Policy Details NHFT document reference Version Date Ratified Ratified by Implementation Date Responsible Director Review Date Related Policies & other documents

HSC001 Version 3 – 01.09.2015 01.09.2015 Trust Policy Board 02.09.2015 Chief Operating Officer 01.09.2017

Freedom of Information category


HSC002 – Policy and Guidance for the Use of Risk Registers, HSC003 Fire Policy, HSC004 Security Policy, HSC005 Workplace Policy, HSC006 Lone Working Policy, HSC007 Shared Occupancy, HSC008 First Aid Provision Policy, HSC009 Policy on the Reporting of Injuries, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences, HSC010 Manual Handling Policy, HSC013 Personal Protective Equipment Policy, HSC014 Policy on Working with Display Screen Equipment, HSC016 Policy on Control of Substances Hazardous to Health, HSC017 Policy for the Provision and Use of Work Equipment, HSC024 NHFT Visitors Access to Sites Policy, CRM001 Risk Management Strategy, CRM002 Incident Policy

The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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DOCUMENT CONTROL SUMMARY ...................................................... 4


INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 5


PURPOSE ............................................................................................... 6


DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................... 6


DUTIES .................................................................................................... 6 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6.

Trust Board ..................................................................................... 6 All Trust Directors and Managers Responsibilities .......................... 6 Chief Executive ............................................................................... 6 Chief Operating Officer ................................................................... 7 All Other Directors ........................................................................... 7 Operational Managers, Modern Matrons and Care Pathway /Service Managers .......................................................................... 7 5.7. Nurse/Shift Managers/Team Leader/Supervisors ........................... 8 5.8. All Employees ................................................................................. 8 6.

PROCESS AND HEALTH AND SAFETY ARRANGEMENTS ................ 9 6.1. Departmental Safety Policy ............................................................. 9 6.2. Health and Safety Assistance ......................................................... 9 6.3. Health and Safety Training .............................................................. 9 6.4. Risk Assessment............................................................................. 9 6.5. Consultation .................................................................................. 10 6.6. Accident/Incident Reporting .......................................................... 11 6.7. First Aid at Work............................................................................ 11 6.8. Occupational Health ...................................................................... 11 6.9. Manual Handling ........................................................................... 12 6.10. Workplace Requirements .............................................................. 12 6.11. Display Screen Equipment ............................................................ 13 6.12. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health ................................. 13 6.13. Personal Protective Equipment ..................................................... 14 6.14. Provision of Work Equipment ........................................................ 14 6.15. Shared Occupancy........................................................................ 15 6.16. Employees with Disabilities ........................................................... 15 6.17. Mobile working .............................................................................. 15 6.18. Waste Management ...................................................................... 16 6.19. Food Hygiene ................................................................................ 16


TRAINING ............................................................................................. 17

The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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7.1. Mandatory Training ....................................................................... 17 7.2. Specific Training not covered by Mandatory Training ................... 17 8.



REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................. 18


The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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Document Title

Health and Safety Policy

Document Purpose (executive brief)

To ensure the health, safety and welfare of all staff and others affected by the Trusts activities

Status: - New / Update/ Review Areas affected by the policy

Review All areas Trust-wide

Policy originators/authors Consultation and Communication with Stakeholders including public and patient group involvement

Health and Safety Risk Manager Safer Services and Environment Group

Archiving Arrangements and register of documents

The Trust Policy Lead is responsible for the archiving of this policy and will hold archived copies on a central register See Appendix 8

Equality Analysis (including Mental Capacity Act 2007)

Training Needs Analysis

See section 7

Monitoring Compliance and See section 8 Effectiveness Meets national criteria with regard to NHSLA n/a NICE n/a NSF n/a Mental Health Act n/a CQC Outcomes 10 and 11 Other Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Further comments to be None considered at the time of ratification for this policy (i.e. national policy, commissioning requirements, legislation)

If this policy requires Trust Board ratification please provide specific details of requirements


The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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2. INTRODUCTION NHFT, led by the Chief Executive and all Directors regard people as its most important asset and as such will ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all it’s employees, service users and others who may be affected by its undertakings. The Trust recognises that the nature of its activities imposes health and safety risks on people and as such has responsibility under Health and Safety Legislation to eliminate, reduce or control these risks. This is achieved through implementation of this policy and by managers adopting the requirements of the ‘Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999’. These require managers to identify hazards, assess risks and implement control strategies that will reduce accidents, injuries and ill health. To this extent the Trust will provide, as far as is reasonably practicable:  Adequate resources to improve and maintain the safety systems in place.  A competent person to assist in Health and Safety matters as required by the ‘Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999’.  Equipment that is safe and adequately maintained and safe systems of work to secure safety and minimise risks.  Arrangements to ensure the safe use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances.  Safe and well-maintained workplaces, free from significant risks to health including a safe means of access and egress.  Adequate facilities and arrangements for employees' welfare at work.  Any training as required for the work to be done safely. Furthermore, where applicable to meet equality, the Trust will make adjustments to the workplace where it has been identified through risk assessment that it is reasonable to do so. The Trust also recognises the importance of a positive safety culture and the benefits of high staff morale with respect to overall performance and will therefore consult with employees on matters affecting health, safety and welfare at work as necessary. To this extent employees are also encouraged to suggest improvements to safety management through their line managers. All Trust employees have statutory duties to take reasonable care of themselves and others who may be affected by their actions whilst at work. Employees must follow training and instructions provided and not interfere with anything that has been provided in the interest of health and safety. This policy can only be effective with the combined co-operation and commitment of every employee and manager on the requirements outlined above. To assist in the successful implementation of this policy, safety management is an integral part of every manager’s role and all have responsibilities to ensure the health, safety and welfare of people at the Trust. Signed

