Author: Kristina Pope
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Edited by L. HOLLÄNDER, Basel, Switzerland

With ton figures and 57 tables

BASEL (Switzerland)



Published simultaneously as

Bibliotheca ßaematologica Additamentum ad Acta Haematologíca International Journal of Haematology - Journal International d'Hématologie Internationale Zeitschrift für Η i.matο1οgie Contributing Editors: L.HEILMEVER, Freiburg i. Br. - E. MEIJLENGRACHT, Κ benhaνn S.IVIOESCHLIN, Solothurn - J. WALDENSTROM, Lund Editors-in-Chief: H. Lünιν, Basel - G. ROsaiow, New York et Addítamentum ad Vox Sanguine Journal of Blood Transfusion and Immunohaematology - Journal de Transfusion Sanguine et d'Immunοhématologie - Zeitschrift für Bluttransfusion und ImmunohØtologie Chairman: J. J. νµµ LOGκεl, Jr., Amsterdam - Editors-in-Chief: F. A.ALLEN, New York L. HOLLÄNDER, Basel

Fasc. 23, Part 3

All rights, including tbat of translation into foreign languages, reserved Ρhοtοmechaníc reproduction (photocopy, microcopy) of this book or part of it without special permission of the publishers is prohibited

et Copyright 1961 by S.I{arger A.G., ase1 Printed in Switzerland by Βαs1er Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, ase1 Clichés: Abercgg-Stciner, Bern

Editorial Note

The Tenth Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion took place in Stockholm (Sweden) from September 3-8, 1964. The presentations, i.e. Symposia and Paper Sessions, comprised about z6ο lectures in all, not counting the Round Table Discussions. The response of the authors to the publishers' request for a prompt submission of the manuscripts was very satisfactory and an almost complete publication of the main themes of the congress was made possible. The only exception are the papers of the Round Table Discussion on "Thymus and Autoimmune Disease"; this was one of the joint sessions arranged in collaboration with the Congress of the International Society of Haematology, which will be published elsewhere. The appearance of the complete congress report, which is very extensive and consists of several parts, within a delay of a year and a half is therefore most gratifying. In view of the great number of manuscripts which were received for publication, the congress report comprises a total of 1400 printed pages—nearly double the volume of the proceedings of the Mexico congress. It was decided therefore to split these proceedings into several volumes which are available separately as well. The compilation of the five parts has been arranged subjectwise under the following headings: Part τ : Concepts of Autoimmunity and Transplantation Immunology, Part τ : Blood and Serum Groups : Genetics and Biochemistry, Part 3 : Biochemistry of Blood Cells and their Preservation, Part 4: Advances in Blood Transfusion: Treatment of Erythroblastosis Foetalis—Automation—New Equipment—Hepatitis Problems, Part 5 : Therapy of Acute Blood Loss and of Coagulation Disorders. Thus a prospective buyer has for the first time the possibility to acquire separately those parts only which are of particular interest to him. Each part has a complete table of contents and an authors' index. Furthermore, in cornpliance with a generally expressed wish the publisher will endeavour to issue a subject index later on. We are greatly indebted to the President of the Congress, Professor B. Broman and to the Secretary-General, Dr. Claes Högman, for their co-operation in the publication of these proceedings. October 1965


Organizing Committee of the Tenth Congress

President Vice-Presidents


Secretary-General Assistant Secretaries




Congress Committee The President, The Vice-Presidents, The Secretary-General, The Assistant Secretaries P. Η. ANDRESEN, Denmark B. BLOMBÄCK Μ. BLOMBXCK J. A. Bööκ C.-H. DE VERDIER A. FAGRAEUS-WALLBOM E. FREIESLEBEN, Denmark V. FRIEDENREICH, Denmark K. HALVORSEN, Norway Μ. HARBOE, Norway O. HARTMANN, Norway Η. HEIsrö, Norway




Part 3 Biochemistry of Blood Cells and Their Preservation

Editorial Note, L. HOLLÄNDER (Basel) Organizing Committee of the Tenth Congress Authors' Index


Biochemistry of Red Ce11s, Leucocytes and Platelets CHATTERJEA, J. B. (Calcutta): Introduction to the Session on Biochemistry of Red Cells . VANDERHEIDEN, B. S. (Philadelphia): Inosine Triphosphate in Human Erythrocytes: A Genetic Trait ZURCHER, C.; Loos, J.A. and PRINS, H. K. (Amsterdam): Hereditary High ATP Content of Human Erythrocytes TEITEL, P. ; BRATU, V.; Χεκπκτs, ΑcκτρτκA and BUTOIANU, ELENA (Bucharest): Favourable Therapeutic Effect of Adenosine-5-Μonophosphate in a Case of Chronic Cornpensated Haemolytic Disease with an Impaired Erythrocyte Energy Metabolism . . . OSTROISKY, Vu. and TREiuκκτκπ, R. (Grodno, USSR): On the Participation of Thiamine in the Regulation of Red Blood Cells Metabolism KLEIHAUER, E. (Tübingen): Methode und Anwendung des Nachweises von Methilmoglobin in einzelnen Erythrocyten auf dem Objektträger FRISCHER, H. ; CARSON, P. E. and Βοwµλν, J. E. (Chicago) : Methemoglobin Reduction in Intact G6PD Deficient and HbM Erythrocytes REIN, Η. (Berlin-Buch): Elektronenspinresonanz-Untersuchungen über die Entstehung von Nitrosohämoglobin bei der intrazellulären Methamoglobinbildung mit Natriumnitrit Boivii, P. ET HAGUENAU, M. (Clichy) : Déficit acquis du glutathion réduit et vieillissement prématuré des hématies dans les affections hépatiques ΡmRmtA, C. B. and FRUllI, Α.Μ. (Philadelphia): Agglutination of Human Erythrocytes by Fava Bean Extract BowµλN, J.E.; CARSON, P.E.; FRISCHER, Η.; KΑHN, MIRIAM and AJMAR, F.A. (Chicago): A Capillary Tube, Nile Blue Methemoglobin Reduction Test for Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency CHATTERJEA, J.B.; SWARUP, S. and GHOsH, S. K. (Calcutta): Observations on Erythrocytic Reduced Glutathione Stability in Normal Subjects and in Certain Haematological Disorders KATrAMIs, CH.A. and ZANNOS-MARIOLEA. LEDA (Athens): Acid Phosphatase Activity in Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) Deficient Greeks

539 540 549

557 56τ

564 568

578 582 589


598 603



Preservation of Red Blood Cells and Bone Marrow E. R. and SuGIrA, Υ. (Albuquerque, New Mexico): Red Cell Preservation: Addítion of Adenine to Improve Pteservation in ACD-Solution 607 FΙSCΠΕR, Η.; FERBER, Ε.; FRITZSCHE, W.; SIEDENTOΡF, H.G. and SPIELMANN, W. (Freiburg/Br. and Frankfurt/M.) : Preservation of Human Blood in the Liquid State; the Practical Importance of some New Media 616 TuLLIs, J. L. (Boston, Mass.): Slow Freezing of Red Cells 627 RINFRET, Α. P.; BLOOM, M. L.; SAKAIDA, R. R.; COWLEY, C.W. and DOEBBLER, G. F. (Tonawanda, N.Y.): Rapid Freezing of Red Cells 6i7 BLOOM, M. L.; Wιτ sκυ, Ε.; RINFRET, Α. P.; DOEBBLER, G. F. and COWLEY, C.W. (New York): Rapidly Hard-Frozen Blood: Evaluation of Process and Clinical Survival . . . 642 Asηwοο -SMιrη, M. J. (Didcot, Berks.): The Preservation of Bone Marrow 646 PYLE, H. M. ( Jamaica Plain, Mass.) : Preservation of Viability of Frozen Human Bone Marrow 652 LEwis, J. P.; PAssovov, M. and TROBAUGH, F. Ε., Jr. (Chicago) : Studies on the Effect of Controlled Rate Cooling on Marrow Viability 656 SIMON,

