Documents of American History Henry Steele Commager, ed. 1946 Prentice-Hall TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume I Doc. No. 1. Privileges and Prerogatives Granted to Columbus. April 30, 1492 2. Papal Bull Inter Caetera. May 4, 1493 3. Treaty of Tordesillas. June 7, 1494 4. Letters Patent to John Cabot. March 5, 1496 5. Charter to Sir Walter Raleigh. March 25, 1584 6. First Charter of Virginia. April 10, 1606 7. Second Charter of Virginia. May 23, 1609 8. Third Charter of Virginia. March 12, 1612 9. Ordinance for Virginia. July 24, 1621 10. Leyden Agreement. 1618 11. Mayflower Compact. November 11, 1620 12. First Charter of Massachusetts. March 4, 1629 13. Cambridge Agreement. August 26, 1629 14. Charter of Freedoms and Exemptions to Patroons. June 7, 1629 15. Charter of Maryland. June 20, 1632 16. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. January 14, 1639 17. Plantation Agreement at Providence. August 27, 1640 18. New England Confederation. May 19, 1643 19. Massachusetts School Law of 1642 20. Massachusetts School Law of 1647 21. Cambridge Platform. 1648 22. Maryland Toleration Act. April 21, 1649 23. Navigation Act of 1660 24. Independency in Colonial Massachusetts 1. Declaration of Liberties. June 10, 1661 2. Answer to Mr. Solicitor’s Objections. October 2, 1678 25. Concessions to the Province of Pennsylvania. July 11, 1681 26. Earliest Protest against Slavery. February 18, 1688 27. Navigation Act of 1697 28. Penn’s Plan of Union. 1697 29. Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges. October 28, 1701

30. Molasses Act. May 17, 1733 31. Albany’s Plan of Union. 1754 32. Otis’ Speech against Writs of Assistance. February 24, 1761 33. Proclamation of 1763. October 7, 1763. 34. Frontier Grievances from Pennsylvania. February 13, 1764 35. Stamp Act. March 22, 1765 36. Virginia Stamp Act Resolutions. May 30, 1765 37. Instructions of Town Braintree, Massachusetts. October 14, 1765 38. Resolutions of the Stamp Act Congress. October 19, 1765 39. Northampton County Resolutions on Stamp Act. February 11, 1766 40. Petition of London Merchants. January 17, 1766 41. Declaratory Act. March 18, 1766 42. Quartering Act. March 24, 1765 43. Townshend Revenue Act. June 29, 1767 44. Fundamental Law and the British Constitution 1. Massachusetts House to Earl of Shelburne. January 15, 1768 2. Massachusetts House to Marquis of Rockingham. January 22, 1768 3. Massachusetts House to Lord Camden. January 29, 1768 45. Massachusetts Circular Letter. February 11, 1763 46. Boston Non-Importation Agreement. August 1, 1763 47. Petition from Regulators of North Carolina. October 9, 1769 48. New York Sons of Liberty Resolutions on Tea. November 29, 1773 49. Intolerable Acts 1. Boston Port Act. March 31, 1774 2. Massachusetts Government Act. May 20, 1774 3. Administration of Justice Act. May 20, 1774 4. Quebec Act. June 22, 1774 50. Pennsylvania Resolutions on Boston Port Act. June 20, 1774 51. New York City Resolutions on Boston Port Act. July 6, 1774 52. Resolutions of Albemarle County. July 26, 1774 53. Virginia Instructions to Continental Congress. August 1, 1774 54. Virginia Non-Importation Agreement. August 1, 1774 55. Galloway’s Plan of Union. September 28, 1774 56. Declaration and Resolves of Frist Continental Congress. October 14, 1774 57. The Association. October 20, 1774 58. Petition of London Merchants for Reconciliation. January 23, 1775 59. Battle of Lexington 1. American Account of Battle of Lexington. April 26, 1775 2. English Account of Battle of Lexington. April 22, 1775 60. Address of Continental Congress to Inhabitants of Canada. May 29, 1775

