Southern Illinois University Carbondale

OpenSIUC July 1966

Daily Egyptian 1966


The Daily Egyptian, July 06, 1966 Daily Egyptian Staff

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29th Annual Display in Center

Educa~tiona I Materia Is

EGYPTIAN Exhibition Is Opened Carbondale,lII i no i$ Volume 47

Wednesday , July 6, 1966

Humb.r 175

An exhibit designed to ac quaim area sc hool personnel, education s tudert{ s and faculty membel s with the la test conce pts 1n educational materials

opened at 8 a . m. today in the Ballroom s of t he Univer s it y Ce nter. The 29th a nnual Ed uca tional Materials E xhibition will be

Medicare Aid For Students Seen Possible University hea lth services and married students may get funds through the federal gov-

e rnment's medi ca re program. 1f funds are made ava il able, t hey will co me from "Tirle 19" of t he bill, whi ch gives each state and co unty the JXl w -

er to define who will be able to qualif y on the ba sis of fi nanc ial need as well as age

and phy s i c al di !=:3bllitv Dr. Walter H. C larke. di-

rector of the Health Se rvi ce f or the Carbondale c ampus ,

s aid he had not s tudied the ~ssibi1it ies

of Titl e J Q.


added that if fund s be ca me availab le, it wo uld not be immediate ly. Jame s W. Cooke. adminis(ra(QT o f t he O lin He al t h Cen-

ter at Mi c hiagn State University. said he t hought t hat the Question of s tudent el igibili ty

for [he fund s had never been raised and that perhaps it s hould be asked in Wa s hington . Married s tud e nt s co uld qualif y under the need pr ovi s ions of the bill. Dr. Clarke poimed out, ho we ve r. that all the provision s of the bill are nor in effect at thi s time. Acco rd ing to Dr. Clarke, the bill is so co mpl ex that even the most o bvi o u s section s a re ve r y compli c ated. Dr. C lark e i s no w inves ti gating the pos s ibilitie s of re ceiving fund s from the Medi care prog r am in Iliino is ,




lecture de mon s tration s: RE F RE SHING PAUSE-One o f nature's most beautiful insects, the Mo na rch butte rfly , pausps for a sip of neclar from a handy daisy. The Mon arch , one of more than 600 s pecies o f butterflies

in North America. is a lso one o f the most longlived and co lorful of th e species. The "king of the butte rfl ies " inhabits thi s area during most of the Summ e r.

Need Called 'Pressin g'

Summer Bus Service Seen a Possibility; Proposed Plan Submitted jor Approval

A summer bus se rvI ce for Office of Student Aff a irs , he students is st ill a s t ro ng pos - indIcated that the regular bus sib!llty , according to Bob r o ute wo ul d sta n Thursday Drlnan, student body p r es i- if P ru sak approv ed th e plans and det ails of the co ntr ac t , de nt. Both th e A & A Transit Drinan sa id aft e r last Co. and t he Upive r s it y Phywe eks' s Campus Senat e m eetL a rr y D. Ze hr, 20 an SIL· ing th at the r e was littl e hope s ical P l ant quot ed a $6 per s tude nt (rom Peo ri::" di ed that the Senat e wou l d be abl e ho ur rate for the service. Th e Tues d ay fr o m injuri es s uffer - [Q p r ov id e the se rvi ce because r o ut e , acco r d ing to Dri nan's ed when hl ~ moto r c ycle· co l - of insu ffi c ie nt fund s . r epo n, would cove r 4.5 mil es lided wit h an au!O at 2: 'iO Howeve r. he said Tu esday r o un d trip. p. m. Monda y in :\1oum C:1r - t ha t thE' ne ed fo r the bus The propos ed plan c all s for bon, near :\1urphys t"lOr< ,. se n ' ice was so pr ess in ~ that thr(>e pe ri ods o f se r vice at th(O Se nat e wou ld fin d some I a . m . to Q a. m., at 11: 30 a. m. Zehr wa ~ admitt ed 10 Joseph :.l e morial Ilospil.ll in way to finance- th e' pro jl' ct , to I p.m. and 2: 30 p.m. to 4 Murphys !)()PJ arr e r ,h,.: ( 01 In a f L·P0 n. t h J t i) r inan SL' nt p. m . fo r 3 tor a} o f fi ve ho ur s to Ralph Pru~ok , tic' an r) f t hC' a day fi vC' days 3 wee k. iHs ion on l ilinul.... J L