(Chief Executive)

Date: 13.01.2015

The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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3. PURPOSE To ensure the health, safety and welfare of all staff and others affected by the Trusts activities 4. DEFINITIONS NHFT - Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 5. DUTIES Appendix 1 shows the organisational chart and responsibilities for the Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. 5.1. Trust Board The Trust Board has Corporate Responsibility for health and safety matters. 5.2. All Trust Directors and Managers Responsibilities All Trust Directors and Individuals with Managerial Responsibilities have the following Health and Safety Responsibilities:  To familiarise themselves with, and act upon the requirements of Trust’s heath and safety policies, rules, and procedures.  To seek advice from the competent person on health, safety and welfare issues, where they cannot be resolved at local level.  To ensure that adequate information/instruction and training is provided for all employees under their control.  All employees under their control comply with safety procedures/rules.  Workplaces and work activities under their control are regularly risk assessed and controls implemented to ensure the risk is lowered to a low a level as is reasonably practicable. 5.3. Chief Executive Overall responsibility for health and safety lies with the Chief Executive. The Chief Executive is responsible and accountable for ensuring that:  The health, safety and welfare standards are developed and implemented throughout the Trust and are monitored and amended as necessary.  A member of the Board is appointed to act as the Director for Health and Safety.  A competent person is appointed to advise the Trust on its health and safety obligations.  Reviewing the safety performance of the Trust in association with the Director for Health and Safety, Deputy Chief Executive and Health and Safety Risk Manager.  Ensuring that the Trust complies with all relevant health and safety legislation with assistance from the Health and Safety Risk Manager. The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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 

Responsibility for health, safety and welfare is properly assigned and accepted at every managerial and employee level. Adequate resources are made available and ensuring that information, training, and consultation of employees takes place on health and safety matters.

5.4. Chief Operating Officer The Trust has appointed the Chief Operating Officer , as the Director for Health and Safety. This Director is responsible and accountable for ensuring that:  The Trusts’ health and safety performance is regularly reviewed and where shortfalls are identified, corrective actions are implemented and resources are made available.  Effective management systems are in place for monitoring and reporting the Trusts’ health and safety performance.  Systems are in place for reporting any significant health and safety failures, and the outcomes of any investigation into their causes.  Effective systems are in place for the management of risk.  The Board is kept informed of any significant shortfalls within the Trusts’ health and safety arrangements.  Managers are assigned as part of their individual performance development, health and safety objectives with measurable outcomes. 5.5. All Other Directors Executive/Clinical/Operational Directors are responsible and accountable for ensuring that:  All ward and departmental managers, shift and team leaders, under their control are made aware of their health and safety responsibilities assigned to them.  All ward and departmental managers, shift and team leaders, are actively involved in monitoring safety standards and carry out regular safety inspections. 5.6. Operational Managers, Modern Matrons and Care Pathway /Service Managers These Managers are responsible and accountable for ensuring that:  Completion of Departmental Safety Policies that show the procedures in place to ensure the health, safety and welfare of employees.  All statutory notices and employers liability certificate (where appropriate) are displayed in a prominent positions in the workplace.  Good standards of housekeeping are maintained in the workplace.  All health and safety policies and guidance notes are disseminated extensively throughout their area of responsibility.  Records are kept and maintained of all training undertaken by staff under their control. The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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5.7. Nurse/Shift Managers/Team Leader/Supervisors Nurse/Shift Managers, Team leaders, Supervisors are responsible and accountable for ensuring that:  To ensure that the risk management system is maintained, and regularly updated.  All persons working on Trust premises (which include agency staff, temporary workers and employees of other organisations, e.g. contractors) under their control are fully informed of the workplace hazards.  Any defects/hazards, which they do not have the ability/authority to deal with, must immediately be reported to their immediate superior.  Carry out regular inspections of the workplace to ensure good standards of housekeeping are maintained and take action for improvement as required.  All new employees, including agency staff and temporary workers receive induction training into the department on the first day of their employment.  All accidents are investigated without delay and appropriate action is taken to prevent a reoccurrence by either immediately remedying whatever defect caused the accident of reporting it to their immediate superior.  Records are kept and maintained of all training undertaken by staff under their control in liaison with the training department.  Hold regular meetings with employees to discuss health and safety matters. 5.8. All Employees Employees are responsible and accountable for ensuring that:  They work safely in accordance with any relevant and appropriate training, safe systems of work, procedures and/or rules in force in their workplace.  They co-operate with the Trust in matters of health and safety and take care of their own health and safety and not endanger others by their acts or omissions.  They wear and use, at all times, the appropriate personal protective equipment provided and use all safety devices, guards, etc., supplied to make safe any plant and equipment.  They immediately report defective equipment/machinery or unsafe acts/conditions using the Trust electronic accident/incident form on Datixweb and bring it to the attention of their line manager. If they are not happy with the action taken they report it to the Health and Safety Risk Manager.  They maintain their working environment in a clean and tidy condition.

