Service for the Worship of God 10:00 a.m.

January 8, 2017

Visitors, WELCOME! We are so glad that you are here. Your presence blesses our worship, and we hope that you experience God’s love this morning.

We worship in a traditional Presbyterian style (with a few tweaks from time to time). Join in as you feel comfortable and called. You can find the music in the purple hymnals, and we generally stand for singing and remain seated for everything else (with a few exceptions here and there). You can follow what the regulars do, or just do what feels right for you in the moment. It’s all good! If you have younger children with you, they are free to come forward for our “time with young disciples” or just remain with you if they are more comfortable with that. After that, children (through 6th grade) are invited to children’s church upstairs. It is our sincere desire that you feel welcomed, comfortable, and invited into a rich experience God’s presence. Please join us for fellowship time after the service in our fellowship Hall (turn left just before the main doors). If not, have a blessed week. We hope you’ll visit us again. Prelude Welcome & Highlights of the Church Alive Gathering Around the Word Leader reads the plain text - Congregation reads the bold text Centering Silence Introit

“Follow That Star”

Wild Rose Chorale

Call to Worship “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens,” Jesus said, “and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matt 11:28–29) Let us worship God! 1

Worship in Song

“Pass Me Not”


Prayer of Confession #431

“Forgive Us, Lord”

This morning we sing our Prayer of Confession, “Forgive Us, Lord”, #431 in your hymnals. We will sing the first two verses and then pause for silent personal confession. We will then conclude our prayer by singing the third verse. Assurance of Pardon Just as the voice from heaven announces to Jesus, God in Christ also speaks to us: You are my child, my beloved; with you I am well pleased. Friends, believe the good news of the gospel. In Jesus Christ we are forgiven! Response to Pardon #582 “Glory to God, Whose Goodness Shines On Me”

Passing the Peace The Peace of Christ be with you! And also with you! Proclaiming the Word Reading from Scripture


Matthew 3:13-17

“Mary, Did You Know?”

Time with Young Disciples Reading from Scripture

Isaiah 42:1-9

This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Message

Pastor Paul


Responding To The Word Worship in Song #331

“God of the Ages, Whose Almighty Hand”

Worship with Our Giving Minute for Mission



“Silent Night”

Prayer of Dedication #697 “Take My Life” vss. 1,6 Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial, and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.

Worship in Song #700

Sending Out Into The World “I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me”

Charge and Benediction Choral Response Repeat vs. 1 from ““I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me” Next Sunday: Worship text/theme: 1 Corinthians 1:1–9 Paul writes to the church at Corinth, giving thanks for God’s grace. Adult Education (8:30am Fellowship Hall): Spiritual Community Read Discussion: Finding Peace


Today’s Worship Leaders: Pastor: Rev. Paul Heins

Greeter: Sallie Lawler

Choir Director: Jack Reid

Ushers: Don Lee, George & Marilee Martin

Accompanist: Elisabeth Heiner

Liturgist: Beth Johnson

Prayer Leader: Steve Shively

Sunday School: Jeff & Stephanie Boyles

Acolyte: Jason Kunz

Coffee Hour: Geri Eekhoff & Marcia Meyers

While we all enjoy our Passing of the Peace time together, we know there are some of us that are sick or have a compromised medical condition. Please feel free to “Pass the Peace as you are comfortable, with or without a handshake.

Prayers For Healing and Comfort Simon Henery ♥ Linnea Winters ♥ Abby Schreiber ♥ Elizabeth Clark Amanda Rowe ♥ Donna Hoglund ♥ Cheryl Helle Family Amber Travis ♥ Laurie Medlicott ♥ Robert Wells ♥ Sheri Scott Marv McKean ♥ Laura Poulter ♥ Barbara Vale ♥ Mel Pickrell Adam Beaty ♥ Glee & Raleigh Eggers ♥ Dean Rigsby ♥ Ron Chase Johanna Goering ♥ Carline McIntyre ♥ Angie Miller ♥ Bill Rich Susan McClain ♥ Lee Pate ♥ Bruce Travis ♥ Mary Ann Verneuil Colleen Burgett ♥ Jaromir Belic ♥ Joann Van Ness ♥ Pavel Cely Janet Stevenson ♥ Charles & Barbara Zehe ♥ Mike Brunner Mark Whitney ♥ Andrea Johnson ♥ Ian Carr ♥ Joan Allison Mary Valeria ♥ Deloris Carlson ♥ Lucy & Jim Mandros ♥ Bert Loraine Bolling ♥ Dennis & Ann Hughes ♥ Kate Stalter Prayers For Our Missionaries Our mission co-workers in Colombia, Tajikistan, and Zambia Pastor Alberto in Santa Elena


Adult Education The community reads will take place during our 8:30 am Adult Education time for the next five weeks. You are invited to join us for one, some, or all of the readings. Then following will be a new study of liberation theology led by Pastor Paul and Dave Eekhoff. Challenge and nurture your faith as we study this exciting perspective on faith and the gospel together. Annual Reports Are Due The Annual Reports are now due. Please email to Vicky at no later than January 9th. Please email to: [email protected]. Life Line Screening on January 12th The Life Line Screening company will be renting our Fellowship Hall this Thursday, January 12th to offer their services. We are not able to recommend or not recommend these services but are making you aware of the event taking place at our church. If you are interested in the Life Line Screening services, there are flyers in the Narthex rack and posters on the bulletin board with the company phone number to register for the event. De-Decorate Next Saturday, January 14th We will take down and put away the Christmas decorations this Saturday, January 14th at 10:00 am. We’ll have coffee and donuts for our wonderful volunteers. Please join us if you can help. Memorial Service Next Sunday, January 15th The Smith family invites you to the memorial service for Eleanor Smith here at our church next Sunday, January 15th at 3:00 pm. Pastor Paul will officiate. The reception will follow at the Port Townsend Yacht Club.


Miriam Circle Meets on Wednesday, January 18th Please join us in our Who Is Jesus bible study! This month we will study Lesson Five, According to Paul. The cross was of the utmost importance to the apostle Paul. You may have a cross that has special memories or importance to you. Please bring it or a picture of it if it is too large to transport. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday, January 18th. Bible study from 10:00 am to 11:00 am Prayer and business meeting from 11:00 am to 11:30 am. Followed by a “bring your own brown bag” lunch–with coffee, tea and water available. Winter Shelter Sign-Ups for February Our church is providing meals and monitors for the Winter Shelter during the week of February 12-19th. If you can help, please sign up on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. For more information, please call John Goepferd, 379-6403.