mark h lane PROPHECY IN THE STARS – EXPANDED SUMMARY This paper follows our first paper ‘Prophecy in the Stars – Basic’ ...
Author: Octavia Byrd
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PROPHECY IN THE STARS – EXPANDED SUMMARY This paper follows our first paper ‘Prophecy in the Stars – Basic’ found on Page 7 STARS. Please read that paper first. This paper expands prophecy in the stars to include all 48 constellations. The stars proclaim that there is a conflict over who will rule the world: the Anti-God World System or the Hebrew Messiah. The entire contest is documented in the stars with the result that the anti-God forces are utterly destroyed and the Messiah is victorious in the end. In our first paper we showed that to understand the prophetic significance of the constellations of the ecliptic we must put portray them on what we call the Obey God – Obey Law Diagram: God is King: Obey His Law 12 LEO



God is King: Follow His Spirit





Servants of



Blessing 1 VIRGO

God's Law




Servants of





3 SCORPIO Man's Law





Kings 10 GEMINI




One World



Ruler FEAR Man is God: Obey His Law


King is God: Follow Him

The prophetic message for overcoming believers lies in signs in the top row of quadrants. The prophetic message for believers stuck in religion lie in the second row of quadrants. The message for the rulers of the world lies in the third row of quadrants. The fourth row applies to the workers of iniquity behind the scenes: the mystery of lawless that is at work (2 Thess. 2:7) 1|Page

mark h lane

GOOD VERSUS EVIL CONSTELLATIONS There are eight constellations of the Zodiac above the Obey Law axis: Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces Aries, and Leo [in that exact order]. These eight constellations represent the power of Good in Heaven and Earth. If we follow the progression of the signs, the Power of Good starts from apparent weakness: Virgo (woman Mary carrying the Christ child) and Libra (Christ dying on the Cross) but ends the day in the position of greatest strength: Aries (Lamb of God on the Throne) and Leo (Christ returns to Earth, conquers Evil, and founds the Millennium Kingdom of peace under God’s Law). There are four Zodiac constellations below the Obey Law axis: Taurus, Scorpio, Gemini, and Cancer [in that order]. These constellations represent the power of Evil in Heaven and Earth. If we follow the progression of the signs, the Power of Evil starts from a position of greatest power: Taurus (the Kings of the Earth ruling over the Gentile Nations) and Scorpio (the AntiGod System of Commerce and World Trade) but ends in the position of great weakness: Gemini (plagues of 1st half of Great Tribulation) and Cancer (most awful plagues of the 2nd half of the Great Tribulation). The Stars tell us precisely how Messiah will win the contest between Good and Evil for control of Heaven and Earth: he will be born a man, die to pay for sin, rise from the dead, go to heaven then return from there in the glory of the Father and with all his powerful angels. However, each sign of the Zodiac has three decan constellations (off the Zodiac). For example, Taurus has: Orion, Canis Major, and Canis Minor. Taurus is an evil sign but within its sphere of the contest of Good and Evil, Taurus includes Orion, which is a very good sign, and Canis Major and Canis Minor, which are very bad signs. Taurus is the raging Bull charging the Milky Way with its horns. Taurus is a symbol of the Age of the Gentiles after the 2nd Diaspora of the Jews from the Holy Land. During the period of history represented by Taurus the Gentile nations will be in constant conflict, like raging bulls, with one another. The nations will be in conflict with each other because they won’t submit themselves to the authority of God’s Law. We know it because the sign of Taurus lies below the Obey Law axis in the area that rejects God’s Law (which is just above the line) and replaces it with Man’s Law (which is just below the line). Replacing God’s Law with Man’s Law is evil. This is why Taurus is an evil sign. In the rest of the paper we explain the meaning of the decan constellations. In our explanation we will say whether each decan is a force for good or a force for evil. We will also briefly explain how the three decans expand on the meaning of the central Zodiac sign in their group. 2|Page

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1 VIRGO – SEED OF THE WOMAN The three decans of Virgo are presented in the diagram below roughly in the position of the stars in the heavens. The red line represents the path of the Sun through the sky.





