PRESENTS Steve Shadrach #npapresents

Five Keys to Raising Your Personal Support By Steve Shadrach Ministry Director @SupportRaising @SteveShadrach

1. Understand the Biblical Basis A. The example of the Levites (Numbers 18:24) The Jews gave their tithe to the priests for support. B . The example of Jesus (Luke 8:2,3) Many people supported Jesus and the disciples. C. The teaching of Jesus (Mt. 10:9,10) A Kingdom worker is worthy of his support. D. The example of Paul (Acts 18:4,5) He stopped tentmaking to preach full time on support. E. The teaching of Paul (1 Cor. 9:1-18) Paul had the right to be supported by the churches.

2. Kill the Giants in Your Own Mind A. You or your family think support raising is really just begging. B. You think you are not a worthy investment. C. You think support raising is just a “necessary evil” just to be endured. D. You think people are rejecting you (or your ministry) if they say “no.”

3. Pray and Plan Well A. Pray S.D. Gordon said, “Prayer is the real work of the ministry. Service is just gathering in the results of prayer.” B. Create Your Budget Include everything: your personal needs, giving, saving, debt, ministry expenses, etc…Seek to balance a lifestyle that will allow you to maximize your effectiveness, but also be above reproach on the stewardship of your finances. C. Namestorm Write down every person you’ve ever known! D. Map Out a Plan Divide up all the names according to cities they live in. Label each name “hot,” “cold,” or “medium”. Next, pray over the amount you would like to ask each to give. E. Plan Out a Map Schedule out what city you will go to first, second, etc… and get it on your calendar.

4. Ask Them Face to Face A. Asking is the key. James 4:2 says “we have not because we ask not.” The word “ask” is used in the gospels 113 times. God wants to teach us about asking: Him and others. B. Don’t cut corners Group appeals—10% response Letter/phone call appeals—25% response Face to Face appeals—50% response C. Don’t be fooled: HOW you go about securing their commitment will determine the amount, consistency, and longevity of their giving.

5. Cultivate the Relationship YWAM’s Betty Barnett reminds us it’s not fund raising, but “friend raising.” You can have a ministry to your new ministry partner and possibly be their only connection to Jesus Christ or the Great Commission. A. Consider tithing your ministry time to your support team: prayer, writing, calling, ministering. B. Thank before you bank (when a new person or new gift comes in). Be prompt and professional in all of your correspondence and record keeping. C. Regularly send (or email) well-written newsletters. Share how their investments are paying off along with some specific prayer requests. D. Win, Keep, Lift. When you win a donor they are now on your team. Keep them on the team by caring for and cultivating them. Periodically, ask them to consider lifting (increasing) their monthly or annual gift to you.

Resources •  Betty Barnett. Friend Raising. YWAM Publishing. •  William P. Dillon. People Raising. Chicago: Moody Press. •  Scott Morton. Funding Your Ministry Whether You’re Gifted or Not. Dawson Media. •  Pete Sommer. Getting Sent. Intervarsity Press. •  Steve Shadrach. The God Ask: A Fresh, Biblical Approach to Personal Support Raising. The CMM Press. • A. Personal Support Raising Boot Camp B. Free Monthly Newsletter

Raising Support? You need training.

Training on: •  Biblical basis of support raising •  Perspectives of you, the donor & God •  Preparation & planning •  The phone call, appointment, & follow-up •  Donor maintenance & ministry Register online today

ViewPoints Fresh Perspectives on Personal Support Raising $17.99 Order yours today! Quantity price breaks available. Available on

Other Books by The CMM Press

Xplore Study $5.99

Brown Like Coffee $9.99

The Fuel and the Flame $14.99

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The God Ask

A Fresh, Biblical Approach to Personal Support Raising