Preservation of Red Blood Cells in the Frozen State HUGGINS, C. Ε. (Boston,

Mass.): Α System for the Preservation of Blood by Freezing . . 662 FmELsKI, R.; NIEDWOROK, J. and PNIEwsKI, T. (Lodz): Investigation on the Influence of Dimethylsulfoxide on Conservation of the Whole Blood at Low Temperatures . . . 667 PERT, J.H.; Μοοκe, R. and SCHORK, P. K. (Washington): Low-Temperature Preservation of Human Erythrocytes 674 KRIJNEN, H.W.; Wιr, J. J. FR. M. DE; KUIVENHOVEN, A.C. J. and REYDEN. G. v. D. (Amsterdam): Freezing of Red Cells with Liquid Nitrogen: I. Results with Glycerol as an Intracellular Substance 68 3 PRINS, H.K.; Loos, J.A.; ZURCHER, C. and Boaia, A.E.G. KR. VON DEM (Amsterdam): Freezing of Red Cells with Liquid Nitrogen: II. In vitro and in vivo Studies on the Viability of the Red Cells after Freezing and Thawing 687 STRUMIA, M.M. and STRUMIA, P.V. (Bryn Mawr, Pa.): The Effect of Lactose, Dextran and Albumin on Recovery and Survival of Frozen Red Cells 692 VERDIER, C.-H. DE ; ERlKssol, λ.; HJELM, M. and HöGMAN, C.F. (Uppsala): Rapid Freezing and Thawing of Erythrocytes Using Dextran. Glycolysis of Frozen Cells . . . . 702 HUNTSMAN, R. G. ; Huai, B.A.L.; Iκιν, ELIZABETH, W.; LEHMANN, H. and LIDDELL, J. (Beckenham, Kent): Red Cells after Three Years' Storage in Liquid Nitrogen . . . . 709 Gικas, P.W.; KNORPP, C.T.; Tuoipsoi, N.W. and MERCHANT, W. R. (Ann Arbor, Mich.): The Preservation of Whole Monkey Blood by the Linde Liquid Nitrogen Technique 7X4 Ρηoµrsoν, N.W.; KNOR?!', C.T.; Gικλs, P.W.; TINKER, Μ.A. and MERCHANT, W. R (Ann Arbor, Mich.): Multiple Unit Transfusion of Frozen Thawed Whole Blood in the Shocked Monkey 719 SULLIVAN, Μ.Β. Jr. and HAMMACK, W. J. (Birmingham, Alabama): Clinical Evaluation of Thawed, Deglycerolized Erythrocytes 727 S?ROUL, MARY T.; GROVE-RAsMUSSEN, Μ.; JAGO, S. and PYLE, Η.Μ. (Boston, Mass.): A Rare Blood Bank 731



Preservation of Red Cells in the Liquid State BEUTLER, E. and DuRON, OLGA (Duarte, Ca1iε.) : The Preservation of Red Cell ATP in Adenine Containing Citrate-Dextrose Preservative Mixtures


KLEINE, Ν.; HEIMPEL, Η. und MATTHEs, M. (Freiburg/Br.): Analyse der Fehlermöglichkeiten bei der Bewertung von Blutkonserven durch die Bestimmung der Lebensrate


nach der Transfusion Μπrrκεs, M.; ENGBRING, Η. und KLauE, N. (Freiburg/Br.): Der Transporteinfluß auf die Hämolyserate der Blutkonserven


VILLEQUEz, E. (Dijon): L'étude biochimique du sang ne doit pas méconnaître le rôle des évolutions de corpuscules existant dans ce milieu

75 2

Part 1 Concepts of Autoimmunity and Transplantation Immunology

Concepts of Autoimmunity and their Application in Haematology FEDOROV, N.A. and NAMYrxsHEVA, A.M. (Moscow) : Effect Produced by Antithrombocytic Immune Serum on Hematopoiesis


GREENWALT, T. J.; GAJEwsKI, M.; Rττ.aυ, V. and Jousisoi,


A. (Milwaukee,

Wisc.): Characterization of Autoimmune Antiplatelet Activity


RossE, W.F. (Bethesda, Md.) and DACIa, J.V. (London): The Role of Complement in the Sensitivity of the Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria Red Cell to Immune Lysis . BoYER, J.T. (Cleveland, Ohio): Stability of the Antigen-Antibody Complex

uu 19

WEINER, W. (Birmingham/Engl.) : The Specificity of the Antibodies in Acquired Haemo-

lytic Anemias


Ηaννaµeiν, H.H. (Köln-Merheim) : Positiver Coombs-Test als einziger Befund

: klinische



WEINER, W. (Birmingham /Engl.): "Coombs Positive" "Normal" People JOHNSON, G.D. and BENCZE, G. (Taplove/Engl.) : The Effect of Heparin on Nuclear Immunofluorescence

35 40

BE"", R. H. D. (Heidelberg/Australia) : Thrombocytosis in Auto-Immune Disease . .


WINKLER, Μ.Η. (Boston, Mass.): A Simple Model for the In-Vivo Function of Antibody





BoscN, E. and GouDsilr, R. (Amsterdam): The Occurrence of Gammaglobulín/AntiGammaglobulin Complexes in a Patient Suffering from Hypogammaglobulinaemia and Haemolytic Anaemia


OKUBO, H. (Osaka) : Experimental Studies on Homologous or Auto-Leucocyte Immunization


CπJπκο, A. (Naples): Auto-Immunization and Physiological Cell Auto-Incompatibility Patterns of Auto-Immunization in Hematology


IRVINE, W. J.; DAVIES, S. Η. and SUMERLING, M. D. (Edinburgh): Immunological Aspects of Pernicious Anaemia




Joissoi, J.; FAGRAEUS,

ASTRID and ESPMARK, J. Α. (Stockholm): Auto-Antibodies to Thy-

roid Antigens Studied by the Mixed Haemadsorption Technique BIERRING, F.; ANDERSEN, S.





J. (Copenhagen): Thymoma and 83

Autoimmune Disorders

Relationship between Isoantigens and Transplantation Immunity ΗΑsΕ R, M. (Prague): Present Status of Transplantation Immunity KALISS,


Ν. (Bar Harbor, Maine): Immunological Enhancement—the Immunologically In-

duced Prolongation of Tumor Homograft Survival


DAUSSET, J. (Paris); RAPAPORT, F.T. (New York) et MACHADO-CAETANO, J.A. (Paris): Relations entre les greffes et les antigènes leucocytaires ou plaquettaires chez l'homme . .

ι 04

SIMONSEN, M. (East Grinstead, Engl.): Graft Versus Host Reactions and their Possible IΤy

Implications in Man MAτη , G. et AMIEL, J.-L. (Villejuif/Seine): La greffe de moelle osseuse

ι 22

RAPAPORT, F.T.; DAUSSET, J.; CONVERSE, J.M. and LAWRENCE, H.S. (New York and 134

Paris): Transplantation Reactions in Humans

Transplantation Immunology CuDκοωτcz, G. (Oak Ridge, Tenn.) and STIMPFLING, J. H. (Bar Harbor, Maine) : Lack of Expression of Parental Isoantigen(s) in FI Hybrid Mice


GOODMAN, J.W. (Oak Ridge, Tenn.): Similarities and Differences in the Specific Immunological Unresponsiveness between Genetically Tolerant Mice and those Made Tolerant

at Birth



C.J.; McDONALD, J.C. and WITEESKY, E. (Buffalo, N.Y.):

Studies on Antibodies Accompanying




Ζοτικον, E.A.; PoRESHINA, L.P.; MANIsHKINA, R.P. and URτsοκ, R.M. (Moscow): Bound Antibodies of Skin Homografts



(Stockholm): Relationship between Isoantigenicity and Transplantation

Behaviour of Tumor Homografts

1 67

ENGELFRIET, C. P. (Amsterdam) : Attempt to Demonstrate Leucocyte "Iso-Antigens"in Skin 172

BRUNING, J.W. ; LanuwEN, A. νλν, and ROOD, J. J. νλν (Leiden): On the Nature of Leucocyte Iso-Antigens from Human Placental Tissue

ι 77

METZGAR, R.S. and ZMIJEwsKI, C.M. (Durham, N.C.): Serological Interrelationships between Human and Chimpanzee

Antisera to Primate Leucocyte Isoantigens

1 80


sur la spécificité antigénique des leucocytes des leucémies aigus

ou chroniques

ι8 y

HASE%, M.; HORT, J. ; BIEGE, G. and IνΑνυI, P. (Prague): Isoserological Studies in the Experiments on Immunological Tolerance


STJERNSWARD, J. (Stockholm): Studies in the Transplantation of Allogeneic Cartilage Across Known Histocompatibility Barriers



