Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy

Policy Number: Date of First Issue: Date of Most Recent Review: Revision Number: Equality Impact Assessment Attached: Date of SMT Approval:


Responsibility for Review:

Assistant Principal

Date of Next Review:

Human Resources and Organisational Development July 2013

TBA August 2012 6 Yes July 2012



Kilmarnock College is committed to delivering high quality learning and teaching experiences and involving all students in the life and work of the College. These aims are underpinned with equally high standards in Health, Safety and Wellbeing provision to protect its staff, students, contractors and visitors from workplace injuries and ill-health. This document sets out the commitment of the College to Health, Safety and Wellbeing. It provides a framework to enable Assistant Principals and Heads of Sector/Services and others in a supervisory capacity to manage safety and create a safe and healthy environment. It must be understood that Health, Safety and Wellbeing is everyone‘s responsibility and members of staff, students, contractors and visitors have a legal and moral obligation to assist the Senior Management Team to achieve its stated aims. Signed:

Date: July 2012

Heather Dunk Principal

Next Review Date: July 2013


CONTENTS Health and Safety Statement of Intent







General Policy



Responsibilities of Duty Holders


The Board of Management


The Principal


Assistant Principals


Assistant Principal of Human Resources and Organisational Development


Assistant Principal of Learning and Teaching


Assistant Principal of Finance and Estates


Heads of Sector/Service


Head of Human Resources


Head of Systems and Estates


Sector/Service Leaders


Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor


Individual Safety – All Staff


Staff and Students


Representatives of Employees Safety (ROES) inc. TU






Health Surveillance



Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee(s)



Sector/Service Documents



Inspection of College Departments



Audits of Health, Safety and Wellbeing


10. 0

Accidents, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences


11. 0

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Service


12 .0

Occupational Health Service


13 .0

Employee Counselling Service


14. 0

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policies and Guidance


Appendices A. B. C. D. E. F.

Health and Safety Management Structure Terms of Reference for the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee Membership Estates and Human Resources Working Party Health and Safety Procedural Documents Impact Assessment Form 3

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy Statement of Intent Kilmarnock College recognises and accepts its legal responsibilities for health and safety as detailed in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. It is the policy of the College to develop and ensure a safe, healthy and supportive environment for all employees, learners, contractors and visitors. The College is fully committed to the policy and regards it as having the highest priority and will ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to achieve and maintain such an environment. The College is committed to achieving a measurable, progressive improvement in health and safety performance, with legal requirements establishing a minimum acceptable level. The objectives of the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy are to:  

     

  

Implement and maintain an effective and properly resourced health and safety management system (based on HSG65); Promote standards of health, safety and welfare that comply with the provisions and requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act and all other relevant statutory provisions and Approved Codes of Practice; Define health and safety responsibilities for staff, learners and visitors; Promote a positive health and safety culture throughout the College; Provide and maintain a safe, healthy and supportive working/learning environment; Ensure that safe systems of work are in place to ensure the safety of employees, learners and others who may be affected by the College's activities; Ensure that risks are managed by the process of risk assessment and the implementation of suitable risk control systems and workplace precautions; Provide all employees with the necessary information, training, instruction and supervision in order that they may work safely and to ensure competence in their delivery of health and safety training to learners; Ensure effective communication and consultation with staff, learners and others affected by College activities; Promote high standards of health and safety awareness and practice for learners through the implementation of a range of on line training and practical workshops; Measure and review health and safety performance regularly at both College and department levels with the aim of continuous improvement.

Heather Dunk Principal

August 2012





The Health and Safety at Work etc Act (1974) requires employers to prepare, revise and bring to the notice of their staff, a written statement covering: 1.1.1 The general policy with respect to the health, safety and welfare at work of their employees; and 1.1.2 The organisation and arrangements for carrying out that policy.


This document fulfils that requirement for Kilmarnock College and will be reviewed annually. 1.2.1 Any revisions will be published as necessary.


The Board of Management are designated as the legal employer within Kilmarnock College.


