Ohio Teacher Evaluation System Student Learning Objectives

Ohio Teacher Evaluation System Student Learning Objectives Lori Lofton Carolyn Everidge-Frey November 2012 Tweet the Conference Use hashtag #OHEdCo...
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Ohio Teacher Evaluation System Student Learning Objectives Lori Lofton Carolyn Everidge-Frey

November 2012

Tweet the Conference Use hashtag #OHEdConf Follow the Ohio Department of Education @OHEducation

Student Growth Measures

A: Teacher-level Value-Added Available : Teacher-level Value-AddedData data available Teacher Value-Added 10-50%

: Approved Vendor Assessment data available Vendor Assessment

LEA Measures 0-40%



LEA Measures 0-40% Vendor

B: Approved Assessment Data Available

B: Approved Vendor Assessment data available Vendor Assessment 10-50%

LEA Measures 0-40%


C: No Teacher-level Value-Added or Approved Vendor Assessment data available

C: No Teacher-level Value-Added or Approved Vendor C: No Teacher-level Value-Added or Approved Vendor Assessment data a Assessment Data Available LEA Measures 50%

education.ohio.gov Search Key Words: OTES or OPES

Student Growth Measures Resources Student Growth Measures Overviews ODE Approved List of Assessments

Student Growth Measures Resources Student Learning Objectives Information and Guidebook

Steps for Designing a Local Student Growth Measures Plan Sample SLOs

Student Learning ObjectivesA Process

Gather and Review Available Data

Determine the Interval of Instruction and Identify Content

Choose Assessments and Set the Growth Target

Submit your SLO and Prepare for Approval and Review

Final Scoring of the SLO

Why is Ohio Using SLOs?

Reinforce Best Teaching Practice Through Setting goals for students

Using data to assess student progress Adjusting instruction based upon progress

SLOs Are Adaptable All educators can demonstrate their impact on student learning and receive recognition for their efforts.

SLOs Are Adaptable Created on different data sources such as teacher created assessments, performance assessments, or rubric‐based assessments.

Benefits to Using SLOs

SLOs Acknowledge the Value of Teacher Knowledge and Skill Allows teachers to have input on how student learning will be measured and how teachers will be evaluated

Potential For Collaboration

Do All Teachers Need to Write SLOs? ODE recommends that all teachers create at least one SLO to gain experience with the SLO process.

In subsequent years, teachers should create two to four SLOs per year.

Assessments for SLOs District-approved, locally developed assessments Pre/Post assessments

Assessments for SLOs Performance-based assessments Portfolios

Writing and Approving SLOs SLO Template and Checklist

Sample SLO • • • •

Read sample and checklist Define template components Review sample for approval Suggest feedback for revisions

Baseline and Trend Data Summarizes student information (test score from previous years, results of pre-assessments) Identifies student strengths and weaknesses

Baseline and Trend Data Reviews trend data to inform the objective and establishes the amount of growth that should take place

Baseline and Trend Data Review

Provide Feedback to Teacher

Baseline and Trend Data Describe the structure of the pretest

Student Population

Student Population Review

Provide Feedback to Teacher

Student Population Note important characteristics – do students audition? Are there pre-requisites? Do any students have special needs? Provide information on how this course fits into the teacher’s overall schedule, and how representative this group of students is of all of the students the teacher instructs.

Student Population For example, does the teacher generally instruct students in ninth grade, but for this course instructs all grade levels?

Interval of Instruction

Interval of Instruction Review

Provide Feedback to Teacher

Interval of Instruction Does the class meet daily? Is it a class period each day?

Standards and Content The content, skills and specific standards to which the SLO is aligned All SLOs should be broad enough to represent the most important learning or overarching skills, but narrow enough to be measured

Standards and Content Review

Provide Feedback to Teacher

Standards and Content In addition to naming the standards to which the SLO aligns, provide information about the specific content that the SLO will target and any pertinent details about alignment.

Standards and Content The teacher states that this SLO is aligned to ALL of the Music Standards for high school levels. This statement means that all indicators will be taught, assessed, focused upon….is that the intent? How are the standards going to be addressed?

Assessment(s) The assessment(s) that will be used to measure student growth for the objective

Assessment(s) Should be reviewed by content experts to effectively measure course content and should have sufficient “stretch” If supplemental assessments are needed to cover all ability levels in the course, provide a plan for combining multiple assessments

Assessment(s) Review

Provide Feedback to Teacher

Assessment(s) Describe how student performance will be scored. Note when the assessments will be administered. How is the teacher showing student growth of performance without a baseline score?

Growth Targets

Growth Targets Review

Provide Feedback to Teacher

Growth Targets It is easy to misinterpret the statement of growth when given as a percent. Revise the target so that it articulates clear expectations for growth.

Growth Targets If students are high performing on the preassessment, is there enough “stretch” on the assessment so that a growth score can be obtained? On the pre-assessment, were there different levels of skill attainment? How is that reflected here?

Rationale for Growth Targets Should draw upon assessment, baseline and trend data; student outcomes and curriculum standards Should be aligned to broader school and district goals

Rationale for Growth Targets Review

Provide Feedback to Teacher

Rationale for Growth Targets There is no indication if this is a rigorous growth target.

Rationale for Growth Targets This rationale does not provide clear explanation for why the teacher selected the growth targets that she did or why this growth target is appropriate for this group of students.

SLO Resources • • • • •

Template for submission and approval Criteria and checklist Final scoring of the SLO Combining SLOs (coming soon) Annotated Example SLOs

SLO Support • • • •

SGM Pilot Regional Technical Assistance Training Ohio Education Research Center

Questions Student Growth Measures [email protected] Electronic Teacher and Principal Evaluation System [email protected] Evaluation Systems [email protected]

Contact Information Lori Lofton Senior Executive Director Center for the Teaching Profession [email protected] Carolyn Everidge-Frey Asst. Director, Office of Equity and Talent Center for the Teaching Profession [email protected]

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