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WE OF THE MOUNDBUILDER staff wish to dedi­ cate the 1951 Moundbuilder to our President, ALVIN W. MURRAY. Dr. Murray with his far-sightedness, his eloquence, his determination and his Building Pro­ gram has lead us through one of the greatest crises in the history of Southwestern College. We salute you, President Murray, in your struggle for a Greater Southwestern.


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DR. ALVIN W. MURRAY President, Southwestern College



this 1950-51 school year. September saw the final razing of old North Hall and the excavation for two new buildings. November saw cornerstones laid for Moss­ man Hall of Science and Memorial Library in a single ceremony. January saw the let­ ting of contracts for a new Richardson ~all. May sees the science hall nearing com ­ pletion, the library steadily going up; and hears the gangs of men at work at the top of the "77" steps. Next September? Our dream campus will be even nearer a reality. The date of April 16, 1950, is defini tely linked with the present.

Without it

and the fire that destroyed Richardson Hall, we would not have run all over the cam­ pus to attend classes. Our chapel and assembly would have been held in the gymnasium. We wouldn't have seen our plays in Music Hall. Yet these inconveniences we have endured will soon be gone. We look forward to the new Southwestern . We will look back on the old school with nostalgic hearts. But always-Southwesten College is looking to the future.

These scenes exemplify the Moundbuilder spirit of:

Learning to live together.

Charging ahead

Critically evaluating knowledge

Reaching always u.pward


To Dean Monypeny, sincere and loyal Southwesterner, friend and advisor of the students, we say "Keep up the good work!"

MRS. MILDRED SKINNER, Counselor of Women, clothing teacher, and "Complaint Bureau" all rolled into one, is a very capable person. Her office is usually packed with students, housemothers, arid others seeking help. We salute Mrs. Skinner with her un­ derstanding, her patience, and her never­ failing aid in time of need.

WILLIAM CLOUD, B}ll to most of us, is in his first year as Counselor of Men. We sincerely hope that he hasn't gotten dis­ couraged and will be back in this ·position again next year. A Southwestern graduate, Bill shows that he has "what it takes" so we say "Good Luck, Bill, and power to you!"

Always friendly, always smiling, encouraging the stu­ dents to come to them for help--these phrases charac­ terize the attitude that the Southwestern faculty mem­ bers take in relationship to th eir students. Southwestern didn't get its reputation for good will and friendliness from the student body alone. Every teacher in the entire college has the admiration and respect of the students for this very reason . On our campus, every faculty member is a friend of the students. We see none of the remembering students by a number rather than by name that is so customary in other colleges. Southwestern students have the op­ portunity to learn from the best instructors in every field and to learn the good times and comradeship that' can be shared by faculty and students alike_

These men pictured below opera te hoth behind and in front of the scenes. Without the admin­ istrative paper work and th e decisions necessary in the offi ces of the Dean and the Registrar, life at Southweste rn College would not flow so smoo thly.

DEAN WII.I.IAM 1\10NYPENY has the additional titles of associate professor of psychology a!ld Director of Pla cement. Through his office , ,johs in profes Sions J.lld b'LTsincsses arc joined with qualifi ed So uthwestern gradtlates. He also is avail­ "hie for friendly advice. He holds ' a meurer 's degree from the Univer si ty of I O\'I;a and has done additional work at t he University of Chicago.

IRVI~(; S. JACKSO"", , Business Man­ ager , did not join the staff of Southwestern Co llege until November. But in the few month s he has been with us, he has in­ augurated chang-es and darified business office policies that have resulted in spl'cdcd work and smoother operation s. He has a master's de~ree from New York UniversilY Jnd has completed most of thf requirements for a doctor's aegree from that unh The rest of the staff consists of Bill Thornton and Bob Sneller, Sports ;

the a cappella choir and aev­ at GracI audience will see ain.lI enoembles present Londo11- Th e time Brahlt Be verly Byers, Make-up; Bill Koons, Art; Norman Nelson , Dean R am ­ !Cial music program at Music be prese' date. The pl ot Before lunch the atudent. day evel sey, Harold Tretbar, Bill McFall, Photography; Jim Dow, Vivian Bol­ lent body the activities of inspect the ne" science hall the fol­ tlement who by land, Doris Falen, Winona Bledsoe, Peggy Brooks, Ronnie Overstreet, Pete ed members The ibrary. Membe.. of the pep about courting night w ,,11\ act as guides. At 12 :30 nt council McGill, May Foo, Ben Amini, Ward Akers, Bob Motazedi, Darline AIladies. They do school cafeteria "ill serve tion of s, Student mother-in-law steps Stewart mack, Venice Deem, reporters. to all the guest•. ~ il Frank, The cast is as J..lIlCUH.: t:: I.:VHl1lU L,. lJto. Second row: Jim Hudson, John S.ville, Frank Newman, Milk Bucket trophy, Max Rife, Melvin Maeshiro, Royce Orme. Third row: D. K. Lowry, Jim Tiner, Jack Thompson, Harold Webster, Mickey H aw kins. Fourtb row:

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T he annual Milk Bucket game be­

tween Kappa Rho and Pi Epsilon Pi

was an upset this year with the Kap­

pa R ho winning over a favored Pi

Ep tcam. Wes Buller coached the

winning team and Frank Newman

was the star performer for the Kappa

Rho. The Milk Bucket game was

started in 1948 and has since become

an annual event. This game in which

the faculty serve as cheerleaders and

janitors is a source of fun for every­


George Craig, Bob Dvorok, T ed Ashford , Jim F arney, Je rry Woods. Back row: Kenny Miller, Sharon Smith , Queen Morilyn Jones, Mary Cr>ig, !lob Jones, and Bob Sneller.

The Jinx Janes did it again! They won the Cream Can game, of course. Played during the half at the Milk Bucket game, the battle between KK's and Jinx Janes for the Cream Can is just as spirited as the Milk Bucket game itself. For the sec­ ond year, the Jinx Janes have taken the covered Cream Can, winning this year by a score of j -2. The team consists of ­ Front row: Marjorie Gillig, Pat Herrin, Marilyn McKaig, Darlene Branson, Carol Kanaga. Second row: Shirley McGuire, Beverly Byers, Phyllis Bunker, Pat Gran­ dy, Carol Beeman , and Charleen Kanaga.

This energetic~looking group conscitutes the winning volleyball team in the intra­ mural tournament. These are the Juniors

and Seniors. From left to right, Front row: Charleen Xanaga, Shirley McGuire, Beverly Byers, Betty McGowan. Second row: Pat Grandy, Wanda Miller, Mary Rerhors