210 THE ALPINE CLUB LIBRARY ' THE ALPINE CLUB LIBRARY By F. OUGHTON The following works h ave been added to the Libra ry : - • Club Publication...
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The following works h ave been added to the Libra ry : -

Club Publications. Akademischer Alpenclub, Bern. 30. J ahresbericht (I Nov. I9343I Oct. I 935). 8!- X 6 : pp. 35 : illustrations. Bern, I935 Akademischer Alpen-Verein, Berlin. Jahresbericht xxx, xxxi, xxxii, 1932-35 . 9t X 6! : pp. 46 : illustrations, portraits. Berlin, I935 Akademischer Alpenverein, Miinchen (E.V .) . 43· J ahresbericht, I934-35 · 8t X 5-§- : pp. 38. Miinchen, I935 Akademischer Skiclub, Stuttgart. J ahresbericht No. 25 fur das Jahr I934· 8l X 5t : pp. 8o : frontispiece. Stuttgart, 1935 Alpenverein Donauland, Wien. Zeitschrift 'Berg und Ski' (monthly). Vol. I5, Nos. I59-I69. Inhaltsverzeichnis. rot X 7!: pp. 224. I935 Alpine Club, London. The Alpine Journal. Vol. xlvii (N os. 250- 25 I ). 8-§- X 5-i : pp. xiii, 414 : plates, illustrations, maps. Published by The Alpine Club, London . 1936 Alpine Club of Canada, Banff, Canada. The Gazette. 9 X 6: pp. 29: illustrations, map. October I935· Alpine Garden Society. Bulletin (quarterly). Vol. 3, Nos. I-4 (1 9- 22) March-December I935 9 X 6 : pp. 332 : pla t es, illustrations . Alpine Ski Club, London. Review. Vol. ii, N o. IO. Incorporating Rules, Officers, and List of Members, etc. 8! X st : pp. 26. September I935 Alpine Sports Club (Inc.), Auckland, New Zealand. Alpinesport. Vol. v, Nos. 7-rr. IO X 7f : pp. 99: illustrations . Dec. I934-May 1935 Vol. vi, No. 2. 9:! X 7-!: pp. IO- I5. September I935 Appalachian Mountain Club, Boston, U.S.A. Appalachia, Nos. 79- 80. 9! X 5-! : pp. 299-491 : illustrations, maps. November I935 Among the articles a re the following : Rich a rd M. Leonard. Attempts on Mount Waddington. Nathaniel L. Goodrich , Assiniboine, 'The Matterhorn of the Canadian Rockies .' Monthly Bulletin. Vol. I, N.S ., Nos. I-6 (April-November) I935 7-i X 5t : pp. 257- 435. Association of British Members of the S.A.C., London. The technique of Alpine Mountaineering. An adapt ation of the publication of the Uto Section of the S.A.C. 6 X 4! : pp. vi, 8-74 : illustrations . I936 - - Annual Report for I 935 · 7! X 4! : pp. 62. Camping Club of Great Britain and Ireland, London. Camping. Vol. xxxi, Nos. I- II. J an.- D ec. 8! X 5i : pp. 2'7 2: illustrations. Rules of the Mountaineering Section. I 935 Centre Excursionista Aliga, Barcelona. Butlleti, Anno V, Nos. 30- 40. 9 X 6! : pp. 96 : illustrations. I935 Centre Excursionista de Catalunya (Club Alpi Catala), Barcelona. Butlleti, Anno. xlv, Nos. 4q6-487 (monthly). 9! X 6!: pp. 484: illustrations. I935 Club Alpin Beige, Bruxelles. Bulletin, t Revue Alpine,' 2e Serie. Tome X, Nos. 30-32. 9t X 6! : pp. I 07 :. illustra tions, maps . I933 --Bulletin, 'Revue Alpine,' 3e Serie . T ome I, Nos. I -4 (half-yearly). 9-§- X 6i : pp. I 77 : illustrations, maps. I934 - - R evue d'Alpinisme. Tome r, No. I. Printemps. 9! X 6~: pp. 77: plat es, illustrations, maps. I 935