61. Declaration of Causes and Necessity of Taking up Arms. July 6, 1775 62. Proclamation of Rebellion. August 23, 1775 63. Instructions from Malden, Massachusetts, for Independence. May 27, 1776 64. Mecklenburg County Resolutions. May 31, 1776 65. Resolution for Independence. June 7, 1776 66. Declaration of Independence. July 4, 1776 67. Virginia Bill of Rights. June 12, 1776 68. Concord Town Meeting Demands a Constitutional Convention. October 21, 1776 69. Treaty of Alliance with France. February 6, 1778 70. Massachusetts Bill of Rights. 1780 71. Quock Walker Case. 1783 72. Articles of Confederation. March 1, 1781 73. Commonwealth v. Caton, et al. 1782 74. Treaty of Peace with Great Britain. September 3, 1783 75. Resolution of Congress on Public Lands. October 10, 1780 76. Virginia’s Cession of Western Lands. December 20, 1783 77. Report of Government for Western Territory. April 23, 1784 78. Land Ordinance of 1785. May 20, 1785 79. Memorial of Presbytery of Hanover County, Virginia. October 24, 1776. 80. Virginia Statute of Religious Liberty. January 16, 1786 81. Shay’s Rebellion. 1786 82. Northwest Ordinance. July 13, 1787 83. Annapolis Convention. September 14, 1786 84. Virginia Plan of Union. May 29, 1787 85. Paterson Plan of Union. June 15, 1787 86. Hamilton’s Plan of Union. June 18, 1787 87. Constitution of the United States. September 17, 1787 88. Objections to Federal Constitution. 1787 89. Bayard & Wife v. Singleton. 1797 90. Washington’s First Inaugural Address. April 30, 1789 91. Judiciary Act of 1789. September 24, 1789 92. Virginia Resolutions on Assumption. December 16, 1790 93. Hamilton’s Opinion on Constitutionality of Bank. February 23, 1791 94. Jefferson’s Opinion on Constitutionality of Bank. February 15, 1791 95. Chisholm v. Georgia. 1793 96. Proclamation of Neutrality. April 22, 1793 97. Proclamation on Whiskey Rebellion. August 7, 1794 98. Jay Treaty. November 19, 1794 99. Pinckney Treaty. October 27, 1795 100. Washington’s Farewell Address. September 17, 1796

101. 1. 2. 3. 102. 1. 2. 103. 104. 1. 2. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Alien and Sedition Actsd The naturalization Act. June 18, 1798 The Alien Act. June 25, 1798 The Sedition Act. July 14, 1798 Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798 Kentucky Resolutions. November 16, 1793 Virginia Resolutions. December 24, 1793 Kentucky Resolutions of 1799. February 22, 1799 State Replies to Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Rhode Island to Virginia. February, 1799 New Hampshire Resolution. June 15, 1799 Land Act of 1800. May 10, 1800. Jefferson’s First Inaugural Address. March 4, 1801 Jefferson on the Importance of New Orleans. April 18, 1802 The Cession of Louisiana. April 30, 1803 Marbury v. Madison. 1803 Jefferson’s Message on Burr Conspiracy. January 22, 1807 Act to Prohibit Importation of Slaves. March 2, 1807 Commercial Warfare Berlin Decree. November 21, 1806 British Order in Council. January 7, 1807 British Order in Council. November 11, 1807 Milan Decree. December 17, 1807 Embargo Act. December 22, 1807 Non-Intercourse Act. March 1, 1809 Macon’s Bill, No. 2. May 1, 1810 The Ramboulliet Decree. March 23, 1810 Fletcher v. Peck. 1810 Madison’s War Message. June 1, 1812 Report and Resolutions of Hartford Convention. January 4, 1815 Madison’s Veto of Bonus Bill. March 3, 1817 Rush-Bagot Agreement. April 28, 1818 McCulloch v. Maryland. 1819 Dartmouth College v. Woodward. 1819 Florida Treaty. February 22, 1819 The Missouri Compromise The Tallmadge Amendment. February 13, 1819 The Taylor Amendment. January 26, 1820 The Thomas Amendment. February 17, 1820 Missouri Enabling Act. March 6, 1820

