their comments and questions. He invited groups to report back.


4.2.10 Groups Reporting Back GROUP 1 Presentation: 1.

Establishing a coordination mechanism and organization process, they include Ministries and NGOs with their roles on the NAP. i. Ministry of Energy and Minerals (MEMs) and their roles  statistics and data on ASGM  Formulate mining sector laws and regulation including formalization of ASGM  Geological surveys  Promoting alternatives to Mercury in ASGM ii.

Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MHSW) and their roles  Identification of impacts of ASGM on health of miners, ASGM communities and vulnerable population groups.  Public health strategies related to ASGM and integration of such strategies into wide sector programming.  Health promotion, advocacy and awareness raising activities include communities.  Detecting, monitoring and managing mercury intoxication among affected infection.


Ministry of finance and their roles  Economic importance of ASGM as can provide taxes, subsidies, incentives and funding for NAP process.  Market base mechanisms for reduction mercury use  Formalization of ASGM sector including regulation of gold.


Ministry of labor and Employment and Ministry of Gender, Children and Community Development and their roles.  Labor standards, regulation and enforcement including strategy of eliminating child labor  Occupational safety.


.Ministry of Law and constitution, Ministry of Affairs and Human Right Organization  Drafting enforcement protocols and regulation for implementation.


Vice President Office- Department of Environment ( VPO-DOE)  Conducting Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)  Formulating Environmental laws and regulation.  Monitoring Mercury levels.




AGENDA, ENVIROCARE and TAPOHE (NGOs)  Awareness raising.  Strategies for community outreach and stakeholder involvement (FEMATA, TAWOMA and REMA’S)

Developing a National overview  Legal and regulatory status of ASGM  Policies surrounding ASGM  Both single and community mines structure of the ASGM.  Information on gold processing practices burn off of mercury in gold processing shops or community retorts.  Known information on mercury level of the environmental media as baseline data overall environmental impacts contaminated sites.  Leadership and organization of ASGM at National level and local levels.  Information about access to technical assistances for miners.  Size of the formal and informal ASGM economy.  Geographical distribution of ASGM.  Economy, earn per capital income, mercury supply, use and demand, information of gold trade and export. Artisanal and small scale gold mining (ASGM) sector using mercury occurs at a significant level in Tanzania; the use of mercury on this sector, have serious long-term environmental and health impacts for the people and population living in near the downstream and wind of such operations. We need to promote more sustainable activities in this sector to reduce and where feasible eliminate mercury use in the sector to protect human health and environment.


Setting goals and objectives Goal To reduce use of mercury for ASGM from current level to the lowest level. Objectives  Promote alternative techniques e.g. cynadaction (chemical leaching), Borax and gravitational method.  Improvement of Best practices  Strengthen enforcement of law controlling mercury trading  Providing training and seminars about the impacts of mercury use to ASGM and society.  To set National guidelines on the use of mercury to ASGM (minimize child labor; protect child and woman from risk).  Awareness program at all levels.  To classify means of economic.




Formulation of an implementation strategy.  To allocate responsibilities to all agencies and different committees (stakeholder engagement).  Adoption of best practices which have been successful (learn from experienced methods).  Promoting research and monitoring.  Providing training of workers health.  Fundraising. Developing Evaluation Process for the NAP  Set up mechanism to evaluate each stakeholder responsibilities.

6.     

Endorsement and submission the NAP Technical committee must be established. MEM- should sign NAP of ASGM after technical committee to complete their work. MEM- should submit NAP to VPO-DoE VPO-DoE- should submit to MINAMATA secretariat. All steps must have timeline.

GROUP 2 Presentation a. Establishing a Coordination Mechanism and Organization Process. They include Ministries and NGOs with their roles on the NAP. 1. MEM should be the leading organization Role The role of MEM is to advocate for the National Plan in eliminate the use of mercury by ASGM in the country. Responsibility  To Monitor and evaluating the extent of eradicating the use of mercury.  To facilitate public and private institutional and other sectors in reducing and eliminate the use of mercury. 1. Environment i. VPO-DoE should stick on the environment policy issues ii. NEMC – law enforcement 2. Public health MHSWH monitoring of health impacts 3. Finance i. Financial institutions e.g. banks can provide loans.