Club Alpin




(La 1\tiontagne.' Revue. Vol. iii, ive Serie, Nos. 265-274. Janvier-Decembre . r ot X 7t: pp. 408: illustrations, maps. 1935 --Section des Alpes Maritimes, Nice. Bulletin. Nouvelle Serie. Tome ii, Nos. r-7 (quarterly). 8! X 5!: pp. 266: illustrations. 1934-5 - - Section de l' Isere, Grenoble. Bulletin. Vol. ro (quarterly), Nos. 1-4. Decembre 1934- Septembre 1935. 8! X 5f· - - Section Lyonnaise. R evu e Alpine. Vol. xxxvi (quarterly, Nos. 29930, 1935, and No. 303, numero special Hiver 1935-36. 1o ~· X 7l: pp. 148 : illustrations, maps. - - Section du Sud-Ouest. Bulletin. 59e anne, 4e serie, Nos. 10-13 (quarterly). 8-! X 5! : pp. r63 : illustrations. 1935 Club Alpin Hellenique, Athenes. (To Vouno' (The Mountain). Revue Mensuelle. (In Greek.) Vol. 2, Nos. 13-24. 9! X 6!: pp. 444: illustrations. 1935 Club Alpin Suisse, Section Moleson, Fribourg. Bulletin Mensuel. Vol. 9, Nos. 1-12. 9 X 6 : pp. r6o. 1935 Club Alpino Italiano, Roma. Rivista. Vol. liv (monthly), Nos. 1-rz (Gennaio-Dicembre) . 9! X 6!: pp. xxviii, 664: title-page and index. 1935 - - Sezioni di Milano-Roma-Aquila e per lo Sci Club, Milano. Lo Scarpone. Vol. V, Nos. 1-25 (fortnightly). J a n.-Dec. 23 X r6. 1935 - - Sezione di Torino. Alpinismo, Rivista Mensile. Nos. 5-ro and No. rz. (May- D ec.) 10! X 7 : illustrations. 1935 - - Sezione di Trieste (Societa Alpin a d elle Giulie. ) Alpi Giulie. Anno xxxvi, N o. r. (Gennaio-Luglio), No. z (Luglio-Dicembre). 9t X 6!: pp. 123 : illustrations. 1935 Club Andino Bariloche., Argentina. Memoria r 935, Cuarto Ejercicio (13 August 1934-12 August 1935). 8j X 5!: pp. 25 : illustrations, maps. Club Suisse de Femmes Alpinistes, Ziirich. 'Nos Montagnes' (1o numbers annually). Vol. xv, Nos. 139-148, Januar-Dezember. 9 t X ik: pp. 277--1070 : illustrations. 1935 Colorado Mountain Club, Denver, Colorado. Trail and Timberline.' (monthly). Nos. 195-206, Jan.-Dec. 9 X 6 : pp. 152: illustrations. No. 201 contains Colorado Front Range High Trail Map, znd edition. 1935 - - Sch edule of Outings, 1935. 8! X 3!: pp. 52: contains List of Mountains in Colorado exceeding 14,000 feet. Deutscher und Oesterreichischer Alpenverein, Miinchen-Wien. ' Der Bergsteiger.' Vol. xiii (monthly). Nos. r-1 2. October 1934- September 1935. Title-page and index. 1ol X 7 : pp. xxii, 768 : plates, illustrations. This volume includes the ' Nachrichtenteil.' pp. 276 and Index. ~-Mitteilungen. Vol. 6r (monthly), Nos. 1-12 (Januar- D ezember). Title-page and index. rrt X 7! : pp. iv, 321 : illustrations . 1935 ~- Zeitschrift (J ahrbuch). Band 66, 1935. r ot X 7: pp. xii, 260: illustrations, m aps. Stuttgart, 1935 Among the articles are the following : Frit z B eehtold. Nanga Parbat 1934, B ericht iiber die d eutsche Himalaj akundfahrt. Dr. R. Finsterwalder. Die Forschungsarbeit am Nanga Parbat. Hubert P eterka . Neue F elsfahrten im K arnischen Kamm. Sektion Bayerland in Miinchen. r8. Jahresbericht, Vereinsj ahr 1913. 8! X 5f : pp. 155. Miinchen, 1914 19. Jahresb ericht, Vereinsj ahre 1914- 1920. 8! X 5! : pp. 98. Miinchen, 1921 20. Jahresb ericht, Ver einsjahre 1921-24. 9! X 6!: pp. 105 : illustrations. Miinchen, 1926 zr. Jahresbericht, \ 1er einsjahre 1925 mit 1927. 8! X 5* : pp. r 88 : frontispiece. Munch en, 1928 z z. J ahres bericht, Ver einsj ahre 1928 n1it 1931. 8! X 5! : pp. zo6 : frontispiece. Mi.inchen, 1932 I




