Organisation Internationale de la vigne et du vin. OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012

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Organisation Internationale de la vigne et du vin

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012

Organisation Internationale de la vigne et du vin

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012

Jean-Marie Aurand, OIV Director General Barbara Iasiello and Victor Magalhaes, Statistics Unit of the OIV with the collaboration of Patrick Aigrain, Coordinator of the Statistical Steering Committee

ISBN 979-10-91799-56-0 OIV - 18, rue d’Aguesseau – F 75008 Paris



PREFACE The annual statistics report’s aims to provide numerical facts and information to a worldwide growing vitiviniculture market, giving a general and extensive knowledge about the vitiviniculture sector. The OIV Wine & Vine outlook (2012) presents a comprehensive perspective on the global, regional and country information on vines, grapes, dried grape wine and other vine products. The purpose of this yearbook is to inform on the trend of the wine sector at a world level. In this report, the adult per capita wine consumption is calculated with the population data from the United Nation Population Division and refer to the adult, people 15 years and older. The present volume is structured into three chapters: the first chapter is dedicated to the analysis of areas under vine, and the other two summarize the main trend in production, trade and consumption for grape and wine. The data published in this report have been harmonised with those available to the Statistics Division of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). An electronic version of OIV Wine & Vine outlook (2012) and accompanying datasets can be found free of charge on the statistics section of the OIV website at:

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012



TABLE OF CONTENT WORLD VITINICULTURAL STATISTICS ........................................................ 1 2012 ......................................................................................................... 1 PREFACE ................................................................................................... 3 TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................. 4 1. AREAS UNDER VINES ............................................................................ 7 (APPENDIX A AND B) .................................................................................................................7 SURFACE AREAS OF WORLD VINEYARDS ..........................................................................................8 DISTRIBUTION AND COMPOSITION OF WORLD VINEYARDS................................................................10

2. GRAPES .............................................................................................. 11 (APPENDIX FROM C TO O) ........................................................................................................11 2.1 PRODUCTION OF GRAPES ....................................................................................................12 2.1.1 Grapes for fresh consumption (Appendix F) .........................................................13 2.1.2 World production of dried grapes .........................................................................14 2.1.3 Pressed grapes ......................................................................................................15 2.1.4 Production of grape juice ......................................................................................16 2.2 TRADE IN FRESH AND DRIED GRAPES (APPENDIX H AND I, J, K) ...................................................17 2.3 CONSUMPTION .................................................................................................................17 2.3.1 Fresh grape consumption (Appendix L and M) .....................................................17 2.3.2 Dried grapes consumption (Appendix N and O) ....................................................18

3. WINE .................................................................................................. 20 (APPENDIX FROM P TO U) ........................................................................................................20 3.1 PRODUCTION OF WINES (APPENDIX P) ..................................................................................21 3.2 TRADE IN WINE (APPENDIX Q AND R)....................................................................................23 3.2.1 Wine imports ........................................................................................................23 3.2.2 Wine exports .........................................................................................................24 3.3 WINE CONSUMPTION (APPENDIX S AND T) ............................................................................25 3.3.1 Stocks and other commercial uses (Appendix U) ..................................................27

CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................ 29 APPENDIX .............................................................................................. 34


LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Areas under vines in major wine producing countries (in kha) 8 Table 2: World production of grapes (in kql) 12 Table 3: Grape juice consumption in a selection of countries (in khl) 16 Table 4: World wine production (except juice and musts) (in khl) 21 Table 5: Principal wine-producing countries (khl) 22 Table 6: World consumption of wine (in khl) 25 Table 7: Gap between world wine production and consumption (in khl) 31 Table 8: Gap between wine production and consumption in the main wine-producing countries (khl) 32 Abbreviations used: kha: thousands of hectares (1000 ha) Mha: millions of hectares kql: thousands of quintals (1000 ql) Mql: millions of quintals khl: thousands of hectolitres (1000 hl) Mhl: millions of hectolitres l/per capita: litres per capita kg/ per capita: kilograms per capita


LIST OF APPENDIX Appendix A. Surface areas of world vineyards Appendix B. Distribution of world vineyards Appendix C. World production of grapes Appendix D & E. Origin and destination of fresh grapes available in 2010/2011 Appendix F. World production of Grapes for fresh consumption Appendix G. World production of dried grapes Appendix H. Fresh grape imports Appendix I. Fresh grape exports Appendix J. Dried grape imports Appendix K. Dried grape Exports Appendix L. World human consumption of fresh grapes Appendix M. Individual human consumption of fresh grapes per year Appendix N. World human consumption of dried grapes Appendix O. Individual human consumption of dried grapes per year Appendix P. World production of wine Appendix Q. Wine Imports Appendix R. Wine Exports Appendix S. World human consumption of wine Appendix T. Individual human consumption of wine per year Appendix U. Uses of wines for financial year 2010/2011 Appendix V. World human consumption of vitivinicultural products

1. AREAS UNDER VINES (Appendix A and B)

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012



Surface areas of world vineyards This is the total land area planted with vines, including the areas under vines not yet in production or harvested. The period of 3 years (2008-2011) during which the European Union (EU) offered permanent abandonment premiums for vineyards has ended1, the 2012 area under vines is therefore the first in 3 campaigns that has not been marked by the influence by these premiums. Even so, this does not mean that that EU vineyards have stabilised. However the decrease of the EU vineyard has been partially compensated by the maintenance and in some cases the expansion of the planted surface areas in the rest of the world led by the growth of the American and Asian vineyards. So, in 2012 the world vineyard reached a total surface of 7487 kha. Table 1: Areas under vines in major wine producing countries (in kha) Country





1113 Spain 836 France 518 China 812 Italy 515 Turkey 403 USA 243 Portugal 229 Iran 229 Argentina 199 Chile 192 Romania 177 Australia 148 Moldavia 132 South Africa 7535 World Total * * As per OIV calculation

1 082 804 585 739 514 404 236 226 218 204 191 171 146 132 7512

1 032 796 630 720 508 413 236 223 219 206 191 170 143 133 7485

1 017 792 706 705 497 412 233 226 222 206 192 162 142 135 7487

Var. 2012/2009 -9% -5% +36% -13% -3% +2% -5% -3% -3% 1% -7% -8% -4% +2% -1%


Implementation of the new Common Market Organization (CMO) for wine specifies the mechanisms associated with vine planting rights in the EU-27. In theory 175 kha could benefit from this at an EU level, yet in reality the area under vines of the 27 Member States decreased by 269 kha over this period. This is partly explained by the fact that priority for these premiums was given to establishments that grubbed up their entire vineyard, even though not all of their land was eligible for payment of a premium.

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012



These variances in the rate of the evolution of the world vineyard reflect the diverse situations between continents and countries (see table A in the appendix): Africa, with 372 kha under vines (-0.8% with respect to 2011), remains to a level close to the last year. There is a reduction in the Algerian vineyards (- 4.7 % between 2011 and 2012, which is partially offset by the growth of the Egyptian vineyard acreage (+2.2% over 2011). North and South America, vineyard area continues its expansion reaching the level of 1020 kha. This slight increase is mainly due to the significant expansion of an emerging country Peru, with + 11.5 % between 2011 and 2012 of its surface area under vines. Argentina as well has recorded a slightly increase of 2 kha in its surface area, while the area under vines in Brazil (91 kha), Chile (206 kha) and USA (412 kha) is almost stable compared to the level of the year before. Asia, with 1801 kha under vines, continues to see its vineyards growing, though at a slower pace than the previous years, remaining the main growth pole for world vineyards. An important part of these vineyards remained destined for the production of non-vinified products, especially in India, Iran, Turkey and Syria. With a new estimated growth in the Chinese vineyard of around 76 kha over 2011, to reach in the end 706 kha in 2012, China is maintaining the role of principal driving force for the continent development. A downward trend is observed in Turkey. After losing 6 kha between 2010 and 2011, the country’s area under vines decline again, losing 11 kha between 2011 and 2012, reaching the level of 497 kha. As mentioned above, 2012 area under vines in Europe is the first in the last 3 years that has not been affected by the premiums of permanent abandonment regulated by the CMO, despite this the European vineyard decreased by 61 kha, equivalent to -1.4% between 2011 and 2012, reaching the level of 4093 kha. This decline is nevertheless much lower than the previously recorded (-1.4 % is indeed lower when compared with the average decline recorded between 2008 and 2011 of -2.0%). The three major European countries’ vineyards continue to experience erosion, at 15, 7 and 4 kha for Spain, Italy and France respectively. Looking outside the EU between 2011 and 2012 surface area have also declined especially in Serbia, Georgia. In 2012, the area under vines in Oceania is of 200 kha a reduction of 7 kha compared to the previous year. After two decades of growth, since 2011 figures show a reduction on the size of the surface area which is mainly driven by the Australian decline of its area under vine (-8 kha in a year); this despite the slight growth of the vineyards in the other Oceanian producer country, New Zealand (+ 2.7% with respect to 2011). Of course, it is worth putting the continental changes into perspective by weighting the relative size of area under vines on each continent. So, Europe still accounts for half of the vine-growing area (about 55%) in 2012, the ranking is completed by Asia (24%), America (14%), Africa (5%) and Oceania (3%).

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012



Distribution and composition of world vineyards The information available on the structure of the world vineyards in 2012 concerns almost the 70% of world vineyard. Analysing the distribution and composition of world vineyards we can evaluate the percentage of vines not yet in production and the different grape varieties cultivated (wine, table and dried grapes). The share of total world vineyards not yet producing grapes, which can give an insight on the potential of production for the next years1, stands at roughly 5.9% in 2012. Compared to 5.2% in 2011 this share it’s higher, so new planting at world level, this is especially the consequence of the increase of the surface area especially in Asian continent (in China, India and Iran). For all countries reporting, this percentage varies from 24.4% in Azerbaijan to 0.3% in Argentina and 0.9% in Greece. However, in the great majority of countries this rate lies between 4% and 7%. While in the past years there was a significant difference between the percentages of vines not yet in production observed in the three largest European wine-producing countries and those of Southern Hemisphere countries and USA, it can be stated that the percentage of new or renewed vineyards which are therefore not yet producing grapes is generally diminishing and converging between countries. In 2012 the averages of the two groups of countries, historical European producers on one side and “new” non-European producers on the other side, are very similar standing at 5%. Moving the attention to the composition of the vineyard, for the countries we have information, it is possible to individuate the different share of wine, table and dried grape cultivated in each country. As shown in table B in the appendix there are some countries that have a significant share of vineyards cultivated with table-grapes, such as Brazil and USA where the vine intended for the production of table grapes represent the 35 and 29% respectively, or Turkey where this share represents the 57%.


It takes a period of at least three years from the time of planting for the vines to produce a commercially harvestable crop.

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012


2. GRAPES (Appendix from C to O) 2.1 Production of grapes 2.1.1 Grapes for fresh consumption 2.1.2 World production of dried grapes 2.1.3 Pressed grapes 2.1.4 Production of grape juice 2.2 Trade in fresh grapes and dried grapes 2.3 Consumption 2.3.1 Fresh grapes consumption 2.3.2 Dried grapes consumption

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012



2.1 Production of grapes In 2012 the world production of grapes reached the level of more than 701 Mql, a slight increase of more than 9 million of quintals compared to the previous year production. A production which can be quantify as very large, well above the last 15 years average production. This even though the worldwide area under vines has continued to decrease since 2003, the global production of grapes shows a growth trend. This situation can be partly explained by the increasing trend in yields, as well as by the partial geographical redistribution of global vineyards (a high percentage of new vineyards are located in regions with irrigations). Table 2: World production of grapes (in kql) Years 1986-1990 1991-1995 1996-2000 2001-2005 2006-2010 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Production 606 279 552 484 600 289 630 063 669 833 673 703 680 527 670 032 691 374 700 641

Africa, with close to 44 Mql sees its production rise compared to 2011 (+3.3 Mql, an increase of 8%): increase was particularly significant in Algeria, Tunisia, South Africa and Egypt. America with almost 150 Mql, sees its production slightly increase compared to 2011. This continental increase corresponds to an increment in production in the USA (68.3 Mql, +3.7 Mql than that of 2011) and in Chile (32 Mql, 2.5 Mql compared to 2011 production). As expected, in conjunction with the rapid growth of the overall area under vines, and the entrance in production of the recent planting, especially Chinese, Asia registers a growth of 28.5 Mql in 2011 to reach almost 219 Mql. The most significant increase are in China (+14.7 Mql over 2011), reaching 105.4 Mql, that’s almost half of the continental production, but also India increases its production, with 24.8 Mql almost double the 2011 level.

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012



Europe sees its 2012 continental production drop to less than 270 Mql (-24.6 Mql compared to 2011 level). Since 2000 Europe has decreased dramatically its grape production: in 2000 the level of production was 343 Mql, a decrease since the beginning of the century of 21%. Mainly this decrease can be attributed at the reducing surface area in the EU countries mainly, but also by climate factors that have affected the 2012 harvest. Decrease in grape production was indeed particularly significative in France, Spain, Portugal and Italy, which have lost respectively 12.1 Mql, 3.6 Mql, 2.0 Mql and 2.0 Mql. Decreasing production in Germany, Hungary and Romania. On the other hand, production is increasing in Azeberijan, Bulgaria and Uzbekistan. In Oceania, at 19 Mql, 2012 the production level is slightly higher than 2011 (18.8 Mql) due to a, increase in the Australian production, +6% over the 2011 level. Production in New Zeeland reached the 2.7 Mql in 2012. 2.1.1 Grapes for fresh consumption (Appendix F) Using a balance sheet-based approach, this production corresponds to the percentage of total unprocessed grape production intended for table consumption, after corrections for international trade and including losses. The production level calculated in this way, with losses included, reached 238.3 Mql in 2012. This is an increase of 11.2% over the 2011 production. With 145.6 Mql in 2012, Asia is by far the continent with the highest production. It accounts for almost 60% of world production, ahead of Europe whose share is 15%. North and South America and Africa follow and represent respectively 13% and 10% of global production. In order of size, the main world grape producing countries are: China (79.5 Mql, that accounts for 33% of the global production), India 18.9 Mql, Turkey (17.2 Mql), Egypt (13.3 Mql), Iran (12.4 Mql), Chile (11.1 Mql) and Italy (10.6 Mql).

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012



2.1.2 World production of dried grapes (Appendix G) This figure corresponds to the total production of grapes which are dried, regardless of the initial type of vineyard which produced them. It should be recalled that some producers resort to pressing to regularise the dried grape market, whereas others produce dried grapes using grapes initially intended to be consumed fresh. In 2012 the global production of dried grapes, reached almost the 14 Mql of dried fruit 1(+10.5% over 2011), in line with the previous years an increase trend in the level of production. Asia is, with 8.1 Mql in 2012, the leading continent of dried grape production. It accounts for 59.3% of world production, followed by North and South America which account for 32%, and Europe that represents 5.3% of the total. The top producers are Turkey (almost 5 Mql), USA (a bit more than 3 Mql) and Iran (1.8 Mql). Yields The yield is defined here as the measure of the amount of grapes that is produced per unit surface of vineyard and it has been calculated using the entire national vineyard areas. Figures show an overall rising trend in yields at world level: in the last 25 years it has been recorded an improvement of 26.7%. Much of this enhancement must be attributed to American, Asian and African growth trends, while Europe is pretty much stable over the years (notwithstanding the shrinkage of its vineyards) and Oceania exhibits a negative trend2. What also emerges from the analysis of the yield is that countries that produce mostly “non fermented products”, most of which are concentrated in Asia, Africa and America, exhibit higher productivity. This is confirmed by data on specific countries: for example, the average productivity of four countries that are mainly producers of fresh and dried grapes (Egypt, China, India and Turkey) is 123 Ql/ha, almost 50% more of the yield registered in typical wine producer countries (Argentine, France, Italy and Portugal). Moving the analysis at country level, among the best performers in 2012 we find Iraq (191 Ql/ha), Egypt (190 Ql/ha), USA (165 Ql/ha) and Brazil (162 Ql/ha), while some of the lowest yields are recorded in Georgia (28 Ql/ha), Bulgaria (33 Ql/ha), Portugal (40 Ql/ha), Moldova (42 Ql/ha) and Spain (55 Ql/ha).


On average 4 kg of fresh grapes to obtain 1 kg of dried grapes. However, it should be noticed that for the computation of the yield vines not yet under production are included, so the result might be slightly biased especially in countries like Australia and New Zealand where the percentage of vines not yet producing is high. 2

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012



2.1.3 Pressed grapes The quantity of pressed grapes can be estimated on a balance basis, by considering that it corresponds to the quantity of grapes intended for other purposes than fresh consumption and drying. To do so, we use a standard coefficient of 0.25 representing dried grape production from fresh grapes: i.e. it takes 4 kg of fresh grapes to obtain 1 kg of dried grapes. Calculated in this way, in 2012, the total quantity of pressed grapes was approximately1: 700.6 – 238.3 – (4 x 13.7) = 407.5 Mql, thus accounting for 58.2% of world grape production. A continuing declining trend of the total pressed proportion, which on average in 2006/2010 was 63%. The upwards trend in world grape production therefore mainly benefited from the production of grapes not pressed, foremost of which are table grapes. Nevertheless, uncertainties regarding losses (which overwhelmingly concern fresh grapes) and domestic winemaking activities (e.g. making beverage alcohol) should also be borne in mind. The 408.6 Mql of grapes pressed in 2012 were mainly used to directly produce wines and grape juice, but also to produce intermediate non-fermented products not intended for direct human consumption, such as concentrated and non-concentrated musts and concentrated juices. This intermediate production is mainly intended for: reincorporation in the grape must in order to enrich it; storage, for example to extend the length of time for grape juice or wine production, or to potentially enrich a future grape harvest; industrial use (e.g. jam) or use in animal food. The currently available statistical data on the quantity of intermediate nonfermented products, and their intended use, do not allow further analysis of these flows.


Total world production of grapes in 2012: 700.6 Mql. World production of grapes destined for fresh consumption in 2012: 238.3 Mql. World production of dried grape expressed in quintals of grapes in 2012: four times the weight of dried fruit, which equals to 4 x 13.7 Mql.

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2.1.4 Production of grape juice In many countries, there is no information on this particular type of production, and when it does exist there is often confusion between the productions of juice and musts. For this reason, given the current state of available data, it is not possible to provide any precise figures on this topic. Nevertheless, based on the information of table 3 (appendix V) concerning grape juice consumption in certain countries, world grape juice production may be estimated to be approximately 11.8 Mhl. Table 3: Grape juice consumption in a selection of countries (in khl) Countries USA Spain Brazil Germany France Japan Canada UK Chile Switzerland

2012 4708 3405* 2203 800 654 531 302 267 217 68

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2011 5012 3405* 2124 840 650 508 329 264 295 74

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 41

2010 4386 3405 1641 840 650 496 214 253 193 77

1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 9 10

2009 4635 2667 1930 840 647 494 258 237 170 82

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2008 5789 3932 1338 1020 643 501 385 275 151 86

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


This table is mainly based on the OIV questionnaires and it is incomplete. It often lacks information on grape juice consumption, such as a breakdown of the products for which data is provided (i.e. juice, juice concentrate, musts), or data on certain countries where consumption may be assumed to be considerable, such as Argentina, China, Australia, Greece or Spain. However, it is interesting to note the opposing trends characterizing the two major consuming countries, Brazil and USA. While the former has been gaining since 2008, on average, 14% per year in terms of consumption, the latter has been losing in the same period 7% on a yearly basis. With 6.2 Mql of fresh grape consumed and 2.2 Mhl of grape juice consumed, and in relation with a production of fresh grapes of 14.5 Mql, it’s noteworthy that 62% of brazilian production is non-fermented.

