Year 7 Revision Booklet

Name:........................ Form:.........................

INTRODUCTION Year 7 Summer exam week will commence on 15th June 2015 We want all students to do well and improve their grades to meet or exceed their end of year targets. This booklet gives you an overview of what you will be tested on for each of your subjects. Practice make perfect. I am hoping you all will use this booklet to prepare and revise and make sure you are performing to the best of your ability

Good luck!

Achieving Your Potential Preparing for Examinations

1. Know what is needed All subject HODs have produced Revision Lists for you. They show which topics needs to be revised. Use web sites given to study or practice weaker areas.

2. Use your time sensibly Use the blank revision timetable provided in your revision booklet to organise yourself. Make sure that you fill in revision slots for each of the subjects in which you will have an exam.

3. Make revision ACTIVE Don’t just sit and read through your notes –DO SOMETHING! Write Key Words, make essay plans, do sample questions, make mind maps or draw pictures –to help you remember. See sample mind map in revision booklet. 4. Keep a balance Make sure you have a balance between revision and relaxation. You also need to eat well and sleep well so that you can concentrate properly during Revision and Examination periods.


You MUST come prepared with all equipment.    

2 black pens 2 sharpened HB pencils 30cm Ruler Clear pencil case

In the examination room you MUST be silent.

If there is revision time – revise quietly. Once any student has started an examination, all students must be completely silent.

There should be silence during the entire examination, until you leave the examination room.

You must not attempt to communicate with any other student. This will be viewed as cheating.

If you break these rules, your paper will be taken from you and you will be removed from the examination room by a member of staff. 

Your parents will be informed.

You will be required to take the paper again after school.

Year 7

End of Year Examinations June 2015 Subject – English Exam Length Topics to Revise

Reading 45 mins Writing 45mins Section A Reading In this section of the exam students will be reading an extract from the novel they have been studying in class, Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo. They will be asked to produce a piece of extended writing commenting on the writer’s use of language in the extract. Students will be required to retrieve information, form interpretations, support their ideas with evidence from the extract and comment on how language is used to produce a particular effect and meaning. Section B Writing In this section students will be asked to produce a piece of descriptive writing. Students will be tested on their ability to use accurate punctuation and spelling, and also their ability to write using a variety of techniques such as metaphors and similes.

Useful Websites

Students should be completing frequent Accelerated Reader tests.

Revision / Intervention Sessions

Letts Study Guides CGP Study Guides Regular revision of class work.

Teacher Contact for Support

Catherine Feasey 2IC English [email protected]

Year 7 END OF YEAR Assessment June 2015 Subject – Maths Exam Length Topics to Revise

1 hour

Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers and decimal numbers. Metric measures and converting between them. Properties of 2D shapes. Angles on a straight line, triangle, quadrilateral and at a point. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions. Algebra substitution. Bar charts.

Useful Websites

Revision / Intervention Sessions

See your class teacher

Teacher Contact for Support

See your class teacher

login: evelyngrace password: prime

Year 7 END OF YEAR Assessment June 2015


2 hours

Topics to Revise

Design Specification Generating and developing design Ideas Sustainability Health and Safety CAD/CAM Product Analysis Quality Control Useful Websites


Teacher Contact for Support

Mon : 3.15pm - 4.30pm

Mr Kisson

Year 7 END OF YEAR Assessment June 2015 Subject – Drama Exam Length Topics to Revise

There is no formal examination but you will be assessed on your drama skills during our normal lessons. You will need to work on preparing, developing and rehearsing your ideas within the small group that you will be working in. As you will be performing your work to an audience of students from your class you will need to spend time outside of lessons rehearsing your production. Please see Mr Kemp to make an arrangement to use the drama Studio to rehearse during lunchtime or anafter school session. You may wish to spend time practicing your role at home. Remember the importance of… Knowing exactly what you are doing Having practiced everything about your performance including facial expressions and how you will move around the stage. Making sure you have a very clear character and that you have thought about how they, walk, talk, sit and stand.