Marketing (dealers and brokers) can coordinate the market of the mercury.

4. Mining i. STAMICO and FEMATA 5. Education  STAMICO, CBOs and NGOs could provide education to ASGM and community near the mines on the effects of mercury.  Training institutions their role is to develop alternative technology (COETCH). 6. Trade and commerce  -GCLA (Government Chemist Laboratory Agency) - should concern on the permit and importation.  -Also should act as a chamber of mines and industry that can organize mineral  Should monitoring the market and sales of mercury. 7. Planning authority on National and rural development  Ministry of land  Planning commission 8. Labor  Ministry of Labor- should prevents child labor on the ASGM  OSHA- should stick on the safety, health on the working places. 9. Law enforcement  LGA (Local Government Authority)  NEMC  TRA  MEM  TMA  Ministry of Human Affairs  Ministry of labor 10. Mineral Associations, unions, organizations and representatives  CBOs and NGOs  Private authorities. b. DEVELOPING A NATIONAL OVERVIEW OF THE ASGM SECTOR This consisting the legal frame works and regulations in Tanzania and the status of ASGM  Laws and policies are available the only solutions is to empower the enforcers e.g. EMA act 2004, Environment policy 1997, mining act 2010.  Status of ASGM; accountability is poor, 2-8 data are available but time is needed to go through. AGENDA will provide some information on ASGM.


 (9) Dig-Grind- that use for washing gold by using mercury has the impact: Pollution in water, air and soil.  (10-11)- have claim by AGENDA.  (12) Basic and education is done by STAMICO on mercury hazard and safety precautions.  (13) Is done by STAMICO.  14,15 and 16- training component c. SETTING GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Problem statement  Mercury is available and is being used by minerals in ASGM.  However the extent of the problem is not exactly known regardless of the qualitative data that we have so far. More research or quantitative data is needed in order to know exactly the magnitude of the problem. Goals To minimize and eliminate the use and practices of mercury in ASGM. Objectives Long term To eliminate the use of mercury in ASGM by 50% at 2020. Short term To review Regulation and Legislation to suit the proper demand of use and practices of mercury. QUESTION. 4.4. Formulation of implementation Strategy Authorities should be responsible as; MEM-VPO-NEMC-OSHA&GCLA-LGA- Ministry of Home Affairs-CBOs and NGOs as their role is to give away of coordinating and implementing NAP to all important stakeholders in reducing and eliminating the use of mercury and also their responsible in conducting dialogue with stakeholders for reaching consensus. Moreover to create awareness of mercury hazardous to all mercury stakeholders and to set target in short and long-term measures of demand and reducing the use of mercury.

QN. 4.5. Developing on environmental process in NAP To monitor the activity plan developed under the action plan and preparing report in each year in three years before the submission of NAP general report of three years as to ensure effective and proper management of NAP.

QN. 4.6. Enclosing and Submit of the NAP -Enclosure will/ should be done by MEM and VPO through NEMC.


GROUP 3 Presentation 1. ESTABLISHING A COORDINATING MECHANISM AND ORGANIZATION PROCESS The following are suggested members of the NAP working group Ministries/organization Roles Ministry of Energy and  Statistics and data collection on ASGM Minerals (MEM)  Formulation of laws and regulation guide on ASGM  Promoting alternative methods of the mercury Vice President Office- Division  Formulation of Environmental laws and regulations of Environment (VPO-DoE)  Conducting the Environmental Impacts Assessment STAMICO  Provide alternative technology to mercury in gold processing Ministry of Health and Social  Identification of impact of ASGM on health of miners Welfare (MOHSWH) and surrounded communities  Health promotion, advocacy and awareness raising activities including in communities District commissioner (DC)  Drafting enforcement protocols and regulation for implementation Non- Governmental  Provide miners views of current practices and political, Organizations (NGOs) economic ,legal and social barrier to change  Linker between ASGM and Government FEMATA