Jahresbericht, Vereinsjahr 1932. st x 5! : pp. 122. Jahresbericht, Vereinsjahr 1933. J ahres be richt, V ereinsj ahr I 9 34.

8! X 5 : pp. 93· 8! x 5! : pp. 72.

Miinchen, I 933 Miinchen, I 934

Miinchen, I 935 Mitteilungen ' Der BayerHinder.' Nos. 36-40 (J anuar 1931-Februar 1932), Nos. 42-51 (August 1932-November 1935). An,vendung des Seiles (g. unveranderte Auflage). 5 X 5-§-: pp. r8: illustrations. Miinchen, I 9I 6 (Vierzehnte neubearbeitete Auflage.) 5! X 4k : pp. 31 : illustrations. With supplement pp. 8. Mtinchen, 1930 Geschichte und Verfassung der Sektion Bayerland des D.u.Oe.A.V. (E.V.) in Mtinchen I895-I920. 8t X 5 ·~-: pp. !28. Mtinchen, I92I Bticherei der Alpenvereins-Sektion Bayerland. 8! X 5! : pp. I I I. Mtinchen, I93I Neue Bergfahrten ausgeftihrt von Mitgliederen der Sektion Bayerland in den Jahren I896-I920, bearbeitet von Ludwig Gotter. 8! X 51: pp. 23. Mtinchen, I 92 I Sektion Freiburg im Breisgau, E.V. Nachrichten, Nos. 1-4 (quarterly). Satzungen, 9 x 6. 1935 Sektion Linz. Nachrichten. 7· Jahrgang. Nos. I-6, Januar-Dezember I2l x 9t : pp. 40. 1935 Sektion Pforzheim. Nachrichten, Nos. I-II. Januar- Dezember. 1935 Federation Franco-Espagnole des Societes Pyreneistes, Pau. Bulletin Pyreneen (quarterly). Nos. 215-2!8, Janvier-Decembre. 9t X p!: pp. 156: illustrations, maps. 1935 Federation Montagnarde Genevoise, Geneve. L'Echo Montagnard. Vol. xiii, Nos. I-II (Januar-l\1ai). 9! X 6!: illustrations. 1935 Fell and Rock Climbing Club of the English Lake District. Rules, List of Members, Meets. 5i X 4t: pp. 5r. January 1936 Foreningen for Skidlopningens :Framjande i Sverige, Stockholm. Pa Skidor, Arsskrift. 8! X 5t : pp. 440 : illustrations. 1935 - - Svensk Skid Kalender 1935. 7t X 5 : pp. 224: illustrations. Glasilo Slovenskega Planinskega Drustva, Ljubljana. Planinski vestnik (monthly). Nos. 1-12. 9-g- X 6j-: pp. viii, 396: illustrations. 1935 Groupe de Haute Montagne, Paris. Alpinisme. Revue trimestrielle. Vol. x, Nos. 37-40. rot X 7!: pp. I74: illustrations, maps. 1935 Gruppo Italiano Scrittori di Montagna, Torino. ' Montagna.' Rivista di Vita Alpina (monthly). Anno ii, Nos. 1-12, Gennaio-Dicembre. 9t X 71: pp. 394 : illustrations. 1935 Hrvatskoga planinarskoga drustva, Zagreb. Hrvatski Planinar (monthly). Vol. xxxi, Nos. I-I2. Title-page and index. 9! X 6j- : pp. 384 : illustrations. I935 Karpathenverein, Kesmark (Zips) Tschechoslowakei. 'Die Karpathen.' Nos. r-6. 9! X 6: pp. I32. Feb.-Dec. 1935 Magyar Turista Szovetseg, Budapest. Turistasag es Alpinizmus. Nos. I-II. Jan.-Nov. 9! X 6£: pp. z8o: illustrations. 1935 Mazamas, The. Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. • Mazama.' Vol. xvii, No. 12. ro X 61 : pp. 79 : illustrations. December I935 Mountaineers, The. Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. 'The Mountaineer.' Vol. 28, No. I. rot X 7 : pp. 48 : illustrations. December 1935 Nederlandsche Alpen- Vereeniging, 's-Gravenhage. De Berggids-Tijdschrift gewijd aan aile takken van Bergsport (skisport). Vols. I--3 (monthly). rot x 7k· Vol. I, pp. 203. Vol. 2, pp. 289. Vol. 3, pp. 334· May I933-December 1935 Oesterreichischer Alpenklub, Wien. Oesterreichische Alpenzeitung. 57 Jahrgang (monthly). Folge 1153-II64. (Januar-Dezember.) Titlepage and index. Io! X 7!: pp. x, 296: illustrations, sketch-maps. 1935



