Key Words: Error, Parallel structure, Argumentative essay. *) Penulis **) Pembimbing

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AN ANALYSIS OF PARALLEL STRUCTURE ERRORS OF SENTENCES IN STUDENTS’ WRITING ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY (Study At Third Year English Department Students at STKIP PGRI West Sumatra) Oleh: Ayu Pebrianita *) **) Yelfiza dan **) Wiwit Sariasih staf pengajar program studi pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatra Barat

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan informasi bagaimana mahasiswa membuat kalimat parallel melalui penggunaan coordinating conjunction, sehingga kalimat tersebut bagus secara grammar dan makna dengan memperhatikan elemen-elemen penting dalam kalimat. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa tahun ke-tiga jurusan bahasa Inggris di STKIP PGRI SUMBAR tahun akademik 2011/2012. Sedangkan yang menjadi sample adalah mahasiswa jurusan bahasa Inggris tahun ke-tiga dalam tahun akademik 2011/2012 yang diambil menggunakan purposive sampling. Dalam mengumpulkan data, peneliti meminta document atau hasil tulisan mahasiswa. Document tersebut adalah argumentative essay. Kemudian, peneliti menganalisa hasil tulisan mahasiswa dalam membuat kalimat di dalamnya. Dalam menganalisa nya peneliti melihat tipe-tipe error dalam membuat parallel structure dari coordinating conjunction yang terdiri dari kelas kata noun, verb, adjective dan adverb. Untuk melihat error nya, peneliti menggunakan teori Dulay, Burt and Krashen yaitu terdiri dari misformation, addition, misordering, omission. Jumlah error yang ditemukan dalam tulisan argumentate esay adalah 76 dengan Miformation 47 (62%), diikuti oleh Addition 15(20%), lalu Omission 8(10%), dan jumlah yag paling sedikit adalah misordering dengan jumlah error 6(8%). Jadi, hampir seluruh mahasiswa di tahun ketiga jurusan bahasa inggris tahun akademik 2011/2012 masih sulit membuat kalimat itu parallel dari coordinating conjunction dalam kelas kata noun, verb, adjective dan adverb. Key Words: Error, Parallel structure, Argumentative essay *) Penulis **) Pembimbing INTRODUCTION Someone can express her/his ideas and thought in speaking and writing but he/she needs knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary to be mastered to convey the ideas. Negleting them will make the writing become a poor writing which is difficult to be understod by the reader. According to Broadmen and Frydenberg (2002:2) the purpose of writing is to communicate massage. It means that the writer has to pay much attention to convey ideas in written form to make the reader understand about the meaning of massages that the writer intended to deliver. However, it is difficult for students to write because they need to think critically and have to be aware of expressing their ideas in order to make their writing readable and understandable. In order to achieve it students should be aware of the grammar use in writing and check wheter it is parallel or not. Parallelism in writing concerns the similarity in structure between ideas and grammatical form. Words, phrases and clauses that have same grammatical structure are said to be parallel. If the writer writes single words in list, he/she should keep the list as single word. Verb tenses should also remain the same throughout the sentence. If

the writer fails to keep parallel form, the sentences or list will feel awkward to the reader; that is, when parallelism is not achieved, it can makes the reader will be confused as well as grammatically incorrect structure. When writing a sentence that contains two or more words, phrases, or clauses, the elements of the sentence must be for the same form. In other word, the sentence must have parallel structure noun with noun, verb with verb, adjective with adjective, adverb with adverb, gerund with gerund. Besides that the elements of the sentence should suitable with means and the function. Anker (2009:533) states that parallelism in writing means that similar parts of sentence are balanced by having the same structure. In speaking and writing students should use sentences in correct grammatical or well structure sentences. However, most students still have many problems constructing parallelism are not aware of necessity to construct parallelism. Most of the common students have that is they could not keep the similar parts of the sentences in the same grammatical form. They often mix the form of the sentences elements that the use in parallel structure.

