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The Friend Serving God, His People, and our Community

June/July, 2012

It was the dry season (April-October) in Palestine when Jesus called the disciples to leave their fishnets, meaning that it could be great “fishing” for followers, since it wasn't the high season for commercial fishing—sort of like catching loggers after breakup.



Jesus said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men!” (er, make that “people”.)

I just bought a new fishing rod; now I need to spool my reel. There are internet sites for this (that's how I butchered my chickens a few years back, bloody knife in one hand, the other hand holding the bird while scrolling my pinky across my iPhone.) When she saw me looking up “Spool your own reel”, a friend volunteered her husband to help. My first response: “No thanks, I should learn to do this myself.” But I recalled another friend's admonition: “Ask for help—and then accept it!” It dawned on me that my friend was actually doing a version of “fishing for people”. It was my choice to accept the invitation or not. Reconsidering, I said “OK—I'll see you tonight!” The image of Christians trolling for followers never appealed to me much.

Somehow that's a little too aggressive for my style. On the other hand, consider what Jesus uses for bait: friendship, unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness—pretty good stuff. Maybe I don't mind being caught up in that after all. A more honest assessment might reveal my discomfort really arises from reluctance to offer the same things Jesus does. As Christians, fishing for people can be as simple as an offer to help spool a reel. Or it could look like taking the neighbor kids fishing, while a single parent catches his/her breath some sunny summer day. Or it might include inviting said neighbors to Sunday evening Campfire Communion and hot dog roast. Join us for a casual, contemplative worship on the shores of beautiful Spirit Lake! No guarantees whether the fish will be biting, but you could even bring your fishing rod. In any case, you're sure to be fed, in mind, body and spirit. Come on down to the lakeshore!

Pastor Chris

Welcome Summer! A couple of things to be aware of this summer: Starting in June, the senior high girls will meet EVERY Sunday evening at 8PM to prep for this awesome adventure. The senior high girls (Jen Cozzi and Alexis Reynolds) will be heading to New Orleans with 30,000 other ELCA Youth this coming July, the 13-23rd. Please, pray for their continued faith, spiritual revitalization, and a safe Journey. Also: June 23rd—Confirmation students are heading to VALLEYFAIR! All interested parties talk to Bob Jenko, AL Young, or Pastor Chris.

CALLING ALL 3 year olds to 5th graders: SIGN UP FOR Vacation Bible School! Hosted at Our Savior’s this year, VBS runs June 11-15th from 9am-12noon daily. Registration can be filled out either at the church (AL’s office or Greeter Desk) or online @ _ under THE LASTEST NEWS link or directly through VBS @ westduluthvbs.

VBS NEEDS YOU! There is a sign up sheet on the wall across from the information desk for food items. Please sign up and bring your donations to the church by Wednesday, June 6th.

June 24th – Youth Bike Trip with Dave Thornton And July 29th – Day trip to a Duluth Huskie’s baseball game (1pm) Gear up for a fun summer! Thanks, AL Young!

The Grand Avenue Slammers are sluggin’ away again this summer. Bring your chairs and come watch us play. All games are at UMD. See schedule below.

Parish Planning Council Jon Thornton, President John Jacobson, Vice President Shari Mlodozyniec, Vice President Jan Thornton, Treasurer Roxanne Bijold Secretary Stewardship: Linda Olcott Education: Roger Lofald Lay Ministry: Anita Fraundorf Worship & Music: Debbie Jacobson Evangelism/Soc.Ministry: Jen Conboy Youth: Dave Miller Parish Fellowship: Cathy Hannan

Property: Mike Simonson Public Relations: Theresa Jacobson Vacation Bible School: AL Youg Other Leadership Financial Secretary: Dodo Erickson

Camp Delegate: Pam Merrier Bell Choir: Anita Fraundorf Staff Pastor: Rev. Christine Anttila Music Director: Jennifer Simonson Web Page: Jennifer Simonson Parish Secretary: Cheryl Reynolds Editor of The Friend: Cheryl Reynolds Custodian: John Erdahl Youth/Sun. School Coordinator AL Unpaid Staff Parish Nurses Kathy Janzig Jan Thornton Kris Benson

624-8090 624-7144 624-9642 729-6137 624-4729 626-1381 624-4607 624-1480 624-7144 624-2264 464-0405 624-3419 624-4888 624-7144 269-9871

Nathan Anderson is the son of Jeff & Carol Anderson. Nate will graduate from Denfeld on June 7.

for Youth

624-9315 624-5953 628-1480 879-1224 624-3648 624-3648 624-3648 624-3648 624-3649 269-9871 341 - 7483 729 - 6137 624 - 9113

Congratulations Graduates!