Accident Injuries Fatal to Student


When Temperatures Rise . .. Pow


held roday, Thur s day and Fri da y. Ho ur s ar e f r o m 8 a . m . until noon and fro m I until 3:30 p.m . toda y and Thursda y from 8 a .m. until noon Friday. Exhtbi[Qr s from 86 com panie s will be s howing materi als ranging fr o m text book s and map s to an materia ls, off ice su pplies, film s , caps and gown s , audiovisual mate ri al s , pen s and pencil s and library s upplie s . So me of the better kno wn companie s exhibiti ng include Ameri c an Book Co. , Bobb sMerrill Co., Encyc lopaedia Britanni ca Films. McG raw Hill, A. N. Palme r Co., Science Re se ar ch Associates and Varit yper Corp. Benson B. Poi ri er, exhibit dire c tOr and assistant dean of the Ex[en sio n Divi s ion . es t imates t hat between 3, 500 a nd 4,000 people will vie w (tIe exhibits during the three days . Each of (h~ co mpanie s is allo wed bet ween eight a nd ten feet of spa ce in the Ball roo m s, In ada ilion to thE' e xhi bit s in the Ba llr ooms, lec~ure s and de monstration s of ed ucational m aterialf; on e xhib it wil l be given i n the River Room s of the Univ e r si t y Ce nte r.

"·empera t ur e~ rh ar break r e c o rds are one thin g , but {he y al so bre ak ot her thing s On occasion. In one instance la s t August the SIU l aundry th e rmom ete r creeped up to 120 deg r ees and then broke, accord ing to Broc key Childers, man age r of th e laundry. Childe r s s aid that during the l ast week the laundry the rmometer reached 115 to 117 degrees. ReacMllp of 110 de grees are co~, he said. The bot, humid weather the area has been 8welte r ing under is here to stay, at least for the mo nt h of Ju l y, ac cording to the U. S. Weat he r Bureau at Cai r o.

Th e bureau fo r ec asts abov e normal temperatures with no rmal preCipitation for the r est o f the month . The record high for Ju ly in th e Carbo ndale area Is 112 degree s se t on Jul y 12, 1936, acco rding [ 0 the SIU Cli m ato logy laboratory. Reco rd low for tt;le area is a compa ratively c hUl y 43 degrees, recorded on July 23, 1947, The forec·_ IH today Is ge nerally fair, with a high in the mid 90s. Clim atOlOgy Labora tory records show the record high for today i8 103 degrees , set in 1930; and the r eco rd low is 50, set in 1940.

For the remainder o f the quaner (which would be 42 days from th e Thursday s taning date) . the total ope l'ating expe nses would be $1 , 260 Drtna n sa id. Thi s would include miscellaneous expe nses fo r printing sign s and bus sc hedules. Drinan' s plan ca Il s fo r weekl y o r t e rm passes that s tud e nt s may buy in advance. Th e passes would pro bable se ll fo r $1.75 wee kl y and S17 for t he r e m a in der of the ter m , Drinan sa id . " Right now we ca nnOl co unt on $400 fo r the p r o ject," Dri nan said . "The r est wi ll ha vE' to come fro m s tu de nt gove rnme nt, the Uni ve rsir y and th e ma jo r house ho ld e r s in the a r ea who wou ld benefit from se rvi ce to th e ir residents." In ear li e r di SC USSions With th e bus firm one main run that wo uld operate on Wall Str eet. Co ll e ge Street , Logan Street , and Main Str eet was suggested At {hat time , Dri nan said {hat pa n icul ar r O Ut ~ was p icked beca use "this 15 where mos t of the compla ints fro m students are comming from . " He e mpbasi zed that in set ting up die nm. aftIcials would plan a .... _ Ibat wo uld proVide ............. amo unt of eernce to "We reall!le the necessit y of a bus service now that the taxi companies in town have raised [h e ir prices, " Dri nan said.

8: 10 a.m. "Tea c hing Reading wi th (he Initi a l Teaching Alphabet." Alan Swearingen, Initial Te aching Alphabet Publica tions - Illino is and Sangamon Rooms. . " Basal Reading Se ries Taught by a Stru c tured Lin gui Stt c Approa ch," Donald Sc hmidt, Science Research A 6 so c I ate s - Mississippi Rooms, 9 a,m. "New Refe r e nce Skills for C la ss room T eac her s ," Mr s. Ali ce fHc hardson, Aritannica F du c ar io nal Co rp. - lllin oi~ andC:;aga mon Room s . "R eadini-?,-P r ese mati on of Sheldon Ba si c Rea ders, " June l3oesc hen, All yn and Inc . - Mn::; s"issl PPI Baco n, and Ohio I~oomf;. l!l a.m. "Pho nL"tl ~ Key:-:. {n Peading and Phonl..' u (" Appro a c h to (; r o wl h," C le n I \Iall o n , The rConom\ Cu , -1I1101)"j ... a nd ";Jn~amun Hoom .. . " Vocal Musl c - 't'-.1agic or

Spelli nc,

( Cont i nued on poge 3)

Gus Bode


Gus says tbat any s tude nt who gets married needs m o r e than Medi care ... he needs head icare.

