Lampiran - 79


Kusumadewi, Sri dan Hari Purnomo.2004.Aplikasi Logika Fuzzy Untuk Mendukung Keputusan. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu. Kusumadewi, Sri dan Sri Hartati.2010. Neuro-Fuzzy Integrasi Sistem Fuzzy & Jaringan Syaraf. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu. Modul Data Mining PENS-ITS. “Bab 10 Clustering”. Surabaya: PENS-ITS, hal 89-115. Naba, Agus. 2009. Belajar Cepat Fuzzy Logic Menggunakan MATLAB. Yogyakarta: ANDI. RAJ.2010. “Question: How to export datagridview to excel using”. (Online).


datagridview-to-excel-using-vb-net, diakses Selasa, 19 Juli 2011) Suyanto.2008. Soft Computing. Bandung: Informatika. Wardani, I.I.P.2010. Analisa Keluarga Miskin Dengan Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy



(PDF).(Http://repo.eepis-, diunduh Selasa, 19 Juli 2011). Wikipedia. “Visual Basic 9.0(Visual Basic 2008)”. Visual Basic .NET. (Online). (, diakses Jum’at, 10 Juni 2011)


Lampiran - I


Form Utama '#Form Utama# Public Class FormUtama Private Sub mnViewSetting_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnViewSetting.Click Dim mymdi As New FormUtama Dim myfile As String = Application.StartupPath + "\SettingFile.xml" Dim mysett As New clSetting FormCurSett.inFileSetting.Text = myfile 'Read SettingFile.xml mysett.BacaFile(myfile) FormCurSett.MdiParent = Me FormCurSett.Show() End Sub Private Sub mnNewSetting_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnNewSetting.Click Dim mymdi As New FormUtama FormNewSett.MdiParent = Me FormNewSett.Show() End Sub Private Sub mnAnalyzer_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnAnalyzer.Click Dim mymdi As New FormUtama FormAnalyzer.MdiParent = Me FormAnalyzer.Show() End Sub Private Sub FormUtama_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim myfile As String = Application.StartupPath + "\SettingFile.xml" Dim mysett As New clSetting FormCurSett.inFileSetting.Text = myfile 'Read SettingFile.xml mysett.BacaFile(myfile) End Sub End Class

Lampiran - II

Form Current Setting 'Form Current Setting Public Class FormCurSett Private Sub FormCurSett_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized End Sub Private Sub btLoadSetting_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btLoadSetting.Click Dim opd As New OpenFileDialog Dim myfile As String 'Open a Setting File opd.Filter = "Xml files (*.xml)|*.xml" myfile = opd.ShowDialog() 'Store Path & File Name to Text Box If myfile = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then inFileSetting.Text = opd.FileName End If End Sub Private Sub btLoadApply_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btLoadApply.Click Dim newSetting As New clSetting If inFileSetting.Text Application.StartupPath & "\SettingFile.xml" Then 'Copy a File to Setting File default newSetting.copyFileSetting(inFileSetting.Text) 'Clearing Display Form View Current Setting Me.gbCurrentSetting.Controls.Clear() 'Create Display for View Curent Setting newSetting.BacaFile(inFileSetting.Text) End If End Sub End Class

Form New Setting 'Form New Setting Public Class FormNewSett Private Sub FormNewSett_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized End Sub Private Sub btSetNoC_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btSetNoC.Click Dim newCls As New clSetting

Lampiran - III

'Checking for input Number of Cluster If Not IsNumeric(inNoC.Text) Or inNoC.Text = "0" Then MsgBox("Input Number Of Cluster, please!" & vbCrLf & "Only Number Accepted", vbOKOnly) Else 'Create Text Box & Label for Cluster newCls.CreateCluster(Convert.ToInt32(inNoC.Text)) End If End Sub Private Sub btNmCls_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btNmCls.Click Dim newform As New FormNewSettDetail Dim NMat As New ArrayList Dim n As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(inNoC.Text) Dim s As String 'Store Name of Cluster into an Array For x = 1 To n s = gbNewSetting.Controls.Item("tbCls" & x).Text NMat.Add(s) Next 'Clone an Array to Form Setting Detail newform.NamaCls = NMat.Clone() newform.Show() End Sub End Class