T h ink in g o f a M e m o ria l . . .

T h in k o f th e F o u n datio n . . .

The youth would like to host a fish fry dinner this fall. However, we are in need of fish to serve. Are you a fisherman with a little extra? All species are welcome. Do you have a favorite recipe? Thos are welcome too. If you can help or for more information contact Bob Jenko at 269-6582 or talk to him at church.

Worship at Camp this Summer! O u r S a vior’s E v an ge lic a l L u the ran C hu rch 4 8 3 1 G ra nd A ve nue , D u lu th ,

Did you know that Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry provides worship opportunities at both Camp Hawatha and Camp Vermilion? Everyone is welcome!

Si m o n so n Fr a m e D e si g n

Camp Vermilion Saturday evenings at 5pm Mid June—Mid August A light supper follows

Custom Framing for a ll your pictures, stitchery, a nd a rtwork Ca l l J en n i f e r Si m o n so n make a n a ppointment 62 4 -4 8 88

Camp Hiawatha Sunday mornings at 10 June 3—September 2 Brunch follows

Jordan Buetow is the son of Dan Buetow and Nicole LeLonde. Jordan will graduate from Denfeld on June 7 Derek DeFrang is the son of Darcie & Dan DeFrang. Derek will graduate from Denfeld on June 7 Kyra Harty is the daughter of Liz & Mike Harty. Kyra will graduate from Proctor on June 3. Rebecca Smith is the daughter of Bart & Lisa Smith. Becca will graduate from Hermantown on June 10.


Church Secretary Hours Monday Tuesday


National Night Out Mark your calendars NOW for the annual National Night Out BBQ at the church, Tuesday, August 7. This is the night we invite our West Duluth neighbors to join us for a cook-out so that we can get to know each other a little better. Watch for more information coming to Sunday bulletins near you and the August Friend!

Join us on June 16 as we pass water out to the runners at mile marker 3. We will leave the church at 5:30am. We are in charge of 3 tables so if you can help sign up on Youth Bulletin Board. Talk to Ken Miller 591-9078 or Dave Miller 464-0405 for more information.

There is an opportunity coming up this fall in October to go on a mission trip to Honduras. The group that Dave Thornton worked with last February in Honduras is planning on returning to the same camp to work with Kids Ark International at their camp in central Honduras from October 22 to October 30 of this year. They will continue to work on the Living Bible construction project as well as host groups of kids and young people. This is an excellent opportunity to work on a mission project in a third world country and experience the culture and Christian love of our neighbors. The lodging and meals served are excellent. You will be staying at the resort Hotel Finca de los Glorias, which is near the project camp. Including the cost of airfare, the total financial investment for this venture is around $1500. If you are interested you can contact Greg Meyer from Salem Lutheran Church in Deerwood, MN. His e-mail address is [email protected] . You can also talk to Dave Thornton at 349-9414.

Our church is scheduled to work at the Damiano Soup Kitchen on Saturday, July 14 from 1:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Please contact Dave Thornton at 349-9414 if you can help with this project.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

9-2 Off 9-2 9-2 9-2


June 1 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 15 17 19 20 22 25


Thursday Friday

Off 9-4:30 9-4:30 9-4:30 9-12

26 28 30

Gary Erdahl Julia Pugliese Janice Anderson Char Johnson Caryl Turcott Jana Anderson Emma Brown Eldora Swenson Renee Looney Peter Larson Donald Thompson Dave Thornton Dagny Panyan Eric Hanson Bailey Kaldahl Erika Johnson Jessic Perrault Alice Botsford Kristen Modean Dane Herold Jenny Thornton Alexis Reynolds Ivy Thacker Matt Thornton Isabella Poppenberg Katy Smith John Jacobson Pam Merrier Le VanDamme Star Hanson

July 3 6 8 9

Flo Eisenach Jon Thornton Glenn Modean Carolyn Sturdevant 10 Sherm Carlson Marianne Isakson Maggie Shoquist 12 Orie Anderson David Zapp 13 Mike Anderson Casey Brown 14 Sandy Welsh 16 Harriet Miller Ardelle Pfuhl 17 Derek DeFrang 19 Dorothy Erdahl 21 Shari Hill Alex Jenko Riley Jenko Sue Wentz 22 Pastor Chris Sara Rice 23 Cody Brown Shannon Conklin Jacobi Pater Herman Schroeder 25 Andre Bijold 26 Bob Anttila Joann Larson 28 Mikayla Freeman Pam Nelson

Church Custodian Hours

Contact Us Office: 624-3648 Fax: 624-0333 Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Web Page

FAIR EXCHANGE You can help under-privileged farmers receive fair market value for products when you buy “Fair Exchange Products” Coffee $6.75 Cocoa $6.00 Candy Bars $1.50 and $3.00 These products are available during coffee hour through Dave Thornton.