2 The researcher is interested to conduct the research about parallel structure because it makes sentences easier for the reader to understand and to provide clarity. Connelly (2010:294) states that to make sentences easily to understand, pairs and lists of words have to be parallel or much. Parallelism is the use of similar patterns of words or grammatical form to express similar or related ideas or ideas of equal importance Using parallel structure creates rhythm and balance the writer to present ideas clearly, concisely, and smoothly. Perhaps even more importantly, parallelism can help a writer highlight, emphasize information, or make a powerful point. Without parallelism, writing can become clunky, awkward, and needlessly confusing. It was very useful for students who will write their research report or thesis. They should be able to write it grammatically and to apply their knowledge in writing. Besides, they should know the way to construct sentences in correct order. It can be seen from their ability in constructing parallel structure in sentences. Nature of Writing Writing is one of the most important means of communication. People always use it in their activities both in formal and informal situation. It is not just to write, but how the students will express their ideas, expression, and opinion. According to Lyons in O’Malley (1990:136) writing is a personal act in which writers take ideas or prompts and transform them into topics. In this case, the students think to get some ideas firstly. After they get ideas, they can continue to transfer it in and develop it in written form. Then, Wallace (1993:15) explains that writing is the final product of several separate acts that are hugely challenging to learn simultaneously. Writing is a process of expressing ideas, a process of communicating in gathering ideas in written product. According to Nunan (2000:87) writing is a long and often painful, in which the final text emerges through successive drafts. In other words, writing is needs a hard work to become a good writing that the ideas are bound in one paragraph or essay. Definition of error There is no perfect in the world in life people, students are possible to make errors. Errors can be happened in learning language. According to Klasen in Mishra (2006:37) error is a form or structure that a native speaker deems unacceptable because of its inappropriate use. A form or structure of performance in language should have a rule to make the meaning acceptable, which one make the audience or the reader can understand. Next, Idris and Akbar (2010:467) say error can be classified as interlingual or intralingual. Interlingual errors can be identified as transfer

errors which result from a learner’s first language features, for example, grammatical, lexical or pragmatic errors. In words other, intralingual errors are overgeneralizations in the target language, resulting from ignorance of rule restrictions refers to the application of rule inappropriate context. Incomplete applications of rules occur when learners fail to develop a structure fully. The researcher concludes an error is wrong made by foreign language learner. in producing process that gives bad effect for both writing and speaking. Thus, the learner should be careful uses English and tries to avoid errors in all of language aspects. Types of error Dulay, Burt and Krashen in Garindo and Romero (2012:287) say that there are four types error of grammatical error. They are omission, addition, misformation and misordering. Errors of omission refer to element which should be present but has been omitted. For example, the setence‘my mother a teacher’ instead of‘my mother is a teacher’. Addition is the presence of an element which should not be part of the sentence or utterance. There are three types of error on addition that is: 1) addition due to double markings. For example, ‘he didn’t went Kuala Lumpur’ and she doesn’t knows your name’. 2) addition due to regularizations. For example ‘she putted the book on the table’ and ‘those childs are my neighbour’.3) addition due to simple aaddition. For example ‘the birds doesn’t live in the water’ and ‘we stay in over there’. Misformation is error in the use of the wrong form or morpheme or structure.In this case, a learner provides a sentence which is grammtically incorrect in English. for example: ‘the dog eated the chicken’. Misordering errors are incorrect placement of a morpheme or group of morphemes in an utterance. Moreover, misformation also has three types of errors, they are: Regularization. It is when a learner uses regular and irregular types of words in a wrong place. for example: ‘runned’ for ‘run’, ‘gooses’ for ‘geese’, Archi-forms; when the choice of class form to represent or describe another class form in different situation. For example: ‘that house is mine’, ‘that houses are theirs’, Alternating forms. In this case, the learner has mistakenly used some forms alternatively but it results in producing a wrong word. For example: ‘those dog’, ‘this cats’, the use of he instead of him’ From the explanation about types of error above, the research will use types of error stated by Dulay et. al to analyze the data. Those all are addition, misformation, omission, and misordering.

