Southern Illinois University Carbondale

OpenSIUC November 1968

Daily Egyptian 1968


The Daily Egyptian, November 01, 1968 Daily Egyptian Staff

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Southern nlirwi3 'University .



Corbonaol e, III in o ; s Friday, Ho vemDe; 1, 1968

Volilm e SO -



. Number 29


Jo.h nson halts

allbhmbing to hel p tal~s ' W AS H I NG'l o N '(AP) - Pn ':"; ld ...' n t 11I11II",lIn dn n"u n\,. c \1 T hursda) nl g.hl I I1 JI a I.. l lTnpkll: h,JiI t' l .Ii l 1'1( ,0111::11 dllll- III o f No n h V klnJm wil l Ilq! l n.31 H ..I . m . Jolla: . W.Jsh i-nglOl1· llm (' . T he: I'r ~ · ~ Hh: m . addr ".' :-'5 In~ thL" 11.J : III I1 , said tu.' h.Hj d c c idt: d 10 13k!.' th i s S\ \..' P "jllh .1111.' ;': 1I1l ... ur r C n cl,,' Ij f h i !'> lOp m tli laq Jdv ls\..' r :; anfJ Ih . . J.!'· \'l' rn m CnlS /11 :.I II ..the a ll ie d pow ..: r :, fl glll ll,¥ In Vk ln.Jn1 , "In Ihl! b.?Jn: f lha t I h r:-) J ...· t i o n can k ..a d to prng r .,: s s to wJr d.l ', I,,:,-' ful sc ttl e m t.: m o f th(' Vi Cl namcSl' w.Jr ." J. Il a nnj wa s nOl ifl c d of the dl'c lsw n.

Home eoming arriv,e e

And nego liati o ns o n IhL' baS Is o f il w tll be g i n in Pa ri s Nov. 6, wi t h Ihe go vt.:rnm c nt of So uth VI\.: Ln3m r e pre se nte d at #th c confcrt.· ncL' I a b J e . The latt e r was a key bo ne of co nt e mion. . The, Natio na l Liber a ti o n fro nt a lso will be e mit le d to sit ir. on the ne W- term s m ancuvc nn;; fo r peacc In the lo ng , ( ost l y war o n the other s ld t.: of Ihe wl) rld. he NLF is the po lili ca'i a rm o f t he Vic t Co ng o "What we e xpec t a r C' pro mpt, p r ,)du c ti vt.: , s e ri o us and im c nsivc ne got i ations a nd In an a tm os pht.:rc lhal i s co ndu c ive to progress ," J ohnson ::i.3 J{~ . T he-J> reside m sa id thai hI..' ,I S ha lTi ng a ll a ir. na va l a nd ani lle r y bo mbard me nt o f Nonh Vl c tn a m , und L'r hiS c urre nt de ciS io n, hUI o ffi cta l s sa id Ihls applies IU all act s invo lv ing us e o f fo r cc , Including tr oo p a c tl vll Y i n t he Nonh, It do(':s e xe m pt; hlJwe vc r . unarme d r c co nn alssance.


Mr. F resbman J im Be .. llt th e bonnre Thu rsday niehl IIle ll in, o rr. three d ays of Hom eco m· in c festivities . See story , pace 9. ( Phom by Barry Ka iser)


See related .Iorie., page 8 In his ta l k to the n:Hi o n, a nno unc i ng th e s tep . J o hnson s ai d his de cision , fo ll uwcd t hrough cl o se l y on his previous s tate me m s abo ut a bomb i ng halt . He me nt io ned. In thi S respect, tha t the admini s tration took the sta nd ,\ ug . 19 that il Int e nded 10 mo ve no funh e r wil hout gOlld r easons fo r be lI e ving Ihl: o ther s iae ' im c nde d to jOin se ri ou s l y In "de - esca la ti ng the wa r a nd moving se r ious l y to w3r d pca ce ... ' ~ Jl e r L:~ a l h.:d h(, ha d s aI d o n Sept . 10 that t he bombing. wu uld nUl Sto p "u m11 W e are co nfide nt that it will nOI lead to a n in c rea s~ In Ame ri can cas ua lti es." "ThL' J Oint C h ief s of Sta ff, all militar y men , have as,s urt: d me, " he said , "a nd Gl..'n , Ab r a m s fi rml yassc rt cd to ml! o n T uesda ) In .Jn c a rl )' 2:30 a . m . m eeling - thal in [ he ir mil ita r y judgme nt thi s ac ti o n should be tak ~ n now. and thi s ac t io n wou ld not rl..'s ul! in any inc T'\:ase In ..\ mc rica n c a s uaith:s." . J ohnso n sai d IhtJ ugh that no w 11 has bee n m 3,pl! dear to the other s ide l hJI t a lks c..: a n' , continue IJ they tak e mHila q ad va nta ge o f Ihe m no r t.:an l he y b e prO;duc li ve in an at mosphe r c WhL'rl' cit ies a r L' bei ng she ll e d a nd tht' D ~ mili la ri zc d Zon\.' IS bei ng a bust.!d. Th e P r e s ide nt m adl: II c lea r lh a l he co nside r s som e ri s ks sli ll a r e i nvo lvl.:'d. and S3 ld ,the Noqh Vie tn amese ha ve - bee n PUt on nOl ice t.hat an y v io lation of the U.S. cond itions wil l br i ng Imm c dl a[~'1'·-ctali a {io n. And U.S. offic ia ls wh. M tr)' Lou Mlnn"". AI Manni",. · I.."r), Frau-r. JobrI Ou.rb.n. W.yne M' .rtham, Nor rl' J~ • • Ha.