Polskiego Towarzystwa Tatrzanskiego, Krakow. Taternik (monthly). Vol. xix, Nos. I-I2. Title-page and index. gJ X 6! ; pp. 2I2 : plates, I 935 illustrations, m aps . - - Turysta w Polsce (monthly). Nos. I -Io, January-October. 13! x g-§-. I935 Rucksack Club, Manchester. Handbook for 1936. Contains Rules, List of Officers and Members, Meets, Article on Accidents and First-aid. 4! X 3f : pp. 28. Schweizer Alpenclub, Sitten. Die Alpen.' Vol. xi (monthly). Nos. I-I 2 (Januar-Dezember). Title-page and index. ro! X 6! : pp. v, 480: illustrations, maps. Volume includes Chronik des S.A.C. und kleine Mitteilungen : pp. v iii, 324. I 935 - - Sektion Pilatus, Luzern. c Der Pilatus,' Mitteilungen (monthly). Vol. xiii, Nos. I-I2. Title-page and index. 9! X 6: pp. 144. I935 Schweizerischer Akademischer Ski-Club, Ziirich. Der Schnee Rase.' Jahrbuch, Band 3, No. g. Schriftleitung, Walter Amstutz. rot X 6!: pp. I31-248 : plates (2 coloured): illustrations . I935 Scottish Mountaineering Club, Edinburgh. Journal. Vol. 20, No. IIg, April; No. 120, November. 9 X 5!: pp. 3II-479 : illustrations, panoramas. 1935 - - L ist of Office-Bearers and Members, 1936. 7! X 4t: pp. 16. Ski Club of Great Britain, London. Members' Handbook, I 935-36. 8! X 5i: pp. 115. - - Ski Notes and Queries. Vol. vii,' Nos. 56-58, May- December. 8k X 5!: pp. 97-255 : illustrations. I935 Sociedad Espanola de Alpinismo, Madrid. P efialara' (monthly). Ano xxiii, Nos. 253---264 (Jan.-Dec.). gf X 6! : pp. 300: illustrations, maps. 1935 Societe Polonaise de Tatra, Cracow. Wierchy' (Les Cimes) (annuaire). 10 X 7 : pp. 240 : illustratjons, maps. I935 Svenska Turistforeningen, Stockholm. Tidning, Nos. 1-8, FebruaryDecember (8 numbers annually). No . I is the Jubilee Number of the Society, founded 1885. II x 8: pp. 255: illustrations. 1935 Union Internationale des Associations d'Alpinisme, Geneve. ProcesVerbal de la I reme assemblee generale a Barcelone, 4-5 juliet 1935· --Rapport du President du Comite Executifpresente a l'assemblee g6nerale, 3-7 juillet I935, a Barcelone. Wayfarers' Club, Liverpool. llandbook. Contains List of Officers and Members. 3~ X 4t: pp. 21. I936 I






