Issue No. 4 August to October 2013 Welcome to the fourth edi on of the Newark and Southwell Deanery Newsle er. Dear All, A summer reflec on The season of summer holidays is almost upon us. If the press and holiday adver sers are to be believed, as school, college and university terms end, a long summer of sea, sun and sand, stretch as far as the eye can see. For some, I would suggest only a privileged few, this idyllic picture is a mere fantasy, as beguiling as Jack Ve rianos’ roman c seaside views. For many with families the term’s end will herald six weeks or more of managing the expecta ons of children and teenagers. There are likely to be holidays which are too wet, or too hot, or both, where the entertainment fails to sa sfy anyone’s needs. For the genera ons unencumbered by young families, struggling to cope with shops and communi es, with families unused to being at home, the school and university holidays will bring another sort of unwanted tension. There is also the rather important ma er of work for those in employment and the challenge of managing care and oversight of younger families whilst holding down a full me job. This list is not exhaus ve and there are many other scenarios which will be encountered over the summer period. Common to every community, group, every family and individual is the need for a special sort of pa ence and at mes forgiveness. By the me September arrives many will be relieved that the normality of school, university and work will be restored. Church at its best can provide space for the most frazzled to reflect, take stock and manage, even enjoy theses tumultuous weeks. As church communi es we all have the opportunity to demonstrate our care for those around us. Small acts of kindness to those struggling and under pressure may well speak powerfully of our faith and love for one another. Throughout the summer churches in many places will witness a clutch of weddings and the necessary prepara on and clearing up which each marriage will involve. The church, whether through its role through the occasional offices of bap sms, weddings and funerals, combined with regular worship, although not always recognised, is a significant player in most of our communi es and can set the tone of how those in our area feel and think about themselves and their community. In short, our posi ve Chris an witness ma ers, par cularly at mes of increased tension and pressure. From the Deanery Office, Louise, Penny and I wish you all the best of summers. Yours in Christ Revd David Milner Area Dean of Newark & Southwell Deanery Some me before Christmas there will be a change to the deanery website address. We will be using pages within the diocesan website to host our informa on and news. More informa on to follow. In the mean me con nue to go to

Friends of Holy Trinity, Rolleston are holding a

Craft Fair

Newark & Southwell Deanery Finance Conference We know that there are always ques ons about parish finances. Come along and listen to David Meredith, our Diocesan Finance Director, as he gives us guidance on the fee structure and parish finances.

on Saturday 12th October in the church, open to the public from 1.00 pm to 4.00 pm.

Saturday 14th September 10am - 12 noon

There will be about 20 tables of various crafts including paintings, woollen goods, jewellery, wood turning etc. etc.

Winthorpe Community Centre

Just the place to get some early Christmas presents maybe? Funds raised will go toward meeting the cost of the toilet and tea bar project that is being constructed during July and will, therefore be available when the craft fair is on. Refreshments will be available

“Sew Wot” Patchwork Exhibition

Jubilee House is now open ! Please note their new address: Jubilee House Westgate Southwell No s NG25 0JH

St Peter’s Church, Farndon Saturday 14th September - 10-4pm Sunday 15th September - 10-3pm

Church History & Open Churches: Date for your diary – close of Project Celebra on Event: The Church History Project Final Celebra on event will be taking place on the a ernoon of Saturday 25th January in Southwell Minster. Guest speaker will be Lloyd Grossman OBE. Many of you will know of his range of work, and his par cular interest in heritage.

Church History & Open Churches Project on Facebook & Twi er: We have embraced social media! Like us at h ps:// Follow us at h ps://twi