The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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PROCESS AND HEALTH AND SAFETY ARRANGEMENTS 6.1. Departmental Safety Policy Departmental Managers are responsible for completing a Departmental Safety Policy. This document must show the basic safe working practices and procedures in the department that employees must follow. An example of such a policy is given in Appendix 2. 6.2. Health and Safety Assistance To ensure that the Trust can meet its Health and Safety obligations it has appointed health and safety assistance in the form of the Health and Safety Risk Manager. This advisory role has been appointed to aid in health and safety matters in all areas and where departmental managers have not been able to resolve issues. The Health and Safety Risk Manager will also report all relevant injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences to the Health and Safety Executive as required by the RIDDOR Regulations. 6.3. Health and Safety Training All employees must have suitable training and be competent to be able to do their job. With respect to health and safety training all new employees must attend site induction training on the first day of employment. Their immediate line manger or an appointed deputy should give this training. It should cover:  The basic rules and procedures for the department.  Explanation of what to do in an emergency situation.  Who the appointed first aid persons are.  Health and Safety Responsibilities on a day-to-day basis.  How to report accidents and incidents. Prior to commencing their appointment the new employee must attend Health and Safety Induction training as part of the Corporate Induction. The Health and Safety Risk Manager gives this training and it covers:  Legal responsibilities of the employer and employee.  Overview of the Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Health and Safety related policies.  Requirements for DSE users, Control of Substance Hazardous to Health, First Aid Provision and Emergency Arrangements.  Definition of incidents and reporting procedures. Records of all attended training must be kept and be available for monitoring purposes. 6.4. Risk Assessment It is a requirement of the ‘Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999’ to carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment on activities that pose a significant risk to health. When assessing procedures the ‘Principles of Prevention’ must be applied. These are to:

The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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        

Avoid the risk. Evaluate risks that cannot be avoided and decide on precautions e.g. safe systems of work. Combat risks at the source i.e. repair the fault rather than putting up a warning sign. Adapt the work to the individual. Adapt the process using new technology if possible. Substitute the dangerous with the non dangerous or less dangerous. Use prevention policies that cover technology, organisation of work, working conditions, social relationships and the influence of factors relating to the working environment. Use controls that prevent group exposure to the risk rather than individual exposure. Giving appropriate instruction and training to employee

It is the responsibility of the departmental manager to ensure that the risk assessments are completed and controls implemented. Full details of the risk assessment process are given in ‘HSC002 – Policy and Guidance on the Use of Risk Registers’. All risk assessments should also be available for all employees to see and time must be allowed for them to read and understand the requirements of the risk assessments. Managers may designate a member of staff to be a safety co-ordinator to assist them in carrying out these arrangements. 6.5. Consultation Consultation involves listening to views and taking into account the opinion of employees. The Trust will consult all employees on matters that affect their health and safety at work. In particular the Trust will consult on:  The introduction of any measure at the workplace that may substantially affect the health and safety of employees.  Any arrangements for the requirement of Health Surveillance.  Any health and safety information required to employees under relevant statutory provisions.  The planning and organisation of any health and safety training that is required under relevant statutory provisions.  The health and safety consequences from the introduction of new technologies. The method of consultation will depend upon the exact nature of information but may be through employees own line management, the Safer Services and Environment Group, or through Trade Union The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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Consultation. All consultation will take place in good enough time to allow employees, or elected representatives, an opportunity to express their views about the health and safety matter. Where groups of employees are not represented by a recognised Trade Union, that group of employees may elect a ‘Representative of Employee Safety (ROES)’ to represent that group for consultation. Interested parties such as Northamptonshire County Council and other Stakeholders must also be consulted on health and safety matters. Full details of the Safety Safer Services and Environment Group ‘Terms of Reference’ are given in Appendix 5 and the description of the standing agenda items is given in Appendix 6. 6.6. Accident/Incident Reporting All accidents and incidents must be reported no matter how trivial they seem, this also includes near misses and non-injury events. They should all be reported by directly inputting the information into ‘DatixWeb’. It is the responsibility of the manager to fully investigate all incidents and take action to prevent reoccurrence. Any major injury, occupational disease, or dangerous occurrence may be subject to reporting to the Health and Safety Executive as part of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations 2013 . The Health and Safety Risk Manager must be informed where it is believed that a ‘RIDDOR’ has occurred. Full details of the reporting procedures are given in ‘HSC009 – Policy on the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences’ and ‘CRM002 – Incident Policy’. 6.7. First Aid at Work Operational Managers are responsible for ensuring they have adequate first aid facilities appropriate to the risk on site. Therefore managers must carry out an assessment of the work area to be able to provide adequate amount of appointed first aiders and sufficient amount of first aid supplies. Suitable systems must also be in place to ensure that first aid supplies are kept at sufficient levels and that competency of first aiders is maintained. There must also be systems in place for all employees to know whom the first aid appointed persons are and how to summon them in an emergency. Full details on the requirement of first aid provision are given in ‘HSC008 - First Aid Provision Policy’. 6.8. Occupational Health An Occupational Health Service is provided by Communicare who provide services such as: The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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      

Pre-employment checks Counselling Service Management Referrals ie fit to return to work Immunisations and Inoculations First Aid Training Health Surveillance Stress referrals

