Word Part TRITE Derived from Latin Definition: to rub away, to wear, to crush

Word Part “TRITE” Derived from Latin Definition: to rub away, to wear, to crush 09/05/16 NO SCHOOL-LABOR DAY 09/06/16 DETRIMENTAL (Adjective)-det-r...
Author: Janel Foster
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Word Part “TRITE” Derived from Latin Definition: to rub away, to wear, to crush 09/05/16



DETRIMENTAL (Adjective)-det-re-men-tal- causing damage or harm
 Synonym-Destructive Antonym-Aiding Drugs are detrimental to a person’s health and well-being.


ATTRITION (Noun) –a-trish-en- a lowering in number
 Synonym-Weakening Antonym-Strengthening The company is experiencing attrition due to many employees retiring.


CONTRITE (Adjective)-kon-trit- feeling regret and sorrow Synonym-Remorseful Antonym-Hurtful The local news was noticeably contrite and apologized to viewers for the countless on-air technical difficulties.


TRITE (Adjective)-trit- boring due to overuse or repetition
 Synonym-Dull Antonym-Impressive Although Mary is an avid reader, she did not finish that novel because the story’s plot was trite and uninspiring.

Word Part “SUPER” Derived from Latin Definition: over, above 09/12/16

SUPERSEDE (Verb)-soo-pur-seed- to take the place of; to make something obsolete Synonym-repudiate Antonym-retain The features of the some smartphones supersede those of a personal computer.


SUPERCILIOUS (Adjective)-soo-pur-sil-e-as- looking down on others; proud and scornful Synonym-arrogant Antonym-humble While strutting to class with her nose in the air, supercilious Sue notices no one.


SUPERFICIAL (Adjective) – soo-pur-fish-al – lacking in depth or importance; on the surface Synonym-frivolous Antonym-significant John chooses his dates solely on their superficial qualities; he could care less about their personalities and goals.


SUPERFLUOUS (Adjective)- soo-pur-floo-as – overabundant; more than is needed Synonym-excessive Antonym-reasonable Since the birthday card was sufficient recognition of the big day, the gift was superfluous.


SUPERIMPOSE (Verb)- soo-pur-im-poz– to place or lay something over something else Synonym-overlap Antonym-distinguish The software program makes it possible for users to superimpose their pictures into various scenes.

Word Part ”DIS” Derived from Latin Definition: apart, away 09/19/16

DISCERNING (Adjective) – di-sern-ing – having or showing good judgment Synonym-perceptive Antonym-ignorant The discerning audience easily detected the sarcasm in the comedian’s jokes.


DISPUTATIOUS (Adjective)-dis-pu-ta-shus- likely to dispute or argue Synonym-argumentative Antonym-agreeable Hoping to provoke lively class discussions, Mr. Phillips raises controversial issues and assumes a disputatious personality.


DISGRUNTLE (Adjective) –dis-gruhn-tld- displeased and discontented; sulky Synonym-annoyed Antonym-satisfied The manager went to the disgruntled customer’s table and offered to take her dinner off of the total bill.


DISPARAGE (Verb)- dis-pahr-ij- say negative things; belittle Synonym-underrate Antonym-flatter To disparage people based on their ethnicity is a form of racism.


DISMAL (Adjective)- diz-mul- dreary; causing gloom Synonym-discouraging Antonym-encouraging When the patient saw the doctor’s face, he knew his health report was going to be dismal.

Word Part ”PLAC” Derived from Latin Definition: to please


PLACATE (Verb) –Play-kayt- to pacify: appease Synonym-soothe Antonym-agitate The restaurant tried to placate us with free appetizers after a one-hour wait for a table.


IMPLACABLE (Adjective)-im-pla-ka-bal- opposed to someone or something in a very angry or determined way that cannot be changed Synonym-uncompromising Antonym-flexible The students were not happy about their teacher’s implacable policy of not accepting late homework.


COMPLACENT (Adjective) –kum-play-sunt -self-satisfied; overly pleased with oneself Synonym-confident Antonym-unsure The complacent camper paid no attention to the poison ivy around his campsite and ended up going to the hospital.


PLACID (Adjective) –plas-id –pleasantly calm or peaceful Synonym-serene Antonym-agitated With no wind and plenty of sun, the placid lake was perfect for canoeing.


