Synchronization is Coming Back But is it the Same? Concurrent programming: Algorithms, Principles, and Foundations

Motivation Synchronization is Coming Back But is it the Same? • Synchonization is coming back, but is it the same? • Lots of new concepts and mechan...
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Synchronization is Coming Back But is it the Same?

• Synchonization is coming back, but is it the same? • Lots of new concepts and mechanisms since locks!

Michel RAYNAL • The multicore (r)evolution

[email protected]

• The synchronization world has changed

Institut Universitaire de France IRISA, Universit´ e de Rennes, France Dpt of Computing, Polytechnic Univ., Hong Kong c Michel Raynal

Synchronization is coming back!


A recent book on the topic

c Michel Raynal

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Part I

Concurrent programming: Algorithms, Principles, and Foundations

PART 1: Lock-Based Synchronization • Chapter 1: The Mutual Exclusion Problem

by Michel Raynal

• Chapter 2: Solving Exclusion Problem

Springer, 515 pages, 2013

• Chapter 3: Lock-Based Concurrent Objects

ISBN: 978-3-642-32026-2 6 Parts, composed of 17 Chapters Balance: algorithms vs foundations

c Michel Raynal

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c Michel Raynal

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Part II

Part III

PART 3: Mutex-free Synchronization • Chapter 5: Mutex-Free Concurrent Objects

PART 2: On the Foundations Side: the Atomicity Concept

• Chapter 6: Hybrid Concurrent Objects • Chapter 7: Wait-Free Objects from Read/write Registers Only

• Chapter 4:

• Chapter 8: Snapshot Objects from Read/Write Registers Only

Atomicity: Formal Definition and Properties

• Chapter 9: Renaming Objects from Read/Write Registers Only

c Michel Raynal

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Part IV

c Michel Raynal

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Part V

PART 5: On the Foundations Side: from Safe Bits to Atomic Registers PART 4: The Transactional Memory Approach

• Chapter 11: Safe, Regular, and Atomic Read/Write Registers • Chapter 12: From Safe Bits to Atomic Bits: a Lower Bound and an Optimal Construction

• Chapter 10: Transactional Memory

• Chapter 13: Bounded Constructions of Atomic b-Valued Registers

c Michel Raynal

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c Michel Raynal

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Part V


• Computing Model: Processes and Concurrent Objects

PART 6: On the Foundations Side: the Computability Power of Concurrent Objects

• Base read/write model, more powerful models • On the safety side: Linearizability

• Chapter 14: Universality of Consensus

• On the liveness side: Progress conditions

• Chapter 15: The Case of Unreliable Base Objects

• Mutex-free concurrent objects

• Chapter 16: Consensus Numbers and the Consensus Hierarchy

• Comuptability power, consensus number, etc. • Hybrid concurrent objects

• Chapter 17: The Alpha(s) and Omega of Consensus

c Michel Raynal

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• Conclusion

c Michel Raynal


Part I

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Asynchronous process model (1)

• Computing model: n sequential processes Π = p1, . . . , pn (Turing machines) • Timing model: Asynchrony: No upper bound on the time required to execute a computation step


• Failure model ⋆ No failure ⋆ Crash failure

c Michel Raynal

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c Michel Raynal

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Asynchronous process model (2)

Asynchronous Base Communication Model (1)

Shared memory provides processes with • Process crash: a process behaves according to its specification until it possibly crashes, i.e., halts prematurely (after it has crashed a process is definitely stopped) • Terminology wrt a run:

⋆ The operations on a register appear as if they have been executed sequentially ⋆ Each operation appears as being executed instantaneously at some point of the time line between its start event and its end event

process is a pi that crashes

c Michel Raynal

• Reliable Compare&Swap atomic registers • Atomic means that:

⋆ A Correct process is a pi that never crashes ⋆ A Faulty

• Reliable Read/Write atomic registers

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c Michel Raynal


Atomic register

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Other base (hardware) operations




• Test&set


• Fetch&add Real time line

Value is 1


• Compare&swap • LL/SC


• Swap, Mem-to-Mem SWAP - Lamport L., On interprocess Communication (part 1: Basic Formalism, Part 2: Algorithms), Distributed Computing, 1(2):77-101, 1986

• etc.

- Herlihy M.P. and Wing J.L., Linearizability: a Correctness Condition for Concurrent Objects. ACM Trans. on Programming Languages and Systems, 12(3):463-492, 1990

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c Michel Raynal

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Part II

Structural view (Base level) p1 local memory


pi local memory

pn local memory

On the SAFETY side



Asynchronous shared memory Abstraction (could be shared disks, SAN) c Michel Raynal

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c Michel Raynal



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Concurrent Object: example An object accessed by concurrent processes p1

LINEARIZABILITY - Herlihy M.P. and Wing J.M., Linearizability: a correctness condition for concurrent objects. ACM Toplas, 12(3):463492, 1990 - Lamport L., On interprocess Communication (part 1: Basic Formalism, Part 2: Algorithms), Distributed Computing, 1(2):77-101, 1986

c Michel Raynal

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Enqueue (v)

r ← Dequeue ()

1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 1111111111111111111111111

c Michel Raynal

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Sequential vs Concurrent (1)

History (Run, Execution) Enq (a)

Enq (b)

Deq (a|b|c) ?



