STORY TELLING Canary Islands BLUE GROWTH IN REGIONAL RIS 3  The Canary Islands RIS3  Lines identified and actions  Case studies and pilot p...
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The Canary Islands RIS3

Lines identified and actions

Case studies and pilot projects

An integral and comprehensive approach devised for a broad fulfilment of smart growth:  Ex ante condition for objectives in R&D&I and ICT  Synergies with European and national policies  Coherent multi-source public funding, seeking private funding leverage  Taking into account the specific characteristics of the Outermost Regions (ORs):  Joint Memorandum of Spain, France, Portugal and the Outermost regions: A renewed standpoint of the European Strategy for the Outermost regions (2010)  The Outermost regions of the European Union: towards a partnership for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth COM(2012) 287 final  Reinforcing the whole Europe 2020 strategy: smart + sustainable + inclusive growth 

2012: 2011: 2007-2010: 2007:

RIS+ 2002: 1997-1999: Publication of the First Canary Islands Strategic Plan for Innovation (PEINCA 19971999)


Canary Islands Law on Science and Technological Development

2005: 2003: 1st Canary Islands RDI Plan (20032006)

Preparation of the SIRCA document, leading to the Plan for Industrial Development and Technological Innovation

Publication of the White Paper on Innovation – COTEC. Outlook Study: CANARY ISLANDS 2020 - OPTI

Preparation and monitoring of the 2nd Canary Islands RDI Plan 2007-2010 (2007) ACIISI Annual Action Plans

Preparation of the draft of the Canary Islands Integrated RDI Plan 20112015

Coordination and support for the definition of the Regional Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3)

Participative process

Europe 2020, National Strategy, Partnership Agreement

Previous experience and acquired knowledge

RIS3 Guide and Support for SMEs

Context analysis Priorities Goals Potential actions

Menu of cross-cutting instruments and actions


Monitoring and evaluation system

Business centre

Cooperatio n for developme nt

European Mid-Atlantic Reference Cultural and environmen tal reference

Logistic and communica tion hub

Health Industry, farming and cattle raising


Smart and sustainable leadership in tourism

Logistics and transport

Leisure, culture and sport

Constuctio n, technical services

Astrophysic s and space

Canary Islands R&D

Energy, Water and Environmen t

Green Growth and Sustainability Digital Agenda

Marine sciences and technologie s

Social and economic appraisal of specialised R&D via thematic concentration Biotech based on biodiversity

Smart & Sustainable Leadership in Tourism

• Blue growth, sustainability and tourism • Fishing, aquaculture and tourism • Maritime and coastal tourism

The European Mid-Atlantic Reference

• Reference and knowledge for the marine/maritime field • Maritime infrastructures and transport

Socio-economic specialised R&D


Digital Agenda (ICT) Green growth: Ensuring sustainable growth


• R&D in the marine and maritime field • R&D in biotechnology based on biodiversity itself (including marine biodiversity)

• Canary Islands as a natural laboratory for developing clean technologies • Protection and development of the marine and coastal environment • Drive for integration of renewable energies

Policies to strengthen and coordinate the RDI system

Policies to strengthen business competitiveness

Generating knowledge and facilitating excellence Transferring private technology and RDI Developing human capital and attracting talent RDI infrastructures Enterprise Innovation and competitiveness

Focused on the fields of smart specialisation

Internationalisation Financial instruments Digital Agenda Cultural and creative industries

Cohesive policies

Social innovation Sustainable transport Sustainable development and climate change Taking advantage of biodiversity

Facilitating policies

Favourable tax and regulation framework for businesses Modernising the Public Administrations

Cross-cutting and with a specific purpose

Policies to strengthen and co-ordinate the RDI system

Generating knowledge and facilitating excellence

Measures focused primarily on the priority fields of RIS3

 Transferring private technology and RDI

Developing human capital and attracting talent RDI infrastructures

 

Support for knowledge centres and R&D projects Support networks for innovation and transfer Incorporating innovative personnel into companies Infrastructure and equipment for R&D centres Support for the Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands

Policies to strengthen and co-ordinate the RDI system

Enterprise Innovation and competitiveness


Measures focused primarily on the RIS3 priority areas

Programme to encourage high technology and knowledge intensive companies

Developing the digital economy

Innovation vouchers

Support networks for innovation and internationalisation (Red CIDE, EEN)

Internationalisation support programme

Financial instruments for: ◦ Creation of technological and non-technological companies

Financial instruments

◦ Innovation projects ◦ Energy saving and efficiency

Artículo 36 del REGLAMENTO (UE) No 1303/2013 DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO Y DEL CONSEJO de 17 de diciembre de 2013 por el que se establecen disposiciones comunes relativas al Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, al Fondo Social Europeo, al Fondo de Cohesión, al Fondo Europeo Agrícola de Desarrollo Rural y al Fondo Europeo Marítimo y de la Pesca, y por el que se establecen disposiciones generales relativas al Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, al Fondo Social Europeo, al Fondo de Cohesión y al Fondo Europeo Marítimo y Marino. Objetivo: aprovechamiento del potencial de la economía azul a través de un enfoque integrado y transversal entre Fondos.