3 Defiition of argumentative essay There is some experts of definition argumentative essays. Thompson (1993:102) argues that argumentative essay is the arguments students present in support their position an argument not a simply a statement of opinion; it is an attempt to support their position with reasons. This position is critical stance or thesis taat take on her essay topic. They should be able to prove their thesis in one or two students in the first paragraph in their essy. They thesis states the conclusion is aim tho prove. The argument they develop in the essay offers a set of reasons or evidence to support their conclusion. Next, Konar (2009:133) states that the main porposes of writing argumentative essay is to convince readers that one’s particular view opinion on a controversial issue is correct. In addition, at times one many have a second purpose for his/her argumentative essay; to persuade the audience to take some sort of action. From explanation above, it can be conclude that an argumentative essay is a piece of writing which contains about some facts and the evidence. In the argumentative essay, someone should be able to show their own argument toward the topics provided. While the main purposes of the argumentative essay is to persuade the readers or audience agree with their statement stated in the essay as well. Definition of parallel structure Express related idea in similar forms is common writing advice. It seems easier than done. For example, I like to swim, hike, and ride dirt bike. In this sentence we see that there are three verbs are written in a series. When there are two or more items in a sentence that have the same level of importance, students should use parallel structure. Parallel structure is similar with parallelism. Hamilton (2000:46) explains that parallelism means that a series of words, phrases, and clauses that serve the same function in a sentence should be given balanced and equal grammatical form. Young (2009:203) also says parallel structure means that similar sentence elements are expressed in the same grammatical form. It means that, in writing should be given balanced and equal grammatical form in a sentence. Parallelism as balancing parts of a sentence so that they are expressed in the same way. Maintaining parallel balance helps the reader to connect that makes the writing more graceful and comprehensible for the reader. According Anker (2009:553) parallelism in writing means that similar parts in a sentence are balanced by having the same structure. In this case, students make a sentence should have same structure. If one element is an adjective, then all elements should be adjectives; If one element is a

noun, then all elements should be nouns; if one element is a verb, then all elements should be verbs, and so forth. The researcher concludes that parallel structure is written words, phrases, or clauses within a sentence to match in their grammatical forms. If one element is an adjective, then all elements should be adjectives; If one element is a noun, then all elements should be nouns; if one element is a verb, then all elements should be verbs, and so forth. Thus,it is a way of achieving and maintaining balance in the sentences among parts that should be balanced in order to provide a clear and concise meaning for the reader. METHOD OF THE RESEARCH This study is a descriptive research. Descriptive research represents research method trying to depict and object interpretation as according to be there. This statement is supported by Gay and Airasian (2006:11) descriptive research is research that reports phenomena as it appears in the process of the research and collects the data in order to answer the research questions.The population is the group in which the researcher was the third year students of English Department of STKIP PGRI West Sumatra in academic year 2011/2012. The number of population was 390 students. The researcher used purposive sampling technique to select a sample. The researcher chose this sampling technique because the researchers had purpose to find parallel structure errors in writing essay , and the population had passed three kinds of writing courses writing 1, writing 2, and writing 3 With satisfy result is A and B. In this research, the researcher used the document. Documents of this research were the fifth semester students of the English Department of STKIP PGRI SUMBAR registered in 2011/2012 academic year. The data was the writing final project, exactly in form of writing Argumentative essays. There were 132 writings of students but 59 writings were selected by researcher that had satisfied result A and B. Then, The researcher took the answer sheet purposive sampling as the data to be analyzed give his research belongs to descriptive form, that were from 59 writings just selected argumentative essay. There were 40 answer sheets that were analyzed all together. The data of this research was collected by administrated by the lecturer of writing III. Moreover, In this research the researcher used method of data analysis. The researcher analyzed the data by using theory of Gay and Airisian. 239: 2000). Firstly, the researcher was reading/memoing. Here, the data of students’ argumentative essays were read one by one to see the accuracy of using the word, conjunction, and grammar in detail and