Enq (c)

Enq (b)

Deq (a) Deq (c)

Enq (c)

Deq (a|b|c) ?



Enq (b)

Deq (a|b|c) ?


History H

Sequences of events

Inv (Enq(b)) Res (Enq(b))

Enq (c)

Deq (a|b|c) ?


A history defines a partial order on the operations c Michel Raynal

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Two types of Concurrent Objects

c Michel Raynal

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Example: Interactive consistency

• A concurrent object encapsulates a particular synchro problem

Each process pi proposes a value vi

• Concurrent objects with a sequential specification and has to decide a value such that:

Queue, file, graph, tree, stack, ... ⋆ Fifo queue: producer/consumer problem ⋆ File (register): Readers/writers problem

• Validity. Let D[1..n] be the vector decided by a process.

• Concurrent objects with a not-sequential specification Rendezvous Object, Interactive Consistency, Non Blocking Atomic Commit Object, ...

c Michel Raynal

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∀i ∈ [1..n] : D[i] ∈ {vi, ⊥} and D[i] = vi if pi is correct • Agreement. No two processes decide different vectors • Termination. Every correct process decides


c Michel Raynal

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Sequential vs Concurrent (2)

Enq (a)

An execution (or “history”) H is linearizable if the operations issued by the processes appear as if they have been executed in some sequential order that respects:

Enq (b)

Deq (a|b|c) ?

p1 Enq (c)

Deq (a|b|c) ?

p2 • The seq order in each process • The seq specification of the object • The real-time order of the non-overlapping operations

Enq (a)

Enq (c) Enq (b)

c Michel Raynal

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Sequential vs Concurrent (3)

Enq (a)

Enq (b)


Deq (a|b|c) ?

• A property P of a concurrent system is Local if the system as a whole satisfies P whenever each individual object satisfies P

Deq (a|b|c) ?

Enq (c)

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Locality of the Linearizability property (1)



c Michel Raynal

Deq (b) Deq (a)

Locality means that, given two objects X and Y , each satisfying the property P , the composite object [X, Y ] satisfies the property P • Linearizability is a local property (consistency criterion) Enq (c)

Enq (a)

Deq (a) Enq (b)

c Michel Raynal

Deq (c)

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c Michel Raynal

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Locality of the Linearizability property (2)

Sequential Consistency

• Theorem: A history H is linearizable iff, for each object X, H restricted to the operations on X is linearizable

• An execution (or “history”) H is sequentially consistent if the operations issued by the processes appear as if they have been executed in some sequential order that respects each process order and the seq specification of every object

Locality means that, given two linearizable objects X and Y , the composite object [X, Y ] is linearizable • It follows that each object can be implemented independently from the others (this is a fundamental property from both theoretical and practical point of views)




• Sequential consistency, some forms of serializability are not local properties A ”witness” seq history: Q.Enq(b) c Michel Raynal

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Sequential Consistency is not Local Q.Enq(a)

Q′.Enq(a′ )


c Michel Raynal



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Part III





• Q and Q′ are sequentially consistent • the whole history H is not sequentially consistent Impossibility to produce a “witness” sequential history • See distributed caches

c Michel Raynal

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c Michel Raynal

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Two cases


• Reliable systems: • No code is protected by a critical section

⋆ Lock-based implementations ⋆ Progress conditions

O.op1() by p1

∗ Deadlock-freedom ∗ Starvation-freedom

O.op2(b) by p2 O.op1() by p3

• Crash-prone systems: ⋆ Mutex-free implmentations ⋆ Associated progress conditions

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Abortable object

• If an operation executes in a concurrency context, it terminates and returns a correct value or it returns ⊥ and has no effect on the object This definition is different from the one used by Aguilera M.K., Frolund S., Hadzilacos V., Horn S.L. and Toueg S., Abortable and Query-abortable Objects and their Implementations. PODC’07, pp. 23-32, 2007

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c Michel Raynal

R2 R1

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• If an operation executes alone (concurrency-free context), it terminates and returns a correct value

c Michel Raynal

R3 R2 R3R3 R2 R3 R1


• If an operation executes alone (concurrency-free context), it terminates and returns a correct value • If an operation executes in a concurrency context, ⋆ it can never termination ⋆ if it terminates, its result is correct Abortability is a stronger notion than obstruction-freedom

c Michel Raynal

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• Any operation invocation terminates • In a concurrency context, at least one operation terminates