5. Constitution of Missouri. July 19, 1820 6. Resolution for Admission of Missouri. March 2, 1821 122. Land Law of 1820. April 24, 1820 123. Cohens v. Virginia.1821 124. Chancellor Kent on Universal Suffrage. 1821 125. Monroe’s Veto of Cumberland Road Bill. May 4, 1822 126. English Background of Monroe Doctrine. August 20, 1823 127. Monroe Doctrine. December 2, 1823 128. Tennessee Protest against Caucus. 1823 129. Gibbons v. Ogden. 1824 130. Nationalism of President J.Q. Adams. December 6, 1825 131. Panama Congress. December 26, 1825 132. Martin v. Mott. 1827 133. Massachusetts High School Law of 1827 134. American Insurance Company v. Canter. 1828 135. South Carolina Protest against Tariff of 1828. December 19, 1828 136. Constitution of a Lyceum. 1829 137. Craig, et al. v. Missouri. 1830 138. Jackson’s Veto of Maysville Road Bill. May 27, 1830 139. Marcy on the Spoils of Victory. 1831 140. Cherokee Nation v. Georgia. 1831 141. Worcester v. Georgia. 1832 142. Jackson’s Message on Removal of Southern Indians. December 7, 1835 143. South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification. November 24, 1832 144. Jackson’s Proclamation to People of South Carolina. December 10, 1832 145. South Carolina’s Reply to Jackson’s Proclamation. December 20, 1832 146. Nullification of Force Bill. March 18, 1833 147. Jackson’s Veto of the Bank Bill. July 10, 1832 148. Removal of the Public Deposits: Jackson’s Paper to Cabinet. September 18, 1833 149. The Liberator. Volume I., No. 1. January 1, 1831 150. The American Anti-Slavery Society; Constitution and Declaration of Sentiments. December 4, 1833 151. South Carolina Resolutions on Abolitionist Propaganda. December 16, 1835 152. Texas Declaration of Independence. March 1, 1836 153. Specie Circular. July 11, 1836 154. Jackson’s Message on Specie Circular. December 5, 1836 155. Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge. 1837 156. The Caroline Affair. January 18, 1838 157. Pre-emption Act of 1841. September 4, 1841 158. Prigg v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 1842

159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 1. 2. 3. 188. 189. 190.

People v. Fisher. 1845 Commonwealth v. Hunt. 1842 Webster-Ashburton Treaty. August 9, 1842 Constitution of Brook Farm Association. 1841 Dorothea Dix’s Memorial to Legislature of Massachusetts. January, 1843 Clay’s Raleigh Letter. April 17, 1844 Annexation of Texas. March 1, 1845 Texas and Oregon: Extract from Polk’s Inaugural Address. March 4, 1845 Polk’s Reassertion of Monroe Doctrine. December 2, 1845 Polk’s Message on War with Mexico. May 11, 1846 Oregon Treaty. June 15, 1846 Independent Treasury Act. August 8, 1846 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. February 2, 1848 Seneca Falls Declaration and Resolutions. July 19, 1848 Horace Mann on Education and National Welfare. 1848 Compromise of 1850 Clay’s Resolutions. January 29, 1850 Texas and New Mexico Act. September 9, 1850 Utah Act. September 9, 1850 Fugitive Slave Act. September 18, 1850 Act Abolishing Slave Trade in District of Columbia. September 20, 1850 Georgia Platform. 1850 Resolutions of Nashville Convention. June 10, 1850 Clayton-Bulwer Treaty. April 19, 1850 Trial of Mrs. Douglas for Teaching Colored Children to Read. 1853 Appeal of the Independent Democrats. January 19, 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act. May 30, 1854 Ostend Manifesto. October 18, 1854 Massachusetts Personal Liberty Act. May 21, 1855 American Party Platform. 1856 Constitution of Committee of Vigilantes of San Francisco. May 15, 1856 Dred Scott v. Sandford. 1857 Lincoln’s House Divided Speech. June 17, 1858 Lincoln-Douglas Debates Second Joint Debate. Freeport, August 27, 1858 Third Joint Debate. Jonesboro, September 15, 1858 Seventh Joint Debate. Alton, October 15, 1858 Ableman v. Booth. 1859 John Brown’s Last Speech. November 2, 1859 Floyd County, Georgia, Resolutions on Secession. 1860

191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 1. 2. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 1. 2. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226.

