No toda la vida hemos sido mujeres estudiantes y fuertes que todo lo que se proponen lo consiguen

LA MUJER ESTUDIANTE No toda la vida hemos sido mujeres estudiantes y fuertes que todo lo que se proponen lo consiguen. Hacia el siglo XVIII se instit...
Author: Roxanne Craig
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No toda la vida hemos sido mujeres estudiantes y fuertes que todo lo que se proponen lo consiguen. Hacia el siglo XVIII se institucionaliza la escuela primaria para niños y niñas. El porcentaje de las niñas escolarizadas era muy inferior al de los niños; así el 85% de las mujeres en España eran analfabetas. Las mujeres no llegaban nunca a una enseñanza universitaria y aquellas que lo conseguían eran mal vistas ya que antes las mentalidades eran muy machistas, esto perduró durante mucho tiempo. Durante esta década surgieron pensadores como Rousseau que decía que la mujer era incapaz de hacer ciencia o de tener genialidad ya que carece de agudeza y atención. Para Kant, las mujeres son “semisuficientes” y decía que el estudio para ellas hacía debilitar su encanto, por lo tanto, no debían estudiar y aquella que lo hiciera “lo único que le faltaría sería la barba para ser como un hombre” decía que su función principal era cuidar de su casa, niños y amar a sus esposos. Menos mal que hoy en día no existen pensadores como estos porque no sé qué sería de mí. Que no existan estos pensadores no quiere decir que no haya personas machistas pero ahora son éstos quiénes están mal vistos en la sociedad. Hoy en día la mujer tiene los mismos derechos e igualdades que un hombre y podemos demostrar todo lo que valemos, tenemos la libertad y debemos hacer todo aquello que nos proponemos. Somos totalmente independientes de los hombres. Os habla una chica estudiante que cada día se propone salir adelante, estudiar para poder conseguir un buen trabajo y nunca depender de un hombre porque estamos en el siglo XXI, no el XVIII, así que podemos y debemos salir adelante y nunca, nunca, depender de un hombre.

Geraldin Hernández

Bertsio modernoagoa

Orain dela pare bat aste, domekaro gertatzen zaidan gauza baten gainean pentsatzen geratu nintzen.

-Esan aitonari hamaiketakoa prest duela eta bueltatzeko ortutik - agindu zidan amonak. -Ondo da, banoa. -Bide batez, galdeiozu ea zer nahi duen bazkaltzeko.

Momentu hartantxe konturatu nintzen egoeraz, eta DBH-n izan nuen irakasle bat etorri zitzaidan burura, historiakoa, orain dela urte askoko egoera azaltzen: emakumea etxean geratzen zela, gizonak lan egiten zuela… Beraz, buelta erdi eman eta galdetu nion amonari:

-Zuk zer nahi duzu bazkaltzeko? -Horrek berdin du, joan aitonarengana eta galdetu behingoz, prestatzen hasi behar dut eta; badakizu ordu bietarako mahaian egotea gustatzen zaiola.

Historiako liburua ikusi nuen zabalik nire amonaren etxean, badakidan arren aitona ez dela matxista bat. Edozein etorri eta etxe hartan zegoen panorama ikusita, aurreko mendean bizi garela pentsa zezakeen.

Hori dela eta, pentsatu nuen: “Eskerrak gauzak aldatu diren, askoren borrokari esker. Nik, hemeretzi urte bete berriak ditut, eta nire gelako mutilen moduan egin ditzaket nire biologia ikasketak. Gainera, kasualitate hutsez, baina nik futbolean jokatzen dut, Athletic-eko emakumezkoen taldean, hain zuzen ere, hori bai izan dela aurrera pausu galanta ”

Amonak zerbait galdetu zidan, eta pentsatzeari utzi nion:

-Badakizu zure gurasoak, ez dabiltzala oso ondo diru aldetik, aita kaleratu zutenetik. Lanean hasi zara, ezta? -Bai, entrenamenduen ostean taberna batean egiten dut lan. -Eta zenbat egun entrenatzen dituzu astean? -Astelehenetik ostegunera, ostiraletan jai eta zapatu-domeketan partiduak jokatzen ditut. -Horrek orduan, diru asko ekarriko dizu, ezta? Futbolean milioi kontuak baino ez dira entzuten eta… -Ez pentsa…

Elkarrizketa honek eman zidan benetan egoeraz jabetzeko aukera.

Beti esan izan dut gustuko dudalako jokatzen dudala futbolean, eta hala da; gainera liga pare bat baino gehiago irabazi izanak indarra ematen dit aurrera jarraitzeko, ikasketekin, eta baita lanarekin ere, denbora gutxi izan arren.

Baina, gauzak benetan aldatu egin badira, honako galdera hau dut nik:

“Gabarra, noizko” ?

Ibane Muniategi

YOUNG WOMEN 1960 (Marta, 17) I left school two months ago, because my dad told me that I shouldn’t go on with my studies, and although I told him that I liked studying and learning things, he told me that a pretty girl like me, didn’t need to study, only boys must study, and get a degree, I think that he is right, all my girl friends left school last year, only Sandra continues studying. Today I have met a wealthy family, my mum has been working for them as a servant since she was 23, when she married my dad, but now my mum is too old to work, and her bosses don’t want an old woman working for them, so my father has managed to get my mother’s old job for me. I must be very grateful to my dad, he is a good man. 1969 (Laura, 24) I’m Laura and I’m 24, I have always wanted to be a policewoman, and I have been all my life training a lot for the test which will allow me to achieve my dream. But this morning in the test I returned to real life. It was a physical test, where you should show and prove your strength and resistance. We were five boys and me doing the text, and I finished the test in second place, but the inspectors failed me and accepted the other four men that were, in my opinion, no able to enter the police. And then they offered me a job as a secretary, I’m really indignant for that. I have been training a lot for this day, more than any man in the world, and they say that it’s not enough. I hate this sexist society. 2000 (Aintzane, 26) I’m Aintzane, I’m 26, and two months ago I finished my degree, I’m now officially an industry engineer, I have worked a lot, and now I’m trying to find a job, but it’s more difficult of what I had thought, but Xabi and Jon have already found one. I think that now a days even if the new millennium has started this society continues as sexist as before. I don’t want to think that they don’t hire me because I’m a woman, I suppose that Xabi and Jon were better at the interview with their new bosses. But I can notice how the interviewer (who is usually a man) is unhappy when he sees a woman entering the room, and how he is always asking the girl the difficult questions, or I can just see how he looks at me, cold. 2010 We have been talking a lot about the women’s role in history, we have wanted to change so many things, but have we really changed something? Although it seems strange, now a days women live the worst time in their history. We are all concerned about the problem, we all say we are going to change, we all want a better society, but when a woman is killed by her husband, we do nothing, when a woman is fired, because she is pregnant, we do nothing, and when a woman is treated as an animal, we still don’t do anything.

We can still hear when there is a car accident, “I’m sure that the driver was a woman”, or things such as “You can’t pick up that, that’s men work”. It might seem insignificant but it isn’t if we don’t change our minds. We have time to change this situation, young women should start not letting men or other women criticise them. We must start thinking that this change is really a need, our society needs the union of both sexes, and we need to leave the old-fashioned thoughts back.