P age 2

'Merry Wives of Windso r ' To Open a t 8 p.m. Thursd ay "The Merry Wive-s of and mo st lovabl e c harac te r s , Wind so r" will open al 8 p·.m. Moe sa id. Thursda y in the Southern i n the play, F a ls taff "a sP layhou se for a thre e-da y run . s ault s the vi rtue " of two Shake s peare' s co medy, a l - cleve r wives of Wind so r, though it co ntain s so me of the Mi s tress Page , playedby Judy funnie s t dialogue of any of Mueller, and Mis tress Ford , -his plays, i s not produced played by Maril yn Stedge. as often as most of hi s other , In retu rn for hi s attempt s . . tter - known pla ys , acco rd - the two wives , their hu s bands . ng to Ch ri stian Moe, director pl ayed b y Pete Goetz and Ken f the Southern P laye r s pro- Tho mpson , and a host of uction. townspeople , clowns Cl nd The play was written in fairie s mak e spo rt of the fa t r.esJXlnse to the demand fo r o ld braggan. . another play featuring hi s Other members of the cast comic c haracter, Fals taff, who are Michael Pritchard, Ken f first appeared in "Henry IV." neth Mueller and Buddy Hymel The fat, le c heTou s co wa_Tdl y as three s ui to r s to Ann Page, knight, played in the SIU pro- played by Phylli s Budzinski. duction by Mike F lanagan, i s John Peterson, Larry Menefee one of Shakespeare's ri c he st and Constan ce Goetz play Fal s t aff ' s foll owe r s . EAST GATE Robert Wilde is the THEATRE cowa rdly Welshman, Sir Hugh; Ron Travis is tbe host of the Ga ner Inn; Ken FreeOoors Op.n at 12:30 p.m. burn and Tom Anderson are CON TI NUOUS MATINEES the bu m bling co mi c servants DAIL Y FROM 1:00 pm . of Pritcha r d and Wilde; John C allahan is the e lder ly fool, Shallow; and Marilyn Hengs[ is Mi stress Qui ckley, servant to Pritchard. The prod uction of "The Merry Wive s of Windsor" uses 15th centur y costume s and a va r ie ty of se tting s' by Darwin Pay ne, assis tant profes sor of theater . Eltzabethan mu sic is a lso used in the prod uc!i0n . Ticket s for [he pla y are on sa le at the box office in [he Com mun ications BUil di ng.




