Immigration Studying. Studying - University. Stating that you want to enroll. Stating that you want to apply for a course

Immigration Studying Studying - University English German I would like to enroll at a university. Stating that you want to enroll Ich möchte mich a...
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Immigration Studying Studying - University English


I would like to enroll at a university. Stating that you want to enroll

Ich möchte mich an der Universität einschreiben.

I want to apply for _____________ course. Stating that you want to apply for a course

Ich möchte mich für den _____________ anmelden.

an undergraduate Type of course


a postgraduate Type of course


a PhD Type of course


a full-time Type of course


a part-time Type of course


an online Type of course


I would like to study at your university for ___________. Stating how long your exchange period is

Ich möchte an dieser Uni ________ studieren.

a semester Length of stay at foreign university

ein Semester

an academic year Length of stay at foreign university

ein Studienjahr

What are the work restrictions for students? Asking about work restrictions for students

Gibt es Arbeitsbeschränkungen für Studenten?

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Immigration Studying Do I have to show copies of the original documents Muss ich Kopien vorlegen oder die Originaldokumente or the original documents themselves? selbst? Asking if you need to provide the original documents or copies What are the entry requirements of the university? Used when applying for university

Wie sind die Zugangsvoraussetzungen an der Uni?

Are you going to send me a formal offer?

Werden Sie mir einen formellen Zulassungsbescheid zusenden?

Asking if you will receive a formal offer Does the university guarantee accommodation as well? Asking if the university provides accommodation

Garantiert die Uni auch Wohnraum?

Does the course involve an internship as well? Gehört zu dem Kurs auch ein Praktikum? Asking if your university course involves an internship period Is there a cost to study as an exchange student at Fallen Kosten an, wenn man als Austauschstudent an your university? ihrer Uni studiert? Asking if you have to pay to study as an exchange student at that university How can I track the progress of my application?

Wie kann ich den Bearbeitungsprozess meiner Bewerbung nachverfolgen? Asking how you can see the progress of your application

What are the [language] language requirements? Welche Sprachvoraussetzungen gibt es? Inquiring about the language requirement to be fulfilled in order to be accepted at that university What is the ____________ system like? Asking information about the system

Wie funktioniert das__________?

credit Type of system


marking Type of system


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Immigration Studying Do I get an academic transcript at the end of my Bekomme ich eine Leistungsübersicht am Ende des exchange? Austauschs? Asking if you have an academic transcript at the end of your exchange What is the teaching style like? Inquiring about the teaching style

Welche Lehrmethoden werden angewendet?

Are there _____________ ? Inquiring about the teaching style

Gibt es_____________?

lectures Type of class


seminars Type of class


tutorials Type of class


conferences Type of class


What courses are offered by summer schools? Welche Kurse bietet die Summer School an? Asking information about the kinds of courses offered by summer schools When are the exams held? Asking when the exams are

Wann finden die Prüfungen statt?

Where can I find information about all the courses Wo kann ich Informationen zum Kursangebot available? bekommen? Asking where you can find information about the courses Is there a university sports center? Asking if there is a university sports center

Gibt es ein Sportzentrum an der Uni?

How can I join student societies? Asking how you can join student societies

Wie kann ich studentischen Gruppen beitreten?

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Immigration Studying What are the estimated living costs in [city]?

Wie hoch sind die Lebenshaltungskosten ungefähr in [Stadt]?

Inquiring about the estimated living costs in the city

Studying - Language courses English


What languages can I study at your school? Asking what languages you can study at that school

Welche Sprachen kann ich an Ihrer Schule lernen?

Is there a placement test to assess my level?

Gibt es einen Einstufungstest um mein Sprachlevel zu prüfen?

Asking if there is a placement test to assess your level Can I transfer to another level if the one I am Kann ich die Leistungsstufe wechseln, wenn diejenige, attending is not right for me? die ich belege, nicht die Richtige ist? Asking if you can change level in case you are not satisfied with the one you are attending Do you have a detailed description of the course? Haben Sie detaillierte Kursbeschreibungen? Asking if there is a detailed description of the course What is the maximum number of students in a Wie viele Plätze hat die Klasse? class? Asking what the maximum number of students in a class is What facilities are there in your school? Asking what facilities there are in the school

Welche Einrichtungen hat Ihre Schule?

Do you also arrange excursions? Asking if the school arranges also excursions

Organisieren Sie auch Exkursionen?

What programs do you offer? Asking what programs are offered

Welche Programme bieten Sie an?

Studying - Scholarships English


I am here to inquire about funding opportunities. Inquiring about funding opportunities

Ich möchte mich gerne nach Stipendien erkundigen.

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Immigration Studying Which bodies can fund my studies?

Welche Organisationen können mein Studium finanzieren?

Asking which bodies can fund your studies I need financial help for ____________. Stating that you need financial help

Ich brauche finanzielle Unterstützung für______.

tuition fees Thing that you need financial help for


my living expenses Thing that you need financial help for


childcare Thing that you need financial help for


What kinds of scholarships are available? Asking what kinds of scholarships are available

Welche Stipendien gibt es?

Studying - Validating foreign degrees English


I would like to validate my degree certificate in Ich möchte mein Abschlusszertifikat in [Land] [country]. verifizieren lassen. Stating that you would like to validate your degree certificate in that country Do you have a list of the certified translators in Haben Sie eine Liste zertifizierter Übersetzer für [language]? [Sprache]? Asking if there is a list of certified translators in the language that you need Where can I get a certificate of equivalency? Wo kann ich ein Gleichwertigkeitszertifikat bekommen? Asking where you can get a certificate of equivalency

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