Q3: CREDO CHALLENGE: Write a song or poem about who you think Jesus is and why Jesus is significant. Bring with you to small group

Student Lesson 1.3 Who Is Jesus? If you ask any famous historian or theologian they will say that Jesus’ life on earth was unique. Books that are no...
Author: Jemima Simon
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Student Lesson 1.3

Who Is Jesus?

If you ask any famous historian or theologian they will say that Jesus’ life on earth was unique. Books that are not even in our Bible talk about the influence of him as a sacred teacher during his time. What most people don’t know is that he entered into this world as a human for our good and was far more than an exceptional religious teacher. Many events surrounding his life can point to him not only being a man, but also the incarnation of God, or God-in-flesh. In other words, we can say that Jesus not only showed us what it means to be fully human, but also became for us the most complete illustration, i.e. image, of the nature and character of God (Colossians 1:15-20; 2 Corinthians 4:4). Before you begin this lesson talk to your family, maybe over dinner, about whom they believe Jesus is and why he is so significant to the Christian faith.

JESUS’ BIRTH Read these stories about Jesus’ birth and beginnings. Luke 1-2:21 and John 1:1-18 (Responses to these questions in red should be completed on the response link) Q 1: Why do you think the shepherds went to see Jesus? Q2: What do you notice about the songs of Mary (Luke 1:46-56) and Zechariah (Luke 1:67-80)? How do these lyrics illustrate the significance of Jesus? Q3: CREDO CHALLENGE: Write a song or poem about who you think Jesus is and why Jesus is significant. Bring with you to small group. Q4: How does the Gospel of John describe Jesus? What are some of the words that John uses and why do you think John describes Jesus this way?

JESUS’ LIFE It is not possible to capture all that Jesus did while on earth in one paragraph. The Gospel of John says that if everything that Jesus did was to be written down, “I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written” (John 21:25). Jesus healed the sick, reached out to the poor and oppressed, hung out with the educated folks, taught about God and the kingdom, and even raised Lazarus from the dead. Here we get a small piece of what his ministry was like on earth. Read Luke 9:1-6: The Mission of the Twelve The twelve disciples are the men who lived and served alongside Jesus, his followers. In this passage Jesus gives them some of the same abilities to preach and to heal that he has. Q 5: Why do you think Jesus would pass these gifts on to his followers? Q 6: What kind of life do you think Jesus lead if he is asking his disciples to do this? Q 7: As you think about the example that Jesus shows his disciples, what ways of living would you like to explore and what ways seem hard to try? ©Created by the Imago Dei Youth Ministry of Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2008.

JESUS’ DEATH We have all been to church at Easter when we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. However, it’s hard to celebrate when we don’t know why he died. In short, we can say that Jesus came to save us, i.e. save us from sin, evil, and death. The very name Jesus actually means “God saves.” It could also be said that Jesus came into the world to show us what it means to be fully human and in right relationship with God and the world. However, the death of God’s Son is the ultimate symbol of God’s sacrificial love for us and the whole world. Even more, his resurrection is a real sign and symbol that God is in the process of putting the whole world to rights. However, we cannot be grateful for or speak of Jesus’ resurrection unless we discover more about his death. We must hold both the cross and empty tomb in tension. Read: Mark 14-15 Q 8: Why do you think that Jesus was handed over to the Roman authorities? Why do you think Jesus had to die? Read Mark 15:31-32 again. Jesus was the Son of God and had the power to come off the cross and free himself from death- but he did not. Jesus also said to the disciples, even before he died, that they were to likewise, “take up their cross and follow me” (Matthew 16:24). We could even say that disciples of Jesus are people of the cross. Q 9: Why do you think Jesus remained on the cross? What would you have done? Q 10: What does it mean to “take up your cross” and follow Jesus?

JESUS’ RESURRECTION Read About Jesus’ Resurrection in Matthew 28 and John 20 The resurrection of Jesus is one of the most significant events and beliefs of the Christian faith. If it were not for the resurrection the gospel, i.e. the good news of the biblical story, would be nothing more than an inspiring tale, although a tragic one, about a significant religious teacher. However, Jesus rose from the grave; it is the resurrection of Jesus that serves as the basis for all Christian hope and activity in the world. We could even say that Christians are people of the resurrection. Q 11: Why do you think Jesus’ resurrection is so significant to the Christian faith? Q12: What does the angel tell the women to do when they discover that Jesus has resurrected? What does Jesus say to the disciples? Why do you think this is important? Q 13: How does John illustrate the resurrection story? List anything that sounds familiar Reflect on any Easter service to which you have been. How well do you think it celebrates Jesus, the one who rose from the grave? ©Created by the Imago Dei Youth Ministry of Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2008.

Lesson 1.3: Who Is Jesus?

Student Response Sheet

Before you begin this lesson talk to your family, maybe over dinner, about whom they believe Jesus is and why he is so significant the Christian faith. Include some the comments below:

Q 1: Why do you think the shepherds went to see Jesus?

Q2: What do you notice about the songs of Mary (Luke 1:46-56) and Zechariah (Luke 1:67-80)? How do these lyrics illustrate the significance of Jesus?

Q3: CREDO CHALLENGE: On a separate paper. write a song or poem about who you think Jesus is and why Jesus is significant. Bring with you to small group.

Q4: How does the Gospel of John describe Jesus? What are some of the words that John uses and why do you think John describes Jesus this way?

Q 5: Why do you think Jesus would pass these gifts on to his followers?

Q 6: What kind of life do you think Jesus lead if he is asking his disciples to do this?

©Created by the Imago Dei Youth Ministry of Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2008.

Q 7: As you think about the example that Jesus shows his disciples, what ways of living would you like to explore and what ways seem hard to try?

Q 8: Why do you think that Jesus was handed over to the Roman authorities? Why do you think Jesus had to die?

Q 9: Why do you think Jesus remained on the cross? What would you have done?

Q 10: What does it mean to “take up your cross” and follow Jesus?

Q 11: Why do you think Jesus’ resurrection is so significant to the Christian faith?

Q12: What does the angel tell the women to do when they discover that Jesus has resurrected? What does Jesus say to the disciples? Why do you think this is important?

Q 13: How does John illustrate the resurrection story? List anything that sounds familiar and/or interesting to you. ©Created by the Imago Dei Youth Ministry of Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2008.

The Apostle’s Creed was adopted by the early church in efforts to convey what they believed about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the church, and other elements of the faith. It is a creed, or confession of faith, which we still recite today. Throughout the year we will work on understanding this beautiful tradition within the community of Christian faith. Read begin to memorize the first and second portions of the Apostles Creeds which describes what the church believes about Jesus. I believe in God, the Father almighty, Maker of heaven and earth.

And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell. On the third day he rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, And sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty, From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

©Created by the Imago Dei Youth Ministry of Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2008.