The Greatest Western Classic Of ThemAll!

~~~.~~ ~- A""n. P.oooIltM",

Dail y Egy ptian Pllbhahed In the Departmen! 01 JO.... ~lIi m Satur4a y .h rooahout tne __ u.ool ,.': .r exu-pr 4uTlntI U", ... rMty .. .e.a_ u on penod., e umjl\.l tlon ..-c d s . and le gal boh daY I by Southern II llnoui Unl ..eral ty, C. rbondale, 0111"0'1 flNOI. ~co nd c ill" po".. e paid •• Cubondllle, Illi no is 02901. Polle l'" of The I::.gypuan a~ fhe refipon_ Ilblllt y of fhe td.ll o rl. SUfem ... nlll pubhllhe
Paisley made a publi c s tatement following the Belfast killings , decrying the event.

Ruffner Devises Penalty Plan For Disturbance Participants



[he North .

of Belfa st.

P unit ive action against s tudents who partici pated in disrurbances during spring term finals week will be based on a degree - at- involvement outline d r awn up by Ralph W. Ruffner, vice president of stu dent and area se rvIces. The outline was wo rk ed out using on l y numbers and ch ronolo gical sequence of event s in th e disturbances, which sta rted as a "wat er fight" and ended in de fian ce o f civ il authorit y. Ruffn er ' s c han, whi ch may beco m e a pa tt e rn fo r assess ing degree of blam e a nd punishment in similar situation s , li sts 12 cate gorie s o f i nval vement . Th ey range from "arrest fo r mob act ion o r diso r de rly conduct" down th r oug h " seri o u s ov e rt actio n," t o "present at the scene despite warn ings to leav e ." The nex t s tep. Ruffn e r sa id, was to exa min e the ev ide nce against e ach o f the 224 s tudents named as panicipa t ing in the disturban ces and place each in the proper catego ry . Disciplinary act ion on the part of t he Un ivers it y will range from ex pu l sion to suspenston and probation, to le tte r o f reprimand. Sevent een

An A~~~ RnderReads 240 words A Minute. We Can TeICh You To Read Over, 1,SOO Words A Minute.

to the situation in that pan of

DUBLIN-The mood of Ireland. at the present, is o ne of anticipation. Since the shooting at three men, one fatall y, in Be lfast, Northern Ireland, the Iri s h in both the No rth and So uth are waiting for further de velopment-s. Po lice have attributed a mot ive of anti-Catholi c i s m to the shoo ting. They co nd uc ted their search for the allege d killers in ShankUl , (he strong l y Protestant s tronghOld of the ci t y Govern ment lea der s have urged the Catho lics of Nonhe rn Ireland to r efrain from re talia tion, and h ave promised that the killer s will be broughr [0 ju stice . Jack Fagan, a reporter fo r the Iri sh Times, sa id, "Cold anger is the mood in the Ca tholi c dis t rict of Fall s , where the dead man's wido wed mother reside s ... Queen E lizabeth, who was visiting in Be lf ast Monday, es caped injury when a cemenr block wa s dropped on her car as s he drove through [he ci ty With her hu sba nd, P rin ce Philip. Alt hough he r trip had been

in Britain

-NOW IN - $,




"-E 457·_

Page 6

Japan Wants to Help Peking, Won't Back American Policy KYOTO . Japan (AP) - J apan

a nd the Uni ted States di s ag r eed T uesday ove r Red China a t the opening of the fifth annual meeting of Japane se and U.S. Cabinet officers. Secr etary of Srate Dean Rus k said Red Chin a wa s "cont inu in g it s ho s ti li ty an d i nt r ansige nce cowa r d t he United St ates a nd the rest of the wo rld . " But Fo r eign M ini s ter Etsu saburo Shiina said that de s pi te its hostil e at t acks on the J apanese government , Red China s ee me d pr ag m atic in its actio ns towa rd Japan. He de-

elared Japan wo uld con ri nue to m ake co ntac t s with Re d Chi na to he lp it br eak out of wor ld i so la t ion. About 2,000 co mmuni s t s , SOCiali s t s and e xtre mi st uni versity s [Udents s nak e -danced th rough the st reet s of thi s ancient for mer ca pital of J a pan, clashed with police an d s houted insu lts at the Americans. They fail ed to (T1u s te r the massed thousands the y had predic te d wo uld pour our [0 under sco r e Japanese oppositio n to Ame ri can bo mbi ng of No rth Vi et Nam, part icul a rl y the s ubur bs of Hanoi an d Ha i phon~.

Rentals • Refrigerators • TV's

Jets H it Torpedo Boats Again; HoConsidering Peace Talks?

• Ranges ~ Washers