The Occupational Health Service is not a GP service and is only available for employee work issues. Employees should still be registered with a General Practitioner for all personal issues. Full details of the Occupational Health Service and the services they provide are given throughout the HR Policies. 6.9. Manual Handling Manual Handling is the transporting or supporting of a load by hand or bodily force. Manual handling operations must be avoided wherever possible by using alternative methods e.g. mechanical aids. Where the task cannot be avoided then it must be risk assessed. It is the departmental mangers responsibility to ensure that these manual handling assessments are completed and recommendations made implemented. Any person who carries out manual handling as part of their duties must attend manual handling training available through the Clinical Training Department. Full details on the requirement for Manual Handling Operations is given in ‘HSC010 – Manual Handling Policy’. 6.10. Workplace Requirements The ‘Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992’ put a requirement on the Trust to ensure the general safety of the workplace. This requirement extends to properties that are either owned or under the control of the Trust. The Regulations cover issues such as lighting, ventilation, temperatures, floor and traffic routes, and welfare facilities amongst others. The full detail of the suitability of workplaces and the requirements the Trust must meet is given in ‘HSC005 – Workplace Policy’. To further meet workplace requirements and to ensure safety of Estates Personnel the Estates Department has set up the procedures as outlined in the table below: No. ED1 ED2 ED3

Reference Asbestos Management Policy and Procedures Procedures for the Control of Contractors Procedures for Construction (Design and Management Regulations)

The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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ED4 ED5 ED6 ED7 ED8 ED9 ED10 ED11 ED12 ED13 ED14

Management of Electrical Safety Procedure Safety Management of Portable Electrical Appliances Procedure Management of Work on High Voltage Electrical Systems Gas Safety Management Procedure “Safe” Hot Water Temperatures Procedure Safe use of Lifting Equipment Procedure Working in Confined Spaces Procedure Permit to Work Procedure Building Maintenance Management Procedure Water Safety Procedure Safety and Security Procedure

These procedures are available from the Estates Department. All departmental managers have a duty to ensure that any portable appliances within their area of responsibility have been checked in line with procedure ED5 Safety Management of Portable Electrical Appliances Procedure. This is available on the intranet health and safety page. 6.11. Display Screen Equipment All managers have responsibilities under the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 to ensure that risks through the use of display screen equipment (DSE) are reduced. The regulations primarily apply to any person who has been identified as a habitual ‘user’ of DSE. A DSE ‘user’ is any person who uses DSE as a significant part of their duties at work. To this end the Trust will assess the suitability of workstations and to make sure they fulfil minimum requirements. All ‘users’ will receive sufficient information and instruction from either the Health and Safety Risk Manager or Occupational Health Department to be able to use the DSE safely. Full details on the requirements DSE work is given in ‘HSC014 – Policy on Working with Display Screen Equipment’. 6.12. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Employees may come across many different hazardous substances whilst working for the Trust. Common substances can include bleach, white spirit, acetone, blood or body fluids. The list is not exhaustive. Substances such as these are covered by the Control of Substance Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) 2002. It is vital that exposure to substances hazardous to health is limited to prevent any ill health effect associated with them. Therefore the Trust will protect workers from substance hazardous to health by:

The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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Assessing all substances prior to use and implementing control measures proportionate to risk. Implementing control measures such as substitution, isolation, and ventilation of the hazard along with training, signage and personal protective equipment. Using material safety data sheets and product information to support the assessment.

When using hazardous substances employees should ensure:  All flammable substances are kept away from sources of heat.  All tops are replaced on bottles and containers after use to prevent spillage.  All substances are stored securely.  Incompatible materials are not mixed together.  All chemicals are stored in the original container unless there are decanted. Then they must be suitably marked with the name and chemical classification. Full details of the requirements to control substances hazardous to health are given in ‘HSC016 – Policy on Control of Substances Hazardous to Health’. 6.13. Personal Protective Equipment Where Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) has been identified as a control measure through risk assessment it must only be done so as a last resort. It also has to be made sure it is suitable for the task and will offer appropriate protection. Therefore PPE assessments on any equipment issued must take place. The assessment should take into account the material the PPE is made from, the relative standard the PPE is manufactured to, and compatibility with other equipment worn. No employee shall be charged for the use of PPE and they must also receive demonstrations on how to wear the PPE correctly. Full details for the requirements of PPE are given in ‘HSC013 – Personal Protective Equipment Policy’. 6.14. Provision of Work Equipment Any machinery, appliance, apparatus or tool for use at work is subject to the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998. All equipment used for work must be suitable for the task, safe to use and meet specific European harmonised or British standards. It is the manager’s responsibility to ensure that all equipment is well maintained and does not pose a risk to employees or others. Therefore, managers must ensure that regular inspections of work equipment takes place to make sure it is and remains safe.

The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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Full details on the requirements of work equipment used at the Trust are given in ‘HSC0017 – Policy for the Provision and Use of Work Equipment’. 6.15. Shared Occupancy Where a property is shared between different occupants, such as members of different Directorates or between NHS and NCC staff, then there must be co-operation and co-ordination regarding the activities that occur. Information must be shared between the different occupants on the health and safety risks to staff. Overall health and safety responsibility in the property is that of the occupant who holds most floor space. Full details on the requirements for shared occupancy is given in ‘HSC007 – Shared Occupancy Policy’. 6.16. Employees with Disabilities A disability can be defined as ‘a physical and/or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long term adverse affect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities’. Where a disabled person is employed by the Trust then reasonable adjustments will need to be made to the workplace for the benefit of the employee and to prevent discrimination. The reasonable adjustments required will be identified through risk assessment. Also where such individuals are employed they will need to have a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) - form available on the intranet health and safety page. The risk assessments and PEEP completed will need to be regularly reviewed (12 monthly) or if there is a change in circumstances that affects the individual. It is the responsibility of the manager to ensure that such reasonable adjustments to the workplace are completed and the PEEP is in place. It is the responsibility of the disabled employee to notify their manager of any changes to their disability that will affect their day to day activities. The manager can seek further advice on these requirements and to what extent a ‘reasonable adjustment’ is from the Health and Safety Risk Manager, Fire Officer and Communicare. All such requirements must be done in full consultation with the disabled employee.

