WORLD JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES Syeda et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences SJIF Impact Factor 6.041 V...
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World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

SJIF Impact Factor 6.041

Volume 5, Issue 9, 1363-1372

Research Article

ISSN 2278 – 4357


Department of Pharmaceutics, Shadan Women’s College of Pharmacy, Khairatabad, Hyderabad, 500 004, Telangana State, India.

Article Received on 23 June 2016,

ABSTRACT Water is one of the most important compound that profoundly

Revised on 13 July 2016, Accepted on 02 August 2016

influence life. The quality of water usually described according to its

DOI: 10.20959/wjpps20169-7536







industrialization and indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and *Corresponding Author Dr. Syeda Mahejabeen

pesticides in agriculture are causing heavy and varied pollution in aquatic environment leading to deterioration of water quality and

Department of

depletion of aquatic biota. Due to use of contaminated water, human

Pharmaceutics, Shadan

population suffers from water borne diseases. It is therefore necessary

Women’s College of Pharmacy, Khairatabad, Hyderabad, 500 004, Telangana State, India.

to check the water quality at regular interval of time. Parameters that may be tested include pH, turbidity, salinity, nitrates and phosphates, TDS (Total Dissolved Solids), TSS (Total Suspended Solids), alkalinity and chlorides. Water was sampled from different areas of

Hyderabad like ground water, pond water and lake water for which physical–chemical data was collected to analyze the water quality. The found values were compared with the World Health Organisation water quality standards. Based on the results obtained it is observed that ground water, pond water and lake water cannot be used directly for drinking purpose as they are not within the drinking water standards of WHO. KEYWORDS: Water quality, pH, Total solids, Total suspended solids, Alkalinity, Turbidity. 1. INTRODUCTION Ground water, surface water (rivers, streams and ponds), atmospheric water (rain-water, snow and hail) and springs are the main source of water available to the people. The qualities

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Syeda et al.

World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

of these water bodies vary widely Karnchanawong (1993) depending on the location and environmental factors. Water plays an important role in the world economy, it is a good polar solvent and is often referred to as the universal solvent. Approximately 70% of the freshwater used by human goes to agriculture. The potential impacts of mine wastes on ground and surface water has been studied by Herzog (1996). Many water resources in developing countries are unhealthy because they contain harmful physical, chemical and biological agents. To maintain a good health however, water should be safe to drink and meet the local standards and international standards to taste, odour and appearance. To monitor the water resource and ensure sustainability, national and international criteria and guidelines established for water quality standards are being used. (WHO-1993; 2005). A tremendous increase in the population increased the stress on both surface and the groundwater. Groundwater is the most trusted form of drinking water hence, groundwater analysis Mikkelsen et al. (1997) for physical and chemical properties is very important for Public health studies. These studies are also main part of pollution studies in the environment. The ground water contains dissolved solids possesses physical characteristics such as odour, taste and temperature. The natural quality of ground water depends upon the physical environment, the origin and the movement of water. As the water moves through the hydrological cycle, various physical, chemical and biological processes change its original quality through reactions with soil, rock and organic matter. Natural processes and human activities cause changes in ground water quality, either directly or indirectly. According to WHO organization, about 80% of all the diseases in human beings caused by water. MATERIALS AND METHODS The objective of the present study was to assess water quality. For the assessment of water pollution status of the water bodies, the following water quality parameters were analyzed: (1) pH (2) Turbidity (3) Conductivity (4) Total solids (5) Total dissolved solid (TDS) (6) Total suspended solids (7) Alkalinity (7) Hardness (8) Cations, Anions (9) Carbonates and Bicarbonates. Sample Collection Water was sampled from different areas of Hyderabad like ground water, pond water (Lotus pond) and lake water (Mir alam tank) for which physical-chemical data was collected to analyze the water quality.

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The water sampling was done in March 2016 in between 9.00 a.m to 2.00 p.m. Fourteen physicochemical parameters namely pH, Total Hardness, Alkalinity, TSS, TDS, Chlorides, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphates, Iron, Nitrates, Sodium, Potassium, Fluorides and iron were analysed. Physicochemical Analysis of Water 1. pH pH of water is the measure of H⁺ ion activity of the water system. It indicates whether the water is acidic, neutral or alkaline in nature. pH was determined using the standard pH meter. The pH electrode was dipped in the solution and pH was recorded after every 4 days. 2. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Dissolved oxygen content of the water sample was measured by using Winkler’s method (modified azide method). The sample was collected in 300 ml bottle and DO was fixed on site by using 1 ml each of Manganese sulphate and Alkaline-iodide-azide. The precipitate formed was dissolved in laboratory by using sulphuric acid and titrated with sodium thiosulphate using starch as an indicator. The end point of titration was blue to straw pale colour. DO (mg/L) = ml of titrant x Nx 1000 x 8 V2(V1 - V2)/V1 3. Total Hardness (as CaCO3) The total hardness of the water sample was determined by EDTA titration method where 50 ml of well mixed sample was mixed with 1-2 ml buffer of pH 10 and a pinch of Eriochrome black-T indicator. The contents were then titrated with 0.01M EDTA till wine red solution changes to blue. Hardness (mg/L) = C x D x 1000 ml of Sample Where C = ml of EDTA for titration, D= mg of CaCO3 equivalent to 1ml of EDTA. 4. Total Solids (T.S) Porcelain dish Initial Weight [at 105ºC after 1 hr] was determined and take 50 ml sample in it, keep it for evaporation on water bath, after evaporation keep in oven at 105oC for 1 hr. and take the porcelain dish final weight.

