Kent Wildlife Trust. Health and Safety at Work

Kent Wildlife Trust. Health and Safety at Work. Activity Risk Assessment: Visiting groups. This form is a general Risk Assessment for all groups and ...
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Kent Wildlife Trust. Health and Safety at Work.

Activity Risk Assessment: Visiting groups. This form is a general Risk Assessment for all groups and visitors which may visit our site. Group Leaders have a responsibility to assess the risk for their own groups; this form is provided to help with this assessment and identifies precautions which are taken by the Trust which significant reduce the identified risks. Name of site TYLAND BARN VISITORS CENTRE including Nature Park and classroom: - Date of assessment 20 Jan 2014 Mary Blackwell / Steve Rebindaine Date of Review February 2015-MB/Review and updated December 2015 MB/SR

To be used in conjunction with the Emergency Site Information form and the Whole Site Risk Assessment Description of Hazard and Risk


Vehicles movement including coaches turning into car park where visitors and may be walking.

Who is at risk and from what?

What action or precautions are needed?

Public including children, staff and volunteers are at risk of injury if they are stuck by a moving vehicle.

• • • 2.

Trips, slips and falls

1 Tyland Barn Group Visit RA 2015

Public including children, staff and volunteers are at risk of tripping over hazards or slipping on wet surfaces Including the Play Area and small brick walls in the sensory garden

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Action Required

Where practical, arriving school groups should unload in the car park to avoid road traffic. If this is not practical, sufficient numbers of teachers, staff or volunteers are available to marshal the children from the coach into the grounds. Coaches are encouraged to reverse into the car park or to block the entrance to reduce the risk of moving vehicles when unloading or loading children. Adult supervision if crossing roads to access coaches Accompanying adults are encouraged to be vigilante in public car park ‘Slow’ sign for entrance to public car park

All Trust staff requested not to park on main road enabling safer access for coaches.

Encourage children to walk, not run when on site Maintain the paths and steps in a good state of repair Small brick boundaries in the sensory garden to have a visual and physical marker to prevent tripping

Daily check list completed by Visitor Centre and Education Teams

Schools contacted prior to visit by phone and Checklist

Visiting Adults to

Further action required, by who and when to be completed? Consider the need of a traffic cone to help reduce risk on days when schools are expected. Education Team

near the VC.

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Staff report potential hazards as part of the daily grounds inspection Walkways and group work areas kept clear Education equipment is kept with the group in clear sight and away from pathways Careful supervision of the children in the play area

supervise the children on the play areas and during visit

Rolling programme of replacement, maintenance and repair Visitor Centre Team Replace missing socket covers spares found in filing drawer Resources for Education Officers


Condition of signs, benches, barriers, steps and tables.

Public including children, staff and volunteers are at risk of injury

Check on a regular basis and repair or replace as necessary


Electrical equipment and wiring

Public including children, staff and volunteers are at risk of could get electrical shocks or burns from faulty electrical equipment. Electrical faults can also lead to fires

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Defective equipment taken out of use safely Staff not to bring in their own appliances Fixed electrical installations inspected and tested on schedule High risk portable equipment tested on schedule Socket covers used in locations where small children could access the sockets Regular PAT and Electrical Installation tests as per KWT guidance Appropriate extinguishers in place – checked annually by KCC All visiting staff and groups are made aware of procedures during introduction Fire assembly point(s) clearly identified as part of introduction talk Storage - keep access to doorways and fire exits clear Limit number of tables and chairs in classroom to 8 tables and 20 chairs. Checked as part of daily H&S check by Education staff Encourage appropriate supervision of children by schools and parents Displays checked by Visitor Centre Team daily check. Ensure notices up to wash hands where needed

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Fire in classroom and evacuation of site if fire in other buildings.

Staff and visitors are at risk of smoke inhalation and burns if trapped in a burning building

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Condition and storage of classroom furniture-falling tables and chairs stacked too high.

Public including children, staff and volunteers are at risk of injury by falling furniture or poorly stored equipment

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Education displays in Visitor Centre

2 Tyland Barn Group Visit RA 2015

Public including children, staff and volunteers are at risk of chocking from small objects, dirty hands from touch table, heavy objects drop on toes.

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Visitor Centre Daily check

Support Services Ensure PAT and fixed electrical inspections are carried out on schedule

Pat testing completed Sept15 Testing of Fire Alarm by Fire Safety Officer weekly

Daily check list completed by Visitor Centre and Education Teams

Daily check list completed by Visitor Centre and Education Teams

Community Education Officer West and Visitor Centre Manager to monitor qualifications and request training as needed. Find alternative storage for excess tables and chairs Education and Visitor Centre Team


Accidents or illness requiring first aid treatment.