2. DEVELOPMENT A NATIONAL OVERVIEW OF THE ASGM SECTOR Artisanal Small Gold Mining (ASGM) is an important development opportunity which contributes directly to the poverty alleviation and regional development. In Tanzania, ASGM activities which take place in many regions of the country play significant role both as a direct source of an employment in mining communities and generating additional jobs and revenues in the rural economy. Estimates in general show that the number of Artisanal small miners in Tanzania ranges from 500,000 to 1 million. Gold can represent an excellent method of transferring wealth to rural communities as small scale producers can get up to 80% or more of international prices, even in remotes areas. This is much higher than other products such as agricultural products. Artisanal small scale gold mining (ASGM) needs to be brought into the formal economy to maximize benefits and enable improvements. Like in other parts of the world, ASGM activities are associated with negative impacts to human health, environment and social to miners and surrounding communities. In ASGM mercury amalgamation is currently the most commonly used method to extract gold due to ease of use, low cost, quick, independent (it can be used by one person independently), extracts gold in the most field conditions, cheaper than most alternative techniques and miners are not aware of the risks associated with mercury exposure.


Alternative techniques include many options for concentrating the ore prior to amalgamation; greatly reducing the amounts of mercury used and thus reduces the mercury released to the environment. The areas with high number of Artisanal and small scale gold mining include Chunya in Mbeya, Geita, Kahama in Shinyanga, Kilindi in Tanga , Tarime in Mara , Singida and Mwanza. 3. GOAL AND OBJECTIVE 3.1 Goal Effective reduce or eliminated mercury use in ASGM by providing community awareness of the hazards of the mercury exposure and demonstration of cleaner gold processing technologies. 3.2 Objectives o Conduct seminars to ASGM and surrounding community on awareness of hazards of mercury exposure. o Conduct training to ASGM on alternative technologies (demonstration of free mercury methods) to areas of small scale gold mining operations. o To encourage people to invest in alternative gold production (gravimetric method, shaking method, sluice boxes/tables, borax etc.) technologies (cleaner to environment and safe to human and animal). o To prepare and provide to miners and stakeholders the guidance materials (all general awareness – raising and alternative technology in Kiswahili and English languages) to encourage wide understanding. o To conducted investigation to ASGM sites to identify the level of pollution in water bodies (river, dams etc.), near mining sites in order to know the level of contaminations. o Awareness training of adverse effect of mercury use to responsible persons or leaders (village or ward, water resources, land management, agriculture, health, environment or conservation) at areas around ASGM sites. o To provide seminars and training to illegal miners (artisanal and small- scale miners) to encourage them to become legalized and improving educational services at their mining sites. o To encourage the miners to use PPEs and construction of walls to control tailings spillage/mercury waste. o Facilitate and support miners to form groups and raise their capital of which can enable them to employ alternative technologies (e.g. cyanidation). o To educate and inform the miners the availability of areas potential for artisanal and small scale miners reserved by the government for that purpose; and o To educate and inform the miners the availability of grants provided by the government which will help them to have capacity to adapt the mercury free gold processing methods.


o o

Reduce illegal mining by re-licensing to ASGM those PLs surrendered by exploration companies and use of geological information obtained; and To initiate yearly award or provide incentives to ASGM who are using mercury free methods to encourage other ASGM to adopt alternatives methods.




Survey and identify areas use mercury in gold processing


Conducting seminars and training to miners and the surrounding community


Develop and implement public awareness programs through TV, radio, workshops and publication.


Implement environment management systems


Establish recovery , reuse , recycling and reclamation schemes


Establish database and reporting mechanism


Provision of grants which help ASGM to acquire equipment used on alternative method in

OUTREACH PLAN  Proper uses of resources  Set priority according to the need  Cost estimation Proper use of mercury , use of PPEs, use of alternative method s and capacity building on mercury management Enhanced public awareness on mercury hazards and proper use.