Virgo is a Good sign and all three decans are also Good signs. We represent good signs with a ‘halo’ symbol. Virgo means ‘Virgin’ who gives birth to the Christ child: Coma ‘The Desired One’. There is a bright star Spica ‘The Branch’ in the sheaf of wheat Virgo is holding. Spica is below the Ecliptic telling us the Christ child will be born to die, like the seed of wheat that falls to the ground. Centaurus the Man-Horse represents the Christ child who will be both Man and God. The Hebrew name for Centaurus means ‘The Despised One’. In the stars Centaurus is stabbing Victima (in Libra) telling us that Christ will willingly stab himself, i.e. give up his life. But he will rise from the dead and become the Good Shepherd, who will guard us and keep watch over us. There are some very bright stars in this group. Arcturus the 3rd brightest star in the night sky is in the knee of the Good Shepherd. Arcturus means ‘He Comes’. Toliman is the 4th brightest star in the night sky in the front knee of the Centaur. Toliman means ‘The Heretofore and the Hereafter’ or ‘The Alpha and the Omega’. Spica is the 15th brightest star in the sky. For more detail into the meaning of all the stars in these constellations, please see our paper ‘Virgo – Seed of the Woman’ on Page 7 STARS on our website: The constellations of the signs often interact with each other, like Victima and Centaurus. The star maps in the Virgo paper will show exactly how the signs are positioned relative to each other. 3|Page

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2 LIBRA – THE CROSS OF CHRIST The diagram below shows the three decan signs of Libra. The red line is the ecliptic.





All four of the signs in Libra are Good. Even though the Cross of Christ was unjust and painful the sign is considered Good because the Cross made possible salvation for all who believe. Libra does not have any star brighter than 18th brightest star in the sky. However the signs are powerful in their symbols. Corona is the ‘The Crown’ representing the rule of Heaven and Earth. Libra means ‘The Price’ or payment required to obtain the Crown. The Messiah born of the Virgin came to Earth to lay down his life on a cruel cross: to pay the price for the salvation of all who believe. Victima is a picture of a slain carcass of a sacrificial animal. The stars in Victima mean ‘Victim Slain’. The Egyptian picture for Victima was a dead lamb. This is the sign that Centaurus is impaling with his lance. At the Last Supper Jesus took the bread, gave thanks, broke it, and said to his disciples “Take and eat: this is my body.” Therefore, Victima also represents ‘The Bread of the Communion’. Then Jesus took the cup of wine and offered it saying “Drink from it all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” Therefore, Corona also represents ‘The Wine of the Communion’. Crux is a brilliant asterism in the shape of ‘The Cross’ very deep in the Southern sky thereby connecting the Crown, the Victim, and the Cross inextricably to the constellation Libra. 4|Page

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3 SCORPIO – THE SEED OF SATAN The three decans of Scorpio are Hercules, Ophiuchus, and Serpens. In the stars the foot of Ophiuchus is crosses ecliptic and steps on the star Antares in Scorpio, the heart of the scorpion.

3 S C O R P I O




Scorpio represents the Anti-God World System so it is fitting almost all its stars are below ecliptic in the ‘Sea’ portion of the sky. Scorpio follows Libra so we know this prophetic time is after the Cross. Ophiuchus represents the struggle of the saints to resist satanic influence in the church. Serpens is the spiritual reflection of Scorpio: worldliness in the church. Serpens intends to swallow Christians by tempting them to adopt man’s religion. Man’s religion changes the church from a fellowship of all believers into competing factions, sects, and denominations headed by religious men – just like in the world where nation competes against nation and corporations compete against corporations, all headed by power hungry aggressive men. Hercules is the strong man coming down from above which represents the return of Christ to fetch his bride. In the stars Ophiuchus looks directly into the eyes of Hercules. In the same way saints are to purify themselves from worldliness by placing our hope in Jesus’ return. In Scorpio the star Antares means ‘The Wounding’ and the star Lesath in the tip of the tail means ‘The Sting’. The brightest star in Serpens is Unuk which means ‘Encompassing’. This tells us Serpens is not a biting snake, it is a constricting snake that squeezes the spiritual life out of believers trapped in the worldliness of man’s religion. In the head of Ophiuchus is the star Ras Al Hag which means ‘the head of him who holds’. The club of Hercules is warding off the snake Serpens. In the right hand Hercules brings a bouquet of flowers (gifts) for his resurrected bride. Hercules is mighty because of the great work he will do: raising believers from the dead. 5|Page

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4 SAGITTARIUS – THE ARCHER The three decans of Sagittarius are Ara, Draco, and Lyra. In the sky Draco’s tail almost touches the Pole and is portrayed falling down from the heavens. As Draco falls he sees the bright star Vega shine from Lyra. Ara is the prayer altar of the saints deep in the South of the sky under the feet of the Archer. When Christians start being martyred, the altar flips upside down.