• Failure-prone systems where t process may crash: called t-resilient systems

• In a failure-free system: Non-blocking = Deadlock-free

• Systems where t = n − 1: called wait-free systems • Difference between wait-freedom and starvation-freedom is failure-free systems

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Hierarchy of progress conditions in failure-prone systems

• Abortable ≺ Wait-freedom

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Part IV

Simple mutex-free implementations of concurrent objects

• Obstruction-freedom ≺ Non-blocking ≺ Wait-freedom

c Michel Raynal

c Michel Raynal


c Michel Raynal

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Introductory example: the SPLITTER

Splitter: Specification

x processes

• At most one process exits with stop



≤ 1 process

• At most (x − 1) processes exit with right ≤ x − 1 processes

• At most (x − 1) processes exit with down


Lamport 1987, Anderson-Moir 1995.

≤ x − 1 processes

c Michel Raynal

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c Michel Raynal


Splitter: WAIT-FREE Implementation

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Splitter: Proof (very easy)

Two shared registers: LAST (init ∀) and DOOR (init open) procedure direction() % issued by pi %

LAST ← i

LAST ← idi; if DOOR = closed then movei ← right else DOOR ← closed if (LAST = idi) then movei ← stop else movei ← down endif endif; return (movei)

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DOOR ← closed

LAST = i

No process pj has modified the atomic register LAST

c Michel Raynal

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A NON-BLOCKING timestamp object: definition

A non-blocking timestamp object: base objects

• NEXT : next integer timestamp value (init to 1) • Validity. No two invocations of get timestamp() return the same value • Consistency. Let gt1() and gt2() be two distinct invocations of get timestamp(). If gt1() returns before gt2() starts, the timestamp returned by gt2() is greater than the one returned by gt1() • Termination. Obstruction-freedom

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A non-blocking timestamp object: implementation

operation get timestamp(i) is k ← NEXT ; repeat forever LAST [k] ← i; if (¬COMP [k]) then COMP [k] ← true ; if (LAST [k] = i) then NEXT ← NEXT + 1; return(k) end if end if; k ←k+1 end repeat end operation.

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• LAST : unbounded array of atomic registers. A process pi deposits its index i in LAST [k] to indicate it is trying to obtain the timestamp k • COMP : unbounded array of atomic Boolean registers (all init to false ) A process pi sets COMP [k] to true to indicate that it is competing for the timestamp k (several processes can write true into COMP [k])

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A wait-free stack: model and base objects

• Read/write model enriched with Fetch&add and swap operations • Base atomic objects ⋆ REG [0..∞): array of atomic registers which contains the elements of the stack (init to ⊥) REG [0] sentinel ⋆ NEXT : atomic register that contains the index of the next entry where a value can be deposited (init to 1)


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A wait-free stack: push algorithm

A wait-free stack: pop algorithm

operation Q.pop() is last ← NEXT − 1; for x from last to 0 do aux ← REG [x].swap(⊥); if (aux 6= ⊥) then return(aux) end if end for, return(empty) end operation.

operation push(v) is in ← NEXT .fetch&add() − 1; REG [in] ← v; return() end operation.

wait-freedom vs bounded wait-freedom

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Part V

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Boosting progress with contention managers

• From Obstruction-freedom to wait-freedom


Failure detector: ✸P (eventually perfect) • From non-blocking to wait-freedom Failure detector: ΩX

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c Michel Raynal

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Boosting progress with contention managers


From an obstruction-free to a non-blocking timestamp

operation get timestamp(i) is k ← NEXT ; repeat forever LAST [k] ← i; if (¬COMP [k]) then COMP [k] ← true ; if (LAST [k] = i) thenNEXT ← NEXT + 1; CM.stop help(i); return(k) end if end if; k ← k + 1; CM.need help(i) end repeat end operation.


need help() Obstruction-free implementation

stop help()

c Michel Raynal

Failure detector-based Contention manager

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From obstruction-freedom to non-blocking

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Part VI

operation CM .need help(i) is NEED HELP [i] ← true ; repeat x ← {j | NEED HELP [j]} until (ev leader(x) = i) end repeat; return() end operation.


operation CM .stop help(i) is NEED HELP [i] ← false ; return() end operation.

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c Michel Raynal

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Moir-Anderson’s Protocol

The (Static) Renaming Problem • id1, . . . , idn are the initial identities of the processes • id1, . . . , idn ∈ [0..N − 1], where N >>>>> n • Each process has to acquire a new name in the set [0..M − 1] • No two processes can get the same name

• Considers M = n(n + 1)/2

• Type of renaming:

• Basic idea: a grid of splitters

Static renaming: a name is acquired once for all

Dynamic renaming: names are (acquired; released)∗

• Theoretical result: M ≥ 2n − 1 (Herlihy-Shavit)

c Michel Raynal

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Grid of Splitters







c Michel Raynal

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The wait-free algorithm

4 operation get name(idi)

















c Michel Raynal



4 di ← 0; ri ← 0; movei ← down; while (movei 6= stop) do movei ← splitter[di, ri].direction(); case (movei = right) then ri ← ri + 1 (movei = down) then di ← di + 1 (movei = stop) then exit loop end case end while return (n × di + ri − (di(di − 1)/2)) % the new name is the position [di, ri] in the grid %