Platform of Constitutional Union Part. May, 1860 Platform of Republican Party. May 16, 1860 Platform of Democratic Party. June 18, 1860 Platform of Democratic (Breckenridge Faction) Party. June, 1860 President Buchanan on Secession. December 3, 1860 Crittenden Peace Resolutions. December 18, 1860 Mississippi Resolutions on Secession. November 30, 1860 South Carolina Ordinance of Secession. December 20, 1860 South Carolina Declaration of Causes. December 24, 1860 Mayor Wood’s Recommendation for Secession of New York City. January 6, 1861 Constitution of Confederate States of America. March 11, 1861 Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address. March 4, 1861 Davis’s Message to Congress. April 29, 1861 Seward’s Plan to Aver Civil War. April 1, 1861 Lincoln’s Message to Congress. July 4, 1861 Crittenden Peace Resolutions. December 18, 1860 General Butler’s “Contrabands.” July 30, 1861 Fremont’s Proclamation on Slave. August 30, 1861 Ex Parte Merryman. 1861 Secession of Kentucky. November 20, 1861 Compensated Emancipation Message to Congress. March 6, 1862 Message to Congress. December 1, 1862 Sumner’s Resolutions on Theory of Secession. February 11, 1862 Davis’s Inaugural Address. February 22, 1862 Homestead Act. May 20, 1862 Pacific Railway Act. July 1, 1862 Morrill Act. July 2, 1862 McClellan’s Letter to President Lincoln. July 7, 1862 General Pope’s Address to Army of Virginia. July 14, 1862 Lincoln and Greeley “The Prayer of Twenty Million.” August 19, 1862 Lincoln’s Letter to Greeley. August 22, 1862 Address to President Lincoln by Working-Men of Manchester. December 31, 1862 Lincoln’s Reply to Working-Men of Manchester. January 19, 1863 Emancipation Proclamation. January 1, 1863 Resolutions of Illinois Legislature on Emancipation. January 19, 1863 Lincoln’s Letter to General Hooker. January 26, 1863 Resolution Against Foreign Mediation. March 3, 1863 The French in Mexico

1. Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams. March 3, 1862 2. House Resolution on French Intervention. April 4, 1864 3. Mr. Seward to Mr. Motley. April 16, 1866 227. New Jersey Peace Resolutions 1. Resolutions of Legislature of New Jersey. March 18, 1863 2. Protest of New Jersey Soldiers. March 10, 1863 228. Gettysburg Address. November 19, 1863 229. Reconstruction of Tennessee: Lincoln’s Letter to Johnson. September 11, 1863 230. Lincoln’s Plan of Reconstruction. December 8, 1863 231. National Bank Act. June 3, 1864 232. Platform of National Union Party. June 7, 1864 233. Contract Labor Law. July 4, 1864 234. Wade-Davis Bill. July 8, 1864 235. Lincoln’s Proclamation on Wade-Davis Bill. July 8, 1864 236. Wade-Davis Manifesto. August 5, 1861 237. Hampton Roads Conference. February 3, 1865 238. Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address. March 4, 1865 239. Lincolns’ Terms of Peach: Admiral Porter’s Report of City Pint Conference. March 27, 1865 240. Davis’s Last Message to People of Confederacy. April 5, 1865 241. Burning of Columbia, South Carolina. Report of General Sherman. April 4, 1865 242. Lee’s Farewell to His Army. April 10 ,1865 243. Surrender of General Johnston. April 18, 1865 244. Lincoln’s Last Public Address. April 11, 1865 Volume II 245. 246. 1. 2. 3. 4. 247. 1. 2. 248. 249. 250. 251.

Freedman’s Bureau Bill. March 3, 1865 Black Code of Mississippi. 1865 Civil Rights of Freedmen Apprentice Law Vagrant Law Penal Laws Black Code of Louisiana. 1865 Act to Regulate Labor Contracts Act Relative to Apprentices Johnson’s Amnesty Proclamation. May 29, 1865 Johnson’s Proclamation for Provisional Government of South Carolina. June 30, 1865 Grant’s Observations on Conditions in the South. December 18, 1865 Veto of Freedmen’s Bureau Bill. February 19, 1865

252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 1. 2. 288. 1.