This Statement is published with the authority of The Board of Management and the Senior Management Team


General Policy


It is the Policy of Kilmarnock College to pursue progressive improvement in Health, Safety and Wellbeing of staff, students and visitors, to do all that is reasonably practicable to provide safe and healthy working conditions, and to ensure that its work does not adversely affect the health or safety of other people. 2.1.1 Adequate resources will be provided to support this Policy.


It is the intention of the College: 2.2.1 To comply with all relevant legislation, codes of practice, and other appropriate guidance 2.2.2 To provide and maintain premises and equipment that are, so far as is reasonably practicable, without risks to Health, Safety and Wellbeing 2.2.3 To promote systems of work that eliminate, so far as is reasonably practicable, risks to the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of staff, students and visitors 2.2.4 To encourage staff to set a high standard of Health, Safety and Wellbeing by personal example, so that students leaving the College take with them an attitude of mind that accepts good Health, Safety and Wellbeing practice as normal 2.2.5 To keep the College Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policies and Procedures under review so as to ensure that all relevant legislation, codes of practice and 5

guidance are covered where appropriate 2.2.6 To monitor Health, Safety and Wellbeing performance throughout the College, in order to ensure high standards 2.2.7 To communicate new policies, procedures and objectives to Sector/Service areas as necessary 3. 0

Responsibilities and Duty Holders


The Health and Safety Management Structure is designed to ensure that Health and Safety is given all due care and consideration in all College activities.


This document specifies the responsibilities of those who have managerial and personal responsibilities. 3.2.1 Breaches of the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy or any of its associated Procedures may result in disciplinary action as identified within the member of staff’s contract of employment.


The Health and Safety Management Structure for the College can be found as Appendix A of this document.


A detailed copy of the Health and Safety Management Structure is available as a College Procedure, Ref HSPN035 and can be found on the staff intranet site.


The Board of Management 3.5.1 The Board of Management being the governing body, has overall responsibility for Health, Safety and Wellbeing for the College 3.5.2 To enable the Board of Management to discharge its responsibilities, and without diminution of its overall responsibility, it has introduced certain delegated arrangements as follows:-


The Principal 3.6.1 As the Senior Officer of the College, the Principal has overall responsibility for the implementation of the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy of the College.


Assistant Principals 3.7.1

For the purposes of this policy an Assistant Principal is defined as a nominated member of the Senior Management Team who has the responsibility for the management of direction of other employees or responsible for the delivery or control of any aspect of the College operation. 6


Assistant Principals have the following responsibilities for activities under their control: They will ensure that staff, students and others are competent to discharge their individual health and safety responsibilities through the provision of sufficient information, instruction and training including an effective induction programme


To hold all persons accountable for meeting their individual responsibilities through a system of supervision, monitoring, development, and performance review

To ensure a suitable and sufficient general risk assessment is carried out, and a record of the significant findings is made for all activities under their control

To ensure that following a risk assessment, preventative and protective measures are taken to reduce the risk to as low as is reasonably practicable

To ensure that the health and safety of all persons is not adversely affected by any activity, operation or process under their control and ensure that any applicable health surveillance is undertaken

To ensure that any reported incident (this includes injuries, near misses and undesirable circumstances) is recorded and properly investigated and where necessary action is taken to prevent recurrence

To ensure regular health and safety monitoring (inspections, sampling or walkthroughs) is carried out to ensure unsafe acts, or unsafe conditions are identified, and where necessary action is taken to rectify

To ensure the periodic audit of the health and safety management system, review, and revise health and safety procedures to address any non-compliance

They may also have additional responsibilities to those recognised above and detailed throughout this document

The Assistant Principal of Human Resources and Organisational Development 3.8.1 The Assistant Principal of Human Resources and Organisational Development has been given the following duties concerned with Health, Safety and Wellbeing, namely:

To chair the College Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee



To prepare Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policies and Procedures aided by the Health Safety and Wellbeing Advisor (and others), for approval by the Senior Management Team

To oversee the implementation of Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy in the College

To ensure that Health and Safety Procedures and Guidance documents comply with current best practice and legislative requirements

To report to the Senior Management Team on matters concerning Health, Safety and Wellbeing

The Assistant Principal of Learning and Teaching 3.9.1 The Assistant Principal of Learning and Teaching has been given the following duties concerned with Health, Safety and Wellbeing, namely:

To identify members of staff with Health, Safety and Wellbeing responsibilities (including deputies) to Human Resources Services.