IIt bUII)'



than Jonra. Barblra t.«beos. o.'I'e P ilermo. ~n Vln Alta. Brei'll Phel~ . Nick lIarder. I nr~


rapher.: Barry LYnan. ft alNlr.

KebWDnIlJ. PhoICC· Mike YoUall, ()e.ft



1'--,~ .. :.......'"'(=


lar yAdof th emeAssool alio n Re:for 1':=======:::;:==============~ 'he vance m of Aging

sby e ar c h, IsXI ,bea ing Sigma s cte~nsored m i,9c r e se ar~h socielY· - - .


1700 W. MAIN PH. Got. 'Op.n. At 7 :00 Sh o w St a rt. At 7 . 30

'549·7323 ~

PL US ( Sh o wn,..S-ec: o nd)




RES~~CTABLE ~~_~!:"

"**** ... ARARE EXPERIENCE ," ~

- ___ H... ~Y'"o.IIr .....


lioJD~miia8 ~tivitie8

·Fes.tivit:f:es begin today on sale at University CenSociology o.;partment~Lunch­ ter Centr.a l T·lcket Office, eon, '12:15 p. m •• UJlive'r sity Homecoming Concert, South- . Center Mississippi Room. ~5 , $4, $3.50 and $2.50. ern llllnors' Symphony, Her- Alpha Pbl. Alpha: Dance, 9 Homecoming Buffet: II ben Levinson. conductor, )l. rn •• J 3.m.. University 3.m.- 1 p.m., University featuring Maria Pinclcney, . Center Ballroom s. - Center Ballrooms ; Homeharpist,. 8 p.m., Shryock Student .Christian Foundation: coming Parade Judge s: · AuditorJum. Chips and Sandwich Theater, M r e..· Il r e m c m ea r l ie r t hi S yea r the..' J.:!..1.· ne..· r a l was r epon ed livi ng 10 a l ak ...'side..' vill a in' suburban Munk h wllh a s i g n o ut s id ...· war ning, " Bewar \.· th e Dog. " lIo wevt: r, Ge..'hh:n l i k e..' lI o wa r d Hughes w as an Invi s l bk m.J n; II was Iho u ~hl that he lived bUI nobody knl.'w fo r SlJ r l' , Perhaps Ih ...' bes t Ind icat i v n tha t he..' re..'a l) ) dJd wa's the fa c t th3 t M osco w r ('pu n ed l y h~tJ offer ed an aSlronum l ca l floe..' fo r w hue..· ve r would kin him . Gehl c n' s m e n in m any c a Ses did not sha r e: hi s invulne r abili t y , ho wc ve..· r. I n I I.Jfl3 , fo r instance , Ihr ee Geh l e n m e n wcre..· se OlL'n ccd all c r they had sY Slc mau c a ll y betra yed Slat e sec r et s f ro m 1950 !.:IntiJ thclt" arr est In 1961 . Acco rding ro th eir confess io n they had de -

