INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEENTHE VILLAGE OF'WELLINGTON AND PALM BEACH COUNTY This Agreementis enteredo }fhln'ef (,2011, between""the parties,"the Vill...
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INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEENTHE VILLAGE OF'WELLINGTON AND PALM BEACH COUNTY This Agreementis enteredo }fhln'ef (,2011, between""the parties,"the Village of Wellington("Village") andpalm BeachCounty ("'County"). The Village and the County are referredto collectivelyas the "Partiei". WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, the Partiesare authorizedto enterinto this Agreementpursuantto Section163.01,Florida Statutes,as amended which permitslocal governmentalunits to makethe most efficient use of their powersby enablingthem to cooperatewith other localitieson a basisofmutual advantage,and WHEREAS, the Partiesexecutingthe Agreementdesireto sharethe benefitsof exchanging and land information - geographic in order to havethe most up-to-dateand accurateinformation for the following purposei: . . r . r

satisfustatutoryrequirements; ensurecompatibilityof information; improveproductivityin applicationsdevelopment; simpli$ procedures for end users;and creategreaterefliciency in information sharing.

WHEREAS, the purposeof this Agreementis to provide a mechanismto sharegeographicand land informationon an ongoingbasis, WHEREAS, the Partieswill developproceduresfor the exchangeof geographicand land informationin an efficient and timely manner, NOW TFfEREFORE,the Parties,in considerationof the mutual benefitsflowing from eachto the other, do therebyagreeas follows:

ARTICLE 1 - STATEMENT OF AGREEMENT l. I The County'sGIS ServiceBureauwill provideCountygeographicdatato the Village. The Village entersinto this Agreementto initiate the exchangeof updatedgeographicand land informationoutlined in Exhibit A with the County on an ongoingbasis.

ARTICLE 2 - TERM OF'THI AGREEMENT 2.1 The period of performanceof this Agreementshall commenceon dateof executionand continueon thereafter,on ayear to year basis,underthe sameterms and conditionshereinprovided,unlessterminatedearlier underArticle 6, or replacedwith anotheragreement.

ARTICLE 3 - SHARING AND OWNERSHIP 3'l EachPartyshallberesponsibleformodificationsoralterationsrequiredatitslocationforsharingandutilizationof geographicand land information. 3.2 EachPartywill planto provideandmaintainin its geographicand land informationsystemenvironmentthe information specifiedin this AgreementunderExhibit A when it becomesavailable.Saidinformationihall be maintainedin the manner (includingformat,accuracy,symbology,andtimeliness)asagreeduponby the Village andCountyprojectmanagerson a caseby casebasis, In somecases,this will requiremodificationto currentpractices.In suchcases,-eaihnarty will bearthe costof requiredmodificationsto its respectiveenvironment.Suchinformationshallbe accessible to both Parties,subjectto accessand securityprocedures,licenseagreements,and Federal,Stateand local law. ARTICLE 4 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT/NOTICE 4.1 Until otherwisenotified in writing, the ProjectManagerfor the Village is NestorNavarro, Village of Wellington, locatedat 12300ForestHill Blvd, Wellington,Florida 33474attelephone(561) 791-4148.The projectManagerfor the Countyis Kelly Ratchinsky,PalmBeachCounty,InformationSystemsServices,GIS Services,at 301 N. Olive Avenue, WestPalm Beach,FL 33401,telephone(561)355-3958.The Partiesshalldirectall mattersarisingin connectionwith the performanceof this Agreementto the attentionof the ProjectManagersfor resolutionor action. The ProjectManagersshall be responsiblefor overall coordinationand oversightrelatingto the performanceofthis Agreement.

4.2 All notices,demands,or other communicationsto the Partiesunderthis Asreementshall be in writine and shall be deemedreceivedif sentby certifiedmail, retum receiptrequested, to: Attention:

GIS Manager Village of Wellington 12300ForestHill Blvd. Wellington,FL 33414


Village Manager Village of Wellington 12300ForestHill Blvd. Weflington,FL 33414

Palm BeachCountyISS Attention: CountywideGIS Coordinator 301 N. Olive Avenue,8th Floor WestPalm Beach.FL 33401