To ensure that current and relevant information is displayed on the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Notice Boards available in each Sector area.

To request assistance from or appoint a member of staff to assist with, or, facilitate Health, Safety and Wellbeing matters. Such persons must be trained to ensure competency and be supported with adequate resources, proper facilities and released from other duties to enable them to undertake Health, Safety and Wellbeing duties. Examples include: laser safety officer, manual handling assessor, VDU workstation assessor, fume cupboard tester, electrical equipment tester etc.


The Assistant Principal for Finance and Estates 3.10.1 The Assistant Principal for Finance and Estates has been given the following duties concerned with Health, Safety and Wellbeing, namely:

The post holder is responsible for the maintenance of the fabric of buildings and their surrounds and for the provision of electrical, plumbing and similar services in College controlled premises.

To ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to safeguard people and property and to ensure the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of all building users.



Heads of Sector/Service 3.11.1 Heads of Sector/Service have been given the following duties concerned with Health, Safety and Wellbeing, namely:

Are responsible to the appropriate Assistant Principal for ensuring that their departments adhere to the College Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policies and Procedural documents.

Allocating adequate resources to ensure that Health, Safety and Wellbeing Responsibilities are discharged within Sector and Service areas. Making and giving effect to such arrangements, as are appropriate, having regard for the activities under their control, for the effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of the necessary preventative and protective measures following risk assessment.

Managing workplace safety, in relation to the physical condition of the work place such as temperature, lighting and ventilation, workplace transport and routes including slips, trips and falls.

Supporting fire safety and prevention arrangements, in relation to fire safety management and emergency evacuation

Implementing appropriate arrangements for off campus visits, this also covers occupational road risk, work off site and travel arrangements. Full guidance is available on the staff intranet site, Procedure Title: HSPN 024 Off Campus Trips.

Supporting staff considered to be lone workers and implementing appropriate arrangements to maintain staff safety.

Ensure that all work equipment is subject to the required inspection, testing and statutory examination

Ensure that external contractors and service providers are competent for the work being undertaken, and carry appropriate insurance for task

Ensure that statutory inspections are undertaken in a timeous manner. Inspections may include: Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) and the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) amongst other legislative requirements.

9 Ensuring that occupational health management is considered, covering the areas such as work related stress, audiometric and lung function testing and surveillance of those working with substances hazardous to health. Where staff or students are working in premises, not owned by the College, or where, the College is not directly responsible (e.g. students undertaking work experience in external premises) the Head of Sector/Service must: Establish who is the controller of those premises to enable prompt reporting of defects in building fabric and services Liaise with the controller of the premise with regards to the implementation of consistent health and safety policies to ensure that neither the College staff or students are put at risk by their activities

Comply with Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policies issued by or on behalf of Senior Management Team

Prepare and disseminate guidance which sets out Sector/Service safety arrangements and procedures and identifies individuals with particular roles and responsibilities for the implementation of College and Service Policies and Procedures

Devote adequate resources to enable all staff to discharge their Health, Safety and Wellbeing responsibilities

Ensure that any safety responsibilities delegated to staff are clearly understood

Undertake periodic checks of the performance of staff in discharging their safety duties

Perform bi-annual safety inspection(s) in accordance with the College Procedures and audit requirements. Reporting the findings and actions to the Senior Management Team, and confirming annually that they are complying fully with this Policy and other Health, Safety and Wellbeing Procedures and Arrangements, so far as is reasonably practicable

Ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of staff, students and visitors to their department(s) are not adversely affected by the acts and/or omissions of members of their Service(s)

Ensuring that risks to health and safety are assessed, appropriate control measures and safe systems of work are prepared, implemented and monitored 10

To recognise that it is not permissible for any manager to carry out any installation, construction, modification or alteration to any building fabric or any engineering service installation without the permission of the Head of College Systems and Estates Services.

