Songs for the classroom

Songs for the classroom 44 (0)1278 741659 1 TSuenoa diat goodThorniry This soargexists in nnry different languages. The Fre...
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Songs for the classroom 44 (0)1278 741659 1

TSuenoa diat


This soargexists in nnry different languages. The French oersian, "Frbre Jacques,,, is probably the olfust. In Spanish it is fond as 'Martinillo," "Fray Felipe,,, and "Bartolito." This oersion, which enphasizes greetings and, times of day, can be sung as a rowrd; s persun or groxp starts and is follaued after the first lhle by a seconil group. Or it canbe sung ds call and response.

di . as,


Muy- bien-

bue - nos

gra-cias, muy- bien-

Buenos dfas, buenosd(as, ;c6mo estds?2c6moestds? Muy bien, gracias, Muy bien, gracias, iy usted?;y us.ted?

Qood nwrning, goodmaning, Horu;are you? How are you! Very weL, I thanrk you, Very well, I thankyou, Hoc,Dabout you? How about you?

Buenas tardes, buenastardes, lc6mo estds?2c6moestds? Muy bien, gracias, Muy bien, gracias, ;y usted?2yusted?

Qood afternoon, goodaftemoon, Hoc,pare you? How are you? Very well, I thank yut, Very weII,I thank you, Hcnpabout youT How aboutyoul

Buenas noches, buenasnoches, ;c6mo estds?2c6moestds? Muy bien, gracias, Muy bien, gracias, ;y usted?;y usted?

Qood euening,goodeuening, Honl are you? How are youl Very well, I tlwttk you, Very weII,I thank you, Hont about you? How aboutyou?

For callm.d response, person a personor groupsingsrhebollfacewordsanl a second. ar grouprepeats.


Sing the days of the week in the somem.anner.

Hoy es lunes, hoy es lunes, ;c6mo est6s?;c6mo estiis? m6rtes mi6rcoles jueves viemes sdbado domingo

Todoy is Mondr,y, todny isMonday, Hant are you? How are you? Tuesdny Wednesdny Thwsday Frid"J Saanday Smtay


3 4

€{ crtoco{ate" IFe Cfioco{ste a gift to the worLd frmn Merico and The word cones from the Nalwatl Language, in which xoco-atl meanrs"bitter wdter" cnd means " cacaa woter." The songcan be su,ng as call and response, with the Leader singing each line and. the group repeating it. The drink of the cocoa bean-chocolate-is Central Anerica,

Children cmt ako sing the songfaster and faster, and they can rub their hmds togeth. er in imitation of the molinillo, or chocolate stirrer.



u - no, oos, tres,

LJno, dos, tres, cHo,


LA, u-no, dos, tres,

U - n O , C I O S t, r e s ,

TE. cho-co - la - te. cho-co -

One, two, *tree, c:Ho,

uno, dos, tres, co,

one, two, tlvee, co,

uno, dos, tres, LA,

one, two, tLvee, LA,

uno, dos, tres, TE...


chocolate, chocolate,

chocolate, chocolate,

bate, bate el chocolate.

beat md beat the chocolarz..



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