Form Current Setting Detail 'Form New Setting Detail Imports System.IO Imports System.Data Imports System.Xml Public Class FormNewSettDetail Public NamaCls As New ArrayList Public NumCls As Integer Public NomMK As Integer Public NameMK() As String Private Sub FormNewSettDetail_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim mymdi As New FormUtama Me.MdiParent = FormUtama Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized End Sub Private Sub btBrowse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btBrowse.Click Dim mysett As New clSetting Dim myfile As String Dim opd As New OpenFileDialog Dim oRead As System.IO.StreamReader = Nothing Dim strArray() As String = Nothing

Lampiran - IV

'Input File Data for Clustering opd.Filter = "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt" myfile = opd.ShowDialog() If myfile = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then inSettingDetail.Text = opd.FileName inSettingDetail.Text = opd.FileName 'Read a File oRead = New StreamReader(inSettingDetail.Text) Dim s As String s = oRead.ReadLine() 'Store First Line into an array strArray = Split(s, ControlChars.Tab) Dim n As Integer = strArray.Count Dim h As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(FormNewSett.inNoC.Text) 'Copy an Array for Attribute Name NameMK = strArray.Clone NomMK = n NumCls = h 'Create view Detail of Cluster For i = 1 To h Dim mygroupbox As New GroupBox mygroupbox.Name = "mygroupbox" & i mygroupbox.Text = FormNewSett.gbNewSetting.Controls.Item("tbCls" & i).Text mygroupbox.Top = 150 mygroupbox.Left = 20 + ((i - 1) * 220) mygroupbox.AutoSize = True

For q = 1 To strArray.Count - 1 Dim mycheck As New CheckBox mycheck.Text = strArray(q).ToString mycheck.Name = "mycheck" & q mycheck.Top = 2 + (q * 25) mycheck.Checked = False mygroupbox.Controls.Add(mycheck) Next Me.Controls.Add(mygroupbox) Next End If FormNewSett.Close() End Sub Private Sub btSaveSetting_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btSaveSetting.Click Dim sfd As New SaveFileDialog Dim myfile As String

Lampiran - V

Dim mysett As New clSetting 'Save Configuration into a XML File sfd.Filter = "XML files (*.xml)|*.xml" myfile = sfd.ShowDialog() If myfile = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then inSaveSetting.Text = sfd.FileName Dim myXmlSettings As New XmlWriterSettings myXmlSettings.Indent = True myXmlSettings.NewLineOnAttributes = True 'Write Configuration into XML File Using ProductWriter As XmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(inSaveSetting.Text, myXmlSettings) ProductWriter.WriteComment("ConfigFile") ProductWriter.WriteStartElement("Data") ProductWriter.WriteElementString("JumCluster", NumCls.ToString) ProductWriter.WriteElementString("JumMK", ((NomMK) - 1).ToString) ProductWriter.WriteStartElement("MK_ALL") For s = 1 To NomMK - 1 ProductWriter.WriteElementString("NamaMK" & s, NameMK(s).ToString) Next ProductWriter.WriteEndElement() For k = 1 To Controls.Count - 1 If TypeOf Controls(k) Is GroupBox Then ProductWriter.WriteStartElement(Controls(k).Text) Dim z As Integer = 1 For Each CheckBox In Controls(k).Controls If CheckBox.checked = True Then ProductWriter.WriteElementString("MataKuliah" & z, CheckBox.Text) z = z + 1 End If Next ProductWriter.WriteEndElement() End If Next ProductWriter.WriteEndElement() End Using End If mysett.copyFileSetting(inSaveSetting.Text) MsgBox("Succeed Write " & inSaveSetting.Text, MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly) FormNewSett.Close() Me.Close()

Lampiran - VI

End Sub End Class

Form Analyze 'Form Analyzer Imports System.Data Public Class FormAnalyzer Public JlC As Integer Public JlMK As Integer Public MatUR(,) As Decimal Public MatData(,) As Decimal Const MaxIter As Integer = 1000 Const MaxErr As Decimal = 0.000001 Const w As Integer = 6 Public metaData(,) As Integer Public myCluster() As String

Private Sub FormAnalyzer_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized Dim mysett As New clSetting Dim mycls As New clCluster Dim setPath As String = Application.StartupPath & "\SettingFile.xml" 'Read Setting File mysett.BacaSetting(setPath) 'Get Meta Data Based on Cluster metaData = mycls.getmetadata(setPath) 'number of Cluster JlC = mysett.NoC 'number of mata kuliah JlMK = mysett.NoMK End Sub Private Sub btDataAnalyzer_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btDataAnalyzer.Click Dim opd As New OpenFileDialog Dim myfile As String Dim mycls As New clCluster Dim mysett As New clSetting 'Checking for Data in Datagrid View If dgInput.RowCount > 1 Then dgInput.Rows.Clear() dgInput.Columns.Clear() dgResult.Rows.Clear() dgResult.Columns.Clear() End If