Compliance with environmental standards Reduced mercury environmental standards Reporting mechanism in place

 Reduce mercury as a processing of gold  Acquire alternative



RESPONSIBLE ENTITY Ministry of Energy and Minerals (MEMs)


Ministry of Energy and Minerals (MEMs)

Ministry of Energy and Minerals (MEMs)

Vice President Office (VPODoE) STAMICO

Ministry of Energy and Minerals (MEMs Ministry of Energy and Minerals (MEMs



WORKPLAN gold processing





method of gold processing

5. DEVELOPING MONITORING AND EVALUATION PROCESS FOR THE NAP S/N WORKPLAN OUTREACH TIMELINE OVERALL RESPONSIBLE PLAN BUGDET ENTITY 1. Designing monitoring Effective Ministry of Energy and and evaluation tool implementation Minerals (MEMs} of action plan 2. Assess the Measure the Ministry of Energy and understanding of ASGM implementation Minerals (MEMs} the proper handling and of NAP users of mercury


5.0: CLOSING SESSION The closing session started by Mr Haji Rehani thanking all participants for their active participation and looking forward for their effort to carry the work on the next level on NAP development in ASGM in Tanzania.

Lastly, Mr. Silvani Mng’anya, thanked participants once again for their active participation on NAP project in ASGM. For the last time he thanked participants for availing their valuable time to attend the meeting and declared the workshop closed.




APPENDIX 1: Minamata Convention Related Projects Matrix in Tanzania Ministry/ Organiza tion MIA Project

WB mining project II ASGM NAP

NAP/VP O Ore processin g plants Many private non mercury plants Small VPO

Funding Source

Project Description

Minamata/ NAP


MIA in Tanzania - 2 years Dec 2017





NAP facilitation/sta keholder dialogue



NAP facilitation


Geita gold mine

Concentrating ores

Self funded

Use mercury free methods


Facilitate early

Training Authorities

Formali zation


Technical demonstra tions

Miners Training



Monitori ng

Environ mental Remedia tion

Sectorial dialogue




























Ministry/ Organiza tion Environm ent project

Funding Source

Project Description

Minamata/ NAP

Training Authorities

Formali zation


Technical demonstra tions

Miners Training



Monitori ng

Environ mental Remedia tion

Sectorial dialogue

ratification and implementatio n


APPENDIX II: WORKSHOP PROGRAMME National stakeholders workshop on Minamata convention National Action Plan (NAP) on Artisanal and Small scale Gold Miners Drafting Contribution Process at Peacock Hotel, 15th-16th 2015.




8.30 – 9.00

Registration of Participants

9.00 – 9.10

Introduction of Participants


All 9.10 – 9.20

Brief Remarks


9.20 – 9.30

Statement from World Bank Project Coordinator

WB Project Coordinator

9.30 – 9.40

Statement from Ministry of Energy and Minerals

Commissioner of Small scale Miners

9.40 – 10.10

Opening speech

Assistant Director VPO -DoE


Group Photograph


10.20 –10.50



Project overview : contributing to the preparation/implementation of the Minamata Convention with focus on Developing Strategies To Implement the National Action Plans for Artisanal and Small scale Gold Mining



History and Overview of Minamata Convention



National Action Plan (NAP) on Artisanal and Small scale Gold Miners Elaboration











Draft NAP outline and discuss refinements needed and gaps that must be filled






Focused group discussion on outlines of the NAP each category






Focused group discussion continues


END DAY ONE DAY 2 - 16 TH OCTOBER 2015 8:30- 9:00



9:00- 9:30

Presentation of the group work


9:30- 10:00

Group work on roles and responsibilities on the draft outline of NAP


10:00- 10:30









Email Address


Dr. Rwaichi Minja

University of Dar es Salaam - Chemicals and Mining Engineering (UDS-CME)

Box 3531 Dar es Salaam

0787 882 030

[email protected]


Farijala Kiunsi

Sirema - Singida

Box 58 Singida

0784 887 355

[email protected]


Shabani Guya

Ngassamo Native- Simiyu

Box 145 Simiyu

0789 045 066


Rico Euripidou

Groung Work / ZMWG

S. Africa



Winifrida japhet

Tawoma- Singida


0757 707 3916


Dr. Mzeru O. Nibuka

Femata- Morogoro

Box 20595 Morogoro

0713 311 880


Mr. Mshindo Muyage

Tarema - Tanga

Box 22668 Dar es Salaam

0754 488 124


Salma K. Ernest

Tawoma- Handeni

Box 1924 Tanga

0768 654 398


Anneth Kweyamba


Box 77266 Dar es Salaam

0752 906 318

[email protected]