Useful Websites

Revision / Intervention Sessions Teacher Contact for Support

There aren’t really any particular websites that can help you with this but if you get opportunity to see any live performance in the build up to the assessment this would be helpful – eg going to the theatre.

Please come and see Mr Kemp if you would like to create some time (in addition to your lessons) for you and your group to use the Drama Studio. This will be done on a first come first served basis.

[email protected]

Year 7 END OF YEAR Assessment June 2015

SUBJECT—ICT Exam Length Topics to Revise

Useful Websites/ Resources

1 hour Appropriate use of computers & the ICT rooms File management and organisation Knowing your computer icons E-Safety Desk top Publishing Presentation skills Spreadsheets Websites Graphics Computer Control Sam Learning BBC bite size *Pupils will be allowed to take their class folders home to revise. These MUST be returned on the day of the exam

Revision / Intervention Sessions Teacher Contact for Support

Revision lessons will be held one during the week before the exam. Your class teacher will be available to answer any questions during after school sessions

Miss George (Room 3.11) Mr Shum (Room 3.44)

Year 7 END OF YEAR Assessment June 2015 Subject – Spanish Exam Length

4 exams (Reading, Listening, Writing & Speaking) each lasting one lesson each.

Topics to Revise

Useful Websites

All topics studied this year: All Spanish basic conversation Colours Numbers Days of the week & months of the year Countries & nationalities Family Animals School Hobbies & Sports Future tense

SAM learning – click on relevant topic. – different activities on a range of topics. – a good website for all topics and skills. click on relevant section. and click on Spanish video quizzes.

Revision / Intervention Sessions

Any time during Year 7 homework club.

Teacher Contact for Support

Ms Bragahi.

Year 7 END OF YEAR Assessment June 2015

Subject – GEOGRAPHY Exam Length Topics to Revise

2 lessons Your assessment will be a story of your travels throughout India and Nepal. You will describe your adventures through these two countries using as much of the Geography you have learnt as possible. Each lesson will form a chapter of your assessment. Chapters include: Indian adventure 1/ Festivals 2/ Technology – life in a call centre 3/ Sweatshops Nepalese adventure 1/ Tourism 2/ Climbing Mt. Everest 3/ Earthquake

Useful Websites

Use search engines (GOOGLE) to find the information you need. NO copy and pasting.

Revision / Intervention Sessions


Teacher Contact for Support

Mr Wilkinson & Mr Baron

Year 7 END OF YEAR Assessment June 2015

Subject – ART Exam Length Topics to Revise

55 Minute Duration Bugs, bugs, bugs… Who is Rebecca J Coles? What did she produce? Observational recordings of bugs What are the various parts of the bug? What is tessellation? What is tone and how is it used? The impact of using white on black Types of mark making How to make 3D bug sculptures Picasso Portraits Meanings of keywords – portrait, abstract, cubism, overlapping, distortion, African, profile portraits, simplified, viewpoints, line drawing. What are the correct proportions of a forward facing portrait What are the correct proportions of a profile portrait How did Picasso combine the forward facing portrait and the profile portrait? The influence of African Masks What is a relief? How could you create a relief artwork? Using emotions in art

Useful Websites

Revision / Intervention Sessions Teacher Contact for Support

N/A Mr Gayle , Mrs Watts & Mr Taherabadi

Year 7 END OF YEAR Assessment June 2015

Subject – ART Exam Length Topics to Revise

55 Minute Duration

Food hygiene and Safety Healthy eating- Eat well plate Healthy salads Design Specification Generating and developing design Ideas

Useful Web- sites

Revision / Intervention Sessions Teacher Contact for Support

Tuesday : 3.15pm - 4.30pm Mr Gayle , Mrs Watts & Mr Taherabadi

Year 7 END OF YEAR Assessment June 2015 Subject - History Exam Length Topics to Revise

Revision / Intervention Sessions Teacher Contact for Support

1 hour

For most of the term, History homework will be a project where students plan their own lessons on a topic of their choice. They will be handing in lesson plans and research to teacher at the end; some students will get to teach them.

Mind Map