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c Michel Raynal

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A snapshot Object

Snapshot operations

SM [i]

• Keeps data provided by processes

SM [n]

SM [1]

• When pi invokes store(v) it defines v as its last deposited value • A process invokes snapshot to get the values deposited by the processes • Everything has to appear as if the operations were executed instantaneously (at some time between their invocation and their termination) update(v) by pi snapshot() by pj , ∀j

c Michel Raynal

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c Michel Raynal


Underlying idea

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Snapshot: Partial proof (easy)

REG [1]

operation update (v) sni ← sni + 1; % local seq number generator % SM [i] ← (v, sni) % atomic write %

REG [2]

operation snapshot while true do Ai ← scan; Bi ← scan; % double “asynchronous” scan % if (∀j : Ai[j].sn = Bi[j].sn) then return (Ai.val) end if % Ai.val = [Ai[1].val, . . . , Ai[n].val] % end while

REG [3] REG [4]

aai[1].sn = a = SM [1].sn

aai[2].sn = b

aai [3].sn = c aai[4].sn = d

first scan()

bbi[1].sn = a

bbi[2].sn = b

bbi[3].sn = c

bbi[4].sn = d = SM [4].sn

second scan() snapshot() operation

time line linearization point of the snapshot() operation

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c Michel Raynal

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How an update can help a snapshot

up1 pj


Afek et al.s algorithm (1)


operation update (v): help arrayi ← snapshot(); sni ← sni + 1; SM [i] ← (v, sni, help arrayi)

snap int


c Michel Raynal

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c Michel Raynal


operation snapshot: could helpi ← ∅; while true do Ai ← scan; Bi ← scan; % double “asynch” collect % if (∀j : Ai[j].sn = Bi[j].sn) then return (Ai.val) else for j : 1 ≤ j ≤ n do if (Ai[j].sn 6= Bi[j].sn) then if (j ∈ could helpi) then return (Bi[j].help array) else could helpi ← could helpi ∪ {j} end if end if end for end if end while Synchronization is coming back!


Snapshot: Proof

Afek et al.s algorithm (2)

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help array





help array



update() snapshot() successful double scan


c Michel Raynal

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Part VII


An implementation of a concurrent object is • Mutex-free if it does not use locks


• Static Hybrid if ⋆ It uses locks only for some operations • Dynamic Hybrid if ⋆ It never uses locks in “favorable circumstances”

c Michel Raynal

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c Michel Raynal

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Hybridism vs adaptivity

• Static hybrid set: ⋆ add() and remove(): lock-based ⋆ belong(): no lock

• Hybridism is wrt to lock and concurrency • Adaptivity is wrt the concurrency degree (cost has to depends on the numb of competing processes only)

• Static hybrid stack/queue ⋆ In concurrency-free contexts: no lock and a bounded number of steps ⋆ In concurrency contexts: locks can be used

c Michel Raynal

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c Michel Raynal

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Part VII

Underlying system


c Michel Raynal

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• Atomic read/write registers • Compare&swap objects

c Michel Raynal


Compare&Swap: definition

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Compare&Swap: use by pi

• Let X = a Compare&Swap is a conditional write

• pi reads a from register X • It then does computation and computes a new value c for X

primitive X.C&S(old, new): if (X = old) then X ← new; return(true ) else return(false ) end if.

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• Finally pi wants to assign c to X if and only if X has not been modified since it read it To that end pi issues X.C&S(a, c)


c Michel Raynal

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Compare&Swap: the ABA problem

Solving the ABA problem

Unfortunately the previous use of Compare&Swap is incorrect!

Associate a new sequence number with every X.C&S

• Initially X = a

• X is now a pair ha, sni

• At time τ1: pi reads a from X

• At time τ1: pi reads ha, sni from X

• At time τ2 > τ1: pj successfully executes X.C&S(a, b) (X = b)

• At time τ2 > τ1: pj successfully executes X.C&S(ha, sni, hb, sn + 1i)

• At time τ3 > τ2: pj successfully executes X.C&S(b, a) (X = a) • At time τ4 > τ3: pi successfully executes X.C&S(a, b) and erroneously believes that X has not been modified by another process in the interval [τ1..τ4] c Michel Raynal

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Stack operations

• At time τ3 > τ2: pk successfully executes X.C&S(hb, sn + 1i, ha, sn + 2i) • At time τ4 > τ3: when pi executes X.C&S(ha, sni, hc, sn + 1i), the write into X fails and returns false to pi c Michel Raynal

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Stack representation (1)