G. (Stockholm): Resistance of Erythrocytes to Isoantibody Effects in Vivo and

in Vitro OET-SMΕ, J. (Marburg/Lalm) : Chronische Runt-Disease

203 208



DEWiTT, C.W.; HusER, H.-J.; MOOR-JANKOWSKI, J.; SHULMAN, N.R. and WIENER, A.S. (New Orleans, Washington, Atlanta, Bethesda and New York): Some Immunological Aspects of Homo- and Heterotransplantation in Man and other Primates z1 BERCEANU, SΤ.; Gociu, MARIANA ; RAILEANU, Ιoωνλ et TUDOSE, VARVARA (Bucarest): Contributions à l'étude du comportement des cellules hématορο tiques médullaires dans les cultures de tissus 219 TREMBLAY, E.C. et WELFLING, P. (Paris): Maladie de Hodgkin subaiguë hyperleucocytose myéloïde élevée - Effet palliatif intéressant de la fraction médullaire FM iA, des gammaglobulines et des bétalipορrοtéines 224 SERAFIMOI-DIMITROV, V. (Sofia) : Is Immune Paralysis Against Erythrocyte Heteroantigens 229 Possible? IcHIKAWA, Y. (Tokyo) : On the Up-Take of Tritiated Thymidine by Cobσ irradiated Mouse Bone-Marrow Cells treated with Homologous Bone-Marrow 234 NICOLAU, C.T.; ΑεπΤεπNU, V. et GRIGORTU, G. (Bucarest): La viabilité des cellules médul239 laires conservées JANKAY, L.; SAMP, B. and ASCHER, G. (Long Beach, Calif.): Human Bone and Bone Mar243 row Homografting by Adaptation Method KIssELEI, A.E. (Moscow): Changing Aspects of Bone Marrow Transplantation . . . 248

Part 2 Blood and Serum Groups: Genetics and Biochemistry

Genetics of Blood Groups 2 53 Laviia, P. (Raritan, N. J.): Opening and Concluding Remarks 257 RACE, R. R. (London): Recent Trends ín Blood Group Genetics SMιrη, C.A. B. (London): Linkage in Blood Group Genetics 263 268 VOGEL, F. (Heidelberg/Germany): Blood Groups and Natural Selection MOOR-JANKOWSKI, J. and WιaνsR, A.S. (New York): Experimental Immunogenetic 280 Studies on Primate Red Cell Antigens 290 SPIELMANN, W. (Frankfort): Genotyping in the Rh-System MYHRE, B.A.; GREENWALr, T. J. and STEANE, E.Α. (Milwaukee, Wise.): A Study of the D 2 95 Antigen by the Quantitative Hemagglutination Technic 299 SHAPIRO, M. (Johannesburg): Serology and Genetics of hrl and a New Blood Factor hr GROBBELAAR, B. G. (Durban): The Serology of Rho Variants (Du) 304 BATTAGLINI, P.F.; RANQUE, J.; BRIDONNEAU, C.; SALMON, C. et NICOLI, R. M. (Marseille et Paris): Etude du facteur VEL dans la population marseillaise à propos d'un cas d'immu309 nisation anti-VEL 312 HOYEVAR, M. (Ljubljana): Die Verteilung der Blutgruppen bei einem Zigeunerisolat . MArsoν, G.A. (Salt Lake City) and Swλνsoν, JANE (Minneapolis, Minn.): Distribution of 320 Hereditary Blood Antigens Among Indians in British Honduras JAKOBOWICZ, R.; SIMMONS, R.T.~ GRAYDON, J. J.; EHRLICH, M. (Melbourne) and CoNSTANrOuLAKIs, M. (Athens): Partial Expression of Α in Group AB and Group Α Mem327 bers of a Greek Family, not Conforming with Previously Reported Examples . . . .



BÁRTOVÁ, ADA (Olomouc): Zur Frage des Vorkommens der in der AΒΟ-Antfgenftät abweichenden Erythrozyten bei Hämοblastοsen und malignen Tumoren 330 SALMON, Cκ. (Paris): Données quantitatives et thermodynamiques sur les modifications leucémiques de groupes sanguins ABO 337 SCHMIDT, P. J.; YOKOYAMA, Μ.; McGiiiiss, Μ.Η. and CARBONE, P. P. (Bethesda, Md.): Effect of Disease on an Expression of Blood Group I 343 BROCTEUR, J. et bUREAU, P. (Liège): Un cas d'exclusion de paternité basée sur le facteur f (ce) 346 LEVINE, Pa.; CHAMBERS, J.W.; CΕLΜΜο, M. J.; FALKOWSKI, F. (Raritan, N. J.); HUNTER, O. B., Jr. and ENGLISH, C.T. (Washington) : A Second Example 0f---1--- Or RhQ„ j Blood 350

Genetics of Serum Groups Ouοτκ, J. (Paris): Sur les groupes sériques et les tendances récentes de la génétique des protéines plasmatiques – Introduction et exposé de quelques conclusions de l'étude de l'allotypie des globulines y du lapin HIRSCHFELD, J. (Stockholm): Human Lipoprotein Polymorphism SMITHIES, O. (Madison, Wisc.): Chromosomal Rearrangements and Protein Structure GRUBB, R. (Lund): Human Gamma-Globulin Polymorphism ROPARTZ, C.; RIVAT, LILIANE; ROUSSEAU, P.-Y.; DEΒΕΑ ζ, P. et STEINBUCH, MARION (Rouen et Paris): Un nouveau polymorphisme sérique humain défini par l'utilisation de globules rouges tannés et revêtus de bêta-τ C BERG, K. (Oslo): Comparative Studies on the Lp and Ag Serum Type Systems of Human ß-Lipoprotein REINsKOu, T. (Oslo): Comparative Studies of Aberrant Types in the Gc System . . . HUMMEL, K. und MIRMIRAN, H. (Freiburg/Br.): Vergleichende Untersuchungen an Immunopherogrammen verwandter und nichtverwandter Personen GALLANGO, MARIA L. andARENηΡS, T. (Caracas) : Inνα Gene Frequency in Venezuelan Indians ARENDS, T. and GALLANGO, MARIA L. (Caracas): Transferrin Groups in South American Indians ROUSSEAU, P.-Y.; RIVAT, LILIANE et RoPARTZ, C. (Rouen): Le facteur Gm(e), son intérêt en sérο-anthropologie MARTENSSON, L. (Lund) and GOLD, E. R. (Bristol): Gm—a y-globulin Gene AUDRAN, R.; MATTE, C.; MouLLEc, J. et STEINBUCH, MARION (Parts): Dissociation du facteur rhumatoide et de l'activité anti-Gm(α) des sérums de PCE TIILIKAINEN, ANJA (Helsinki): Gm Serum Factors in Collagen Diseases SPEISER, P. (Wien): Αntikörperbildung von Kindern gegen die Gm-Gruppe ihrer Mutter (weitere Beobachtungen) FISCHER, K. (Hamburg): Immunhämatologische und klinische Befunde bei einem Transfusionszwischenfall infolge Gm(a)-Antikbrperbildung

357 365 373 375

383 385 389 396

400 405 412

415 418 423 427 434

Blood Group Antigens: their Biochemistry and Biology MORGAN, W.T. J.

(London): Opening Remarks


WATKINS, W.M. (London): Relationship between Structure, Specificity and Genes within

the ABO and Lewis Blood-Group Systems




KOYCIELAK, J. (Warsaw): ABO Blood Group Substances from Erythrocytes as "Lipid" Antigens 453 SPRINGER, G.F. (Evanston, Ill.): Microbes and Higher Plants. Their Relation to Blood Group Substances 46 5 UHLENBRUCK, G. (Cologne): Immunochemica] Studies on Erythrocyte Mucoids : The Nature of the M and N Specific Substances 476 BECKMAN, L. (Uppsala): Serum Alkaline Phosphatases and Blood Groups 483 THÉODORESCO, AL.; Ιλνco, CΟRNÉLIA; DAΝIYLΕscο, MARIA; Fοτινo, MARILÉNA (Bucarest): La fréquence de l'immunisation anti-Rho (D) chez les donneurs Rho (D) négatifs 486 Rocκνλ, ERΝA and HUGHES-JONES, N.C. (London): The Use of Purified Ι 251-Labelled Anti-y Globulin in the Quantitative Determination of D-Antigen Sites 490 JOHNSON, G.D. and HOLBOROW, E. J. (Taplow, Berks.): The Demonstration of Red Cell Antigens by Immunοfluorescence 492 SELL, K.W. (Bethesda, Md.) and NELSON, D. S. (Cambridge): Detection of Antigens on the Surface of Blood Cells and Disaggregated Tissue Cells 494 DEsII, PARIMAL and SPRINGER, G. F. (Evanston, Ill.): Lower Limit of Blood Group H(0) Specific Combining Site of Some Heterologous Reagents 500 Horror, K. and SPRINGER, G. F. (Evanston, Ill.) : Isolation and Partial Characterization of Blood Group N Specific Haptens from Human Blood Group M and N Substances . . 5 05 510 WOLFF, I. and SPRINGER, G. F. (Evanston, Ill.): Observations on Rh Active Substances . SoLoMON, J. M. (Washington) : The Influence of B and H Antigens on the Expression of AI. A Quantitative Study 5Ι5 GIBBS, MARY B.; TUGGLE, J. M., Jr. and CAM', F. R., Jr. (Washington) : Quantitative Hemagglutination Studies of the Reactivities of Isohemagglutinins with Al and B Antigens 520 of Human Erythrocytes FAGERHOL, M.K.; HARBOE, A. and HARTMANN, O. (Oslo): Lack of ABO Isoagglutinin 526 Response to Influenza A2 Infection MATOUiEK, J. (Usti, CSSR): Gruppensubstanzen im Plasma und Plasmafraktionen . . 5 29 BUTTERFIELD, BARBARA and BAISCH, B. F. (San Diego, Calif.): The Practical Aspects of Blood Group Antigenic Activity in Massive Transfusions 535

