Weekly Newsletter. Enter to learn. Leave to make the world a better place

Weekly Newsletter Enter to learn. Leave to make the world a better place Term 2 Week 8 8th March 2013 Enter to learn Leave to make the world a bette...
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Weekly Newsletter Enter to learn. Leave to make the world a better place Term 2 Week 8 8th March 2013

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Leave to make the world a better place...

The British International School of Cracow Ul. Smolensk 25 31-108, Krakow, Poland

www.bisc.krakow.pl [email protected] [email protected] tel. 0048 12 292 64 78

Dear Parents, ”Within These Worlds” proved to be a most impressive exhibition. We were delighted to see so many friends and acquaintances, family and staff. This was one of the best attended such events we have had. We are also very grateful to the hosts of the venue (Gallery Katedra, ul.Zabłocie 23) Mr and Mrs Rożynek for making the space available to us and welcoming the guests so warmly. Of course, the little adventure in the lift at the end just made the evening that little bit more memorable... We also have the great pleasure of announcing a new asisstant in the Primary section. Miss Kasia Fima came to us highly recommended and has already proven to be effective and popular with the children. We extend our warmest welcome to the BISC family. Photograph and intro below... Once again our IB1 class has taken itself to Budapest for KARMUN. We look forward to hearing all about it when they get back, as young politicians. We have another article from our man of letters, Mr Olaf. Olaf has written this time about literature and duality. We also have news from the school owners regarding the potential new premises. It has been decided that that at present the school will not proceed with the Skwerowa premises. However, further details/plans will be discussed at the next Advisory Board meeting. No doubt the cold nights will start to ease off soon, but there will still be enough snow for the ski trip tomorrow. Have a nice weekend. Stan and Lindsay


Certificates This week our certificate recipients were: Nursery’s Minchan and Jas have earned certificates for talking in English to their friends and teachers. In Reception, Alva was recognised for remembering and recognising vowel sounds in words whilst in Year 1, Aoife was congratulated for regular participation in swimming classes and mastering her swimming skills. From Year 2, Klaudia has been given a certificate for knowing well addition of a multiple of ten and a two digit number. Year 3’s whole class was rewarded for dressing up as book characters and having a fantastic time during World Book Day Year 4’s whole class has been acknowledged for enthusiastic participation in World Book Day In year 5, Nicolai got a certificate for writing an excellent story in the style of a fable Year 6’s happy recipient was Igor for making tremendous progress in Maths and being promoted to a higher goup Placements from Jagiellonian University Some of you may have noticed that we have had five young ladies in and around school this week. We are at the beginning of a new collaboration with the Jagiellonian University, for teacher training placements. We will have three rounds of five placed people, for two weeks each. These students are postgraduates, and mostly are already qualified teachers—they are adding a specialisation in teaching Polish to non-Poles. It so happens that we have lots of language teaching happening in our school which makes us an ideal place to observe and get involved. Feedback from the teachers so far has been universally enthusiastic and very positive. We would like to say welcome to Estera, Justyna, Anna, Anna and Katarzyna. We very much hope you can enjoy your time with us as much as we can enjoy having you. Let’s hope we can build on these encouraging steps in the future. ABRSM Music Exams On Saturday, two children took part in music theory exams held by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. The Associated Board is an organisation established by the various Royal Music Conservatoires of the UK. The content of the theory curriculum is very well organised and planned, making this a very good course for children and young people to learn more about reading and writing and performing western art music. BISC has become one of only four centres in the whole of Poland where the theory exam can be sat, and although we can’t yet offer the practical exams (actually playing as well as writing and answering questions about playing), we hope that we can work on this in the future. In terms of supporting British institutions, this is a major step, and in the history of the school, this is also a significant moment, recognising the importance of music and helping to provide a structure and a framework to support music learning that happens outside of school. Let’s hope our children have passed!

FIRE!! FIRE!! But London isn’t burning… This week Nursery went to visit the Fire Station. This was as part of their people who help us topic, which they have thoroughly enjoyed. Just as exciting as going to the fire station was going by tram and walking back over the square. Some of the children were pointing out trams all week saying they were going to get in one. And then there were the yellow and red hats…. Here are some pictures.

