Hidronimiya of the basin ofikopot river

1 УДК 811.16.2’373.2(477.43) Kokhans’kaA. Hidronimiya of the basin ofIkopot’ river Ikopot’ riverflows through the territoryofStarokostyantynivandKra...
Author: Gwenda Hines
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1 УДК 811.16.2’373.2(477.43)


Hidronimiya of the basin ofIkopot’ river Ikopot’ riverflows through the territoryofStarokostyantynivandKrasiliv regions of Khmelnitsky region andflows intoSluchinStarokostiantyniv. The beginning ofIkopotriver islocated in Krasyliv region not far from the villageZelene.In







villageVelykaSalihaleft tributary flows into Ikopot’and forsDominitsivsky rates.In the village VelykiYunachky the third left tributary flows into the river and near village LisovaVolytsya stream poured into the Kremenchug reservoir. Ikopot’ is the border of Krasyliv and Starokostyantyniv regions. Not far from the village MalyyChernyatyn the river formed little pond. swampyareabehind thispond extendsto the village VelykyyChernyatyn. Here the river forms two large meandersand constantly changes direction. near the village Pashkivtsi river forms a reservoir which has a circular form.inStarokostiantynivIkopot’flows in Sluch. In Khmelnitsky region Ikopot’ flowing from northwest to southeast.It is one of the most beautiful rivers of the region. The basin of Ikopot’ is located within ikopot’ geomorphological region. This place reminds hilly watershed with heights up to 330 m. prevailing landforms are mizhbalochni beams and ridges. beams are declivous slopes, which shows a surface erosion, occasionally line-ravining. Sometimes there are movings. Also small tracts of oak-groves are preserved. In the past they occupied significant arrears [3, 28]. Typical peculiarity of this river is absence of the big tributaries. In the “Dictionary of Ukrainian hydronims” there are only 4 tributaries of Ikopot’. Etymology of this hydronims are very interesting. There structure and primary semantics are typical for the proper names of the rivers of Podillya.


Complex research into this name is absence, but etymology of some of themare investigated in the scientific research of Babyshyn, Masenko, Nykonov, Torchynska and Torchynskyy, Trubachov and Yanko and other toponimists. Provide own description of the gidronimikon of Ikopot’. 1.

Dzhurba(Джурба)– river, l. of Ikopt’ l. of Sluch, r. of Goryn’r.

Pripyat’ r. of Dnipro. Flowing through localities Rublyanka, Zakrynychchya, VelykiOrlyntsi (Kr). „с. Закриничье при рч. Джурбh” [DHU].It is kvalitatyv name. Likely

it is motivated from apelyatyv“джурджя”- thick turbid liquid

[Grinchenko]. 2.

Drypa (Дрипа)– river, l. of Ikopot’ l. of Sluch r. of Goryn’r. Pripyat’

r. of Dnipro. FlowingthroughvillagePashkivtsi (St): „с севернойстороны села протекаетречкаДрыпа, впадающая за селом в р. Икопоть” [IMSKh]. Variants of name:Дрина, Задрипа. The river flows moorland, so going off its coast it is impossible










Sothisishydronymiskvalitativ. 3.

Ikopot(Ікопоть)-– river, l. of Sluch, r. of Goryn’r. Pripyat’ r. of

Dnipro. Flowing through localities Fedorivka, Mali Puzyrky, Trisky, Antoniny, Kremenchuky (Kr), Velykyy and MalyyChernyatin, Pashkivtsi, Starokostyantyniv (St). Variants of name: Икопоть, Икопеть, Icopoć, Icopot’, Icopot, Kopot’ (nadKopotią) [SGU].Length of the river is 45 km [KRU]. Name can be considered a derivative of Kobud’ (ancient name of Starokostayntyniv). At first river mentioned in the Ipatiev Chronicle in 1242 yaer. There are note: “…Случ і Кобудь….”. Suggests thatcity is situated on the banks of the same river Kobud’. River and city were named “Случ і Кобудь”. Over time the river got changed name. 4.