America ' s bigge:;r an d mos t imponant all y in As i a . Japan ha s extende d ii nl e more [han HI T m E DIRT- -Troopets of t he I s.t Air Caval miles north east o f Sai gon . Sn ipers were firing in luk e wa r m moral s upport [Q the ry Di vision hit the ground to a void fire fr om fron t of them. and their own men were firinR rocU.S. war effo r t. fr onl and rear duri n g Ope ratIon Nathan Hale In kets fto r.! the rear. The Ja pane se see m pre - th e c ~tral highlands of South Viet Nam. 230 pared to go a long wirh Amer ican m il ita r y o bje c tiv es i n Par i s Has Hanoi News Vier Nam as long as the Un ited States doe.:; 110:. make t heir pos it ion popularl y un tenabl e . Prime Mini s te r Eisaku Saw i s under heavy pre ssure from the oppo s itio n and even fro m so me me mber s of hi s o wn c ited no autho rit y SA IGON, Sout h Vie t Na m parr [h21: befo r e the rombing a zi ne party to a do pt a mo r e in- (AP)-Ano ther air-sea fight of Hctn~i an d Haiphong, Pr es- for its in fo r mat ion. depende m s tand and w e xa c t ma rked the Ame r ican c am - ident :;0 Chi Minh of No rth Al the sa me t ime Red so me conce ss io ns fr om [he paign aga inst No rth Vi e r Na m Vie t Na m warned Re d China C hin~ ' s fore ig n mini ste r, United States on other que s- Tuesday. For the se con d ti me and [he Sov ie t Union that, "If C he n Vi , declared in a s tatetions, s uc h as that of Co m - in five day s , U.S. Nav y pl a nes there is no new development, ment br oadc ast fr om Pe king mu nist C hina, in e xchange fe r exc hange d fi re wi t h Co m - we will ha ve to co me to teI:n s tha t his go ve rnment will suphi s s teadfa s tness. muni s t to rpedo boa t s. One with [he Un ited Sta res te ward po n North Vie t Nam at all plane was shot down. It wa s t he mi dd le o f 1967, " The mag- co s ts a nd " wi.lI nor hesitate undeter mined whe t he r the co risk any dange r to a n• modern boa ts we r e hit . . nihilate U.S. aggres s ion and equipment win fi nal vi cto r y," He sp::l ke On the po li t ic al f rom P remier Ng uyen Cao Ky's mil at a rece ption marking the pleasant itary go ver nme nt ins t a lled an f o urtH- anniversary of atmosphere SO -me m ber arm y and people's Algeria ' s independence fr o m adviso r y coun c il , includ ing a Fra nce. • dares number of ski lled re c hnicians, A Slate Department s pokesSPR INGF IELD, Ill. (AP )play f r ee to help in rhe progressive man said Tuesday he had no tran s it ion of oo wertoanelect- T he St ate of Illi nois asked for informa tion on the Pari s ree d c ivilian regime next yea r . the dea th pe nalt y T uesday fo r port. F r o m a Paris week ly maga - fo ur Mena r d pr is o n inmates Gr ouncj operation s i n the CampU I Shopp i ng C.n t e r z ine, E nterpri se, came a re- accused of murder ing three so uth, marked by four Viet guards in a n a lleged No v. 23 Cong a tta c ks over the wee kend conspiracy to e scape rhal be - on i so late d , L!. S . -advised ca me a r iot . s pe cial forces ga r r iso ns, s u bDe f ~nse attorneys co unte r ed s ided imo s m all and sca n e r ed by accus i ng the stale of mal - c lashes. admi niste ring the prison sysTwo Navy A4 Skyhawk fight lem an d co nt e nded the r ior e r bombe r s from the carri er JXlint e d up lhe need for refo rm . Constellation and tWo No rt h • ' E vide nce will show t hat Viet name se torpedo roa t s the r e ar e s ti ll many r e fo rm s were t he antagonis t s i n the neede d and t his he lped pr eci- latest ai r - sea fig ht. They sho t pi tate what happened Nov. 23 ," it o ut i n the ea rl y morning said Richard Shaikew it z of da rkness less than 10 mil es Alto n, att or ney for Joh n W . of i s lands in Stam ps, 26, of Gr anite City . in.

7 ·6656

Death Sentences Asked by State In Menard Case



Little Brown J ug Little Brown J ug Little Brown J ug Little Little Brown J ug LI F E STR I DE · SMART AtR E - MIS S AME RICA .. .. NOW ON SAL E



Salu~i Slip per Shappe 7155. UN IVERSITY


Page 7


July 6 , 1966



Confer en ce

R eds No Longer Eye Victory, Optomistic John son Reports

May Back War Policy LOS ANGE L ES AP --Dem-

oc r at ic

govenor s

a gr e ed

Tuesday t o try to s win g the

National Confe r ence of Gov e rno r s solidl y behind a public proclam at ion of s uppo n fo r P r eSident J ohn so n's han dling of the war In Viet Nal.l. T hey n am ed a co m m ittee to

work on a resolution des tgned to command bipa rt isan appr ov al. Some Republican go ve rnors ke pt the ir finge r s c rossed, and a unanim ous vote appear ed out of t he question. But t be De moc rats figured they woul d round up t he r e qu ir ed th r ee-fourth s o f the VOt es. Ju st when a t est would co m e