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012



2.2 Trade in fresh and dried grapes (Appendix H and I, J, K) The foreign trade of fresh grape records an increase in volume both in import (39.3 Mql in 2012, or +1.0%/2011), and in exports (40.3 Mql in 2012, or + 3.5%/2011). The USA remains in 2012 the leading world importer with more than 5.4 Mql, ahead of Russia (3.8 Mql). These countries are followed by Netherlands (3.2 Mql), Germany (3.0 Mql), the United Kingdom (2.4 Mql), Canada (1.8 Mql) and France (1.5 Mql). As regards exports, Chile is the world's leader country with 8.1 Mql, followed by Italy with 4.9 Mql of fresh grapes exported. These are followed by the USA, with 4.2 Mql exported, which thus still can be considered as the most open market for fresh grapes (leading importer and third largest exporter in the world). Global trade for dried grapes in 2012 (with 8.2 Mql) registers a slightly increase in imports (+0.6%) as well as exports report slight decrease of 0.3% compared to 2011. The United Kingdom remains in 2012 by far the world's largest importer of dried grapes with 1 Mql imported (almost 14% of world imports), followed by Germany (0.7 Mql), the Netherlands (0.6 Mql), Russia (0.5 Mql), Japan (0.3 Mql) Australia (0.2 Mql), France (0.2 Mql), and Italy (0.2 Mql). Concerning the exports, Asia almost 5 Mql, is by far the leading exporter, accounting for more than half of the world export: Turkey in particular (2.2 Mql) and Iran (1.3 Mql). The USA, as well, plays an important role in the dried grapes international trade being the third largest exporter with 1.3 Mql.

2.3 Consumption 2.3.1 Fresh grape consumption (Appendix L and M) In 2012, 232 Mql of fresh grapes were consumed in the world, a 12.0% increase over 2011. This level can be qualified as very high. Asia is still the leading grape consumer continent, with almost 148 Mql, an increase of 18.3% compared to 2011 figure. Of this, China accounts for 79.8 Mql, India for 17.8 Mql, Turkey for 15.2 Mql and Iran for 12.2 Mql. Europe follows with almost 41 Mql consumed, maintaining almost the same level registered in 2011. With 6.8 Mql Uzbekistan became the biggest consumer country, overtaking Italy that dropped its consumption between 2012 and 2011 by 24% (6 Mql). It should be also noted the marked increase of domestic demand in Greece, which almost double its consumption in 2012 to attain the 2.3 Mql. Next comes North and South America, with 21.4 Mql consumed in 2012 a slight increase compared to the previous year (+3.3%). This interannual increase of consumption of fresh grape of the continent it’s mainly linked to the increase of domestic demand in Argentina; Peru and Uruguay. Then comes Africa with 20.4 Mql, showing an increase compared to the previous year + 4.4%, with Egypt consuming 11.2 Mql.

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012



In Oceania, human fresh grape consumption level is very low with 1 Mql, though there has been a significant increase compared to 2011 figure (+23.8%). Expressed as average per capita in 2012, individual human consumption of fresh grapes per year is highest in the Balcans: Albania (55 kg/ per capita), FYR of Macedonia (37.8 kg/ per capita) exhibit very high consumption levels compared the world average. It should be in mind that these are apparent consumption levels, most obtained from balance sheets. Therefore, they quite likely confuse the proper consumption of fresh grapes with consumption for domestic winemaking purposes (e.g. Rakia 1). This consumption level is between 20 and 25 kg/ per capita in Armenia, Turkey and Iran. The Americas and Oceania are still the continents with the lowest fresh grape consumption per capita. While Turkmenistan consumes around 30 kg/ per capita.

2.3.2 Dried grapes consumption (Appendix N and O) In 2012, almost 14 Mql of dried grapes were consumed in the world (an increase of 8.2% over 2011) In 2012 Asia became the largest consumer, with 4.9 Mql, a significant increase of almost 30% over 2011. This is mainly attributable to the significant increase in consumption in China and Iran. Europe posted consumption of 4.8 Mql, a decrease of 2% over 2011. The main domestic market in Europe remains the United Kingdom, followed by Germany and Russia. This drop is mainly due to the decrease in domestic consumption of United Kingdom, France and Italy North and South America, which recorded 3.2 Mql, almost the same level than the year before. The USA accounts for 64% of the domestic market of the global continent, and with 2 Mql of dried grape consumed is the largest market in the world. Next is Oceania (0.5 Mql consumed) and Africa (0.3 Mql consumed). Australian market continues to grow +6.7% over the previous year.

Expressed as an average/ per capita in 2012, individual human consumption of dried grapes per year is highest in the Netherlands (2.5 kg/ per capita). Next are Greece (2.1 kg/ per capita), United Kingdom (1.7 kg/ per capita), Iceland (1.5 kg/ per capita) and Italy (1.3 kg/ per capita).


of vitivinicultural origin in FYR of Macedonia and Bulgaria.

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012


OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012


3. WINE (Appendix from P to U)

3.1 World production of wine 3.2 Trade in Wine 3.2.1 Wine import 3.2.2 Wine export 3.3 Wine Consumption 3.3.1 Other commercial uses

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012



3.1 Production of wines (Appendix P) World wine production (excluding juice and must) decreased by 3.6% in 2012 reaching 258 million hectolitres. Compared with the average wine production over the period 2000-2010, which was around 270 Mhl, the 2012 production is 5% lower. This global wine production can be described as very low. Like vineyard acreage, the wine production over the period is steadily decreasing.

Table 4: World wine production (except juice and musts) (in khl) Years 1986-1990 1991-1995 1996-2000 2001-2005 2006-2010 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Production 304 192 263 092 272 557 272 275 271 275 268 952 272 662 264 188 267 803 258 230

In 2012, Africa reaches a total production of 11.9 Mhl, an increase of 9.2 Mhl (+ 8.4 %) compared to the 2011 production. The growth was almost exclusively owed to South Africa that increased again its production reaching the 10.6 Mhl (+8.7% over 2011). North and South America reached the 51.7 Mhl of wine production in 2012 (always excluding juice and must), a slight increase over the 2011 production (+1%). This increase is due especially to the production in the USA, which, with a high levels of wine production in 2012 at 21.6 Mhl excepting juice and musts, +13% compared with 2011 accounts for 42% of the countries’ production. In South America, while Chile recorded a new record production reaching 12.5 Mhl (+20% over 2011), Argentina recorded a markedly reduced wine production (11.8 Mhl in contrast to 15.5 in 2011, -24%). As for Brazil, with a vinified production of 3.0 Mhl (-0.5 Mhl or 14.2% over 2011) it saw its production decrease.

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012



Asia with 15.5 Mhl (0.3 Mhl, +2.3% over 2011) continues to see its wine production growing under the main influence of the estimated Chinese production. Wine production in China1 is estimated at 13.5 Mhl and increase of 0.3 Mhl, + 2.4% over 2011. 2012 Europe total wine production (excepting juice and musts) can be described as very low: production reached 165 Mhl, a decline of 6.8% compared to the 2011 production. In relation to the previous campaign’s production, the most noticeable reduction is in France, which saw its 2012 wine production decline by more than 9 Mhl (-18%). At the same time, Spain’s production declined by 2.2 Mhl (-6.8%) to just above 30 Mhl vinified, while the Italian production increased by 2.8 Mhl (+6.6%), with 45.6 Mhl of wine produced in 2012. Greece and Portugal recorded a growth in the vitivinicultural production in 2012, but in reference to a fairly modest production in 2011. In Oceania, although the Australian production increased reaching 12.2 Mhl (+9.7% over 2011), production in New Zealand decreased at 1.9 Mhl (which is – 0.4 Mhl, or -17.4% over 2011), but this is in relationship with the record harvest of the previous year. The top twenty wine-producing countries in the world are classified as follows: Table 5: Principal wine-producing countries (khl) COUNTRY Italy France Spain USA China, Main Chile Australia Argentina South Africa Germany Portugal Russian Romania Greece Brazil Ukraine Austria New Zealand Hungary Moldova

2012 45 616 41 548 31 123 21 650 13 511 12 554 12 259 11 778 10 569 9 012 6 327 6 220 3 311 3 115 2 967 2 400 2 125 1 940 1 818 1 470

1 2 3 4 5 7 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

2011 42 772 50 757 33 397 19 140 13 200 10 464 11 180 15 473 9 725 9 132 5 622 6 980 4 058 2 750 3 460 3 170 2 814 2 350 2 750 1 520

2 1 3 4 6 8 7 5 10 11 12 9 13 18 14 15 16 19 17 20

2010 48 525 44 381 35 353 20 887 13 000 8 844 11 420 16 250 9 327 6 906 7 148 7 640 3 287 2 950 2 459 3 002 1 737 1 900 1 762 840

1 2 3 4 6 9 7 5 8 12 11 10 13 15 16 14 19 17 18 20

2009 47 314 46 269 36 093 21 965 12 800 10 093 11 784 12 135 9 986 9 228 5 894 7 126 6 703 3 366 2 720 3 181 2 352 2 050 3 198 840

2008 46 970 42 654 35 913 19 340 12 600 8 683 12 448 14 676 10 165 9 991 5 689 7 110 5 159 3 869 3 683 2 651 2 993 2 052 3 460 1 710

1 2 3 4 5 8 7 6 9 10 13 11 12 14 17 16 18 19 15 20


1 2 3 4 6 10 7 5 8 9 12 11 13 14 15 18 17 19 16 23

This assessment of Asian production is based on theoretical production of wine (and marginally, raisins) from that portion of Chinese grape production not intended for table consumption. The assessment is provided by the FAO. This is therefore a surplus-based approach, since total grape production is not used to produce wines according to the OIV meaning of the term, but also to produce fermented drinks from fruit juice mixes, or direct grape distillates.

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012



3.2 Trade in wine (Appendix Q and R) The global wine market, considered here as the total exports from all countries reached 104 Mhl in 2012, a slight increase of about +1% over 2011, thereby slowing down the upward trend in world trade. Total world imports also increased slightly by +1% over 2011 to reach the 99 Mhl.

3.2.1 Wine imports Africa reached the 3.5 Mhl of wine imports in 2012, (+8% /2011). Angola, Ivory Coast, and South Africa remain the main traditional importers in the continent. North and South America sees a continued upward trend in imports, reaching in 2012 the 18 Mhl, +9.3% increases over 2011. The USA, with 11.7 Mhl imported in 2012 (+15 % over 2011), confirm their place as the world's third largest wine importer. It is also noteworthy that Canadian imports are flowing the same trend, reaching the 3.8 Mhl in 2012 (+5.1% over 2011). Asia continues to see its imports rise in 2012 attaining the 8.8 Mhl (+10% over 2011). The main drivers of the continent increase are China and Japan; that increase their volume of import respectively of +7.9% and 23.4% over 2011. Even if wine import decreased by 3% between 2011 and 2012, Europe remains the leading continent for imports (68% of world imports) with 67.7 Mhl. This decrease is mainly the consequence of the reduction in the principle importer: in Portugal (1.2 Mhl, - 21.4% over 2011), in France (5.4 Mhl, -16% over 2011), in Germany (15.3 Mhl, -4.7%/2011), which remains the world’s leading importer, in the Russian Federation (4.9 Mhl, -4.2%/2011) and in the United Kingdom (12.9 Mhl, 2.9%/2011). On the other side import increases in Italy (+9.6% over 2011), in Netherland (+9.1%/211) and in Spain, which more than doubled its imports (+192.9% between 2011 and 2012). Oceania, at 1.3 Mhl, continues to show increase in its import figures. It is the increase in Australian imports, which is at the origin of this rise with +11% over 2011.

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012



3.2.2 Wine exports As indicated above, exports register a slight increase of about +1% over 2011, thereby slowing down the growth of world trade has not had the same impact on all of the countries.

In 2012 Spain with 21.4 Mhl overtakes Italy (21.2 Mhl) in terms of volume exported, recording a decline of 0.6 and 2.3 Mhl respectively. These two countries saw their share in bulk products decrease between 2011 and 2012, and they are marked by modest to very low levels of production in 2011 as well as in 2012. France saw its 2012 exports recover at 15 Mhl (+0.3 Mhl and +2%/2011). In South America, following the 2011 decline in Chilean exports, a return to normal conditions resulted in this country seeing its exports return to the pre-existing upward trend, with 7.5 Mhl being exported in 2012 (+1.2 Mhl and +19.6%/2011), whilst Argentina recorded an increase in foreign sales of +0.6 Mhl/2011, thus reaching 3.7 Mhl. The market shares of bulk exports grew in these two countries between 2011 and 2012. South Africa's exports increased in 2012 (at 4.2 Mhl which is +16.7%/2011) and even exceeded the previous record of 2008. The bulk market share is increasing significantly, and may even be considered as very high in 2012, accounting for 63% of the total export. In Australia, exports recovered in 2012 (7.2 Mhl which is +3%/2011), yet without returning to the level in 2010, whilst New Zealand's exports continue to steadily increase, reaching 1.8 Mhl (+15.6%/2011) which represents the totality of its production. As for the USA, the country recorded a slight decrease (-0.2 Mhl) in its exports in 2012 at 4 Mhl.

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012



3.3 Wine consumption (Appendix S and T) In 2012, world consumption of wine reached the level of 242 Mhl, a slight increase of 0.4 Mhl compared to 2011. Therefore, in 2012, this at the very least confirms the end of the resulting decline in worldwide consumption following the financial crisis, an end which was first observed in 2010, yet without a return to the rate of development of worldwide demand before the economic crisis. Table 6: World consumption of wine (in khl) Year 1986-1990 1991-1995 1996-2000 2001-2005 2006-2010 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Consumption 239 485 223 183 224 751 235 120 245 620 250 242 242 246 240 598 242 282 241 894

Difference over previous year -16 302 1 568 10 369 10 500 -7 996 -1 648 1 684 -388

Europe is by far the leading consumer continent (62 % of world consumption in 2012), even if part of the share is slowly declining (74% at the end of the 1980s). Consumption continues to decline: with 151 Mhl of wine consumed. In the traditional European producer and/or consumer countries there is a decrease in the French consumption at just over 28 Mhl (-0.3 Mhl/2011), in the Spanish and Italian consumption, down by -0.4 and -0.1 Mhl/2011 respectively. Meanwhile we have an increase in German (20.3 Mhl, +0.6 Mhl/2011), the Portuguese and the Greek consumption with a levels close to almost 5 and 3 Mhl respectively. America with 54.1 Mhl continues to increase its consumption (+811 mhl: +1.5%/2011): this is mainly due to the continued growth in the USA (29 Mhl, +2% over 2011), the world’s biggest wine consumers. A growth in domestic demand also in Argentina (+2.5%/2011), Canada (+2.2%/2011) and Chile (+5%/2011). Asia, with 22.9 Mhl of wine consumed, an increase of 5.2% / 2011 is in 3rd place In China1, which reached the level of 17.7 Mhl in 2012, consumption continued to increase. It’s important to note the increase in the level of consumption has influenced more by the development of internal production in 2012 (a likely sign of the entry into production of recent plantings) than by an increase in imports.


United Nation (UN° +15 population database: population of those aged 15 years and older)

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012



These countries are followed by Africa and Oceania, with respectively 7.1 and 6.4 Mhl of wine consumed. Varying trends have been recorded in 2012: strong decline in relative terms in South Africa ,being compensated by the increase recorded particularly in Angola and in the Maghreb countries, and +2.4% in the Australian market and a -2% over 2011 for the Nez Zealand consumption. With regard to the average individual human consumption of wine per year1, even if this has been falling for decades, especially in southern European countries, these countries are still in the lead of per capita consumers. In 2012, Portugal with 55.4 litres per capita has overtaken France, where the per capita consumption is of 53.6 l/(+15) per capita (Appendix T). Luxembourg has one of the highest per capita wine consumption but these figures are difficult to interpret given the reasonable assumption that non-resident purchases have a major impact on the apparent result. In the ranking of the top wine consuming countries per capita follow: Italy, 43.2 l/(+15) per capita Slovenia, 40.4 l/ (+15) per capita Denmark, 39.8 l/ (+15) per capita Croatia, 39.6 l/(+15) per capita Switzerland, 39.1 l/ (+15) per capita Austria, 34.8 l/ (+15) per capita Argentina: 32.3 l/ (+15) per capita Wine consumption in China is increasing, but the individual consumption is very low, (although the multiplying factor of the country's demography should not be discounted); furthermore, per capita consumption is on an upward trend. It should also be reminded that this apparent consumption partially includes fermented grape-based products incorrectly categorised as wine as well as, quite likely, brandies. In North America, it also increased, reaching 11.4 l/ per capita in the USA and 16.4 l/ per capita in Canada in 2012. Whereas France and Italy have a high (though with a declining tendency) per capita consumption, the USA consumes very little per capita (only a bit more than 10 liters), but there are a large number of American consumers. In addition, American wine consumption per capita is growing. In new wine-producing countries, where production potential has recently increased, individual consumption, for example in Australia has reached 28.8 l/ hbt and in New Zealand has reached and 25.8 l/ per capita in 2012.


United Nation (UN° +15 population database: population of those aged 15 years and older)

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012



Finally, in most non-wine producing countries, there is generally a growing trend in individual consumption. 2012 figures for the following countries show an average increase: Belgium (31.2 l/ per capita), Netherland (26.2 l/ per capita), United Kingdom (24.6 l/ per capita), and Norway (18.4 l / per capita). 3.3.1 Stocks and other commercial uses (Appendix U) The analysis of global wine stocks (at the property or in the markets) are difficult at world level because of the lack of regular data, and secondly due to a lack of data on the extent of industrial use. However, given that for 2011/2012 harvest we have information available on countries representing 77% of world wine production, it may be logically inferred that global wine stocks at the end of the 2011/2012 campaign are in general at the same level, or slightly higher, than those at the beginning of the same campaign for all countries monitored. In macroeconomic terms, this trend is consistent overall with the modest slight decrease in world wine production between 2011 and 2012 (- 9.6 Mhl, or -3.6%) and the decrease of world consumption (almost 0.9 Mhl or 0.2%) and logically induced small increase of distillations of wines. However, as indicated for previous years, it should be reminded that a macroeconomic “line of reasoning” cannot be used to forecast year-end stocks using the monitored level of wine production and consumption, given the existence of alternative uses of wine in industry, other than consumption. With regards the commercial uses, in this area as well, data are not yet available for all countries. For example, data on distillation is only available for a set of countries accounting for 64% of world wine production in 2012. It is worth noting, however, that in the main European market, approximately 14 Mhl in 2011/12 (against 11.6 in 2010/11,) were used for the production of wine distillates and dregs (including the volumes used to make brandies with geographical indication). Note however that it should be added to this amount nearly 11 Mhl for the same market of wines for the other industrial purposes such as vinegar and vermouth production. Outside Europe, we have 2011/2012 data on wine distillation only in Argentina and South Africa. Data concerning vinegar and vermouth production are available only for Argentina (139 mhl in 2011/2012). By taking together distillation and other industrial uses of wine, we get approximately 2 Mhl of wine for industrial purposes in 2011/12. The results of last campaigns indicate that the level of industrial uses (distillations, vinegar and vermouth productions) is lower and lower, perhaps just around 29 Mhl (between 28 and 32 Mhl).)

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012


OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012



OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012


Non-fermented products The market for grape juice and non-fermented intermediate products remains, hard to define and thus to measure. There has still been no substantial improvement monitoring of musts by the various national statistics committees. An attempt can be made to evaluate these industries at global level. Previous analyses indicated that the percentage of total production of grape used for other purposes than pressing has been slowly increasing (37% on the 2000-2004 average, 40% on the 2005-2009 average, and reached the 46% in 2012). The percentage of production used for fresh consumption has increased more quickly than the percentage intended for raisin production (29% on the 20002004 average, 32% on the 2005-2009 average, and reached the 28% in 2012). The 2012 results continued this trend, with the percentage of total grape production used for purposes other than pressing nearing 46%, and the percentage of production intended for table consumption nearing 38%. Overall, considering that 135 kg of fresh grapes are needed to obtain 1hl of wine, the percentage of world grape production which was pressed but not fermented (i.e. musts or juices concentrated or non-concentrated) for the campaign under consideration may be determined by subtraction1. Thus reconstructed, and taking into account 2% of waste of grapes, there is an upward trend in the percentage of world grape production used to make nonfermented products (in 2000 26% was the share of grape of production of fresh grape, in 2012 this share reached the 36%). Wines As mentioned above in 2012, the low level of world production (258 Mhl) faced with the decrease of world consumption (242 Mhl), leads to a tension in the global market. Measured by the difference between world wine production and consumption, in 2012, this degree of balance is between is about 17 Mhl. This is the third consecutive year that the volume available to supply industrial use, and especially for the brandies market, is lower than the need (alcohol of vitivinicultural origin, vinegars and vermouths) for which the global need is estimated at around 30 Mhl. This increasingly short supply led to competition in the producing countries at the start of the campaign between the provision of vitivinicultural products to be marketed, especially bulk products, and for industrial purposes in some countries, in particular with stocks of wine alcohol at a low level following the succession of modest productions since 2007. 1

In the past the world average was established at 138 kg/hl, however advances in dreg filtering in some countries have apparently brought this production ratio down.