4 to know the style and character of the students in writing. Next, the researcher continued the process of analyzing by describing the data that had been read before. The students’ writing analyzed based on their types of error. It taken one writing to be analyzed as representative for other student. By doing so, the researcher was able to find the students’ error in using coordinating conjunction which were analyzed more deeply and accurately based on the related theory. After being analyzed, it was be corrected into the correct form. Then the researcher classifies the error by breaking down the data into smaller units, determining the import of these units and interpreted them. The next step was interpreting the data to approve researcher’s understanding about the data. After getting the data about types of students’ errors, those were interpreted to know how far the students understand about using the coordinating conjunction to have parallel sentence in writing. FINDINGS AND DIDCUSSION 1) Misformation In this type of error, the students misformated words in the sentence which caused misunderstanding in catching the meaning of the sentence. It is stated clearer through the analysis below: a) Noun In analyzing the students’ error in connecting noun or noun phrase, the researcher found different types of error made by the students in creating parallel sentence. There were four categories of errors made by the students, they are as follow: Category Class of word

Example ...Some difference effect of the curriculum such as technology and cultural. In that sentence, there are some parallel ideas explained ‘technology’ and ‘cultural’ which those words refer to ‘effect of the curriculum’ that is signed by phrase ‘such as’ that has the same meaning with ‘for example’ and ‘like’ but does not exactly have the same grammar. As Good (2004: 23) stated that ‘such as’ is used to introduced one or more examples that represent a larger subject that is ‘some differenceeffect of the curriculum’. The phrase is in noun phrase which means that the words after ‘such as’ must be in noun or noun phrase also.The word ‘technology’ has been in noun class that is signed by the basic form of the word itself functioning as noun. Meanwhile, the word ‘cultural’ is still in adjective form that is marked by suffix –al in the word. Thus, ‘cultural’must be derived into noun form whose derivational form of is ‘culture’ and the sentence should be ‘Some difference effect of the curriculum such as technology and culture.

Category Gerund

Example .......We can use it for chatting, adding our friends, adding photo and to go abroad.......... In the second sentence, All items should be kept in the same grammatical form. However, the student that did not keep all items in the same grammatical form where there were words or phrases being omitted that makes the sentece is not parallel. In the sentence of ‘we can use it for chatting, adding our friends, adding photo, and to go abroad’, use gerund, which is formed by adding suffix –ing after verb so that the function changes into noun, except the last phrase which is in ‘to infinitive’ that caused unparallel sentence. It must bechanged into gerund by deleting word ‘to’, and word ‘go’ has to be added with suffix –ing’ becomes ‘going’. The sentence is like: ‘we can use it for chatting, adding our friends, adding photo and going to abroad”. Category To be

Example For example in number 3 that is methods and approaches. Furthermore, In this sentence, the both words seem like parallel which belong to plural noun. However, it must be considered that the plural forms of the two words were caused or affected by linking verb (to be) preceeding them. Methods and approaches consist of two words (plural) which means that it must use plural ‘be’ too; are. Furthermore, After being corrected, the sentence becomes: for example in number 3 those are methods and approaches Category Plural noun

Example Polygamy is family which consist of more than two wifes and one husband. Next, In the original sentence above, there were two nouns connected; wifes and husband. The word ‘wifes’ was in plural form indicated by thw word ‘ two’ preceding it but it was not in the correct form yet. Therefore, it should be given the right one that is ‘wives’ because it belongs to irregular plural form. After being coorected, the reconstrution form is like: Polygamy is family which consist of more than two wifes and one husband b) Verb Category Gerund

Example .........It means that between teacher and student have to more practice and doing aproaches to give the material in the classroom. .....

In the table, there is a coordinate conjunction functioningfor connecting two verb phrases, so the two verb phrases should be in parallel. The two

5 verb phrases are have to more practice and doing approaches to give the material in the classroom. The word ‘have’ has been in the verb form, while the word ‘doing’ is still in noun (gerund). As Werner and Nelson (2002: 281) stated that gerund may be used in place of nouns as the subject or the complement of a sentence and also as the object of a verb or preposition. Based on the condition, they must be changed into a parallel form by deriving noun to verb by deleting particle ‘-ing’ from ‘do’. After being corrected, the sentence becomes: It means that between teacher and student have to more practice and do approaches to give the material in the classroom. Category Passive

