MIDTERM EXAM, Fall Date: Sep. 25, 2014 Time: 01:00pm 02:15 p.m Total: 100 points + 20 bonus points. 6 (Bonus Question) Total

Department of Computer Science CSC 2301 Name: ___________________________ MIDTERM EXAM, Fall 2014 Date: Sep. 25, 2014 Time: 01:00pm – 02:15 p.m Tot...
Author: Donna Carr
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Department of Computer Science

CSC 2301

Name: ___________________________

MIDTERM EXAM, Fall 2014 Date: Sep. 25, 2014 Time: 01:00pm – 02:15 p.m Total: 100 points + 20 bonus points



1 2 3 4 5 6 (Bonus Question) Total


Department of Computer Science

CSC 2301

Name: ___________________________

1. ( 10 x 2 pts. = 20pts. ) 

(Questions: a,b,c,d,e) Multiple choice questions:

a). Which of the following is not a file-reading method in python? a. read c. readall


c ]




c ]




a ]

b. readline d. readlines

b). What is the output of print (3// 4)? a. 0.0 c. 0.75


b. 0 d. 1

c). In Python, getting user input is done with a special expression called a. for c. eval

b. input d. read

d). Which of the following are not used in expressions? a. variables c. operators


b. statements d. literals

e). Which of the following is a Python reserved word a. for c. Print

b. Input d. rawinput

2. (3 x 2 pts = 6 pts.) 

(Questions: f,g,h) Fill in the blanks:

f. print(int(-3.54),round(-3.54)) output is

-3 -4


g. Example of “second memory” is .

CD, DVD, USB memory

h. The index of a string starts from?



3. (3 x 3 pts = 9 pts.)


Department of Computer Science

CSC 2301

Name: ___________________________

(Questions: i, j,k) The following programs don't run because they have a syntax error. Please help me fix them.

i. a = 30 b = 40 print("a=", a, "b=" b)

#print("a=", a, "b=", b)

j. def func1( ): print("line 1’) func1( ) #print("line 1”) Or print(‘line 1’)

k: a = “2” pi = 3.14 print(a+pi) #print(float(a)+pi) Or print(int(a)+pi) Or print(a + str(pi))

4. ( 5 x 5 pts. = 25 pts. )  What is the output of the following code:


Department of Computer Science

CSC 2301

Name: ___________________________

a) x=6/2 print (x)

# 3.0

b) What is the output of the following code: a = "Hello " b = "world!" print (a+b)

#Hello world!

c) string = “hello world!” newstr = string[0:-1] print(newstr)

# hello world

d) x = 4.0 + 4 print(x)


e) x = 2.0 x=3+x x=x+3 x=x-2


Department of Computer Science

CSC 2301

Name: ___________________________

print (x) #6.0

5. ( 2 x 8 pts + 2 x 12 pts. = 40 pts. )  Write programs to solve the following problems

a) (8 pts )Write a program to prompt user to input two numbers, then calculate their average and then print the result.

first = eval(input("please input the first number: ")) second = eval(input("please input the second number: ")) average = (first + second)/2 print("the average of the two numbers is: ",average)

b) (8 pts )Write a program to prompt user to input two numbers, then calculate their distance and then print the result.

first = eval(input("please input the first number: ")) second = eval(input("please input the second number: ")) distance = abs(abs(first) – abs(second)) print("the distance of the two numbers is: ",distance)

c) (8 pts ) Write a program to prompt user for his/her first name, middle name and last name, and then print his/her name in the following format: ", : ". first = input("please input your first name: " ) middle = input("please input your middle name: " ) last = input("please input your last name: " ) print(“,:”) d) (12 pts ) Rectangle information Input: two mouse clicks for the opposite corners of a rectangle


Department of Computer Science

CSC 2301

Name: ___________________________

Output: Draw the rectangle. Print the area of the rectangle. Formulas: area = length*width Solution: #rectangle.pyw from graphics import * def main(): #Introduction print("this program will draw a rectangle and calculate its area and perimeter") win = GraphWin("rectangle",400,400) win.setCoords(0.0,0.0,4.0,4.0) #get the lower-left and upper-right points p1 = win.getMouse() p1.draw(win) p2 = win.getMouse() p2.draw(win) rect = Rectangle(p1,p2) rect.draw(win) # the width of this rectangle width = abs(p2.getX()-p1.getX()) length = abs(p2.getY()-p1.getY()) area= round(length*width,2) #perimeter output2 = Text(Point(3.5,0.5),"") output2.draw(win) #output output2.setText(perimeter) message = Text(Point(2,0.2),"click anywhere to quit.") message.draw(win) win.getMouse() win.close() main() e) (12 pts) Write a program to calculate the numeric value of a name which may contain first name, middle name and last name and separate by space. Input: name Output: numeric value of the name


Department of Computer Science

CSC 2301

Name: ___________________________

Solution: def main(): # convert all upper case to lower case name = input("please input a name: ").lower() # refer the ASCII, a=97, we can use the 'ord' function to convert character to number sum = 0 names = name.split() for subname in names: for ch in subname: num = ord(ch) # summing up the values of each letter sum = sum + num print("The numeric value of " + name + " is: ", sum) main()

f) Bonus (20 pts) Write a program that calculates the number of words in a sentence entered by the user. #Solution: # count.py # this program return the number of words in a input sentence, which is separated by space def main(): #input sentence sentence = input("please a sentence separated by space:") #first separating by',', then by space, like: hello world, this is a test sent_part = sentence.split(","); #after this, the sentence become two parts: "hello world", and "this is a test" # they serve as elements of sent_part # then we split it by space for each element count = 0 for sen in sent_part: sub_sent = sen.split() # sen will be splited by space and store them in the list of sub_sent sub_count = len(sub_sent) count = count + sub_count # print the count print("The number of words of this sentence is: ", count) main()


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