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012


Table 7: Gap between world wine production and consumption (in khl) Periods/years




1986-1990 1991-1995 1996-2000 2001-2005 2006-2010 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

304 192 263 092 272 557 272 275 271 275 268 952 272 662 264 188 267 803 258 230

239 485 223 183 224 751 235 120 245 620 250 242 242 246 240 598 242 282 241 894

64 707 39 909 47 806 37 155 26 655 18 710 30 416 23 590 25 521 16 336

Concerning large wine-producing countries, it is interesting to note the evolution of the difference between total wine production and domestic wine consumption.

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012


Table 8: Gap between wine production and consumption in the main wine-producing countries (khl) Country Italy



South Africa







Colonne1 Wine production Wine consumption Difference abs. Value Difference as a % Wine production Wine consumption Difference abs. Value Difference as a % Wine production Wine consumption Difference abs. Value Difference as a % Wine production Wine consumption Difference abs. Value Difference as a % Wine production Wine consumption Difference abs. Value Difference as a % Wine production Wine consumption Difference abs. Value Difference as a % Wine production Wine consumption Difference abs. Value Difference as a % Wine production Wine consumption Difference abs. Value Difference as a % Wine production Wine consumption Difference abs. Value Difference as a % Wine production Wine consumption Difference abs. Value Difference as a %

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012

1986-1990 65 715 36 621 29 094 44% 64 641 41 715 22 926 35% 33 519 17 402 16 117 48% 7 742 3 359 4 383 57% 18 167 20 791 -2 624 -14% 19 914 17 804 2 110 11% 4 285 3 297 988 23% 4 135 3 499 636 15% 2 734 2 695 39 1% 10 012 18 389 -8 377 -84%

1991-1995 1996-2000 2001-2005 2006-2010 60 768 54 386 46 936 48 165 35 122 31 950 25 784 27 332 25 646 22 436 18 432 20 833 42% 41% 39% 43% 52 886 56 271 51 919 46 221 37 310 35 305 33 913 31 092 15 577 20 966 18 006 15 129 29% 37% 35% 35% 26 438 34 162 37 323 36 408 15 439 14 427 13 916 12 190 10 998 19 735 23 407 24 218 42% 58% 63% 63% 8 228 7 837 8 040 9 732 3 651 3 944 3 624 3 474 4 577 3 893 4 416 6 258 56% 50% 55% 55% 17 619 20 386 20 399 20 300 18 759 20 814 23 808 27 420 -1 140 -428 -3 409 -7 120 -6% -2% -17% -17% 15 588 13 456 14 488 14 701 15 720 12 899 11 689 10 608 -132 557 2 799 4 093 -1% 4% 19% 19% 4 810 7 380 12 543 11 907 3 208 3 606 4 213 5 063 1 602 3 774 8 330 6 844 33% 51% 66% 66% 3 326 5 066 6 389 8 859 2 350 2 410 2 458 2 783 976 2 656 3 931 6 076 29% 52% 62% 62% 5 140 9 581 12 560 11 900 5 047 9 772 12 349 14 532 93 -191 -929 -2 632 2% -2% -8% -8% 10 391 9 989 9 060 8 916 18 544 19 279 19 949 20 433 -8 153 -9 290 -10 724 -11 517 -78% -93,0% -116% -116%








45 981 26 700 19 281 42% 45 672 32 169 13 504 30% 36 408 13 100 23 308 64% 9 783 3 557 6 226 64% 19 870 27 850 -7 980 -40% 15 046 11 166 3 880 26% 9 620 4 903 4 717 49% 8 227 2 980 5 247 64% 12 500 13 884 -1 384 -11% 10 261 20 782 -10 521 -103%

46 970 26 166 20 804 44% 42 654 30 800 11 854 28% 35 913 12 168 23 745 66% 10 165 3 558 6 607 65% 19 340 27 700 -8 360 -43% 14 676 10 677 3 999 27% 12 448 4 932 7 516 60% 8 683 2 339 6 344 73% 12 600 14 046 -1 446 -11% 9 991 20 747 -10 756 -108%

47 314 24 100 23 214 49% 46 269 30 215 16 055 35% 36 093 11 271 24 822 69% 9 986 3 384 6 602 66% 21 965 27 250 -5 285 -24% 12 135 10 342 1 793 15% 11 784 5 120 6 664 57% 10 093 3 118 6 974 69% 12 800 14 514 -1 714 -13% 9 228 20 224 -10 996 -119%

48 525 24 624 23 901 49% 44 381 29 272 15 109 34% 35 353 10 896 24 457 69% 9 327 3 463 5 864 63% 20 887 27 600 -6 713 -32% 16 250 9 753 6 497 40% 11 420 5 327 6 093 53% 8 844 3 100 5 744 65% 13 000 15 180 -2 180 -17% 6 906 20 200 -13 294 -192%

42 772 23 052 19 720 46% 50 757 28 307 22 450 44% 31 123 9 950 21 173 68% 10 569 3 527 7 042 67% 19 140 28 425 -9 285 -49% 15 473 9 809 5 664 37% 11 180 5 273 5 907 53% 10 464 3 007 7 457 71% 13 200 16 341 -3 141 -24% 9 132 19 707 -10 575 -116%

45 616 22 633 22 983 50% 41 548 30 269 28 022 67% 31 123 9 850 21 273 68% 10 550 3 217 7 333 70% 21 650 29 000 -7 350 -34% 11 778 10 051 1 727 15% 12 259 5 402 6 857 56% 12 554 3 157 9 397 75% 13 511 17 135 -3 624 -27% 9 012 20 300 -11 288 -125%


These countries may be classified into 3 groups: Countries with important domestic market, but still with a high level of import. This group comprehends Germany, the USA and China (gap between wine production and consumption carried over to production levels: in 2012 -125%, -34% and -27% respectively). These three countries, however, are very different in terms of openness to international trade. While the USA, which kept its position this year as third-largest importer and 6th-largest exporter, is quite open to the world market, China is not. This tends to confirm the tendency in China to supply the domestic needs1. Net exporting countries, whose domestic markets are declining but which remain major outlets. France and Italy, and Argentina, are in this group (productionconsumption spread between 15 and 50%). Predominately export countries (more than 50% spread between production and domestic consumption): South Africa (70%), Australia (56%), Chile (75%) and Spain (68%). It should be noted that in these countries a non-negligible part of the discrepancy between production and consumption is locally transformed into alcohol and that a non-negligible portion of this alcohol is subsequently consumed. Even if the 2012 area under vines is the first in 3 campaigns that has not been marked by the influence the implementation of community regulations, EU vineyards continues to decrease. This decrease is partially compensate by the expansion of the planted area under vines in the rest of the word, especially in the America and Asia. 2012 wine production, like that of 2007 and 2008 are one of the lowest productions in the last fifteen years, particularly in the European Union. Most other countries have recorded significant growth in wine production: such as China, Chile, South Africa and Argentina. The 2012 confirms the end of the resulting decline in worldwide consumption following the financial crisis, an end which was first observed in 2010, yet without a return to the rate of development of worldwide demand before the economic crisis. The global wine market, considered here as the total export from all countries, slight increase in 2012 (+1% over 2011). Consumption as well increased slightly, so that over 4 litres out of 10 consumed in the world have always crossed a border first, even though this indicator of globalisation of the market has slightly declined (from 41.7% in 2011 to 41.4% at a mid-range estimate in 2012.


With the exception of the reserves indicated above, and taking into account the fact that the quantity of domestically-produced wine in a given wine region believed to be Chinese cannot be precisely known, given the difficulties in tracking wines imported to China, via Hong Kong especially.

OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012




OIV Vine and Wine Outlook 2012


Weltweite Rebflächen Surface areas of world vineyards Superficie del viñedo mundial Superficie du vignoble mondial Superficie del vigneto mondiale APPENDIX A

1000 ha 96-00

01- 05

06- 10

Africa Algeria Egypt* Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Madagascar* Morocco Republic of Tanzania* South Africa Tunisia Others African Countries Total Africa

59 58 8 2 49 2 112 28 2 320

64 63 9 2 49 3 131 26 5 352

78 68 9 3 48 3 133 26 8 376

74 69 9 3 47 4 132 22 9 369

77 70 9 3 48 4 133 22 9 375

74 71 9 3 48 2 135 21 9 372

-3,0 1 0 0 0 -2 2 -1 0 -3

-3,9% 1,4% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% -50,0% 1,5% -4,5% 0,0% -0,8%

America Argentina Bolivia Brazil**** Canada*** Chile* Mexico* Peru Uruguay* USA* Venezuela Others American Countries Total America

208 4 59 8 147 43 11 10 376 1 2 869

211 4 73 11 186 37 12 9 410 1 5 960

224 5 89 12 199 29 18 9 401 1 7 994

218 5 92 12 204 29 21 9 404 1 8 1 002

219 5 90 12 206 29 23 9 413 2 8 1 016

222 5 91 12 206 29 26 9 412 2 8 1 020

3 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 -1 0 0 4

1,4% 0,0% 1,1% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 13,0% 0,0% -0,2% 0,0% 0,0% 0,4%

52 218 20 44 274 14 6 22 4 18 10 31 75 3 3 584 24 21 1 424

51 418 17 60 315 12 7 21 4 15 13 26 57 3 3 564 22 26 1 634

57 504 12 83 250 10 7 20 3 14 16 19 59 3 5 524 14 19 1 619

61 585 10 114 226 11 7 19 3 14 16 19 56 3 5 514 15 16 1 695

62 630 9 119 223 12 9 19 4 14 16 19 50 3 5 508 14 18 1 734

62 706 9 120 226 12 8 19 4 14 17 18 49 3 5 497 14 18 1 801

0 76 0 1 3 0 -1 0 0 0 1 -1 -1 0 0 -11 0 0 67

0,0% 12,1% 0,0% 0,8% 1,3% 0,0% -11,1% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 6,3% -5,3% -2,0% 0,0% 0,0% -2,2% 0,0% 0,0% 3,9%


Asia Afghanistan* China * Cyprus India* Iran** Iraq* Israel Japan Jordan* Lebanon* Pakistan**** South Korea* Syrian Arab Republic* Taiwan, China Thailandia Turkey* Yemen* Others Asian Countries Total Asia



* Area under vines in production x 1,075. ** Area under vines in production x 1,03. *** Area under vines in production x 1,075 until 2000. **** Area under vines in production x 1,05, then 1,075 from 2001. Figures in italics: OIV estimation.

International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)


Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value %

Weltweite Rebflächen Surface areas of world vineyards Superficie del viñedo mundial Superficie du vignoble mondial Superficie del vigneto mondiale APPENDIX A

1000 ha Colonne1 Europe Albania Armenia Austria Azerbaidjan* Bosnia And Herzeg.* Bulgaria*** Croatia* Czech Republic France Georgia** Germany Greece Hungary Italy Kazakhstan** Kyrgistan** Luxembourg FYR of Macedonia* Malta Moldova Montenegro Portugal Romania Russian Federation Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Switzerland Tajikistan** Turkmenistan**** Ukraine United Kingdom Uzbekistan**** Total Europe***** Oceania Australia New Zealand Total Oceania World Total


01- 05

06- 10




Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value %

5 18 50 44 4 113 59 13 915 76 104 131 126 909 12 8 1 30 1 162 0 257 253 76 0 22 17 1 184 15 34 28 125 1 103 4 978

7 14 49 9 5 103 54 17 894 62 102 116 91 856 11 7 1 28 1 150 0 248 234 70 0 18 17 1 200 15 34 29 100 1 105 4 722

9 16 48 13 6 88 36 18 844 53 102 114 62 775 11 7 1 23 1 148 11 244 196 63 60 18 17 1 141 15 38 29 92 1 108 4 408

10 17 46 15 6 79 36 17 804 49 102 112 54 739 13 6 1 22 2 146 11 236 191 62 54 20 16 1 082 15 46 29 87 1 112 4 238

10 17 44 16 6 75 32 17 796 57 102 110 54 720 13 6 1 22 2 143 10 236 191 63 54 19 16 1 032 15 46 29 84 1 117 4 153

10 17 44 16 6 67 29 17 792 48 102 110 52 713 13 6 1 23 2 142 9 233 192 62 44 20 16 1 017 15 44 29 78 1 121 4 093

0 0 0 0 0 -8 -3 0 -4 -9 0 0 -2 -7 0 0 0 1 0 -1 -1 -3 1 -1 -10 1 0 -15 0 -2 0 -6 0 4 -60

0,0% 0% 0,0% 0,0% 0% -10,7% -9% 0,0% -0,5% -15,8% 0,0% 0% -3,7% -1,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 4,5% 0,0% -0,7% -10% -1% 0,5% -1,6% -18,5% 5,3% 0% -1,5% 0,0% -4,3% 0% -7,1% 0,0% 3,4% -1,4%

106 11 117

159 10 169

173 33 206

171 37 208

170 37 207

162 38 200

-8 1 -7

-4,7% 2,7% -3,4%

7 708

7 837

7 603

7 512

7 485

7 487



* Area under vines in production x 1,075. **Area under vines in production x 1,075 until 1999. *** Area under vines in production x 1,075 until 2000. **** Area under vines in production x 1,05, then 1,075 from 2001. ***** En 96-00 et 01-05 sont inclus EX yougolavie, la Lituania et la Bielorussie Figures in italics: OIV estimation estimation. International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Aufteilung der weltweiten Rebflächen Distribution of world vineyards Repartición del viñedo mundial Répartition du vignoble mondial Ripartizione del vigneto mondiale APPENDIX B

1000 ha Vines under production Harvest 2012

Africa Morocco South Africa America Argentina Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile (1) USA Uruguay

Vines not in production

Total table grape dried grape (included other vines)

wine grape

.. 102,8

.. 22,9












wine grape

table grape dried grape

Total (included other vines)

Vineyards / all utilities

45,0 125,7

.. 5,8

.. 3,6


9,4 9,4

48,4 135,1


221,2 4,2 82,6 11,2 191,5 389,3 8,0

.. NC NC

.. NC NC

.. NC NC

0,7 0,3 8,2 0,8 14,4 22,6 0,6

221,9 4,6 90,8 12,0 205,9 411,9 8,6



7,5 NC 67,8

0,6 NC 261,6

NC 132,9

8,1 7,8 462,3

0,5 NC NC



0,6 0,6 34,7

8,7 8,4 497,0

Europa Azerbaijan Bulgaria Czech Republic France Germany Greece Italy Luxembourg FYR of Macedonia Moldova Portugal Romania (2) Slovakia Spain Switzerland

NC 60,3 NC 755,3 99,6 64,4 596,9 1,2 NC NC 214,7 171,2 18,4 NC 13,9

NC NC NC 5,4 17,1 44,6 NC NC 2,3 8,8 0,2 NC -


12,4 62,7 15,7 760,8 99,6 108,9 641,6 1,2 20,9 132,3 217,0 180,0 18,6 967,9 13,9

NC NC NC 31,4 2,6 0,9 66,3 0,1 NC NC 16,1 12,0 NC NC 1,0

NC NC NC 0,2 0,1 5,0 NC NC 0,2 0,4 NC NC -


3,9 4,7 1,1 31,6 2,6 1,0 71,3 0,1 1,6 9,9 16,3 12,4 1,4 49,4 1,0

16,3 67,4 16,8 792,4 102,2 110,0 712,8 1,3 22,5 142,2 233,3 192,4 20,0 1 017,3 14,9

Oceania Australia New Zealand

145,4 34,6


158,3 34,6

3,1 3,4

4,1 3,4

162,4 38,0

Asia Cyprus Israel Turkey

27,5 NC NC NC NC NC -




International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)



(1) The column "grapes to be dried" corresponds to "grapes used to produce Pisco". (2) Total surface including surfaces reserved for the family consumption allocated to the surface of tank in production. .. : missing value, not available ε : negligible quantity Figures in italics : OIV estimation



Weltweite Traubenproduktion World production of grapes Producción mundial de uvas Production mondiale de raisins Produzione mondiale di uve APPENDIX C

1000 ql Country Africa Algeria Egypt Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Madagascar Morocco South Africa Tunisia United Republic of Tanzania Other African Countries Total Africa America Argentina Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile Mexico Paraguay Peru Uruguay USA Venezuela Other American Countries Total America Asia Afghanistan China* Cyprus India Iran Iraq Israel Japan Jordan Korea Lebanon Pakistan Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan Thailand Turkey Yemen Other Asian Countries Total Asia


01- 05

06- 10




Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value %

1 832 9 708 401 104 2 606 14 489 1 211 126 111 30 588

2 653 12 033 326 105 3 015 15 820 1 185 143 200 35 480

4 196 14 358 314 121 3 320 17 854 1 245 166 297 41 872

5 605 13 603 350 130 3 443 17 435 1 315 180 299 42 359

4 026 13 208 351 127 3 819 16 839 1 496 177 302 40 345

5 432 13 788 330 130 3 419 18 390 1 680 177 314 43 660

1 406 580 -21 3 -400 1 551 184 0 12 3 315

34,9% 4,4% -6,0% 2,4% -10,5% 9,2% 12,3% 0,0% 4,0% 8%

22 279 226 8 520 627 16 574 4 429 183 973 1 306 59 084 116 287 114 604

24 973 311 11 532 635 19 537 3 767 49 1 470 1 174 62 489 132 376 126 444

27 738 298 13 248 764 25 470 2 980 20 2 333 1 148 64 469 165 724 139 356

27 167 257 12 954 756 25 445 3 071 19 2 805 1 103 67 918 222 748 142 466

30 075 258 14 635 906 29 537 2 811 19 2 969 1 262 64 558 252 628 147 909

23 660 262 14 558 1 006 32 000 3 753 19 3 651 1 417 68 305 328 661 149 619

-6 415 4 -77 100 2 463 942 0 682 155 3 747 76 33 1 710

-21,3% 1,6% -1% 11% 8,3% 33,5% 0% 23,0% 12,3% 5,8% 30,2% 5,3% 1,2%

3 580 38 016 782 12 319 27 561 2 560 1 279 2 207 313 4 003 1 143 507 3 289 862 498 35 400 1 416 2 078 137 812

3 698 73 218 364 15 657 22 633 1 959 1 043 2 015 301 3 262 1 187 654 3 149 956 736 39 802 1 332 2 186 174 151

3 970 85 489 229 8 807 22 557 2 126 951 1 848 297 3 055 1 165 644 3 257 1 028 773 42 550 1 663 1 717 182 125

4 925 90 675 213 12 350 21 127 2 267 895 1 726 384 2 692 975 643 3 380 1 073 785 42 964 1 491 1 695 190 258

5 901 105 432 346 24 854 21 500 2418 940 1 983 357 2 779 1025 644 3 625 993 790 41 851 1 549 1 817 218 804

976 14 757 133 12 504 373 151 45 257 -27 87 50 1 245 -80 5 -1 113 58 122 28 546

19,8% 16,3% 62,4% 101,2% 1,8% 6,7% 5,0% 14,9% -7,0% 3,2% 5,1% 0,2% 7,2% -7,5% 0,6% -3% 3,9% 7% 15,0%

3 24 1 9 22 2

300 528 124 586 531 932 909 2 415 200 4 043 1 463 631 4 756 980 371 36 000 1 430 2 295 119 496

*Excluding Taiwan Figures in italics : OIV estimation estimation International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Weltweite Traubenproduktion World production of grapes Producción mundial de uvas Production mondiale de raisins Produzione mondiale di uve 1000 ql


Europe Albania Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Italy Kazakhstan Kyrgystan Luxembourg FYR of Macedonia Malta Moldova Montenegro Portugal Romania Russian Federation Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Switzerland Tajikistan Turkmenistan Ukraine United Kingdom Uzbekistan Total Europe Oceania Australia New Zealand Total Oceania World Total


01- 05

06- 10




689 1 205 3 057 1 508 0 4 119 5 578 3 896 622 75 251 2 578 13 747 12 275 6 800 89 939 344 198 184 2 422 39 5 221 0 9 069 11 785 2 693 0 793 1 234 55 582 1 542 917 1 376 3 815 17 4 601 323 418