/ by air: m~i1 ~ The m o r al of lhis stor y: I n ' spy ing t OO', t he eas i esl soluti ons' are of ien lh«: m OSt f oolproof ones. . The c urre nt s p y hu nt In .w es t Germany lx.'go.n in ea tl y Oct ober · whe n 58 -year-o ld H ca T A dm.. LU C~ d as f o und s hot to dt! ath in a huming aT ' i n the Eifel m ounta in s . The. admira l h beef! o ne o f Ihe l OP l ogi sl i es o ffi cc r s1or NATO . Onl y a day bef or e he we nt to the m o um :1tns- he h'ad be !.;!n qucs"nc:.d ,abo ul a film' Ihat he had le fl I n a ca ' r a sho p fOT p r occ.I?s ing. T hi s miniature ca m ...: ra hi m l.Oo ntained frames o f sec r e l a ll ied d c ume m s . • . ThiS I S w hat a larm s m ast o ff iCia l s . It s.... e m s I ha l Ihe co-mmuni sts ha ve be ...·n abl e ~ r alO .i nro rmal io n ab.1UI secret NA TO pl ans / ' and dOl.: uments :11 a t im .... w ht: n lhl.' poli t i cal 5il u3 1ion in Centra ) Eu r f) J"'" has lk'co m t.: in cno-'as lngl y tcnst' r esult of tile Ru ss i a n Inv a SIOn 10 CL.I.' ..:.hosl o vakia . . T hl.·r,.. arc many r ea so ns wh y RU SSia n and East Ge rma n I nt c lligc.nce agencies have f ou nd . m an )' We!:)t Ge..' rman offi ce r s and go vernm ent o ff icia l s e as y ' target s "f o r b l ac km ail . Fi r st o f ai l, a div!ded coum ry i(l lway s o ffers, opportunities f o r aClivilie s o f this kind a s the dh 'I$ IOn o fl cn in volves person al and family Iragedie..'s . S e ~ o nd l y , m any o fficers are exH e m e l y vulnerabl e bec~ u se of Ihel r pa st .

as ;}

Party ptotforms .coIJIPci.r ed ( AP ·Ne"srealu re s)

R E P UBLIC .~:-; S


/ DE MO C RATS Viemam -

End the war by "an hong.r-able

and ~g se tt le me nr which r especrs rhe rights of all the people in Vie tnam . " Uni-

~~re~~~t;i~i~~~:~l w~~~~his ~::':~9~0~~~t not

e ndange r


lives of our troo ps · in

the field," . C rime -:- Ple dge s a " vigorous and su s tai ned campaign again s~ lawless ness i n all its forms. " Prom ises more,and better trained police, r eduction of delays in court, pro m~,­ and effective feder.a I support, gun ·control

le gis lation, programs ro check riots quict:ly. Poverty Ple dges ' formal commitment that no Ame r icin should g6 hungry or y.ndernourished. Favors permanent appeal of restrictive amendment, o n the num~r of ~ c hildren who can be ,aided i n eac h state . Proposes incom e and e, igibility standards s hould be dete rmined ' and financed on a f e de ral basis. • Une mpl oyment - .propo ses 'i n c re a si n g minimum wage guaran.i:ees, · occupational healt h and safe ty le gj slation, guaranteeing the " green card" work.e r equa l tre atme nt,

updating the benefir pro.visions of rhe Long s hore man and Harbor Workers Act: He alth - Propo ses gov~.r.! e nte r prise partne r ship to 10we r- ho spJ[al costs. Promises to raise level of rf! ch; in-

cludin·g progral1l for

for children during Hrst year of ,Ufe _. For~!gn

Pol1C;y -

sbould contlJ:tue


Asserts United States

accept it s world respon- .

slbtlity. resist:' the temptation. toj)ecome self-appointe!policeman of the 'worl~. honor treaty o bligations , seek always...t~ strengthen and improve ~ U.N. .. would aCfive ly e ncourJlge econoini.c, social. and cuI weal . rexchange with mainlantl China as' i llIe ans

W.t ..


of freeing rhar nation and her People from unhealthy isoiation." _ Tbe Elderly - Increased benefits wli h. cosl of Uri", ad;t.tments, Medical care expuded to IDe druss and lowering . oImlal_m .... to public: aB8latance, .,

iohlly disaqvantaged we favo r partier. Conce rt 1I1'.m_ roda.y on WSIU Moonligbt Se'renade

AGENT for Fidelity Union Life In's urance Company Is an unusual .so n or millionaire . He didn't accumulate a million dollars "and he didn't giv e it away." He so~d " it- ove r ) $2.500,000 last year. Tbls being th e second . year In a row t!jat he has sold over $2,000,ooP. . ' Rob.rt. 8 . wo nh of Insurance. Bob's 4·968 re~ord is his 3i


p rograms: ',oda ";;:; WSIU- 3: 15 p.m. TV : The Ne gro Ame rican 4 p.m. . 1 . Sund a y Co nce n 8:35 p. m. 5:30 . . Ma s te r s of t:.bc Ope ra Mi ster gers' Ne ighborhood II p.m . p.m. Nocrurne The Fre nc h Chef 8 p. m . . Pass po rt 8: Vagabond. Dis-


Meet A

549-' 2030 54


10 p.m . . N . E . T. Pl ayhouse: Wo men Be war e Wo me n


PH:~ec6mlng game: STU

VS .