6.17. Mobile working Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the organisation is responsible for employees’ safety at work and this applies to mobile The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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working and working from home. However, the employee also has an obligation to ensure that they take reasonable care not to harm themselves or others. A risk assessment of the workplace should be completed prior to mobile working or working from home commences. The workspace where mobile working takes place should be maintained to the same safety standards as are applicable to the employee’s base. Points to consider when Mobile Working: 1. Ensure that an adequate health & safety risk assessment has been carried out 2. Information Governance – storage and disposal of confidential waste e.g. paper documents and reports – security, confidentiality and safety issues connected with using IT equipment off site 3. Ensure that your colleagues know how to contact you while working from home 4 . If you are taken ill while working at home you must report your sickness absence in the normal way to your line manager

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6.18. Waste Management Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust fully endorses the UK Government’s Sustainable Waste Management Policy and will take all measures that are reasonably practicable to: reduce waste at source (‘prevention’); re-use waste components where it is safe and practicable to do so; recover/recycle those fractions of the waste stream where an outlet is available; and dispose of final wastes by the most environmentally suitable mean taking account of, and complying with, existing legislation and guidance. In addition, waste arisings from the Trust Premises will be segregated, handled, transported and disposed of in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Trust’s Waste Management Policy and Procedures Manual (HSCp001). These procedures have been written to ensure that such waste is managed in a safe and efficient manner, complying with all relevant existing legislation and taking into account the latest guidance from the Department of Health. This policy statement will be reviewed at least annually and amended should legislation have changed; otherwise it will be reviewed every 2 years to ensure that it remains applicable to the activities of the Trust.

6.19. Food Hygiene Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has a legal responsibility to ensure that it conforms to all relevant food safety legislation - The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013. The Food The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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Hygiene Guidelines HSCg002 give guidance in the hygienic production and delivery of food items to patients, customers and staff to conform to the legislation. 7.

TRAINING 7.1. Mandatory Training Training required to fulfil this policy will be provided in accordance with the Trust’s Training Needs Analysis. Management of training will be in accordance with the Trust’s Statutory and Mandatory Training Policy’ 7.2. Specific Training not covered by Mandatory Training Ad hoc training sessions based on an individual’s training needs as defined within their annual appraisal or job description.

8. MONITORING COMPLIANCE WITH THIS DOCUMENT The table below outlines the Trusts’ monitoring arrangements for this document. The Trust reserves the right to commission additional work or change the monitoring arrangements to meet organisational needs.

Aspect of compliance or effectiveness being monitored

Method of monitoring

Individual responsible for the monitoring

Monitoring frequency

Group or committee who receive the findings or report

Duties Proactive Monitoring: This is a method of measuring safety to ensure that controls and safety procedures are working.

To be addressed by the monitoring activities below. The following It is the Locality/team are all methods responsibility Annual meetings of proactive of all Trust monitoring: Directors Safer and Services and  Workplace Managers to Environment Inspections ensure that Group  Risk such Assessments  Setting Health monitoring occurs. and Safety Objectives  Reviewing / Auditing Risk Assessments and Safety Procedures

Reactive Monitoring Systems: This is a method of measuring safety

Such monitoring methods include:  Accident

It is the responsibility of all Trust Directors and


Locality/team meetings

Group or committee or individual responsible for completing any actions Safer Services and Environment Group

Safer Services and Environment Group

Safer Services and

The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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after an event has occurred.

Investigations  Reviewing Risk Assessments following Accidents  Analyses of Accidents and Incidents  Investigating complaints from employees and others.  Responding to Safety Alerts from the MHRA.

Managers to ensure that such monitoring occurs.

Environment Group

Staff have Training will be monitored in line with the Statutory and Mandatory Training Policy. completed training associated with this policy in line with the TNA Where a lack of compliance is found, the identified group, committee or individual will identify required actions, allocate responsible leads, target completion dates and ensure an assurance report is represented showing how any gaps have been addressed.



HSE ‘Health and Safety at Work Act’ 1974

HSE ‘Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 – Approved Code of Practice and Guidance’, Second Edition (reprinted 2005), HSE Books, ISBN 0 7176 2488 HSE ‘COSHH Regulations 2002 as amended Approved Code of Practice’, HSE, Fifth edition, 2005, ISBN 0-7176-2981-3 HSE ‘Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 as amended by the Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002 – Guidance on Regulations’, Second Edition (reprinted 2005), HSE Books, ISBN 0-7176-2582-6 HSE ‘Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 (as amended) – Guidance on Regulations’, Second Edition, 2005, HSE Books, ISBN 0 7176 6139 3 HSE ‘Safe Use of Work Equipment – Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 – Approved Code of Practice and Guidance’, Second Edition (reprinted 2004), HSE Books, ISBN 0 7176 1626 6 10. RELATED TRUST POLICY  HSC002 – Policy and Guidance for the Use of Risk Registers  HSC003 - Fire Policy The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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             