3.12 The Head of Human Resource Services 3.12.1

The Head of Human Resource Services has been given the following duties concerned with Health, Safety and Wellbeing, namely:

Is responsible for the co-ordination and management of the College Health, Safety and Wellbeing Services and for the preparation of reports and data analysis for the Senior Management Team

Is responsible for the approval and authorisation of budgetary matters.

3.13 The Head of College Systems and Estates Services 3.13.1

The Head of College Systems and Estates Services has been given the following duties concerned with Health, Safety and Wellbeing, namely: The duty holder will have overall responsibility for the maintenance of College premise and its environs, which include the fabric of the building.


They will ensure compliance with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act (1974) and its subordinate regulations and appropriate codes of practice currently in force. To aid the duty holder, details of the legislative requirements is available on the staff intranet.


Inspecting the fabric and equipment of College Department(s) at appropriate intervals to ensure that they are safe


Reviewing the arrangements for fire safety in the College in consultation with the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor


Ensuring that where staff, students and others are involved in work in premises etc which are not under the College’s direct control, the Health, Safety and Wellbeing policies in operation at that place of work are consistent with College and Sector/Service Policies, and that staff and students are properly informed of the Policies and Procedures in operation


Notifying the Assistant Principal of Finance and Estates of defects in the fabric and common services of buildings.




After having notified the Assistant Principal of Finance and Estates, the Head of College Systems and Estates Services must take every reasonable step to minimise risk and inform staff, students and visitors of the risks to Health, Safety and Wellbeing until remedial work has been carried out, even if this means taking a particular facility/service out of use


Ensuring staff and students are given adequate instruction, information and training to perform their work safely


Liaising with Human Resources Services and the Occupational Health provider on the necessity for health surveillance of staff and students


Ensuring that no installation, construction, modification or alteration of building fabric or engineering service takes place without permission of the person in control of that building. In controlled buildings, permission of the Assistant Principal (Finance and Estates) must be sought.

Sector/Service Leaders 3.14.1

The day-to-day Health, Safety and Wellbeing management for each service area is normally delegated to Sector/Service Leaders, who must: Comply with Health, Safety and Wellbeing legislation, codes of practice and College Policies Ensure competent persons carry out risk assessment of projects and the results acted upon so that no one is put at undue risk. This includes recording the findings of the risk assessment process Monitor work activities to ensure that staff and students are following necessary safety working procedures as detailed in the associated risk assessment Ensure that staff members and risk assessors have received adequate training, information and instruction to perform their work competently Liaise with partnership agencies and other groups in shared premises to ensure consistent safety procedures are in force Report accidents in line with College procedures and investigate their causes to prevent a recurrence Discharge adequately the Health, Safety and Wellbeing duties delegated by their Head of Sector/Service Ensure that all staff (and students where applicable) are aware of the College policies and departmental instructions Where instructed (and have been appropriately trained) to carry out risk assessments of work in hand, ensure appropriate controls are implemented, prepare safe working procedures, implement the procedures and check that they are being followed 12

Prepare, as necessary, local safety instructions Ensure that all staff and students understand and follow applicable procedures. Report accidents in line with College procedures and investigate their causes with a view to preventing a recurrence 3.15 The Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor



Is responsible for advising the College on the formulation of the College Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policies and advising on arrangements for the management of Health, Safety and Wellbeing to enable the College to discharge its legal duties


Is responsible for providing and arranging specialist services related to Health, Safety and Wellbeing

Safety and the Individual 3.16.1

By law it is the duty of every person whilst at work: To take all reasonable steps to safeguard the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of themselves and all other persons who may be affected by their acts or omission at work To co-operate with the Assistant Principal and Head of Sector/Service or any other person having specific duties, so that they can comply with Health, Safety and Wellbeing legislation, codes of practice, appropriate guidance, and with the College Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy Not to misuse anything provided in the interests of Health, Safety or Wellbeing To have appropriate information, instruction and training to undertake activities and use of equipment. Whilst it is the duty of the College to provide suitable and safe equipment and systems of work, safety depends on individuals doing everything in their power to prevent injury to themselves and others. To use safe working practices and procedures at all times, and in particular to use any machinery, equipment, material, chemical or biological agent, or safety device in accordance with the training and instructions given to them To report every accident at work which results in personal injury (however minor) and very dangerous occurrence (including fire) involving staff, students or visitors to their Head of Sector/Service or his/her nominee