972 1 231 3 367 659 0 5 195 3 787 2 962 649 69 105 1 741 12 450 10 888 6 316 81 551 406 166 195 2 221 22 6 055 0 10 344 9 577 2 881 0 562 1 179 63 541 1 356 806 2 720 4 031 13 5 443 311 559

1 2 3 1

552 075 191 144 56 5 231 3 175 1 954 801 60 877 1 710 12 331 9 716 4 956 77 849 475 114 174 2 415 48 5 733 401 8 496 9 647 2 875 3 733 430 1 110 60 106 1 318 1 206 2 657 3 896 10 8 723 295 191

1 2 2 1

849 229 317 295 60 5 232 2 302 2 077 564 58 555 1 400 9 534 10 029 2 948 77 878 564 45 147 2 534 46 4 816 408 7 877 7 296 3 243 3 500 267 1 085 61 193 1 289 1 243 2 300 4 079 10 9 873 285 090

1 2 3 1

952 296 618 370 63 6 213 2 438 2 044 913 65 889 1 596 12 510 8 566 4 499 71 155 571 67 176 2 351 45 5 948 328 9 547 8 539 4 124 3 249 480 1 214 56 952 1 400 1 547 2 300 5 219 10 10 902 294 096

1 2 2 1

968 414 704 510 70 6 259 2 607 1 876 600 53 797 1 440 12 272 9 782 3 564 69 180 717 79 113 2 405 46 5 059 389 7 514 7 189 2 670 2 634 435 923 53 299 1 255 1 671 2 400 4 560 10 12 061 269 477

16 118 -914 140 7 0 46 169 -168 -313 -12 092 -156 -238 1 216 -935 -1 975 146 12 -63 54 1 -889 61 -2 033 -1 350 -1 454 -615 -45 -291 -3 653 -145 124 100 -659 0 1 159 -24 619

0,8% 5% -25,3% 10,2% 11% 0,0% 21,6% 6,9% -8,2% -34,3% -18,4% -10% -1,9% 14,2% -20,8% -2,8% 25,6% 17,9% -35,8% 2,3% 2,2% -14,9% 18,6% -21,3% -16% -35,3% -18,9% -9% -24,0% -6,4% -10,4% 8,0% 4,3% -12,6% 0% 10,6% -8,4%

11 437 747 12 184

17 623 1 146 18 769

16 812 2 452 19 264

15 332 2 660 17 992

15 486 3 280 18 766

16 392 2 690 19 082

906 -590 316

5,9% -18,0% 1,7%

600 289

630 063

669 833

670 032

691 374

700 641

9 267


Figures in italics : OIV estimation

International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value %

Herkunft und Bestimmungszweck der 2011 verfügbaren frischen Trauben Origin and destination of fresh grapes available in 2011 Origen y destinación de las uvas frescas disponibles en 2011 Provenances et destinations des raisins frais disponibles en 2011 Origini e destinazioni delle uve fresche disponibili nel 2011 APPENDIX D X E

1000 ql Initial vocation Harvest 2012

Africa Morocco


South Africa

America Argentina


Chile *



Asia Cyprus


Europe Austria


Czech Republic


Intended to be fermented

Intended for fresh consumption

Intended for drying

pressing fesh consumption drying all destinations pressing fesh consumption drying all destinations pressing fesh consumption drying all destinations

449 129 12 582 369 .. .. 369 14 082 .. .. 14 082

.. 2 835 .. 3 237 .. 1 295 .. 1 295 .. 3 005 .. 3 005

.. 0 .. 0 .. .. 16 16 .. .. 1 303 1 303

pressing fesh consumption drying all destinations pressing fesh consumption drying all destinations pressing fesh consumption drying all destinations pressing fesh consumption drying all destinations pressing fesh consumption drying all destinations

21 697 42 .. 21 739 8 309 .. .. 8 309 14 856 0 0 14 856 28 450 13 826 .. 42 276 1 251 120 .. 1 371

472 250 .. 722 .. 6 249 .. 6 249 2 091 11 159 0 13 250 .. 13 477 .. 13 477 .. 46 .. 46

787 5 407 1 199 .. .. .. 0 0 0 3 894 3 894 ..

pressing fesh consumption drying all destinations pressing fesh consumption drying all destinations

139 0 .. 139 710 .. 3 297 4 007

pressing fesh consumption drying all destinations pressing fesh consumption drying all destinations pressing fesh consumption drying all destinations

2 704 .. .. 2 704 1 738 138 .. 1 876 600 .. .. 600


0 0 41 0 41

449 2 964 12 3 829 369 1 295 16 1 680 14 082 3 046 1 303 18 431

12 552 12 552 .. .. .. 0

0 2 0 2 0 341 0 341 0 3 0 3 .. 5 394 .. 5 394 0 1 0 1

22 956 299 407 23 662 8 309 6 590 .. 14 899 16 948 11 162 3 894 32 003 28 450 32 697 12 552 73 699 1 251 167 0 1 418

.. 205 2 207 .. 21 174 532 21 706

.. .. 0 0 .. .. 16 138 16 138

0 14 0 14 0 9 0 9

166 219 2 360 710 21 183 19 967 41 860

.. .. .. 0 .. .. .. 0 .. .. .. 0

.. .. .. 0 .. .. .. 0 .. .. .. 0

0 355 0 355 0 101 0 101 0 415 0 415

2 704 355 0 3 059 1 738 239 0 1 977 600 415 0 1 015

* The column "grapes to be dried" corresponds to "grapes used to produce Pisco". .. : missing value, not available Figures in italics : OIV estimation estimation International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

0 6 0 10 0 0

All destinations

Herkunft und Bestimmungszweck der 2011 verfügbaren frischen Trauben Origin and destination of fresh grapes available in 2011 Origen y destinación de las uvas frescas disponibles en 2011 Provenances et destinations des raisins frais disponibles en 2011 Origini e destinazioni delle uve fresche disponibili nel 2011 APPENDIX D X E

1000 ql Initial vocation Harvest 2012












Oceania Australia

New Zealand


Intended to be fermented

Intended for fresh consumption

Intended for drying


All destinations

pressing fresh consumption drying all destinations pressing fresh consumption drying all destinations pressing fresh consumption drying all destinations pressing fresh consumption drying all destinations pressing fresh consumption drying all destinations pressing fresh consumption drying all destinations pressing fresh consumption drying all destinations pressing fresh consumption drying all destinations pressing fresh consumption drying all destinations pressing fresh consumption drying all destinations pressing fresh consumption drying all destinations

53 324 .. .. 53 324 12 272 .. .. 12 272 .. .. .. 6 291 2 454 269 .. 2 723 58 614 .. .. 58 614 113 .. .. 113 7 318 .. .. 7 318 6 004 667 .. 6 671 430 .. .. 430 50 857 .. .. 50 887 1 253 0 0 2 153

473 .. 473 .. .. .. 0 .. 2 411 .. 2 411 .. 841 .. 841 .. 10 566 .. 10 566 .. .. .. 0 .. 196 .. 196 .. 518 .. 518 .. 5 .. 5 .. 2 412 .. 2 412 0 1 0 1

.. .. 0 .. .. 0 0 0 0 1 080 1 080 .. .. 0 0 .. .. .. 0 .. .. .. 0 .. 0 .. 0 .. .. .. 0 .. .. .. 0 .. .. 30 30 0 0 0 0

1 512 0 1 512 .. 2 963 .. 2 963 .. 15 .. 15 .. 46 .. 46 .. 230 .. 230 .. 23 .. 23 .. 242 .. 242 .. 261 0 261 69 94 .. 163 .. 337 .. 337 0 348 0 348

53 324 1 985 0 55 309 12 272 2 963 0 15 235 6 291 2 426 1 080 9 797 2 454 1 156 0 3 610 58 614 10 796 0 69 410 113 23 0 136 7 318 438 0 7 756 6 004 1 446 0 7 450 495 172 0 598 50 857 2 749 30 53 636 1 255 348 0 1 602

pressing fresh consumption drying all destinations pressing fresh consumption drying all destinations

14779 1 041 .. 15 820 2 603 87 .. 2 603

.. 36 .. 36 .. .. .. 0


.. 165 .. 165 .. 124 .. 124

14779 1 242 536 16 557 2 603 195 0 2 814

.. : missing value, not available. Figures in italics : OIV estimation estimation. International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

536 536 .. .. .. 0

Weltweite Traubenproduktion für den Verbrauch als Frischtrauben World production of grapes for fresh consumption Producción mundial de uvas destinadas al consumo de uvas frescas Production mondiale de raisins destinés à la consommation en frais Produzione mondiale di uve destinate al consumo fresche APPENDIX F

1000 ql Colonne1


01- 05

06- 10




Var. 2011/2012 Abs. value


Africa South Africa Algeria Egypt Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Morocco Tunisia United Republic of Tanzania Other Total Afica

1 854 1 361 8 695 361 2 227 646 122 66 15 333

2 563 1 657 10 810 288 2 312 756 140 156 18 682

3 146 3 134 13 097 281 2 597 711 161 233 23 359

3 012 4 697 12 478 314 2 859 922 175 244 24 700

2 878 3 190 11 820 314 3 237 1 095 169 247 22 949

3 005 4 513 12 339 292 2 835 1 230 169 258 24 641

127 1 323 519 -22 -402 135 0 11 1 692

4,4% 41,5% 4,4% -7,0% -12,4% 12,3% 0,0% 4,5% 7,4%

America Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Mexico Peru USA Uruguay Other Total America

445 140 4 183 5 885 2 301 327 6 845 30 320 20 477

806 199 6 579 7 116 2 199 564 7 346 28 273 25 109

1 005 152 6 929 9 403 2 161 1 379 7 051 32 348 28 460

886 114 6 300 12 510 2 469 1 910 7 269 35 422 31 915

903 112 6 274 11 277 2 133 1 907 6 798 38 470 29 912

295 113 6 249 11 159 2 516 2 526 7 264 46 565 30 733

-608 1 -25 -118 383 619 466 8 95 821

-67,3% 0,9% -0,4% -1,0% 18% 32,5% 6,9% 21,1% 20,2% 2,7%

Asia Afghanistan China * Cyprus India Iran Iraq Israel Japan Jordan Lebanon South Korea Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, China Turkey Yemen Other Asian Countries Total Asia

2 011 2 255 2 108 2 419 3 329 4 114 41 980 45 386 49 808 60 296 65 308 79 546 182 174 71 33 68 219 8 627 11 624 13 857 7 276 11 111 18 873 14 813 16 733 14 637 12 992 13 426 12 433 2 639 2 322 1 769 1 913 2 039 2 176 740 1 147 933 838 730 827 1 214 1 087 894 677 500 690 175 274 247 259 338 335 698 714 670 485 592 639 3 633 3 593 2 907 2 715 2 377 2 529 2 980 1 943 1 940 1 999 1 859 1 558 777 778 839 910 951 877 13 686 14 946 16 922 17 024 17 179 17 287 1 329 1 310 1 239 1 547 1 386 1 440 1 909 1 897 2 308 1 928 1 936 2 045 97 395 106 183 111 151 113 310 123 130 145 587

785 14 238 151 7 762 -993 137 97 190 -3 47 152 -301 -74 108 54 109 22 457

23,6% 21,8% 222,1% 69,9% -7,4% 6,7% 13,3% 38,0% -0,9% 7,9% 6,4% -16% -7,8% 1% 3,9% 5,6% 18,2%

Europe Albania Armenia Azerbaijan Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia France Georgia Greece Hungary Italy Kazakhstan Kyrgystan FYR of Macedonia Moldova Montenegro Portugal Romania Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Switzerland Tajikistan Turkmenistan Ukraine Uzbekistan Total Europe

494 556 1 090 32 569 800 920 296 2 299 599 12 395 110 155 543 923 0 533 1 251 0 34 518 3 127 4 624 665 1 905 2 191 32 998

778 698 540 82 426 579 579 152 2 437 483 14 408 161 110 824 1 206 0 535 1 077 0 10 666 3 065 1 553 1 197 857 2 392 35 532

1 279 682 889 153 419 144 506 115 2 337 550 13 862 252 46 1 100 787 138 470 726 1 156 5 364 2 661 2 903 1 247 380 5 533 36 703

1 561 733 917 146 272 152 468 88 2 758 422 13 610 316 5 1 277 703 122 524 543 328 5 319 2 289 1 985 1 211 300 6 740 36 794

1 676 753 1 111 148 281 150 501 78 2 303 559 12 072 339 36 1 281 721 82 517 519 280 5 519 2 898 1 1 349 1 211 500 7 670 37 560

1 692 784 1 232 190 263 138 473 88 2 411 841 10 566 482 21 1 164 736 115 196 518 286 5 262 2 412 1 1 423 1 211 899 7 898 36 307

16 31 121 42 -18 -12 -28 10 108 282 -1 506 143 -15 -117 15 33 -321 -1 6 0 -257 -486 0 74 0 399 228 -1 253

1,0% 4,1% 10,9% 28,4% -6,4% -8,0% -5,6% 13% 4,7% 50,4% -12,5% 42% -41,7% -9% 2,1% 40,2% -62,1% -0,2% 2,1% 0% -49,5% -16,8% 0% 5,5% 0% 79,8% 3,0% -3%

612 612

721 721

765 765

893 893

839 839

1 077 1 077

238 238

28,4% 28,4%

166 814 186 227 200 438 207 613 214 391 238 346

23 955


Oceania Australia Total Oceania World Total

*Included Macao and Hong-Kong. Figures in italics : OIV estimation. International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Weltweite Rosinenproduktion World production of dried grapes Producción mundial de uvas pasas Production mondiale de raisins secs Produzione mondiale di uve passite APPENDIX G

1000 ql Colonne1 Africa Algeria Morocco South Africa Tunisia Total Africa America Argentina Chile Mexico USA Total America


01- 05

06- 10




Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value %

2 9 362 6 379

2 5 368 5 379

3 2 422 5 432

3 3 506 4 516

3 3 327 4 337

4 3 326 4 336

1 0 -1 0 -1

33% 0% -0,3% 0% -0,3%

93 385 53 3396 3 928

134 536 50 3282 4 002

202 754 84 3241 4 281

223 750 83 3582 4 637

273 828 90 3352 4 543

116 973 131 3138 4 358

-157 145 41 -214 -185

-57,5% 17,5% 45,6% -6,4% -4,1%

350 313 1 22 1900 1 50 44 9 143 10 4000 8 6 851

337,5 313 1 130 1500 1 50 40 7 149 11 4090 7 6 637

337,5 350 0,5 375 1800 1 44 39 7 143 13 4992 8 8 109

0 37 -1 245 300 0 -6 -1 0 -6 2 902 1 1472

0% 11,8% -100% 188% 20,0% 0% -12% -2,5% 0% -4% 18,2% 22,1% 14% 22,2%

Asia Afghanistan China Cyprus India Iran Israel Lebanon Pakistan Palestine Syrian Arab Republic Thailand Turkey Yemen Total Asia

281 49 5

289 63 7

1366 2 53 31 56 140 3 3 393 7 5 387

2018 0 50 32 83 81 4 3 328 9 5 962

343 235 2 47 1555 1 50 42 41 100 9 3 770 7 6 201

Europe Greece Kazakhstan Kyrgystan Moldova Spain Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Total Europe

867 0 2 2 48 26 13 186 1 144

753 1 2 2 21 38 8 384 1 208

534 1 7 3 9 53 8 401 1 015

320 0 5 3 10 39 8 312,5 697

330 0 2 3 5 12 8 425 785

270 0 6 3 7 12 8 425 731

-60 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 -54

-18,2% 0% 200% 0% 40% 0% 0% 0% -6,9%

357 357 357 11 195

269 269 269 11 821

174 174 174 12 103

136 136 136 12 838

74 74 74 12 375

134 134 134 13 669

60 60

81,1% 81,1%



Oceania Australia Total Oceania World Total

Figures in italics : OIV estimation.

International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Frischtraubenimporte Fresh grape imports Importaciones de uvas frescas Importations de raisins frais Importazioni di uve fresche APPENDIX H

1000 ql Colonne1 Africa Egypt Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Mauritius Morocco South Africa Other African Countries Total Africa


01- 05

06- 10




3 1 15 1 2 52 74

7 1 18 3 5 60 94

12 7 16 6 17 115 173

17 11 17 7 22 131 205

17 22 15 9 29 172 264

11 47 19 6 41 183 307

America Argentina Bolivia Brazil Canada Colombia Ecuador Mexico Perou Uruguay USA Venezuela Other American Countries Total America

41 29 195 1 392 38 43 457 96 3 3 958 84 254 6 590

17 23 81 1 682 61 121 816 49 1 4 833 68 316 8 069

12 19 167 1 856 87 124 686 28 1 5 957 50 401 9 388

8 22 248 1 888 111 194 604 28 1 5 889 33 447 9 473

4 31 342 1 777 137 250 698 25 1 5 756 57 431 9 509

Asia China Hong Kong, China Japan Jordan Macao, China Pakistan Saudi Arabia Taiwan, China Thailand Turkey Other Asian Countries Total Asia

229 964 88 57 10 261 283 152 24 5 1 154 3 226

547 924 122 57 7 398 315 219 81 1 1 317 3 989

624 997 89 34 10 519 231 216 304 5 2 444 5 472

817 1 142 126 12 10 244 386 149 415 7 2 909 6 218

1 229 1 432 154 7 11 504 319 144 579 8 3 088 7 474

International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value % -6 25 4 -3 12 11 43

-35,3% 114% 26,7% -33,3% 41% 6,4% 16,3%

2 37 341 1 771 197 211 658 30 1 5 394 40 41 8 723

-2 6 -1 -6 60 -39 -40 5 0 -362 -17 -390 -786

-50,0% 19,4% -0,3% -0,3% 43,8% -15,6% -5,7% 20,0% 0,0% -6,3% -29,8% -90,5% -8,3%

1 461 1 562 214 6 12 460 393 170 806 9 3 339 8 431

232 130 60 -1 1 -44 74 26 227 1 251 957

18,9% 9,1% 39,0% -14,3% 9,1% -8,7% 23,2% 18% 39,2% 13% 8,1% 12,8%

Frischtraubenimporte Fresh grape imports Importaciones de uvas frescas Importations de raisins frais Importazioni di uve fresche APPENDIX H

1000 ql Colonne1


01- 05

06- 10




Var. Abs. value

2012/2011 %

Europe Albania Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Itlay Kazakhstan Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Moldova Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russian Federation Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom Other European Countries Total Europe

45 367 19 32 0 21 19 95 290 148 34 99 1 495 3 545 10 26 49 116 6 52 57 0 29 1 0 1 143 180 740 227 34 588 0 71 69 176 242 382 23 1 435 988 12 852

100 340 5 95 961 64 24 101 444 209 52 122 1 529 3 274 20 60 78 168 4 64 85 22 26 5 0 1 510 243 809 268 79 1 801 0 116 60 278 225 353 45 2 074 117 15 832

63 356 16 168 757 82 62 104 473 297 59 180 1 477 3 212 41 77 126 233 53 73 213 23 10 2 47 3 168 288 1 142 311 146 3 784 160 165 93 404 282 348 501 2 577 34 21 608

50 355 33 172 577 68 31 86 456 334 43 197 1 335 3 040 41 57 144 228 201 54 261 24 10 1 52 3 217 278 1 045 274 111 4 087 137 146 82 435 251 354 388 2 457 33 21 146

73 336 29 165 483 79 43 91 482 229 43 158 1 629 3 061 23 54 116 237 572 63 272 23 9 6 59 3 024 272 1 150 318 141 4 000 143 178 65 428 275 358 391 2 311 18 21 406

50 355 21 196 507 79 75 101 415 235 45 152 1 512 2 963 15 46 102 230 802 60 343 23 8 3 60 3 227 277 1 079 242 261 3 793 136 163 68 337 283 348 439 2 419 21 21 489

-23 19 -8 31 24 0 32 10 -67 6 2 -6 -117 -98 -8 -8 -14 -7 230 -3 71 0 -1 -3 1 203 5 -71 -76 120 -207 -7 -15 3 -91 8 -10 48 108 3 83

-31,5% 5,7% -27,6% 19% 5,0% 0,0% 74% 11,0% -13,9% 2,6% 5% -3,8% -7% -3,2% -35% -14,8% -12,1% -3,0% 40,2% -4,8% 26,1% 0,0% -11,1% -50,0% 1,7% 7% 1,8% -6% -23,9% 85% -5,2% -4,9% -8,4% 4,6% -21,3% 2,9% -2,8% 12,3% 5% 16,7% 0,4%