Civil Rights Act. April 9, 1866 Veto of Civil Rights Act. March 27, 1866 Report of Joint Committee on Reconstruction. June 20, 1865 Johnson on Restoration of Southern States. December 3, 1865 Ex Parte Milligan. 1866 South Carolina Immigration Bill. 1865 Ex Parte Garland. 1867 Mississippi v. Johnson. 1867 First Reconstruction Act. March 2, 1867 Veto of First Reconstruction Act. March2, 1867 Tenure of Office Act. March 2, 1867 Veto of Tenure of Office Act. March 2, 1867 Command of the Army Act. March 2, 1867 Second Reconstruction Act. March 23, 1867 Veto of Second Reconstruction Act. March 23, 1867 Third Reconstruction Act. July 19, 1867 Purchase of Alaska. March 30, 1867 Impeachment of President Johnson. 1868 Fourth Reconstruction Act. March 11, 1868 Ku Klux Klan: Organization and Principles. 1868 Fourteenth Amendment. July 28, 1868 Act to Enforce the Fourteenth Amendment. April 20, 1871 Democratic Platform of 1868. July 4, 1868 Johnson’s Recommendation for Revaluation of Public Debt. December 9, 1863 Grant’s First Inaugural Address. March 4, 1869 Veazie Bank v. Fenno. 1860 Texas v. White. 1869 Grant’s Appeal for Annexation of Santo Domingo. May 31, 1870 Legal Tender Cases. 1871 Treaty of Washington. May 8, 1871 Collector v. Day. 1871 Liberal Republican Party Platform. May 1, 1872 Slaughter-House Cases. 1873 “The Crime of ’73.” February 12, 1873 Citizen’s Savings and Loan Association v. Topeka. 1874 The Granger Movement Resolutions of Springfield, Illinois, Farmers’ Convention. April 2, 1873 Declaration of Purpose of National of National Grange. 1874 Grant’s Recommendation of Resumption of Specie Payments Message of December 6, 1869

2. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 1. 2. 3. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324.

Message of December 7, 1874 Resumption of Specie Payments. January 14, 1875 Minor v. Happersett. 1875 Civil Rights Act. March 1, 1875 Civil Rights Cases. 1883 Ex Parte Yarbrough. 1884 Munn v. Illinois. 1876 Commonwealth v. Hamilton Manufacturing Company. 1876 President Grant’s Apology. December 5, 1876 Governor Chamberlain on Restoration of White Rule in South Carolina. June 11, 1877 Preamble of Constitution of Knights of Labor. January 1, 1878 Bland-Allison Act. February 28, 1878 Hayes’s Veto of Bland-Allison Act. February 28, 1878 Encyclical Letter, Quod Apostolic Muneris. December 28, 1878 Powell’s Report on the Arid Region of the West. 1879 The Problem of “Riders”: Hayes’s Veto of Army Appropriation Act. April 29, 1879 President Arthur on the Indian Problem. December 6, 1881 Pan-Americanism: Blaine’s Invitation to Pan-American Congress. November 29, 1881 Treaty Regulating Chinese Immigration. November 17, 1880 Chinese Exclusion Act. May 6, 1882 Pendleton Act. January 16, 1883 Julliard v. Greenman. 1884 In Re Jacobs. 1885 Cleveland’s Recommendation of Repeal of Bland-Allison Act. December 8, 1885 Cleveland on Pension Legislation. June 21, 1886 Single-Tax: Platform on Henry George. 1886 Wabash Case. 1886 Dawes Act. February 8, 1887 Hatch Act. March 2, 1887 Cleveland’s Tariff Message. December 6, 1887 Interstate Commerce Act. February 4, 1887 Judicial Review of Railroad Rates. C.M. & St. Paul R.R. Co. v. Minnesota. 1889 Smyth v. Ames. 1897 Regan v. Farmers’ Loan and Trust Co. 1894 Sherman Anti-Trust Act. July 2, 1890 Sherman Silver Purchase Act. July 14, 1890 Cleveland’s Silver Letter. February 10, 1891 Tillmanism in South Carolina: The Shell Manifesto. January 23, 1890 Ocala Demands. December, 1890