New Publications. Ahlmann, Hans Wilhelmsson. Contribution to the Physics of Glaciers. In Geographical Journal,' vol. lxxxvi, No. 2. 9t X 6 : pp. 97-II3 : illustrations, map. The Royal Geographical Society, London. August 1935 Allgemeine Bergsteiger-Zeitung, Wien-Miinchen. Vol. 13, Nos. 6o8658 (weekly). I8 X ri!. J an.-Dec. 1935 Allwein, Eugen, Fritz Bechtold and others. Willo Welzenbach's Bergfahrten. Published by the Akademisch er Alpenverein, Munchen. 8! X 5-§-: pp. 260: plates. Union D eutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, Berlin, I935 Bailey, E. B. Tectonic Essays, mainly Alpine. 9f X 6!: pp. xii, 200: plates, illustrations, maps. Clarendon Press, Oxford, I935· 12s. 6d. net Bailly, Rosa. Alpes. A book of verse. 7l X 4!: pp. iv, 160 . Editions de la Forge, Paris, I935 Beachy Head, Climbing on. By a JYiember of the Alpine Club. In (The Sussex County Magazine.' 9! X 7!: pp. 688-692 : illustrations. November, 1935 Blodig, Dr. Karl. Alpen-Kalender I936. Elfter J ahrgang. gJ X 7! : coloured plates and illustrations : 4 days to a page. Verlag des Blodigschen Alpenkalenders, Paul Muller, Munchen. 1935. RM. 2.go 1