Copiesto: Palm BeachCounty Attomey's Office 301 N. Olive Avenue.6th Floor WestPalm Beach,FL 33401 The Partiesagreeto provide a copy of all suchnoticesunderthis Agreementto eachProjectManager. All noticesrequired by this Agreementshall be considereddeliveredupon receipt. Shouldeitherparty changeits addressfor notifications, written notice of suchnew addressshall promptly be sentto the other party. ARTICLE 5 - INDEMNIFICATION 5.1 Each Party assumesany and all risks of personalinjury, bodily injury and propertydamageattributableto the negligent actsor omissionsof that Party and its officers, employees,servants,and agentsthereof. The Partiesfurther agreethat nothing

containedherein shall be construedor interpretedas (1) denyingto either party any remedyor defenseavailableto suchparty underthe lawsofthe stateofFlorida; and (2) the consentofthe partiesto be sued. Each of the Parties,as a local governmentagency,warrantsand representsthat it is self funded for liability insurance,or has liability insurance,both public and property,with suchprotectionbeing applicableto the Partiesby their officers, employees, servantsand agentswhile actingwithin the scopeof their employmentwith the Parties. ARTICLE 6 _ INSURANCE Withoutwaivingthe right to sovereignimmunityas providedby Section768.28FloridaStatutes, the Villageacknowledges to be insuredfor GeneralLiability andAuto with coveragelimits of $100,000per personand$200,000per Occurrence; or suchmonetarywaiver limits that may changeand be set forth by the legislature. The Village also agreesto be insured for Workers' Compensation& Employer's Liability insurancein accordancewith Florida Statutes440. Prior to executionof this.agreement by.the County,the Villageshalldeliverto the Countyan affidavitor a certificateof insuranceevidencinsinsurance and/orsovereignimmunitystatus,which the Countyagreesto recognizeas acceptable for the mentionedcoverage. ARTICLE 7 - TERMINATION/REMEDIES 7.1 This Agreementmay be terminatedby written notice of either Party to the other,to be effectivetwelve (12) monthsafter receipt. However,terminationshall be carefully considereddue to the potentialcost and disruptionof operationsto eachof the Parties. 7.2 Datasharingmay be suspended for failureto adoptCountystandards or for the adoptionof policiesor engagement in activitieswhich adverselyaffect the sharingor maintenanceof said information. Notice of proposedsuspensionitratt U" deliveredto the other Party at leastfive (5\orking daysprior to suspension.The notice shall statethe reasonsfor the proposedsuspensionand suggestcorective actionsand a time frame within which thesecorrectiveactionsmay be taken to avoid suspension.Suspendedaccessto sharedinformation shall be restoredas soonas reasonablypossiblefollowing receipt ofnotice that sufficient corective actionhas beentaken. 7.3 EachParty may enactan emergencysuspensionof datasharing. The CountywideGIS Coordinatorshall declarean emergencysuspensionand temporarily,but immediately,suspendor reduceaccessto information for just cause.Reasonsfor emergencysuspensioninclude,without limitation, equipmentfailure; unauthorizedgeographicinformationaccess;high potentialfor sabotage;failure to adopt and enforcestandards;and adoptionofpolicies or engagementofactivities which otherwiseadverselyaffect the operation,securityor maintenanceof the geographicinformation. The CountywideGIS Coordinatorshall notif the County GIS Policy Advisory Committee,and the otheraffectedParty immediatelyof any emergencysuspension.The noticeshallstatethe reasonsfor the emergency suspension and suggeit correctiveactionsand a time fiame within which thesecorrectionactionsmay be taken to safelyallow restorationof access to geographicinformation. If the CountywideGIS Coordinatoris confidentthat actionshaveadequatelycorrectedthe situation,accessto information shall be restored. ARTICLE 8 - STANDARDS OF' COMPLIANCE 8.1 The Parties,their employees, subcontractors or assigns,shallcomplywith all applicablefederal,state,andlocal laws and regulationrelatingto the performanceof this Agreement. 8.2 The laws of the Stateof Florida shall governall aspectsof this Agreement. In the eventit is necessaryfor any party to initiate legal actionregardingthis Agreement,venueshall be in the FifteenthJudicial Circuit Court. 8.3 The Partiesshallallow public accessto all projectdocumentsandmaterialsin accordance with the provisionsof Chapter I l9' Florida Statutes.Shouldany Party assertany exemptionsto the requirementsofChapter I 19 and relatedStatutes,the burdenofestablishingsuchexemption,by way ofinjunctive or otherreliefas providedby law, shallbe uponthe asserting party.