PLACEBO (Noun) –pluh-see-boh –a fake medication (used as a control in tests of the effectiveness of drugs) Synonym-inactive drug Antonym-active drug The doctor prescribed a placebo to his patient who had pretend illnesses.

Word Part ” LOC, LOG, LOQU” Derived from Latin Definition: word, speech 10/03/16



INTERLOCUTION (Noun) – in-ter-luh-kyoo-shuhn- conversation; dialogue Synonym-colloquy Antonym-quiet The interlocution between the two toddlers was entertaining to the parents even though they could not understand anything that was said.


GRANDILOQUENT (Adjective)-gran-dil-uh-kwunt- pompous; using a lot of big fancy words in an attempt to sound impressive Synonym-pretentious Antonym-simple The salesman’s grandiloquent speech did not impress the couple enough to make them commit to purchasing the house.


WOD Test # 1 SOLILOQUY (Noun) –so-lil-o-kwe-an act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself or regardless of any hearers, especially by a character in a play Synonym-discourse Antonym-dialogue The audience gets a better understanding of Hamlet’s conflict during the character's soliloquy.


WOD Test # 1 COLLOQUIAL (Adjective)- kul-oh-kwee-ul- conversational; informal in language Synonym-vernacular Antonym-formal The book was filled with colloquial expressions that reflect the speech of that time period.

Word Part ” STA, STI” Derived from Latin Definition: to stand, to be in place 10/10/16

DESTITUTE (Adjective) –des-tuh-toot – extremely poor; utterly lacking Synonym-impoverished Antonym-affluent The Salvation Army bell-ringers collect money for the poor and destitute at Christmas.


STAGNANT (Adjective) –stag-nent – lacking movement or energy Synonym-dormant Antonym-active A stagnant career is one that does not allow people to grow and improve in their craft.




STEADFAST (Adjective)-sted-fast- loyal; faithful Synonym-adamant Antonym-dishonest Steadfast love is love that never wavers because the individuals are truly committed one another.


APOSTASY (Noun)-uh-pahs-tuh-see- abandonment or rejection of faith or loyalty Synonym-defection Antonym-dedication The congregation was appalled by the apostasy of its former priest, who left the church in order join a traveling circus.

Word Part ” RUPT” Derived from Latin Definition: break, burst 10/17/2016

ABRUPT (Adjective)- a-brupt- broken off; happen suddenly Synonym-brusque Antonym-deliberate Sam didn't tell many people what he was planning to do, so when he did announce his plans to move to another city, it seemed abrupt.


INCORRUPTIBLE (Adjective)- in-ka-rup-ta-bal- inflexibly honest; incapable of being corrupted or bribed Synonym-trustworthy Antonym-dishonest The police officer was incorruptible; he was above suspicion and always reliable.


DISRUPT (Verb)- dis-rupt- break apart Synonym- disturb Antonym- appease Responsible students never disrupt the educational process.


IRRUPT (Verb) –ir-rupt- to rush in forcibly or violently Synonym-engulf Antonym- hold The criminals irrupted the jewelry store, smashing the glass counters and taking everything in sight.


RUPTURE (Noun) –rup-chur- a break or crack; a split Synonym-rift Antonym- closure The rupture of a blood vessel in a person’s head can cause a brain aneurysm.

Word Part ” GRAT” Derived from Latin Definition: pleasant, thank, favor 10/24/2016

GRATIFY (Verb)-grat-e-fi- give or be a source of pleasure for satisfaction Synonym-appease Antonym-suppress Getting an A on a test will instantly gratify the hard working student.


GRATIS (Adjective)- grat-is- out of kindness or favor Synonym- complimentary Antonym- costly The principal’s gratis distribution of funds allowed the school to acquire the technology needed.


INGRATIATE (Verb)-in-grey-shee-eyt- to establish (oneself or someone else) in the favor or good graces of someone Synonym- flatter Antonym- offend The con artist hoped to ingratiate himself into the wealthy widow’s life in order to swindle her fortune.


INGRATE (Noun) –in-grat- ungrateful (not thankful) person Synonym- bounder Antonym- an appreciative person The young man’s lack of appreciation for an elaborate birthday celebration made his parents regard him as an ingrate.