Part 4 Advances in Blood Transfusion: Treatment of Erythroblastosis FoetalisAutomation—New Equipment—Hepatitis Problems Blood Group Antibodies E. and THOMPSON, A. (Adelaide, Sth. Australia) : Natural Anti-Lens Antibody: A Non-Pathogenic Auto-Immune System 757 BURGIO, G. R. und SEVERI, FRANCESCA (Perugia) : Untersuchungen über Hämoagglutinine der Blasenflüssigkeit 759 RYSczrnsxτ, J. und SxRZELEWSKI, A. (Katowice) : Infertilität am Grunde der setologischen Konflikte zwischen Frau und Mann 765 RYMER, MARION R.; MORRΙSON, ELEANOR; TRIPP, J.Τ. and ALSEVER, J. B. (Denver, Col.): The Hemagglutinin Titers of Selectively Pooled Plasmas 769 HACKETT,



Scκτγττηr, P. J.; McGτκκτss, M.H. and PArrns, N. J. (Bethesda, Md.): Iπjection of Incom776 patible Red Cell Stroma in a Patient with Iso-Antibody to I KREVANS, J.R.; WOODROW, J.; NosEizo, C. and Fui, R. (Baltimore, Md.): Patterns of 781 Rh Immunization SAcκs, V. (Kiel): An Unusual Auto-Antibody of the β-Globulin-Fraction with Rh-Specifi782 city observed in a Pregnant Woman HEIsrö, Η.; HARBoE, Μ. and GUDAL, H.C. (Oslo): Warm Haemolysins Active against 787 Trypsinized Red Cells; Occurrence, Inheritance, and Clinical Significance HABERMAN, S.; Guν, Rυrκ; TRIP!', J.T. and MoRRISON, ELEANOR (Dallas): Comparisons of Immune and Naturally Occurring Blood Grouping Antisera on Human Bloods . . 790 Ποττπcκ, W. and ΗΑGΕR, Η. J. (Raritan, N. J.): A Physico-Chemical Study of Hemagglutination 802 FUDENBERG, H. and Υoκoυλµλ, Μ. (San Francisco): On the Postulated Mechanisms for 814 the Serologic Behavior of "Cross-Reacting" Isoagglutinins ΗΟGMAν, C.F. ; Joκλνssoν, S. G. O. and KILLANDER, J. (Uppsala) : Quantitative Estima820 tion of Immunglobulins on Antibody-coated Red Cells Complement and Antigen-Antibody Reactions PoNDMAN, K.W.; Es, L. vii and SCHUURS, A. (Amsterdam): The Relationship between 825 Complement, the Heterogeneity of Antibody and Anaphylaxis GaRLINGS-PETERSEN, BIRTE, T. and PoNDMAN, K.W. (Amsterdam): The Relationship be829 tween Complement, the Heterogeneity of Antibody and Phagocytoses Ενπκs, R.S.; TURNER, E. and BINGRAM, MARGARET (Seattle, Wash.): The Resistance of C'142 Coated Cells to Complement Hemolysis by Cold Agglutinin 8 34 STRATTON, F. (Manchester): Observations on the Action of Complement on Cells Sensi840 tized with Blood Group Antibody ΑΝDRΕ, A. et LaINES, G. (Liège): La valeur moyenne du taux de complément total dans la population adulte normale est-elle en relation avec les groupes sanguins ABO, MN, le sexe, l'âge et le poids > 845 Foetomaternal Incompatibility ASZÓDI, LILT et STENSZKY, VALYRIE (Debrecen, Hongrie): Isoimmunisation leucocytaire 8o et plaquettaíre chez les multigravides ZMIJEWSKI, C. M. and BoYLE, W. (Durham, N.C.): The Specificity of Leukoagglutiníns in Sera from Multiparous Women 85 w κντ, P. ; HoDYovA, OLGA; BROZIAN, Μ. and UJHYLYIové, MARTA (Prague): Damage to the Females during Experimental Erythroblastosis Foetalis in Rabbits 861 POLLEY, MARGARET, J.; Rosa, JANE and MoLLIsoN, P. L. (London): Simple Method of Estimating yG Anti-A in Mothers of Infants with ABO Haemolytic Disease 865 BÖTTGER, JUTTA-TIIEREsIA (Würzburg): A new Method for the Detection of Immune Antibodies of the ABO System in Maternal Serum 869 ThEY, G. H. and LOCEVER, J.W. (Bristol): Cord Blood Test for ABO Haemolytic Disease 875 SCHELLONG, G. (Münster/West£.): fiber den Einfluß mütterlicher Immunantikörper des ABO-Systems auf Retikulozytenzahl und Serumbilirubin bei Frühgeborenen . . . . 878



SHAPIRO, M. (Johannesburg): Safer Exchange Transfusions with ACD Blood 883 LAYRISSE, M.; LAYRISSE, Ζ. and LΙΝΑRΕS J. (Caracas): Simultaneous Exchange Transfusion. New Device for Simultaneous Withdrawal and Injection of Blood—Results obtained in 5ο Cases 887 MEDINA, R. (Mexico): Α New Technique for Blood Exchange of the Newborn . 891 WALLACE, J. (Glasgow): Natural anti-I in Pregnancy 896 RυEczvνsκτ, J.; SKORCZYNSKI, M.; SKRZELEWsKI, A.; TOLL, Α. and POLAK, S. (Katowice): Ein seltener Fall hämοlytischer Neugeborener – Erkrankung durch Anti-e-Antikörper 8 99 CΟ)Α, Ν.; GINGOLD, N.; BERCU-BARDICEV, ELISE und MOLDOVEANU, Α. (Bucarest): Betrachtungen über Erythroblastose nach Splenektomie und die Frage der Schwangerschaftsunterbrechung 902

Erythroblastosis fοetalis: Prevention of Intrauterine Death (Round Table Discussion) Σ. Prediction of I. U. D. WALKER, W. (Newcastle upon Tyne): The Problem of Stillbirth in Η D N NlLssoN, B.A. (Stockholm) : The Value of Antibody Titre BOWMAN, J. Μ. and POLLOCK, JAiaT, M. (Winnipeg): Prediction of Intra-Uterine Death in Erythroblastosis Fetalis. III. Value of Liquor Examination HALVORSEN, S. and FINNE, Π.Η. (Oslo): Erythropoietín Levels in the Liquor

907 909 912 917

2. Prevention of I. U. D. FREDA, V. J. (New York): Management of Rh Sensitized Pregnancies and the Special Role of Spectrophotometric Scanning of Amniotic Fluid LILEY, A.W. (Auckland, New Zealand): Foetal Transfusion ZEITLIN, R.A. and ΒοoRMAN, K. E. (Sutton, Surrey) : Premature Induction, its Advisability and Limitations as a Means of Preventing Intra-Uterine Death due to Haemolytic Disease of the Foetus JENSEN, Κ.G. and SØRENSEN, B. (Copenhagen) : The Risk of Foetomaternal Bleeding in Connection with Amniocentesis

919 929

933 937

3. Prevention of Ιιo-Immunization KNOX, E. G. (Newcastle upon Tyne) : Factors Influencing Rh Iso-Immunization WoonRow, J. C. (Liverpool): Prevention of Rh Immunisation GORMAN, J. G.; FREDA, V. J.; POLLACK, W. (New York): Prevention of Iso-Immunization to the Rh Factor using High Titer Anti-Rh Gamma-Globulin STEWART, J.W. (London): The Use of Steroids in the Prevention of Intra-Uterine Death due to Rhesus Immunisation

