TRAVEL PLANNING. Encouraging Sustainable Travel Patterns For Staff and Members

TRAVEL PLANNING Encouraging Sustainable Travel Patterns For Staff and Members NDGA Travel Plan 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Planning permission was gran...
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Encouraging Sustainable Travel Patterns For Staff and Members

NDGA Travel Plan 1.0



Planning permission was granted for the use of Unit 3 Longfield Road, Tunbridge Wells as a gymnastics academy on 18th December 2013 (Ref: 12/00581/FULMJ). Condition 2 attached to the planning permission requires the submission of a travel plan to include measures to, “ ….promote demand management for off peak travel, promote car sharing, reorganise classes during off-peak times…”. This documents seeks to meet the requirements of this condition.


The NDGA has been committed since its opening in 2011 to encouraging alternatives to private car travel by individual members, and in particular, to the greater use of car sharing by all, including staff. NDGA also endeavours to maximise use of off-peak times by organising pre-school classes during traditional school hours and adult classes in the later evening hours.


Although the scale of the academy falls below the threshold requiring a Travel Plan (Dft guidance on Transport Assessment 2007), NDGA is conscious that encouraging sustainable travel patterns where possible will be of benefit, as will optimising usage when there is less pressure on the local highway network.


Core Components


A key requirement for promoting sustainable transport choices amongst staff and members is to have a person within the NDGA team who is responsible for travel planning matters. Following the grant of planning permission NDGA has identified the Operations Manager to take on this role. This individual has been given sufficient time to undertake this role as part of their duties. Travel Surveys


A preliminary travel questionnaire survey of staff and members will be undertaken to gain a better understanding of travel patterns and issues relating to the site. The data collected will be used to identify how the academy can best encourage and assist staff and members to use the most suitable and efficient transport modes.


Surveys will be undertaken annually, when memberships are renewed. Staff will be surveyed when they start working at the academy and as part of the annual review. Introduction of Measures to Encourage Sustainable Travel


It is intended that the surveys will reveal opportunities to encourage more sustainable travel options for staff and members. These are

discussed in more detail below. The travel plan manager will take steps to encourage the take up of such options. Raising Awareness 2.5

A key element to maximising the effectiveness of travel planning is to raise awareness of it. Research shows that people are more willing to change mode if they perceive that there is a personal gain for them. For example, staff may be more willing to consider cycling if they place greater weight on the potential health benefits. Similarly, members may be more wiling to share cars if they have a greater understanding of the true costs of motoring. This approach will from part of the travel planning manager’s role.


Sustainable Travel Measures and Methods for Encouraging Their Use.


This section provides an overview of measures that are already in place and those that will be considered further as part of the implementation process. Car Sharing


NDGA will implement measures to encourage parents bringing or collecting children to share cars. In practice there is already a significant degree of car sharing taking place with parents taking it in turns to do the NDGA run. This will be further encouraged as follows: 1.

Having a car share area on the noticeboard in reception. Members will be encouraged to add their names to a list held by reception. Car-sharers will then be “matched” and “introduced” – once permission has been given to do so. The intention is make it easier for parents to identify other people making similar journeys to themselves, and thus to share transport whenever possible.


Having similar information on the members’ area of the NDGA web site, including a means by which parents can offer/request lifts and sharing opportunities.


Actively encouraging staff to car share, including offering a ‘guaranteed ride home’ provided by the academy in the event that a member of staff’s previously arranged transport was not available due to extreme unforeseen circumstances.

Public Transport 3.3

Bus services are available on Longfield Road and can provide an alternative mode of transport for some staff and members. Bus

services are currently not extensive, however they could provide opportunities for some. In order to promote bus use the timetables and routes of the services available will be posted on the noticeboard in reception and on the NDGA web site. 3.4

High Brooms railway station is less than 1 kilometre from the academy and is therefore within walking distance. It has frequent services, generally 4 per hour during weekdays and Saturdays, linking High Brooms with Tonbridge in the north and Tunbridge Wells to the south. This may provide another travel opportunity for some staff and members/visitors. Again the train timetable and a map showing the footpath route to the station will be posted on the noticeboard and on the web site. Walking and Cycling


While this is likely to be an option for some, the age of many of the members means that the opportunities are limited. There is sufficient secure cycle storage at the academy to serve the needs of any staff or members who do cycle to the site. In addition showers and associated changing and locker facilities are available for use by all, including employees, throughout the day.


A map will be produced detailing safe walking and cycle routes, including journey times and distances to local destinations. This will be given to staff, posted on the noticeboard and on the NDGA web site. It should be noted that some of these walkways are safe in daylight/office hours only and will not be actively suggested out of these times.


Information Provision


To ensure the success of the travel planning it is intended that staff, management and members will be involved from the outset. The aim is to promote the travel alternatives and choice.


The initial travel survey of staff and members itself will raise awareness, and this will be followed by the following: 

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The provision of a staff and members information pack, which will contain information on the travel options available, including car sharing, public transport and walking/cycling. This will be given to members and staff on joining. Regular updating of information on the travel noticeboard in reception. Occasional poster campaigns to draw attention to this information will be used. A travel information page will be posted on the academy’s web site, and regularly updated.


In addition, it is proposed that staff and members will be informed of successes, and praise given where appropriate. This might, for example, involve a good degree of car sharing for a particular class, or in trips from or to a particular location. Feedback can also be used to highlight areas where more work is needed.


Monitoring and Review


Monitoring and review will be carried out by the staff member appointed to look after travel planning matters. While monitoring will be on-going, an over-arching review will be carried out on an annual basis. The review will involve a further survey to discover:        

Which modes are used to travel to and from the site. The proportion of journeys using each mode. The extent of car sharing. Any constraints that inhibit car sharing or use of other travel modes. Any opportunities that could further encourage car sharing or use of other travel modes. The extent of linked trips. The extent of cycle usage and pedestrian trips. Car park utilisation.


Reactions to travel planning initiatives will also be gauged annually and suggestions gathered as to further potential ways to reduce individual, single car journeys to the site.


Encouraging Off-Peak Use


The largest proportion of members are children of school age, therefore many classes must take place in the afternoon after school, or at weekends. NDGA is keen, however, to encourage as much use as possible during the day and later in the evening, which are also the times when there is less traffic on the local roads.


Daytime classes are held for parents and toddlers, and for pre-school children. Classes in the evening are held for teenagers, with a focus on freestyle gymnastics so as to attract a wider range of members. Adult fitness and gymnastics classes are also available in the evening.




Travel planning at NDGA will comprise the following main elements:  

Appointment of a senior staff member/manager with responsibility for travel planning. An initial travel survey of staff and members.

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Analysis of the results and identification of measures to encourage more sustainable travel patterns. On-going promotion and encouragement of such measures. Annual review of travel patterns, and introduction of changes as appropriate.