Reporting camt formats


Contents 1. Electronic account information in XML format – camt.053, camt.052 and camt.054 3 2. Basic principles of the format description


3. camt.053 format descritpion


3.1. camt.053 message structure


3.2. ZIP container structure


3.3. Structure and description of camt.053 messages


3.4. camt.053 message


3.5. Statement


3.6. Balance


3.7. Entry


3.8. Entry Details


4. camt.052 format description


4.1. camt.052 message structure


4.2. Structure and description of camt.052 messages


5. camt.054 format description


5.1. camt.054 message structure


5.2. Structure and description of camt.054 messages


6. Options in the interaction of camt.053 and camt.054 regarding batches


7. Options for displaying credit card statements 25 8. Character set and data types



1. Electronic account information in XML format – camt.053, camt.052 and camt.054 The Europe-wide migration of local payment systems to the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) goes hand in hand with an increased need for additional transaction information, which is difficult to reproduce in current SWIFT-based electronic account information formats. SEPA credit transfer and direct debit orders are processed in the internationally valid, uniform ISO 20022 XML standard. This makes it possible to include further information such as the IBAN account number, the BIC (Bank Identifier Code) for bank identification, various references and additional deviating ordering party and beneficiary information. In order to provide this additional information in a clear and structured manner, including in electronic account statements and account reports, UniCredit offers you the camt.053 account statement, the camt.052 account report and the camt.054 batched trans­ action notification in ISO 20022 XML format. The camt.053 XML account statement replaces the MT940 in the SWIFT format, the camt.052 XML account report replaces the MT942 and the camt.054 XML batched transaction notification replaces the DTI in DTA format. A changeover to the camt.053, the camt.052 and the camt.054 has not been made compulsory by law. UniCredit continues to offer existing SWIFT and DTI formats in addition as an alternative to account information in the new XML format. This format description was compiled to provide you with detailed information on UniCredit camt.053, camt.052 and camt.054 and to enable you to maximise your benefits by using UniCredit electronic account information. The account statement in camt.053 format, the electronic account report in camt.052 format as well as the batched transaction notification in camt.054 format provided by UniCredit fully comply with the ISO 20022 standard. Furthermore, the UniCredit formats fulfil the requirements of the CGI (Common Global Implementation) Initiative, the aim of which is to define a globally uniform implementation standard for ISO 20022 messages. UniCredit provides electronic account information in camt.053, camt.052 and camt.054 format via the SWIFTNet FileAct SWIFT network, via EBICS and various local e-banking channels. If you have questions about camt.053, camt.052 and camt.054, please do not hesitate to contact your Cash Management & eBanking Specialist who will be pleased to assist you.


2. Basic principles of the format description UniCredit provides you with account information in the international ISO 20022 standard which is based on XML (eXtensible Markup Language) syntax. The XML format is a globally valid standard for reproducing data in a hierarchical structure. Note: An XML Schema Definition (XSD) is used to describe an XML format, which defines the hierarchy, the codes to be used, the characters permitted for certain data, approved date formats etc. These general XML schema definitions can be seen on the ISO 20022 website under “Catalogue of messages”.

The German Banking Industry Committee (DK) additionally gives German financial institutions mandatory field allocation rules, which are entirely compatible with ISO 20022. The camt.053, camt.052 and camt.054 messages provided by UniCredit comply with these DK rules set out in appendix 3 of the specification of remote data transfer between customer and bank according to the DFÜ Agreement “Specification of Data Formats”. In addition, UniCredit messages fulfil CGI (Common Global Implementation) Initiative requirements, which aim to define a globally uniform implementation standard for ISO 20022 messages. UniCredit currently produces the following versions of the camt.053, camt.052 and camt.054 account information formats:

Table 1: Current account information formats ISO 20022 message



Order type type



Account statements





Account reports during the day





Batch transaction notifications




The order types C53 for camt.053, C52 for camt.052 and C54 for camt.054 are defined for the retrieval of camt messages. The following chapter describes the account statement in the camt.053 format. For the camt.052 electronic account report and the camt.054 batched transaction notification, only the deviations are described, as the majority of the data elements are identical to those of the camt.053 format. Business transaction codes (BTC) and return codes for returns are dealt with in a separate document, which is to be used for both camt.05x and MT94x messages. .