HSC004 – Security Policy HSC005 – Workplace Policy HSC006 – Lone Working Policy HSC007 – Shared Occupancy Policy HSC008 – First Aid Provision Policy HSC009 – Policy on the Reporting of Injuries, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences HSC010 – Manual Handling Policy HSC013 – Personal Protective Equipment Policy HSC014 – Policy on Working with Display Screen Equipment HSC016 – Policy on Control of Substances Hazardous to Health HSC017 – Policy for the Provision and Use of Work Equipment HSC024 – NHFT Visitors Access to Sites Policy CRM001 – Risk Management Strategy CRM002 – Incident Policy

The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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Chief Executive

Information Loops

Overall responsibility for Health and Safety

Director for Health and Safety Responsible for implementation of safety systems and ensuring adequate resources are available

Health and Safety Risk Manager Advisory role to assist in health and safety

Trade Union Side

Other Directors

Consulted with on all matters regarding health and safety

Ensure all managers are aware of their Health and Safety responsibilities

Departmental Managers/Team Leaders Responsible for health and safety within their sphere of influence

Employees Co-operate with employers in matters of health and safety and must not affect themselves or others by their acts or omissions.

The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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Health and Safety Policy

Departmental Safety Policy

Implementation date Review date Manager responsible for monitoring and reviewing policy Freedom of information category


The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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NORTHAMPTONSHIRE HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST DEPARTMENTAL SAFETY POLICY The Trust recognises and accepts its responsibility as an employer under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to do all that is reasonably practicable to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all of its employees and others who may be affected by its activities. All employees are equally reminded that they have a responsibility and should not endanger themselves or others by their acts or omissions. In addition, all employees have a specific responsibility to co-operate with the employer in matters of Health and Safety and must not abuse or misuse any item of equipment provided in the interest of health and safety. With the foregoing in mind and following a comprehensive workplace risk assessment, the following Departmental Safety Rules are drawn to your attention and must be understood and adhered to at all times. 1.


Smoking of tobacco and e-cigarettes is prohibited in all areas. 2.


All staff must acquaint themselves with the local fire procedures that require you, if you suspect or discover a fire, to raise the alarm and inform the fire brigade immediately (telephone 999) then follow local procedures. 3.


When using hazardous substances/materials the manufacturer’s instructions are to be followed at all times. Certain substances will require individual COSHH assessments i.e.: samples, household products, which will be undertaken by individual managers in consultation with staff. Where control measures are in force they will be adhered to at all times. Chemicals/substances will be stored in a locked cupboard. 4.

Manual Handling

All staff are reminded of the hazards associated with manual handling tasks, i.e.: lifting and moving of clients, and should not move any client or load that is beyond their individual capabilities. Therefore, staff are to ensure that they check the individual risk assessments prior to moving any load to determine methodology. The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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All medicines/drugs will be stored in a locked cupboard/locked drug fridge in a locked room. 6.

Waste Management

Staff will be responsible for ensuring that all waste is disposed of correctly. 

Clinical waste must be placed in yellow bags and tagged and transferred to locked containers.

Domestic waste must be placed in black bags, secured, and placed in containers provided situated in locked store.

Broken glass must be placed in cardboard boxes for collection by the Borough Council.

Recycling must take place where such arrangements exist.

A high standard of personal hygiene must be maintained at all times when handling waste through the washing of hands and wearing of gloves. 7.


Authorised personnel holding a current driving licence must only drive vehicles and they must ensure that the vehicle is checked prior to use.

Authorised personnel may only undertake use of private cars for Trust business.

Drivers must comply with local speed restrictions and traffic requirements.

Under no circumstances will smoking be allowed in any vehicle on Trust business.

Drivers must inform line managers of any medicines that could impair their driving abilities.

All accidents must be reported in accordance with the Trusts standard procedures.

Staff are to ensure that they check individual risk assessments for escorting and transporting clients.

Medicines will be transported in sealed containers and under no circumstances are to left unattended.

The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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All confidential records are to be held by staff during transportation and under no circumstances are to be left unattended. Housekeeping Practices

The home will be cleaned on a daily basis under cleaning regime programmes. 9.


All spillages are dealt with immediately as appropriate. 10.

Protective Clothing

All staff will be responsible to wear protective clothing as provided and required. 11.


All staff are reminded of the importance of not bringing valuables in to work, which could provide temptation to a thief. Handbags, wallets etc must be locked in a secure place under the local arrangements. Badges and identity cards will be carried on the person at all times. All doors and windows will be secured before leaving the building. Staff are to surrender all keys prior to going ‘off duty’. All breaches of security must be reported to the manager. 12.

First Aid

A first aid box is provided for the treatment of minor cuts or injuries; this is situated in the clinic. Where injuries cannot be dealt with the emergency services are to be called. (Telephone 999). All injuries, however small, are to be made the subject of a separate report using ‘DatixWeb’. Your respective line manager will complete this with you and then submit. Documentation of client accident/injury is to be completed in the first instance by the shift leader and reported to appropriate personnel for action. 13.

Car Parking

All vehicles are parked at the owners’ risk and in designated parking areas. 14.

Control of Infection

The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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Where control of infection regimes are in force they are to be complied with at all times and staff are reminded of the importance of maintaining a high standard of personal hygiene and to follow local protocols. 15.

Display Screen Equipment

Display screen equipment is provided within the home for use by designated users. All users must complete a workstation self-assessment. Should you require any user entitlement e.g.: footrest, document holder, lamps, suitable seating or eyesight testing discuss this with your line manager at the earliest possible convenience. 16.

