Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue: Monday 13 October 2014 1.00pm Council Chamber Orewa Service Centre 50 Centreway Road Orewa Rodney Local Board OPEN ...
Author: Shawn Bennett
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Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:

Monday 13 October 2014 1.00pm Council Chamber Orewa Service Centre 50 Centreway Road Orewa


Local board feedback on the draft Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan (ACSAP) C.



Draft Arts and Culture Action Plan


The attachments contained within this document are for consideration and should not be construed as Council policy unless and until adopted. Should Councillors require further information relating to any reports, please contact the relevant manager, Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson.

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Auckland's Arts and Culture Nga toi me nga tikanga-a-iwi o Tamaki Makaurau


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Appendix C: Auckland Plan - Strategic directions and directives of most relevance to ACSAP ..... .......... .......... .......... .......... .............................................. ..... ..... .......... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ......... 65 Appendix D: Mapping Auckland"s Arts and Culture facilities ........... .......... ..... ..... ..... ..... .............. 67

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Appendix E: Contributors to the Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan .................................. 70



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The ACSAP d irectly delivers on the strategic direction set out in Chapter 3 of the Auckland Plan: 'integrate arts and culture into our everyday lives'. Based on this strategic direction, the ACSAP identified six goals: 1. All Aucklanders can access and participate in arts and culture . 2. Auckland values and invests in arts and culture. 3. A network of vibrant arts and culture organisations and facilities meets Auckland's diverse needs. 4. Arts and culture are intrinsic to Auckland's place making. 5. Auckland celebrates a unique cultural identity. 6. Auckland has a robust and flourishing creative economy.

Attachment C

These goals enable everyone whether creative,practitio{ler, audience member, arts enthusiast, or funders and patrons to identify' how their contn'bution helps integrate arts and culture into everyday life. The ACSAP is in two parts. This document is part one containing'(he strategic d irection. setting out the six goals supported by high level objectives or key action areas. Part two is the implementation pla(1. a companion document which sets out specific actions to deliver on these strategic goals and objectives. The ACSAP is a plan for all of Auckland. The arts and culture sector along with central and local government and others will be actively involved in delivering actions that help to realise the six goals.



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Auckland Council's ro le in arts and culture The ACSAP is a multi-stakeholder plan, wholly representative of the arts and culture ecosystem. Auckland Council played a major role in leading the development of the plan and will also play a major role in initialing the implementation in partnership with key stakeholders. Understanding how council and its wider family are involved in Auckland's arts and cultu re sector, and how they interact, is crucial to the development and successful implementation of the ACSAP. Further detail can be found in Appendix B.

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Placeholder: Graphic of Auckland Council Family



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transport. Auckland Transport has supplied extra buses to and from events, encouraging Aucklanders to see public transport as a permanent commuting option. Auckland Transport understands that public art and live arts events at transport hubs and bus stops will make these sites more attractive, safer and user-friendly.

Arts and culture can also foster commitment to environmental action . The arts and culture sector can help to protect Auckland's natural heritage by taking practical steps to embed environmental sustainability into their creative and business practices . Through their wo!'l( a(lists can promote understanding of biodiversity values and inspire others to reduce their environmental impact. Experiencing art objects or performances in natural settings can enhance our appreciation of the cultural significance of beautiful landscapes and waterways that are defining features of Auckland and help shape our sense of place. Furthermore, culture and nature is inseparable in the Auckland landscape, exemplified by the tOpuna maunga (ancestral mountains), which are both outstanding natural phenomena and iconic taonga for mana whenua.



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tangata whenua/the first people of Aotearoa is what sets us apart from other nations.

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The Auckland Plan states that we aspire to "grow a Maori identity that is Auckland"s point of difference in the world". This requires specific focus and involvi ng Maori in the planning and decision-making process to enhance the visibility of Maori in Auckland. Actions aimed at raising Maori social and economic wellbeing are woven through the Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan.



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Attachments To at>Gti." thf' workl"s

most liveable dty

MAYOR'S VISION HitWI'MH~ Awltur.>lly rich and o ea:tive Auckland

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The rule book to implement the

Plans for geographical areas, e.g. local Area Plans

Auckland Plan

I CORE STRAnGlES I LONG-TERM PLAN To help implement the Aud


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GoalS Case Study:


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Mnkourou Se utons engages tho ta lents of c:teatl- Mllori and Poslflko ~le. CtOIC) members • from poetaond spoken•wotd ~'to slngot•fOngwriters; from visoa l cntkols tOVO«


City Centre Master Plan


A 20-year vision. that sets the direction for the future of the city centre as the cultural, civic, retail and economic heart of the city. A Rlace:f>ased initiative, developed in partnership with government agencies, the local community and other stakeholders that focuses on South · Auckland and is designed to improve educational achievement, economic development, job growth, public transport, housing and social conditions. Provides a long-term strategy for economic development in Auckland.