3. camt.053 format descritpion 3.1. camt.053 message structure For the retrieval of camt messages, the XML messages are provided to you packed in ZIP files in accordance with the EBICS standard. Each ZIP file may contain one or more camt.053 XML messages. As shown in Figure 1 below, the upper hierarchy levels of camt.053 messages are made up of the following elements: complete message with Group Header (camt.053 Message), account statement (Statement), transaction (Entry) and transaction details (Entry Details).

Figure 1: Structure of camt.053 messages ZIP container camt.053 message camt.053 message camt.053 message Group Header General information that applies to the entire message, e.g. recipient data

Statement Information on the account statement, e.g. number of the account statement Balance Balance Balance Information on the balance Entry Entry Entry Information on the transactions Entry Details Additional transaction details, e.g. information on single transactions in a batch

6 Each camt.053 message contains a so-called Group Header, which contains general information that applies to the entire message, such as the message recipient, creation date and time as well as the actual account statement (Statement). The Statement contains various balances (e. g. opening and closing balance – see Section 3.6 “Balance” page 11) and information on the transactions (see Section 3.7 “Entry” page 13) effected on the booking date. If no transactions were effected on an booking date, the Entry element is left out and only the balances are shown. Additional transaction details of an Entry are provided in the Entry Details. Large camt.053 messages (approx. 20 MB) are split in accordance with the DK recommendations. It may therefore occur that several messages with consecutive account statement numbers are provided per booking date for an account. In this case, the first camt.053 message contains the opening balance and the last message the closing balance.

3.2. ZIP container structure UniCredit bundles the camt.053 messages available for retrieval in a ZIP file. In accordance with the requirements of appendix 3 to the DFÜ Agreement, the names of the XML files contained in the ZIP file are structured as follows: YYYY-MM-DD_C53_KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK_WWW_AAAAAA.xml Explanation: • YYYY-MM-DD: File creation date in year-month-day format • KK…: Account identifier. In this case, the following options are available: • Statement of IBAN, e. g. DE74700202700000001234 • Statement of bank code and account number separated by a dot, e. g. 70020270.1234 • Statement of BIC and account number separated by a dot, e. g. HYVEDEMMXXX.1234 • WWW: Currency symbol • AAAAAA: six-digit ID assigned by UniCredit


3.3. Structure and description of camt.053 messages The ZIP container may contain several XML files. Each XML file contains exactly one camt.053 message for an account relating to one booking date with the following XML structure: … message …

In XML format all elements have an opening tag (e. g. in the above example) and a closing tag (e. g. ). The structure and field descriptions of the XML fields used by UniCredit are shown in the tables below. These tables contain the following information: • Name: XML element name in accordance with ISO 20022; the hierarchy level of the element is stated with a preceding + character, • XML Tag: The opening tag is always stated, • Mult.: The multiplicity/cardinality shows how often the element can reoccur, e. g.: • [0..1] shows that the element is optional and occurs once at maximum, • [1..1] shows that the element occurs exactly once, • [1..n] shows that the elements occurs at least once. If only one of several different elements occurs, this element is marked with {Or … Or}. • Format: This shows the values and formats used. The format types used are explained Chapter 8 “Character set and data types” page 27. • Description: This shows details of the field allocations by UniCredit. In accordance with the hierarchy shown in Figure 1, the following description is provided in several tables – one for the basic structure of the camt.053 message and one table each for Statement (account statement), Balance, Entry (transaction) and Entry Details (additional transaction details).


3.4. camt.053 message The camt.053 message is structured as follows: Table 2: camt.053 message structure Name Message root

XML tag





+Group Header




Max35Text Unique ID assigned by UniCredit


[1..1] Max140Text Creation date and time of the camt.053 message




[0..1] Max140Text Name of account statement recipient (filled from master data).











++MessagePagination +++PageNumber +++LastPageIndicator +Statement

Max70Text Address of account statement recipient (filled from master data).