Introducing Miss Kasia Fima, Our New Assistant., in her own words… My name is Katarzyna Siender-Fima. I am from Krakow, Poland. I graduated from the Pedagogical University of Cracow, Technical and Computer Science Faculty. Then I completed postgraduate studies in Mathematics. I am interested in many things. I really like kids, I like to spend time with them, to teach them and at the same time, play with them.

International Book Day Our year 3 and year 4 classes have been having a jolly time celebrating International Book Day. Here are some photographs recording their fun...Do look at their display at some point when you are dropping off your children. Prizes for book presentations were awarded to Martyna, Katharina, Klaudia and Sonia. Well done everyone for having such a good time!

Illustrations This week we also had a special visit from Karolina Kornek, teacher of Illustration at the Academy of Fine Arts of Katowice. Karolina illustrates books and teaches other people how to illustrate books. She very kindly worked with some of our primary classes, together with Mr Marcos Vilhena, our Spanish/ Portuguese/Art teacher and showed our children new techniques and how to use them. Great fun was had by all and there were smiles to be found everywhere. Thank you to Karolina for coming in and thank you to Mr Marcos for organising her visit. Karolina also runs workshops in illustration. Next time she has one nearby we promise to let you know. KARMUN Every year the school organises a trip to the Model United Nations in Budapest. This is a tough weekend for youngsters - making a presentation in front of an assembled chamber of hundreds of delegates on a variety of topics, learning about the real meaning and obligations of democracy, being counted, standing up, forming opinions and being ready to place those opinions before others. These things can be painful enough for adults, and even for adults who need to stand up and present difficult concepts on a regular basis. In previous years this has happened in the Hungarian parliament building—itself a highly attractive and architecturally significant venue. As a venue symbolic of post-war reconciliation it is also interesting, and Budapest itself, politically speaking, is important to so many moments of European history. Although we understand that this year they are not in the Parliament, the sentiment is still current. In such an historical city, let’s hope that our young colleagues will find moments to write into their own life history, and take away some beautiful and valuable memories. Let’s hope, too, that they can inspire their co-visitors into taking something into the future too. More photos are on the next page.