940 944 949 956

Automation in the Blood Bank and the Serological Laboratory UNGER, P. and KAMGREN, O. (Stockholm): Automated Analysis in Blood-Group Serology

and Haematology ALtai, F. H., Jr. (New York) : The Use of Automatic Data Processing in Blood Bank Procedures

959 964



PICEREL, J. C. (Lumberton, Ν. C.): Electronic Computer Simulation of Some Blood Bank Operations 970 STURGEON, Pi. and McQuτsroν, DOROTHY, Τ. (Los Angeles): The Status of Routine Blood Typing with the Auto-Analyzer 975 Scηµιrr, H. (Springe/Deutschl.): Zur Frage der Automatisierung von Blutgruppenbestimmungen (Diskussion) 98 3 ROSENFIELD, R.E.; SΖΥΜANsΚΙ, IRMA, O.; HASER, GLADYS, V. and Κοcηwλ, S. (New York): Automated Methods for the Detection and Measurement of Hemagglutination 985 HUGHES-JONES, Ν. C. (London) : Automation of Blood Group Determinations using Radioactively Labelled Antibodies 992 MASOUREDIS, S. P.; DUPUY, MARY EDITH and ELLIOT, MARGARET (San Francisco): Estimation of the D-antigen Content of Individual Red Cells with Autoradiography . . . 997

Materials and Procedures used in Blood Transfusion and Blood Typing MALOOTIAN, IDA (Boston, Mass.): A Plan to Attract Voluntary Blood Donors . . . . 1002 REIssIGL, H. (Innsbruck): Fortschritte durch die Verwendung von Plastikmaterial zur '006 Blutkonservierung STEIGNER, K. F. (Koblenz/Deutschl.): Zusammensetzbare geschlossene Kunststoffbeutelτοτ6 systeme zur Konservierung und Aufbereitung von Erythrozyten GIBES, MARY B. and Cιµar, F. R., Jr. (Washington) : Α Simple Device for Washing Erythro1022 cytes for the Antiglobulin Test DYBKJAER, E. (Arhus, Denm.): Enzyme Methods for the Demonstration of Incomplete ιο ο Antibodies PoLAt, A. (Zagreb): Experiences with a Simple Modification o£the Slide Technique of Rh 1036 Testing with Papain FΟΤΙΝO, MARILENA; BOIA, MARCELA and DANIELESCU, MARIA (Bucharest): A New Simple 1040 Slide Test for Salivary Secretor Status BRUN, G. C. (Hellerup, Denm.): 12 Years' Experience with the Eldoncard Methods . . 1043 Ηωκsaν, P. (Copenhagen): An Apparatus for Measurement of 2 1 Blood for Routine Haemoglobin Determination 1047 LANGFELDER, M.; Sτκ, G. und ZSDANSKY, K. (Budapest): Über gewaschene Erythrozytensedímente 1048

Hepatitis, etc. PHILLIPS, LOUISE L. (New York): Incidence of Homologous Serum Jaundice Following Administration of Fibrinogen 1051 TORΙΙ, A.; ΝΑΚΑΝΟ, S. and MIYAZATO, Y. (Tokyo): The Use of Gammaglobulin in the Prevention of Serum Hepatitis Io55 Goro, S.; Κοτκε, E.; TANAKA, M.; KolA', S.; NARITA, M.; SEKIMOTO, M. ; TAsHIRO, Y ; ΝΑΙro, R. and KΙΤΑΙ Ο, M. (Osaka) : Reduced Incidence of Hepatitis in Blood-Recipients by Means of Donor-Screening by Electro-Dermatography 1058 ANDERSON, R.A.; Lou, K. and ALLEN, N.K. (Los Angeles): Transaminase Levels in a Blood Donor Population 1062



SHIMADA, Ν.; FυκυDα, T.; Ιsκττ, Υ.; SεκτκαωΑ, D.; ΟκrsυκΙ, M.; MATSUDA, H.; ΚοDEKI, K.; ΟΗΥα, G.; NAGAO, F.; KIMURA, Ν.; ΝΑΚΑΝΟ, S.; MURAKAMI, S.; ΜΙΥΑMoro, S. and ΤsυcκτνΑ, T. (Tokyo): Serum Hepatitis in Japan το66 STÜRNER, Κ.Η. (Kiel): Immunologische Untersuchungen an menschlichen Erythrozytenhämolysaten 1071

Part 5 Therapy of Acute Blood Loss and of Coagulation Disorders

Haemodynamic Aspects of Bleeding and Blood Transfusion BULL, J.P. (Birmingham, England): The Normal Blood Volume 1077 GRUBER, U.F. (Chur): Clinical Application of Blood Volume Measurements in Shock . 1079 Βλaz, S. (New York): Influence of the Autonomic Nervous System on Flow Regulation 1081 Distribution and Catabolism of Albumin and Gamma-Globulin G. (Stockholm) : The Normal Synthesis, Catabolism, and Distribution of Albumin and Gamma-Globulin 1 08 z JARNUM, S. (Copenhagen): Pathophysiology of Plasma Proteins with Special Reference to Hypoproteinaemic States 1089 KAESER, H.; KOBLET, H. and BARANDUN, S. (Berne): The Differential Indications for Parenteral Therapy with Plasma, Human Albumin and Amino-Acids 1096 KOBLET, H.; DIGGELMANN, H.; BARANDUN, S. and GERBER, H. (Berne): The Total Clear1 1 oz ance of Different Gammaglobulin Preparations FREEMAN, T. and GORDON, A.H. (London): Albumin Catabolism in Hypoproteinaemíc flos States Studied with Τ3Τ I Αlbu ' BIRKE,

Pathophysiology and Therapy of Acute Blood Loss GRUBER, U.F.; MEILI-GERBER, E.; GRASS, S. and ALLGÖWER, M. (Chur): Volume Effects of New Plasma Expanders in Hypovolemúc Subjects 1116 SCHNEIDER, K.W.; KLÜTSCH, K.; HEIDLAND, A. ; PARISH, E. v. und GATHOF, A. (Würzburg): Blutvolumen, Serum-Elektrolyte und Eiweiß nach Infusion von pasteurisiertem 11 zo Plasma BOLLOC'H-COMBRISSON, AlνE, LE (Paris) : Le volume sanguin et les hémorragies graves 1 1 24 1 1 30 ARTURSON, G. (Uppsala) : Pathophysiology of Acute Plasma Loss in Burns 1136 Βουλν, C. P. (New York): Cardiac Arrest and Temperature of Bank Blood BReuν, L. (Münster/West£): Úber temporäre intraoperative Hyperkaliämien nach Blut1 140 transfusionen PERKINS, H.A.; THACHER, C. and ROLFS, Μ.R. (San Francisco): Measurement of Calcium τ 145 Ion Levels during Massive Transfusion of Citrated Blood



SILVAYOvA, OLGA; SIMΚοντcοΝÁ, MΑΑΙΑ; SILVAY, J.; SΙMΚΟΝΙC, Ι. und HRUΒΙ ΚΟ, M. (Bratislava): Beitrag zur Verwendung des durch ACD konvertierten Blutes bei extraΙ 149 korporaler Zirkulation ΙI 4 McLaλν, J.A. (Melbourne): Haemostasis After Direct Blood Transfusion ROSIN, S. and CHIITA, G. (Bucarest) : Therapeutical Applications of Bleeding in Haemato11 59 poiesis Depression States

Recent Developments in Methods for Separation and Characterization of Plasma Proteins

(Round Table Discussion) 1164 TIsELIus, A. (Uppsala): Chairman's Opening Remarks ΗεmεMwκs, J. F. (Louvain) : Survey of the Human Serum Proteins, with Special Reference to the Methods Allowing their Isolation and Characterization 1 165 SMITHIES, O. (Madison, Wisc.): Characterization of Genetic Variants of Blood Proteins 1 1 75 PuΤκπm, F.W. and Roof, W. Ε. (Gainesville, Florida): Purification and Characterization of Genetic Variants of Human Transferrins 1 178 STANWORTH, D. R. (Birmingham, England) : Zone-Centrifugation 1 1 81 1 1 86 PRINS, H. K. and SMlla, D.A. (Amsterdam) : Zone-Centrifugation 1188 ΗτκΤοκ, M. R. (Parkville, Vict., Australia): Plasma Fractionation in Australia VALLET, L. (Elstree, Herts.): A Large-scale Preparation of Human Albumin for Use in Metabolic Studies in Man ι 191 JTASTNY, M. (Prague): Precipitation Methods and Large-Scale Methods 1 193 FREEMAN, T. (London): Precipitation Methods 1195 STEINBUCH, MARION (Paris) : Isolation of y-A-Globulin as By-Product of Large-Scale Fractionation 1 1 96 Scκωτcκ, Η. G. (Marburg/Lahn): Immunochernical Determination of Plasma Proteins 1197