325. Platform of the Populist Party. July 4, 1892 326. U.S. v. Workingmen’s Amalgamated Council. 1893 327. Cleveland’s Message on Repeal of Sherman Act. August 8, 1893 328. Repeal of the Sherman Act. November 1, 1893 329. Fur-Sealing Controversy 1. Convention for Settlement of Dispute. February 29, 1892 2. Articles of Award of Tribunal of Arbitration. August 15, 1893 330. President Harrison’s Message on Annexation of Hawaii. February 13, 1893 331. Cleveland’s Withdrawal of Hawaii Annexation Treaty. December 18, 1893 332. Coxey’s Program. 1894 1. Non-Interest Bearing Bond Bill 2. Good Roads Bill 333. Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company. 1894 334. Altgeld-Cleveland Controversy. July, 1894 335. U.S. v. Debs et al. 1894 336. In Re Debs. 1895 337. Cleveland’s Appeal for Gold Guarantee on Bonds. February 8, 1895 338. Appeal of the Silver Democrats. March 5, 1895 339. U.S. v. E.C. Knight Company. 1895 340. Cleveland’s Message on Venezuela Boundary Controversy. December 17, 1895 341. Republican Platform of 1896. July 16, 1896 342. Bryan’s Cross of Gold Speech. July 8, 1896 343. Democratic Platform of 1896. July 8, 1896 344. Holden v. Hardy. 1898 345. The De Lome Letter. December 11, 1898 346. McKinley’s War Message. April 11, 1898 347. Resolution for Recognition of Independence of Cuba. April 20, 1898 348. Annexation of Hawaii. July 7, 1898 349. Treaty of Peace with Spain. December 10, 1898 350. Open Door in China. 1. Hay’s Circular Letter. September 6, 1899 2. Hay’s Letter of Instruction. March 20, 1900 3. Hay’s Circular Letter. July 3, 1900 351. Platform of American Anti-Imperialist League. October 18, 1899 352. Downes v. Bidwell. 1901 353. Gold Standard Act of 1900. March 14, 1900 354. McKinley’s Reciprocity Speech. September 5, 1901 355. Hay-Pauncefote Treaty. November 18, 1901 356. Roosevelt on the Trusts: Extract from the First Annual Message to Congress. December 3, 1901

357. W.C. T.U. Declaration of Principles. 1902 358. Drago Doctrine. December 29, 1902 359. Lottery Case (Champion v. Ames). 1903 360. Platt Amendment. May 22, 1903 361. Convention with Panama for Construction of Canal. November 18, 1903 362. Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine 1. Annual Message. December 6, 1904 2. Annual Message. December 5, 1905 363. Northern Securities Company v. U.S. 1904 364. Lochner v. New York. 1905 365. People v. Williams. 1907 366. Muller v. Oregon. 1908 367. Japanese Immigration: The Gentlemen’s Agreement. 1908 368. Adair v. U.S. 1908 369. Roosevelt’s Message on Conservation. December 3, 1907 370. Declaration of the Conservation Conference. May 15, 1908 371. Social Creed of the Churches. May, 1908 372. Root-Takahira Agreement. November 30, 1908 373. Taft on the Injunction in Labor Disputes. March 4, 1909 374. Taft’s Defence of Payne-Aldrich Tariff. September 17, 1909 375. The Rule of Reason 1. U.S. b Trans-Missouri Freight Association. 1897 2. Report of Senator Nelson. 1909 3. Standard Oil Co. of N.J. et al. v. U.S. 1911 4. Dissenting Opinion in Standard Oil Case. 1911 5. Extract from Special Message of President Taft. December 5, 1911 376. National Progressive Republican League: Declaration of Principles. January 21, 1911 377. Taft’s Message on Canadian Reciprocity. January 26, 1911 378. Taft’s Veto of Arizona Enabling Act. August 22, 1911 379. Roosevelt’s Candidacy in 191: Appeal of the Seven Governors and Letter of Acceptance. February, 1912 380. Roosevelt’s New Nationalism Speech. February 21, 1912 381. Recommendations of the Aldrich Commission. 1912 382. Platform of the Socialist Party. May 12, 1912 383. Bryan’s Resolutions, Democratic National Convention. June 27, 1912 384. Platform of the Progressive Party. August 5, 1912 385. Lodge Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. August 2, 1912 386. Dollar Diplomacy: Extract from Taft’s Fourth Annual Message. December 3, 1912 387. Taft’s Veto of Literacy Test for Immigrants. February 14, 1913 388. Concentration of Control of Money and Credit: Report of the Pujo Committee. 1919