Viki preventing child marriages

Kinga in the security council dealing with Somalian

KARMUN Jack in the science committee

Kiedy Ja jest innym „Oblicze odbija się w wodzie, a w sercu odbija się człowiek”. (Prz 27:19) Każdy z nas zapewne wie, że ludzie mają dwie twarze czy inaczej dwa oblicza i czasem nie wiemy jak wielką zagadką czy tajemnicą potrafią one być dla nas. Każdy, chcąc czy nie chcąc ma swoje dwie strony i czasem bywa tak, że jedna bardzo różni się od drugiej. Dlatego też nigdy nie możemy oceniać kogoś tylko po wyglądzie, albo po krótkim czasie znania go. Lecz nie zawsze tak jest, czasem obydwie twarze człowieka tak różnią się od siebie, że można uznać kogoś za ludzkie wcielenie boga Janusa. Cytowany przez filozofa Augustyna Warron na pytanie, kim jest bóg Janus, odpowiedział. „To świat”. Jako symbol świata ten najdziwniejszy z rzymskich bogów posiadał dwie twarze, chociaż zdarzało się, że i czasem cztery. Bo wszystko ma swoje dwie strony i ten, kto nie potrafi dostrzec tej drugiej jest intelektualnym ślepcem skazanym nieuchronnie na zaćmę niewiedzy. Któż nie przypomina sobie fascynującej opowieści Roberta Louisa Stevensona „Doktor Jekyll i pan Hyde”, o dwoistości ludzkiej natury. Doktor Jekyll - wybitny naukowiec - jest przeświadczony, że każdy człowiek nosi w sobie dwa przeciwstawne charaktery: jawną prawość i dobroć oraz skrywane zło, agresję i dążenie do destrukcji. Prowadzi doświadczenia chemiczne, doprowadzające do wynalezienia mikstury, po wypiciu, której człowiek skrajnie zmienia swoją osobowość. W książce Yanna Martela „Życie Pi”, którą znakomicie zekranizował Ang Lee widzimy dwie twarze:, Pi Patela i tygrysa bengalskiego. Magiczna opowieść narratora została sfilmowana w formie pięknej, trójwymiarowej pocztówki, śmiało mogącej zachęcać do podróży i zwiedzania świata, co wcale nie jest naiwnością reżysera ani błędem operatora, przeciwnie. Na tym polega sedno tej historii, konfrontującej siłę wyobraźni, zdolność do konfabulacji z okrutną, nihilistyczną rzeczywistością, niechybnie prowadzącą człowieka poddającego się jej władaniu do autodestrukcji. W małej łodzi na wielkim „oceanie życia” podróżuje ludzka kultura i świat nieposkromionej natury domagającej się swoich praw. Prawa do przeżycia za wszelką cenę przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu usprawiedliwiającej niewinności. Bardziej drastyczną i przerażającą opowieścią o dwoistości ludzkiej natury jest książka Gao Ertai „W poszukiwaniu ojczyzny”. Książka opowiada o życiu w obozie pracy, do którego trafił młody intelektualista. Nieodłącznym elementem reedukacji był głód, mordercza praca, odarcie z woli i godności: słynny aktor kradł koledze kawałek chleba, wielki muzyk bezwstydnie żebrał o jedzenie, a uczony, który miał na koncie dwa zagraniczne doktoraty, bił się z innymi, żeby wyskrobać wielki gar po zupie. Upokarzanie siebie i innych, donosicielstwo, zobojętnienie stały się codziennością, jedyną siłą napędową była myśl o podłym posiłku. Nie przeszkadzało to jednak osadzonym podczas pracy nawiązywać intelektualne rozmowy o filozofii, sztuce, muzyce itd… Plotka głosi, że kiedy Leonardo da Vinci malował obraz „Ostatnia wieczerza”, modelem pozującym do postaci Jezusa i Judasza była ta sama osoba. Młody, niewinnie wyglądający piekarz świetnie posłużył za wzór do stworzenia twarzy Jezusa. Artysta przedstawił moment, w którym Chrystus oznajmia swym uczniom, że jeden z nich go wyda. Oczywiście chodziło o Judasza. Malując obraz Leonardo przez dwa lata szukał na ulicach Mediolanu modeli twarzy do postaci apostoła. Wreszcie, — kiedy dzieło było prawie gotowe — pozostała nienamalowana jeszcze twarz Judasza, na co zaczęli narzekać mnisi z pobliskiego klasztoru. Leonardo odparł szybko ich ataki odpowiadając, że nie może dokończyć dzieła, ponieważ bez skutku szuka tak złej twarzy i jeśli jej nie znajdzie, to posłuży się twarzą ich przeora. Jakiś czas później piekarz, który służył jako model do postaci Jezusa stał się jednak kryminalistą i jako takiego ponownie odkrył go nieświadomy niczego Leonardo. Ciężko pobity przestępca został tym razem uwieczniony jako Judasz. Szukamy przyczyn własnych uczuć na zewnątrz siebie; tymczasem przyczyna naszych uczyć jest przeważnie wewnątrz nas – a nie na zewnątrz – i w myśli, z której następnie produkujemy uczucia. Tak naprawdę to nie pan Hyde jest chory, a doktor Jekyll. Bo to Jekyll nie umie żyć w świecie z innymi ludźmi i to on powinien się zmienić, zdobywając dojrzałość. Każdy z nas może być Aniołem i to od niego zależy, jakim i o jakich skrzydłach. Mogą to być skrzydła nadziei i wiary, skrzydła empatii czy miłości. Wszystko zależy od ciebie...Zastanów się, jakim ty jesteś Aniołem... Ale nie każdy Anioł musi być dobry, więc uważaj... Są też Anioły ciemności, których zadanie jest zupełnie inne…