Blodig, Dr. Karl. AlpineCalendari936. AnEnglisheditionofthelast-named publication, p.2 I3. 9i X 7!: coloured plates and illustrations: 4 days to a page. Blackwell's, Oxford, I935· 3s. 6d. Borchers, Phillipp. Die Weisse Kordillere. 9 X 6: pp. 396: illustrations, map I : Ioo,ooo in separate case. Verlag Scher!, Berlin, I935 Bozman, E. F. 'X plus Y.' The story of two unknown quantities. 7! X 4! : pp. 282. J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., London, I936. 7s. 6d. An interesting novel, with some strong character drawing. There are climbing episodes, that of a four-thousand metre peak in the Graian Alps, with which the book ends, b eing the mqst descriptive. --'The Mountain.' In Modern Stories of the Open Air.' 7t X 4f: pp. 4I -6o. _ J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., London, I936. 6 s. Brocherel, Giulio. La valorizzazione turistica del Cervino. In 'Le Vie d 'Italia, ' Rivista Mensile del Touring Club Italiano . Anno xlii, No. 2. Febbraio I936. 9! X 6! : pp. 94-I05 : illustrations, map. Burdsall, Richard L., and Arthur B. Emmons 3d. Men against the Clouds. The conquest of Minya Konka. 8! X 5!: pp. XV, 272 : illustrations, maps, charts. John Lane, The Bodley Head, London, I935· I2 S . 6d. Coleman, Professor A. P. Pleistocene Glaciation in the Andes of Colombia. In 'Geographical Journal,' Vol. lxxxvi, No. 4· 9! X 6 : pp. 330-334: illustrations. The Royal Geographical Society, London. October I935 Collet, Leon W. The Structure of the Alps. 2nd Edition. 8! x 5! : pp. xvi, 304 : plat es, illustrations. Edward Arnold & Co ... London, I936. 2os. net Deutsche Alpenzeitung, Miinchen. Vol. 30, Nos. I-I 2 (monthly). I2f X 9 : pp. 564: plates, illustrations. Jan.-Dec. I935 Bergverlag Rudolf Rother, Miinchen Dyhrenfurth, Prof. Dr. Gunter 0. D amon Himalaya: Bericht der Internationalen Karakoram-Expedition I934· 9! X 6t : pp. vii, I IO : illustrations, map, and panorama. Benno Schwa be & Co., Verlag Basel, I 935. Mk. 8 Ecdromika, Athenes. Nos. 68-79 (Jan.-Dec.). Title-page and index. Published in Greek. 9~- X 6! : pp. xii, 3I2 : illustrations. I935 This periodical contains articles on touring and mountaineering. Ehmer, Wilhelm. Um den Gipfel der Welt. Die Geschichte des Bergsteigers Mallory. 7f X 4f : pp. I 86 : portrait, plate and sketch-map. J. Engelhorns Nachf. Stuttgart, I936 Engel, Claire-Eliane. Alpinistes d'autrefois. Le Major Roger et son barometre. 7i X 4! : pp. 2I2 : illustrations. Editions Victor Attinger, Paris, 1935. Frs. IS. Finsterwalder, Prof. Dr. R. Alpenvereinskartographie und die ihr dienenden Methoden. 9! X 7: pp. 82 : map. Verlag Herbert Wichmann, Berlin, N.W. 7, I935 Flaig, Walther. Lawinen: Abenteur und Erfahrung, Erlebnis und Lehre. 9 X 6i : pp. I 73 : plates, illustrations, maps. F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig, I935· RM. 6.30 Fossel, Annemarie. Blumen der Berge. 9! X 6i : pp. 48 : 64 plates. Bergverlag Rudolf Rother, Miinchen, 1935. Gzl. Rm. 3.8o: kart. Rm. 2.8o Franz,Dr.Hans,u.KurtMaix. DerMenschamBerg. 9 X 6t: pp.I52: illustrations. Verlag, F. Bruckman A.-G., Miinchen, I 936 The action' photographs ar e r emarkable. Giovane Montagna, Torino. Notiziario Mensile. Anno xxi, Nos. 3-II. Aprile-Dicembre. IO X 7· I935 Girard, Geor~es F. A Pic, Dolomites, with preface by Jean Variot. 8! X 6-3- : pp. 6 : 32 plates. Editions O.E.T ., Paris, I936 Giuseppi, P. L. A Journey t o the Caucasus. In ' Quarterly Bulletin' of the Alpine Garden Society. Vol. 4, No. I (No. 23)- 9 X 5!: pp. I05-I24 : illustrations. March I936 Gos, Charles. Voyage de Saussure hors des Alpes. 7i X 4!: pp. I44 : illustrations. Editions Victor Attinger, Neuchatel, I935· Fr. 3·75 1




Guebriant, J. de. D ans la peninsule du Sinai. In , La Geographie,' Vol. lxiv, No. 5· Io X 61 : pp. 265-276 : illustrations. Societe de Geographie, Paris, November 1935 Heinrich, Fritz. Manual for Ski-Babies. 7! X 4! : pp. x, 94 : illustrations. Oxford University Press 3s. 6d. Hu~, Dr. Oscar. Piolet et Ski. An illustrated Alpine Calendar for I936. 8t X 6!: 53 plates. Editions H aeschel-Dufey, Lausanne, I935 Jessen, Dr. Otto. Reliefasymmetrie und Auslage. In 'Petermanns Geographischen Mitteilungen.' ro! X 9 : pp. 400-436. Heft I I jr2, 1935 Kugy, Dr. Julius. Anton Oitzinger. Ein Bergfuhrerleben. 8! X 5-§- : pp. 159; illustrations. Leykam-Verlag, Graz, I935· S. 8. Mettrier, Henri. Une enquete toponymique en Savoie. (Reprint.) Paris I935 9 X 6 : pp. 47 Monod-Herzen, G. E. Une ascension fran

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