Report incidents to the College Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor on the College official accident report form INC01 To notify the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor when suffering from a disease or medical condition, which may be caused by, or made worse by, work activities. To notify the appropriate persons of medical conditions or reportable diseases which are deemed necessary to ensure the health and safety of the individual and others who may be affected. To refrain from participating in any activity which they may pose a threat to their Health, Safety and Wellbeing or to that of others. To report unsafe or unhealthy working conditions, or suspected faults in buildings and equipment, to the Head of Sector/Service or their nominee without delay. 3.18

Safety Representatives 3.18.1

The Trade Unions are statutorily empowered to appoint Safety Representatives to represent the interests of their members in Health, Safety and Wellbeing matters.


The Trade Unions will provide the Head of Human Resource Services with the names of staff currently appointed as Safety Representatives


The Head of Human Resource Services will disseminate these names to Assistant Principals and Heads of Sector/Services.


The College will provide Safety Representatives with such time, facilities and assistance as may reasonably be required to carry out their functions


Assistant Principals and Heads of Sector/Services shall consult Safety Representatives in good time about: The introduction of any measure in the workplace that may substantially affect the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of the employees represented by those Safety Representatives Arrangements for appointing or nominating at least one representative from each sector to act as a Representative Of Employee Safety (ROES), to ensure the safety of staff and others affected by the College activities. Health, Safety and Wellbeing information and communications required by law shall be provided to employees represented by the Safety Representatives The planning and organisation of any Health, Safety and Wellbeing training the Head of Sector/Service is required to provide to the employees represented by the Safety Representatives


The Health, Safety and Wellbeing consequences for the employees represented by the Safety Representatives of the introduction of new technologies into the workplace. 3.18.6

Without prejudice to their statutory rights, Trade Unions recognised by the College have agreed that they will appoint Safety Representatives to serve within the College Sector in which they are employed, and that these Safety Representatives will serve on Sector/Service Safety Committee(s).


In case of a Health, Safety and Wellbeing dispute: The Trade Union Safety Representative shall, in the first instance, raise the matter with the Head of Sector/Service concerned If the matter is not resolved, the Trade Union Safety Representative(s) shall refer it to the Trade Union Health, Safety and Wellbeing Officer and the Branch Secretary, who shall immediately discuss the problem with the Head of Sector/Service concerned, and shall inform the Assistant Principal If the matter is still not resolved, the appropriate Trade Union Representatives shall, as soon as possible, meet with the Chair of the College Health and Safety Committee If the matter is still not resolved, advice should be taken from the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor before the Senior Management Team takes a decision on the matter




Health, Safety and Wellbeing training is required by law. 4.1.1

Heads of Sector/Service must ensure that all staff and students are provided with adequate training so that they are capable of carrying out their work without risk to themselves and others


Heads of Sector/Service must also keep a record of this training. In certain circumstances, temporary staff and visitors may require training also Training would be necessary: Upon joining a Service or Department to learn of its local arrangements and to acquire knowledge about specific hazards of the work proposed; As a result of risk assessments or prior to the introduction of new materials, equipment, substances or procedures; When undertaking new work activities within the Department Periodically for refresher training, e.g. refresher training for First Aiders every three years or sooner if required.



The HR Business Partner (Equalities and Staff Learning) or the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor should be consulted when departmental training is planned. 4.2.1 Wherever possible, training should take place in normal working time.


A Training Matrix and Training Descriptors are available to aid Heads of Sector/ Service when making their decision regarding essential or mandatory requirements for staff training. 4.3.1

The Training Matrix and descriptors are available on the staff Internet Site, and featured within the Health and Safety pages.


Health Surveillance and/or Monitoring


Heads of Sector/Services are responsible for ensuring the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of their staff and students at work. 5.1.1

Heads of Sector must ensure that risk assessments of work activities are carried out to identify, inter alia, where health surveillance/monitoring is needed to protect them. This will require close liaison with the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor.