Example I think polygamy can do everyone but should agreement with the rules. From the original sentence, it was found that the student has ommited error. There, verb ‘do’ must be changed into participle form (verb 3) and after modal must be added ‘be’. It is because word ‘polygamy is subject passive and it is impossible for it to act something. Therefore, it should be changed into the passive form. Then, ‘agreement’ should be changed into verb form because after modal should be put verb 1. So, the new form of the sentence after being corected is : “I think polygamy can be done by everyone and should agree with the rules.” Category Past verb

Example Then, society believed and agrees with this argument that Indonesia economic be rich economyc, because indonesia has be come the -16th largest economy in the world. From the original sentence above, it can be seen that the students had created an error. there are two verbs connected there but both of them are in the different form; believed in past form while agrees in present form. Therefore, they should be changed into parralel one. it is considered as an opinion so the sentence must in present tense, so the verb is automatically using verb one. verb ‘believed’ must be changed into ‘believes’ and ‘agrees’ is not changed anymore. After being corrected, it becomes: Then, society believes and agrees with this argument that Indonesia economic be rich economyc, because indonesia has be come the 16th largest economy in the world. Category To infinitive

Example The goal curriculum is to product human resourcer professional and to have a morality.

In the basic sentence above, it can be seen a strange phrase written that is ‘to product’. The error is in deriving one word into another word. As it is known that, after ‘to’ should be put infinitive verb (verb 1). Word ‘product’ belongs to noun form, for it should be changed into verb form becomes ‘ produce’. Te correct form is : The goal curriculum is to produce human resourcer professional and to have a morality. Category Singular verb

Example Teachers will know standard and readiness students on answer package matter it. In the sentence, there are two words connected; standard and readiness. The form of the two words is in noun. Actually, it shows the possesive form which ‘students’ is as owner. Therefore, the form of possesive should be changed becomes: ‘students’ standard and readiness’ or ‘standard and readiness of the students’. c) Adjective Misformation happened because the inability of the students in distinguishing one word from another. In the other word, it was still difficult for the students to derive word from one class of word to the others. This group contained the student who made error in formatting the word or phrase which influenced reader understanding of the writing. The form of error will be elaborated in the analysis below: Category



A leader using a promotor is unbelievable and unability in promotion to society to giving a believe to society. Words in bold typed are two words that will be connected but unfortunately, they are not in the same class of word where Suffix ‘–able’ belongs to adjective, while suffix ‘-ity’ belongs to noun. The two words must be in adjective which indicates the noun phrase of the subject is modified by the adjectives after linking verb. The word ‘unability’ must be derived into adjective by adding suffix ‘able’ and omitting suffix ‘-ity’. So, the sentence becomes: ... A leader using a promotor is unbelievable and unable in promotion to society to giving a believe to society. Category Diction

Example Many students are stress and kill himself. From the original sentence, it was found that the students had committed the error. the word ‘ kill himself’ sounds like Indonesian meaning, for it should be adapted meaningfully into English. the appropriate phrase should be found the suitable one that is acceptable in English word. The suitable one

6 is ‘suicided’. So,the corrected sentence is : Many students are stress and suicided. d) Adverb There were only a few students who used conjunction to connect adverb that caused error in misformatting or error in use of form or morpheme or structure. It would be more understandable by looking at the sentence below: Category Adjective

Example They used pasal 58 ayat 2, evaluation of students, education unit, education programs are done by autonomous organization periodically, comprehensive, transparant, and sistematic to evaluate national education standards. The sentence showed that there were some parallel ideas presented that modified verb. Azar (1993:3) states that adverbs modify verbs and give information about adjective. It was meant that they entirely must be in adverb. However, it was only one word as adverb ‘periodically’ marked by ‘ly’ as function of adverb of manner, while other parallel words were still in adjective form:‘Comprehensive’, ‘transparant’,and ‘sistematic’, so they must be changed into adverb by adding affix –‘ly’. It became: It will make UN as evaluation for teachers, schools, and students itself. They used pasal 58 ayat 2, evaluation of students, education unit, education programs are done by autonomous organization periodically, comprehensively, transparantly, and systematically to evaluate national education standards 2) Addition In this division, there were some students who added some uselesss words or phrases in the sentence that made the meaning become ambiguous and grammatically incorrect so that the sentence is not parallel. The error can be taken a look as explanation below: It is stated clearer through the analysis below based on the class of word: a) Noun Types of error Addition

Example ... And the students get some facilities, students SBI more in priority, and give special attention...