Oceania New Zealand Other Oceanian Countries Total Oceania

73 13 86

80 36 116

113 126 240

110 73 183

116 119 235

125 185 310

9 66 75

7,8% 55,5% 31,9%

22 828

28 100

36 881

37 225

38 888

39 260



World Total

International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Frischtraubenexporte Fresh grape exports Exportaciones de uvas frescas Exportations de raisins frais Esportazioni di uve fresche APPENDIX I

1000 ql Colonne1


01- 05

06- 10




Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value %

Africa Egypt Morocco Namibia South Africa Other African Countries Total Africa

17 7 19 1 458 1 1 502

119 38 102 2 106 1 2 367

1 001 110 190 2 727 1 4 028

839 115 194 2 595 11 3 753

623 70 133 2 481 22 3 330

1 161 72 125 2 641 30 4 028

538 2 -8 160 8 698

86,4% 2,9% -6,0% 6,4% 36,4% 21,0%

America Argentina Brazil Canada Chile USA Mexico Peru Other American Countries Total America

169 70 43 5 437 2 891 951 33 5 9 599

404 329 22 6 670 3 842 1 407 122 2 12 797

592 678 30 8 186 4 294 1 490 470 2 15 743

500 608 25 8 200 4 076 1 713 767 3 15 892

564 594 21 8 300 4 163 1 375 1 198 4 16 220

435 520 14 8 126 4 223 1 679 1 487 2 16 486

-129 -74 -7 -174 60 304 289 -2 266

-22,9% -12,5% -33,3% -2,1% 1,4% 22,1% 24,1% -50,0% 1,6%

Asia Afghanistan China Cyprus Hong Kong, China India Iran Israel Jordan Lebanon Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, China Turkey Yemen Other Asian Countries Total Asia

274 5 39 449 181 10 74 15 239 225 1 457 182 103 2 254

399 118 15 614 310 48 58 15 254 148 1 1 140 18 112 3 247

234 686 2 640 862 133 89 17 244 188 2 1 899 5 128 5 131

243 894 2 812 643 268 89 13 193 297 2 2 379 5 95 5 935

198 1 065 3 1 105 754 100 38 10 174 51 2 2 395 5 103 6 001

295 1217 4 1173 1 143 180 56 18 192 65 2 2 095 8 107 6 555

97 152 1 68 389 80 18 8 18 14 0 -300 3 4 554

49,0% 14,3% 33,3% 6,2% 51,6% 80,0% 47,4% 80,0% 10,3% 27,5% 0,0% -12,5% 60,0% 3,9% 9,2%

5 112 4 1

112 68

3 248 2 2 636 3 23 5 172 187 801 53 5 288 29 7 2 9 1 177 86

837 2 2 1

1 195 20 14 2

26 10 954 3 44 4 40 273 10 129

61 2 1 113 8 47 13 83 564 10 868

28 36 2 0 368 4 42 21 162 400 786 28 4 650 38 20 9 144 1 367 270 9 2 297 133 25 1 6 21 96 1 246 6 60 20 94 877 12 271

63 59 0 2 172 10 34 32 147 333 747 28 4 789 7 14 9 206 2 317 267 14 2 269 119 28 3 7 10 80 1 271 2 6 11 66 540 11 667

63 52 1 3 81 14 32 37 158 352 788 11 5 018 8 32 17 215 2 347 330 10 2 559 129 65 4 9 10 76 1 411 3 25 11 54 1120 13 050

101 37 3 22 93 22 33 34 162 320 668 5 4 891 12 12 12 285 2 367 312 12 2 413 182 48 17 7 22 115 1281 7 20 11 56 1188 12 771

38 -15 2 19 12 8 1 -3 4 -32 -120 -6 -127 4 -20 -5 70 0 20 -18 2 -146 53 -17 13 -2 12 39 -130 4 -5 0 2 68 -279

60,3% -28,8% 200,0% 633,3% 14,8% 57,1% 3,1% -8,1% 2,5% -9,1% -15,2% -54,5% -2,5% 50,0% -62,5% -29,4% 32,6% 0,0% 5,8% -5,5% 20,0% -5,7% 41,1% -26,2% 325,0% -22,2% 120,0% 51,3% -9,2% 133,3% -20,0% 0,0% 3,7% 6,1% -2,1%

290 0 290

448 1 449

460 2 462

293 2 296

299 3 303

441 3 444

142 0 141

47,5% 0,0% 46,5%

23 774

29 729

37 635

37 544

38 903

40 284



Europe Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic Denmark France Germany Greece Hungary Italy Kazakhstan Kyrgystan Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg FRY of Macedonia Moldova Montenegro Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Tajikistan Turkmnistan United Kingdom Uzbekistan Total Europe Oceania Australia New Zealand Total Oceania World Total

13 2 1 189 151 1 004 25 5 667 10 27 1 4

International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Rosinenimporte Dried grapes imports Importaciones de uvas pasas Importations de raisins secs Importazioni di uve passite APPENDIX J

1000 ql Country Africa Algeria Egypt Mauritius Morocco South Africa Tunisia Other African Countries Total Africa America Bolivia Brazil Canada Colombia Costa Rica Dominican Republic Ecuador Guatemala Jamaica Mexico Panama Peru Trinidad and Tobago Uruguay Usa Venezuela Other American Countries Total America Asia Bangladesh China Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Iraq Israel Japan Jordan Korea Kuweit Macao, China Malaysia Pakistan Philippines Saudi Arabia Singapore Sri Lanka Taiwan, China Thailand Turckey United Arab Emirates Vietnam Other Asian Countries Total Asia


01- 05

06- 10




Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value %

3 29 2 25 3 8 21 90

52 28 3 54 10 8 15 169

79 25 2 63 8 9 21 209

83 42 3 29 9 11 23 198

63 49 2 13 3 7 16 152

99 23 3 13 3 12 17 169

36 -26 1 0 0 5 1 17

57,1% -53,1% 50,0% 0,0% 0,0% 71,4% 6,3% 11,2%

2 157 316 40 5 8 11 5 6 78 8 37 8 6 152 26 12 880

2 155 324 47 5 9 15 8 9 118 8 46 9 5 154 31 21 972

2 215 329 59 7 18 18 9 9 143 9 60 9 6 229 48 23 1 193

3 259 334 64 8 19 20 9 8 141 11 66 8 7 220 24 26 1 229

4 243 284 66 9 21 17 8 8 195 11 66 8 5 176 15 28 1 165

3 246 277 65 7 19 21 11 7 177 9 60 11 6 155 40 40 1 155

-1 3 -7 -1 -2 -2 4 3 -1 -18 -2 -6 3 1 -21 25 12 -10

-25,0% 1,2% -2,5% -1,5% -22,2% -9,5% 23,5% 37,5% -13% -9,2% -18,2% -9,1% 38% 20,0% -11,9% 166,7% 42,9% -0,9%

20 8 61 49 8 6 14 301 4 30 10 3 49 66 31 39 42 17 46 2 23 192 3 19 1 046

16 73 37 77 12 32 16 306 4 31 10 2 48 85 35 77 25 18 52 4 25 291 8 25 1 310

24 123 24 91 17 140 23 299 4 36 7 1 57 51 33 64 25 17 67 14 36 230 12 40 1 438

20 139 20 96 15 163 26 304 5 36 12 0 70 3 35 77 23 18 80 15 26 180 19 45 1 427

22 206 24 52 23 185 19 296 5 39 6 1 69 0 32 90 23 17 67 17 17 202 19 25 1 457

53 224 31 63 19 209 23 287 5 43 9 1 81 2 39 101 21 14 74 25 16 221 10 47 1 619

31 18 7 11 -4 24 4 -9 0 4 3 0 12 2 7 11 -2 -3 7 8 -1 19 -9 22 162

141% 9% 29% 21% -17% 13% 21% -3% 0% 10% 50% 0% 17% 0% 22% 12,2% -8,7% -17,6% 10% 47% -5,9% 9,4% -47,4% 88,0% 11%

Figures in italics : OIV estimation. International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Rosinenimporte Dried grapes imports Importaciones de uvas pasas Importations de raisins secs Importazioni di uve passite APPENDIX J

1000 ql Colonne1


01- 05

06- 10




Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value %

Europe Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Fyr Macedonia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Kazakhstan Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russian Federation Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom Other European Countries Total Europe

7 55 4 6 0 1 2 6 42 64 11 30 229 2 669 30 27 3 63 203 1 14 20 0 3 434 38 127 20 12 344 0 10 8 65 57 50 38 1077 156 3 929

8 60 5 21 153 3 8 8 51 64 10 24 250 2 714 21 29 4 44 212 0 18 31 3 2 451 37 154 21 26 575 0 16 7 63 57 40 149 1068 16 4 427

8 71 16 37 178 4 15 7 58 78 10 24 259 3 786 49 27 4 57 219 8 21 35 3 2 528 44 160 24 37 681 11 24 7 84 76 42 181 1190 18 5 086

10 69 22 36 209 5 14 6 51 86 9 21 263 2 803 22 25 4 62 221 33 19 35 2 2 548 44 164 26 35 667 8 18 7 91 82 40 166 1219 19 5 169

8 69 24 29 174 4 14 7 42 80 8 23 239 3 830 42 24 5 64 211 98 25 34 2 2 583 40 155 31 38 454 9 15 7 104 70 39 196 1165 18 4 987

10 66 14 30 184 4 21 7 51 81 9 24 233 4 750 44 26 5 62 198 132 33 34 2 2 561 39 127 27 34 461 12 20 8 127 82 37 192 1118 19 4 893

2 -3 -10 1 10 0 7 0 9 1 1 1 -6 1 -80 2 2 0 -2 -13 34 8 0 0 0 -22 -1 -28 -4 -4 7 3 5 1 23 12 -2 -4 -47 1 -94

25,0% -4,3% -42% 3,4% 5,7% 0,0% 50,0% 0,0% 21,4% 1,3% 12,5% 4,3% -2,5% 33,3% -9,6% 4,8% 8,3% 0,0% -3,1% -6,2% 35% 32,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% -3,8% -2,5% -18,1% -12,9% -11% 1,5% 33,3% 33,3% 14,3% 22,1% 17,1% -5,1% -2,0% -4,0% 5,6% -1,9%

Oceania Australia New Zealand Other Oceanian Countries Total Oceania

136 81 2 219

207 76 2 285

234 82 2 317

227 79 2 307

290 80 2 372

257 86 2 345

-33 6 0 -27

-11,4% 7,5% 0,0% -7,3%

6 163

7 162

8 242

8 329

8 134

8 182



World Total Figures in italics : OIV estimation.

International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Rosinenexporte Dried grapes exports Exportaciones de uvas pasas Exportations de raisins secs Esportazioni di uve passite APPENDIX K

1000 ql Country Africa South Africa Other African Countries Total Africa


01- 05

06- 10




Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value %

246 2 248

287 3 290

334 4 338

402 6 408

168 3 171

248 5 253

80 2 82

47,6% 66,7% 48,0%

America Argentina Canada Chile Mexico USA Other American Countries Total America

79 9 331 90 1 102 7 1 617

148 7 449 36 1 156 3 1 798

235 6 658 30 1 497 3 2 429

233 7 637 43 1 578 5 2 503

293 16 702 25 1 485 2 2 524

292 12 736 18 1 305 2 2 364

-1 -4 34 -7 -180 0 -160

-0,3% -25,0% 4,8% -28,0% -12,1% 0,0% -6,3%

Asia Afghanistan China Hong Kong, China Iran Pakistan Singapore Taiwan, China Turkey United Arab Emirates Other Asian Countries Total Asia

205 12 39 798 6 32 0 1 873 24 53 3 042

212 78 11 1 329 12 14 0 2 122 103 100 3 983

261 322 9 1 060 2 9 1 2 327 90 74 4 154

241 399 3 1 340 1 9 2 2 127 80 61 4 262

284 480 5 1 152 0 7 3 2 141 70 131 4 273

227 306 7 1 310 0 8 3 2 250 26 360 4 497

-57 -174 2 158 0 1 0 109 -44 229 224

-20% -36,3% 40% 13,7% 14,3% 0% 5,1% -62,9% 174,8% 5,2%

Europe Austria Belgium Czech Republic Denmark France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Kyrgystan Lithuania Netherlands Spain Tajikistan United Kingdom Uzbekistan Other european countries Total Europe

2 0 2 3 10 44 538 4 4 6 3 2 75 4 13 19 45 0 864

8 92 4 3 23 44 279 3 1 9 0 7 97 7 35 21 149 0 798

17 89 7 6 27 107 251 4 2 15 1 13 115 8 48 35 227 0 1 008

18 113 9 8 21 127 247 4 1 16 2 14 106 7 34 50 188 0 998

14 97 7 10 22 117 368 3 4 9 1 13 176 7 9 45 269 43 1 213

12 104 8 8 23 107 296 3 3 13 5 13 137 7 9 30 200 62 1 043

-2 7 1 -2 1 -10 -72 0 -1 4 4 0 -39 0 0 -15 -69 19 -170

-14,3% 7,2% 14,3% -20,0% 4,5% -8,5% -19,6% 0% -25% 44,4% 400% 0,0% -22,2% 0% 0% -33,3% -26% 44% -14,0%

Oceania Australia Other Oceanian Countries Total Oceania

138 1 139

71 0 71

53 0 53

28 0 28

8 1 9

12 0 12





5 910

6 940

7 982

8 199

8 190

8 169



World Total Figures in italics : OIV estimation.

International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Weltweiter Konsum an Frischtrauben World human consumption of fresh grapes Consumo humano mundial de uvas frescas Consommation humaine mondiale de raisins frais Consumo umano mondiale di uve fresche APPENDIX L

1000 ql Colonne1


01- 05

06- 10




Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value %

Africa Algeria Egypt Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Morocco South Africa Tunisia United Republic of Tanzania Other African Countries Total Africa

1 286 8 681 361 2 118 223 646 122 113 13 551

1 660 10 737 288 2 294 361 725 140 125 16 329

3 148 11 975 286 2 515 436 629 161 159 19 309

4 714 11 656 325 2 751 439 550 175 178 20 788

3 233 11 213 336 3 170 426 700 170 257 19 505

4 552 11 189 339 2 769 405 647 169 290 20 361

1 319 -24 3 -401 -21 -53 -1 33 856

40,8% 0% 0,9% -12,6% -4,9% -7,6% -0,6% 12,8% 4,4%

America Argentina Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Mexico Paraguay Peru Uruguay USA Venezuela Other American Countries Total America

318 169 4 307 1 275 448 151 1 808 73 323 31 7911 169 417 17 400

419 222 6 132 1 515 446 215 1 608 3 491 28 8337 166 566 20 148

424 171 6421 1706 426 384 1368 3 938 33 8694 199 674 21 439

357 136 5955 1780 350 412 1417 3 1171 36 8982 245 805 21 648

177 144 6021 1815 370 322 1 528 2 734 39 8404 297 865 20 717

297 150 6062 1 823 400 381 1 495 2 1 069 47 8435 353 878 21 391

120 6 41 8 30 59 -33 0 335 8 31 56 13 674

67,8% 4,2% 0,7% 0,4% 8,1% 18,3% -2,2% 0% 45,6% 20,5% 0,4% 18,9% 1,5% 3,3%

Asia Afghanistan China Cyprus Hong Kong, China India Iran Iraq Israel Japan Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Macao, China Pakistan Saudi Arabia South Korea Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, China Turkey Yemen Other Asian Countries Total Asia

1 737 10 928 140 399 8 446 14 803 2 639 667 1 302 217 88 460 10 758 1 409 3 685 2 755 1 017 13 234 1 148 1220 67 062

1 857 32 188 168 200 11 322 16 686 2 323 1 096 1 208 317 53 461 7 765 1 206 3 688 1 805 972 13 808 1 292 1866 93 287

1 874 49 746 113 237 13 021 14 514 1 770 848 980 264 56 435 10 1 018 1 570 3 185 1 752 1 053 15 027 1 234 3240 111 947

2 176 60 220 41 193 6 661 12 749 1 914 750 800 257 39 302 10 1 070 1 576 3 060 1 702 1 058 14 652 1 542 3596 114 367

3 131 65 472 65 198 10 396 13 331 2 040 757 650 337 43 440 11 974 1 518 2 826 1 819 1 093 14 791 1 381 3800 125 073

4 058 79 790 68 202 17 769 12 254 2 177 773 900 324 43 486 12 937 1 686 3 068 1 500 1045 15 200 1 432 4250 147 974

927 14 318 3 4 7 373 -1 077 137 16 250 -13 0 46 1 -37 168 242 -319 -48 409 51 450 22 901

29,6% 21,9% 4,6% 2,0% 70,9% -8,1% 6,7% 2,1% 38,5% -3,9% 0% 10,5% 9% -3,8% 11,1% 8,6% -17,5% -4,4% 2,8% 3,7% 11,8% 18,3%

Figures in italics : OIV estimation.

International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Weltweiter Konsum an Frischtrauben World human consumption of fresh grapes Consumo humano mundial de uvas frescas Consommation humaine mondiale de raisins frais Consumo umano mondiale di uve fresche APPENDIX L

1000 ql Colonne1 Europe Albania Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Faroe Islands Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Kazakhstan Kyrgystan Latvia Luxembourg FYR of Macedonia Malta Moldova Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russian Federation Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Tajikistan Turkmenistan Ukraine United Kingdom Uzbekistan Total Europe Oceania Australia New Zealand Other Oceanian Countries Total Oceania World Total


01- 05

06- 10




Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value %

539 561 285 1 104 3 0 53 572 894 143 142 21 0 95 2 074 296 3 356 1 304 601 8 46 6 746 106 128 24 0 430 17 856 0 193 171 664 643 1 284 932 0 67 577 2 139 214 371 580 660 1 926 1 247 1 918 34 692

878 695 385 542 13 288 146 410 680 340 191 49 1 119 1 898 154 3 072 1 709 490 11 71 8 527 136 103 25 20 647 28 1 134 0 283 232 710 666 1 273 388 0 80 725 2 321 217 393 506 1 184 900 1 780 1 828 38 059

1 342 654 340 903 5 377 229 395 248 452 242 57 1 178 1 775 116 2 624 996 600 17 104 9 019 266 35 24 19 755 18 399 176 737 288 877 770 912 293 1 310 141 361 1 840 273 354 843 1 295 780 2 220 4 694 40 351

1 611 670 338 950 1 404 203 293 238 450 283 43 2 195 1 593 90 2 500 1 268 451 13 120 8 071 509 8 17 20 961 14 188 160 670 278 825 770 651 45 458 135 322 1 547 252 352 979 1 390 500 2 136 6 200 39 161

1 750 690 302 1 140 7 401 220 310 241 480 192 42 1 159 1 499 80 2 500 1 161 601 14 114 7 900 837 6 16 20 934 10 412 130 467 272 828 770 655 45 414 172 270 1 939 273 356 1 324 1 390 859 2 017 6 550 40 747

1 740 683 355 1 250 9 416 262 316 239 344 201 42 1 150 1824 90 2500 2359 882 14 101 6 000 1 228 12 19 17 797 10 318 162 450 274 848 390 762 43 414 130 215 1 361 275 343 1 443 1 552 899 2 362 6 800 40 902

-10 -7 53 110 2 15 42 6 -2 -136 9 0 0 -9 325 10 0 1 198 281 0 -13 -1 900 391 6 3 -3 -137 0 -94 32 -17 2 20 -380 107 -2 0 -42 -55 -578 2 -13 119 162 40 345 250 155

-0,6% -1,0% 17,5% 9,6% 29% 4% 19,1% 1,9% -0,8% -28,3% 4,7% 0% 0% -5,7% 21,7% 12,5% 0% 103,2% 46,8% 0,0% -11,4% -24,1% 46,7% 100% 18,8% -15% -14,7% 0% -23% 24,6% -3,6% 0,7% 2,4% -49% 16,3% -4% 0,0% -24,4% -20,4% -29,8% 0,7% -3,7% 9,0% 12% 4,7% 17% 4% 0,4%