Yo un g s fOwn

o p.m . N. E. T. Fes t iva ) 7 p.m. David Sus skind Sho w

9 p.m. N. E . T. P layhouse

Kellyeiecled lo . board


r - ----- ----l

~8ycho~0~y group


. No ble H:' Ke lley, SIU re -


s earch profe sso r in psycho}. l og y.


has bee n e l ecte d to the



Represe ntatives of Psychologic a l ASSOCiatio n. T he l30- me mber cour.cll is tbe APA ' s legis lative body. I, Is the third time he has bee n Council. e le cted "to the






Prepare For Homeooming.


Let fill in the


I 1




Dry Cle'a n '


I 1

8 Ib.~ . - Onlyl $2:00


Wash 30 lb •. - O'nly 20 lb •. - Only 12Ib •. - Only 25C \


.one Day Sh~rt ~



- I-

~~rViCe ' '. ··Downtown& CampUs Plaza , I'ashionsForfall&Wmhlr

.Aiientltmt ~ OIl duly: 8ana .





)11 . . . . .




_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...II


- JeHreYls



., (

S~id.e~~m,ay have vote ' no~arized free

Pros:to discuss U.s~ umpaign ,;.~.

The Inte rnational Relations Cl ub will s pons or a pa nel dis' c usslon on Iss ues In the Pres i dentia l campaign at 7:30 p.m. Mond a y In Davis Auditorium . , Me lvin Kahn, a ~ soc iate pr ohis ba llot, Mr s . seals fesso r ' in gove rnm e nt -and a and oor a r izes...... it. It is (he n s pecialis t 'In politica l pa rries , sent ro"rhe vot,e r ' s home count y ~lItlbem.::'!~~~':I:;.d pa rtlcipa,e seat [0 be t all ie d. Otbers co m ple ti ng , be I?"nel "Thur s day was the l as t day that a pplications fo r abse ntee ballots could be obta ine d.

SIU stude nts who desi r e to vote the i r abse ntee ba llots may do so in Room C in the

Unive r sity Ce nte r . Dor is Kapla n.. a nota r y public, will. nota r li c each a bs e ntee ball o ~ free of char ge Mrs . Kaplan mus t e xa mine

h T ype8. o f P bolog r ap y ' For Gre~ ''' ""e r Vlce

tn'::.~~i~'::;;n!~~~il~ti:.;'~~CY and


The re will be a question and a ns we r session following [he dis c ussion.

each ba llo t (0 see (hat th ~ re Ho wever, anyone who has hi s ar e no m a rk !\ on it be f o r e baUot m ay vOfe in -the Untuse . . Afte r eac h pe r so n uses ove r s ll), Ce nte r un'til . ~o v . 5.

Obelisk stafJ'e rs


N.•Y. meeting

Staff m e m bers wi ll ' e nt e r t he co nve n'tjon boas t ing of one of IS,Tea books s e lec ted AIIAm e r ican Ja sl year. the A ~ sOc lat e d C o lle giat e Press ' aOfl the Na ona l C oun cil of.Coll ege P ubUc n. Ad vi se r s spon ~ r the ca n on ar , he Walds- rl- Asl o ri a Hal i . Lect ure s wil l be gi ve n o n v a r io u 8 aSIX-;CI S o f yea rbook a nd nc~ s pa pe. r pr od uct i on. A m ong. t h e s peak e r s 1,0 a ddr e s s the dl..' )!-,gal c6 a re M a yo r John V" Li nd sa y, t:.ce A . I-acocc o~. .,. F o rd, Moto r

C o mpa ny an d ':I"hn Alle n of Rea der ' s Diges t. A llc nd_lng I he co nve nt ion arc Shi rle y Rohr, edito r; M i m i Sa ndife r , Cent ennial edit or ;

Ma ri es Reic he rt , aca de m ics

,/'1,'V~1 8el8 Jope n ~oU 8e VT I will h9 ld an open house No ve m be r 7- 9. Hours fo r Ihe . e ve nt T hursday and F ri da y arc 5 p. m. 10 9 p . m. , Sat urday f ro m 9 a.m. t o 2 p.m.