Malyypotik(Малий потік)–stream, l. of Ikopot’ l. of Sluch r. of

Horyn’r. Pripyat’ r. of Dnipro. Runs between the villages VolytsyaLisova and Kremenchuky (Kr). Name is due by small size of hidroobyekt. 5.

Ponora(Понора)– river, r. of Ikopot’ l. of Sluch, r. of Horyn’ r.

Pripyat’ r. of Dnipro. Flowing through villages Korchivka, Sevryuky, Malenky,


Tereshky, Grytsyky, Peches’ky, Kul’chyny, Manivtsi, Rosolivtsi (Kr). Varians of names:Ponora, Ponura. Length of the river is 34 km [KRU].The name is motivated by geographical term понора - "round or elongated concavity where surface water are disappearing;

gully, precipice." From “понористий” - dig,

uneven [Grinchenko]. According to Janko, name is motivated by Old Slavonic word *nertiwith the value “hide, dive” [Janko]. Variant of the name is kvalitativ adjective. 6.

Samets’(Самець)– river, l. of Ikopot’ l. of Sluch, r. of Horyn’ r.

Pripyat’ r. of Dnipro.Flowing through villageRublyanka (Kr). It is vidapelyatyv name. The word means "main channel". Distribution of this hydronims in Ukraine indicates that this geographical term also existed in the dialects [Masenko]. 7.

Fedorivka(Федорівка)–river, l. of Ikopot’ l. of Sluch, r. of Horyn’ r.

Pripyat’ r. of Dnipro.Flowing through

villagesTrusylivka, Fedorivka, Mali

Puzyrky, Jakimovka, Trisky. Length of the river is 18 km[KRU]. The name comes from the name of the village. 8.

Fosa (Фоса) – river,r.of Ikopot’ l. of Sluch, r. of Horyn’ r. Pripyat’ r.

of Dnipro. Flowing through villagesReshnivka, Grytsenky, Trisky (Kr). Length of the river is 12 km [KRU]. Name is based on the geographical term “фоса” – “ditch, pit” [Grinchenko]. In general, all those names are place names, heotoponims, hydronyms, intrahidronims and abionims and realonims and mezonames.All nominations within the basin of Ikopot’ are individual, but some of them function as names of other geographic features (Ponora - a tributary of Horyn, Fedorivka - a village in Krasyliv region,Fosa - right tributary of the Skrypivka etc.). Hidronimiya of Ikopot’ basin represented mostly by old names.Their etymology refers to the Proto-Slavic period. A characteristic feature of the right tributaries of Goryn’ river in Khmelnytsky region is of course their occurrence in deep ravines, relatively close to each other, That’s why there are not significant tributaries of this rivers.


Features of the landscape (primarily hilly terrain and clay banks) is a major cause of kvalitatyv character of hidronimikon.Mikrohidronimiya often are associated with certain features of referents. Generators basics of hidronimikon of basin of Ikopot’ river were mostly adjectives and apelyatyvs and microtoponims. Apelyatyvs used within the meaning of geographical terms.The main methods of derivation is suffixation, conversion and truncation. Hydronyms perform nominative and informative features. They are stylistically neutral, prevalent mostly in conversational style of speech, their use in the stylistic tropes and figures are not recorded. In these proper names no ethnocultural symbolism. Proper names of basinof Ikopot’ river are parts of makrokontsept 'Space' and mezokontsept 'Homeland'. They are low-and regionally-known, characteristic of language and speech, function in official documents and in everyday communication. Differences in pronunciation and spelling of this hydronymswere not fixed, they have mostly singular substantival declension type. Hydronyms and other classes of onims are associated. In particular they relate to proper names of people (through an intermediate stage -ojkonims). The origin of the names of settlements from hydronyms is traditional for this region. In the future other tributaries of Sluch may be investigated (Bilka, Derevychka, Zhylka, Korchik, Kotelyanka, Ladyzhka, Popivka, Smilka, Homora) and also mikrohidronimiya of Podilla(name of standing water, sources and wells, wetlands, etc.). List of references 1. Babyshyn S. D Toponimika v shkoli (na materiali Khmel’nitskoj oblasti).Kiev: Radyanska shola, 1962, 186 p. 2. Vodnyj fond Khmelnytskoyi Oblasti. Khmelnitskyj, 2007, 322 p. 3. Govorun V. D., Tymoshhuk O.O. Richky Poligrafist-2, 2010. - 240 p.