322 72 13 407

264 73 13 351

561 198 12 771

664 205 10 879

648 173 10 831

801 209 19 1 029

153 36 9 198

23,6% 21% 90% 23,8%

133 112

168 174

193 817

196 843

206 873

231 657

24 784


Figures in italics : OIV estimation. International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Jährlicher Pro-Kopf-Konsum an Frischtrauben Individual human consumption of fresh grapes per year Consumo humano individual de uvas frescas por año Consommation humaine individuelle de raisins frais par an Consumo umano individuale annuale di uve fresche APPENDIX M

kg per capita Country Africa Algeria Egypt Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Morocco South Africa Tunisia United Republic of Tanzania America Argentina Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Mexico Paraguay Peru Uruguay USA Venezuela Asia Afghanistan China* Cyprus India Iran Iraq Israel Japan Jordan Korea Kuwait Lebanon Pakistan Saudi Arabia Syrian Arab Republic Turkey Yemen











5,2 15,3 5,0 8,6 0,6 7,2 0,4

5,1 16,0 4,9 7,3 0,7 7,4 0,4

6,2 17,0 4,8 7,7 1,3 7,0 0,4

7,1 17,1 4,7 8,6 0,8 7,2 0,4

4,9 17,1 4,8 7,5 0,6 6,0 0,4

8,2 16,2 4,7 7,2 1,2 6,7 0,4

10,8 14,1 4,7 8,6 0,9 5,2 0,4

12,7 14,9 5,4 8,7 0,9 5,2 0,4

8,6 14,1 5,5 9,9 0,8 6,5 0,4

11,8 13,9 5,5 8,5 0,8 5,9 0,4

1,1 2,5 3,3 4,9 2,5 0,5 1,9 0,1 1,7 0,6 2,8 0,5

1,1 2,1 3,4 4,8 3,2 0,5 0,8 0,0 1,9 0,8 2,6 0,5

1,3 2,1 3,5 5,2 3,1 0,6 1,4 0,1 2,1 1 3 0,6

1,1 2,1 3,8 5,1 3 0,7 1,1 0,0 2,5 1 2,7 0,6

1,3 2,0 3,4 5 3 0,9 1,4 0,1 2,7 1 2,8 0,7

1,1 1,9 3,2 5,3 2,4 0,9 1,3 0,0 3,0 0,9 3 0,8

0,9 1,3 3,3 5 2,2 0,9 1 0,0 4,1 1,0 2,8 0,6

1 1,3 3,1 5,2 2 0,9 1,2 0,0 4 1,1 2,9 0,8

0,4 1,4 3,1 5,3 2,1 0,7 1,3 0,0 2,5 1 2,7 1,0

0,7 1,4 3,1 5,2 2,3 0,8 1,2 0,0 3,6 1,4 2,7 1,2

6,8 2,6 15,0 0,9 24,2 8,5 17,5 1 6,3 7,5 1,7 12,0 0,6 15,3 9,6 21,3 8

6,5 3 19,3 1,2 24,2 7,1 18,4 0,9 6,2 7,3 2,3 13,3 0,5 14,3 8,5 21 4,9

6,7 3 18,5 1,2 25,9 6,6 16 0,9 6,5 7,6 1,7 10,4 0,4 14 9,8 22,9 4,9

7 3,1 18,2 1,2 22,5 6 15,4 0,9 5,5 6,6 3 10,4 0,4 12 10,5 23,3 5,3

6,4 3,4 17,9 1,2 18,8 5,8 13,4 0,9 4,2 6,7 2,1 12,4 0,7 12,4 8,0 19,9 5,5

6,3 3,5 7,7 1,2 20,6 6,2 11,1 0,8 4 6,9 2,0 12,6 0,7 12,5 8,3 20,7 5,4

7,5 4,0 5,3 1,3 20,8 5,8 10,1 0,7 4,8 6,7 2,2 9,6 0,6 12,1 8,7 22,7 5,4

7,7 4,4 3,7 0,6 17,1 6 10,1 0,6 4,0 6,3 1,3 7,0 0,6 11,2 7,9 20 6,8

10,8 4,7 5,8 0,9 17,7 6,4 10,0 0,5 5,0 5,8 1,4 9,8 0,6 10,2 8,3 20,2 5,9

13,6 5,7 6,0 1,4 16,0 6,6 10,1 0,7 4,6 6,3 1,3 10,5 0,5 10,8 6,9 20,5 6,0

*Included Macao, Hong-Kong and Taiwan.

International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Jährlicher Pro-Kopf-Konsum an Frischtrauben Individual human consumption of fresh grapes per year Consumo humano individual de uvas frescas por año Consommation humaine individuelle de raisins frais par an Consumo umano individuale annuale di uve fresche APPENDIX M

kg per capita Colonne1 Europe Albania Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Kazakhstan Kyrgystan Latvia Luxembourg FRY of Macedonia Malta Moldova Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russian Federation Serbia Slovakia Slovenia(1) Spain Sweden Switzerland Tajikistan Turkmenistan Ukraine United Kingdom Uzbekistan Yugoslavia (S.M.) Oceania Australia New Zealand




30,0 18 3 6,5 0,2 3,2 2,9 6,4 20,6 3,3 3,8 4 2,1 3 5 3,6 17,2 2,8 3 1,9 16,9 0,3 1,0 1,6 4,3 34,9 7,5 38,5

27,9 23,1 9,1 5,6 0,1 2,4 4,8 4,0 17,8 3,5 3,5 5 2,5 3 3,1 3,5 17,1 9,8 4,2 1,7 14,0 1,5 2,0 0,8 3,8 38,4 7,7 34

32,3 33,2 4,3 8,3 0,1 2,9 6,1 3,1 6,1 4,1 4,1 3,2 2,6 3,2 3,6 3,6 14 2,7 5,6 1,6 16,3 1,1 1,0 0,6 5,4 44,2 3,1 9,9

2,1 4,9 1,7 5,6 8 0,3

1,2 5 1,7 7,4 6 0,2

1,2 6 2,1 7,1 4,3 0,5

1,3 36,8 5,4 2,3 4,9 3,1 26,2 2,9 2,9 4,0 20,5

1,5 43,0 6 2,5 6,3 10 27,7 1,7 3,2 8,0 20,7

2,3 42,7 5,2 2,9 5,9 9,1 25,3 2,1 3,5 8,0 15,3

1,7 2,1

1,1 2,2

1,0 2








35,1 22,3 4,2 9,8 0,1 3,2 6,4 4,0 5,9 4,2 3,8 5,0 2,7 2,6 3,1 3,7 5,2 4,3 6,6 1,8 16,9 1,2 2,0 0,5 4,4 43,0 9 12,1 30,4 3,6 5,5 2 6,7 3,0 0,3 17,6 2,7 17,9 5,4 3,1 4,4 10,1 25 1,5 3,8 13,0

39,8 22,7 3,9 10,3 0,1 4,1 5,2 6,5 5,8 4,4 3,9 4,7 3,1 3 3,4 3,4 12,5 6,7 6,5 2,4 14,6 1,1 1,0 2,2 4,2 26,0 0,8 10,3 28,8 6,3 6,2 2,2 8,0 4,5 0,5 15,2 3,0 17,2 4 3,1 4,4 11,0 24,7 1,9 3,6 16,0

42,1 20,2 3,7 9,7 0,1 3,0 6,3 7,8 5,6 5,2 4,3 5,3 3,6 3,1 3 2,7 9,0 6,4 5,8 2,6 15,9 0,8 0,0 1,5 4,1 28,0 4,3 10,7 33 4,2 6,6 2,8 7,2 4 0,2 15,4 2,6 17,0 3,9 3,4 5 10,8 26,7 2,4 3,8 16,0

44,1 21,9 4,6 10,6 0,0 3,5 6,6 4,0 5,6 3,7 4,9 3,7 3,8 3 1,6 2,9 6,8 7,8 4,3 2,4 14,6 2,1 0,0 0,8 3,3 37,1 4,3 16,2 24,2 4,3 6,2 2,3 7,3 6,3 0 14,0 2,3 21,0 3,7 2,5 5 13,0 27,5 1,5 3,4 19,0

51,1 22,6 4 10,4 0 3,7 5 4,0 5,5 4,3 5,1 3,3 3,6 2,5 2,1 3 11,4 5 4,2 2,7 13,3 3,2 0,0 0,8 3,9 45,7 3,3 5,3 26 4 5,7 2,2 7,3 3 0 4,7 2,3 15,7 3,4 2,7 4,5 12,8 27,6 1,1 3,4 22,0

55,5 23,3 3,6 12,4 0 3,6 5,7 4 5,6 4,5 3,4 3,2 3 2,4 1,8 3 10 6,0 4,3 2,5 13 5,2 0,0 0,8 3,9 44,4 2,3 11,6 20,9 3 5,5 2,2 7,3 3,0 0 4,3 2,7 13,1 4,2 2,9 4,5 17 27,2 1,9 3,2 23,0

55,0 23,0 4,2 13,4 0,1 3,8 6,8 4,3 5,5 3,2 3,6 3,3 2,8 2,9 2,1 3,0 21,2 8,8 4,3 2,2 9,9 7,5 0,0 0,9 3,3 37,8 2,3 9,0 26,1 2,7 5,5 2,2 3,7 3,5 0,0 4,3 2,4 10,4 2,9 2,9 4,3 18,0 30,0 2,0 3,7 24,0

1,7 3,4

2,2 6,2

2,8 4,9

3,2 4,0

3,0 4,7

2,8 3,9

3,5 4,7

(1) Slovenia: break in time series in 2006

International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Weltweiter Rosinenkonsum World human consumption of dried grapes Consumo humano mundial de uvas pasas Consommation humaine mondiale de raisins secs Consumo umano mondiale di uve passite APPENDIX N

1000 ql Country Africa Algeria Egypt Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Morocco South Africa Tunisia Other African Countries Total Africa


01- 05

06- 10




Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value %

5 28 0 31 128 14 13 219

54 22 1 59 101 13 16 267

82 26 2 57 97 15 20 299

88 45 4 32 113 15 21 318

66 50 1 16 161 11 20 325

103 36 3 16 81 16 20 275

37 -14 2 0 -80 5 0 -50

56% -28,0% 200% 0,0% -49,7% 45,5% 0,0% -15,4%

America Argentina Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Mexico Peru Uruguay USA Venezuela Other American Countries Total America

32 2 152 301 54 40 49 36 6 2 282 26 62 3 041

18 2 153 317 99 47 119 46 5 2 359 31 71 3 267

10 2 215 321 96 59 197 60 6 1934 48 94 3 042

10 3 259 327 115 64 182 66 7 2033 24 97 3 187

10 4 243 268 115 66 260 66 5 2043 15 96 3 192

8 3 246 265 115 65 250 60 6 2 039 40 101 3 198

-2 -1 3 -3 0 -1 -10 -6 1 -4 25 5 6

-20% -25,0% 1,2% -1% 0% -1,5% -3,8% -9% 20% -0,2% 166,7% 5,2% 0,2%

Asia Afghanistan China Cyprus Hong Kong, China India Iran Iraq Israel Japan Jordan Korea Kuwait Lebanon Macao, China Pakistan Saudi Arabia Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, China Turkey United Arab Emirates Yemen Other Asian Countries Total Asia

76 46 2 18 48 563 6 16 301 4 30 10 36 2 91 39 129 44 1 543 169 4 141 3 318

77 57 6 24 74 691 32 16 306 4 31 10 57 2 104 74 81 50 1 230 188 4 249 3 369

82 37 4 15 79 603 140 24 300 4 36 9 56 1 91 64 102 66 1 479 140 7 241 3 582

109 53 5 17 76 560 163 27 305 5 36 12 57 0 46 73 147 78 1 899 100 2 228 3 998

53 43 4 19 84 349 185 20 296 5 39 6 56 1 40 84 148 77 1 967 132 0 239 3 847

111 65 5 24 89 492 209 24 287 5 43 9 54 1 40 94 143 67 2 758 195 0 280 4 994

58 22 1 5 5 143 24 4 -9 0 4 3 -2 0 0 10 -5 -10 791 63 0 41 1 147

109,4% 51,2% 25,0% 26,3% 6,0% 41,0% 13% 20,0% -3% 0,0% 10,3% 50% -3,6% 0,0% 0,0% 11,9% -3,4% -13,0% 40,2% 48% 0,0% 17,2% 29,8%

Figures in italics : OIV estimation. International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Weltweiter Rosinenkonsum World human consumption of dried grapes Consumo humano mundial de uvas pasas Consommation humaine mondiale de raisins secs Consumo umano mondiale di uve passite APPENDIX N

1000 ql Colonne1 Europe Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia And Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Faeroe Islands Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Kazakhstan Kyrgystan Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg FRY of Macedonia Malta Moldova Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russian Federation Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Tajikistan Turkmenistan Ukraine United-Kingdom Uzbekistan Total Europe Oceania Australia New Zealand Other Oceanian Countries Total Oceania World Total


01- 05

06- 10




Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value %

7 50 4 10 0 1 2 5 40 61 11 1 29 218 0 613 305 22 3 58 187 0 1 13 18 0 1 3 2 0 338 37 126 20 12 343 0 10 8 112 56 50 13 12 38 1 058 141 4 109

8 53 5 20 60 3 9 7 47 62 10 0 24 228 4 670 496 26 3 43 203 1 2 16 23 3 2 2 5 0 353 37 152 20 26 574 0 16 7 100 56 39 2 8 149 1 048 235 4 868

8 54 16 37 89 4 16 7 51 72 10 1 24 231 9 679 335 23 4 54 204 8 5 14 22 3 3 2 6 4 413 44 151 23 36 681 10 18 7 85 71 42 5 8 180 1 155 172 5 096

10 50 22 36 96 4 15 6 42 78 9 1 21 242 9 676 338 21 4 61 205 33 3 11 21 2 2 2 7 1 442 43 155 25 35 667 7 14 6 93 79 39 5 8 166 1 169 170 5 152

8 65 24 28 77 4 14 7 35 70 8 1 22 239 9 712 285 21 5 60 202 95 1 14 21 2 3 2 6 1 407 40 146 30 37 453 9 10 7 102 65 39 3 8 196 1 120 180 4 895

9 65 14 29 80 4 21 7 43 73 7 1 23 209 10 700 280 23 5 59 185 127 1 17 21 1 4 2 7 1 424 39 121 25 33 459 11 11 8 127 68 37 3 8 192 1 088 120 4 801

1 0 -10 1 3 0 7 0 8 3 -1 0 1 -30 1 -12 -5 2 0 -1 -17 32 0 3 0 -1 1 0 1 0 17 -1 -25 -5 -4 6 2 1 1 25 3 -2 0 0 -4 -32 -60 -94

13% 0,0% -41,7% 3,6% 3,9% 0% 50% 0,0% 22,9% 4,3% -12,5% 0% 4,5% -12,6% 11% -1,7% -1,8% 10% 0% -1,7% -8,4% 34% 0,0% 21% 0% -50,0% 33% 0% 16,7% 0% 4,2% -2,5% -17% -16,7% -10,8% 1,3% 22,2% 10,0% 14,3% 25% 4,6% -5,1% 0% 0% -2,0% -2,9% -33,3% -1,9%

342 81 2 425

396 75 2 473

355 81 2 438

335 79 2 416

356 79 2 437

380 86 1 467

24 7 -1 30

6,7% 8,9% -50,0% 6,9%

11 112

12 244

12 457

13 071

12 696

13 735



Figures in italics : OIV estimation. International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Jährlicher Pro-Kopf-Rosinenkonsum Individual human consumption of dried grapes per year Consumo humano individual de uvas pasas por año Consommation humaine individuelle de raisins secs par an Consumo individuale di uva passa per anno kg per capita Colonne1











Africa Algeria Egypt Morocco South Africa Tunisia

0,20 0,03 0,17 0,17 0,14

0,19 0,02 0,23 0,26 0,13

0,21 0,02 0,23 0,24 0,13

0,20 0,03 0,23 0,18 0,17

0,21 0,02 0,20 0,16 0,13

0,22 0,03 0,17 0,16 0,13

0,28 0,03 0,23 0,24 0,18

0,24 0,06 0,10 0,22 0,14

0,17 0,06 0,15 0,26 0,09

0,27 0,04 0,05 0,27 0,15

America Argentina Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Mexico Peru Uruguay USA Venezuela

0,04 0,08 1,07 0,72 0,12 0,11 0,15 0,14 0,66 0,10

0,03 0,09 1,04 0,58 0,11 0,11 0,17 0,21 0,68 0,15

0,03 0,08 0,95 0,64 0,11 0,11 0,19 0,16 0,79 0,13

0,03 0,11 1,07 0,34 0,12 0,09 0,19 0,15 0,62 0,16

0,03 0,10 0,98 0,30 0,14 0,12 0,19 0,18 0,76 0,23

0,03 0,10 0,91 0,70 0,12 0,10 0,22 0,18 0,58 0,22

0,02 0,12 0,90 0,82 0,12 0,14 0,22 0,17 0,55 0,16

0,02 0,13 0,96 0,67 0,14 0,09 0,23 0,21 0,65 0,08

0,02 0,12 0,78 0,66 0,14 0,15 0,22 0,15 0,65 0,05

0,02 0,12 0,76 0,66 0,14 0,14 0,20 0,18 0,64 0,13

Asia Afghanistan China* Cyprus Iran Israel Japan Jordan Korea Kuwait Lebanon Pakistan Saudi Arabia Syrian Arab Republic Turkey Yemen

0,16 0,01 0,77 1,02 0,23 0,23 0,07 0,07 0,46 1,67 0,07 0,30 0,39 2,19 0,02

0,50 0,01 0,63 1,01 0,29 0,27 0,06 0,07 0,51 1,51 0,08 0,32 0,26 1,78 0,03

0,63 0,01 0,29 1,05 0,29 0,24 0,09 0,07 0,59 1,40 0,05 0,34 0,31 2,06 0,02

0,22 0,01 0,30 0,70 0,30 0,23 0,06 0,07 0,48 1,33 0,05 0,33 0,27 2,00 0,02

0,59 0,01 0,46 0,70 0,38 0,25 0,11 0,08 0,19 1,33 0,08 0,33 0,33 1,49 0,05

0,25 0,01 0,38 1,06 0,37 0,24 0,04 0,08 0,22 1,36 0,08 0,17 0,42 2,45 0,06

0,08 0,01 0,47 0,93 0,30 0,21 0,08 0,08 0,36 1,38 0,03 0,12 0,77 1,92 0,03

0,38 0,01 0,41 0,75 0,36 0,24 0,08 0,07 0,40 1,31 0,03 0,27 0,68 2,63 0,01

0,19 0,01 0,38 0,46 0,27 0,23 0,07 0,08 0,38 1,26 0,02 0,30 0,68 2,69 0,00

0,19 0,01 0,45 0,64 0,31 0,23 0,07 0,09 0,37 1,09 0,02 0,33 0,68 2,43 0,00

*Included Macao, Hong-Kong and Taiwan. International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Jährlicher Pro-Kopf-Rosinenkonsum Individual human consumption of dried grapes per year Consumo humano individual de uvas pasas por año Consommation humaine individuelle de raisins secs par an Consumo individuale di uva passa per anno kg per capita Colonne1 Europe Albania Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg FRY of Macedonia Malta Moldova Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russian Federation Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Tajikistan Ukraine United Kingdom Uzbekistan Yugoslavia (S.M.) Oceania Australia New Zealand




0,07 0,29 0,62 0,05 0,14 0,53 0,04 0,09 0,17 0,46 1,23 0,94 0,46 0,35 0,74 4,70 0,22 1,19 1,05 0,35 0,72 0,73 1,01 0,13 0,46 0,12

0,04 0,24 0,66 0,08 0,18 0,47 0,10 0,10 0,21 0,52 1,13 0,91 0,49 0,36 0,87 5,69 0,28 1,26 0,97 0,35 0,80 0,90 0,84 0,11 0,61 0,11

0,03 0,28 0,67 0,06 0,24 0,70 0,10 0,26 0,16 0,39 1,07 0,59 0,44 0,38 0,83 4,17 0,27 1,21 1,01 0,36 0,69 0,56 0,59 0,16 0,27 0,18

2,14 0,81 0,35 0,19 0,11 0,41

2,25 0,87 0,42 0,19 0,14 0,45

2,15 0,82 0,47 0,21 0,12 0,44

0,33 0,32 0,31 0,56 0,56 0,02 0,35 1,73 0,82 0,17

0,30 0,45 0,19 0,70 0,50 0,01 0,38 1,81 0,74 0,05

0,31 0,32 0,18 0,72 0,51 0,02 0,34 1,84 0,96 0,04

1,52 1,71

2,06 1,93

2,17 1,96








0,03 0,37 0,69 0,08 0,34 0,75 0,10 0,24 0,21 0,49 1,12 0,76 0,44 0,37 0,83 3,10 0,24 1,20 1,25 0,39 0,71 0,77 0,39 0,14 0,72 0,19 0,00 2,24 0,83 0,44 0,22 0,16 0,47 0,11 0,36 0,36 0,18 0,75 0,57 0,06 0,39 1,90 0,80

