10 5:15 PM

aqueducts 0328477133_G3U6W5_216-222.indd 1 2/19/10 5:15 PM Routine for Lesson Vocabulary Pencil Talk Introduce  These are aqueducts. Aqueducts a...
Author: Coleen Price
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aqueducts 0328477133_G3U6W5_216-222.indd 1

2/19/10 5:15 PM

Routine for Lesson Vocabulary

Pencil Talk

Introduce  These are aqueducts. Aqueducts are large pipes or channels for bringing water from a distance. Let’s say the word together: aqueducts.

• Draw a picture of ancient Roman aqueducts. Write a sentence that describes your picture. Use the word aqueducts in your sentence.

Demonstrate  The ancient Romans built many aqueducts. The aqueducts bring water from the mountains to the city. Modern aqueducts may be made of concrete or steel.

• Complete this sentence frame: Both old and new aqueducts have the same purpose: They __________.

Apply  How are bridges and aqueducts alike? How are they different? Display  Now I will write the word on the board. Let’s read the word together: aqueducts.

Grade 3 Unit 6 Week 5 • Atlantis

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content 0328477133_G3U6W5_216-222.indd 1

2/19/10 5:15 PM

Routine for Lesson Vocabulary

Team Talk

Introduce  The child is content to stay on the bench in the rain. Content means “satisfied or pleased.” Let’s say the word together: content.

• Ask your partner to name sports or other activities that he or she would be more content to watch than to play.

Demonstrate  I was content with my score on the test. Jerry was content with leftovers for dinner. The cat looks content curled up on the cushion.

• Take turns completing this sentence frame:

Apply  Are you more likely to be content when you are hungry or when you have eaten? Why?

To be content, the dog needs __________. • Tell your partner a sentence using the word content. Have your partner repeat the sentence, replacing the word content with an antonym.

Display  Now I will write the word on the board. Let’s read the word together: content.

Grade 3 Unit 6 Week 5 • Atlantis

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crouched 0328477133_G3U6W5_216-222.indd 1

2/19/10 5:15 PM

Routine for Lesson Vocabulary


Introduce  He crouched to take a picture of his family. Crouched means “stooped over with the legs bent.” Let’s say the word together: crouched.

• Imagine you wanted to surprise a classmate. Show how you crouched behind something in the classroom so you could jump up and say “Surprise!”

Demonstrate  The catcher crouched behind home plate. The sailor crouched to climb through the hatch. Julia crouched by the flowers and pulled some weeds.

• Imagine you dropped some papers on the floor and you crouched to pick them up. Demonstrate the actions of dropping, crouching, and picking up.

Apply  If you crouched behind a tree to hide from someone, what game might you be playing? Display  Now I will write the word on the board. Let’s read the word together: crouched.

Grade 3 Unit 6 Week 5 • Atlantis

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guidance 0328477133_G3U6W5_216-222.indd 1

2/19/10 5:16 PM

Routine for Lesson Vocabulary

All Together

Introduce  The coach’s guidance helps the players. Guidance is helpful advice or instruction. Let’s say the word together: guidance.

• I’m going to say some jobs. If the job involves giving guidance, say “Guidance.” If it does not, say “No guidance.”

Demonstrate  Ben’s mother gave him guidance with his homework. My sister’s guidance helped me do well in Mrs. Smith’s class. With his teacher’s guidance, Joel improved his reading.

carpenter counselor

Apply  What guidance could you offer others? Think of something that you know well. Display  Now I will write the word on the board. Let’s read the word together: guidance.

teacher architect

• I’m going to read you a sentence. My brother offered Dave guidance on getting a summer job. What does guidance mean? Let’s choose a meaning and use it in place of guidance in the sentence.

Grade 3 Unit 6 Week 5 • Atlantis

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honor 0328477133_G3U6W5_216-222.indd 1

2/19/10 5:16 PM

Routine for Lesson Vocabulary

All Together

Introduce  They honor the boy with medals and trophies. Honor means “show respect to someone.” Let’s say the word together: honor.

• I’m going to ask you some questions. Answer “yes” or “no.”

Demonstrate  Children should honor their parents. Many cultures honor older people for their age and wisdom. We can honor our teachers by listening and doing our best. Apply  What do we do to honor American soldiers?

Should we honor rude people? Are awards intended to honor people? • I’m going to read you a sentence. Monuments in Washington, D.C., honor Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. What does the word honor mean? Let’s say the meaning together.

Display  Now I will write the word on the board. Let’s read the word together: honor.

Grade 3 Unit 6 Week 5 • Atlantis

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pillar 0328477133_G3U6W5_216-222.indd 1

2/19/10 5:16 PM

Routine for Lesson Vocabulary

Pencil Talk

Introduce  Each pillar helps hold up the roof. A pillar is a slender, strong, upright support used to either support or decorate a building. Let’s say the word together: pillar.

• A pillar may stand alone as a monument. Draw a picture of this kind of pillar. Write a sentence that tells about your picture. Use the word pillar in your sentence.

Demonstrate  A pillar is often made of stone. A red, white, and blue ribbon was tied around each pillar of City Hall. The pillar in the town square is used as a memorial.

• Look at the photograph on the front of this card. Describe the building and then describe a pillar.

Apply  What buildings do you know that have pillars? Where are they located? Display  Now I will write the word on the board. Let’s read the word together: pillar.

• Complete these sentence frames: A pillar can be made of __________, __________, or __________. A pillar may be __________ or __________, but it is always __________.

Grade 3 Unit 6 Week 5 • Atlantis

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thermal 0328477133_G3U6W5_216-222.indd 1

2/19/10 5:16 PM

Routine for Lesson Vocabulary

Team Talk

Introduce  They are wearing thermal socks. Thermal means “of or about heat.” Let’s say the word together: thermal.

• Tell your partner a sentence using the word thermal. Have your partner repeat the sentence, replacing the word thermal with a synonym.

Demonstrate  The visitors relaxed in the thermal hot springs. Thermal jackets are part of mountain-climbing gear. We put thermal packs in our pockets to warm our hands. Apply  What is the weather like if a person is wearing thermal pants and tops under his or her outer clothes? Display  Now I will write the word on the board. Let’s read the word together: thermal.

• Take turns completing this sentence frame: They wore thermal pants when they were in __________. • Look at the photograph on the front of this card. Ask your partner what he or she thinks the two people have been doing and what they are doing now.

Grade 3 Unit 6 Week 5 • Atlantis

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