4 S A G I T T A R I U S




Sagittarius follows Scorpio in the Zodiac and therefor in prophetic history. The moment the Anti-God World System (Scorpio) attains such a zenith of power that the faithful saints (Ophichus) lose their battle to keep worldliness / man’s religion (Serpens) out of the church, the Archer (Sagittarius) let’s fly his Arrow ‘God’s judgment’ and it strikes Scorpio directly in his heart, Antares ‘The Wounding’, the exact spot the arrow is pointed in the sky. This is the spiritual dimension. On earth what we see is God releases a violent and utterly cruel people to punish man’s civilization. For example: the Vandals destroy Rome, the Ottomans destroy Constantiople, the Mongols destroy Bagdad, and the Arabs destroy Alexandria. Note how many times in history the vengeance of God comes in the form of men shooting arrows from horses! A star in the neck of the Archer is Nunki ‘Prince of the Earth’. Vega means ‘He Shall Be Exalted’. Vega is the 5th brightest star in the sky! The victory of God will be glorious. Whereas Serpens represents deception in the church, Draco represents deception of the leaders of the nations. The stars in Draco include: Thuban ‘The Subtle’, El Atik ‘The Fraudulent’, and Rastaban ‘Head of the Subtle’. Kings of the earth beware: Satan has in mind to trick you so that your kingdom will fall. He counsels you to persecute Christians - the very ones who are praying to God for you! 6|Page

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5 CAPRICORN – DIASPORA OF ISRAEL The three decans of Capricorn are: Aquila, Dalaph, and Sagitta. Aquila is the eagle flying up in the sky that is struck in the wing by the arrow Sagitta. Dalaph is the jar of water poured out.

5 C A P R I C O R N





Capricorn is the goat that drowns in the Sea. In the Bible goats are symbolic of the religious Jews. Capricorn represents the Jews who rejected Christ and sank into the Sea – suffering banishment among the Gentiles. Some of the Jews receive the Spirit to believe in Jesus: the fishy tail of Capricorn. The eagle Aquila represents God’s protection of the Jews. But due to their sin of rejecting Christ the arrow of God’s judgment is sent striking Aquila in her wing causing her to fall. Aquila is replaced by Dalaph, the apostles who become the prophets for the next generation of believers: the Christians. Living water welled up within the apostles and was poured out in the form of Scripture. Dalaph poured out became the living water, the New Testament writings of the apostles, which the Holy Spirit inspired through them for all of us. The bright star at the tip of the horn of Capricorn is Al Gedi ‘The Goat’. The star at the tip of Sagitta pointed at Aquila is Sham ‘Destroying’. The star in the head of Aquila is Al Tair ‘The Wounding’ and the star right beside it is Al Shain ‘The Bright’. The Hebrew name Dalaph means ‘Pouring Out Water’. Three stars of Dalaph are in a line pointing at the tip of the wing of Aquila. We interpret Dalaph to represent the sacrificial ministry of the apostles based on what Paul said of himself: ‘I am… being poured out [Dalaph] like a drink offering and the time has come for my departure.’ (1 Tim. 4:6). 7|Page

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6 AQUARIUS – THE HUMBLE SERVANT LEADER The three decan signs of Aquarius are: Pisces Austrinus, Cygnus, and Pegasus. Aquarius is the humble servant leader Jesus portrayed with the towel around his waist as at the Last Supper when he washed the apostle’s feet. The jar with living water on his shoulder is the river of life flowing out of the Jewish apostles. The stars in the river above ecliptic are the first Jewish believers and stars in the river below ecliptic are Gentile believers. They are united: one river.