8'4 The Partiesherebyassurethat no personshall be excludedon the groundsof race,color, creed,nationalorigin, disability, religion, ancestry,marital status,familial status,age,sex or sexualorientation,genderidentity or expression,from participationin, deniedthe benefitsof, or be otherwisesubjectedto discriminationin any activity underthis Agreement. The Partiesshall take all measuresnecessaryto effectuatetheseassurances. ARTICLE 9 - GENERAL PROVISIONS 9. I Each party shall not assign,delegate,or otherwisetransferits rights and obligationsas set forth in this Agreement without the prior written consentof the otherPany. Any attemptedassignmentinviolation ofthis provision shall be void. 9.2 Notwithstanding any provisionsof this Agreementto the contrary,the Partiesshallnot be held liablefor any failureor any delay in the performanceof this Agreementthat arisesfrom fires, floods, strikes,embargoes,act of the public enemy, unusuallysevereweather,outbreakof war, restraintof Government,riots, civil commotion,force majeure,actsof God, or for any other causeofthe samecharacterwhich is unavoidablethroughthe exerciseofdue careand beyondthe control ofthe Parties. Failure to perform shall be excusedduring the continuanceand restorativeaftermathperiod of suchcircumstances, but this Agreementshall otherwiseremain in effect.This provision shall not apply if the "statementof Work" of this Agreementspecifiesthat performanceby the Partiesis specificallyrequiredduring the occurrenceofany ofthe eventsherein mentioned. 9.3 In the eventany provisionsof this Agreementshall conflict, or appearto conflict, the Agreementincluding all exhibits, attachmentsand all documentsspecificallyincorporatedby reference,shall be interpretedas a whole to resolvJany inconsistency. 9.4 Failuresor waiversto insist on strict performanceof any covenant,condition,or provisionof this Agreementby the Parties,their successors andassignsshallnot be deemeda waiverof any of its rightsor remedies,nor shallit relievethe other party from performing any subsequentobligationsstrictly in accordancewith theterms of this Agreement. No waiver shall be effectiveunlessin writing and signedby the pafty againstwhom enforcementis sought. Suchwaiver shall be limited to provisionsof this Agreementspecificallyreferredto thereinand shall not be deemeda waiver of any other provision. No waiver shall constitutea continuingwaiver unlessthe writing statesotherwise. 9.5 Shouldanyterm or provisionofthis Agreementbe held,to any extent,invalid or unenforceable, asagainstany person, entity or circumstanceduring the term hereof by force ofany statutelaw or ruling ofany forum ofcompetentjurisdiition, suchinvalidity shall not affect any other term or provision of this Agreement,to the extentthat the Agreemenishallremain operable,enforceableand in full force and effect to the extentpermittedby law. 9.6 This Agreementmay be amendedonly with the written approvalof the Partieshereto. 9.7 This Agreementstatesthe entire understandingbetweenthe Partiesand supersedes any and all written or oral representations, statements,negotiations,or Agreementspreviouslyexistingbetweenthe Partieswith respectto the subject matter of this Agreement. The Partiesrecognizethat any representations, statementsor negotiationsmade by the Parties'staffdo not sufificeto legally bind the Partiesin a contractualrelationshipunlessthey havebeenreducedto writing and signedby the Parties' representatives.This Agreementshall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the Parties,their respectiveassigns, and successors in interestARTICLE 10 _ ACCESS AND AUDTTS 10.1 PalmBeachCountyhasestablished the Office of the InspectorGeneralin Ordinance2009-049,asmay be amended, which is authorizedand empoweredto review past,presentand proposedCounty contracts,transactions,accountsand records' The InspectorGeneralhasthe power to subpoenawitnesses,administeroathsand requirethe productionofrecords, and audit, investigate,monitor, and inspectthe activitiesof the Village, its officers, agents,employes,and lobbyistsin order to ensurecompliancewith contractrequirementsand detectcorruptionand fraud.

l0'2 Failure to cooperatewith the InspectorGeneralor interferenceor impedingany investigationshall be in violation of Ordinance2009-049,and punishedpursuantto Section 125.69, Florida Statutes,in the samemanneras a seconddegree misdemeanor.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Partiesor their duly authorizedrepresentatives herebyexecutethis Agreementon the date first written above.


Village of W



foildaRodriguez,Village Clerk


Bv:/J6^*fi&Jt/*', SteveBordelon,Directorof ISS


", k'r^r,-[AduG' Director, ISS Department

EXHIBIT A Geographicdatarequestedfrom the Village as availableincludesbut is not limited to: - SitusAddressWParcel Control Number - AddressRange/Centerline Corrections& Updates(with metadata) - Capture/updates of PlanimetricMap Layers - County MaintainedRoadswithin jurisdiction (for verification purposes) - Hydrants - Park Locations - VegetationInformation - Preserves - Existing Land Use - Zoning - CriticalFacilities - New Plats(digital) - HazardousMaterials - WaterServiceBoundaries The datato be providedby the County will be any geographicdatapublishedby CountywideGIS to include,but not limitedto: - CenterlineFile - ParcelGraphicsand Database(basedon currentTax Roll) - Digital Ortho Photography(with availablemetadata) - SitusAddresses Mechanismsand schedulesfor exchangeof datawill be decidedby the ProjectManagersupon executionof this Agreement,incorporatingthe most efficient vehicle and format possible. Specificstandards issueswhich shallbe addressed include,but arenot limited to: Geocodingiaddressing (e.g.streetnamesand addresses) standards Information quality control objectivesand methods Information sourcesand lineages Positionalaccuracy/precision ofmap aontentand sources Information categoryconventions Information completenessand updatecycles