From the sentence above, there are words bold typed. The sentence contains the parallel ideas/phrases that must be connected but the phrases are still inappropriate because there are some elements which should not be part of the sentence or utterance. The use of phrase ‘students

SBI’ in the second phrase must be omitted because it is still in the same sentence and has same subject is not allowed the repetition in writing for the same subject. Next, using ‘more in’is assessed not appropriate, so deleting It will not change the real meaning. Then, word ‘give’ must also be erased because the conjunction was not to connect verb/ verb phrase but to connect noun or noun phrase. After being corrected, the sentence becomes: “...the students get some facilities, priority, and special attention. ...” b) Verb Category Subject

Example When we study and we also log in in the facebook, it can make us do not focus for study. The sentence ‘When we study and we also log in in the facebook, it can make us do not focus for study’, The two subject were connected by conjunction while the sentence has only one subject namely ‘we’. Because it has the same subject, itis not allowed to repeat the subject twice when the same subject is repeated in a compound sentence, delete the second occurance if the sentence is not too complex or long.It means that subject in the second clause of the subordinate/ dependent clause above must be omitted. Furthermore, by deleting the repeated phrase, the conjunction does not connect the noun phrase anymore but verb as below:When we study and log in the facebook, it can make us do not focus for study. Category To

Example The government doesn’t to arrange contents standards and service processes in the informal education. From the original sentence, it was found that the student did the error. the student put ‘to’ after auxiliary doesn’t’. Grammatically, do/does is used in the verbal sentence especially in negative and interrogative. The auxiliary is put right before the verb without any addition like ‘to’or another form. Therefore, the particle ‘to’ should be omitted. The reconstruction form of the sentence is like: The government doesn’t arrange contents standards and service processes in the informal education Category Modal

Example You will achieve the best performance and will choose which one is the best for your children. In the form of the original sentence, it could be seen that there were the repetition of the modal ‘ will’. It is actually useless, for it should be omitted one. so, the reconstruction form is like : You will

7 achieve the best performance and choose which one is the best for your children. 3) Omission This part consisted of the students who made omission error which means that there were some words omitted from the sentence so that the sentence became incomplete. This error affected the meaning and the understanding the sentence. For more detail, the following analysis will explore as clear as possible about the error created. a) Noun Category conjunction

Example ...In the city, there are many course places, such as Ganesha Operation, Gamma, NurulFikri... In the sentence bold typed above, it can be seen that there are some coordinate ideas of equal rank namely‘Ganesha Operation’, ‘Gamma’, and ‘Nurulfikri’. They must be connected by using coordinate conjunction. The appropriate arrangement of the word in the sentence above is by adding ‘and’ because its function is as addition not for contrasting, showing cause and effect, or something else. It is supported by Werner and Nelson (2002: ) coordinating conjunction ‘and’ is used for addition. Then, the sentence should be: In the city, there are many course places, such as Ganesha Operation, Gamma, and Nurul Fikri. b) Verb This type of error found as the students did not state the word or conjunction that could help building the meaning of the sentence. The error will be shown in the explanation below: Category Conjunction


SBI is the school that using bilingual language, can speak English well for all their learning activities especially is subject mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry. In the first sentence above, there are two elements in a sentence that have the same function or express similar ideas that should be grammatically ordered in parallel or grammatically matched. This way is used to make the reader can to understand and follow the thought of the writer. The two phrases are ‘using bilingual’ and ‘can speak English’ which must be connected with a coordinate conjunction. The suitable one is by using ‘and’because it has function as addition and suitable with the sentece above in which the second phrase as the addition of the first phrase. Then, the word ‘using’ was formed from word ‘use’ plus ‘ing’ which functions as noun called as gerund, so it must be concord with the verb form by deleting

particle ‘-ing’. To make subject agrees with the verb, it must be put ‘-s/-es’ after the verb because the subject is the third singular thing ‘the school’. Thus, the sentence becomes: SBI is the school that uses bilingual language and can speak English well for all their learning activities especially is subject mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry. Category Linking verb (verb ‘be’)