6 A Q U A R I U S





Gradually the Gentile believers / fish become a worldly church, Pisces Austrinus, led by one man. The sole bright star in P.Austrinus is Formalhaut ‘Mouth of the Fish’. In the darkness of the deep the saints are silenced as one man does all the speaking in the church. P.Austrinus lies below the left foot of Aquarius showing in a picture God’s disdain for the worldly church. The saints who continue to drink the living water from the apostles are the ones who stay out of the worldly church system: they are the overcomers. At the Rapture all believers fly to Heaven, pictured by Cygnus the swan. The star Deneb in the nose of Cygnus means ‘Judge’; the star Al Bireo in the tail means ‘Flying Quickly’. The believers will be judged for rewards when they meet Jesus ‘in the air’: before they enter Heaven. Pegasus pictures the overcoming believers who will return back to earth to rule and reign with Christ after the Great Tribulation. Notice how the eyes of Pegasus look into the eyes of Aquarius. They see ‘eye to eye’. The overcoming believers demonstrated the humble servant spirit of Jesus in this life and so they are exalted in the next life. The star in the neck of Pegasus is Markab ‘Returning from Afar’. 8|Page

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7 PISCES – BELIEVERS IN THE AGE OF GRACE The three decan signs of Pisces are: The Band (attached to the tails of the two fish), Andromeda (the woman in chains), and Cephus (the enthroned father in Heaven).

7 P I S C E S




Pisces represents believers in the Age of Grace. The North Fish is straining on The Band to reach Andromeda, the chained woman, who represents the agony of being a believer in a religious system. The Free Fish is swimming in the direction of Aquarius and represents believers who are outside a formal religious system. The Band represents the unseen spiritual influence of Cetus the Sea Serpent, whose neck The Band is knotted to below the ecliptic. Cephus is the resurrected Christ ruling in Heaven: His robe is in dripped in blood. Cephus means ‘The Branch’. The star in the left shoulder of Cephus is Alderamin ‘Coming Quickly’ (Rev.22:12). Andromeda means ‘The Chained’. Her stars include Alphiratz ‘Broken Down’, Mirach ‘Weak’, and Almaak ‘Struck Down’. Religion is a horrible bondage: who wants it? Pisces means ‘The Fishes’ or ‘The Multitudes’. The stars in the Free Fish are in a circle: a tight fellowship. The bright star in the Free Fish is Samaca ‘The Upheld’. The star in The Band where they join is Alresha ‘The Bridle’. Satan’s wish is for Christians to be religious. This way they can be brought to heel as a rider controls a horse with a bridle in its mouth. A sure sign of satanic influence is the bridling or silencing of lay believers in public meetings. The Way of Satan is to appoint a man to be the rider to rule over the people and keep them in submission. 9|Page

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8 AIRES – LAMB OF GOD UPON THE THRONE The decan signs of Aries are: Cassiopeia, Cetus, and Perseus. Cassiopeia is the Free Fish, the servant hearted believers seated with the Lamb of God in Heaven. Cetus is Leviathan of the Deep, the God of this World, Satan, who desires to eat the Free Fish. Perseus, the warrior who chops off heads, is the one who would rule the church like a gentile king. He exalts himself higher than the Throne of God, who is Aries, and serves in the Way of Satan. Andromeda, his chained woman, is horrified at the sight of him. In disgust, Aries turns his backside to Perseus.

8 A R I E S




Suggesting a prophetic time of distress in the church, the stars in Aries are not bright and speak of suffering: El Natik ‘Slain’ and Sheratan ‘Wounded’. The stars in Perseus point to the culprit doing the damage: Atik ‘Who Breaks’, Al Genib ‘Who Carries Away’, Marfik ‘Who Helps’, Algoul ‘Evil Spirit’. The stars in Cetus feed the power lust of Perseus to oppress for his own glory: Mira ‘Rebel’, Menkar ‘Bound’, Dipthah ‘Thrust Down’. Like Aries, Casiopeia is a small sign, but her stars speak of the victory of her faith: Shedar ‘Freed’ (by) Caph ‘The Branch’, who is Aries. In the sky Perseus is north of Taurus, which represents the Age of the Gentiles after the 2nd Dispersion of the Jews. In the context of Aries: Perseus represents the religious man who exalts himself to rule over believers. In the context of Taurus: Perseus represents the kings of the Gentiles who war against each other and oppress their own people. Whether it is religious leaders competing with religious leaders, or kings fighting kings, it is the same Way of Satan.