Surveillance and/or monitoring may be required  Prior to employment  When there is a significant change to their work activities/projects  Following an accident/incident  When leaving the College for Off-Site Excursions


College Policies and Guidance Notes contain details of the surveillance / monitoring schemes currently in force.


Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee(s)


A Committee has been appointed by the Senior Management Team to advise it on the measures necessary to comply with current Health, Safety and Wellbeing legislation.


The Committee will, inter alia: 6.2.1

Authorise the preparation of subsidiary Health, Safety and Wellbeing Procedures on appropriate topics, which will supplement this document and monitor the implementation of these policies in Sector Areas and other Departments




Report to the Senior Management Team via the Chair on action it needs to take to ensure a progressive improvement in Health, Safety and Wellbeing performance


Membership of the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee is shown in Appendix B

The Human Resources and Estates Working Group 6.3.1 Will meet regularly to establish common practices and standards across the College in the fields of Health, Fire and General Safety. 6.3.2 The Assistant Principal of Human Resources and Organisational Development will act as the Chair holder and will report progress to the College Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee. 6.3.3 Membership of the Estates and Human Resources Working Group is shown in Appendix C


The RESPECT Wellbeing Working Group 6.4.1 As part of the overarching RESPECT agenda, a working group will establish an annual programme of activities and themes to raise the profile of health and wellbeing of staff and students. 6.4.2 Membership of the RESPECT Group is College wide and chaired by the Assistant Principal of Human Resources and Organisational Development.


Sector/Service Health, Safety and Wellbeing Support Document


Sector/Service Areas shall: 7.1.1

Meet the requirements of the College Health, Safety and Wellbeing Charter confirming their commitment to comply with the College Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy and supporting documents


Detail the Sector/Service organisation including naming persons with responsibilities for carrying out Health, Safety and Wellbeing activities.


Describe the arrangements adopted for: Identifying hazards in the Sector/Service Carrying out risk assessments in accordance with the Management of Health, Safety and Wellbeing Regulations (1999) and appropriate College Policies Controlling the risks presented by such hazards


Contain details of the Sector/Service procedures to be followed in case of serious and imminent danger.


Departmental Health, Safety and Wellbeing documents must be reviewed and updated as necessary (at least annually), and must be drawn to the attention of staff and students with paper and electronic copies made available for off-site viewing.


Inspections of College Services or Departments


Heads of Sector/Services shall organise and undertake Departmental Safety Inspections in accordance with College Procedure on Management Inspections. 8.1.1 Reports will be submitted to the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor.


The Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor is responsible for monitoring the inspection reports and for informing the College Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee of the findings.


Trade Union Safety Representatives may also inspect Sector/Services practices and procedures as they deem necessary, after giving the appropriate Head of Sector/Service due notice in writing.


The Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor will periodically inspect Departments to monitor Health, Safety and Wellbeing in Departments.


Auditing of Health, Safety and Wellbeing


The Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor is responsible for undertaking periodic audits of the management of Health, Safety and Wellbeing in Departments.


An audit of each Department will be conducted not less than every three years or sooner if required by a change of circumstances or legislative review.


The results of the audits will be presented in the first instance to the Head of Sector/Service, thereafter, to the Senior Management Team and the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee.


Heads of Sector/Services will undertake an annual self-audit based on HSG65. 9.4.1

Self Audits will be returned to the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor


Accidents, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences


Heads of Sector and Services must ensure that: 10.1.1 The policy for reporting accidents, injuries, dangerous occurrences and reportable occupational diseases is known by all members of the department and visitors 18

10.1.2 Procedures are in place for the investigation of such incidents to identify the cause(s) 10.1.3 Appropriate steps are taken to prevent a recurrence of the incident 10.2 The Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor is responsible for notifying the Health, and Safety Executive of those serious incidents required by the Reporting of Diseases, Dangerous Occurrences and Injuries Regulations (1995), as amended. 10.2.1

Whenever an accident results in a major injury, admission to hospital or an absence from work of over three days, the Head of Sector/Service must notify the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor immediately.


