Turn and talk to your partner about what Tomas comments about the water tell us about him. What does Papa Grande want Tomas to become?

Lesson Plan: Tomas and the Library Lady (45 minutes) Date: 12/17/07 Purpose: Students will listen to a read aloud text for the purpose of using the...
Author: Erika Maxwell
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Lesson Plan: Tomas and the Library Lady (45 minutes)



Purpose: Students will listen to a read aloud text for the purpose of using the Turn & Talk strategy to share ―thinking about reading‖ and to develop the use of the making inferences reading strategy. Essential question: Text(s): Tomas and the Library Lady Charts/environmental supports: Theme 4, Story 1; Segment 1, Picture Book Pages 1-5 Predict/Infer Strategy Chart, Infer Chart Assessment: Weekly selection assessment, Infer assessment after completion of lessons. Connect: The use of the anthology selection (Tomas and the Library Lady) to teach a specific reading strategy. Emphasize ―thinking during reading‖ Teach: Explain and model Turn & Talk strategy, thinking and talking with a specific learning purpose, transitioning to carpet with T & T partner. Predict/Infer Chart, story clues and personal knowledge Introduction of the text(s): Use of building background pages in Teacher’s Edition and student anthologies. Students are at desk with copy of student anthology and pages opened to building background pages. Teacher read aloud, student share ideas and discuss information about Tomas Rivera. Model: Text chunks I’ll use What I’ll do/say What students will do/say Picture Book Page 2 Turn and talk to your partner about Students share ideas and thinking Turn & Talk what Tomas’ comments about the about how Tomas is feeling, based water tell us about him. on story clues and personal knowledge. Before reading pages 3-4

Pages 3-4

After the end of page 5 is read.

Listen to the story details that are clues about the hardships that Tomas and his family face. Turn and Talk to your partner about what kind of hardships they face. What can we infer about Tomas and his family based on the hardships that are described?

Students share ideas and thinking about sleeping on cot, sharing house with other workers, made ball from teddy bear.

What does Papa Grande want Tomas to become?

Students will use text evidence to identify that Papa Grande wants Tomas to become a storyteller.

Students will connect hardships with personal knowledge to infer that Tomas’ family doesn’t have much money, and they make due with what they have.

Transition to independent reading/investigation: Transition back to desks; Listen to segment 1 on CD, and follow along in textbook. Independent practice: Students partner read segment 1 Share/closing: Tell students we will continue with segment 2, more practice making inferences. LSV/CEL

Lesson Plan: Tomas and the Library Lady (45 minutes)



Purpose: Students will listen to a read aloud text for the purpose of using the Turn & Talk strategy to share ―thinking about reading‖ and to develop the use of the making inferences reading strategy. Essential question: Text(s): Tomas and the Library Lady Charts/environmental supports: Theme 4, Story 1; Segment 1, Picture Book Pages 6-11 Predict/Infer Strategy Chart, Infer Chart Assessment: Weekly selection assessment, Infer assessment after completion of lessons. Connect: Today’s lesson to segment 1, listen to segment 1 on CD, Review Infer strategy Teach: Review segment 1 learning, thinking during reading, Turn & Talk strategy Review Inference chart Introduction of the text(s): Segment 2, Pages 6-11 Model: Text chunks I’ll use What I’ll do/say What students will do/say Before reading page 6 Listen for the story clues that tell us Students will use story clues and about Tomas’ experience as he personal knowledge to infer that arrives at the library. this is probably Tomas’ first trip to Turn and talk to your partner about a library. Turn and Talk the story clues and what we can infer about Tomas’ visit to the library. Page 7 Turn and talk to your partner about Students will share ideas and the reading material that Tomas thinking about what Tomas wants selected at the library. to read about. Page 9

Turn and talk to you partner about if it surprises you that the library lady lets Tomas borrow book under her name.

Students will share thinking and ideas about why the library lady let Tomas take the books under her name.