Impulsar la economía azul en las regiones atlánticas de España mediante los Fondos Estructurales y de Inversión Europeos (FEDER, FSE y FEMP), en línea con lo dispuesto en la Estrategia Atlántica y su Plan de Acción. Ámbito territorial: todas las regiones atlánticas españolas: Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, País Vasco, Canarias, Andalucía cuyo denominador común es ser regiones costeras bañadas por el Océano Atlántico.

Las prioridades identificadas por el Plan de Acción son las siguientes:

Prioridad 1: Promover el emprendimiento y la innovación.

Prioridad 2: Proteger, asegurar y mejorar el entorno marino y costero.

Prioridad 3: Mejorar la accesibilidad y la conectividad.

Prioridad 4: Crear un modelo de desarrollo regional socialmente inclusivo y sostenible.

Fuentes de Financiación:

Fondos Estructurales:

◦ ESIF: Fondos estructurales europeos y fondos de inversión. ◦ FEMP: Fondo europeo marítimo y de pesca. ◦ FEDER: Fondo europeo de desarrollo regional. ◦ FSE: Fondo social europeo.

Fondos gestionados directamente por la UE: ◦ Horizonte 2020. ◦ CEF: Conecting Europe Facility. ◦ COSME: Competitividad de las pequeñas y medianas empresas. ◦ LIFE. ◦ Sector privado. ◦ BEI.

PO FEDER Canarias 2014-2020

Union support

National counterpart

Total funding


EP1: Potenciar la investigación, el desarrollo tecnológico y la innovación.

82.216.522,00 €

14.508.798,00 €

96.725.320,00 €

13.907.596,00 €

EP3: Mejorar la competitividad de las Pyme

91.392.775,00 €

16.128.137,00 €

107.520.912,00 €

8.051.625,00 €

EP4: Favorecer el paso a una economía baja en carbono en todos los sectores.

23.414.493,00 €

4.131.970,00 €

27.546.463,00 €

EP6: Conservar y proteger el medio ambiente y promover la eficiencia de los recursos

33.315.161,00 €

5.879.147,00 €

39.194.308,00 €

EP7: Promover el transporte sostenible y eliminar los estrangulamientos en las infraestructuras de red fundamentales

82.892.785,00 €

14.644.021,00 €

97.536.806,00 €


997.694.789,00 €

176.079.672,00 €

1.173.774.461,00 €

Total EP1+EP2

149.589.782,00 €

26.398.197,00 €

175.987.979,00 €

Instrumentos financieros GOBCAN (Fondo JEREMI, Fondo de Innovación y Fondo Proyectos de I+D)

ITI Plurirregional 65.852.000,00 €

76.476.136,00 €

1.836.000,00 €

143.763.333,00 €

156.310.000,00 € 24.645.221,00 €

44.000.000,00 €

442.401.469,00 €

Harnessing Oceanic Renewable Energy in the Canary Islands

Blue Growth in Tourism

Sustainable Maritime Transport

Blue Growth Strategy in Oceanography and Marine Technology

Sustainable Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems

Biotechnology and Blue Growth

• Institute of Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development (Carmelo J. León, Yen Lam, Patricia Picazo) • Economics of Infrastructure and Transport Research Group (Pilar Socorro, Beatriz Tovar) • Oceanography and Global Change Institute (Alonso Hernández, Santiago Hernández) • Marine Technology Service (Javier Arístegui, Diego Gamo)

• ECOAQUA Research Institute (Lidia Robaina, Juan M. Afonso, José M. Vergara, Ricardo Haroun) • Spanish Bank of Algae (Corina Moya, Juan L. Gómez, Antera Martel)

Blue Growth and challenges in governance, conservation and tourism… (Pescatur) 

Blue Growth: Not easy to develop and implement, multiple governance challenges

Examples of our research: 

Governance in the implementation of marine protected areas: Synergies between coastal tourism, conservation and smallscale fisheries

Facilitating the entry of small-scale fisheries local catches in local markets, hotels and tourism sector: tuna (different species) has strong potential Fishing-tourism or pesca turismo: tourism with small-scale fishers in their boats.

With this site, we simplify the




localization of services for the clients.



National Agency for the Development of Aquaculture MACSA Project (ANDA)

Coastal Water Quality / Protection of Marine Biodiversity:

Monitoring of discharges / Risk prevention

Venturi (desalination plants) Brine Diffuser (International Patent)

Marine Renewable Energies: Arinaga (Gran Canaria) Multimegawatt Wind Test Platform): First Spanish off-shore wind turbine tested/certified 2014/2015

Blue Economy / Algae Technology / Business Incubation:

Algalimento S.L. (microalgae production), incubated at ITC Pozo Izquierdo facilities

Support for biotech start-ups

We are faced with the challenge of correctly implementing the proposed measures which positively affect the sector. We concentrate not only on the proposed measures but also on supporting access to synergic Spanish and European programmes Apart from measures involving considerable financial outlay, there are more, much less expensive measures associated with co-ordination, cooperation and improvement in administrative processes and the business enabling environment Only through cooperation and participation by all agents is it possible to effectively improve the sector.

Thanks [email protected]