Example Everyday students always online and make status which not important, they do not thin what influence of it to their achievement. From the original sentence, it was found that the student had committed the error. on the original sentence, student did not put ‘to be’ after subject ‘students’. Grammtically, ‘a subject’ that is followed by adverb must have ‘to be’ as an auxiliary verb so that the right pattern for the original sentence was ‘S + To Be’ + adverb. the right to be for the subject ‘students’ is ‘are’ because of plural. The reconstruction form of the sentence is: Everyday students are always online and make status which not important, they do not thin what influence of it to their achievement. 4) Misordering In this part, it was found a sentence containing the error in order word or phrase chronologically which automatically changed the meaning or became wrong gramatically. As shown bellow: a) adjective Category Class of word

Example The established goals of keluarga berencana is pregnancy spacing contraceptive methods and creating economic prosperity and social for all of community through bussiness planning and population control The phrase ‘economic prosperity’ was connected with ‘social’ by using coordinating conjunction, but they are not parallel. The word ‘economic prosperity’ belongs to the noun phrase, while ‘social’ belongs to adjective, and to make them parallel, the writer should connect the ‘economic’ and ‘social’ because both of them are ‘adjective’ functions as modifier for noun ‘prosperity’. The correction is like ‘economic and social prosperity’ so the sentence becomes: The established goals of keluarga berencana is pregnancy spacing contraceptive methods and creating economic and social prosperity for all of community through bussiness planning and population control.

8 Table : the frequency of each type errors N o

Type of errors

1 Misformation

2 Addition 3 Omission 4 Misordering

Class of word

Frequ ency

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Noun Verb Noun Verb Adjective


Perce ntage (%) 62







it could be seen that the students created the error in each class of in using making parallel sentence. The first error misformation was found in the noun, verb, adjective, and adverb class in which were 47(62%) students who created error. The next was addition that found just two class of word, there are noun and verb class 15 (20%) students creating the error. The third was omission which one just two class of word that found in this type error, that are noun and verb class 8(10%) students of this error. The last was misordering which one just in adjective class. There were only 6 (8%) students who made the error. Thus, the most error was created in misformation.

Type of Errors misformation




10% 8% 20%

been omitted. The lack of vocabularies can be a cause of omission where are some useful words or phrases dismissed. Moreover, related the most frequent errors found in students’ writing argumentative essay are 47(62%%) showed the highest percentage of misformation error. It is followed by addition 15(20%), omission 8(10%) and 6(8%) with the total number of errors 76. Based on the result of the research, there were found some problems of the students in composing writing, the researcher suggestion as follow: the first for the teachers, they should give more exercises and tasks to the students to make a parallel sentence by using appropriate coordinating conjunctions. Then, the lecturer both grammar and writing should be more collaborative and cooperative in designing tasks and delivering the material that can increase students’ knowledge and ability in writing. The second teacher helps students when they face problems in conveying their sentences. The lecturer must be able to help student in correcting their work so that they know about their problem and learn from the mistakes. The third, for the students, they should be more doing practicing with or without the lecturer in order to reach the competence in writing. And the last for the other researchers, this study needs a lot of improvements. There are some aspects that there should be a deeper analysis in the area of types of error of parallel structures. Thus, by applying both theoretical and practical contributions in this study, other researchers are able to use them as their reference in order to make a better research in other fields of study. REFERENCES Anker, Sunar. (2009). Real third edition Essays with reading. Boston: Kaplan publishing.


CONCLUSION The first type of error, misformation, is found in all classes of word. Misformation is error in using the apropriate form, morpheme or structure. Semantically, it can change and influence the sentence meaning. Misordering error is incorrect placement of a morpheme or group of morphemes in an utterance which affected difficulty in catching the real meaning. Addition is the presence of element which should not be part of the sentence or utterance. It is probably caused by the difficulties in expressing ideas in written form. Omission refers to an element which should present but has

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