'i=REE . Bus' ,t o .Murda·l e ' every Saturday

SAV~E Th is i , th.

.Small wonder : can ·be seen at



EPP'S MOTORS Highway 13 - East

Ph. 4S7'-2184 ~ . Overse es Deli ve ry Av e il ebl

This Ycar'~ Homecoming Will Include , A N~w- ~pecial ' Event Now You C'a n Eat at The Golden Bear I






26 VARIETY ·PANCAI(ES vs.~A ' . LIS n .. "'OW\e -.1)S 5,,..1' I


30 7' We81 Oa k 549 1512

CarbOndale '

.ride the

2 6 Stores to Serve' You

Rod g e r St r c tl matte r. la yo ut W. Ma nto n K l ce ;

' f.!!~:fJ.~=~



M e m' b e r s of t he Obelisk 'edito r ; Cat hy As hl y, ho us ing st aff lef l T bur sday for a three - and or ganl z at io ns ed itor ; Ga r y da y co nvemto n i n N~ w Vo r k. Bl ackbur n. s p a r (s c di lOr ;


will be Ikue Chou, professor in gove rnme nt and a s pec iaUst In, Ame rican fore ign. PQllcy, [tie Sovie t Unton and the Fa r E as t, ana MaJ)fred Landecke r, ' as s ociate pr~sso r i n gov e rome nt alid a specialis t In


Golden B'ear Restaurant '206 South Wall Phone 5494912,

AeI,.. ~ Eat '~..;e (



W:o.r.ld. l'~~ction~ -to 'bOIil~ilig halt


Jl7oUoce NEivA RK, N.J: (AP):"Vice President Huben H. Humphrey saId Thursday nlgbtthat President Johnson 's decision on ~U "help the cause of p.ea~e: He had conferred with die Presldenr by telepho,(e / about 6 p.m. He said Johnson had also cal~ed Richard ·M. Nixon ·an~. George C. Wallace. .t _ I fully suppon the action, Hump11rey told an impromptu n eVils co nfe rence from · t~e ste ps of his atTplane. . . • As the , P.r cside nt s aid, he has . t ake n thi s ' declsion In t he hope that .it w1l 1 reduce ,he killIng and th at thI s Is gc!-

NEW' "YORK (AP) _ Repub. liean Richard M. Nixon cotd a natlo .... lly televised campa ign rally Thursday night he t rusts that Preside nt Johnson's order ha'ting t he bombing in North Vie tnam ·'May bring some progr e ss" in peace ne gotiatio ns With the Communi srs . Beyond tpat', Nixop sa id little of the dram a t ic Johnson move on the night of a Re publican po l.i t ical extravagal)za in Mad iso n Squa r e Garden. . ' "1 pledge a ~ew.,fo r~i gn policy for ~e Tl ca, Nl.xo n to ld a capacilY crowd Rcpub-


ing td"j1clpthe cause of peace ," Jr;i vice pr eside nt s aid , "Now J " ns As PUt you at a r e17,500 probablpersons. y a war e let II's hope and pray th at [he onlgh t, the P.rcsidc m anneg lations in · Parls will t5e' nounced anothe r bo mb ha l ~ tn abl . to mov orwar:d s in a Vie tna m," NIxon said . T-hat . ~ rodUcl[ lVe rna r .:' . dre w a nurr y of boos .


Honoi -

PARIS (AP) - Ambassador w ~ Ave r ell Ha rriman' s dele gat Ion decllned to m ~ k.e_ any immedtate co mm ent~ OQ the ground hat the pres idential statement called for no elaba'ration.

-P ARIS (AP)- " Thi s re "moves a tre mend ous obstacle to peace- but no w th e political strugfe for OUT gauntry begins: a Hanoi del e gation offlclal said priv ate l y e arly FrIday on le arning of P r eside nt


Harriman and his deput y.

