The Central Services Health and Safety Policy Statement

The Central Services Health and Safety Policy Statement 1. STATEMENT OF INTENT The Central Services1 including all its’ constituent Services have adop...
Author: Luke Fleming
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The Central Services Health and Safety Policy Statement 1. STATEMENT OF INTENT The Central Services1 including all its’ constituent Services have adopted the University of Leeds Health and Safety Policy in its entirety; the Heads of Service Groups and Service Heads recognise and accept their role and responsibilities as outlined therein. The University Secretary as Chair of the Central Services Health and Safety Committee2 has a particular responsibility for, liaising with the Health and Safety Manager for Central Services and other professional Health and Safety Managers (as appropriate) from the University’s Health and Safety Services. The head of each service group (HOSG) has responsibility, within his or her service group, for ensuring that appropriate systems and procedures are in place to secure within the service group effective implementation of the University and Central Services’ health and safety policy. While the HOSG remains ultimately responsible for the health and safety in their respective service, in practice the day-to-day management responsibility for implementing these is delegated to Heads of Service (HOS). Heads of Service are responsible for the detailed planning and implementation of both the University’s Health and Safety Policy and associated documentation and the local arrangements in their respective Services.

To this aim, the Central Service is committed to         

Reducing accidents and work related ill health as far as reasonably practicable Ensuring compliance with statutory requirements as a minimum standard Assessing and controlling risks from work and activities Providing a safe and healthy working and learning environment for staff and students Providing effective information, instruction and training Ensuring safe working methods and providing safe work equipment Consulting with employees and their representatives on health and safety matters Monitoring and reviewing systems and prevention measures to ensure that they are effective Ensuring adequate resources are made available for health and safety issues.

Name: Roger Gair

University Secretary Chair of the Central Services Committee Head of Service Group: Central Offices

Signed ………………………………………….


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Appendix A - Central Services organisational chart of health and safety arrangement Appendix B – Terms of reference for the Central Service’s Health and Safety Committee


2. ORGANISATION and CONSULTATION University The University Council has overall responsibility for health and safety. The line management of health and safety within the University is enacted through the University Health and Safety Committee. Reporting to this committee is the Director of Wellbeing, Safety and Health and the Director of Human Resources, who have central responsibility for the management of health and safety. Consultation The constitution of the Central Service health and safety Committee is in line with the University’s Policy Statement and Terms of Reference for Committees (appendix A).

3. ROLES and RESPONSIBLITIES The Central Services are those shown in appendix B and are arranged into nine ‘service groups’, with the Head of each service group having particular responsibilities for health and safety. Roles and responsibilities for the Heads of Service Group (HOSG), Heads of Service (HOS), Health and Safety Manager, Staff with specific responsibilities such as Health and Safety Coordinators , Fire Wardens, First Aiders, Trade Union Health and Safety representatives are outlined in the University Health and Safety Policy. A current list is shown in Appendix C. Roles specific to the Central Service and not identified within the UOL policy are outlined below; University Secretary As Chair of the Central Services Health and Safety Committee, the University Secretary has a particular responsibility for, liaising with the Health and Safety Manager for Central Services and other professional Health and Safety Managers (as appropriate) from the University’s Health and Safety Services: ~ ~ ~


ensuring that the Central Services have an appropriate policy on the management of health and safety; fostering a culture in which health, safety and related well-being issues are seen as essential and integral part of the activities of the Services; ensuring that the safety policy is effectively communicated to all staff, that implementation of the policy is monitored, and that the policy is reviewed annually or in line with the University’s policy; Referring matters of general concern with regard to health and safety to the University’s Health and Safety Committee.

3. LOCAL GUIDANCE AND PROCEDURES The Central Service will follow the University of Leeds health and safety policy and relevant protocols. The Health and Safety Manager may develop local procedures and arrangements in consultation with the Central Service Health and Safety Committee. These documents (as appropriate), will be displayed on the Central Services intranet page Each service may also have local arrangements and general instructions. The CS Policy statement will be reviewed annually, and an updated version will be circulated to all members of staff and made available to students, visitors, and contractors.

4. MONITORING AND AUDITING The monitoring and auditing of health and safety is based on the University Central monitoring systems. December 2011


Appendix A Organisational chart of health and safety arrangement within Central Services

Health and Safety Manager Line Management responsibility for Health and Safety Health and Safety Manager as Competent Person Professional accountability with Operational Reporting


Appendix B Central Services recognises the importance of consulting its employees on health and safety matters. This Committee is dedicated to respond to health and safety concerns and proactively contributing to a positive change in health and safety culture via a forum of cooperation, communication, and consultation between the Services, its employees, and the trade unions.

Service Health and Safety Committees/Groups/Forums

Terms of Reference 1. To monitor and review Central Services arrangements for the Management of health and safety, as stated in the University Health and Safety Policy, to ensure a uniform approach responding to and proactively contributing via;    

information from health and safety ‘practitioners’ i.e. progress on health and safety training, compliance against existing documentation details on any untoward incidents carrying a major risk to health and safety, incident statistics and the appropriate ‘lessons learned’ reports on any enforcement action served on the Services by the Health and Safety Executive or other regulatory body particulars on issues of significance from audits, inspections and compliance monitoring

2. To discuss issues of health and safety policy and practice raised by the trade unions, members of staff, outside agencies and enforcing agencies;