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9 TAURUS – AGE OF THE GENTILES The decan signs of Taurus are: Eridanus, Orion, and Auriga. The sign Auriga is of a goat treading on the shoulders of a shepherd who is falling backwards. Orion raises his sword (not club) and his shield (not lion carcass) in defense against the mad on-rushing Bull. At the feet of Orion a river of fire descends on a winding path downward into the darkest part of the sky.



9 T A U R U S


A goat in the Bible is always a type of the Jews. Taurus, the wild bull, stands for the Times of the Gentiles (from the 2nd Dispersion of the Jews until the 2nd Return of the Jews, which is pictured as the second kid goat in the lap of the shepherd in Auriga). Orion is the Holy Spirit who is resisting the South Horn of the Bull, Anti-Christ, from being revealed. Eridanus is the fire of God’s plagues that will be unleashed when the Holy Spirit (Orion) is taken out of the world. This group is filled with bright stars: a lot of prophecy is revealed. The star Capella ‘She Goat’ is the 6th brightest star in the sky. The third time the Jews return to Canaan will be momentous. The star Al Debaran ‘The Leader’ in Taurus is the 13th brightest star: it speaks of a single man who will lead a one-world government. The star at the tip of the North Horn of Taurus, Al Nath ‘The Slain’, speaks of the martyrdom of saints who meet the LORD, right foot of Auriga, in the air. The South Horn of Taurus is Anti-Christ, the extension of Al Debaran, who is hidden inside the Bull. In Orion the star Betelgeuse in the right shoulder means ‘The Coming of the Branch’ is the 9th brightest star in the sky and Rigel ‘The Foot that Crushes’ is the 7th brightest star. At the bottom of Eridanus is Achenar ‘The End of the River’ is the 10th brightest star in the sky. 11 | P a g e

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10 GEMINI – THE TWO WITNESSES The decan signs of Gemini are Canis Major, Lepus, and Canis Minor. This sign marks the first half of the Great Tribulation. Gemini is the Two Witnesses of Revelations who preach faith in Jesus Christ. Lepus is the False Prophet and Canis Major is the Anti-Christ. We believe Canis Minor is the man, who will become as infamous as Judas Iscariot, who kills the Two Witnesses.

10 G E M I N I




The star Sirius ‘Prince’ in the head of Canis Major is the brightest star in all the sky. It pictures perfectly the heart of Sirius: he must be first in all things and Lord over everything. Not via the sacrificial Way of Jesus, but by the manipulative, tyrannical, and forceful Way of Satan. The star Castor ‘Ruler’ is in the head of the one witnesses and the star Pollux ‘Comes to Suffer’ is in the head of the other witness. Gemini means ‘United’ or ‘Joined’. The minds of the two witnesses are ‘united’ in one testimony which is: the Messiah, the ‘Ruler’, is recognized on the basis that ‘He comes to suffer’. Jesus Christ fits that description. All the other self-seeking power-hungry violent men down through history who have sought world empires do not fit it. The star Arneb in Lepus means ‘enemy of Him who comes’. Other stars in Lepus include: Nihal ‘The Mad’ and Sugia ‘The Deceiver’. The star Procyon ‘Before the Dog’ in Canis Minor is found mid-way between Sirius and Castor/Pollux. We suppose Canis Minor is a go-between, a double agent. According to his name, we assume his character and purpose is as evil as Canis Major. 12 | P a g e

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11 CANCER – THE END TIMES HARVEST The decan signs of Cancer are: the Big Donkey, the Little Donkey, and the sailing ship Argo. The constellation Argo is very large and was broken into three pieces by astronomers: Carina (stern), Puppis (hull), and Vela (sails). In the sky Argo is directly below Cancer.