See Table 3 “Statement structure” page 9

Example … 20120618220534090036 2012-06-18T19:00:00.000+02:00 Muster GmbH Rosenweg 2 80538 Munich 1 true … account statement … …


3.5. Statement As part of the camt.053 message, the account statement is contained in the Statement, which is structured as follows: Table 3: Statement structure Name +Statement ++Identification ++ElectronicSequenceNumber

XML tag

Mult. [1..1] [1..1] [1..1]

Max35Text Number




++FromToDate +++FromDateTime +++ToDateTime ++Account +++Identification

[1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1] [1..1]

++++IBAN ++++Other +++++Identification

{Or Or} [1..1]

+++++SchemeName ++++++Proprietary

[1..1] [1..1]

+++Currency +++Name

[1..1] [0..1]

CurrencyCode Max70Text

+++ Owner ++++Name

[0..1] [0..1]


Account holder’s name (filled from master data)

[0..1] [0..7]


Account holder’s address (filled from master data)

++++PostalAddress +++++AddressLine +++Servicer ++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification +++++BIC +++++Name +++++Other ++++++Identification ++++++Issuer ++Balance ++Entry


ISODateTime ISODateTime

Description Unique ID assigned by UniCredit Consecutive electronic statement number for a year Creation date and time of the account statement (same as the date in the Group Header) Booking date 00:00:00 Booking date 24:00:00

Statement of either IBAN or bank code"/"account number or BIC"/"account number, depending on the option agreed for the account. IBAN2007Identifier Statement of IBAN Max34Text

“Sort code/ACC” “BIC/ACC”

Statement of bank code"/"account number or BIC"/"account number Filled if bank code"/"account number or BIC"/"account number were specified in . Account currency code Account reference (additional account name) from master data, if available.

[1..1] [1..1] [1..1] “HYVEDEMMXXX” [1..1] “UNICREDIT BANK AG” [1..1] [1..1] “DE 129273380” [1..1] “UmsStId” [2..n] See Table 4 “Balance structure” page 11 [0..n] See Table 5 “Entry structure” page 13

10 Example … 34686038807079020120618220534090036 44 2012-06-18T19:00:00.000+02:00 2012-06-18T00:00:00.000+02:00 2012-06-18T23:59:00.000+02:00 DE74700202700000001234 EUR Muster GmbH Rosenweg 2 80538 Munich HYVEDEMMXXX UNICREDIT BANK AG DE 129273380 UmsStId … balances … … information on transactions … …


3.6. Balance The account statement contains various balances, which are structured as follows: Table 4: Balance structure Name

XML tag






















“DBIT” or “CRDT” ISODate

Details of the various balances and codes are provided below. Balance amount with currency Debit or credit indicator Date of balance

UniCredit provides you with the following balances in the order they are listed: • Opening balance: The opening balance is marked with the code “PRCD” (PreviouslyClosedBooked) and has the date of the previous camt.053. • Closing balance: The closing balance is marked with the code “CLBD” (ClosingBooked) and has the booking date. This balance contains all transactions effected regardless of their value date. • Current value date balance as per booking date: The value date balance is marked with the code “CLAV” (ClosingAvailable) and has the current booking date. This balance shows the amount which: • Is available in case of a credit balance and/or • Forms the basis for interest calculations in case of a debit balance. • Up to four future value data balances, if transactions for the subsequent days are already available: The future value date balances are marked with the code “FWAV” (ForwardAvailable) and have the future booking date. If large messages are split, the opening balance is only shown in the first camt.053 message and the final balance in the last camt.053 message. In addition, interim balances are included, which are marked with “ITBD” (InterimBooked). The balances are then allocated as follows: • The first camt.053 message contains the opening balance (“PRCD”) as the first balance and the interim balance (“ITBD”) as the second balance. • Insofar as they are necessary, further camt.053 messages contain the interim balance (“ITBD”) as the first and second balance. • The last camt.053 message contains the interim balance (“ITBD”) as the first balance and the closing balance (“CLBD”) as the second balance, followed by further balances, starting with the current value date balance.

