Ground Water Applications of Membranes

Ground Water Applications of Membra nes Ma rch 30, 2011 Presented by: Bill Legge, P.Eng. GE Wa ter & Process Technologies ZENON Membra ne Solutions ...
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Ground Water Applications of Membra nes Ma rch 30, 2011

Presented by: Bill Legge, P.Eng. GE Wa ter & Process Technologies ZENON Membra ne Solutions

Outline • • • • •

Overview Common a pplica tions Trea tment requirements Process design Ca se studies

2/ GE Title or job number / 5/24/2011

Membra ne Ba sics

3/ GE Title or job number / 5/24/2011

How do membranes work? Wat er molecules and dissolved salt s pass freely t hrough t he membrane pores

Semi permeable membrane wall wit h microscopic pores

Cont aminant s such as bact eria and viruses can not pass t hrough t he membrane’s pores

Types of Membranes High Pressure

Low Pressure MF & UF Removes:

NF & RO Removes:


 Turbidity

 Viruses

 Inorga nics

 Ba cteria

 Virus

 Protozoa

 Ba cteria

• Orga nics

 Protozoa  Orga nics Smallest Pore Size

Microfiltration (MF)

Ultrafiltration (UF)


Nanofiltration (NF)

 Removal

• Partial Removal

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

Turbidity and Microorganism Removal Nomina l pore size = 0.02 - 0.04 µm Absolute pore size = 0.10 µm Non-specific remova l of: turbidity, ba cteria , viruses by size exclusion

Cryptosporidium Parvum (4-7 µm)

Giardia Lamblia (6-16 µm)

GE Ultrafiltration Membranes 500 Series

Reinforced immersed  Challenging raw water quality  MBR

1000 Series

1500 Series

Unsupport ed pressurized Unsupport ed immersed  Ideal for small scale  Ideal for large scale potable, tertiary, and potable, tertiary, desalination pre-treatment desalination preapplications treatment , and media  Ideal for industrial process filter retro-fit water, make-up and reuse applications

ZeeWeed ® 1000 – Building Block Design

Membrane Casset t es a re inserted into concrete ta nks to form a Membrane Train Membrane Modules are inserted into frames to form a Membrane Casset t e

Typica l Immersed Configura tion Pla n View

Air Compressors Blowers

5 (6) tra ins 6 x 60 module ca ssettes 16 (20) MGD

Membra ne Ta nks

CIP Pumps

Future Tra in

Air Compressors a nd Air Dryer

Process Pumps Process Pumps

Clea ning Chemica ls

Overall dimensions: ~ 45’ x 155‘

CIP Ta nk Ba ckpulse Ta nk

Immersed Operating Modes PERMEATION MODE • Water passes through the membrane • Particles larger than the pore size of membrane are rejected • Particles accumulate in the tank BACKWASH MODE Performed when recovery reaches setpoint to remove solids from tank • Reverse flow of treated water or ‘backpulse’ • Aeration • Drain the tank and refill

Permeation and Backwashing Ba ckwa sh < 5 minutes

• permea te down • a ir scour

Permea tion ~30-90 minutes

• ba ckpulse • ta nk dra in • refill

Ra w Wa ter

Trea ted Wa ter

Applica tions in Groundwa ter Trea tment

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Common Membra ne Applica tions • Iron a nd ma nga nese remova l • Arsenic remova l • Pre-trea tment to NF/RO

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Membra nes for Iron & Ma nga nese Remova l

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Why remove iron & ma nga nese Iron: produces undesira ble colour & ta ste sta ins la undry a nd plumbing reddish brown promotes growth of iron ba cteria Ma nga nese: produces undesira ble colour & ta ste sta ins la undry a nd plumbing bla ck lea ds to a ccumula tion of microbia l growths 15 / GE Title or job number / 5/24/2011

How much iron & ma nga nese to remove • In most jurisdictions, the following a esthetic objectives a pply for drinking wa ter • Iron ≤ 0.3 mg/L • Ma nga nese ≤ 0.05 mg/L

16 / GE Title or job number / 5/24/2011

Chemistry of Oxida tion • Under reducing conditions such a s GW, both Iron a nd Ma nga nese ca n be present in dissolved form • Dissolved iron a nd ma nga nese ca nnot be removed by a UF/MF membra ne a s they a re sma ller tha n the pore size of the membra ne • Addition of oxida nt converts dissolved Iron a nd Mn into precipita tes which ca n be removed by UF/MF membra nes Fe (II) (soluble)  Fe(OH)3 (Insoluble) Mn (II) (soluble)  MnO2 (Insoluble)

17 / GE Title or job number / 5/24/2011

Chemistry of Oxida tion • Iron is rela tively ea sier to oxidize a nd ca n be oxidized by a era tion under most circumsta nces • Ma nga nese is more difficult to oxidize a nd requires a stronger oxidizing a gent such a s pota ssium perma nga na te. • Oxida tion efficiency improves with increa se in pH • Wa ters with low pH ma y require some ba se a ddition

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Oxida tion + membra ne filtra tion pH Adjustment (optional)

Oxidant Flash Mixer

Permeate Pump


Air Contact Chamber (optional)

UF/ MF Membrane

Reject Air

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Ca se Study: Seekonk, MA

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Seekonk, MA – Trea tment objectives Parameters Turbidity

Raw Water < 2.0

Treated Water

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