Southern Illinois University Carbondale

OpenSIUC January 1952

Daily Egyptian 1952


The Egyptian, January 08, 1952 Egyptian Staff

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:SoIIIMAt Mile of Dimes Drive Begins Jan. 22 Southern's Mile of Dimes campaign, sponsored by the Alpha Phi Omega, has been scheduled for Jan. 22;24 Le, Barnes, APO March of Dimes chairman, announted today. --------------,,....-** Those woo wish to contribute to Jan. 8, 1952 ., Vol. 33, No.Jill· Single Copy 5c the fund for infant:le paralysis victims will lay their dimes in a linl:. of starting at the main entrance to th(" university and going toward olu main, beginning Jan. 22. I The March of Dimes campaign itself began Saturday night at the basketball game between Southern According to WilJiam Rogge o f " . . should Southern's speech department and Northern lJIinois State Teachthe Student Af.fair.s office, South· :~:v;h~h~~ld;=mt~su,r:~~;~~es, and has moved from what was formerd I b f the Iy known as the speech house at Southern's Lectures and Enter- ers college. II j " ern rna e app lcatIOn e ore telephone numbers at the desk in 3 J 2 West Grand to the second bar~ tainment committee has scheduled APO MEMBERS carried two Christmas holidays to enter the the Student Center .. National Intercollegiate Bridge . racks south of the university Edg~r Ansel Mowrer, famous ace blankets to catch contribu~s-f6l~ Tourna.ment. Rogge has been se. Each participating college can teria on Thompson street. foreign newspaper correspondent, lowing a sbort talk br.-James R. h' f . for a lecture here at Shryock audi. h I immer, Carbondale' March 01 lected to act as faculty ad~er of enter on Iy elg t payers; t ere ore Three rooms 10 the front part torium Jan. 23. Dimes chairman, the tournament on Southern's cam- there will be a play-ff scheduled 0 f t h e barrac's k are now s~rvmg "1 as Mowrer has just recently .returnBarnes said that collections will pus. to determine which eight of South- speech classrooms. Offices for ed to America from his third in... F Ea H be taken at each game during the The tournament is an_annual ern's players 'will enter the tourna- speech department faculty mernconteit in contract bridge in which ment. b l I t d ' th b vesttgatlve tnp to the ar st. e campaign. , men and women undergraduate stuer~ are a so oca e lD ~ ar- is the author of the Pulitzer prize The APO' is..alsa placing containdents compete for a Championship. rae s. winning book, "Germany Puts the ers in business places that students title and trophy awarded by the Shldent C-enter Plans Blue prints have been drawn up Clock Back." frequent most. H for a new speeclT building wjtiro Few Americans have had such National Intercollegiate Bridge D \1 C ff John S. Rendleman, SIU legal Tournament committee. at Y~ ..O ee ours will ·house offices. classrooms, a opportunities for understanding the counsel, has been appointed camColleges and unive~ities invited A Coffee Hour will be held ev- Little Theatre, and the radio station world problems. as Mowrer. for he pus chainnan of the drive. Virgil to enter are those last accredited ery day from 10 to 11 a.m. at the which is now located in the Bar- is familiar with all the countries Brown, Carbondale, is the. county Ilof Europe and has worked in most chairman. bv the Association of American Student Center beginning Thurs- racks K on Chautau'1 ua street. Universities and those with mem- day, Jan. 10. Shirley Mathis. chairThe new building will be locat- of .. hem. ~e has visit~d Russia, SororilJes. fraternities and indebership in the Association of Col- man of the Student Center refresh- d . t ,lith f th h Spam. and IS an authOrIty on the pendent student houses have been lege Unions. mcnt committee, has announced. . It wi~1 be ~r~~:d ~e~~e O r i e n t . . contacted and their projects for . . FOR THE PURPOSE of the Coffee will be free Thursday site where the art center was 10Typical subjects lectures ·giv- raising funds will be announced toufnament, the United States has. . . h ..c . C ff H f cated before it moved int~ the AI- en by Mowrer are News Report soon. from Washington," and "The Truth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ been divided into eight zones on s~nce It .IS t ~ Irs.~ 0 ee our 0 Iyn building fall term. !he basis4}>f geogr~phica~ ~rox~m- t .e ~eTlCS, ut five cents a c~.~ About the Far ~st." ttv and the numencal dIStribution will be. c~argcd thereaf~e'b T ~s AGRICULTURE CLUB TO Born in Bloommgton, III., Mbwrof the more than 300 accredited project IS elOg spon~ore y t. e HOLD MEETING TONIGHT er's American residence is in Wash. . d . , Student Center stecrm,& c o m m l l I ' . . co II eges mv,te to partlc'pate. 1: All [" ·11 . h There w,lI bc a regular Ag club mgton, D. C Southern is in the