12 Example of a message that has not been split: …

PRCD 2001888444.47 DBIT 2012-06-15 CLBD 88538.98 DBIT 2012-06-18 CLAV 88581.06 DBIT 2012-06-18 FWAV 77538.98 DBIT 2012-06-19 …


3.7. Entry The Entry element of the account statement contains the transactions. An individual transaction (Entry) is structured as follows: Table 5: Entry structure Name

XML tag




[1..1] ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount Transaction amount and currency

++Entry +++Amount +++CreditDebitIndicator +++Status +++BookingDate ++++Date +++ValueDate ++++Date +++AccountServicerReference











Transaction date


Booking date



+++AdditionalInformationIndicator [0..1]

++++MessageNameIdentification ++++MessageIdentification

+++EntryDetails +++AdditionalEntryInformation

Unique reference to transaction entry assigned by UniCredit Code is only filled under Transaction Details at the Entry Details level (see below). Statement of reference to the corresponding batch file for batched transactions.


“DTI” or “Beleg” or “camt.054”





Debit or credit indicator

Statement of field A10 of the referenced DTI file. For batched transactions per voucher, the ID of the paperbased account statement is provided here. If the single transactions are reported via camt.054, the of the camt.054 is stated.

See Table 4 “Balance structure” page 11 Max500Text

The posting texts used are listed together with the business transaction codes in our “Business transaction and return codes” brochure.


… 0.60 CRDT BOOK 2012-06-18 2012-06-19 0932690069010149 … detailed information on transaction … SEPA Credit Transfer …

3.8. Entry Details Detailed information on the individual transactions (see Table 5 “Entry structure” page 13) is provided in the Entry Details. The Entry Details are structured as follows: Table 6: Entry Details









Message ID of the order presented by the customer, for SEPA orders the original and for batched transactions a unique ID assigned by UniCredit.

+++++PaymentInformation Identification



Original reference of the order presented by the customer, for SEPA orders the original , for DTAUS files the reference from field A10.




Number of transactions in the order. The number of single transactions in a batch is also stated (DTI, ‘Beleg’ or camt.054).


ActiveOrHistoric Total amount of the presented order or CurrencyAndAmount batched transaction.

+++EntryDetails ++++Batch

+++++TotalAmount +++++CreditDebitIndicator ++++TransactionDetails

+++++References ++++++MessageIdentification



Description Provision of detailed information on orders presented by the customer and on batched transactions.

“DBIT” or “CRDT”


Debit (DBIT) or credit (CRDT) indicator Details of single transactions. The single transactions in the batch can be listed optionally or only information on the batch is shown.



Message ID of the order presented by the customer, for SEPA orders the original .








Original reference of the order presented by the customer, for SEPA orders the original reference of the logical file, for DTAUS files the reference from field A10.

++++++EndToEndIdentification [0..1]


Technical reference to the ordering party assigned by the ordering party of the transaction, for SEPA transactions the End to End Identification, for DTAUS files the reference of the single order from field C6a, for MT101 orders the transaction reference of the single order from the B Sequence (field :21:).

++++++Transaction Identification

++++++PaymentInformation Identification




Transaction number assigned by the first institute involved, for SEPA transactions the Transaction Identification, for MT103 orders the sender reference (field :20:)




Unique mandate reference for SEPA Direct Debit transactions




Cheque number in the case of cheque debit



Unique UniCredit reference




‘Belegdatum’ and ‘Eingangsdatum’






Additional amount details, in particular for returns



Amount instructed




++++++ClearingSystem Reference ++++++Proprietary

+++++++Amount ++++++TransactionAmount +++++++Amount ++++++CounterValueAmount +++++++Amount

Only in the case of individual information on credit card transactions (optional service).

Voucher date "/" receipt date of the credit card transaction

ActiveOrHistoric CurrencyAndAmount Transaction amount in account currency ActiveOrHistoric CurrencyAndAmount


Converted amount in account currency before charges






Source currency, instructed currency or EURO




Target currency, account currency




Currency in which the exchange rate is expressed. Example: 1 EUR = x units of another currency. In this case, the is “EUR”.




Exchange rate






ActiveOrHistoric CurrencyAndAmount Exchange rate information

Interbank settlement amount: amount moved between the banks. “IBS”








ActiveOrHistoric CurrencyAndAmount