The view from a Chair It has been a very busy 3months, just when I think it is going to get quieter diaries fill up and problems arise that have to be solved. We are very fortunate that we have been able to fill 4 of our vacancies, leaving just Holy Trinity, Southwell and St. Mary Magdalene, Newark. We have in post David Yabbacome and Chris ne French in East Trent and Beck and Trent respec vely and will welcome Zoe Burton to Ollerton in September and Liz Murray to the Elston group in October. This has all been happening alongside work on the 2020 plan for the Deanery when we are to expect a decrease in Clergy numbers but maintaining the same number of s pendiary posts! I think the message there is that we will be moving into this period of transi on with an almost full complement of clergy, the first me in the 6 years of our existence working as a joint deanery, and we will be in the strongest posi on to join together in the transforming mission of God. I would love to leave this deanery next June with a strong and collabora ve group of laity and clergy tying us ever closer together as a true family. On a lighter side our Area Dean is con nuing to have ideas and Louise, our administrator, and I con nue to do as we are told! The latest example of this was our deanery social, held in the garden of Bishop’s Manor, Southwell. I think you will agree from the photos taken by Louise’s son, Liam, that it was a beau ful venue and it was a great privilege to be able to enjoy such surroundings. The food was filling and so tasty, it felt a bit like the feeding of the 5000 but, as on that occasion, there was plenty for all. It was a delight that the Dean of Southwell Minster, The Very Reverend John Guille, and the new Minster School Chaplain, Reverend Ma hew Askey, were also able to join us re-enforcing the ever closer es between the Deanery and our Minster Church. The most miraculous thing about that evening was the generosity shown by Bishop Paul and his wife Rosemary, allowing us to use the marquee free of charge, and the generosity of the pupils and teachers from the Minster School Music department who gave up their evening, performed with a smile on their faces, and produced music of a quality that occasionally stopped us all in our tracks. Here is to the next 3 months, and the 3 months a er that, and so on. There will be more things happening in this deanery and in the wider Diocese and beyond and I hope that we will respond in a suitable manner to whatever the world chooses to throw at us.

Penny Peterson

"The Newark Housing Associa on is a locally managed non-profit making registered charity devoted to the housing needs of those over 60 years, and provides sheltered accommoda on at Southfield House, Millgate. The commi ee which runs the associa on comprises local volunteers from all walks of life, with a variety of skills. They have vacancies on the commi ee, which meets every two months. If you are interested in finding out more about how you could help, please call 01636 704997 and leave your contact details, or email southfi[email protected], and they will arrange to meet you for a preliminary chat - no obliga on!"

Nottingham Psalm Drummers Invite you to take part in a 12 hour DRUMATHON To raise funds for the Jericho Road Project. A Joint Church Project working with women in prostitution in Nottingham for more information on Saturday 21 September 2013, 8am–8pm, St Peters Church, Nottingham Our aim is to raise £5,000. How can you help? Organise a group to be sponsored to take part for just 1 hour Join in and get sponsored for anything from an hour to all 12 hours. There will be drum circles and drum worship sessions planned into the day, for anyone to take part in. For more informaton, please contact [email protected] or call Paul Langley on 07917 367191 or Mark Lloyd on 07779 177251 IMPORTANT – DBS Forms DBS will not accept forms that have been completed incorrectly. We have been amending forms that have not had the correct wording but in future these will be returned and rejected, and new forms will be have to be submi ed. Please note that at x61 you must use one of the following phrases on the first line: CHILD WORKFORCE (for volunteers or staff working with children) ADULT WORKFORCE (for volunteers or staff working with vulnerable adults) CHILD AND ADULT WORKFORCE (for those who work with both) For more informa on contact Pat McNish [email protected], or Nick Harding [email protected]

Visit to Natal April 2013 I was fortunate, during my second year of curate training, to be given the chance to visit the Diocese of Natal, South Africa. This was an amazing opportunity to deepen my understanding of the diversity of the Anglian Communion and to really engage with the worldwide Church. For over ten years, our Diocese of Southwell and No ngham and the Diocese of Natal, have been linked in friendship, through the auspices of our Bishop Paul (and before him Bishop George) and Bishop Rubin in Natal. This link has real energy and commitment and Barbara Holbrook, our Diocesan Link Officer, together with officers from Chris an Aid, provided us with lots of interes ng background informa on before the trip.

old-fashioned trades’ unions . There is very li le public transport so owning a car, or being able to walk distances on rough terrain, is essen al. This is difficult for the ageing Church congrega ons.