Appendix B 3. To consider and initiate proposals to add to or amend the Central Services health and safety policy and procedures; 4. To review the scope of the Central Services health and safety arrangements to ensure that they are comprehensive and complete and that accountability for different responsibilities is clear; and to approve the disposition of health and safety responsibilities in line with the University’s Health and Safety Policy; 5. To report via the Chair of this Committee any health and safety concerns which cannot be resolved as appropriate to the USHC; 6. To communicate actively and share information across the Services; 7. To review annually the Central Service Health and Safety systems and to monitor the Service agreed health and safety objectives as defined within the annual report. Organisation         

The structure of the Central Services Committee is illustrated in appendix B The Committee to meet once a year after the UHSC The Committee will be chaired by the University Secretary Meeting dates will be published in advance Meetings should not be cancelled or postponed, in exceptional circumstances the rearranged date should be announced as soon as possible. An agenda and draft previous minutes should be set to all invited members 7 days prior to the Committee. Responsibility for meeting arrangements and facilitation as well as taking, recording & distributing minutes lies with administrative support to the Chair Minutes shall be circulated to all HOSG in draft within two weeks and uploaded to the Central Services web pages within four weeks. All HOSG to meet with appropriate Heads of Services prior to attending the committee to discuss any areas of concern with a view to sharing good practice.

Membership Members The HOSG of the Services Roger Gair Central Offices ( Chair) John Fisher Academic Operations David Hogg Research Jane Madeley Finance Mathew Knight Human Resources Martin Holmes Marketing Vivien Jones Student Education Dawn Freshwater Staff and Organisational Effectiveness Trade Union Representatives Mr Clive Hudson/ Mr Neil Lowley (UNITE) Dr Neil Maughan(UCU) Mr Nick Creighton (UNISON) Attendees Mr Jon Preston – Central Services Health and Safety Manager Mrs Helen Pickersgill – Secretary Co-opted Advisors Managers from cross cutting services e.g. Estates Services, fire safety managers to attend as appropriate

Appendix C Central Offices

Research and Innovation Support


Secretariat H Pickersgill

Research & Innovation Support O Adams

Finance A Thompson


H&S Coordinator

Staff with Specific Health and Safety Roles Central Services Human Marketing Resources

L13 G Griffiths

Purchasing R Lewis

HR Offices B Jones S Linn T Bramley J Brown

Student Administration L Dils J Gillam A Haworth E Barrow F Ahmed

Strategy & Planning S Douglas

SDDU P Bilcliffe

Communications J Bennett

DSE ASSESSOR Secretariat H Pickersgill

WBSH S Cannarile LOGIK J Westerman/ J Hudson

DSE ASSESSORS SDDU P Billcliffe WBSH M Behrendt J Preston

ACE S Trotter C Alcock Alumni & Development R Spencer

Student Education

Staff & Organisational Effectiveness

L&T R Shaw

Equality Services V Gaythorpe


International Market Development S Allison

Lifelong Learning Centre P Dixon S Akram (Deputy)

Marketing TBC

Careers N Astles Student Counseling P Tharratt DSE ASSESSORS Careers; N Astles, A Archer Lifelong Learning Centre P Dixon

Appendix C Secretariat C Cho R Messenger-Clark

Fire Warden

L13 D Gibbs Student Administration N Cockshaw E Barrow C Davies P Gill C Swayne K Cooper T Brear Communications S Underwood

Staff with Specific Health and Safety Roles Research & Innovation Support R Keegan I Wolstenholme

Finance TBC Fire Marshall K Sagar

HR Offices G Jordan B Jones

ACE A Bligh-Flower R Kemp

Purchasing C Challinor

SDDU G Aylward P Bilcliffe K Donnelly

Alumni & Development N East O Taylor – Deputy Fire Warden

Strategy & Planning A Gaw

WBSH L Clarke

International Market Development A Kulikowski P Davy C Souter J Uren

LOGIK J Westerman J Hudson

Marketing TBC

L&T S Stone

Equality Services G Brachacki

AQST K Swan E Foster

Fire Marshall L McKelvey

LifeLong Learning Centre R Francis MJ Morgan K Barley B Brealey G Collins Careers N Astles A Archer Student Counseling P Aspinall C Dixon

Appendix C Secretariat H Pickersgill R Messenger-Clark

First Aider

L13 S Carden A Laverton Student Administration S McCabbe G Butler M Maddison R MacDonald C Baigent KHarrison S Woodruff L Mao L Gleeson P Gill

Staff with Specific Health and Safety Roles Research & Innovation Support M Hartley J Blaikie (access to other First Aiders in Charles Thackrah Building)

Finance J Evans Support from HR First Aiders

HR Offices K Hardie S Hilton B Jones

Purchasing T Brannon

SDDU C Porter V Willett C Perry

Strategy & Planning L Halson L Cunliffe

WBSH L Clarke H Sumner O Cohen L McIntosh LOGIK J Westerman J Hudson

Communications TBC

Event Organisation

Electrical Inspection not testing

Secretariat H Pickersgill

Alumni & Development K Isherwood O Taylor R Spencer International Market Development K Manns S Allison T Kyle K Richardson J Uren G Elliott

L&T TBC AQST C Dickson LifeLong Learning Centre L Fraser M J Morgan P Owens Careers A Archer C Jones G Larkin I Bale Student Counseling B Lawton C Thackrah

Marketing TBC LOGIK J Hudson


ACE S Cheeseman A Bligh-Flower A Rexon S Gleadall L Hurely

Lifelong Learning Centre S Akram L Clark MJ Morgan LifeLong Learning Centre S Akram

Equality Services S Hubbard M Pervaiz V Rothnie M Nolan