Public including children, staff and volunteers

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Community Education Officer West/ visitor Centre Manager to monitor qualifications and request training as needed.

Teaching Staff able to identify them – training where necessary Make adults aware when and where necessary

Awareness training as part of staff and volunteer induction.

Public including children, staff and volunteers are at risk of ingestion or stings

10. Presence of snakes

Public including children, staff and volunteers are at risk of disturbance leading to bite.

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Habitats searched at start of daily check list Signs are up in the grounds Group leaders informed if snakes have been seen. Be aware of nervousness of some children. Appropriate level of instruction for groups Encourage appropriate supervision by accompanying school staff

Daily check list completed by Visitor Centre and Education Teams

Awareness training as part of staff and volunteer induction.

11. Pond

Public including children, staff and volunteers are at risk of falling in or being contaminated by ‘dirty water’ – Weil’s disease

Pond area in general inspected prior to the visiting group includes dipping platforms. Safety poles are noted as being in position beside the pond in daily check. Appropriate Trust instruction for the group Use of dipping equipment by appropriate sized children Encourage appropriate supervision by visiting adults Ensure hands are washed after working with pond water – especially before eating and drinking (or smoking)

Daily check list completed by Visitor Centre and Education Teams Specific RA available

Awareness training as part of staff and volunteer induction.


Poisonous/stinging plants and bites and stings

Education officers and tutors all with at least basic first aid qualification. Schools to nominate a dedicated first aid person for their visit. Trust trained first aid staff available during centre opening hours to carry out first aid or call an ambulance if required. Signs available identifying trained staff throughout the offices First aid kits available in all sections including the classroom Accident book, for completion available in reception area Emergency site information form available to direct emergency services to the centre

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3 Tyland Barn Group Visit RA 2015

12. Pond Platforms

13. Play area falls/injury

Public including children, staff and volunteers are at risk of falling through the wooden decking thus being contaminated by ‘dirty water’ – Weil’s disease

Children are at risk of injury if they fall from the play equipment or they could be injured if the equipment in not correctly maintained

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14. Mini beast hunting

Public including children, staff and volunteers are at risk of injury from tree branches, logs or nets

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15. Dog/Cat faeces

Public including children, staff and volunteers are at risk of diseases (toxoplasmosis)

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4 Tyland Barn Group Visit RA 2015

Platforms inspected prior to the visiting groups to ensure Regular inspection of all wooden decking at 3 monthly intervals to ensure levels of rot not significant

Daily Check list and regular testing.

Visitor Centre Manager annual review ROSPA inspection of play area at recommended intervals.

Inspect the play equipment as part of the daily grounds checks Close the play area if any equipment is in need of maintenance Ensure the play bark is maintained at a correct depth to reduce the risk of injury from falls Ensure there is adult supervision of the play area for organised groups Discourage out of hours use of the play area by local children Appropriate Trust instruction for adults and children in use of equipment (sweep-nets, lifting logs and compost) Sweep nets, group working to maintain safety of all Tree shaking to be done by adults only Encourage appropriate supervision by visiting adults Ensure hands are washed after working with pond water – especially before eating and drinking (or smoking) Signs to indicate no dogs except guide dogs allowed in grounds. Trust staff to be vigilante around picnic area around Barn entrance. Regular inspection of the ground as part of daily check. Any obvious deposits are bagged and removed

Education team and Garden Team

Daily check list completed by Visitor Centre and Education Teams Specific RA available

Daily check list completed by Visitor Centre and Education Teams

16. Nature trail footbridge over A229 and loss of balance.

Public including children, staff and volunteers are at risk of loss of balance, or distracting passing drivers and

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17. Safety whilst maintenance team is working

Post/s responsible for this Assessment: Head of PE Frequency of review:

5 Tyland Barn Group Visit RA 2015


Public including children, staff and volunteers are at risk of injury or slip and trip

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Be aware of nervousness of some. Appropriate level of instruction/supervision. Good group organisation utilising school adults. Check the bridge and pathway for overhanging vegetation Discourage waving at passing traffic Employ safe road crossing practice

Daily check list completed by Education Teams on appropriate days

Have sign available to block path or mark area where the work is taking place. Tools and logs stored in fenced and locked area Gates to non-public areas closed and locked at all times

Maintenance team to work to Garden Team Risk Assessment

Date Assessed: - December 2013 Date Reviewed:- 14 January 2014 Date Reviewed February 2015 Date reviewed:- December 2015 Next due for review in: January 2017

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