389. Wilson’s First Inaugural Address. March 4, 1913 390. Repudiation of Dollar Diplomacy”: Statement from President Wilson. March 19, 1913 391. Tariff Revision under Wilson: Wilson’s Address to Congress. April 8, 1913 392. Wilson’s Denunciation of the Tariff Lobby. May 26, 1913 393. Wilson’s Special Message on Mexican Relations. August 27, 1913 394. Wilson’s Mobile Address. October 27, 1913 395. The Tampico Incident: Wilson’s Message to Congress. April 20, 1914 396. Mediation Protocol of the A.B.C. Conference. June 12, 1914 397. Wilson’s Panama Canal Tolls Message. March 5, 1914 398. Bryan-Chamorro Convention. August 5, 1914 399. The Shreveport Case. 1914 400. Wilson’s Appeal for Neutrality. August 19, 1914 401. Treaty of Arbitration with China. September 15, 1914 402. Federal Trade Commission Act. September 26, 1914 403. Clayton Anti-Trust Act. October 15, 1914 404. Wilson’s Veto of Literacy Test for Immigrants. January 28, 1915 405. First Lusitania Note. May 13, 1915 406. Elihu Root on Invisible government. August 30, 1915 407. Concentration of Wealth: Final Report of Commission on Industrial Relations. 1915 408. Gore-McLemore Resolution and Wilson’s Reply. February, March, 1916 409. The Sussex Affair: Wilson’s Address to Congress. April 19, 1916 410. American Control of Haiti: Treaty of May 3, 1916. 411. Agricultural Legislation First Wilson Administration: Letter From Wilson to A.F. Lever. August 11, 1916 412. Organic Act of the Philippine Islands. August 29, 1916 413. Hammer v. Dagenhart et al. 1918 414. Adamson Act. September 3, 5, 1916 415. Wilson v. New. 1917 416. “Peace without Victory”: Address of President Wilson. January 22, 1917 417. Zimmerman Note. March 1, 1917 418. Wilson’s Speech for Declaration of War. April 2, 1917 419. Lever Act. August 10, 1917 420. Lansing-Ishii Agreement. November 2, 1917 421. Bunting v. Oregon. 1917 422. Immigration Restriction: Laws of 1917 and 1921 423. The Fourteen Points 1. Wilson’s Address to Congress. January 8, 1918 2. American Interpretation of Fourteen Points 3. Allies Accept the Fourteen Points. November 5, 1918 424. Railway Administration Act. March 21, 1918

425. Espionage Act. May 16, 1918 426. Schenck v. U. S. 1919 427. Abrams v. U.S.: Dissenting Opinion of Mr. Justice Holmes. 1919 428. Archangel Expedition: Aide-Memoire of July 17, 1918 429. Wilson’s Appeal to Voters. October 24, 1918 430. Child Labor Act. February 24, 1919 431. Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Company. 1922 432. Volstead Act. October 28, 1919 433. National Prohibition Cases. 1920 434. Preamble of Industrial Workers of the World. 1919 435. Wilson’s Exposition of the League of Nations to Senate Committee. August 19, 1919 436. Defeat of the League of Nations. March 19, 1920 437. Missouri v. Holland. 1920 438. Transportation Act of 1920. February 28, 1920 439. Railroad Commission of Wisconsin v. C.B. & Q.R.R. Co. 1922 440. Dayton-Goose Creek Railway Company v. U.S. 1924 441. Green v. Frazier. 1920 442. Treaty of Peace with Germany. August 25, 1921 443. Sheppard-Towner Act. November 23, 1921 444. Truax v. Corrigan. 1921 445. Duplex Printing Press Company v. Deering. 1921 446. Balzac v. Puerto Rico. 1922 447. Naval Limitation Treat. February 6, 1922 448. Four-Power Treaty. December 13, 1921 449. Nine-Power Treaty. February 6, 1922 450. Wolff Packing Company v. Kansas Court of Industrial Relations. 1923 451. Adkins v. Children’s Hospital. 1923 452. Teapot Dome: Joint Resolution of Congress on Cancellation of Oil Leases. February 8, 1924 453. Immigration Act of 1924. May 26, 1924 454. La Follette Platform of 1924. 455. Pierce v. Society of the Sisters. 1925 456. Gitlow v. People of New York, 1925 457. United States and the World Court 1. The Swanson Resolution. January 27, 1926 2. Draft Protocol for Accession of the United States. March 19, 1929 458. Tyson v. Banton. 1926 459. Myers v. U.S. 1926 460. American Intervention in Nicaragua: Coolidge’s Message of January 10, 1927. 461. McNary-Haugen Bill. February 24, 1927

462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 500. 501.