was un ce rt ain . Viet Nam and polit iCS, so m etimes m ixed together, continued to be t he major t opiCS, on the s ide li nes at le a st, o n the da y t he 58 gov e rnor s ' confe r ence s witched fr om pre li minaries to for m al business se s sio ns . The l atte r was del ayed a d a y because of Lnd ic ation s th at J ohnson might Jo in th e go ve rno r s Monday fo r a fo urth of Jul y s peec h. He didn't . And Tu esday a ne ws co nfe r e nce at hi s T exas ranch com peted with the gove rno r s' confe r e nce fo r atte ntio n. T he gove rnor oi t he P r eside nt' s home s t at e , J o hn B. Co nn al l y, c all ed Democ r at s to get he r , as cha ir man o f t he Association o f De m orc r ati c Gove rno r s, to tal k ma inl y abo ut offerin g a r eso lution bac g J ohn son o n Viet Na m. T he co nference ado pted s uc h a resol ution l ast year. T he only votes aga in st it we r e fro m Republicans Ma r k O.

JOHNSON CI TY. Tex . Hat fie ld of Or egon and Geo(AP )-Pre s idenr Johnson took r ge \o\~. Rom ney o f Michigan. an optimi s ti c vie w of (he war These two , at least , were in Viet Na m T uesday . quotexpect ed to oppo se ano t he r ing " di plomatic rejX> rt s " as r esolu tio n th is time . indi c ating the Co mm unists " no longer expect a milit.a r y Hatfie ld ha s been the s e ve r victo r y. est c ritic o f J ohn son ' s policies The President, s peaking in fro m wit hin g t he gove rno r s' a ne ws confe r ence at hi s ran ch r ank s . ney came to th e here. added q uickl y tha t he i s confe r ence Mo nday sayi ng he "aware of the danger of spec wo uld bal k at any " bla nk lation . .. u c hec k" e ndo r sement o f the But the te nor o f his r eV aJtman. The H&t"lf~d Time . P r esident' s Vie t Nam polmark.s wa s one of o ptimi s m. Ic ies. He s aid the late st intel He said the r e is "gr eat ligence estim a te of last week ' s co nce rn" in his st ate over a tta ck o n o il reserves in No rt h the cour s e o f the wa r but Viet Nam i s that 51 per ce nt he be li ev e s t he peo ple s uppo n C APE KENNE DY, Fla . (APl of the s uppli es were de the bombi ng e s c al at ion. -A meri ca's heav ie s t s atellite s troye d . Johnson sa id the sa me es" Our peoole ar e upset about - a 29 - ton monster r oc ke t the war and th ey do n ' t see s tage like that whi c h one da y timate s s howed tha r 86 oer the e nd o f it. " he sa id. will propel as t r o na uts to the ce nt of the s torage fa c ili t ies Democ r atic Gov . Harold E. moon - vaulted i nto o rbit Tues- we r e hi t. Jo hnson sa id officer s think Hughes of Iowa to ld a s e parat e day. As i t ci r cled the globe. news con fe r ence he be lieve d ground s t at ions mo nitored 10 both e s tim a tes a re r ea sonable. to~s of liq uid hydrogen i n it 5 the m ajo rit y o f Io wan s bac k " I think that every general the Preside nt' s fo reign pol - t ar'ik and r ejX> rted in the early ic ie s . He sa id J o hn son is no t orbi t s th at t he high - energy o ffi cer" either in VietNa m or as popular in his s tate as he fue l was beha vi ng very we ll. the Pentagon th inJcs tt.e action Majo r purpose of the fli ght at thi s time was "requ ired was In 1964 but believes he s till coul d he lp pa rty ca nd i- wa s [Q determi ne iJ liq ui d h y- by events of the times ." John d at es by additional appe a r - d rogen at la s t had been ha r- s on said. At hi s fir s t te levised and nes s ed for m an - to-the - moon ances t he r e . and other space flight s after broadcast ne ws co nference " I don ' t t hink t he Viet Nam of engineering head - s ince las t AugUSt . [he Preswar Issue will he lp an yone ide m sa id he had ca ll ed Sec runn ing on e ithe r t ic ket " Hughes said . A pr es ident ial namesake. Gov . Pa ul B. Jo hnson of M lssissi ppi, to ld a news confe re nce the ge ne ra l fee lin g in his stat e Is th at the President is right on Viet Nam and th e people the r e a r e fo r him on that -on the bas is t hat t he mUitary co mmand appe ars t o be c allin g th e s ho t s now unde r less po liti c a l p r essu re now . II

retary of Defen s e ~obert S. Mc Namar a [ 0 t he L BJ ~ anc h. whe r e the sesSIOn wit"n ne wsmen was he ld. fo r a conference on future event s in (he Vi et Na m war. Thi s meeti ng. to be held today will pre ce de a session McNamar a will ho ld with Adm. U.S. Grant Sharp. the Pacific high co mmander at Honolulu. Ha waii. Shop With


29-Ton 'Monster ' Vaulted Into Orbit