Parish Planning Committee Minutes DATE: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 PRESENT: Anita Fraundorf, Shari Mlodezyniec, Pastor Chris, Cathy Hannan, Roger Lofald, Jonathan Thornton, Theresa Jacobson, Roxanne Bijold, John Jacobson, Jen Simonson, Jan Thornton, Mike Simonson, Jen Conboy ABSENT: Sherm Carlson, David Miller The meeting was called to order by President Jonathan Thornton at 6:35 pm. Devotions by Roger Lofald. Secretary’s Report: Minutes from the February 7, 2012 meeting were reviewed. Motion to approve as presented by John Jacobson, seconded by Theresa Jacobson. MP. Treasurer’s Report: Current checkbook balance is $48.70. Overdue bills and benevolences total $5395.82. New Business Ministry Team Expectations for 2012 – 14: Jonathan stated that communication between the ministry teams and him needs to improve, including keeping and sharing team meeting notes. He also requested that each team identify 2 goals they would like to accomplish over their 2-year term. Finally, team leaders are expected to attend congregation meetings whenever possible. Proposed Team Bylaws Changes: Concern was expressed about putting changes into a consistent format, and how to assist teams in getting this accomplished. A work group was scheduled for March 27 – see below. Pastor’s Report: Pastor Christine presented her February, 2012 report.

Ongoing Business Church Security Concerns are being addressed by the Property Team. Confirmation Changes were reviewed by Pastor Chris Ministry Team Reports Property: Updated security agreement was presented by Mike Simonson. This document is to be discussed and approved by the property team at their next meeting. Two exterior doors will be replaced in March. All church key holders will be issued new keys. Education: Sunday School is currently not operating, due to only 1-2 children attending. This is not fair for Sunday School teachers who come, and have no children to teach. Evangelism: Dave Thornton is home from Honduras. The Chili Cook-off raised $800 for CHUM. Lay: Money has been received from Faith Haven to support the Parish Nurse program, which will also support the residents of Faith Haven. Sunday, April 15 will be Volunteer Appreciation Sunday. Other: Bylaws Work Group will be held at the church on Tuesday, March 27. Teams are encouraged to attend to work on updating their bylaws. A potluck will be held in conjunction with this meeting, and Pastor Chris will offer devotions. Jonathan will obtain a copy of Grace Lutheran’s bylaws for reference. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm Dave of Next Meeting Tuesday, May 1. Jen Conboy will provide treats and devotions. Minutes Submitted by Roxanne Bijold

Bell Festival

St. Louis County Public Health and Human Services Child Foster Care has a critical need to recruit new child/youth foster homes. Our goal is to increase the number of child foster homes we have to provide additional options to meet the increasing needs of children in foster care. We need both regular foster families who would be open to providing ongoing care for a child or children, and respite foster families who could provide care 1-2 weekends a month. If this is something you think you might be interested in or if you have ever thought about, please contact Jessie Schunk at 1800-450-9777 Ext. 7793

Duluth is hosting the 2012 Area 7 Handbell Musicians of America Festival Conference, June 28-July 1 at the DECC. Approximately 400 ringers from MN (many from Duluth!), WI, ND and SD, will gather to rehearse, take classes and renew friendships during the 3+ day event. There are also two concert opportunities open to the public. Friday evening, June 29, the Agape Ringers, Chicago’s premier handbell ensemble, will present a concert in the DECC Auditorium at 7pm. This 15 member ensemble, under the direction of David L. Weck, has delighted audiences throughout the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico and England. They play 203 bronze handbells and 73 aluminum handchime instruments. Tickets will be available at the door ($10). For more information on this group, visit their website: And you won’t want to miss the Festival’s final concert on Sunday, July 1 at 1:30 in the DECC Arena! This event is free and will feature the 400 participants ringing together and in smaller groups under the direction of David L. Weck (Chicago, IL) and Dr. John Behnke (Mequon, WI). In addition, the ringers will be joined by percussion, strings, brass and vocal on various musical selections. Freewill donations are accepted at this concert, earmarked for the Clista Wood Scholarship Fund. For more information contact Anita Fraundorf, Festival Chair.