A full list of reportable events is given in the subsidiary College Procedural document which deals with Accident Recording and Reporting.


Health, Safety and Wellbeing Service


The Service forms part of the office of Human Resource Services and provide services covering: 11.1.1 Occupational Health (OH), Student and Staff Safety and Wellbeing and First Aid interventions. 11.1.2 Fire Safety is under joint management with Facilities and Estates Services.


The Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor will prepare, inter alia, Health, Safety and Wellbeing advice and guidance on pertinent issues, which are to be made available to Departments. 11.2.1 Staff and students may seek independent advice from the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor.


Occupational Health Services


The Occupational Health (OH) Services are managed by an external contracted service and can be accessed through Human Resource Services


The OH Services are available to all members of staff, and aim to deal pro-actively with all aspects of health in the College environment.


Treatments are limited to first aid and immediate care, and are aimed at keeping staff at work


It is expected that staff will be registered with a general practitioner near to where they reside for primary care services



The OH Services provide health surveillance for specific groups of staff, assist with health promotion and staff education, vaccination (optional), basic counselling and specialist comprehensive medical advice on all Occupational Health issues


OH is a confidential service; line managers may refer staff, or alternatively staff may self-refer


Counselling Services


Counselling Services are provided through external contracted services from Employee Counselling Services (ECS) who can be accessed through the Human Resources Services


ECS trained counsellors will offer a 24 hour helpline to provide advice, support and assistance on a wide range of topics


This is a confidential service; the line manager may refer the member of staff or the member of staff may self-refer


Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policies, Procedures and Guidance


The College have produced a number of subsidiaries Health, Safety and Wellbeing Procedures, which augment this general document and form part of the Health and Safety Arrangements for this policy. The list is shown as Appendix E.


The subsidiary documents may be viewed on the Policies and Structure Segment (item 4) on the Staff Intranet Site, HR Pages:


Guidance Notes produced by the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor also appears on this site.




APPENDIX A cont/…..


APPENDIX B Extract from Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee Constitution


APPENDIX C Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee Members




Eleanor Milliken

Committee Secretary

Senior Management Team

Jane McKie

Assistant Principal

Senior Management Team

(Human Resources & Organisational Development)

Alistair Gordon

Assistant Principal

Senior Management Team

(Finance and Estates)

Sandy King

Sector Leader

Creative Services

Ross Kerr


Motor Vehicle

Alan Rennie


Motor Vehicle Repair

Mary Palmer

Student President


Gordon McLaren

Service Leader


Gavin Murray

Head of Sector


Anne Boyce

Service Leader

Access to Learning

Dave Middleton

Sector Leader

Trade Skills

Gillian Cameron

Health and Safety Facilitator

Care and Early Years

Ian Cassels

Health and Safety Facilitator

Trade Skills

Helen Murdoch

Health and Safety Facilitator


Val Malcolm

Health and Safety Facilitator


Liz Burley

Health, Safety & Wellbeing Advisor

Human Resource Services



Estates, and Health & Safety Working Group Membership




Jane McKie

Assistant Principal


Alistair Gordon

Assistant Principal


David Davidson

Head of Department

HR Services

David Swan

Head of Department(s)

Gordon McLaren

Estates Service Leader

College Systems and Estates Services Estates and Facilities

Liz Burley

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Advisor

Human Resources



Health and Safety Procedural Documents (as required under Part 3 of the Health and Safety Policy Arrangements made under the HSWA)