Public Art Policy and Guidelines Delivers high-quality public art outcomes that work programme support the Auckland Plan. Public and Open Space Strategic Sets out Action Plan park and years in Auckland

what needs to happen to Auckland's open space network over the next 10 order to implement the aims of the Plan. This programme includes a



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strategy and set of actions to enable delivery of heritage targets in the Auckland Plan.

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A free online guide and web toot that provides advice, best-practice processes and detailed design guidance for building houses and creating new streets and neighbourhoods.

Auckland Design Manual

Council Controlled Organisations

A TEED's Visitor Plan

A 10-year plan thaHocuses on growing the visitor enhancing the visitor proposition. economy

ATEED's Major Events Strategy

Guides selection-and development of future major events o stimulate powerful outcomes for the reg1on .

Waterfront Development Plan


A non-statutory ~patial plan that sets the vision and goals· for loog-term developl'(lent of the city . centre waterfront and a strategy for the delivery of projects over 30 years. ...




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Compulsory educational sector

Schools can, play a major part in fostering the love of arts and developing talent. There are more than 500 primary, intermedia te and secondary schools in the region, many of which actively participate in arts and culture activities, often offering extra-curricular and club activities to their students. Some schools also offer community outreach and continuing education programmes.

Tertiary institutions

These are the large educational institutions such as AUT, Auckland Univer~ty. UNITEC, Manukau Institute of Technology, etc. that offer tertiary programmes in arts and culture reFated disciplines. Some are major providers of vocational training in the cultural and creative industries sector.

Arts and culture organisations and groups - regional to local

There is a wide spread of private arts and culture organisations across the region that are run by private groups and trusts. Most organisations rely on a combination of funding sources, including grants, donations and sometimes user fees. Some deliver regionally and nationally, e.g. Objectspace, Artspace etc

Attachment C

agency responsible for delivering government support for the arts. Its funding programmes include the Creative Communities Scheme which is administered by Council on behalf of Creative New Zealand; arts leadership and arts development investment programmes which provide funding for up to five years to significant arts organisations; projectbased grants and special opportunities including Arts Grants, Quick Response Grants and a variety of awards, residencies, bursaries and scholarships; initiatives to support the presentation o( New Zealand arts internationally; and targeted Initiatives such as supporting Maori and Pasifika heritage arts. Creative New Zealand also delivers a programme of capability-building initiatives to build the skills and capabilities of artists and arts organisations and advocates for the value of the arts to policy- and decision-makers.


In the visual arts area in particular, there is a large number of independent and commercial galleries in the region. There are also many hobbyist groups and clubs, the exact



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appreciation and understanding of Maori arts and culture. Pacific cultural organisations

Pacific arts practice covers a wide range of contemporary and heritage art forms, including the practice of unique artistic traditions such as tatau, tivaevae and tapa-making. While the Pasifika Festival and Polyfest are important annual events, there are other smaller-scale events, projects and activities that celebrate Pacific cultures on a daily basis across the region.

Attachment C

Examples of organisations supporting the arts for Pacific communities include the Tauta1 Contemporary Pacific Arts Trust. the Pacific Media Netwoik and the Waitakere Pacific Arts and Cultural Centre. Other cultural groups A number of cu1tvral groups promote Au_ckland's diversity representing our by focusing on specific ethmc groups. ian cultural diverse communities organisallons are partfcularl:t active in this area, including the Asian New Zealand Foundation, the Oryza Foundation for Asian Pe(forming Arts and the Confucius Institute. Other organisations play a major role in fostering Auckland's diversity l;ly foc1.1slng on arts and culture for children and young people, older people, and our Gay, Lesbian , b isexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBT) communities. Health and wellbeing organislltions active in the arts and culture sector

Many organisations in Auckland have demonstrated the positive relationship between arts, culture and health and wellbeing. whether by focusing on self-expression through arts or by advocating for a better access to arts and culture for people with disabilities. Examples of these organisations include Toi Ora Live Art Trust. Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre, Spark Centre of Creative Development. Nga Rangatahi Toa, and CeleBRation Choir.

Collection sector Our major arts and culture organisations, private (public and private) collectors. heritage homesteads, and small museums and libraries have diverse collections that require a range of specialised and secure storage space.



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Appen di x C : Auckland Plan - Strateg ic directions and d irectives of most relevance to ACSAP Auckland Plan Outcome: A culturally nch and creabve Auckland


Strateg1c d1recl1on 1

Create a strong. Inclusive and equitable society that ensures opportumty for all Aucktanders


Priority 3

Strengthen communities


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