11 C A N C E R






The sign of Cancer is constructed like a sheep fold. All who will not take the mark of the Beast will be sorted in the pen of the False Prophet and held for slaughter. However those who do take the mark of the Beast will die in the plagues and punishments of God in the last half of the Great Tribulation. Jews who are martyred in faithfulness to Messiah Jesus will be resurrected in the Millennium (Colt of Donkey). The 144,000 will escape the False Prophet and preach to the Gentiles not to take the mark of the Beast. The 144,000 are the Sails of Argo – driven by the Holy Spirit. The Stern of Argo pictures their rejection of the False Prophet. The Hull of Argo pictures the protection of God in the storm. The Big Donkey is the Gentile nations who repent at the preaching of the 144,000 and run free from the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet. The Hebrew meaning of Cancer is ‘To Hold’. Stars in Cancer: Tegmine ‘Holding’, Ma’alaph ‘Assembled Thousands’, Alhimarean ‘The Kids’, Praesepe ‘The Multitude’, Asellus Australis ‘South Donkey’ and Asellus Borealis ‘North Donkey’. Stars in the Big Donkey: Dubhe ‘A Herd’, Merak ‘Purchased’, Phad ‘Guarded’. Stars in the Little Donkey: Alkaid ‘The Assembled’, Kochab ‘Waiting for the Coming’, Alpherkadain ‘The Redeemed Assembly’. Stars in Argo: Canopus ‘The Possession of Him who Comes’, Soheil ‘The Desired’, Asmidiska ‘Travelers Released’. 13 | P a g e

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12 LEO – SECOND COMING OF MESSIAH The decan signs of Leo are: Corvus (the Ravens Eat); Crater (the Cup of Judgment); and Hydra (the Great Prostitute). Hydra has her origins from the time of Virgo – that is where her face looks. Her desire was to consume the Christ child. She failed but still seeks to devour believers.

12 LEO

12 LEO




This sign depicts the last half of the Great Tribulation. The Messiah [Leo] will return and destroy the armies of the Anti-Christ, who are nowhere to be seen because they have been trodden down by strong paws of the Lion of Judah. Now attention is paid to vanquishing the religion of the False Prophet. The total area in the sky of Hydra is 1303 square degrees. The number 1303 is the 212th prime. The spiritual number 212 means ‘God’s Commands Forsaken’. Revelations describes the punishment of The Great Harlot [Hydra]: ‘I saw The Woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.’ (Rev.17:6) ‘For all the nations have become drunk with the wine of her fornication’ (Rev.18:3) ‘Repay her double according to her works; in The Cup [Crater] which she has mixed’ (Rev.18:6) ‘An angel cried… to all The Birds [Corvus] that fly in the midst of the heaven… eat the flesh of kings… of captains… of mighty men… of horses and those who sit on them.’ (Rev.19:17-18) The star Regulus in the breast of Leo means ‘Royal Prince’ or ‘Mighty King’. The star Denebola at the tip of the tail means ‘Tail of Lion’ or ‘Lion Judges’. After Christ returns to Earth and vanquishes the evil one-world government he will judge the nations according to how they treated the ‘least of my brothers’, the 144,000, and heeded their words (see Matt. 25:31-46). 14 | P a g e

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SPIRITUAL NUMBERS There are many numbers related to stars and constellations. We will present a few here to show that God’s message in the stars agrees with the meaning of spiritual numbers in the Bible. We only have space here to look at the number of visible stars [magnitude 6 or less] in each constellation and the total area of the constellations in the sphere of the heavens. If we imagine the stars are points of light emanating from a sphere surrounding the earth, and if that sphere is 360 degrees around, then the total number of square degrees of the sphere is 42,253. The total area of the constellations is 31,093 square degrees. The number 31,093 = 59 x 527 which means ‘Rich Oppressor’ (59) ‘Watch as Rich Man Perishes’ (527). The area of the constellations is 75.4% of the total area of the sky. The number 754 = 26 x 29 which means ‘The Gospel’ (26) of the ‘Holy One’ (29). We can gather from these numbers that the story portrayed in the constellations is the conflict between the rich of the earth and the defender of the poor of the earth (the Holy One) over who will control the earth. The story will end in victory for Jesus. Does this help you understand why the story of the stars has been corrupted? The rich and powerful rulers of this earth do not want the poor to have a messianic hope. There are 3,992 visible stars in the constellations out of 4,800 in the entire sky. The number 3,992 = 8 x 499 which means ‘Holy Man’ (8) ‘King is Crowned’ (499). Or, in other words, it means Jesus, the Holy Man in the Bible, will be crowned king (of the heavens and the earth). This agrees with the conclusion drawn from our analysis of the area of the constellations. God put those stars in those constellations before man was even created. God knew the end from the beginning. Wise men have been watching the stars and events on earth and seeing all the prophecy of God fulfilled exactly as it was written into the heavens long, long ago. On the following page we will put the tables showing the number of visible stars and the number of square degrees of area in each of the constellations, and each of the groups of constellations: zodiac sign + decan signs. We will also show the meaning of the spiritual numbers related to each constellation and group of constellations. There isn’t room or time to explain how those meanings relate to the story of the message in the stars which is explained in the first part of this paper. We encourage you the reader to examine the spiritual numbers related to the constellations and the groups of constellations and compare them to the meaning of the message in the stars which we have presented. Take time to meditate on the deeper spiritual message which God is speaking to you personally as you study these things. May God bless you in the sweet name of Jesus, servant mark