A Stickup at Police Station? Cop, 3 Youths Are Accused The teen - agers a l so were DE KALB , III. (APl -A 4th of J ul y poli ce s tation s ti c ku p c harged with attempte d armed robber y. Their bon d wa s se t (hat bac kfired has br ought c harge s again sr a police man at $5, 000 eac h. Ande r son ' s wa s set at $10,000. and three teen - age r s . O nl y Wood en te r e d m e sta T he c harges g r e w out of an attempr to ho ld up the De Kalb t ion , poli ce s aid. They did nor s a y whe r e rhe police sta tion. The safe there co ntai ned se ve ral tho u san a other s we r e at the time. do ll a r s in lo cked mo ney b a ~ s and cas h boxe s. Bu s ines!' men had left them there fo r safe kee pi ng so they wo uld have c ash av a il able fa T ho li day By the Associ ated P r ess trade . Patro l m an J ames An derson . T he tr affi c death toll dur28, a me mber of the depa rt ment fO T ni ne month s, wa s ing rhe t hr ee - da y Fourth of c harge d wit h att empted armed Jul y weeke nd c limbed lO 576 r o bbe r y. Poli ce sa id he T uesda y, t he wor st for an y s umm e r ho li day in t he nation ' s pl a nned the ho ldup. Po li ce s aid Ru sse ll WOOd, histor y. . Late report s of traffic 16, ca me i nto (he s tation a t 1 a.m. hoo ded and ca rr ying a dea ths t hat occurr ed up to dnight Mo nday night boosted mi sho tgu n. Desk Offi ce r Ralph Lize r , who wa s a lone , pus he d the total beyond the r ecord th r ee-da y 1965 Labo r Day toll t he weapon aside and it di sCha rge d. The bla s t hit a wall. of 575 dea ths. Thi s year ' s tra ff ic to ll al so L i ze r gr a bbe d Wood . Afte r qu estio ning Woo d, s rrrpassed the r eco rd four - day J ul y 4 lO ll of 557 deaths i n po lice ar re s ted William Murph y. 16 . a nd hi s brothe r 1963 a s we ll as last yea r' s Dona ld, I i' . Then, ajterfurrher co unt of 55 1 deaths duri ng a obse r va nce of questioning , (he y arrested th r ee- day Independence Day. Ande r so n.

Holiday Death Toll Sets New Record


Ady.rd .er.

Most Modern BarberShop in Carbonda le - 6 Barbe r s - Air Cond itioned · 'Vibrators • Hair Vacs









Open 7 days a week

To place YOUR ad, use this handy ORDER FORM CLASSifI ED AD VE RTIS ING RATE S ~

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2Do y L . c e n H P io tr

!> e rvlC e

S., "j c . •

• Tra ve le rs ' Ch. d: s Op rn 9 a . m . to 6 p .m . e very Da y

• Pa y you , Ga s . L igh l, Phone , and Wa ler Bi ll s her.


July 6, 1966

1-4 Record

Parsons Dumps SIU In 4 out of 5 Games Parsons, with power to through in r elief, pitc hing four spare, toaka commanding lead frames of scoreless ball , Sanin {he Midwest College Sum - stead hit a leadoff triple. m e r League. trippi ng the host Afte r imemionalJ y loadi ng





of five

games . The W ildc3rs are now 9 -1

the bases, Dave Kent gOt one o ut on a pop uP. but an at tempted double play to e nd th e inning fa iled for Parsons with the winning run coming home. Kirkland earned the vicmr y in r e li ef. He was t he third hurler of the game for [he

1n leag ue pla y. and Southern has a 1-4 league record. St. Louis University has yet to win a league contest, sit ting in t he cellar Wi th an 0 - 5 mark . Salukl,. A f i v e -run o utburst in the Bob Ash started for SIU, sixth i nning of the fi r st game with Tom Kette lkamp com in g Frida y was roo much for on in the eighth. Southern to ove rco me , after In Sunda y's twinbill , Par th e Salukis had jumped to a sons again won handil y i n the 2- 0 le ad in the !lfth fram e. opene r . 7- 2, befor e being Don Ki rkland, all o w i n g three hits in fi ve innings o f for ced into extra p la y in the nightcap . wo rk, {Oo k. the l oss fOT The second game was an 0 - 0 Sout hern. duel goi ng into [he seventh. Parsons jumped [Q a first inning 1-0 lead in (he opener befo r e bmh squads ca me up Saturday. and never looked with a run. A six-run outba ck. on (he wa y [0 a 9 - 0 burst launched Parsons to the vi ctory in 10 innings . vict or y. In a non-league till Mo n The visitors s l ammed OUt 11 hits while Harvey Amen da y , Southern displayed a lot of fireworks in r o mping to a held Southern to four hits in the 6 - 0 victor y over Harrisburg shutout. at Harrisburg. Th e second game found th e The victory made it three Salukis bouncin g back from a two-run defiCit going into OUl of fo ur for Southe rn t n 2-.ctio n. The th e bor.tom of the seventh, 3 - l. out-of-Ieague Fou!" fast singles by J oh n ove rall mark now st ands at 45 _ Ma son, T ex Sa ndst e ad , Dick Bauch and Barry O'S ulliv 2n Southern starts a fo ur-ga me tied th e s co re. leagu e serie s starting i n St. Wirh Kirkland coming Louis Friday .

S\ '-#

comPlete Barber ServicE:A including ~ Raz?r cut~ing, ~~~ Hair stylmg . .-(~-\ _ Hair Piece!> Available


SIV S kyd iv e r s )

. .


Jump With Greatest of Ease, Careful Not to Land in Trees! By Mike SC hwe bel Falling


7, 0 00

Varsity South Barber Shop 704 So . Illinois Carbondale