I was hosted most generously by three different families and enjoyed the legendary South African hospitality on many levels. The three Rectors were all dynamic individuals, commi ed yet overstretched in the demands made upon them, but I saw evidence everywhere that the Church was a real, vibrant force for good in those communi es. Lay involvement was significant and essen al for maintaining regular pa erns of worship and services. The Mothers’ Union and the Guilds (such as the St. Agnes Guild) were powerful organisa ons, providing much-needed community support and educa on for young women of all ages: parent-cra and domes c skills training for example; they reminded me of the spirit of altruism of

As a group of curates we enjoyed a brief sojourn at Jacob’s Well, a lovely retreat house in Durban and had a flying visit to the coast, a safari park at the end of our trip and the famous ‘ Valley of a Thousand Hills’; wine bo le labels will never be the same again - and nor will I! I am so grateful for having been given this once-in-a life me opportunity.

During my brief stay I was exposed to the breadth of South African society in Natal: different church communi es, economic experiences, styles of worship, pastoral engagement and outreach. We are fortunate in this country to not be subject to the sense of fear that pervades white communi es, revealed in gated communi es, armed response units and a sense of vigilance and self-preserva on at all mes. There is poverty and lack of opportunity for educa on and work in the black community which is difficult to witness. St. Together with eight colleagues, I was sponsored to visit Agnes Kloof run an employment agency and many churches in Natal Diocese, near Durban. My i nerary outreach projects to offer sustainable economic was arranged by Archdeacon Reverend Andrew opportuni es in tradi onal cra s such as beadwork. Warmback, who was keen to offer me the broadest Educa on is key to being able to make personal possible exposure to South African life and culture. progress in your life and the state educa on system was Reverend Warmback’s ‘archdeaconry’ is similar in status in disarray while I was there, with strikes called daily, to our ‘deanery’, but covers a vast area geographically. offering fragile hope. I visited three contras ng churches/parishes: St. Agnes, Kloof, a large evangelical church in an affluent suburb South Africa is a beau ful, complex and fascina ng with strong outreach to nearby disadvantaged country and my stay provided a tantalisingly brief communi es ‘down the valley’; St. Mary’s, glimpse; but I now feel a more personal connec on due Hammarsdale, a less-resourced church of more catholic to encounters with incredible people which will inform churchmanship, serving the large black township of my ministry and sensibility of the worldwide church for Hammarsdale, an area of social and economic need; years to come. I would now always want to ac vely and St. John’s Pinetown, Andrew’s own church, a large, engage and find out more about churches/ people in long-established evangelical church, racially and cultures different to our own and hopefully foster economically diverse and engaged in a wide variety of parish-to-parish links - with churches in Natal or work and outreach. So, all three churches were very elsewhere. This is, I believe, of mutual benefit; we have different; there was a lot to take in! a lot to learn from one another.

Revd Judith Pollard Curate in the Newark Team

If anyone would like to know more, please do get in touch with me

Training for Ordination

As someone training for ordina on, it is difficult to succinctly sum up a year’s worth of experiences, however I hope this piece will provide some insights! In September last year I started training at Westco House in Cambridge. I will be there for two more years, living onsite during the week, returning home to my wife in Newark at weekends.

Training for the priesthood is unlike anything I have ever experienced. It is at once exci ng, stressful, eye-opening, challenging, wondrous and bemusing! I am one of nearly eighty ordinands all living in community. Our lives are shared which is to say we eat together, study together, pray together….and go to the pub together! Living in community is both joyous and demanding but above all is forma onal: it forces me to constantly ask myself: who am I being called to be? How am I best to serve the wider body of Christ? The fellowship also extends to families and partners; my wife Rachael is very much a part of the community. Academia is a challenging yet crucial aspect of our forma on: understanding why and what we believe undergirds our ministries and service, though I confess to being filled with horror at having to do exams again! I have a Sunday placement with the Reverend Claire Goode; a very enjoyable

and informa ve experience as well as being a very necessary chance to observe and make connec ons between training and parish life. A er an exhaus ng and incredible first year, I am very pleased to be back home and to see my wife again! In many ways I, and my colleagues, are different from those who le and yet in many ways we are the same. Above all Westco reminds me that we are all one in the Body of Christ and it is my con nued prayer that we all respond to our own individual call in service of our risen Lord and his people here on Earth. James Pacey