0,00 0,13 0,69 0,15 0,39 0,81 0,10 0,23 0,18 0,61 1,24 0,69 0,43 0,39 0,84 2,22 0,23 1,18 1,10 0,34 0,75 0,72 0,39 0,19 0,48 0,21 0,65 2,80 0,96 0,38 0,20 0,19 0,47 0,10 0,48 0,33 0,18 0,70 0,52 0,07 0,40 1,96 0,67

0,06 0,13 0,62 0,18 0,42 0,81 0,13 0,24 0,16 0,52 1,36 0,76 0,49 0,36 0,81 1,76 0,24 1,16 1,26 0,33 0,68 0,67 0,92 0,19 0,48 0,24 1,13 2,40 0,98 0,38 0,24 0,15 0,48 0,11 0,34 0,38 0,19 0,77 0,59 0,05 0,41 1,86 0,70

0,00 0,30 0,62 0,27 0,41 0,89 0,10 0,15 0,14 0,44 1,43 0,77 0,47 0,34 0,77 3,22 0,21 1,59 1,27 0,31 0,60 0,68 0,53 0,19 0,24 0,20 1,45 2,42 0,91 0,37 0,21 0,16 0,48 0,09 0,25 0,26 0,18 0,77 0,58 0,10 0,38 1,81 0,40

0,03 0,34 0,60 0,24 0,38 0,88 0,10 0,20 0,14 0,40 1,41 0,69 0,39 0,38 0,81 2,62 0,21 1,26 1,37 0,34 0,53 0,68 0,43 0,10 0,47 0,27 0,16 2,36 0,88 0,40 0,24 0,16 0,46 0,07 0,25 0,31 0,20 0,84 0,50 0,07 0,36 1,88 0,61

0,03 0,27 0,77 0,26 0,30 0,70 0,10 0,20 0,16 0,33 1,26 0,54 0,43 0,38 0,86 2,39 0,21 1,55 1,33 0,33 0,68 0,69 0,39 0,14 0,47 0,25 0,16 2,44 0,81 0,40 0,28 0,17 0,32 0,09 0,28 0,34 0,22 0,69 0,49 0,04 0,43 1,79 0,64

0,03 0,34 0,77 0,15 0,32 0,72 0,10 0,29 0,16 0,40 1,30 0,70 0,44 0,33 0,85 2,07 0,23 1,53 1,29 0,30 1,02 0,69 0,19 0,19 0,47 0,28 0,16 2,54 0,78 0,33 0,24 0,15 0,32 0,13 0,37 0,39 0,33 0,85 0,46 0,04 0,42 1,73 0,42

1,68 1,96

1,64 1,91

1,62 1,87

1,77 1,94

1,50 1,81

1,57 1,79

1,65 1,93

International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Weltweite Weinproduktion World production of wines Producción mundial de vino Production mondiale de vin Produzione mondiale di vino APPENDIX P

1000 hl Country Africa Algeria Egypt Madagascar Morocco South Africa Tunisia Other African Countries Total Africa America Argentina Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile Mexico Paraguay Peru Uruguay USA Other American Countries Total America Asia China Cyprus India Israel Japan Lebanon Turkey Other Asian Countries Total Asia


01- 05

06- 10




Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value %

391 27 89 350 7 837 365 32 9 091

738 54 74 334 8 040 300 44 9 584

627 96 76 321 9 732 264 47 11 163

475 44 83 333 9 327 222 44 10 528

480 43 82 340 9 725 230 44 10 944

492 45 84 345 10 569 284 43 11 862

12 2 2 5 844 54 -1 918

2,5% 4,7% 2,4% 1% 8,7% 23,5% -2% 8,4%

13 456 20 2 920 403 5 066 1 340 74 150 999 20 386 2 44 816

14 488 46 3 185 460 6 389 709 51 462 886 20 399 38 47 113

14 701 74 2 947 522 8 859 485 34 577 833 20 300 104 49 436

16 250 74 2 459 550 8 844 389 14 520 769 20 887 110 50 866

15 473 74 3 460 565 10 464 393 15 630 901 19 140 115 51 229

11 778 73 2 967 570 12 554 389 15 650 962 21 650 125 51 732

-3 695 -1 -493 5 2 090 -4 0 20 61 2 510 10 503

-23,9% -1,4% -14,2% 0,9% 20,0% -1,0% 0% 3,2% 6,8% 13,1% 8,7% 1,0%

9 581 586

11 420 346

85 949 188 311 3 11 703

164 990 152 270 3 13 345

12 560 152 114 230 734 93 393 2 14 278

13 000 114 160 230 790 65 601 1 14 921

13 200 86 142 259 790 80 571 1 15 129

13 511 107 146 270 800 90 546 1 15 471

311 21 4,0 11 10 10 -25 0 342

2,4% 24,4% 2,8% 4,2% 1,3% 12,5% -4,4% 0% 2,3%

Figures in italics : OIV estimation. International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Weltweite Weinproduktion World production of wines Producción mundial de vino Production mondiale de vin Produzione mondiale di vino APPENDIX P

1000 hl Country Europe Albania Armenia Austria Azerbaidjan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Italy Kazakhstan Kyrgystan Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg FRY of Macedonia Malta Moldova Montenegro Portugal Romania Russian Federation Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Switzerland Tajikistan Turkmenistan Ukraine United Kingdom Uzbekistan Total Europe Oceania Australia New Zealand Total Oceania World Total





Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value %

181 59 1 737 94 251 5 45 1 224 1 433 564 44 381 1 034 6 906 2 950 1 762 48 525 172 16 20 72 110 772 15 840 180 7 148 3 287 7 640 2 382 207 587 35 353 1 030 2 390 3 002 28 213 174 641

180 62 2 814 72 268 5 34 1 237 1 409 650 50 757 1 108 9 132 2 750 2 750 42 772 158 14 22 61 132 665 15 1 520 118 5 622 4 058 6 980 2 244 369 527 33 397 1 119 2 390 3 170 23 361 176 971

190 58 2 125 79 272 3 56 1 442 1 293 470 41 548 830 9 012 3 115 1 818 45 616 155 13 22 65 85 781 22 1 470 174 6 327 3 311 6 220 2 175 384 507 31 123 1 004 2 390 2 400 8 390 164 966

10 -4 -689 7 4 -2 22 205 -116 -180 -9 209 -278 -120 365 -932 2 844 -3 -1 0 4 -47 116 7 -50 56 705 -747 -760 -69 15 -20 -2 274 -115 0 0 -770 -15 29 -12 005

5,6% -6,5% -24% 10% 1,5% -40,0% 64,7% 17% -8,2% -27,7% -18,1% -25,1% -1,3% 13,3% -33,9% 6,6% -1,9% -7% 0% 6,6% -36% 17,4% 47% -3% 47,5% 12,5% -18,4% -10,9% -3,1% 4,1% -3,8% -6,8% -10,3% 0% 0% -24,3% -65,2% 8,0% -6,8%

6 828 6 173 2 512

7 311 4 975 4 346

482 476 34 162 1 222 74 317 1 414 14 564 199 000

408 599 36 993 1 082 50 240 2 146 15 364 188 631

7 380 568 7 948

12 543 837 13 380

11 907 1 762 13 669

11 420 1 900 13 320

11 180 2 350 13 530

12 259 1 940 14 199

1 079 -410 669

9,7% -17,4% 4,9%

272 558

272 053

271 167

264 188

267 803

258 230

-9 573


2 2 56 1 9 3 4 54

1 2


2 1 51 1 9 3 4 46


122 57 531 49 123 2 66 043 653 500 919 102 225 727 034 936 202 26 0 51 141 882 72 511

06- 10

173 46 2 393 72 208 4 40 1 564 1 347 645 46 221 1 121 9 060 3 527 2 983 48 165 157 14 28 74 128 886 39 1 468 163 6 469 5 090 7 087 1 933 333 571 36 408 1 053 10 187 2 702 22 230 182 621


153 50 351 129 149 1 46 811 096 514 271 503 989 832 126 386 179 21 12 40 136 069 35 151

01- 05

Figures in italics : OIV estimation.

International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Weinimporte Wine imports Importaciones de vino Importations de vin Importazioni di vino APPENDIX Q

1000 hl Country


01- 05

06- 10




Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value %

Africa Angola Benin Bostwana Cameroon Cape Verde Central African Republic Cote D'Ivoire Democratic Republic of Congo Gabon Guinea Guinea-Bisseau Kenya Mauritius Morocco Mozambique Niger Nigeria Republic of Congo Sao Tome Senegal South Africa Togo Other African Countries Total Africa

354 31 23 56 30 5 227 6 110 4 26 20 14 80 65 5 8 36 25 43 133 21 288 1 610

523 41 40 60 34 6 228 10 73 10 37 31 15 47 63 7 30 40 33 84 77 50 413 1 952

965 52 97 79 54 5 226 32 93 8 42 43 18 54 19 7 145 42 31 80 159 77 514 2 842

868 78 43 97 50 6 299 35 71 14 53 55 20 79 25 8 213 49 38 76 106 50 505 2 838

948 83 51 120 45 5 279 32 99 9 71 63 20 87 90 9 275 36 47 76 170 76 530 3 221

1 031 83 33 120 43 5 290 26 92 9 70 71 18 88 55 9 384 36 39 75 181 75 685 3 472

83 0 -18 0 -2 0 11 -6 -7 0 -1 8 -2 1 -35 0 109 0 -8 -1 11 -1 155 251

8,8% 0,0% -35,3% 0,0% -4% 0,0% 3,9% -19% -7,1% 0% -1,4% 12,7% -10,0% 1,1% -39% 0,0% 39,6% 0,0% -17,0% -1% 6,5% -1% 29,2% 8%

America Argentina Bahamas Bermuda Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Guatemala Jamaica Mexico Panama Paraguay Peru Uruguay USA Venezuela Other American Countries* Total America

72 27 15 5 265 2 013 68 54 30 20 60 36 11 17 13 122 13 106 52 81 4 096 101 149 7 426

15 25 19 5 332 2 600 16 91 48 36 62 42 13 19 19 258 22 187 61 42 5 939 217 133 10 201

82 33 26 7 599 3 229 40 132 74 48 79 69 20 30 26 389 33 425 78 26 8 576 183 180 14 384

288 31 21 7 708 3 500 6 142 94 54 86 60 21 31 28 440 34 363 90 32 9 320 159 171 15 684

74 30 34 9 776 3 584 11 117 85 54 97 45 21 31 24 454 38 295 84 35 10 155 202 173 16 427

6 30 34 9 757 3 768 14 144 85 54 97 61 21 31 26 440 43 256 100 32 11 675 101 176 17 962

-68 0 0 0 -19 184 3 27 0 0 0 16 0 0 2 -14 5 -39 16 -3 1520 -101 3 1535

-91,9% 0,0% 0% 0,0% -2,4% 5,1% 27,3% 23,1% 0,0% 0% 0% 35,6% 0% 0,0% 8,3% -3,1% 13,2% -13% 19% -8,6% 15% -50% 2% 9,3%

Asia Bahrain China Cyprus Emirates Honk Kong, China Indonesia* Japan Korea Lebanon Macao, China Malaisia Philippines Singapore Taiwan, China Thailand Other Asian Countries Total Asia

6 325 6 30 172 5 1 861 65 7 16 21 33 81 123 60 86 2 897

15 397 17 60 123 5 1 656 139 9 13 57 67 132 104 61 154 3 009

22 1 775 44 106 294 2 1 759 261 9 38 93 110 222 164 89 385 5 373

25 2 861 58 154 400 6 1 939 246 11 61 85 166 235 160 98 444 6 948

28 3 655 62 155 482 3 2 083 260 11 77 60 115 268 179 120 406 7 964

7 3 943 75 155 505 0 2 571 283 12 68 57 108 279 168 149 407 8 788

-21 288 13 0 23 -3 488 23 1 -9 -3 -7 11 -11 29 1 824

-75% 7,9% 21,0% 0,0% 4,8% -100% 23,4% 8,8% 9% -11,7% -5,0% -6,1% 4% -6,1% 24,2% 0,2% 10%

Figures in italics : OIV estimation International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Weinimporte Wine imports Importaciones de vino Importations de vin Importazioni di vino APPENDIX Q

1000 hl Country Europe Albania Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France FYR Macedonia Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Kazakhstan Kyrgystan Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Moldova Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russian Federation Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkmenistan Ukraine United Kingdom Total Europe Oceania Australia French Polynesia New Caledona New Zealand Other Oceanian Countries Total Oceania World Total


01- 05

06- 10




Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value %

6 3 430 2 67 0 22 38 41 585 1 665 64 304 5 641 13 13 10 796 52 32 23 345 563 92 20 127 147 0 6 128 0 2 892 433 539 1 416 45 2 028 0 116 162 830 1 146 1 860 2 136 8 437 43 729

12 1 591 1 301 2 715 70 25 101 1 110 1 989 94 449 5 106 2 2 12 238 176 51 29 555 1 281 46 8 163 165 205 21 170 0 3 359 681 584 1 490 11 4 199 0 166 48 265 1 511 1 779 6 145 11 241 53 280

23 2 689 3 432 3 037 98 96 136 1 500 1 971 167 563 5 712 10 11 14 184 160 157 42 678 1 642 87 11 204 368 232 49 49 9 3 646 730 850 1 428 368 5 653 248 433 66 445 1 821 1 851 2 378 11 840 62 082

25 5 748 2 484 2 984 90 82 148 1 900 1 886 200 579 6 405 2 1 14 778 107 181 38 711 1 668 98 10 387 685 219 48 43 9 3 692 773 902 1 645 224 5 466 205 546 72 405 1 885 1 905 1 327 12 861 65 183

27 6 920 3 469 3 158 74 67 147 1 850 1 875 221 594 6 467 1 1 16 133 203 537 40 712 2 412 112 11 377 856 211 57 27 20 3 647 798 969 1 583 908 5 112 298 663 96 422 1 926 1 864 1 500 13 295 69 458

26 4 776 3 513 3 133 81 71 145 1 572 1 906 226 603 5 433 3 3 15 374 174 408 40 774 2 643 141 17 431 971 219 51 4 23 3 980 828 960 1 245 545 4 899 264 644 84 1 236 2 037 1 883 1 333 12 914 67 664

-1 -2 -144 0 44 -25 7 4 -2 -278 31 5 9 -1 034 2 2 -759 -29 -129 0 62 231 29 6 54 115 8 -6 -23 3 333 30 -9 -338 -363 -213 -34 -19 -12 814 111 19 0 -167 -381 -1 794

-3,7% -33% -16% 0,0% 9,4% -0,8% 9% 6,0% -1,4% -15,0% 1,7% 2,3% 1,5% -16% 200,0% 200% -4,7% -14,3% -24,0% 0,0% 8,7% 9,6% 25,9% 54,5% 14,3% 13% 3,8% -10,5% -85,2% 15,0% 9,1% 3,8% -0,9% -21,4% -40,0% -4,2% -11,4% -2,9% -12,5% 192,9% 5,8% 1,0% 0% -33,4% -2,9% -3%

206 36 42 308 24 616

197 50 59 412 21 739

530 42 65 367 30 1 034

679 39 68 327 24 1 137

756 37 68 277 21 1 159

840 37 68 342 21 1 308

84 0 0 65 0 149

11,1% 0,0% 0,0% 23,5% 0,0% 13%

56 278

69 181

85 715

91 790

98 145

99 194

1 049


Figures in italics : OIV estimation. International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Weinexporte Wine exports Exportaciones de vino Exportations de vin Esportazioni di vino APPENDIX R

1000 hl Country


01- 05

06- 10




Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value %

Africa Algeria Morocco South Africa Tunisia Other African Countries Total Africa

76 61 1 197 70 15 1 419

52 77 2 364 181 44 2 718

16 55 3 540 74 44 3 729

12 57 3 786 45 34 3 934

8 54 3 574 37 45 3 718

8 36 4 172 27 115 4 358

0 -18 598 -10 70 640

0,0% -33,3% 16,7% -27,0% 155,6% 17,2%

America Argentina Brazil Canada Chile Jamaica Mexico Peru Uruguay USA Other American Countries Total America

1 027 103 18 2 249 2 20 1 19 2 314 5 5 758

1 534 32 24 3 924 4 14 1 19 3 226 11 8 789

3 249 109 79 6 195 6 12 3 82 4 123 11 13 869

2 744 106 151 7 321 5 11 10 29 4 009 10 14 396

3 115 13 229 6 250 10 12 4 27 4 210 10 13 880

3 656 59 268 7 474 8 11 1 196 4 007 9 15 691

541 46 39 1 224 -2 -1 -3 169 -203 -1 1811

17,4% 353,8% 17,0% 19,6% -20,0% -8,3% -75% 625,9% -5% -10,0% 13,0%

35 96 92 27 4 9 2 23 1 59 17 365

25 75 14 31 6 14 0 50 1 50 31 297

45 37 74 100 4 19 3 112 2 27 82 505

15 18 123 157 2 21 6 118 3 27 91 581

19 22 185 163 3 21 6 138 4 25 101 687

20 16 187 136 2 20 6 153 3 26 109 677

1 -6 2 -27 -1 -1 0 15 -1 1 8 -10

5,3% -27,3% 1,1% -16,6% -33,3% -5% 0% 10,9% -25,0% 4,0% 8% -1,5%

Asia China Cyprus Hong Kong, China Israel Japan Lebanon Macao, China Singapore Taiwan, China Turkey Other Asian Countries Total Asia

International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Weinexporte Wine exports Exportaciones de vino Exportations de vin Esportazioni di vino APPENDIX R

1000 hl Country Europe Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Moldavia FYR of Macedonia Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russian Federation Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom Uzbekistan Total Europe Oceania Australia New Zealand Total Oceania World Total


01- 05

06- 10




Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value %

6 214 145 22 0 16 1 345 110 17 105 2 2 15 271 124 2 330 493 964 10 14 830 86 1 0 1 327 720 0 197 4 41 2 137 491 26 0 92 81 8 817 11 13 372 266 34 51 092

7 599 6 13 190 32 879 73 27 337 5 5 14 772 245 2 640 369 627 5 14 955 68 6 74 1 926 668 0 222 12 4 2 566 391 10 0 101 79 12 076 46 17 189 241 9 54 569

6 601 17 3 285 25 836 28 146 333 42 21 13 804 113 3 561 331 647 15 19 193 122 280 89 1 047 807 55 186 13 14 2 859 134 39 100 121 52 15 619 38 21 382 532 40 62 562

9 620 22 2 215 30 503 24 233 344 52 28 13 888 122 3 929 370 828 48 21 482 387 460 80 1 260 684 55 149 12 29 2 666 98 9 113 107 51 17 156 39 20 636 898 133 67 791

7 453 34 3 246 31 529 38 287 252 56 12 14 722 169 4 145 376 622 19 23 500 377 594 95 1 198 966 67 259 13 35 3 079 105 6 152 159 52 22 031 43 20 378 875 57 76 064

12 471 39 5 273 28 560 58 267 369 46 8 15 006 202 3 973 289 528 5 21 227 431 695 91 1 220 1 150 63 282 13 32 3 386 114 6 227 146 46 21 411 62 16 482 780 57 74 077

5 18 5 2 27 -3 31 20 -20 117 -10 -4 284 33 -172 -87 -94 -14 -2 273 54 101 -4 22 184 -4 23 0 -3 307 9 0 75 -13 -6 -620 19 -4 104 -95 0 -1 987

71,4% 4,0% 14,7% 67% 11,0% -9,7% 5,9% 52,6% -7,0% 46,4% -17,9% -33,3% 2% 19,5% -4,1% -23,1% -15,1% -73,7% -9,7% 14,3% 17,0% -4,2% 1,8% 19,0% -6,0% 8,9% 0,0% -8,6% 10,0% 8,6% 0,0% 49,3% -8,2% -11,5% -2,8% 44,2% -20,0% 27,5% -10,9% 0% -2,6%