HSPN 001 Legionella and Water Safety HSPN 002 Gas Safety HSPN 003 Accident Reporting HSPN 004 Accident Investigation HSPN 005 College Vehicle HSPN 006 Mobile Phone Use HSPN 007 Contractors Procedures HSPN 008 Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health HSPN 009 Display Screen and Equipment (VDU’s) HSPN 010 Electricity at Work Procedures HSPN 011 Safety Eye Wear Provision HSPN 012 Fire Safety Procedures HSPN 013 Fire Evacuations Procedures HSPN 014 First Aid Procedures HSPN 015 Health and Safety Training HSPN 016 Healthy Eating Procedures HSPN 017 HIV and Blood Borne Viruses HSPN 018 Indoor Environment Procedures HSPN 019 Infectious Diseases HSPN 020 Lone Workers HSPN 021 Management of Risks HSPN 022 Manual Handling Procedures HSPN 023 Management of Occupational Stress HSPN 024 Off Campus Trips HSPN 025 Peripatetic Workers HSPN 026 Personal Protective Equipment HSPN 027 Risk Assessment Protocol for Sector Areas HSPN 028 Shift Worker Procedures HSPN 029 Statutory Inspections HSPN 030 Temporary Workers HSPN 031 Transporting Injured Persons HSPN 032 Visitor Procedures HSPN 033 Young Persons Procedures HSPN 034 Noise at Work Procedures HSPN 035 Health and Safety Management Structure Note: Additional procedures will included as necessary

Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug

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Health, Safety and Wellbeing



Human Resource Services


Elizabeth Burley, Health, Safety and Wellbeing Adviser David Davidson, Head of HR Services


23 February 2010


Completed, a full impact assessment is not required at this time.

(Please state whether full Impact assessment necessary)







1. Define aims of the policy/procedure/ The policy sets out the commitment of the College practice being assessed to Health, Safety and Wellbeing. It provides a framework to enable Assistant Principals and Heads of Services, Curriculum and Service Leaders and others in a supervisory capacity to manage safety and create a safe and healthy environment.

2. Who is affected by this item and what do we already know about the diverse needs and/or experience of this target audience?

All current students, customers and staff of the College and all others affected by our activities at the current time or in the future. This will include local residents, other stakeholders and partners.

3. What else do you need to know to We require further details on the diversity of the help you understand the needs and/or local community and wider communities serviced experiences of our target audience? by the College.

4. What does the information tell us Positive :  about how this policy might affect positively or negatively within the different groups within our target Negative: No negative impacts have been audience? identified.

5. Are changes therefore necessary to Not at this time, as any unforeseen circumstances the policy? would be addressed through either person or situation specific risk assessment, in order to identify any supportive measures.

6. Does the policy provide the The policy is a legislative requirement within the opportunity to promote equality of Health and Safety at Work etc Act (1974), and the opportunity? Management Regulations (1999). This places a duty of care on the College to safeguard the 28

health, safety and welfare of all those affected by the services of the College. The policy and legislation places an additional duty of care on the College to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of any disadvantaged persons or groups, and therefore, positively promotes equality of opportunity. 7. Rate the relevance of this policy in High relation to its impact upon the activities of the College and the target audience – i.e. High, Medium or Low relevance.

8. On the basis of response to 7 (above) There is no requirement to carry out a full impact do we need to carry out a full impact assessment, as no bias or discrimination has been assessment? identified through the impact assessment process.

9. Explain how we intend to monitor and Monitoring will be carried out through the Health evaluate this policy and measure our and Safety Committee, Senior Management Team progress in terms of Equality of and Board of Management. Opportunity Investigation of all incidents and accidents is undertaken to ensure a culture of learning from adverse occurrences. Monitoring is also undertaken through rigorous risk assessment and routine audit of practices. 10. Detail the decision in relation to this No further action is required at this time; however, policy (i.e. Further Action Required/ No the policy will be subject to ongoing monitoring and Further Action Necessary/etc. will be reviewed and updated as required.



Target Group

Positive Impact +

Neutral Impact =

Negative Impact -

Cross Cutting Issue


GENDER (male, Female, Transgender) RELIGION AND BELIEF





Tick relevant box to indicate the appropriate type of impact of the policy on one or more of the strands of equality. The outcome of this impact checklist will determine whether a full impact assessment is required on a particular policy.



Does (or could) the policy contributes to a specific duty in equality legislation?




Promoting good relations between members of different racial groups

Eliminating the harassment of people because of their race, disability, gender, age, religion/belief or sexual orientation

Promoting positive towards disabled people



Encouraging the participation of disabled people in public life

Eliminating unlawful discrimination relative to Disability Equality, Gender Equality and Race Equality