• The stack is of size k

• An array STACK [0..k] of atomic registers

• Operation push(v)

• ∀x : 0 ≤ x ≤ k : STACK [x] has two fields ⋆ STACK [x].val contains a value ⋆ STACK [x].sn contains a seq number (used to prevent the ABA problem on this register) It counts the nb of successful writes on STACK [x]

⋆ returns full if the stack is full, otherwise ⋆ adds v to the top of the stack and returns done • Operation pop() ⋆ returns empty if the stack is empty, otherwise ⋆ suppresses the value from the top of the stack and returns it

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∀x : 1 ≤ x ≤ k : STACK [x] initialized to h⊥, 0i • STACK [0] always stores a dummy entry (init to h⊥, −1i)

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Principle: laziness + helping mechanism

Stack representation (2)

• A push or pop operation • A register TOP that contains the index of the top of the stack plus the corresponding pair hv, sni • TOP initialized to h0, ⊥, 0i • Both STACK [x] and TOP are modified with Compare&Swap

⋆ updates TOP , and ⋆ leaves to the next operation the corresponding update of the stack Hence it helps the previous (push or pop) operation by modifying the stack accordingly Shafiei N., Non-blocking Array-based Algorithms for Stacks and Queues. Proc. th Int’l Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN’09), Springer Verlag LNCS #5408, pp. 55-66, 2009

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operation weak push(v): (index, value, seqnb) ← TOP ; help(index, value, seqnb); if (index = k) then return(full ) end if; sn of next ← STACK [index + 1].sn; newtop ← hindex + 1, v, sn of next + 1i; if TOP .C&S(hindex, value, seqnbi, newtop) then return(done) else return(⊥) end if.

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Abortable stack: help procedure

Abortable push: weak push()

c Michel Raynal

c Michel Raynal

procedure help(index, value, seqnb): stacktop ← STACK [index].val; STACK [index].C&S(hstacktop, seqnb − 1i, hvalue, seqnbi).


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From an abortable to a non-blocking stack

Abortable pop: weak pop()

operation weak pop(): (index, value, seqnb) ← TOP ; help(index, value, seqnb); if (index = 0) then return(empty) end if; belowtop ← STACK [index − 1]; newtop ← hindex − 1, belowtop.val, + 1i; if TOP .C&S(hindex, value, seqnbi, newtop) then return(value) else return(⊥) end if.

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operation non blocking push(v): repeat res ← weak push(v) until res 6= ⊥ end repeat; return(res). operation non blocking pop(): repeat res ← weak pop() until res 6= ⊥ end repeat; return(res).



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From a non-blocking lock to a starvation-free lock (1)

• A non-blocking lock denoted LOCK


c Michel Raynal

c Michel Raynal

• A boolean register FLAG [i ] (initialized to false ) that process pi sets to true when it wants to obtain the starvation-free lock


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From a non-blocking lock to a starvation-free lock (2)

operation starvation free lock(): FLAG [i] ← true ; wait ((TURN = i) ∨ (¬FLAG [TURN ])); LOCK .lock().

Operation and additional data structures

• Operations strong push() or strong pop() denoted strong push or pop()

operation starvation free unlock(): FLAG [i] ← false ; if (¬FLAG [TURN ]) then TURN ← (TURN mod n) + 1 end if; LOCK .unlock();

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• A boolean register CONTENTION (initialized to false ) that is set to true by a process when it executes the underlying weak operation(par) operation.


The implementation (par = v for push() and ⊥ for pop())

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• Lemma 1: If a process pi returns from its strong push(v) or strong pop() invocation, it returns a non-⊥ value

operation strong push or pop(par): if (¬CONTENTION ) then res ← weak push or pop(par); if (res 6= ⊥) then return(res) end if end if; starvation free lock(); CONTENTION ← true ; repeat res ← weak push or pop(par) until (res 6= ⊥); CONTENTION ← false ; starvation free unlock(); return(res).

c Michel Raynal

c Michel Raynal

• Lemma 2: If, while executing a strong push(v) or strong pop(), a process pi reads true from CONTENTION at first line or obtains res = ⊥ at the 2nd line, it eventually obtains the lock • Theorem: Any invocation of strong push() or strong pop() returns a non-⊥ value, and all invocations are linearizable Moreover, the algorithm is contention-sensitive: any operation invoked in a contention-free context is lock-free and accesses six times the shared memory


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When there are failures

Part IX

• The abortable and non-blocking implementations cope with any number of process crashes • The contention-sensitive implementation is wait-free IF no process crashes between the invocation of lock() and the return of unlock()

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THE fundamental ISSUE

c Michel Raynal


The fundamental problem

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• Wait-free implement linearizable concurrent objects in presence of process crashes Compose base objects to get “more powerful” objects

• Example: Build a wait-free queue A from read/write atomic registers in a system where up to n − 1 processes can crash X: t-fault tolerant Compare&Swap object k = t + 1

Problem: Given two objects A and X, is there a wait-free implementation of A by X in a system of n processes (prone to crashes)?