Lampiran - VII

'Name of Cluster myCluster = mycls.getClusterName() 'Open Input File for Clustering opd.Filter = "Text files (*.txt)|*.txt" myfile = opd.ShowDialog() If myfile = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then inAnalyzer.Text = opd.FileName 'Preparing Datagrid View For ndat = 1 To JlC + 1 dgResult.Columns.Add(ndat.ToString(), ndat.ToString()) If ndat = 1 Then dgResult.Columns(ndat.ToString).HeaderText = "NIM" Else dgResult.Columns(ndat.ToString).HeaderText = myCluster(ndat - 2).ToString End If Next 'Input file into Datagrid View mycls.InputData(inAnalyzer.Text) End If End Sub Private Sub btAnalyzer_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btAnalyzer.Click Dim mysett As New clSetting Dim mycls As New clCluster Dim setPath As String = Application.StartupPath & "\SettingFile.xml" Dim p1 As Decimal = 0 Dim p2 As Decimal = 0 Dim nMHS As Integer Dim upper As Decimal Dim lower As Decimal Dim atas As Decimal Dim bawah As Decimal Dim nc As Integer Dim temp1 As Decimal Dim temp2 As Decimal Dim temp3 As Decimal Dim iter As Integer Dim nilai As Decimal Dim total As Decimal Dim pbar As Integer Dim bagi As Decimal Dim maxval1, maxval2 As Decimal 'Set Number of Data nMHS = dgInput.Rows.Count - 1 'Set Input Data Matrix MatData = mycls.DataMHS((nMHS - 1), (JlMK - 1)) 'Set Random Matrix/membership function MatUR = mycls.MatrixRandom((nMHS - 1), (JlC - 1))

Lampiran - VIII

'set marix hasil cluster Dim myhasil(nMHS - 1, 0) As String 'Set for Progress Bar pbar = nMHS + MaxIter 'Declare for Center of Cluster Matrix Dim MatV((JlC - 1), (JlMK - 1)) As Decimal nc = 0 ProBar.Value = 0 For iter = 1 To MaxIter '1. Calculate Center of cluster Dim Kc As Integer Dim Jc As Integer For Kc = 0 To JlC - 1 For Jc = 0 To JlMK - 1 upper = 0 lower = 0 For ic = 0 To nMHS - 1 upper = upper + (Math.Pow(MatUR(ic, Kc), w) * (MatData(ic, Jc) * (metaData(Kc, Jc)))) lower = lower + (Math.Pow(MatUR(ic, Kc), w) * (metaData(Kc, Jc))) Next If lower = 0 Then MatV(Kc, Jc) = 0 ElseIf (upper / lower) > 4 Then MatV(Kc, Jc) = 4 Else MatV(Kc, Jc) = (upper / lower) End If Next Next '2. Calculate Objective Function For ic = 0 To nMHS - 1 temp2 = 0 For Kc = 0 To JlC - 1 temp1 = 0 For Jc = 0 To JlMK - 1 temp1 = temp1 + ((Math.Pow((MatData(ic, Jc)) - MatV(Kc, Jc), 2))) Next temp2 = temp2 + (Math.Abs(temp1) * (Math.Pow(MatUR(ic, Kc), w))) Next p2 = p2 + temp2 Next

'3. Fixing Membership Function

Lampiran - IX

For ic = 0 To nMHS - 1 For Kc = 0 To JlC - 1 atas = 0 For Jc = 0 To JlMK - 1 atas = atas + ((Math.Pow(MatData(ic, Jc) - MatV(Kc, Jc), 2))) Next atas = Math.Pow(Math.Abs(atas), -1 / (w 1)) temp3 = 0 For di = 0 To JlC - 1 bawah = 0 For ji = 0 To JlMK - 1 bawah = bawah + ((Math.Pow(MatData(ic, ji) - MatV(di, ji), 2))) Next bawah = Math.Pow(Math.Abs(bawah), -1 / (w - 1)) temp3 = (temp3 + bawah) Next MatUR(ic, Kc) = (atas / temp3) Next Next