Coagulation Factors and Replacement Therapy

RavoL, L.; BELLEVILLE, J.; THOUVEREZ, J. P. et DENHAUT, M. G. (Lyon): Le Facteur VIII, sa conservation dans le sang, le plasma, la fraction Idu plasma, son devenir chez l'hémophile transfusé ι 200 BORUCKI, D.T. and PETERSON, C.A. (Mountain View, Calif.): Plasmapheresis in Hemophilia Utilizing Angle Head Centrifugation, A New Parameter in Blood Component Therapy 1210 HERSHGOLD, E. J. ; POOL, JUDITH G.; PAPPENHAGEN, A. R. and Nuaνκa, Jοπκκε, M. (Palo Alto, Calif.): A More Potent Human Antihemophílic Globulin Concentrate: Preparation and Clinical Trial 1214 GROZDOV, D. M. ; ABDULAVEV, G. M. and Kozκaννικoν, J. P. (Moscow): Tactics of Transfusion Therapy in Surgery of Hemophilic Patients 1219 LEROUX, M. E. ; BEASLAY, Yvoiia; GRIGUER, P. et ARNAUD, R. (Tours): Cοntr le thrombodynamographique de l'activité des préparations de fibrinogène in vitro et in vivo Application à la transfusion 1223



MELIN, Μ.; PENNECL, R.B.; TULLIS, J. L. ; BAUDANZA, P.; FRANCESCO, A. DI and JANSKY, J.W. (Boston, Mass.): Studies in the Chromatography of Trace Constituents of Human 1 228 Plasma. I. A Crude Prothrombín-Containing Fraction WINKERT, J.; WINKERT, ELISABETH and BALL, R. (New York): The Mechanism of Fibrinogen Accumulation after Serum Transfusion ι z 33 GERTIARTZ, H. und BLUI, K.-U. (Berlin) : Störungen der Gerinnungsfaktoren unter den 1235 Bedingungen der Blutkonservierung RABY, C. et COUPIER, J. (Paris): Nouvel hémostatique et antihémοrragique de synthèse 5245 BRιrτεκ, A. and SALZMAN, E.W. (Boston, Mass.): Heparin and the Coagulation Defect in 1 247 Open-Heart Surgery BENNHOLD, IRMTIGARD und KESSEL, M. (Berlin): Besonderheiten der Heparinelimination bei extrakorporalen Dialysen 1253 FRICK, P. G. and BRUGLI, Η. (Zurich) : Studies on Heparin Rebound after Cardiac Surgery 12.59 CLIFFTON, Ε.Ε. (New York): I. Evidence that a Hypercoagulable State Precedes Massive Oozing During and After Major Surgery. II. Effect of Epsilon-Aminocaproic Acid (EACA) in Control of Surgical Oozing 5264 FISCHER, M. und WRIER, HANNA (Wien): Aktivierung des fibrinolytischen Systems durch 5278 niedermolekulares Dextran PANASEWIcz, J. and Ζτειτκsκτ, J. (Warsaw): Modification of Hemolytic Processes in the Course of Experimental Transfusion Shock by the Influence on the Reticulo-Endo5284 thelial System or Application of Some Anticoagulants

Therapy of Coagulation Disorders (Round Table Discussion) Σ.

Factor VIII, von Wíllebrand's Disease and Factor IX

BIccs, ROSEMARY (Oxford): The Treatment of Patients with Coagulation Defects. General 5 289 Review EGLI, Η. (Bonn) : Treatment of Hemophilia A and B 1 299 GUGLER, E. (Berne) : Treatment of Hemophilia A with Plasma Fraction I ι 30τ PAILOISKY, A.; ANDINO, A. and TEZANOS Pιντο, M. DE (Buenos Aires): Treatment of 1 303 Haemophilia A NILSSON, INCA-MARIE (Malmb) : Treatment of Haemophilia A and v. Willebrand's Disease 1 307 1313 SOULIER, J. P. (Paris) : Treatment of Haemophilia A and B 1314 Prrνav, W. R. (Sydney): Treatment of Haemophilia A with Fraction 1—o POOL, JUDITH, G.; HERSHOOLD, Ε. and PAPPENHAGEN, A. (Palo Alto, Calif.): Treatment of Hemophilia A 1315 τ3ι7 WOLF, P. (London) : Prevention and Treatment of Joint Deformity in Haemophilia . τ3τ8 KERR, C. B. (Oxford) : Management of Intracranial Haemorrhage in Haemophilia . . 1319 KERR, C. B. (Oxford) : Aspiration Treatment of Acute Haemarthroses 1321 OWREN, P.W. (Oslo): Treatment of v. Willebrand's Disease τ. Factors 77, VII, X, XI and XIII STEINBOCH, MARION (Paris): Biochemistry of Factors II and VIΙ EsNouF, M. P. (Oxford) : The Chemistry of Factor X Josso, F. (Paris): Treatment of Deficiencies in Factors II, VII, and X. General Review 44


1326 1 337 1 340



LOELIGER, E.A.; HENsEN, Α.; Μi rrrnν, M. J. and HBMKER, Η.C. (Leiden): Rate of Synthesis of Coagulation Factors II, VII, IX and X During Substitution Therapy with P.P.S.B. MARx, R. (Munich): Some Experiences in the Substitution Therapy of the Factors VII and X in Prothrombin Complex Deficiencies ROSENTHAL, R.L. (New York): Factor XI, General Review RAPAPORT, S.I. and VETTRA, M. (Los Angeles): PTA (Factor XI) Levels After Transfusion in Patients with PTA Deficiency Duc KERr, F. (Basel): The Therapy of Factor XIII Deficiency

13 46 τ348

1 35 0 1 352 1 354

Platelets and Platelet Transfusions DAILY, M. G.; LANDER, Η. and ROBSON, Η. N. (Adelaide, Austr.) : The Evaluation of Anticoagulant Solutions used in the Preparation of Platelets for Transfusion 1 35 8 JOHNSON, SHIRLEY, A.; BALBOA, R.S.; DESSEL, Β.Η. and GREENWALT, T. J. (Milwaukee, Wisc.): Fate of Transfused Platelets τ362 MORITA, H.; EBATA, Y.; KITAHARA, K.; KAGAMI, M.; NAKAJIMA, M.; MURASAWA, T. and OTSUKA, Y. (Tokyo): Studien fiber Thrombasthenie 1366

Authors' Index

ABDULAYEV, G. M., τ 21 9 ABEYOTJNIS, C. J., τ 5 5 AJMAR, F.A., 59 2 ALLEN, F. H., Jr., 964 ALLEN, N.K., το62 ALLGOWER, M., τ τ τ6 ALSEVER, J.B., 769 AMIEL, J.-L., 122 ANDERSEN, S. BRYDE, 83 ANDERSON, R.A., Ι 062 ANDINO, Α., 1303 ANDRÉ, Α., 845 ΑΡΑΤΕΑΝU, V., 2 39 ARENDS, Τ., 400, 4Ο5 ARNAUD, R., Ι223 ARTURSON, G., τ τ 3ο ASCHER, G., 243 Αsκωοοη-SΜτrκ, M. J., 646 Aszónτ, LILI, 850 AUDRAN, Α., 4Ι8 ΒΑΕΖ, S., το8τ Βωτscκ, B.F., 535

R. S., τ 362 BALL, R., 1233 BARANDUN, S., 1096, 1102





G., 1082

BLOOM, M.L., 6 37, 642 BLUM, Κ:U., Ι 2 35 BOIA, MARCELA, 1040 ΒΟΙγΙΝ, Ρ., 582 BOLLOC'Η -COMB RI SSON, ANNE,LE, 1124 BOORMAN, Κ. Ε., 933 BORNE, A. E. G. ΚΑ. ν. D. 687 BORUCKI, D.T., 1210 BOSCH, Ε., 5 5 BÖTTGER, JUTTA-THERESIA,

