Selecting Tier 2 Interventions and Strategies

I-RtI Network Selecting Tier 2 Interventions and Strategies Date Facilitated/Presented by: Insert name(s) here The Illinois RtI Network is a State Pe...
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I-RtI Network

Selecting Tier 2 Interventions and Strategies Date Facilitated/Presented by: Insert name(s) here The Illinois RtI Network is a State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) project of the Illinois State Board of Education. All funding (100%) is from federal sources.

The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, #H325A100005-12. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. (OSEP Project Officer: Grace Zamora Durán)

I-RtI Network


Review One of the best ways to remember something is to test yourself.

Effective Instruction Cycle Why is it happening?

Review Assessment

Analysis & Re-teaching

What is the problem? Planning

End of Unit Assessment


Did the plan work?

What will we do? Adjust Teaching

Mid-Unit Assessment

Illinois RtI Network

Problem Identification: What is the problem? What is expected?

All students meet common core standards & behavioral outcomes

What is occurring?

___% of students meeting expectations based on district determined accountability & screening assessments

What is the context?

___ school level ___ grade level ______ subject/domain ___ classroom level

Illinois RtI Network

Problem Analysis Across the Tiers At Tier 1: If too many students are NOT proficient as a result of implementing the core curriculum, an analysis of factors most related to effective implementation of a good core curriculum is undertaken. (NASDSE, 2006).

Analysis at the District/School/Grade/ Class Level

Factors Impacting Tier 1: ICEL INSTRUCTION • Instructional philosophy • Instructional approach or method(s) • Expectations/objectives • Clarity & organization • Pace • Opportunities for practice • Duration of continuous instruction • Nature & frequency of feedback • Academic engaged time • Classroom Management

CURRICULUM • Content of materials • Difficulty level of materials • Sequencing • Organization • Perceived relevance

Illinois RtI Network

Environment Curriculum Learner


Factors Impacting Tier 1: ICEL ENVIRONMENT • Arrangement of the room • Furniture/equipment • Rules • Management plans • Routines • Expectations • Peer context • Peer and family influence • Task pressure

LEARNER • Appropriateness of curriculum and instruction • Perception of learning environment • Academic skills • Social/behavioral skills • Adaptive behavior skills • Motivation • Medical Issues

Illinois RtI Network

Plan Development What will we do? What is the goal? Based on why, what will we do differently? What has the highest likelihood of success? How will we monitor progress & fidelity? What resources (TOOLS, TRAINING, SUPPORT) are needed? Illinois RtI Network

Instructional Planning Form (IPF) Student Name_______________________ Teacher Name________________ School Year ____________ Goal ___________________________________________________________________________________

Instructional Strategies Skill




Motivational Strategies

Teaching Strategy

10/03 Adapted from the U of Oregon

Illinois RtI Network

Tier 1 Plan Development


A useful resource… • John Hattie, Australian researcher and statistician • Visible Learning (2009) and Visible Learning for Teachers (2011) • Examined influences on achievement from 800+ meta-analyses, 50,000 studies, 200+ million students • Effect size—common metric

Teacher as “activator” or “facilitator”? From presentation byAJohn facilitator Hattie An activator ES


Reciprocal teaching


Simulations and gaming




Inquiry base teaching


Teaching students self-verbalization .67

Smaller class sizes


Meta-cognition strategies


Individualised instruction


Direct instruction


Problem-based learning


Mastery learning


Different teaching for boys and girls


Goals –challenging


Web-based learning


Frequent / effects of testing


Whole Language Reading


Behavorial organizers


Inductive Teaching




Go for it! • Providing formative evaluation of programs • Feedback to students and feedback from students • Vocabulary instruction • Study skills instruction

Go for it! • • • •

Response to Intervention Mastery learning and Direct Instruction Reciprocal teaching Classwide peer tutoring

Reminder… Differentiation is about…

What we teach

How we teach

How students show what they know

Danielson Framework and EvidenceBased Teaching Practices

HOW We Teach

Response to Intervention…

The Framework

What is Plan Evaluation – Did our plan work? Determine progress monitoring quality.

Determine level of implementation fidelity.

Evaluate progress toward goal(s) & compare to decision rule.

Decide on next steps. 19

Fidelity Curriculum

• Are we adhering to the curriculum as planned?


• Are we adhering to instructional strategies/routines as planned?


• Are we administering & scoring assessments reliably?


• Are we adhering to the process as planned? SASED, 2013

Evaluate progress toward goal(s) & compare to decision rule.