'4. Checking for stop If (Math.Abs(p2 - p1)) < MaxErr Then Exit For Else p2 = p1 End If ProBar.Value = iter / pbar * 100 Next 'Calculate for Cluster Distance For nc = 0 To nMHS - 1 'Jumlah MHS ProBar.Value = (nc + 1 + iter) / pbar * 100 maxval1 = 0 maxval2 = 0 For cl = 0 To JlC - 1 'Jumlah Bid. TA bagi = 0 nilai = 0 For jl = 0 To JlMK - 1 ' jumlah MK nilai = nilai + (Math.Abs(MatData(nc, jl) 4)) * (metaData(cl, jl) * MatUR(nc, cl)) bagi = bagi + (metaData(cl, jl)) Next total = nilai / bagi dgResult.Rows(nc).Cells(cl + 1).Value = (4 total) / 4 * 100 Next Next MessageBox.Show("PROCESS DONE !", "Information") ProBar.Value = 0 End Sub

Lampiran - X

Private Sub btSaveAnalyzer_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btSaveAnalyzer.Click Dim SFD As New SaveFileDialog 'Function for Saving Result into Excel 2007 File SFD.Filter = "Excel Files(*.xlsx)|*.xlsx" If SFD.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then inSaveResult.Text = SFD.FileName 'RAJ 31-12-2010@ Dim xlApp As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application Dim xlWorkBook As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook Dim xlWorkSheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet Dim oldCI As System.Globalization.CultureInfo = _ System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = _ New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US") Dim misValue As Object = System.Reflection.Missing.Value Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer xlApp = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add(misValue) xlWorkSheet = xlWorkBook.Sheets("Sheet1")

For i = 0 To dgResult.RowCount - 2 For j = 0 To dgResult.ColumnCount - 1 For k As Integer = 1 To dgResult.Columns.Count xlWorkSheet.Cells(1, k) = dgResult.Columns(k - 1).HeaderText xlWorkSheet.Cells(i + 2, j + 1) = dgResult(j, i).Value.ToString() Next Next Next xlWorkSheet.SaveAs(inSaveResult.Text) xlWorkBook.Close() xlApp.Quit() releaseObject(xlApp) releaseObject(xlWorkBook) releaseObject(xlWorkSheet)

Lampiran - XI

MsgBox("You can find the file " & inSaveResult.Text) End If End Sub Private Sub releaseObject(ByVal obj As Object) Try System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(obj) obj = Nothing Catch ex As Exception obj = Nothing Finally GC.Collect() End Try End Sub

End Class

Class clCluster Imports System.IO Imports System.Xml Imports System.Math Public Class clCluster Private newarray() As String Private Jbar As Integer Public Sub InputData(ByVal File As String) Dim oRead As System.IO.StreamReader = Nothing Dim nS As String Dim nVar As Integer newarray = Nothing 'reading a file oRead = New StreamReader(File) nS = oRead.ReadLine() newarray = Split(nS, ControlChars.Tab) nVar = newarray.Count 'Giving Header text to Datagrid View Input Data Clustering on form Analyzer For J = 1 To nVar FormAnalyzer.dgInput.Columns.Add(J.ToString(), J.ToString()) FormAnalyzer.dgInput.Columns(J.ToString).HeaderText = newarray(J - 1).ToString() Next Jbar = 0 'Counting Data Row Do Until oRead.EndOfStream oRead.ReadLine()

Lampiran - XII

Jbar = Jbar + 1 Loop 'read File input data Clustering oRead = New StreamReader(File) oRead.ReadLine() 'insert row to datagrid view input FormAnalyzer.dgInput.Rows.Add(Jbar) 'insert row to datagrid view result FormAnalyzer.dgResult.Rows.Add(Jbar) 'Input Data into Datagrid view For en = 0 To FormAnalyzer.dgInput.Rows.Count - 1 nS = oRead.ReadLine() Dim dtarray() As String = Nothing dtarray = Split(nS, ControlChars.Tab) For i = 0 To dtarray.Count - 1 FormAnalyzer.dgInput.Rows(en).Cells(i).Value = dtarray(i).ToString Next FormAnalyzer.dgResult.Rows(en).Cells(0).Value = dtarray(0).ToString Next oRead.Close() End Sub Public Function MatrixRandom(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) 'Function for Generate Matrix Random/membership function Dim myarry(x, y) As Decimal Dim random As New Random Dim temp1 As Decimal Dim temp2 As Decimal Dim total As Decimal For j = 0 To x total = 0 For i = 0 To y - 1 temp1 = Math.Abs(random.NextDouble()) If total + temp1 >= 1 Then Do temp1 = Math.Abs(random.NextDouble()) Loop Until (total + temp1) < 1 temp2 = temp1 Else temp2 = temp1 End If total = total + temp2 myarry(j, i) = temp2 Next temp2 = 1 - total total = total + temp2