• Wait-free = live with respect to any number of process crashes

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x base[1]

x base[2]



x base[k]

• Is it possible??

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Herlihy’s Result

The CONSENSUS Problem: Definition

• An object is universal if it can be used to wait-free implement any object (that has a seq specification)

Each process proposes a value and has to decide a value in such a way that:

• Main result (Herlihy 1991):

• Termination: Every correct process eventually decides some value

Consensus is a universal object • Any concurrent object (that has a sequential specification) can be built from a consensus object (and read/write registers)

• Validity: If a process decides v, then v was proposed by some process

• A Universal construction is an algorithm that, given the sequential specification of an object, constructs a corresponding concurrent object (from consensus objects and registers)

• Uniform Agreement: No two (correct or not) processes decide differently

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... But there is a bad news: The Main Result

CONSENSUS in Action! (Concept) Let X be a consensus object (a single operation Propose(v)) • Consensus is a Synchronization tool: Consensus makes a decision irreversible (only one action/value succeeds) x1 ← X.Propose(a) at t1 and x2 ← X.Propose(b) at t2 we always have x1 = x2 (either a or b) whatever the invocation times t1 and t2

Fischer-Lynch-Paterson’s Impossibility result (1985)

There is no protocol that solves the consensus problem in asynchronous systems (shared memory or message passing) that is subject to even a single process crash failure

• Consensus solves Non-determinism: Consensus makes a result UNIQUE Let f be a non-deterministic function

Fischer M.J., Lynch N.A. and Paterson M.S., Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One Faulty Process. Journal of the ACM, 32(2):374-382, 1985.

If x1 ← X.Propose(f (a)) and x2 ← X.Propose(f (a)) we always have x1 = x2 c Michel Raynal

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Herlihy’s Results

Herlihy’s Results

• Which objects allow implementing a consensus object?

• As the synchronization power of read/write atomic variables is too weak to implement consensus, are they synchronization primitives powerful enough to solve consensus in a SM asynchronous system?

• Idea: investigate the synchro power of base objects Each object has a

• A few synchronization primitives (synchr objects):

consensus number

The consensus number of X is the largest n for which X solves consensus among n processes • FLP ⇒ CN (Read/Write atomic variables)=1 Which means that read/write operations are not powerful enough to solve consensus in presence of even a single crash when n > 1 •

Which is the synchronization power needed to solve consensus in a SM asynchronous system?

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Herlihy’s Results

⋆ Test&Set (shared)= [prev ← shared; shared ← 1; return (prev)] ⋆ Swap (local, shared)= [local ↔ shared] ⋆ Move (shared1, shared2)= [shared1 ↔ shared2] ⋆ Compare&Swap (shared, old, new)= [prev ← shared; if prev = old then shared ← new fi; return (prev)] c Michel Raynal

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Consensus with Test&Set (2 processes)

• Let shared shared variable init to 0 • Let prefer [0], prefer [1] be two shared variables init to ⊥ • Consensus numbers define a hierarchy on the power of synch primitives ⋆ CN (Test&Set) = CN (Swap) = CN (Stack)=

Propose (v) = % issued by pi (i = 0 or 1) %

prefer [i] ← v; val ← Test&Set (shared); case val = 0 then return (v) val = 1 then return (prefer [1 − i]) endcase

CN (Fetch&Add) = CN (Fifo Queue) = . . . = 2 ⋆ CN (Move) = CN (Compare&Swap)= +∞

The “winner” is the first that executes Test&Set(shared)

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Consensus with a FIFO Queue (2 processes)

Consensus with Compare&Swap (n processes)

• Let queue be a shared queue init to < 0, 1 > (return from an empty queue returns ⊥)

• Let shared shared variable init to ⊥

• Let prefer [0], prefer [1] be two shared variables init to ⊥ Propose (v) = % issued by pi (i = 0 or 1) %

Let f irst be a local variable; f irst ←Compare&Swap (shared, ⊥, v) if f irst = ⊥ then return (v) else return (f irst) endif

prefer [i] ← v; val ←Dequeue (queue); case val = 0 then return (v) val = 1 then return (prefer [1 − i]) endcase

The “winner” is the first that deposits its v in shared

The “winner” is the first process that dequeues 0

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Propose (v) = % issued by pi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n) %


An Observation

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Herlihy’s Hierarchy

CN = 1

Read/Write objects

• With Test&Set or FIFO Queue: the shared register used to synchronize (determine a winner) and the shared register used to store the decided value are distinct registers • With Compare&Swap: the shared register used to synchronize (determine a winner) and the shared register used to store the decided value are the same register

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Test-and-Set, Swap, Queue, Stack, ...

CN = 2

Herlihy’s Hierarchy

CN = +∞ Consensus object Comp-and-Swap, LLCS, Move, ...