Coolidge’s Veto of McNary-Haugen Bill. February 25, 1927 Buck v. Bell. 1927 Nixon v. Herndon (Texas White Primary Case) 1927 Vanzett’s Last Statement in Court. April 9, 1927 Treaties of Arbitration and Conciliation with Germany. May 5, 1928 Kellogg Peace Pact. August 27, 1928 Hoover’s Rugged Individualism Speech. October 22, 1928 Stimson Doctrine. February 6, 1931 Hoover’s Veto of Muscle Shoals Bill. March 3, 1931 Mooney-Billings Case: Conclusions of the Sub-Committee. June, 1931 New State Ice Company v. Liebmann. 1932 Constitution of American Federation of Labor. 1932 Norris-LaGuardia Anti-Injunction Bill. March 20, 1932 Democratic Platform of 1932. June 30, 1932 F.D. Roosevelt’s First Inaugural Address. March 4, 1933 Agricultural Adjustment Act. May 12, 1933 U.S. v. Butler et al. 1936 Tennessee Valley Act. May 18, 1933 Ashwander v. Tennessee Valley Authority. 1936 Abandonment of the Cold Standard. June 5, 1933 Gold Clause Cases. 1935 Emergency Railroad Transportation Act. June 16, 1933 National Recovery Act. June 16, 1933 Cotton Textile Code. July 17, 1933 Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States. 1935 U.S. v. One Book Called “Ulysses.” 1933 Recognition of Soviet Russia. November 16, 1933 Philippine Independence Act. March 24, 1934 Johnson Act. April 13, 1934 Abrogation of the Platt Amendment. May 29, 1934 Anti-War Treaty of Non-Aggression and Conciliation. June 15, 1934 Taylor Act. June 28, 1934 Home Building and Loan Association v. Blaisdell. 1934 Nebbia v. New York. 1934 Roosevelt’s Veto of the Soldier’s Bonus Bill. May 22, 1935 Railroad Retirement Board v. Alton Railroad Co. 1935 Humphrey’s Executor v. U.S. 1935 Grosjean v. American Press Co. 1935 National Labor Relations Act. July 5, 1935 N.L.R.B. v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp. 1937

502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 1. 2. 3. 4. 516. 517. 518. 519. 520. 521. 522. 523. 524. 525. 526. 527. 528. 529. 530. 531. 532. 533. 534. 535. 536. 537.

Associated Press v. N.L.R.B. 1937 Social Security Acts. August 14, 1935 Steward Machine Co. v. Davis. 1937 Helvering v. Davis. 1937 Canadian Reciprocal Trade Agreement. May 14, 1936 Carter v. Carter Coal Co. 1936 Republican Platform of 1936. June 11, 1936 Democratic Platform of 1936. June 25, 1936 U.S. v. Curtiss-Wright Corp. 1936 De Jonge v. Oregon. 1937 West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish. 1937 Herndon v. Lowry. 1937 Neutrality Act of 1937. May 1, 1937 Reform of the Federal Judiciary Proposed Bill Address by the President. March 9, 1937 Adverse Report from the Comm. On the Judiciary. June 7, 1937 Judiciary Reform Act of 1937. August 24, 1937 Wagner Housing Act. September 1, 1937 Economic Conditions of the South. July 25, 1938 Connecticut Life Ins. Co. v. Johnson: Dissenting Opinion. 1938 Helvering v. Gerhardt. 1938 Graves v. New York ex. rel. O’Keefe. 1939 Lima Declaration of American Principles. December 24, 1938 “New Order” in the Far East. December 31, 1938 “Hands off the Western Hemisphere.” April 14, 1939 F. D. Roosevelt’s Appeals for Peace in Europe. April 14, 1939 and August 23, 1939 Hatch Act. August 2, 1939 Declaration of Panama. October 2, 1939 Neutrality Act of 1939. November 4, 1939 Report of the Dies Committee on Un-American Activities. January 3, 1940 Chambers v. Florida. 1940 United States v. Socony-Vacuum Oil Co. 1940 Roosevelt’s Address at Charlottesville, Virginia. June 10, 1940 Republican Platform of 1940. June 26, 1940 Democratic Platform of 1940. July 17, 1940 The Act of Havana. July 29, 1940 Hemispheric Defense. August 18, 1940 Exchange of Destroyers for Air and Naval Bases. September 2, 1940 F.D. Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” Speech. January 6, 1941

538. 539. 540. 541.

The Lend Lease Act. March 11, 1941 The Atlantic Charter. August 14, 1941 President Roosevelt’s Message Asking for War against Japan. December 8, 1941 President Roosevelt’s Broadcast on the War with Japan. December 9, 1941