NOTICE October 3rd 2013 7.30 pm Deanery Synod Meeting, Holy Trinity Southwell

Deanery Summer Garden Party The date had been in our diaries for some me and as the weather started to warm up we all started to look forward to the Deanery Summer Garden Party in the grounds of Bishop’s Manor. Lots of effort had gone into organising the evening - from publicity to organising entertainment and refreshments. The one thing we couldn't arrange was the weather and as the morning of the event came along with clouds and heavy rain, I’m glad to say it didn’t deter anyone. We were all pleased to be inside a marquee though! Over 60 people from our parishes came along and enjoyed what turned out to be a very enjoyable evening. We were entertained by music groups from the Southwell Minster School who were outstanding and certainly managed to stop conversa on at mes. Refreshments were enjoyed, courtesy of the deanery, and people enjoyed a chance to chat. The Bishop’s wife, Rosemary, joined us and we are very grateful to them both for allowing us to spend the evening in their garden. As the evening went on the sun came out and it was a real pleasure to stroll around outside and enjoy the gardens. Overleaf you will see a collage of photographs taken on the evening from our own budding photographer, Liam (thank you to those of you who allowed him to teach you how to use the ipad!) For those of you who couldn’t make it, and for those of you that did, we will be holding more social events in the coming year so do keep an eye out for emails or adverts in our newsle er. Louise Riley Deanery Administrator

300th church added to history website St Oswald’s church in East Stoke has become the 300th church to have its history represented on an ambitious website run by the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham in partnership with the University of Nottingham. The Church History Project, which is also supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund, aims to include information on every Anglican church in Nottinghamshire by the end of this year. All the material is available free to view at See full release at Holiday clubs and summer activity days Please let Nick Harding know if your church is planning to do a Holiday Club or Activity Days this summer. Information requested is date/s, numbers expected, age group, venue. Send to [email protected]

Deanery Confirma on Service

Newark & Southwell Deanery are pleased to announce three appointments as follows:

St Nicholas, Tuxford Sunday October 13th at 6.30 pm

Octave Group (Elston, East Stoke, Syerston, Sibthorpe, Shelton, Kilvington and Staunton)

The Right Reverend Tony Porter

Revd Liz Murray

If you have any candidates for confirma on please let the deanery office know

Licensing Service - 13th October 3.30 pm

Ollerton with Boughton

Do you know where in your deanery this church is?

Revd Zoe Burton Licensing Service - 26th September 7.30 pm

Holy Trinity Southwell Revd Andrew Porter Licensing Service - 12th November 7.30 pm The following churches are all in vacancy in our deanery at the moment. If you would like to support them by a ending any of their services please contact the deanery office for more informa on on service mes. Please hold them in your prayers North and South Muskham Kelham Averham Elston East Stoke Shelton Sibthorpe Kilvington

Syerston Staunton Ollerton Boughton Southwell, Holy Trinity St Mary’s, Newark

Mental Health: Everyone’s Business At least one in four adults and one in 10 children will suffer from mental health problems. So that means there are many in our churches and we all know people with such difficulties; or do we? Those with mental health problems are often afraid to talk about it due to the stigma that still remains. They may feel ashamed of being unwell as though it was their fault. If they are then told to pull themselves together it reinforces that sense of failure. Yet why do we treat physical and mental ill health as though they were different? Both can be caused by genetic factors, biological factors as well as stress. In the case of mental illness it may have been caused or exacerbated by childhood experience which we now know affects brain chemicals. With the recession more are losing their jobs, have money worries, housing problems and these can all strain relationships and increase the risk of anxiety, depression and alcohol problems.

churches are doing a lot; for example visiting secure units and residential homes for the elderly. Opening Minds visited the Newark and Southwell Deanery Synod in June. When we had group discussions there was a real desire to get alongside those with such problems and for the church to be part of the answer. There was a request for more information so that churches can challenge the myths (for example the myth that those with mental health problems are violent when in reality they are more likely to be the victims than the perpetrators of crime). There was a request for training so that churches can reach out and help, including at the parish level. . There was talk of enabling church buildings to be used by mental health support groups and it was suggested that churches could work together to provide support.