Decision Rules • Team defines how much growth is enough before implementing plan. Determines if, then scenario. – Time bound – If don’t meet decision rule, then action steps are modified and/or more support is provided

Example Tier 1 Decision Rules • If hallway referrals have not decreased by at least 25% in the first quarter, then will review plan fidelity and modify the plan as needed. • If all schools have not created an action plan to address the identified issue(s) in the classrooms (e.g., increase OTRs or +/interactions)by January 31, 2013, then will provide additional coaching support to address barriers. • Will provide additional PD in curriculum materials if less than 40% of students meet the average ROI for their grade level on the Winter benchmark assessment.

Evaluate progress toward goal(s) & compare to decision rule.

Evaluating Progress Toward Goal • Compare decision rule to the progress monitoring data

Outcomes for Today

I-RtI Network


Common Language and Definition Tier 2 includes strategies and interventions designed to provide a limited, but targeted, supplemental support system for groups of students who are not meeting grade-level performance standards.

Activity: Critical Features of Tier 2 Interventions/Strategies

• Divide into groups of 3-4 people • Have groups write on chart paper the features they look for when selecting a Tier 2 intervention or strategy • After about 10 minutes, hand out the Selecting Tier 2 Interventions Checklist and have them compare their responses. What should be added to the checklist? What might they have missed in their discussion? Are there items on the checklist they disagree with? After about 10 minutes, discuss with the group.

Discussing Items on the Checklist 1. Efficacy vs. effectiveness 2a. “I do it. We do it. You do it.” Anita Archer 2b. Instructional design 2c. Strong conceptual basis 2d. Extra opportunities for practice

Discussing Items on the Checklist 2e. Cumulative review 2f. Frequent feedback 2g. Motivators 2h. Fading 2i. Communicating to parents

Discussing Items on the Checklist 3a. Complexity 3b. Time required 3c. Materials 3d. Cost 3f. Measuring effectiveness

Discussing Items on the Checklist 4a. Fill in gaps in core program 4b. Address student needs 4c. Support students with core 4d. Communication among staff

Activity: Treatment Acceptability/Teacher Resistance

• Provide a definition of treatment acceptability from the treatment acceptability thesis. • As a group, discuss ideas about treatment acceptability should or should not guide intervention selection. • Have participants individually read the highlighted portions of the treatment acceptability thesis and the teacher resistance article. • Discuss implications of the information on selection of Tier 2 interventions/strategies.

Activity: Similarities and Differences Discuss as a large group or in small groups: – Think about selecting quality Tier 1 practices and strategies: • What features do you look for when selecting quality Tier 1 practices and strategies? • How is this similar or different from the features you look for in Tier 2 interventions and strategies?

How are you feeling about your knowledge of criteria for selecting Tier 2 interventions/strategies? I am more confused now about selection criteria than when I got here.

I have about the same understanding of our work as when I got here. I have a better understanding of selection criteria than when I got here.


I-RtI Network


Where do you best fit? Where do you best fit?

“I don’t have a clue how interventions are selected in my district. I’m not involved.”

“I think there is a systematic process for selecting Tier 2 interventions/strategi es, but I haven’t been involved.”

“I have been involved in selecting Tier 2 interventions/strategi es, but we don’t seem to follow a very systematic process.”

“I am active and involved in a systematic process when we select Tier 2 interventions/strategi es.”

• Decide which description best describes you. • Go to that corner of the room that matches your description. • Discuss with your small group any knowledge you have about how your district selects interventions/strategies. • If you have no knowledge about district processes, discuss your ideas for improving the situation.

Source: Innovations 2011- Building Level Strand

Reflection Activity • Review the Process Guide for Selecting Interventions • On a piece of paper, put a line down the middle and on one side write: What are we currently doing? (to select interventions/strategies) On the other side write: What can we do to improve our process for selecting interventions/strategies? • Write your notes and share ideas as a group.

Activity: RtI/MTSS Manual Discussion Discuss as a large group or in small groups: – What might be good for your RtI/MTSS manual with regards to a process for selecting interventions/strategies? – Does anyone already have this in their manual? – What are the advantages of including this in your manual?

“Genius is the ability to put into effect what is on your mind.” F. Scott Fitzgerald

How are you feeling about ideas for a process for selecting Tier 2 interventions/strategies? I am more confused now about selection processes than when I got here. I have about the same understanding of selection processes as when I got here.

I have a better understanding of selection processes than when I got here.


Closing Activities

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