Gy rus Vance , a lo ng' with [he ir a,ides, were at ( h~i r posts at th e American Embass y 1~8-tenlflg to the Johnson br oadcast. "n J Ame r ica n de legation

Johnson" s

b o rn b-h alt


NORFOLK, Va. (AP)-Third party. candidate George C. Wallace said Tbursday night, HI hope and ptay" that presi- . -de nt Johnso n's announce me nt of a bombing halt in No rth Vi et~ will bring an early and qp norable " peace in Sourheast-r.-sia. The for met Alaba ma governor de,c lined t ~ sa y ~hat . e f:~ fecl the bombing halt mt gfil ha ve on [he pt:eside nt ial election or his Ch~ nces. •• • Wallace sa id he co ul dn t ca r e less" ; that his only co ncern was for a n ear.l y .. and hooo r ao le settl mc nl of the war so " we can brin"g t he

THECELLAR J Enioy music by

tHE SC~ABS "w ith vocals by . "JOHN NEARM~N Fri. ~nd $at: 9:00-1:00



nounceme nt. The' Communist NonhVletnam ese de legation to the longwinded Paris talks toward peace seemed elated at the ne ws but withheld formal com-

news co nfere nc~ wa s being set inent ~ndlng study of the up for laler 10 the da y. Wa shington annopncement.

Sout h

V~~m' s obs~rver

m.i ssion on the side linesof) he

peace parley offered no comment. /One reason ;';ts tha t its , chief . ex-fbreign m inist e r Pha m Dang ,Lam , left Tharsday/ for Sa(gon, whe r e , tie it lO' co nsuh ' Wi th Presi de nt Nguye n Van Thieu.

Hanoi was told pointedly In advance thar any cessation of bombing in th e North -if followed by abuse of the"Demllita .r;ize d Zone, auacks on cities o r provincial I apilals, or r e fus al by N










. I




No,we're notcraz)'; We just ~ we have a pretty Dice restaurant. The problem isthat a lot of people have never tried Utt1e Caesar's. So this is ov-wayof iatJ'Oduciag to us-eat whatever yOtjWUh . C ·payOnlywhat youtliiak it'i worth. U it.t asted good, give us the pa;eeOllthe menu-but!f it eIida't IlieetJOUtstaDdards, gJW us as


little or as .....--./ ,ouwaat. .

). 11a.aa. to 1....... '












Allen thinks: Illinoi8an~


hi~tori~al1y un~,nfo~med ' 'BY Philip Anderson

The State of 1lIinois Is In the midst of -its sesqulcentennlal,lto ISOth birthday, but are. the residents of this state aware of its history, or are they obllvl~us tQ its· he ritage?

SIU-.a.rid the RED, -WHITE and BLUE! ~eWu4

tage ," and If ..there is a cultural gap between' the past and the present the best wa y to ove rcome it, Allen believes , Is to inform ,people .of their heritage. And then an attempt s hould ' be made to a ttach It in some way to th e current

loc~~~r~t~~: ;~:na.;;~t;;'!r pe'~~o~ne hl~~?;1 " Legends and Lore of South~ e rn Illinoi s ," the people of Ullna is are upasslve".. t othe ir state ' s hi story. Alle n , who ha s a nc w pubHcarlon coming out ,;,Ithln the next fe w ' weeks entitl ed Hlt -Happened In Southe rn 1111nOls ," said ' th at th e r e a r e m any organizations · In . (h e st ate t ha_t k ~ep a ·watchful e yc on t he s& · wherit agc. Among these -a r e '~unty hi st o rical soc ieties aQd ,th c illinoi s Hl s to ri cal Soc cr y. Allen Bald " llI lnoi. "history ca mpa' res ';-'fh t ha t 0 ahy ' 1 Olher 'state , ," but cur events s uc h as the war I V let n am , ab c p rc~ l d e nti a l e lect ion and O t h e r 8 ha ve " o ve r s hado wed " t hl~ scsqul ce nt e nni a l yea r. . Allen sa id t hat [ll lno iFi pea,. pic "are proud t he ir hc ri-

his torical groups should be formed also," sa id Allen. . Allen said th at " almost e ve ry county in th e st~ t e ha s a hi sto rical societ y: an of .(he fe w th at does not is J'3ckson County, home of sru. Thi s Is Ironic, 'Allen Indicatcd, because C)l r bondale is one o f t hc ce.ntc r s of ea rl y nHnots hi o ry. • " I I h s long been a cent e r of l ca 'lng, having one of t he e lIest o rgani zed school s ystem s. The co m lng o f the r ailroad, Jrs good churches and othe r facto r s make It a part of IIIlnolsea rl y history, " "You a r e a lost soul If you have no opprcc Jo tl On of what we nt on bef OT . " Alle n s aid. To wn s ~ s uch as Ca iro , The be s , Gr and Towe r and othe r s we r e n;Jentloned by All en 3S ce~ r s of Bltnoi s hi sto ry.


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