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What has been learnt from Herlihy’s Hierarchy

Part X

• Test&Set, Swap, Fetch&Add, etc. are synchronization primitives that are too weak to implement reliable objects in presence of process crashes


A hierarchy on the power of synchr primitives when addressing fault-tolerance • Additional synchr power is required to design objects tolerant to process crashes. Object combination does not always work! (e.g., atomic read/write objects do not allow the construction of more sophisticated objects) FLP means (here) that fault-masking can be impossible to achieve when solving non-trivial problems if we do not rely on powerful enough synch primitives

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- Chandra T. and Toueg S., Unreliable Failure Detectors for Reliable Distributed Systems. Journal of the ACM, 43(2):225-267, 1996. - Herlihy M.P., Wait-free synchronization. ACM Toplas, 11(1):124-149, 1991. - Guerraoui R. and Raynal M., Fault-Tolerance Techniques for Concurrent Objects. Tech Report # 1667, 22 pages, IRISA, Universit´ e de Rennes 1 (France), December 2004

c Michel Raynal


The Specification of the Objects


Local data structures • sxi is a local variable containing the state of the object X as currently known by pi

• X an object of type T • Operations: X .op(param) (returns always a response) • The type of X is defined by a transition function δ() ⋆ δ(sx,op(param)) is a non-empty set of (sx′, res) pairs defining all the possible “results” we can obtain when the object X is in the state sx ⋆ Each pair (sx′, res) is such that sx′ is a possible new state of X , and then res is the corresponding result returned by op(param) ⋆ If the set has only one pair, the type T is deterministic Otherwise, it is non-deterministic

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• next sni[1..n] is a local array local of sequence numbers next sni[j] (initialized to 1) is the next sequence number that, to pi’s knowledge, pj will associate with its next operation on X • propi (a list), execi (a list), resulti (an invocation result) and ki (an integer) are auxiliary variables Notation: execi[r] = rth element of the list execi |execi| = size of the list execi

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Shared Base Objects

Universal construction (1); User interface

• LAST OP [1 ..n ]: shared array of 1WnR atomic registers Only pi can write LAST OP [i ] Each register LAST OP [j ] has two fields:

when operation X .op(param) is invoked by pi: resulti ← ⊥; LAST OP [i] ← (op(param),next sni[i]); wait until (resulti 6= ⊥); return (resulti)

⋆ LAST OP [j].op: last operation invoked by pj ⋆ LAST OP [j].sn: associated sequence number ⋆ Each entry of the array is initialized to (⊥, 0) • A list of consensus objects CONS [k ] for k = 1, 2, . . . (used sequentially by each process) A process invokes CONS [k ].propose (v)

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Universal construction (2): Background task

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Universal construction (3): Background task

while (true ) do Step 1: Build a proposal propi ← ǫ; % empty list % for 1 ≤ j ≤ n do if (LAST OP [j].sn ≥ next sni[j]) then add (LAST OP [j].op, j) to propi end if; end for; Step 2: Try to commit the proposal if (propi 6= ǫ) then ki ← ki + 1; ....... end if end while

c Michel Raynal

c Michel Raynal


Assume first that the type T of the object is deterministic execi ← CONS [ki ].propose (propi); let ℓ = |execi|; for r from 1 to ℓ do (sxi, res) ← δ(sxi, exec[r].op); let j = execi[r].proc; next sni[j] ← next sni[j] + 1; if (i = j) then resulti ← res end if end for

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The case of non-deterministic types

Correctness proof: The object is live and safe

• Wait-free property: Show that each operation invoked by a correct process terminates whatever the behavior of the other processes

• Brute force strategy:

This is the liveness property stating that the implementation ensures the operations do terminate

Consider a deterministic reduction δ ′() of δ()

• Linearizability (semantics of the objet):

• A nicer solution: Use the consensus invocation to solve ordering + single result of each operation + single resulting state

From an external observer point of view, the operations on the concurrent object occur as if the object was accessed sequentially by the processes This is the safety property stating that the implementation of the object is linearizable

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A Variant

when operation X .op(param) is invoked by pi: resulti ← ⊥; propi ← op(param) ; wait until (resulti 6= ⊥); return (resulti)


• The previous construction: ⋆ Satisfies the non-blocking property: if processes propose operations at least one process progress ⋆ Does not satisfy the wait-free property: the progress of a correct process cannot be ensured • The universal construction algorithm ensures the waitfree property thanks to a helping mechanism

while (true ) do % Background Task % ki ← ki + 1; execi ← CONS [ki ].propose (propi); (sxi, res) ← δ(sxi, execi.op); let j = execi[r].proc; if (i = j) then resulti ← res; propi ← ⊥ end if end while Synchronization is coming back!