So what will Opening Minds do in response? Well already with the Diocese we are ensuring a training So how can the Church help? day for clergy next year, we are developing our website to offer links to reliable information and Opening Minds was established by the Diocese in developing resources such as Bible studies on mental 2011 to think about how we can support those with health. We are also involved in a project across faith mental health problems and learning difficulties. It is communities as the issues in addressing stigma and also about valuing the contribution they make to our discrimination are similar. We are also keen to share communities too, so it's not always about “doing for” the good work that is being done and to make it but sometimes “doing with” and also “receiving from” easier for us to learn from one another. We need to them. The group is made up of those with experience think how best we can meet the broader training of mental illness and their carers as well as mental needs, in discussion with senior Diocesan staff. health professionals and clergy. There is a small So what can you do meanwhile? active core group supported by those who receive regular emails. Opening Minds has listened to those Time to Change ( offers with mental health problems who attend some useful information. If you have a mental health Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, met with problem could you talk to someone about it so that carers and is attending all the deanery synods to hear they understand what it's like? If you are in the caring what people are already doing and the help they want role, it is about being available to talk and listen, to in order to be more supportive. chat and offer friendship, so the person knows you care and are not judging them, It's about keeping in We have heard stories which distressed us, of people touch. It can be as simple as having a cuppa being told they should be cheerful worshippers when together. It is also recognising that it may take some they were depressed, that if they had more faith they time before things improve. It is easy for carers and would be healed and we wondered if such comments friends to get exhausted, feel helpless and then to would be made if they were suffering physical pain or get irritable. So it's about sharing the burden with had cancer. Those individuals were gracious and each other and helping carers too.. wanted to help churches understand mental health If you would like advice, to join Opening Minds or to better. At deanery synods the main request is for offer suggestions please contact training for congregations and church leaders. Each [email protected] deanery synod has wanted to get involved. Many

Some Useful 2013 Dates for your Diaries September 14th Annual Ride & Stride

7.30 pm

September 26th Licensing of Revd Zoe Burton

October 13th Newark & Southwell Deanery Confirmation Service 6.30 pm at Tuxford

3.30 pm

October 13th Licensing of Revd Liz Murray

JOIN US IN PRAYER Newark Team Ministry are pleased to announce a weekly me for prayer, which will be held every Tuesday at the Parish Church of St Mary Magdalene from 12.30 to 1.00 pm You are warmly invited to join members of the Newark Team as they pray for the Newark Team Ministry and wider community

Useful Contact Information The Right Revd Paul Butler Bishop of Southwell & Nottingham Bishop’s Manor 01636 812112 (Mrs Jackie Davies, PA) Revd Lucy Cleland, Chaplain to the Bishop [email protected] Mr Nigel Spraggins, Chief Executive [email protected] Archdeacon David Picken [email protected] Mrs Jo Padmore (was Delves) Executive Personal Assistant [email protected]

Where in the deanery picture: The Parish Church of St Nicholas, Tuxford

The Deanery’s Newsletter This is your newsle er. A way of communica ng with each other. To make it successful we need to receive your offerings. The deadline for the next issue is 15th October Please send in your entries to nsdeaneryoffi[email protected] or by post to Mrs Louise Riley, The Rectory, 3 Marsh Lane, Farndon, Newark, No s, NG24 3SS

Balderton Printing Service Canon Tony Tucker at Balderton con nues to offer a prin ng service at great rates. Please contact him on [email protected] or 01636 704811 for a quote and for more informa on.

Newark & Southwell Deanery Leadership Team Area Dean: Revd David Milner Lay Chair; Mrs Penny Peterson Treasurer: Mr Mike Wilson Deanery Administrator: Mrs Louise Riley Deanery Office: 3 Marsh Lane, Farndon, Newark, No s, NG24 3SS

Tel: 01636 650063 Email: nsdeaneryoffi[email protected] Hours of Opening: Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 9.30 ll 3pm