869 ΒοWMnκ, J.E., 568, 59 2 ΒοWMAκ, J.M., 912 BOYAN, C. P., τ τ 36 BOYER, J.T., 19 BOYLE, W., 8 55 BRATU, V., 5 5 7

BRAUN, L., 1140 BRIDONNEAU, C., 3ο9 ΒΒΙΤΤΕΝ, A., τ 247 BROCTEUR, J., 346 BRÖGLI, Η., 1259 BROZIAN, M., 861 BRUN, G.C., 1043 BRUNING, J.W., 177 BULL, J.P., 1Ο77 BURGIO, G.R., 759 BUTOIANU, ELENA, 557 BUTTERFIELD, BARBARA, 535 CAJANO, A., 66 CAMP, F. R., Jr., 5 z0, τ οz τ CARBONE, P. P., 343 CARSON, P.E., 568, 59 2 CELANO, M. J., 35 0 CHAMBERS, J.W., 35 0 CHATTERJEA, J.B., 539, 598 CHINTA, G., 1159 CLIFFTON, Β. Β., τ 264 COJω, Ν., 9ο2 CONSTANTOULAKIS, Μ., 327 CONVERSE, J. M., τ 34 COUPIER, J., 1241

COWLEY, C.W., 6 37, 64τ CUDKOWICZ, G., 144 DACIE, J.V., Ι I DANIELESCU,MARIA, 486, 1040 DAUSSET, J., 104, τ 34 DAVEY,M.G., τ 3 5 8 DAVIES, S.H., 73 DEBEAUX, Ρ., 383 DENHAUT, M. G., τ zoo DESAI, PARIMAL, 500 DESSEL, B.H., 1362 DEWITT, C.W., 213 DIGGELMAΝN, Η., ΙΙ 0 2 DOEBBLER, G.F., 6 37, 642 DUCKERT, F., 1354 DUPUY, MARY EDITH, 997 DURON, OLGA, 73 8 DYBKJAER, β., 1030 EBATA, Y., τ 366 EGLI, Η., τ 299 EHRLICH, M., 327 ELLIOT, MARGARET, 997 ENGBRING, Η., 748 ENGELFRIET, C. Ρ., 172 ENGLISH, C.T., 350 ERIKSSON, A., 702 Es, L. VAN, 8τ5

ESNOUF, M.P., τ337 ESPMARK, J.A., 79 EVANS, R. S., 834


FINN, R., 781 FINNE, P. H., 917 FISCHER, Η., 617 FISCHER, Κ., 434 FISCHER, M., 1278

XX Fonio, MARILENA, 486, 1040 Fxnxcεsc0, A. DI, 1228 FREDA, V. J., 919, 949 FREEMAN, T., 1108, 1195 FRICK, P.G., Ι 2 59 FRISCHER, H., 5 68, 592 FRITZSCHE, W., 6 τ7 FRUMIN, A.M., 589 FUDENBERG, Η., 8Ι4 FUKIJDA, T., 1066 GAJEWSKI, Μ., 7 GALLANGO, MARIA L., 4σ, 4Ο5 GΑΤκοΕ, Α., τ τ z0 GERBER, Η., 1102 GERMARTZ, Η., τ τ 3 5 GERLINGS-PETERSEN, ΒΙΑΤΕ Τ., 8τ9 GISBS, MARY B., 5z0, τοττ GIKAS, P.W., 714, 719 GHEORGIU-TEICAN, ΜΑΑΙΑ, τ85 Gκοsκ, S.K., 598 GINGOLD, Ν., 902 GoclU, ΜΑΑΙΑΝΑ, 2 I 9 GODAL,H.C., 787 GOLD, E. R., 4 τ 5 GOODMAN, J.W., 149 GORDON, A.H., 1108 GORMAN, J. G., 949 GOTO, S., τ058 GOUDSMIT, R., 5 5 GRASS, S., 1116 GRAYDON, J. J., 327 GREENWALT,T. J., 7, 295,1362 GRIGORIU, G., τ39 GRIGUER, Ρ. 1223

Authors' Index

Β., 757 HAGER, H. J., 8Ο2 HAGUENAU, Μ., 582

J ANKAY, L., 2 43 JANSKY, J.W., τ228 JARNUM, S., Ι089


JENSEN, K.G., 937 J OHANSSON, S.G.O., 820 J 011501, G. D., 40, 492 JOHNSON, SHIRLEY A., 7, τ 36τ JONSSON, J., 79 J osso, F., τ 34Ο


HAMMACK, W. J., 727 HANSEN, Ρ., Ι047 HARBOE, M., 5 z6, 787 HART, MIA VAN DER, 55 HARTMANN, Ο., 5 τ6 Ηα§Εκ, M., 87, 192 HEIDLAND, A., τ τ το HEIMPEL, Η., 742 Ηετsrö, H., 787 HEIKER, H. C., τ 346 HEINEMANN, Η.Η., 3ο ΗΕκsεκ, Α., τ 346 HEREMANS, J.F., ΙΙ65 HERSHGOLD, E. J., 1214, 1315 HINTON,M.R., τ τ 88 HJELM, M., 702 HIRSCHFELD,J., 365 Ηοéενπκ, Μ., 312 ΗΟDΖον , OLGA, 86Ι HUGMAN, C.F., 8το, 702 HOLBOROW, E. J., 492 HOLLÄNDER, L. P., III HORT, J., 192 ΗΟΤΤΑ, Κ., 5ο5 HRUBIYKO, Μ., 1149 HUGGINS, C. E., 662 HUGHES-JONES, Ν. C., 490, 992 HUMMEL, K., 396 HUNTER, O.B., Jr., 35 Ο HUNTSMAN, R.G., 7ο9 HURN, BA. L., 709 HUSER, H.-J., 213

GROBBELAAR, B. G., 304 GROVE-RASMUSSEN, M., 731 GROZOOI, D.M., Ι2τ9 GRUBB, R., 375 GRUSER, U. F., τ 079, Ι τ τ 6 GuGLER, E., τ 30τ Guv, R., 790

IAMANDI, ILEANA, Ι85 IANCO, CORNELIA, 486 ΙcκτκαωΑ, Υ., τ34 IκτΝ, ELIZABETH, W., 709 IRVINE, W. J., 73 Isκττ, Y., το66 Ιν κvτ, Ρ., 192, 861


JAGD, S., 731 JAKOBOWICZ, R., 327

KAESER, Η., 1096 KAGAMI, M., Ι366 KAHN, MIRIAM, 592 ΚALISS, Ν., 9τ KATTAMIS, CH.A., 603 KERR, C. B., τ 318, τ 319 KESSEL,M., τ τ 5 3 KILLANDER, J., 820 KIMURA, Ν., τ066 KISSELEV, Α. Ε., 248 KLTAHARA, K., 1366 KITANO, Μ., σ8 KIEIHAUER, Ε., 564 ΚLΕΙΝΕ, Ν., 742, 748 KLÜTSCH, K., τ τ 20 KOBLET, H., 1096, 1102 KNORPP, C.T., 714, 719 Κκοχ, E.G., 940 KOCHWA, S., 985 KODEKI, K., 1066 Κοτκε, Ε., 1058 ΚΟΜΑΙ, S., Ι058 ΚΟzΗΕVΝΙΚον, J.P., Ι2Ι9 KOYCIELAK, J., 453 KREVANS, J.R., 78 τ KRIJIEN, H.W., 683 KUIVENHOVEN, Α. C. J., 683 LADEFOGED, J., 83 LANDER,H., τ 3 5 8 LANGFELDER, Μ., Ι048 LAWRENCE, H. S., τ 34 LAYRISSE, M., 887 LAYRISSE, Ζ., 887 LEEUWEN, Α. νακ, 177 LEHMANN, H., 709 LENNES, G., 8 45 LEROUX, Μ.Ε., 1223


Authors' Index LEVINE, PH., 2 53, 350 LEWIS, J.P., 656 LIDDELL, J., 709 LILEY, A.W., 929 LINARES, J., 887 LocKYER, J.W., 8 75 LoELIGER, E.A., 1 346 LOGHEM-LANGSREIS, ERNA VAN, 55 LOGHEM, J. J. VAN, 55 Loos, J.A., 549, 687 LOU, K., I062 MACHADO-CAETANO,



MARX, R., τ 348 MASIUREDIS, SP., 997 Μπτκ , G., 522 ΜΑΤΟUζΕΚ, J., 5 29 MATSON, G.A., 32Ο MATSUDA, Η., τΟ66

MORGAN, W.Τ. J., 441 ΜΟΑΙΤΑ, Η., τ 366 MORRISON, ELEANOR, 769, 790 MOULLEC, J., 4Ι8 MOUREAU,P., 346 MURAKAMZ, S., το66 MURASAWA, Τ., τ366 MYISRE, Β.Α., τ95 NAGAG, F., 1066 ΝΑτrο, R., 1058 NAKAJIMA, M., τ366 ΝΑΚΑΝΟ, S., 1055, το66 NAMYTYSHEVA, Α. M., τ NARITA, Μ., το58 NELSON, D. S., 494 NICOLAU, C.T., 2 39 NICOLI, R.M., 3Ο9 NIEDWIROK, J., 667 NILSSON, B.A., 9ο9 NILSSIN, ΙΝGA-ΜΑΑΙΕ, τ 307 NOSENZO, C., 781 NUENKE, JOANNE, M., Ι 2 Ι 4