By Olaf Wajs


When I is Different „As water reflects the face, so the heart reflects the person.” (Proverbs 27:19) For sure, each of us knows that people have two faces, or in other words, two aspects, and sometimes we aren’t aware of how this can be a big mystery or secret for us. Everyone, willingly or unwillingly, has their two sides, and sometimes it happens that one is very different from the other. This is why we can never judge someone just by appearance, or after knowing them for a short time. But this is not always the case, sometimes the two faces of a person are so different from each other, that we could mistake them for a human incarnation of the god Janus. Quoted by the philosopher Augustine Warron, on the question of who is the god Janus, he said, "The world". As a symbol of the world this strangest of the Roman gods had two faces, even though it sometimes happened that they were four. As everything has its two sides, those who cannot see the other side are intellectually blinded, and are inevitably doomed to the cataracts of ignorance. Who doesn’t remember the fascinating stories of Robert Louis Stevenson's "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", about the duality of human nature. Dr. Jekyll - a distinguished scientist - is convinced that every human being carries in themselves two opposite characters: overt righteousness and goodness, and hidden evil, aggression and desire for destruction. He conducts chemical experiments, leading to the invention of a mixture, which after drinking, radically alters his personality. In Yann Martel's book, "Life of Pi", which was superbly turned into a film by Ang Lee, we see two faces: Pi Patel and a Bengal tiger. The narrator’s magical story was filmed in the form of beautiful, threedimensional postcards, which could boldly encourage one to travel and see the world, which absolutely is not naivety or a mistake on the part of the director or cameraman, but just the contrary. The essence of the story depends upon this, confronting the power of imagination, the capacity for confabulation and cruel, nihilistic reality, inevitably leading man possessed by it to self-destruction. Human culture travels in a small boat on the giant "ocean of life", travels the world in its unbridled nature seeking its rights. The right to live at all costs while maintaining a justifying innocence. A more drastic and frightening tale about the duality of human nature is Gao Ertai's book "In Search of the Fatherland". This book tells the story of life in a labour camp, in which the young intellectual found himself. An integral element of this re-education was hunger, murderous work, being stripped of will and dignity: the famous actor steals a piece of bread from a friend, the great musician shamelessly begs for food, and the scholar who had two foreign doctorates, fought with the others to scrape the bottom of the big soup pan. Humiliation of themselves and others, informing on each other and apathy became commonplace, the only driving force was the thought of a measly meal. But during their work, this did not disturb them in holding intellectual conversations about philosophy, art, music, etc ... Rumour has it that when Leonardo da Vinci painted the painting "The Last Supper" the models posing for the figure of Jesus and Judas were the same person. A young, innocent-looking baker was well suited as a model to create the face of Jesus. The artist represented the moment in which Christ tells his disciples that one of them will deceive him. Of course, he was speaking of Judas. Painting the picture, Leonardo spent two years on the streets of Milan looking for models to form the face of the apostle. Finally - when the work was almost done – all that remained unpainted was the face of Judas, and the monks from the local monastery began to complain. Leonardo quickly answered their attacks, saying that he could not finish the job, because he was searching, without result, for a face so bad, and that if he wouldn’t find one, he would use the face of the abbot. However, some time later, the baker who had served as the model for the figure of Jesus had become a criminal and as such Leonardo unwittingly re-discovered him. The heavily beaten offender was this time immortalised as Judas We look for the causes of our own feelings outside of ourselves, but the cause of our feelings is mostly within us - not outside - and in our thoughts, which then produce feelings. It is not really Mr. Hyde who is sick, but Dr. Jekyll. As Jekyll cannot live in the world with other people it is him that should change, gaining maturity. Each of us can be an angel and the kind of wings we have depends on us. These can be the wings of hope and faith, the wings of empathy and love. It all depends on you ... Think about what kind of Angel you are... But not everyone needs to be a good angel, so be careful ... There are also angels of darkness, whose task is completely different … Translation L Davidson

From Eva Malaga, one of our Spanish teachers. Buenos dias os invitamos este domingo (10 III 2013) despues de la Misa en Espańol (14.30-15.30) a una presentacion sobre la Semana Santa en el Mundo Hispano. Os envio el programa como archivo adjunto. Las presentaciones se daran en polaco y en espańol. Os animamos a compartir el evento con sus amistades y con quienes puedan estar interesados. Szanowni Państwo, I would like to cordially invite this coming Sunday (10 III 2013) to a presentation about Holy Week in Spanish speaking countries, which will start with a Mass in Spanish (14.30-15.30). Below is a poster with information about the event and a detailed programme. The presentation will be translated into Polish. Please share this information with your friends and other interested people. Saludos, Eva L. de Malaga

Photos from around school

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