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This table shows the totals of area and number of visible stars for the combined constellations including the Zodiac sign plus all decan signs associated with it:


SIGN AREA MEANING (Constellation (Square (Square Sign) Degrees) Degrees) Zodiac + decans 3647 The End (7) Ungodly Nation Oppresses (521) Zodiac + decans 1119 The End (7) Earthly King is God (373) Zodiac + decans 3307 Self-Love [465th prime] Zodiac + decans 2473 Harken to Words of a Man (366) Zodiac + decans 1335 Covenant (15) of Son of David (89) Zodiac + decans 3150 Testimony (10) of Weeping & Mourning (315) Zodiac + decans 2199 Binding (3) of Accusation of Sin [130th prime] Zodiac + decans 2885 Weakness (5) Faithful Witness Abused [106 prime] Zodiac + decans 3186 False Teaching (54) Rich Oppressor (59) Zodiac + decans 1367 Pierced With Thorns [219] Zodiac + decans 3709 My Ears You Have Pierced [518th prime] Zodiac + decans 2716 Message (4) The End (7) Fire Burns Enemies (97) 31093

VISIBLE STARS Count 402 182 399 320 154 363 258 365 480 234 597 238 3992


There are 48 signs in the heavenly constellations however we have broken Argo into three signs. This changes the total to 50 signs in the heavenly constellations. Why we break Argo up will be explained in our third paper in this series: ‘Stars in Prophecy – Advanced’. The astute observer will note that we have a total of 29 signs we call ‘good’ (halo symbol in the diagrams) and 21 signs we call ‘evil’ (pitchfork symbol in the diagrams). The spiritual number 29 means ‘Holy One’ and the spiritual number 21 means ‘Lawlessness’.

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The table below shows the number of stars and the area in square degrees of the constellations including the twelve Zodiac signs plus all the decan signs off the ecliptic: HOUSE (Zodiac Sign) 1 VIRGO