Expectant Mothers

New and expectant mothers must inform the line manager immediately of their condition to enable the employer to review work practices and to ensure the well being of the persons concerned. 17.


Employees are reminded of the importance of only allowing visitors into the home who are entitled to be there. 18.

Missing Clients

In the event of a client being unaccounted for all staff in the home are to be alerted to this situation and carry out the following action:  Carry out immediate search of the home and gardens paying particular attention to nooks and crannies e.g.: behind chairs, bins, bushes, shed etc.  If the client still cannot be found the senior nurse manager is to be informed instantly who will then advise accordingly. 19.

Defect Reporting

All defects are to be reported using the current defect reporting mechanism, ensuring that all items are recorded in the appropriate defect reporting book. 20.


Situations may occur where members of staff may encounter violent or potentially violent behaviour from clients and you are therefore reminded of the importance of applying best practice and local protocols if the need arises. 21.

Lone Workers

When working alone staff must ensure that colleagues know their whereabouts and that they have a mobile phone with them at all times with a telephone number known to colleagues. The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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Work Equipment

Employees are reminded of the hazards associated with electrical equipment i.e. shock, burns etc. Therefore staff must not tamper with any electrical equipment. All faults must be reported to the line manager who will arrange for its repair via the defect reporting mechanism. The equipment must be unplugged and an ‘Out of Order’/Do Not Use’ notice must be attached to the faulty equipment. 23.

Catering/Food Hygiene

Catering and food hygiene protocols are to be adhered to at all times, ensuring a high standard of cleanliness is maintained. 24.


All items that require storing are to be placed in the cupboards and storage areas for this purpose and kept locked at all times. 25.

Nursing Procedures/Protocols

Nursing staff must carry out nursing practices in accordance with protocols and procedures and ensure a safe system of work. 26.

Medical Gases

Medical gases are only to be used or stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions/guidance. Also ensuring that weekly recording of checks are carried out. Under no circumstances will persons who are not trained in its use administer any gases. 27.

Medical Emergencies

In the event of medical emergency; paramedics are called by using 999 procedures and local guidelines. 28.

Escorting and Supporting Clients when Accessing the Community

Clients will be escorted and supported based on individual risk assessments. 29. Staff Facilities A staff sleep-in room with en-suite facilities and separate WC. facilities are shared with clients. 31.


Presenting for Work

The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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All members of staff must present themselves to work in a clean and presentable manner. Staff will not wear loose items of clothing or jewellery that could present a hazard. No open-toed or backless footwear is allowed. Hair should be tied back as appropriate to the activity being undertaken. 31.


Under no circumstances will staff, irrespective whether they are on/off duty when on Trust property, consume alcohol. 32.


Where training is required, staff will attend as necessary. 33.

Grounds Maintenance

The external grounds and pathways must be well maintained and in a suitable state of repair. This includes cleaning and regular gritting of pathways as required. It is the responsibility of all members of staff to inspect pathways for risks to health and safety before using them, especially when escorting service users. Where used, gritting boxes must be full and accessible at all times. Members of staff must report defects and maintenance needs to the Estates Department. SUMMARY In the interests of your health and safety and welfare at work suggestions are welcomed on the elimination of hazards and these should be made to the departmental line manager. It will be the responsibility of the senior nurse manager to ensure that maintenance of this policy, and that it is drawn to the attention of all home staff. This policy will be reviewed from time to time to reflect changes in legislation and working practices. Further information is contained within the Trust Risk Management Handbook that is available for reading via your respective line manager.

The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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Inspection by

Date Tick 

Issue Floors


Exits and Doors Storage



Fire Furniture & fittings Personal Protective Equipment Hand Cleaning Work Equipment


Details Is the floor clean and free of debris? Is floor slip free? Is the floor free from damage? Are stairs free from wear or damaged? Are handrails secured? Is lighting suitable? Are stairs free of litter and debris? Are door mechanisms working correctly? Are door site panels unobstructed? Is door way unobstructed? Is there a suitable place for storage? Is storage area clean and tidy? Are heavier items stored at waist level? Are steps available to reach high shelves? Are hazardous substances stored appropriately? Is window free of damage? Do all window mechanisms work? Where applicable are windows restricted to open to a maximum distance of 100mm? Is the lighting suitable for work? Are light fitting clean and dust free? Are lamps, switches and sockets in good condition? Complete Fire Checklist as required by Fire Policy Is furniture in good condition? Is furniture appropriate for work area? Is PPE available for staff? Is PPE worn as required? Is PPE stored correctly? Is PPE clean and well maintained? Is hand cleaning material available for use?

Yes No

Must be completed where No ticked Action

Is all work equipment electrically tested and have a valid test sticker? Are records of maintenance up-to-date and available to see? Are they any other hazards spotted?

The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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Audit by

Date Tick 

Issue Departmental Arrangements


Risk Assessment

Details Are there sufficient managers and supervisors for the area? Are Health and Safety responsibilities clear? Are there sufficient risk assessors in the department? Are there sufficient first aiders for the department? Is there an emergency action plan? Has this been reviewed regularly? Are people aware of the emergency procedures? Has the emergency procedure been tested? Are there procedures for control of contractors? Are contractors aware of procedures? Are policies and guidance readily available to all staff? Have managers attended Health and Safety Awareness training? Have all staff attended all mandatory training? Is there a record of this training? Are all work activities risk assessed and reviewed regularly? Have actions arising from risk assessment been recorded on the risk register? Have work place stressors been risk assessed? Where applicable have disabled employees had their needs assessed? Where applicable do disabled employees have a PEEP? Has the use of hazardous substances been risk assessed? Have manual handling activities been risk assessed? Has all PPE been risk assessed? Have all Display Screen Equipment assessment been completed? Is there a record of staff having read all applicable risk assessments?