Page 10

Remember what Papa Grande Students will use the illustration to wanted Tomas to become? How identify that Tomas’ family is does this illustration show that listening to him read and tell Tomas is doing that? stories. Before reading page 11 Listen for more story clues that Students will use text evidence to again refer to hardship for Tomas identify more story clues that and his family. indicates the hardship faced by Turn and Talk Turn and talk to your partner about Tomas and his family. these story clues. Transition to independent reading/investigation: Transition back to desks; Listen to segment 2 on CD, and follow along in textbook. Independent practice: Students partner read segment 2 Share/closing: Tell students we will continue with segment 3, more practice making inferences. LSV/CEL

Lesson Plan:

Tomas and the Library Lady (45 minutes)



Purpose: Students will listen to a read aloud text for the purpose of using the Turn & Talk strategy to share ―thinking about reading‖ and to develop the use of the making inferences reading strategy. Essential question: Text(s): Tomas and the Library Lady Charts/environmental supports: Theme 4, Story 1; Segment 3, Picture Book Pages 12-16 Predict/Infer Strategy Chart, Infer Chart Assessment: Weekly selection assessment, Infer assessment after completion of lessons. Connect: Segment 1 and 2; Focus strategy – Making Inference Listen to segments 1 and 2 on CD – students at desks with textbook, following along Teach: Review segment 1 and 2 learning, thinking during reading, Turn & Talk strategy Review Inference chart Introduction of the text(s): Segment 3, 12-16

Model: Text chunks I’ll use Before reading page 13

Turn and Talk Page 15

Page 16

What I’ll do/say Listen for the story clues/details that helps us know that Tomas loves to read. Turn and talk to your partner about the story clues that you notice. Turn and talk to your partner about why you think Tomas and the library lady exchanged gifts.

What students will do/say Students will share ideas and thinking about story clues that show that Tomas loves to read.

How is Tomas’ ride in the car at the end of the story the same and/or different than his ride at the beginning of the story?

Students will identify that the family is still in the rusty, old car and still on bumpy road, but Tomas is happier after his library experience and having his new book.

Students will share ideas and thinking about why Tomas and the library exchanged gifts.

Transition to independent reading/investigation: Transition back to desks; Listen to segment 3 on CD, and follow along in textbook. Independent practice: Students partner read segment 3 Share/closing: Tomorrow will listen to whole story on CD; Will look at 2 pages of the story for whole group lesson. LSV/CEL

Lesson Plan: Tomas and the Library Lady (45 minutes)



Purpose: Students will listen to and read 2 pages of the story Tomas and the Library Lady for the purpose of identifying Time-Order words and phrases. Essential question: Text(s): Tomas and the Library Lady Charts/environmental supports: Student Anthology Pages 170-172 Overhead transparencies and students copies of Pg. 170-172 Assessment: Student participation in identifying time-order words and phrases. Connect: Understanding of time-order words phrases as indicators of Sequence of Events in a story. Teach: Sequence of events is the order in which story events occur. Words and phrases function as signals of when events occur. Access student background knowledge and brainstorm list on time-order word/phrases Introduction of the text(s): Explain to students that they will listen to and read 2 pages of text from the story for the purpose of identifying time-order words and phrases. Show the students the overhead copy of the pages of text. Show the students their copy of the pages of text. Model: Text chunks I’ll use What I’ll do/say What students will do/say Student Anthology Pages Be ready to follow along in your Students will follow along in their 161-168 books as you listen to pages 161textbook as they listen to pages 168 on CD. Follow he text with 161—168 on CD. your eyes and finger as you listen. Stop at the end of 168. This will show in your actions that you are actively listening. Photocopies of pages 170Pass out student copies of pages Students will then listen to, and 172 for students. 170-172. Explain to students that then partner read and indentify they will listen to these pages to time-order words. Working with a identify time-order words/phrases. partner, students will circle timeorder words and phrases. (Listen to rest of story.) Overhead transparencies of I will draw name sticks for students Students come up to the overhead pages 170-172. to share the time-order words and projector and circle the time-order phrases that they located in the text. word/phrases that they located in the text. Overhead transparencies of pages 170-172.

Looking into the story and timeorder words and phrases that were identified, how much time went by in pages 170-172 of the story?

Students will use the time-order words and phrases to identify that the summer has passed.

Transition to independent reading/investigation: Independent practice: Share/closing: LSV/CEL