12 LEO

SIGN AREA VISIBLE STARS (Constellation (Square Sign) Degrees) Spiritual Meaning Count Meaning 1 VIRGO 1294 DIVISION (2) JEWS FOLLOW JESUS [118] 99 SHEKINAH GLORY OF GOD 30 COMA 386 DIVISION (2) GREAT CITY FALLS (193) = 'SAVIOR' 39 DISEASE 47 CENTAUR 1060 TESTIMONY (10) FAITHFUL WITNESS ABUSED (106) 174 INNOCENT DEATH 49 GOOD SHEP. 907 HONOR RELATIVES [155] 90 RIGHTEOUS SIFTED 2 LIBRA 538 DIVISION (2) DAGGER IN BROTHER'S SIDE (269) 49 TIME OF THE END: FATHER'S LOVE 22 CRUX 68 VICTORIOUS DISCIPLES 34 MAN'S RELIGION 14 VICTIMA 334 FORSAKE THE GOD OF YOUR FATHER 74 THE BEAST 15 CORONA 179 POOR HAVE FAITH 25 FORGIVENESS OF SINS 3 SCORPIO 497 THE END (7) of RIGHTEOUS JUDGES (71) 105 STRENGTH IN SUFFERING 31 SERPENS 637 Rebellion(13) (at) Time of End(49) 68 VICTORIOUS DISCIPLES 20 OPHICHUS 948 Government (12) (of) Martyrs (79) [witnesses of Jesus] 87 SAINTS ASSEMBLY 32 HERCULES 1225 Pay for Sin(25)xTime of End(49) 139 SORCERY / CONTROL 4 SAGITTARIUS 867 Binding (3) GIVE GLORY TO GOD ! (289 = 17^2) 117 RELIGIOUS BUT UN-REDEEMED 17 LYRA 286 CONFESS YOUR SINS ! 38 BREAKING FAITH: HARLOT 27 DRACO 1083 Binding(3) Great Harlot (361) 122 CITY OF PEACE 18 ARA 237 GOD'S SPIRIT FILLS A NEW PRIEST 43 HUMILIATION 5 CAPRICORN 414 SORROW FOR BROKEN WALLS 48 FATHER'S BLESSING 37 SAGITTA 80 PRAYER: Son of Man 15 COVENANT 13 AQUILA 652 Message (4) Word Hid in Heart (163) 72 EVANGELISTS 28 DELAPH 189 SWEAR AN OATH 19 FAITH 6 AQUARIUS 980 Testimony (10) of Blind Religious Leader (98) 101 REBELLIOUS CAST OUT 26 PISCES AUSTR. 245 KILLS PROPHETS 26 GOSPEL (had it but now forgotten) 46 CYGNUS 804 Break (2) and Divide (2) Peace Pact With Devil (201) 138 Division (2) of Killing Believers (69) 29 PEGASUS 1121 Faith (19) (versus) Rich Oppressor (59) 98 RELIGIOUS LEADER BLIND 7 PISCES 889 End (7) of Spiritual Sons (127) [North Fish goes carnal] 79 MARTYRS (or 'witnesses') 21 THE BAND (included incorrectly by astronomers as part of 'Pisces' above) 24 ANDROMEDA 722 Division(2) Great Harlot (361) [chains weigh her down] 83 NATIONS WHO HATE GOD 48 CEPHUS 588 Government (12) Time of End (49) 96 NEW SONG TO GOD 8 AIRIES 441 CRY TO GOD IS NOT HEARD (the days are evil) 60 EARTHLY KING 33 CASSIOPEIA 598 Division (2) God is Hidden Away (299) 93 MIGHT OF GOD 41 CETUS 1231 Principles Compromised [1231 is the 202nd prime] 111 FEAR OF THE LORD 42 PERSEUS 615 Fist (5) (of the one) Devoted to the LORD (123) ! 101 REBELLIOUS CAST OUT 9 TAURUS 797 SORCERY / CONTROL (797 is the 139th prime) 143 FACTIONS (kings of the nations) 45 ORION 594 Light (22) of Holy Truth (27)! 130 ACCUSATION (against the kings) 43 ERIDANUS 1138 Division (2) of Workers Divided [569 = 104th prime] 132 Division (2) of Idol Worship (66) 35 AURIGA 657 Flesh (6) of Babylon (73) 75 MISSIONARIES 10 GEMINI 514 EVILDOERS LIE FALLEN (judged as evil by False Prophet) 74 THE BEAST (is responsible) 36 CANIS MAJOR 380 PRIESTS CAST OUT (Christians martyred by Anti-Christ) 90 RIGHTEOUS SIFTED 23 LEPUS 290 HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL (False Prophet is the High Priest!) 45 WEAK (5) JUDGMENT (9) 34 CANIS MINOR 183 DEADLY BLOW (the assassin of the Two Witnesses) 25 PAYMENT FOR SIN 11 CANCER 506 CRY FOR MERCY HEARD (False Prophet is cold blooded) 49 TIME OF THE END: FATHER'S LOVE 16 URSA MAJOR 1280 Testimony (10) of Blessed Ones (128) 125 SURROUNDING PROTECTION 40 URSA MINOR 256 FAMILY OF GOD SPLIT (some Jews follow Jesus) 25 PAYMENT FOR SIN 39 ARGO - Carina 494 UNSPOILED INHERITANCE (rewarded in the Millennium) 124 DEADLY TRAP ESCAPED 50 ARGO - Puppis 673 CITY OF PEACE [673 = 122nd prime] (protected on earth) 147 FATHER'S POSSESSION 25 ARGO - Vela 500 ANOINTED ONE (the 144,000 witnesses of Jesus) 127 SPIRITUAL SONS 12 LEO 947 PURIFIED CHURCH [947 = 161st prime] (we return also!) 82 THRONE OF GOD 44 CORVUS 184 BELIEVERS' SLEEP 18 BONDAGE 19 CRATER 282 CRY FOR JUSTICE 17 VICTORY 38 HYDRA 1303 GOD'S COMMANDS FORSAKEN [1303 = 212th prime] 121 WATCHMAN

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