2 088 149 2 237

5 455 304 5 759

7 595 954 8 549

7 811 1 420 9 231

7 011 1 547 8 558

7 214 1 789 9 003

203 242 445

2,9% 15,6% 5,2%

60 871

72 132

89 214

95 922

102 909

103 806



International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Weltweiter Weinkonsum World human consumption of wine Consumo humano mundial de vino Consommation humaine mondiale de vin Consumo umano mondiale di vino APPENDIX S

1000 hl Country Africa Algeria Angola Cote D'Ivoire Egypt Madagascar Morocco South Africa Tunisia Other African Countries Total Africa


01- 05

06- 10




Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value %

223 349 225 28 92 385 3 944 216 685 6 147

289 527 222 42 87 312 3 624 214 926 6 243

330 963 226 103 84 346 3 474 185 1 228 6 939

280 868 299 80 90 355 3 463 177 1 366 6 979

288 908 289 44 93 373 3 527 195 1 583 7 299

302 990 285 44 97 397 3 217 258 1 733 7 321

14 82 -4 0 4 24 -310 63 150 22

4,9% 9,0% -1,4% 0% 4,3% 6,4% -8,8% 32,3% 9% 0%

Amercia Argentina Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile Mexico Paraguay Peru Uruguay USA Other American Countries Total America

12 899 25 2 725 2 394 2 410 232 180 202 1 042 20 814 664 43 587

11 689 28 3 244 3 290 2 458 405 200 522 854 23 808 843 47 341

10 608 80 3 436 4 262 2 783 529 435 652 774 27 420 992 51 971

9 753 81 3 686 4 564 3 100 614 396 600 712 27 600 1 012 52 118

9 809 83 3 805 4 700 3 007 972 342 660 690 28 425 1 044 53 365

10 051 83 3 198 4 803 3 157 1 025 289 729 641 29 000 1 038 54 176

242 0 -607 103 150 53 -53 69 -49 575 -6 811

2,5% 0,0% -16,0% 2,2% 5,0% 5% -15% 10% -7,1% 2% -0,6% 1,5%

Asia China Cyprus Hong Kong, China Israel Japan Lebanon Macao, China Taiwan, China Turkey Other Asian Countries Total Asia

9 772 86 73 77 2 801 167 14 122 252 400 13 764

12 349 147 104 69 2 634 137 12 103 205 604 16 364

14 127 177 208 58 2 474 84 34 163 359 1 110 18 794

15 180 190 260 61 2 610 59 53 133 521 1 266 20 333

16 341 174 277 61 2 778 63 65 166 586 1 285 21 798

17 135 185 308 76 3 120 76 67 170 564 1 239 22 939

Figures in italics : OIV estimation. International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

794 11 31 15 342 ²% 13 2 4 -22 -46 1 141

4,9% 6,3% 11,2% 25% 20,6% 3,1% 2,4% -3,8% -3,6% 5,2%

Weltweiter Weinkonsum World human consumption of wine Consumo humano mundial de vino Consommation humaine mondiale de vin Consumo umano mondiale di vino APPENDIX S

1000 hl Country Europe Albania Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia And Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Faeroe Islands Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Kazakhstan Kyrgystan Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta FRY of Macedonia Moldova Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russian Federation Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Tajikistan Turkmenistan Ukraine United Kingdom Uzbekistan Total Europe Oceania Australia New Zealand Other Oceanian Countries Total Oceania World Total


01- 05

06- 10



159 48 2 476 15 268 0 42 851 1 969 654 1 595 93 2 305 35 305 1 169 19 279 2 834 3 054 20 333 31 950 262 40 108 224 0 30 267 745 0 2 455 429 551 5 074 5 968 4 565 0 477 830 14 427 1 136 2 956 59 299 1 198 8 541 530 157 185

134 51 2 375 22 400 2 654 90 1 234 1 727 1 016 1 782 94 3 444 33 913 370 19 949 3 074 3 099 27 558 28 504 275 32 110 211 262 55 180 231 0 3 407 560 581 4 895 4 580 8 362 0 588 574 13 916 1 431 2 973 60 246 1 731 11 805 356 160 130

196 41 2 420 59 628 2 881 117 824 1 181 1 810 1 832 130 3 566 31 092 1 016 20 433 3 195 2 632 43 719 25 784 243 24 90 154 259 80 132 429 118 3 651 678 837 4 613 4 428 12 127 2 083 654 707 12 190 1 923 2 865 21 234 2 497 13 088 190 161 833

206 47 2 400 80 684 2 760 116 874 1 530 2 000 1 890 138 4 578 29 272 931 20 200 3 248 1 812 47 724 24 624 264 25 19 263 271 65 150 150 134 3 615 729 873 4 695 1 626 12 025 2 485 762 762 10 896 2 224 2 803 4 397 2 487 12 900 130 154 790

207 61 2 562 72 733 2 917 108 789 1 537 2 005 1 836 157 4 591 28 307 927 19 707 2 852 2 120 38 773 23 052 270 25 21 310 257 60 150 150 103 3 556 741 934 4 686 3 516 12 243 2 432 760 760 9 950 2 295 2 731 4 391 2 792 12 860 154 153 479

216 49 2 528 57 757 2 872 108 864 1 449 1 799 1 833 173 4 589 28 022 786 20 300 3 068 1 995 39 833 22 633 283 27 22 332 266 65 150 150 102 3 636 749 928 4 994 2 582 11 279 2 301 719 675 9 850 2 312 2 671 3 391 2 751 12 801 159 151 011

9 -12 -34 -15 24 -45 0 75 -88 -206 -3 16 0 -2 -285 -141 593 216 -125 1 60 -419 13 2 1 22 9 5 0 0 -1 80 8 -6 308 -934 -964 -131 -41 -85 -100 17 -60 -1 0 -41 -59 5 -2 468

4% -19,7% -1% -20,8% 3,3% -1,5% 0,0% 9,5% -5,7% -10,3% -0,2% 10,2% 0% -0,3% -1,0% -15% 3,0% 7,6% -6% 2,6% 7,8% -1,8% 4,8% 8,0% 5% 7,1% 3,5% 8,3% 0% 0% -1,0% 2,2% 1,1% -1% 6,6% -26,6% -7,9% -5% -5,4% -11,2% -1,0% 0,7% -2,2% -25% 0% -1% -0,5% 3,2% -1,6%

3 606 385 80 4 071

4 213 724 104 5 041

5 063 900 120 6 083

5 327 921 130 6 378

5 273 939 129 6 341

5 402 919 126 6 447

129 -20 -3 106

2,4% -2% -2,3% 1,7%

224 754

235 119

245 620

240 598

242 282

241 894



International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)


Var. 2012/2011 Abs. value %

Jährlicher Pro-Kopf-Weinkonsum Individual human consumption of wine per year Consumo humano individual de vino por año Consommation humaine individuelle de vin par an Consumo umano individuale annuale di vino Population + 15 years l per capita per year Country Luxembourg Portugal France Italy Slovenia Denmark Croatia Switzerland Austria Argentina Greece Belgium Sweden Serbia Australia Germany Netherlands Spain United Kingdom Uruguay New Zealand Hungary Ireland Chile Georgia Montenegro Cyprus Czech Republic Norway Malta Canada Estonia Iceland Slovakia Romania Bulgaria Finland Lithuania USA Turkmenistan Belarus Russian Federation Angola Albania South Africa FYR of Macedonia Ukraine Paraguay Moldova Peru Bosnia and Herz. Tunisia Poland Japan Kazakhstan Lebanon Brazil Armenia Morocco China * Israel Latvia Bolivia Mexico Algeria Turkey Uzbekistan Madagascar Azerbaijan Kyrgystan Tajikistan Egypt Yugoslavia (S.M.)


2003 69,7 60,5 69,2 59,1 38,8 41,6 47,4 48,9 35,0 44,5 32,6 30,4 20,4

2004 71,7 55,6 66,9 56,6 29,8 39,0 44,6 47,9 35,0 40,0 35,0 31,7 17,9

2005 68,2 55,2 67,0 53,6 37,3 39,3 35,4 46,4 34,7 38,5 37,9 32,0 20,6

26,3 27,7 27,1 38,4 23,8 29,9 23,8 36,6 18,3 22,0 8,5

26,9 27,7 25,3 38,0 25,9 33,6 25,0 36,1 17,3 21,1 8,6

27,5 27,6 26,1 36,9 26,6 34,3 25,2 31,0 20,7 21,5 13,7

20,9 13,6 15,4 20,9 13,3 7,4 12,5 13,4 27,3 20,9 10,6 8,6 10,3 8,0 4,1 7,2 6,2 4,6 10,8 13,5 4,4 4,3 6,7 2,9 3,0 3,0 1,8 2,3 3,3 5,1 2,4 1,0 1,7 1,2 1,3 8,6 1,0 0,6 1,0 0,4 2,7 1,0 0,2 1,2 2,0 0,1 12,5

20,4 9,5 15,7 20,6 13,8 9,1 13,2 12,3 31,1 15,0 11,0 7,0 10,6 7,9 7,1 7,5 6,9 6,5 10,6 12,0 4,3 6,9 6,9 2,9 3,0 2,9 1,9 2,3 2,5 4,9 2,4 2,8 1,6 1,2 1,4 2,6 1,0 0,6 1,5 0,4 2,0 1,0 0,2 0,8 2,0 0,1 14,1

20,0 12,6 16,4 20,4 14,1 9,8 13,0 12,3 12,7 14,0 11,4 7,4 10,9 7,7 6,9 8,3 9,1 8,2 10,2 11,9 4,9 7,7 3,3 3,4 3,0 2,8 2,1 2,3 2,7 4,6 2,8 3,0 1,4 1,0 1,3 3,7 0,7 0,5 1,4 0,6 1,4 0,6 0,3 0,7 2,0 0,1 9,1

2006 67,6 53,9 65,4 53,9 31,1 38,9 36,4 44,7 35,2 38,5 33,8 33,0 19,5 18,2 28,0 28,1 26,3 35,9 25,4 32,1 26,1 33,8 21,1 19,1 23,7 23,8 18,3 14,8 16,8 34,0 14,9 9,5 15,2 13,3 29,6 11,0 12,0 2,7 11,2 6,8 6,6 9,2 11,0 8,0 10,0 7,1 5,5 9,7 17,5 3,5 3,0 3,2 2,2 2,3 2,2 4,0 2,5 1,8 1,7 1,2 1,1 8,2 1,3 1,0 1,4 0,5 1,3 0,7 0,6 0,7 0,9 0,1

2007 61,9 50,7 63,4 52,3 39,5 40,4 3,8 45,8 34,9 38,2 34,8 32,7 23,3 23,2 28,4 28,9 25,9 34,4 27,3 31,3 27,5 33,1 21,6 23,4 30,6 16,5 21,5 20,0 17,3 22,6 14,8 10,4 16,3 14,3 29,5 12,3 12,7 2,2 11,5 5,8 7,6 10,3 11,1 8,5 10,3 7,0 6,7 10,5 18,4 3,5 4,1 1,6 2,7 2,1 2,1 3,2 2,3 1,5 1,5 1,3 1,0 5,6 1,3 0,7 1,2 0,4 1,3 0,8 0,8 1,0 0,7 0,2

2008 66,6 50,7 60,3 50,9 45,7 41,4 39,1 45,0 33,9 36,1 33,7 33,4 26,1 25,8 29,4 28,8 26,7 31,5 26,7 30,7 25,8 35,4 21,9 18,1 32,7 24,5 22,5 22,1 17,4 18,8 15,0 13,2 15,9 15,3 28,9 12,4 12,9 5,7 11,3 5,5 8,2 10,5 12,2 7,7 10,1 8,7 6,5 13,8 20,1 3,6 3,8 2,4 2,8 2,2 1,7 2,6 2,3 1,5 1,4 1,0 1,3 5,1 1,4 0,7 1,2 0,7 1,3 0,8 1,0 0,7 0,4 0,3

2009 63,0 50,3 58,9 46,6 42,7 41,8 39,3 44,0 33,7 34,5 31,9 31,5 27,7 31,0 29,2 28,1 26,2 28,9 24,9 28,8 27,0 30,5 19,5 23,7 26,8 26,9 17,9 22,3 17,8 20,4 15,7 12,9 22,8 14,9 21,7 13,6 13,4 8,7 11,0 4,8 7,8 9,7 8,1 8,3 9,5 8,7 6,2 9,9 10,0 2,9 4,0 2,4 2,5 2,3 2,2 2,0 2,4 1,8 1,7 1,3 1,1 4,5 1,2 0,7 1,5 0,9 0,6 0,8 0,8 1,0 0,2 0,2

*Included Macao, Hong-Kong and Taiwan. International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

2010 64,8 52,3 56,7 47,3 43,1 41,5 41,6 42,1 33,5 32,2 34,2 30,3 28,4 31,0 29,0 28,1 26,4 27,7 25,2 27,3 26,5 21,2 20,6 23,2 25,6 26,8 21,0 22,1 18,4 18,0 16,0 12,5 18,7 13,7 8,8 13,6 12,9 10,1 11,0 11,1 8,5 9,8 8,5 8,5 9,6 8,6 6,3 9,2 5,0 2,9 3,7 2,2 2,7 2,4 2,2 1,8 2,5 2,0 1,6 1,4 1,1 1,1 1,2 0,7 1,0 1,0 0,7 0,8 1,0 0,7 0,1 0,1

2011 60,3 52,1 54,5 44,2 42,8 40,1 41,9 40,5 35,5 31,9 30,0 31,8 29,0 30,4 28,6 27,4 25,8 25,2 24,9 26,2 26,7 24,8 21,8 22,2 25,6 20,5 18,9 22,0 18,4 16,5 16,3 14,3 15,0 15,8 18,9 12,0 13,1 12,0 11,2 10,7 9,1 10,0 8,6 8,0 9,6 8,6 7,1 7,8 5,1 3,2 3,4 2,4 2,9 2,5 2,2 1,8 2,6 2,6 1,6 1,4 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,2 1,0 1,1 0,8 0,8 1,0 0,7 0,1 0,1

2012 61,3 55,4 53,6 43,2 40,4 39,8 39,6 39,1 34,8 32,3 32,3 31,2 29,0 28,8 28,8 28,2 26,2 24,8 24,6 24,2 25,8 23,3 23,2 22,9 21,7 20,4 19,7 19,6 18,4 17,7 16,4 15,8 15,2 14,9 13,9 13,7 13,0 12,9 11,4 10,5 9,4 9,3 9,1 8,7 8,7 8,5 6,5 6,4 5,1 3,4 3,4 3,1 2,8 2,8 2,3 2,1 2,1 2,1 1,7 1,5 1,4 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,1 1,0 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,7 0,1 0,1

Nutzung des Weins im Geschäftsjahr 2011/2012 Uses of wines for financial year 2011/2012 Utilización de los vinos del ejercicio 2011/2012 Utilisations de vins de l'exercice 2011/2012 Utilizzi di vino della campagna 2011/2012 APPENDIX U

1000 hl Internal commercial uses


At the Distillation of Others Human beginning of wines industrial uses consumption (1) the (2) (3) campaign Africa South Africa America Argentina Brazil Chile Asia Cyprus Europe Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic** Denmark Finland France Germany** Greece** Hungary** Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Portugal Romania Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Oceania Australia

3 527

1 841

10 051 3 198 3 157

36 .. ..




Losses (5)

Total (1+2+3+4+ 5)


4 175

4 333



5 135

139 .. ..

10 051 2 382 10 426

11 145 2 809 11 820

1 094 427 1 394

.. .. ..

10 953 4 086 4 370

2 016 ..






2 706 590 727 2 219 722 91 56 850 10 823 1 436 1 820 177 36 965 192 436 7 947 1 170 382 29 205 473 2 224 1 806

514 71 -356 1 829 -211 -32 2 332 -227 -447 -16 0 -4 537 -24 -23 -1 716 9 -284 -4 964 -6 -243 0

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

3 042 2 943 508 3 628 1 622 557 42 242 20 073 2 621 1 979 833 23 027 242 3 613 3 724 2 688 554 13 676 2 096 2 762 12 801


22 342

2 528 2 872 864 1 799 1 833 589 29 022 20 300 3 068 1 995 833 22 633 266 3 636 4 994 2 582 838 9 850 2 102 2 671 12 801

.. .. .. .. .. .. 8 997

.. .. .. .. .. .. 1 891

.. .. .. 894 .. .. 118 71 .. 3 995 .. .. ..

.. .. .. 4 037 .. .. 328 27 .. 4 795 .. .. ..

2 192 519 1 083 390 933 123 54 518 11 050 1 883 1 836 177 41 502 216 459 9 663 1 354 666 34 169 479 2 467 1 806

5 402



16 940

* Stocks include both estate and in the market stocks. ** The distillations of wine of these countries include those of the lees. .. : missing value, not available. (1) (2) (3) (4)

Variation (endbeginning)

At the end of the campaign

Consumption: on average 2010 and 2011 year. Distillation, other industrial uses (vinaigre + vermouth) and losses. Stock at the beginning: mostly at the beginning campaign 2010/2011. Stock at the end of the campaign: mostly at the beggining of the campaign 2011/2012. International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)


Weltweiter menschlicher Konsum an Produkten des Weinbausektors World human consumption of vitivinicultural products Consumo humano mundial de productos del sector vitivinícola Consommation humaine mondiale de produits du secteur vitivinicole Consumo umano mondiale di prodotti del settore vitivinicolo APPENDIX V Wine 1000 hl

Year 2012 Africa Algeria Egypt Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Madagascar Morocco South Africa Tunisia United Rep of Tanzania

Grape Juice hl

306 40 .. 99 397 3 217 .. 214 56

.. .. .. .. ..

America Argentina Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile Usa Mexico Paraguay Peru Uruguay

10 608 85 3 198 4 638 .. 3 157 .. 29 000 614 387 621 641

2 .. 2203

Asia Afghanistan China* Cyprus India Iran Iraq Israel Japan Jordan Lebanon Syrian Arab Republic Turkey

.. 18 022 185 33 .. .. 61 3 360 .. .. 82 .. 564

.. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. .. .. .. 3

.. .. .. ..

Fresh Grape 1000 ql 4 552 11 757 337 .. 2 721 400 647 175

6 1 8 1 1

297 142 062 855 370 435 647 1 .. 069 47

4 058 80 960 68 19 613 12 253 2 006 774 900 325 537 1 500 15 200

*Included Macao, Hong-Kong and Taiwan. .. : missing value, not available. Figures in italics: OIV estimation.

International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

Dried Grape 1000 ql 103 36 1 .. 16 142 16 1 8 3 246 246 115 2 039 170 60 6 56 157 5 89 490 209 24 287 5 50 148 1 801

Weltweiter menschlicher Konsum an Produkten des Weinbausektors World human consumption of vitivinicultural products Consumo humano mundial de productos del sector vitivinícola Consommation humaine mondiale de produits du secteur vitivinicole Consumo umano mondiale di prodotti del settore vitivinicolo APPENDIX V Wine 1000 hl

Year 2012 Europe Albania Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia And Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Fyr. Macedonia Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Kazakhstan Kyrgystan Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Moldova Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russian Federation Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Tajikistan Turkmenistan Ukraine United Kingdom Uzbekistan Oceania Australia New Zealand

Grape Juice hl

Fresh Grape 1000 ql

216 49 578 43 781 872 87 750 381 574 822 180 599 269 200 074 300 068 995 39 802 633 341 20 80 341 266 62 100 120 634 749 928 994 582 394 324 838 675 850 066 671 11 181 051 801 159

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 656 .. .. 800 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 715 .. 68 .. .. 100

5 402 919

2 2 1 1 1 30 1 20 3 1 22

3 4 2 10 2 9 2 2 2 12

Dried Grape 1000 ql


1 682 683 355 1 250 1 416 262 316 239 344 201 42 150 1 824 797 90 2 500 2 359 882 14 101 6 000 1 214 40 17 .. 17 10 450 162 450 274 791 390 762 43 414 130 315 1 361 250 343 1 436 1 552 899 2 362 7 000

1 10 65 14 30 80 4 21 7 43 73 9 24 209 4 10 700 230 23 5 59 185 127 1 21 21 2 2 10 1 424 39 127 25 33 460 12 20 8 156 81 37 3 8 192 1 088 120

.. ..

801 293

380 86

.. : missing value, not available. Figures in italics: OIV estimation. International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) OIV Statistical publications:

Stat OIV extracts:

ISBN 979-10-91799-56-0 OIV - 18, rue d’Aguesseau – F 75008 Paris

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