Lampiran - XIII

myarry(j, (y)) = temp2 Next j Return myarry End Function Public Function DataMHS(ByVal a As Integer, ByVal b As Integer) 'Function for Generate Matrix Input Data Dim myMHS(a, b) As Decimal Dim bar As Integer = a Dim kol As Integer = b Dim ibar As Integer Dim ikol As Integer Dim dummy1 As String Dim dummy2 As Decimal For ibar = 0 To bar For ikol = 0 To kol dummy1 = FormAnalyzer.dgInput.Rows(ibar).Cells(ikol + 1).Value If dummy1 = "A" Then dummy2 = 4.0 ElseIf dummy1 = "B+" Then dummy2 = 3.5 ElseIf dummy1 = "B" Then dummy2 = 3.0 ElseIf dummy1 = "C+" Then dummy2 = 2.5 ElseIf dummy1 = "C" Then dummy2 = 2.0 Else dummy2 = 1.0 End If myMHS(ibar, ikol) = dummy2 Next Next Return myMHS End Function Public Function getmetadata(ByVal Fn As String) 'Function for Generate Matrix Metadata based on Cluster from File setting Dim xd As New XmlDataDocument Dim mylabel As New Label Dim myTbox As New TextBox Dim NoC As Integer Dim Ja As Integer xd.Load(Fn) NoC = Convert.ToInt32(xd.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Item(0).InnerText ) Ja = xd.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Item(2).ChildNodes.Count - 1 Dim matMeta(NoC - 1, Ja) As Integer For x = 3 To NoC + 2

Lampiran - XIV

For c = 0 To xd.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Item(2).ChildNodes.Count - 1 Dim myText As String myText = xd.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Item(2).ChildNodes.Item(c).InnerT ext For a = 0 To xd.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Item(x).ChildNodes.Count - 1 If (xd.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Item(x).ChildNodes.Item(a).Inner Text).ToString = myText Then matMeta((x - 3), c) = 1 Exit For Else matMeta((x - 3), c) = 0 End If Next Next Next Return matMeta End Function Public Function getClusterName() Dim ndx As New XmlDataDocument Dim fs As String = Application.StartupPath & "\SettingFile.xml" Dim Jk As Integer

ndx.Load(fs) Jk = Convert.ToInt32(ndx.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Item(0).InnerTex t) Dim myCln(Jk - 1) As String For cluster = 0 To Jk - 1 myCln(cluster) = ndx.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Item(cluster + 3).Name Next Return myCln End Function End Class

Class clSetting Imports System.Xml Imports System.IO Public Class clSetting Public NoC As Integer Public NmC As New ArrayList Public NoMK As Integer Public NmMK() As String

Public Sub BacaFile(ByVal File As String)

Lampiran - XV

'Function for Create Form View Curent Setting Dim xd As New XmlDataDocument Dim mylabel As New Label Dim myTbox As New TextBox xd.Load(File) NoC = Convert.ToInt32(xd.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Item(0).InnerText ) mylabel.Name = "lbCurset" mylabel.Top = 33 mylabel.Left = 6 mylabel.Text = "Number of Cluster" mylabel.Width = 91 mylabel.Height = 13 FormCurSett.gbCurrentSetting.Controls.Add(mylabel) myTbox.Name = "txJCls" myTbox.Text = Convert.ToString(NoC) myTbox.Top = 30 myTbox.Left = 103 myTbox.Width = 63 myTbox.Height = 20 myTbox.Enabled = False FormCurSett.gbCurrentSetting.Controls.Add(myTbox) 'Create Group Box as many as Number of Cluster For x = 3 To NoC + 2 Dim mygroupbox As New GroupBox mygroupbox.Text = xd.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Item(x).Name mygroupbox.Top = 75 mygroupbox.Left = 10 + ((x - 2) * 220) mygroupbox.AutoSize = True 'Create Radio Button as many as number of Cluster Attribute For c = 0 To xd.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Item(2).ChildNodes.Count - 1 Dim mycheck As New CheckBox mycheck.Text = xd.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Item(2).ChildNodes.Item(c).InnerT ext mycheck.Top = 2 + ((c + 1) * 25) For a = 0 To xd.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Item(x).ChildNodes.Count - 1 If (xd.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Item(x).ChildNodes.Item(a).Inner Text).ToString = mycheck.Text Then mycheck.Checked = True End If Next mygroupbox.Controls.Add(mycheck)