MATTE, C., 4τ 8

MATTERN,M.J., τ 346 MATTHES, M., 742, 748 McDONALD, J. C., τ 5 5 MCLEAN, J.A., τ τ 54

MCGINNISS, M. H., 343, 776

McQuisroi, DOROTHY, T.,


MEDINA, R., 891 MEILI-GERBER, E., Ι Ι Ι 6 MELIN, M., Ι228 MERCHANT, W.R., 714, 7τ9 METZGAR, R. S., τ 8Ο MILGROM, F., Ι 5 5 MIRMIRAN, Η., 396 MIYAMOro, S., 1ο66 ΜτΥπzωrο, Υ., 5055 MOLDOVEANU, A., 902 MOLLER, ERNA, Ι67 MÖLLER, G., 203 MOLLISON, P.L., 865 MOORE, R., 6 74 MOOR-JANKOWSKI, J., 213,


ΟΣΗΜΕ, J., 2Ο8 OHTSUKI, M., 1066 ΟκχΑ, G., τΟ66 Οκυεο, Η ., 6τ OSTROVSKY, YU., 56Ι OTSUKA,V., τ 366 Ουητκ, J•, 357 OWREN, P.A., 1323 ΡANASEWICZ, J., 1284 PAPPAS, Ν. J., 776 PAPPENHAGEN, A. R., τ τ 14, τ315 Ρωτττsκ, Ε. ν., τ τ το PASSOVOY, M., 656 PAVLOVSKY, A., τ 303 ΡεεrοοM, F., 5 5 PENNELL, R.B., Ι228 PERERA, C. Β., 5 89 PERKINS, H.A., 1145 PERT, J. H., 6 74 PETERSON, C.A., 1210 PHILLIPS, LOUISE, L., 10)1

PICκREL, J. C., 970 ΡΙΤΝΕΥ, W. R., τ 3 τ 4 ΡΝτεωsκτ, Τ., 667 POLAK,A., 1036 POLAK, S., 8 99 POLLACK, W., Soz, 949 POLLEY, MARGARET J., 865 POLLOCK, JANET, M. g ττ PONDIAN, K.W., 825, 829 POOL, JUDITH, G., τ 2 τ 4, τ 3 τ 5 PORΕSHINA, L.P., Ι63 PRINS, H. K., 549, 687, τ τ 86 PUTNAM, F.W., 1178 PYLE, H.M., 652, 731 RABY, C., 1241 RACE, R.R., τ57 RAILEANU, bAiA, 2 Ι9 RAMGREN, Ο., 959 RANQUE, J., 309 RAPAPORr, F.T., 104, 134 RAPAnoRT, S.I., τ 3 5 2 REIN,H., 578 REINSKOU, Τ., 389 REISSIGL, Η., 1006 REVOL, L., 1200 REYDEN, G. ν. η., 683 RILEY, V., 7 RINFREr, A.P., 6 37, 64τ RIVAT, LILIANE, 383, 412 ROBSON, H.N., 135 8 RocκNA, ERNA, 490 ROLFS, M. R., τ τ 45 ROOD, J. J. VAN, 177 Roor, WE., τ τ 78 ROPARTI, C., 383, 412

ROSE, JANE, 865 ROSENFIELD, R.E., 985 ROSENTHAL, R. L., τ 3 5 ο

ROSIN, S., τ τ 5 9 ROSSE, W. F., τ τ ROUSSEAU, P.-Y., 383, 412 RYBCZYNSKI, J., 765, 899 RYMER, MARION R., 769 SACHS,V., 782 SωκωτηΑ, R.R., 6 37 SALMON, C., 3Ο9, 3 37

XXII SALZMAN, E.W., 12 47 SAMP, Β., 243 SCHELLONG, G., 878 SCHMIDT, P. J., 343, 776

ScκMτrr, Η., 983 ScκoRK, P. K., 674 SCHNEIDER, K.W., ι ι 20 SCHUURS, Α., 825 Scκωτcκ, H.G., 1197 SEKIKAWA, D., το66 Sεκττ.τοrο, Μ., 1058 SELL, K.W., 494 SERAFIMOV-DIMITROV,V., 229 SEVERI, FRANCESCA, 759 SHAPIRO, Μ. 2 99, 883 SHIMADA, Ν., τΟ66 SHULMAN, N. R., τ τ 3 SIEDEκTOPF, Η. G., 6Ι7 STK, G., 1Ο48 SILVAY, J., 1149 SILVAYOνλΡ, OLGA, Ι Ι 49 2cc IMKOVIC, Ι., Ιτ49 ~JSs JIMKOVICOVλ, MARIA, τ Ι49 SIMON, E. R., 6ο7 SτMοκsEκ, M., τ τ 5 SIMMoNs, R.T., 327

SKORCZYNSKI, M., 8 99 SKRZELEWSKI, Α., 76 5, 899 SMINK,D.A., ΙΙ86 SMITH, C.A.B., 263 SMITHIES, Ο., 3 73, 1175 SOLOMON, J.M., 515 SØRENSEN, Β., 937 SOULIER, J. P., τ 3 τ 3 SPEISER, Ρ., 427

W., 290, 617 SPRINGER, G.F., 465, 500, 50 5, 510 SP ROUL, MARY Τ., 73 1 SPIELMANN,

STANWORTH, D. R., τ τ 8 τ JrASrNY, M., 1193 STEANE, Ε.Α., 295 STEIGNER, K.F., ΙΟΙ6

Authors' Index MARION, 383, 418, 1196, 1326


SΤΕΝSΖΚΥ, VALÉRIE, 85Ο STEWART, J.W., 95 6 STIMPFLING, J.H., Ι44 STJERNSWÄRD, J., Ι97 STOICHITA, MIHAELA, Ι85 STRATTON, F., 84Ο STRUMIA, Μ. Μ., 692 STRUMIA, P.V., 692 STURGEON, Pn., 975 STÜRNER, K.H., 1071 SUGITA, Υ., 607 SULLIVAN, Ι.Β., Jr., 727 SUMERLING, M.D., 73 SWANSοN, JANE, 32Ο SWARUP, S., 598 SZYMANSKI, IRMA Ο., 985 ΤΑΝΑΚΑ, Μ., τ05 8 TASHIRO, Υ., Ι 0 58 ΤΕΙΤΕL, Ρ., 5 57 ΤΕΖΑΝΟS Ρτκrο, Μ. DE, τ 303 THACHER, C., 1145 THEODORESCO, AL., 486 Tnoipsii, A., 757 ΤΗΟΜΡ$ΟΝ, Ν.W., 714, 719 TROUVEREZ, J. P., Ι 2ΟΟ TIILIKAINEN, ANJA, 423 TINKER, Μ.Α., 7τ9 TISELIUS, A., 1164

TOLL, A., 899 ΤοΑττ, A., 10 55 ThEY, G.H., 875 TREBUKNINA, R., 561 TREMBLAY, E.C., 224 TRIPP, J.T., 769, 790

TROEAUGH, F.E., Jr., 656 ΤSUCHIYA, T., 1066 TUDOSE, VARIARA, 2Ι9 TUGGLE, J. M., 5 το TULLIS, J.L., 6τ7, 1228 TUIINER, Ε., 834


UNGER, P., 959

URISON, R.M., 163


F., 268

WALKER, W., 9Ο7 WALLACE, J., 896

WATKINS, W. M., 443 WEINER, W., 24, 35 WELFLING, Ρ., 224

WIENER, A. S., 2Ι 3, 280 WIMMER, HANNA, Ι 278 WINKERT, ELISABETH, τ233 WINKERT, J., τ τ 3 3 WINKLER, M. H., 5Ο WIT, J. J. FR.M. DE, 683 WITEBSKY, Ε., 1 55, 642 WOLF, P., 1317 WOLFF, Ι., 510 WooDRow, J., 781 WOODROw, J. C., 944


135 2 ΥοκονΑΜα, Μ., 343> 8τ 4 ZANNOS-MARIOLEA, LEDA,

603 ZEITLIN, R.A., 933

ΖΙΕLΙτ1SκΙ, J., Ι284 ZMIJEWSKI, C.M., 18Ο, 8 55 Ζοrτχον, Ε.Α., 163 ZSDANSKY, K., Ι 048 ZURCHER, C., 549, 68 7

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