Khmel’nytchyny . - Inc:


4. Grinchenko B. D.Slovar’ ukrayinskoyimovy. T. 1-4. Kiev,vyd. AN URSR,1958. 5. Istoriya mist I sil Ukrayinskoyi RSR. Khmel’nytska oblast’. Kyiv, GR URE URSR, 1971, 706 p. 6. Istoria mist i sil Khmel’nychchyny (za pratsyamy Yu. J. Syczyns’kogo i M. I. Teodorovycha): navchal’nyj posibnyk.Khmel’ntskyjy:,Poligrafist-2, 2011. 560 p. 7.

Shvets G. I., Drozd M.I., Levchenko S. P. Katalogrichok Ukrainy.

Kyiv,AN URSR, 1957, 192 p. 8. Masenko LT Hidronimiya Shkidnogo Podillya. Kyiv, Naukova Dumka, 1979, 102 p. 9. Mashtakov P. L.Spisok rek bassejnov Dnestra i Buga (Yuzhnogo). Petrograd, 1917, 57 p. 10. Nikonov V. A. Kratkij toponymycheskij slovar’. Moskva, Nauka, 1966, 509 p. 11. Sbornic Svedinij o Podol’skoj gubernii .Vyp. I. Kamenets, 1880, 367 p. 12. Zhelezniak I. M., Korepanova A. P.,Masenko L. T., Nepokupnyy A. P., Nimchuk V. V., Otin Ye. S., Stryzhak O. S., Tsiluyko K. K. Slovnyk gidronimiv Ukrayiny. Kyiv, Naukova Dumka, 1979, 779 p. 13.








geographichnykh of nazv Khmelnitskoyi oblasti. – Khmel’nytskyy,Avista, 2008, 549 p. 14.







Slovoobrazovanye, etymolohyya, etnycheskaya interpretacziya, Moskva, Nauka, 1968, 290 p. 15. Trubachev O. N. Etymologichnyy slovar’ slavyanskyh yazykov: praslavyanskyy leksycheskyy fond. – T. 1 - 17. – Moskva, Nauka, 1974-1990. Abbreviations IMSKh -Istoria mist isilKhmel’nychchyny


Kr – Krasyliv region KRU - Katalog richok Ukrainy l. – left tributary r. – right tributary SGU - SlovnykgidronimivUkrayiny St – Starokoctyantyniv region

Анотація У статті розглядається лексико-семантична структура власних назв басейну річки Ікопоть (лівої притоки Случі). Гідроніми аналізуються за семантикою твірної основи, визначаються способи їхнього словотвору, етимологія та мотиваційні особливості. Ключові слова: гідронім, річка, квалітативна назва. Аннотация В статье рассматривается лексико-семантическая структура имен собственных бассейна реки Икопоть (левого притока Случи). Гидронимы анализируются за семантикой образующей основы, определяются способы их словообразования, этимология и мотивационные особенности. Ключевые слова: гидроним, река, квалитативное название. Summary The lexical and semantic structure of the proper names of Ikopot' basin rivers (left in flux of Sluch) and semantics of formative basis of hydronyms are analyzed in the article. Also theme thou soft heir word-formation, etymology and motivational features are determined. Key words: gydronуm, river, qualitative name.