who prove s that 'he spon isn't st ru ctors are available, as Is feet

She just for and m en,Schapanskl


through the a ir Is Just like skin diving. Well , a lm ost anyway . There are a few di ffe rences . First, the r e Is the matter of speed , up to 200 miles an hour in the air, a bit faster th an gliding th ro ugh th e W'3ter. The l anding ma y al so be a bit softe r for the s kin divi ng se t, and [ he chances o f l andi ng in a tr ee top are some what remote. F in alJy, of co urse , th e r e is a parachute o rtwo wh ich h e lp ~ on e whe n jum pin g fro m an a ir plane ne arl y [ W O m il es u p. But if you think o f sky divi ng as a dead l y dive r !=; ion prac ti ced by t h~ you nge r se t, the r e is a lot o f C' vi de nc(' to the contr"lrv .

qualifled for the United States

ri de [ 0 th (' airpon as th er smn$t Tom Stow e ll cunsid(' [h c·

ualifitCnlliv(' r s it d _ pa r achutin~

Pa rac hute T eam tryouts.

;~p:p:ro;vie~d~~j~U~ m p~~e~ideal qU;iiP~m~edate? ~n~t;.~~;;~~~;;~~~~~~~~al~~ij;;;;===l Thousands use Central Control and its tho


for a live, flesh-and-blood answer to IS ques Ion. Ya idal date _ such a person eJ..ists, of aIUI'Se. But how ID 1"1 acquainted? 0... Central Control ~ prtICOSHS 10,000 ...... hour. How 10lIl _Id it lilt. you to meet and 10l'Il • opinion of that many people?

Schapanski hasn't missed a weeke nd of jumping 1n two years, and after trying nearly eve rything else , he feels " c ompletely at hom e " jump-

Yoo will be matched with five ideally $lIi~ persons

ing frorr. an airplan e . " I' ve [rl ed cycling , s kiing

of the opposite !iel, rirht in your own locale (or ir.. any .ea of til. U.S. you SflOciiy). Simply, ,end $3.00 to Central Control for yOlR' ~ionnaire. Each of the five will be IS perfectly matched with you in interests, outlook and

and scuba diving, and aft e r one parachut e jump, t gave the m all up to co ntinue

backgroLlld as computet' science makes possible. Central Control is natiCllwicie, but its procrllDS Ife completely localized. Hundreds of thousands of vicorous _ alert _scriber's. all sharine the desire to meet their ideal dates, hne to&Itd eoqxrter dalinc to be elcitiRl and blchlyacceptJble. All live of your ideal dates will be del icntful. So Jury ..t send yOCl' $3.00 10< your ","$Iionnaire.

jumping," he said. Th e jumpe r s an:- plann i n~ a n informal int e rclu b com petiti o n meet Su nday , wi th membe r s a tt em pting tn land o n a six -inch t a rge t by man ueve ring the ir ch ur l" cannp k!=; [(1

t hc' targe t.

A meeting wi ll be held for im e r es ted beg inn t--' r !=; a t Sp.m. Thur sday in Hnom I) o f t h(·


yc.,e£n~tc~.r~'~~:....:.~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==:22=P:art=A:YII1="=.====~======~.J ;J~:~~:~:;:a:e~~m~;:;;~;; · l DAILY EGYPTIAN CLASSIFIED ADS I

th e 1966 na t ional co ll e giat (skydivi ng c hampi onshi p . He is nea rin g his 200th jump. He is one of three SIL· skydiv e r s who w11l c e le bra[(' centen nial Jumps this week, by jumping o f cou r se . Pat Meiron wtll be diving fnr No. 300, and Tom Schapanski will make his 700th

lump, rile three wlll Jum p ~ er, Sunday. at the Wtlllllm_ County Airport car ry!nl brightly colored . moke a. they attempt a three-person hookup before pulling th ei r rip cords. Pat Me r iron i s a pretty coed

in -

The Da i ly Egyptian reser ves the right to reject a ny advertis i ng cop y. No re funds on c ancel led ad s .

FOR SALE Golf clu bs. ne ve r used. 5(1 11 In ~~~~Ij~. cove rs. As king ha lf. Cs~l~ 2 bedroom ~1~~~(m a bI C

air condifi oned lraller. pri ce. 687_1001 or 6!~i

Alma« :) .acreS" for iial e ·near Cue Lake. Clef _aler and gas. Restricted re&ldeatiaL. Near the ho mes of &everal university ptaple. Musr se ll. Movln,;, Cal1 684-

Orchard Golf Course and

3708 .


~:d ~~Un~\\,~~;~· S:ca~/f~~e~e;~~;: 457- 81SI.


IQ'i - Ch n !=. 41,t tOrl mLneeds lr,ln ". w~. GOOd· orher"'·lse . S75 or besr offt-r. Ca ll 3-220S br.... n. 5&S p.m. as..for Ed. Q27

350cc Hondil Supt' rha",'k wcbco. EqU ip. Pe rfect1\- maint.ilned and many eJo:tra s. Doug 7. 7606 aft er 5:30.



FOR RENT modern fu rnished 3_roolll aNi 4- room apanmems }ocaled. O D old Rt. 13 OppOs ite drive-In. New, modern 2- bedroom house. Call Julius Wldes. 084-4880. 914 No ..... renting room s for bo ys for fall term. El(ceptlonally cl ose 10 campus phone 54Q-2S35 or 451-8680. QI3 Ne .....

LUI( Uf} accommodallOns! New, a!r condillone
;\ I.1l e "rae ro ShJrl· .. rroO m .lpt ... li t. anOthl' f grad. Air condo 12]u 1\ . S)·ca more. S -I !) po:-r month.