Amos Mbwambo


Box 9824 Dar es Salaam

0713 378 173

[email protected]


Hamza V. Tandiko

Shirema- Shinyanga

Box 834 Shinyanga

0754 555 472

[email protected]


[email protected]







Email Address


Edward J. Mumbe

MEM- Licence

Box 2000 Dar es Salaam

0769 192 632

[email protected]


Seleman Thomas

Nsangano- Gold Mine- Geita

Box 33 Geita

0766 53 255

[email protected]


Issaria M. Mangalili


Box 5300 Dar es Salaam

0718 612 474

[email protected]


Silvani Mng’anya


Box 77266 Dar es Salaam

0762 986 953

[email protected]


Ahmada Butwiga


Box Pamani

0754 026 401


Chacha Marwa


Box 2000 Dar es Salaam

0756 366 601

[email protected]


Castro D. Maduwa


Box 2000 Dar es Salaam

0656 179 454

[email protected]


Anne Sekiete


Box 9084 Dar es Salaam

0785 302 042

[email protected]


Milele Mundeba

Marema- Mara

0756 889 705

[email protected]


Haroun Kinega


0754 366 36

[email protected]


Rogathe Kisanga


0754 363 288

[email protected]


Dorah Swai


Box 77266 Dar es Salaam

[email protected]






Prof. Jamidu Katima



Fatma Msuya



Bunga Abdallah




Email Address

0754 265 864

[email protected]

Box 77266 Dar es Salaam

0753 306 497

[email protected]


Box 77266 Dar es Salaam

0655 309 431

[email protected]

Nadhifa Ramadhani


Box 77266 Dar es Salaam

0713 359 003

[email protected]


Haji Rehani


Box 77266 Dar es Salaam

0754 373 129

[email protected]


Fikirini Rajabu


Box 77266 Dar es Salaam

0713 532 245

[email protected]


Jonathani N.kashana

Kigorema- Kigoma

Box 22 Kankonko

0756 220 874


Veronica F. Nangale


Box 2000 Dar es Salaam



Frank A. Kassiasi


Box 9834 Dar es Salaam

0712 067 075

[email protected]


Hilda Mhagama

Daily News

0785 302 042

[email protected]


Adam Mkwepu



[email protected]


David Ramadhano

Channel Ten

0784 359 555

[email protected]

[email protected]






Moses Massenga




Email Address

Channel Ten

0755 383 407

[email protected]

Venance Nestory


0715 348 334

[email protected]


Sei Mwanga


0719 817 537

[email protected]


Hamis Fwega


0715 388 498

[email protected]


Damas Kamala


0658 959 902

[email protected]


Florence Mavindi


0712 244 813

[email protected]



Fig. IV.1: Group Photograph of the workshop participants

Fig. IV.2: Chief Guest delivering his workshop opening speech


Fig. IV.3: AGENDA Chairperson welcoming Chief Guest to Officiate Workshop Opening

Fig. IV.4: Two separate paper presentation sessions

Fig. IV.5: Workshop Participants sharing light moment during a break


Fig. IV.6: Project Coordinator interviewed by media people

Fig. IV.7: Project Advisor sharing a point during the workshop


Fig. IV.8: Workshop participants listening attentively

Fig. IV.9: Participants raising a comment


APPENDIX V: NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS Mtanzania newspaper – 16th October 2015



Sunday news 18th October 2015


The citizen 20th October 2015




Appendix VI A: Overview of the project “Contributing to the preparation/ implementation of the Minamata Convention with focus on Developing Strategies to Implement the National Action Plans for Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining”





Appendix III B: History and Overview of Minamata Convention













Appendix VI C: National Action Plan (NAP) on Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Miners Elaboration; and Draft NAP outline and discuss refinements needed and gaps that must be filled.










Appendix VI D: Statement from ministry of Energy and minerals