The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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Issue Details Communication Is health and safety on the agenda for team meetings? Are the Health and Safety Committee minutes available for all to see? Have issues from Safety Alert Broadcasts and Risk Alerts been completed? Workplace Inspections

Is there evidence of a recent Workplace Inspection been completed? Has action arising from Workplace Inspection been completed? Is there evidence of this? Has a recent Ligature Audit been completed? Is there evidence of this?


Are any other issues that have been noted as part of the Audit?

Tick  Yes No


The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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Terms of Reference Safer Services and Environment Group Function: The functions of the Safer Services and Environment Group for Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust are to: 1. Advise the Trust Board on matters relating to safety in hospitals, its environment and the community via the Executive Nurse and Minutes of the meetings. 2. Commission and approve policies and identify appropriate mechanisms to monitor their implementation across Trust services. 3. Monitor performance data in relation to the annual programme (and other action plans) through presentation of monthly figures to the Group. 4. Advise on the management of issues that affect the safety of service users, carers, visitors and staff. 5. Support the Safer Services and Environment Group teams in its proactive and reactive activities. 6. Act as a forum for the discussion of issues in the control of infection and risks in any area of the Trust. 7. Advise on any necessary training and competency assessments, in order to meet national and local requirements. 8. Act as a forum for the discussion of identified problems regarding meeting physical and mental health needs in any area of the Trust. 9. Receive and discuss reports and legislative updates relating to Health and Safety.

Quorum: A minimum of 6 group members must be in attendance. Core members of the Group are expected to send appropriate representation to the meeting if on occasion they are unable to attend. The Core members are to attend a minimum of 8 meetings per year. Frequency of Meetings: The Group will meet monthly but may convene additional meetings as appropriate. Reporting: The Group will report to Trust Board via the Governance Committee. Core Group members are responsible for providing feedback from meetings to their respective teams. The Pressure Ulcer Review Group and the Falls Strategy Group report into the Safer Services and Environment Group. The minutes come to the group for information. The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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Circulation of Minutes: Minutes of the meeting will be distributed directly to all members of the Group. Minutes of the meeting will be sent for inclusion in reports for the Governance Committee. Minutes of the meeting will be sent to Locality managers and Matrons for dissemination within their team and will be uploaded onto the hub. Review: The Terms of Reference and membership of the Group will be reviewed annually. Core Membership of the Safer Services and Environment Group 1. Interim Deputy Director of Nursing, AHP’s and Safeguarding (Chair) 2. Emergency Planning Lead 3. Health and Safety Lead 4. Risk and Patient Safety Lead 5. Resuscitation Lead 6. Manual Handling Lead 7. Patient Carer representative 8. Matrons; North and South hospital and Community representation 9. Chief Pharmacist 10. Falls Lead 11. Pressure Ulcer Prevention Lead 12. Head of Quality Contracting 13. Occupational Health Lead 14. Safeguarding Lead 15. Infection Prevention and Control Lead 16. Staff Side representative 17. Physical Health Lead 18. Security Lead 19. Other colleagues will be invited to attend meetings as necessary to discuss specific items. st

Terms of Reference are to be reviewed on the 1 November 2015.

The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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APPENDIX 6 - DESCRIPTION OF SAFER SERVICES AND ENVIRONMENT GROUP STANDING AGENDA The following are the standing items that will be discussed at each Safer Services and Environment Group. Item Agenda




Apologies Apologies from people unable to attend meeting. Any individual unable to attend should send appointed deputy instead.


Minutes of Previous Meeting


Overview of previous meeting minutes to ensure they are correct and everyone agrees with them.


Matters arising


Discussion of any outstanding actions from previous meetings and reasons for delay if applicable.


Terms of reference- review




Emergency (EPRR)




Response Emergency Planning and Resilience Lead




Falls CQUIN Project Manager


Physical Health

Clinical Lead for Physical Health



Resuscitation Lead



Manual Handling

Manual Handling Coordinator


Health and Safety

Health and Safety Risk Manager


Pressure Ulcer Review Group

Pressure Ulcer Prevention Lead


Safety Thermometer

Head of Governance

A report of health and safety issues from the Trade Union Safety Representatives. The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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Issues raised of concern


Any items that have occurred after agenda has been agreed.


Good Practice


Items that may be added to the agenda as required include:



Date of Next Meeting

All to note

The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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APPENDIX 7 – SAFE SYSTEM OF WORK Department: Directorate: Personal Protective Equipment Required Uniform

Safety Shoes

Disposable Gloves Radio Glasses/Goggles

High Vis. Tabard/Jacket Mobile Phone Hard Hat

Protective Clothing Rigger Gloves Ear Defenders Other

Description of Activity:

Potential Risks Identified:

Safe Working Method:

The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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Controls Required:

Emergency Procedures:

Responsible Manager………………………………………………………………... Date……………………………………………………………………………………. Review required on…………………………………………………………………..

The current version of any policy, procedure, protocol or guideline is the version held on the NHFT internet. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that they are following the current version Health and Safety Policy

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