Word Part and Definition. Word or Phrase. Cardiology Chapter Description

Cardiology Chapter 5 239 Word or Phrase hyperlipidemia (continuedt Word Part and Definition Description hypercholesterolemia (Hv-per-koh-LES-ter-a...
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Cardiology Chapter 5 239

Word or Phrase hyperlipidemia (continuedt

Word Part and Definition


hypercholesterolemia (Hv-per-koh-LES-ter-awl-EEmee-afi) hyper- above;more than normal chofesterol/o- cholestero I -emia conditionof the blood, substancein the blood hypertriglyceridemia (HY-pertry-G LIS-er-i h-DEEmee-an) hyper- above,more than normal trigf ycerid/o- triglyceride -emia conditionof the blood; substancein the blood

hypertension (HTN)

hypertension(Hv-per-TEN-sh un) hyper- above;more than normal tens/o- pressure,tension -ion action; condition prehypertension / n r a a - l - . l V - n a r - T F N l - < hr rn \ \ F ' ! !



pre- before; in front of hyper- above;more than normal tens/o- pressure,tension -ion action; condition

Elevated Normalbloodpressure readings in an adultare bloodpressure. lessthan 120/80mm Hg.Thosebetween120/80mm Hg and 140/90 mm Hg arecategorized above as prehypertension.Bloodpressures 140/90mm Hg arecategorized as hypertension, and the patientis said to be hypertensive.Several readings, not just one,are bloodpressure neededto makea diagnosis. Essential hypertension, the mostcommon is one in whichthe exactcauseis not known. typeof hypertension, Secondary hypertension hasa knowncause,likekidneydisease, Treatment: exercise, Lifestyle changes(decreased saltintake,increased weightloss)followedby antihypertensive drugs.

just readings bloodpressure i Somepeoplehaveincreased Thisis ' because they are nervous from being in a doctor's office. hypertensive(Hv-per-TEN-siv) known hypertension. This is not true hypertenas white-coat a hyper- above;more than sionbecause assoonastheyleavethe doctor'soffice,their normal pressure returnsto normal. blood tens/o- pressure,tension -ive pertaining to hypotension

hypotension(ttv-poh-TEN-shu n) hypo- below, deficient tens/o- pressure,tension -ion action; condition

Bloodpressure lowerthan 90/60mm Hg, usuallybecause of a lossof is saidto be hypotensive. bloodvolume.A patientwith hypotension but self-correcting Orthostatichypotensionis the sudden,temporary, decrease in systolic bloodpressure that occurswhen the patientchanges position f r o m a l y i n gt o a s t a n d i n g a n de x p e r i e n c lei g s htheadedness. hypotensive(ttv-poh-TEN-siv) Treatment: cause. Correctthe underlvino hypo- below; deficient tens/o- pressure, tension -ive pertaining to orthostatic(oR-thoh-STAT-ik) orth/o- straight stat/o- standingstill,staying in one place -ic pertaining to Orthostaticrefersto standing up straight.

240 ; Chapter 5 i Cardiology

peripheralartery disease(PAD)

peripheral(peh-RlF-eh-ral) peripher/o- outer aspects -al pertaining to perfusion (per-FYOO-zhun) per- through, throughout fuslo- pouring -ion action; condition

Arteriosclerosis of the arteriesof the legs.Bloodflow (perfusion)to is the extremities poo; and there is ischemiaof the tissues.While walkpainin the calf(intermittent claudication). ing,the patientexperiences and may feet and toes remain cool and cyanotic In severePAD,the drugs. the tissues die. Treatment: Lipid-lowering becomenecrotic as 5urgery:Angioplasty.

claudication (rLaw-dih-KAY-shun) cfaudicat/o- limping pain -ion action; condition necrotic (neh-KRAWI-| k) necrlo- death -tic pertaining to

p"ripf,"r"f 1p.f,-nf f -.f,-rat1 peripher/o-outeraspects

peripheral lt includes Anydisease of theextremities. of thearteries disease. arterydisease aswellasRaynaud's

-al pertaining to

phlebitis phleb/o- vern -itis inflammation of thrombophlebitis (rHnnwv-boh-fIeh-BY-tis) thromb/o- thrombusblood clot) phleb/o- vern -itis meansinflammation of Raynaud's disease

Thearea accompanied byinfection. Inflammation of a vein,usually that andtheskinmayshowa redstreak aroundtheveinispainful, inflammation canpartially followsthe courseof thevein.A severe is occlude the veinandslowtheflow of blood.Thrombophlebitis (bloodclot).Treatment: phlebitis with theformationof a thrombus drugsfor inflammation. Analgesic drugsfor pain,anti-inflammatory a clot, Thrombolytic drugsto dissolve Antibiotic drugs,if needed.

Raynaud(ray-NO) Raynaudt disease wasnamed (1834by Maurice Raynaud physician.This 1881), a French isan example of an eponym: a person fromwhomsomething takesits name.

in the ilJ;;, se * andspasmof thearterioles ".t"."rr,r'ction by coldor emotional upset.They fingersandtoes, oftentriggered or hoursuntilthe become whiteor cyanotic andnumbfor minutes Treatment: Vasodilator drugs. attackpasses. Canleadto necrosis.

varicose (VAR-ih-kohs) varic/o- varix;varicosevein -ose fullof

valves in a veinthatletbloodflowbackward Damaged or incompetent theveinbecomes in thepreceding section of vein.Eventually andcollect of theskin andbulgingunderthesurface engorged with blood,twisting (seeFigures injury veinscanbe caused by phlebitis, 5-241).Varicose require periods that with the legs crossed, or occupations long of sitting pressure fromtheenlarging Also,duringpregnancy, constant standing. andcauses the uterusrestricts theflow of bloodin the lowerextremities varicose veins. to develop legveinsto dilate.Thereisa familytendency painandaching; andleaden. the legsfeelheavy include Symptoms

Cardiology Chapter5 241

Word Part and Definition

Word or Phrase

Description Treatment: Destruction of theveinby injecting or a sclerosing solution foamto harden it. Laser andocclude or radiowaves to destroy thevein.