Parish Nurse Notes

Congratulations Natasha & John Schnorr on the birth of their daughter, Alora Grace, on May 18, 2012

"A babe in the house is a well-spring of pleasure, a messenger of peace and love, a resting place for innocence on earth, a link between angels and men." Author: Martin Fraquhar Tupper

The warm summer weather is like a breath of fresh air to all of us living in the Northland. Its time to enjoy all kinds of outdoor activities. Unfortunately, there is an increase in seasonal—related injuries caused by biking, boating, swimming, home repair, fireworks, etc. In 2010 the MN Health Dept. reported that emergency departments treated more than 121,000 non fatal injuries including 2,367 biking injuries, 40 near drownings, and 482 fire, flame or hot object related injuries. Here are some summer and fireworks safety tips to help you have a fun, relaxing, enjoyable, and SAFE summer.

Summer Safety tips Water Safety It only takes 1 inch of water for a drowning to occur and only 20 seconds for a child to lose consciousness. • Always watch your child around water. Never leave a child alone around water, not even for a second. • Keep toys stored in an area separate from the pool when not in use • Learn CPR and keep instruction near • Learn to swim and make sure your child learns too Sun Safety 1 in 5 Americans develop skin cancer and about 23% of lifetime sun exposure occurs before the age of 18 • Always use sunscreen, SPF 15 or higher, on your child. Even on cloudy days • Play in the shade! The sun rays are strongest between 10am and 4pm

CHURCH NOTES WORTH KNOWING There are so many people that do so much around the church, most often behind the scenes. This is a page to recognize those who help get things done! So if you have anyone you would like to thank, just drop a note in my (secretary) box outside the office.

We receive money for each ink cartridge put into the box outside Fellowship Hall, by the Martin Luther Room. Collect them from your office, friends and relatives. NO EPSON PLEASE!

The sign up sheet for flowers for the altar is on the bulletin board outside the church office. This is a great way to memorialize a loved one.

The church office needs to know if your address or phone number has changed. Please put us on the list of people to tell that you have moved. This saves time, postage ($) and missed communications.

Remember we are collecting glossy paper and magazines for Sunday School supplies. This is a fundraiser through New Page (paper mill).

Thank you to. . . Pat Carlson for donating a DVD player. Everyone who has donated/supported the girls going to the National Youth Gathering/Mission trip in July. Arvid Brekke for making the beautiful information desk and stool.

Praise be to GOD!!! After all the rain that we received in May, not a drop of water came into the building! Thank you God...and Property Team!

Have your child wear a hat and sunglasses with UVA/UVB ray protection • If your child is thirsty they are already dehydrated. Encourage your child to drink lots of water Car Safety The temperature inside a parked car can reach 125 degrees in just minutes even with the windows down. • NEVER leave a child of any age in a vehicle alone for ANY amount of time • Teach your child that cars are not places to play • Back up with care, consider installing a cross view mirror ob back up detection device on your vehicle • BUCKLE UP! Make sure your child’s car seat/booster is installed correctly. Contact the fire department for info Bug Bites and Stings Most insect bites and stings are not serious, but some people may have an allergic reaction and sometimes diseases can spread by insects • Avoid using scented products on your child. Fragrances can attract insects • Keep your child’s skin covered up. • Dress your child in light colored clothing • Keep screens on doors and windows • Keep the Banner Poison Control Center’s 24 hr hot line number 1-800-2221222 on hand Fireworks Safety In 2006, an estimated 9,200 people were treated in emergency rooms for fireworksrelated injuries, 36% of whom were under 15 years old. •

Every 1st Tuesday Ruby’s Pantry is an organization that picks up surplus food and other items from corporations and distributes it to those in need. People are asked to donate $15.00 and bring a couple of large containers, like laundry baskets, boxes or canvas bags. Anyone who eats qualifies for Ruby’s Pantry. Ruby’s Pantry is located at 8830 Idaho St in Morgan Park. Doors open at 3:30pm and distribution begins at 4:30pm.

Rebekah Circle Rebekah Circle will meet on Tuesday, June 12th at 6pm for our end of year dinner at Clyde Iron, 2920 W Michigan St.

Dorcas Circle Meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 9:30am.

Naomi Circle No Naomi Circle till September

55 Plus Join us on the 2nd Monday of each month at 9:30am in Fellowship Hall.

Its been almost 3 years since our last directory. Can you believe it? We will be updating our directory photos in October. Plan ahead...They will be ready for Christmas presents!

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Never allow young children to handle fireworks Older children should use fireworks only under close adult supervision Light fireworks outdoors in a clear area away from onlookers, houses and flammable materials Light one devise at a time; maintain a safe distance after lighting. Do not allow any running or horseplay while fireworks are being used Never ignite devises in a container Do not try to re-light or handle malfunctioning fireworks; douse and soak them with water and discard them safely Keep a bucket of water nearby to fully extinguish fireworks that don’t go off or in case of fire