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Wait-free vs Non-Blocking

“Simplified” version of the construction where the shared array LAST OP [1 : n] and the seq numbers are suppressed, propi is a simpe variable (init. to ⊥) and δ(sxi , ⊥) = sxi

c Michel Raynal

c Michel Raynal

The shared array LAST OP [1 : n] (and the associated seq numbers) allows a process to propose to the consensus instances not only its own operations but all the pending operations Helping mechanisms: feature of wait-free computing


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Part XI

From Process Failures to Object Failures

When OBJECTS CAN FAIL - Jayanti P., Chandra T.D. and Toueg S., Fault-Tolerant Wait-Free Shared Objects. Journal of the ACM, 45(3):451500, 1998 - Guerraoui R. and Raynal M., Fault-Tolerance Techniques for Concurrent Objects. Tech Report # 1667, 22 pages, IRISA, Universit´ e de Rennes 1 (France), December 2004

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• Until now: we have considered that only processes may fail, objects (atomic registers) were implicitly assumed reliable • From now on: base objects can fail

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Object Failure Modes

Failure Mode Hierarchy

• Crash failure of an object: after some time all operations answer ⊥ (responsive failure mode)

• An implementation of a shared object is t-fault tolerant with respect to a failure mode F (crash, omission, arbitrary) if the object remains correct and wait-free despite the occurrence of up to t base objects that fail according to F

• Omission failure of an object: after some time the answers to some processes are always ⊥ • Arbitrary failure of an object: the answers can be arbitrary

• Failure mode F is less severe than the failure mode G (denoted F ≺ G) if a protocol that is t-fault tolerant for the failure mode G is also t-fault tolerant for the failure mode F •

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crashes ≺ omissions ≺ arbitrary failures

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State Machine Replication

A Wait-Free t-Omission Tolerant Implementation t + 1 copies of the base object: base cons[1..(t + 1)]

• Replication management using the State Machine approach (Thomas, Lamport-Schneider’s approach): concurrent RPC-like + votes • Replication + Sequential iteration on replicas The type of control structure applied to replicas becomes decisive (concurrent=independent vs sequential=dependent)

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sequential traversal of the base consensus objects procedure PROPOSE v % est, aux, k: local variables of the invoking process % est ← v; for k from 1 to (t + 1) do aux ← base cons[k].propose est; if (aux 6= ⊥) then est ← aux endif endfor; return(est)

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Graceful Degradation

Graceful Degradation: Example

• A wait-free implementation of a shared object is gracefully degrading if it never fails more severely than the base objects it is derived from, whatever the number of base objects that fail

• Let us assume that base objects can fail by crashing. If the implementation remains wait-free and correct despite the crash of any number of processes and the crash of up to t base objects, then this implementation is t-fault tolerant with respect to the crash failure mode

• Remark: the “severity” relation on failure modes (≺) involves only the existence of a fault-tolerant protocol (it does not involve the notion of graceful degradation)

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• If the implementation is wait-free and fails only by crash (if it fails) despite the crash of any number of processes and the crash of any number of base objects, then it is gracefully degrading

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A Gracefully Degrading t-Omission Tolerant Impl.

Impossibility for the Crash Failure Mode

2t + 1 copies of the base object: base cons[1..(2t + 1)] procedure PROPOSE v % V [1..2t + 1], est, k: local variables of the invoking process % est ← v; for k from 1 to (2t + 1) do V [k] ← base cons[k].propose est; if (V [k] 6= ⊥) ∧ (V [k] 6= est) then est ← V [k]; V [1..(k − 1)] ← [⊥, . . . , ⊥] endif endfor; if (#⊥(V ) > t) then return(⊥) else return(est) endif

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• It is impossible to design gracefully degrading t-fault tolerant wait-free implementations for the crash failure mode (for any object) • It is possible to design gracefully degrading t-fault tolerant wait-free implementations for the omission (or arbitrary) failure mode • Hence (Jayanti-Chandra-Toueg 1998): Combining fault-tolerance and graceful degradation is not possible for all failure modes

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• Linearizability • Wait-free computing

• “Wait-Free” concept

• Consensus number, Herlihy Hierarchy

• Wait-free objects

• Universal construction

• Process failure vs Object failures

• Object failure modes

• Fault-tolerant wait-free objects

• Process failure vs object failures

• Gracefully Degrading wait-free objects

• t-Resilient wait-free objects • Gracefully degrading objects

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c Michel Raynal

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Three books

The other “only slide to remember” !

• Taubenfeld G., Synchronization algorithms and concurrent programming. Pearson Education/Prentice Hall, 423 pages, 2006 (ISBN 0-131-97259-6) • Herlihy M. and Shavit N., The art of multiprocessor programming. Morgan Kaufmann, 508 pages, 2008 (ISBN 978-0-12-370591-4)

Asynchrony and failures do modify our view of synchronization

• Raynal M., Concurrent programming: algorithms, principles and foundations. Springer 510 pages, November 2012 (ISBN 978-3-642-32026-2)

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c Michel Raynal

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