Figure 5-24 J Severe varicose veins in the leg. Superficial varicose veinsareunsightly andeasily injured because they orotrude. Patients oftenhavevaricose veinstreatedto achieve an improved cosmetic appearance, buttreatment alsohelosdecrease thechance of injuryandthrombophlebitis

(Chapter3). Varicose Gastroenterology veinsof the esophagusand stomachareknownasesophageal and gastricvarices. Varicose veinsof the rectumareknownas hemorrhoids.

i* il-r11 r;5ct,cl5 ir ,: Word or Phrase cardiacenzymes

C-reactiveprotein ,CRP)

Word Part and Definition


enzyme (EN-zime) Thesuffix-aseindicates an enzyme.

Bloodtestto measure that are released into the the levelsof enzymes bloodwhen myocardial cellsdie.Creatinekinase(CK)is found in s k e l e t aml u s c l e c e l l sb, u t a s p e c i f ifco r m o f i t ( C K - M Bi)sf o u n d e x c l u s i v ei n l ym y o c a r d icael l l sT, h eC K - M Bl e v ebl e g i n st o r i s e2 - 6 h o u r s creatinephosphokinase aftera myocardial infarction. Alsoknownas creatinephosphokinase (KREE-ah-teen (CPK).Lactatedehydrogenase(LDH)is found in manydifferentcells, rnws-foh-KY-nays) i n c l u d i ntgh e h e a r t T . h eL D Hl e v e bl e g i n st o r i s e1 2 h o u r sa f t e ra myocardial infarction. An elevatedLDHcan supportthe CK-MBresults lactatedehydrogenase butcannob t e t h e s o l eb a s i so f d i a g n o s i nagm y o c a r d i ianl f a r c t i o n . (LAK-taytdee-HY-d days. roh-jen-ase) Cardiacenzymes are measured everyfew hoursfor several Bloodtestto measure in the body. the levelof inflammation (like I n f l a m m a t i of rno ms i t e so t h e rt h a nt h e c a r d i o v a s c usl a y sr t e m i n f l a m m a t i oonf t h e g u m so r c h r o n i cu r i n a r yt r a c ti n f e c t i o n cs a ) np r o d u c ei n f l a m m a t i oonf t h e w a l l so f t h e b l o o dv e s s e lT s .h i sc a nl e a dt o b l o o dc l o tf o r m a t i o na n d a m y o c a r d i ianl f a r c t i o n .

242 Chapter 5 Cardiology

Word Part Word or Phrase and Definition


lipid profile

lipid(LlP-id) lip/o- lipid (fat) -id resembling

Bloodtestthat provides u .orpr"t''t"nrivepictureof the levelsof cholesterol and triglycerides and their lipoprotein carriers in the blood: HDL,LDL,and VLDL.


troponin (troh-POH-n in)

Bloodtestto measure the levelof two proteinsthat are reieased into the bloodwhen myocardial cellsdie.TroponinI and troponinT areonly found in the myocardium. Thetroponinlevelsbeginto rise4-6 hours aftera myocardial infarction. More importantly, they remainelevated for up to 10 days,so theycan be usedto diagnose a myocardial infarction manydaysafterit occurred. Troponinlevelsaredonein conjunction with C K - M Ba n d L D Hl e v e l s .

cardiac catheterization

catheterization : Diagnostic procedure performedto evaluatethe rightor left sideof the (KATH-e h-ter-ih-ZAY-sh un) i heart.Fora right heartcatheterization, a catheteris insertedinto the ' catheter/o- catheter femoralor brachialveinand threadedto the rightatrrum.Thecatheter -ization process of making, is usedto recordrightheartpressures. Thena radiopaque contrastdye creating, or inserting is injectedthroughthe catheterto outlinethe chambers of the heart.A Catheteris derivedfrom a Greek right heartcatheterization is usedto diagnose congenital heartdefects. word meaninqto senddown. Fora left heartcatheterization, a catheteris insertedinto the femoralor brachialarteryand threadedto the left atrium.Thenradiopaque contrastdye is injectedto outlinethe coronaryarteries and show narrowor blockedareas.lf blockages of the coronaryarteries are present,an angioplasty may be performedat that time.

electrocardiography (ECG, EKG)

electrocardiography (ee-LEK-troh-KAR-deeAWG-rah-fee) efectr/o- electricity cardilo- heart -graphy processof recording

procedure Diagnostic that recordsthe electrical activityof the heart duringcontractions and rest(seeFigure5-25I). Electrodes (metalpieces in adhesive patches) areplacedon the limbs(botharmsand one leg)to recordthe electrical impulses of the heartto the EKGmachine.These arethe threelimb leads(leadsI throughlll).Electrodes placedon the chestare knownas the precordial leads(V1throughVJ. A 12-leadEKG records12 differentleadsthat showthe electrical activitybetween electrocardiogram differentcombinations of electrodes pictureof the to givean electrical (ee-Le

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