Lampiran - XVI

Next FormCurSett.gbCurrentSetting.Controls.Add(mygroupbox) Next End Sub Public Sub CreateCluster(ByVal Z As Integer) 'Generate text box & label for new Cluster on Form New Setting If FormNewSett.gbNewSetting.Controls.Count > 0 Then FormNewSett.gbNewSetting.Controls.Clear() End If For x = 1 To Z Dim myLabel As New Label myLabel.Name = "lbCls" & x myLabel.Text = "Cluster No " & x myLabel.Top = 10 + (x * 25) myLabel.Left = 10 FormNewSett.gbNewSetting.Controls.Add(myLabel) Dim myTextbox As New TextBox myTextbox.Name = "tbCls" & x myTextbox.Top = 5 + (x * 25) myTextbox.Left = 120 myTextbox.Width = 250 FormNewSett.gbNewSetting.Controls.Add(myTextbox) Next End Sub Public Sub BacaSetting(ByVal newfile As String) Dim setF As New XmlDataDocument 'reading a file Setting setF.Load(newfile) 'get number of Cluster NoC = Convert.ToInt32(setF.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Item(0).InnerTe xt) 'get Number of Variable NoMK = setF.DocumentElement.ChildNodes.Item(2).ChildNodes.Count

End Sub Public Sub copyFileSetting(ByVal myfile As String) 'Function copy a file setting to Default Setting file(SettingFile.xml) Dim opath As String = Application.StartupPath + "\SettingFile.xml" Dim newF As String = opath If System.IO.File.Exists(myfile) = True Then System.IO.File.Delete(opath) System.IO.File.Copy(myfile, newF) End If

Lampiran - XVII

End Sub

End Class

Lampiran - XVIII


Lampiran - XIX

Lampiran - XX


Lampiran - XXI


Data Pribadi / Personal Details

Nama / Name


Alamat / Address

: Jl. Agung Utara 3C Sunter Agung Tg. Priok, Jakarta Utara

Nomor Telepon / Phone

: 089635522546


: [email protected]

Jenis Kelamin / Gender

: Male

Tanggal Kelahiran / Date of Birth : 23rd July 1983 Status Marital / Marital Status

: Single

Warga Negara / Nationality

: Indonesia

Agama / Religion

: Muslim

Riwayat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Educational and Professional Qualification

Jenjang Pendidikan


Education Information Periode

Sekolah / Institusi /


Jenjang IPK

Universitas 2005 - 2011

Universitas Mercu Buana

Teknik Informatika



Lampiran - XXII

1999 - 2002

SMKN 3 Kuningan



1997 - 1999

SMPN 3 Ligung


1991 - 1997

SDN Beber 4


1989 - 1990

TK Imbaraga


Pendidikan Non Formal / Training – Seminar

1. English Course at Wallstreet Institute Level Upper Way Stage 2. SAP for Inventory Control (Internal Training) 3. SAP MM (Internal Training) 4. Toyota Production System (Internal Training) 5. Logistic Fundamental Skills (Internal Training) 6. EHS Training (Internal Training) 7. Japan-SOX Audit Training (Internal Training)

Riwayat Pengalaman Kerja Summary of Working Experience


: 2003-2005

Instansi / Perusahaan : PT. Astra Daihastu Motor Posisi

: Logistic Staff/ Ordering section

Job Deskripsi

: Maintain Daily & Monthly Order using SAP & Kanban System.



Instansi / Perusahaan :

2005-Present PT. Astra Daihatsu Motor


: Team Leader Master Data/Inventory Control

Job Deskripsi

: Maintain Inventory. Maintain Master Data of Logistic System. Internal SAP Consultant. Internal IT Staff J-SOX Control

Lampiran - XXIII

Kecakapan Berbahasa Language Proficiency



1. 2.

Kemampuan Membaca