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World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Final weight -- Initial weight) X 106 ----------------------------------------------------- = mg / L Volume of the sample

5. Total Dissolved Solids (T.D.S) Porcelain dish Initial weight [at 180ºC after 1 hr] was determined and take 50 ml filtered sample, keep it for evaporation on water bath, after evaporation keep it in oven at 105 oC for 1 hr. and take the porcelain dish final weight. (Final weight -- Initial weight) X 106 Calculation: ------------------------------------------------------ = mg / L Volume of the sample Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) was also determined by estimated by Gravimetric method. 6. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) TSS were estimated by gravimetric method. The evaporating dish was dried at 104±10 C for 1hr and cooled in desiccators to take the weight of the dish. 25 ml of the sample was taken for the analysis in a pre-dried dish and was evaporated to dryness in an oven at 104 ±10 C. The dish was cooled in desiccators and final weight was taken for the analysis of TS content. T.S.S: (T.S -T.D.S) = mg / L. 7. Alkalinity (as P) Take required quantity of sample in 250 ml conical flask add 5-6 drops phenolphthalein indicator titrate with 0.02N H2SO4 solution, end point pink colour to colourless. Calculation:

ml. X 0.02N X 50 X 1000 ---------------------------------ml. (Sample volume)

= mg / L

8. Alkalinity (as M) Take required quantity of sample in 250 ml conical flask add 5 to 6 drops Methyl Orange indicator titrate with 0.02N H2SO4 solution, end point yellow color to pink. Calculation:

ml. X 0.02N X 50 X 1000 ---------------------------------- = mg / L ml. (Sample volume)

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World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

9. Chlorides (as Cl-) Chloride content was measured by Argentometric titration. Take required quantity of sample add 1 ml potassium chromate indicator solution and titrate with standard silver nitrate solution of 0.0141 N end point yellow to brick red blank also performed. Calculation:

(T.V – Blank) ml. X 0.0141N X 35.45 X 1000 --------------------------------------------------------- = mg / L ml. (Sample volume)

10. Sulphates (as SO4-) First take Crucible initial weight at 800oC, take 50 ml sample in 100ml beaker add 1 ml 1.0 N dil. HCl. Keep it on water bath at 100oC after 15 minutes add 10ml of 10% BaCl2 then white precipitated is formed. Precipitate is settled down. Filter the precipitated till chloride free. Then keep the filter paper in muffle furnace at 800oC for 1 hr. and note down the final weight of crucible. (F.wt. – I.wt.) X 411.6 x 1000 Calculation: ---------------------------------- = mg / L ml. (Sample volume) 10. Nitrates (as NO3-) Standard solutions were prepared by using KNO3. Prepare nitrate standards in the range of sample maximum 5 standards or at least 3 standards. Take 50 ml sample add 1 ml HCl and mix thoroughly in the same way blank and standard and read the absorbance in UV at 220 nm. 11. Sodium By using flame photometer by setting the instrument with blank and 50 ppm standard. Then aspirate sample by using Sodium Filter. 12. Potassium By using flame photometer by setting the instrument with blank and 50 ppm standard. Then aspirate sample by using Potassium Filter. 13. Fluorides Prepare fluoride standards to 50 ml with distilled water take 50 ml sample add 10 ml acid zirconyl-spands reagent. And read the absorbance in UV at 570 nm along with Blank & Standard.

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World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

14. Calcium (as Ca) Take required quantity of sample in 250 ml conical flask adjust PH 11 to 12 with dilute NaOH and titrate with 0.01M E.D.T.A solution using Muraxide indicator, end point pink colour to violet. ml. X 0.01M X40 X 1000 Calculation: ---------------------------------- = mg / L ml. (Volume of sample) ml. X 0.01M X 24.3 X 1000 (As Mg)Calculation: ----------------------------------- = mg / L ml. (Sample volume) Magnesium (as CacO3): Total Hardness – Calcium = Magnesium, 16. Iron: By using Spectrophotometer Iron: Colour comparison Take 25 ml sample add 2 ml 1:1 HCl and add 4 drops of KMnO4 and add 5 ml of 5% ammonium thiocyanate compare color with the standard. Blank also in the same way, add drop wise Iron standard into the blank until the blank get sample colour [1 ml=0.1mg / L] of Iron. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The water samples were analysed for physicochemical characteristics. Total of fourteen physicochemical parameters were analysed. 1. pH In the present study, pH value of ground water, pond water and lake water are 7.32, 6.44, 7.14 respectively. We have observed that pond water is more acidic than that of lake and ground water. All the samples showed pH values within the prescribed limit by WHO. 2. Turbidity Lake Water has Turbidity of 23.2 NTU and Pond Water has Turbidity of 8.8 NTU whereas, the Standard value is 5 NTU. 3. Conductivity Electrical conductivity of water is a direct function of its total dissolved solids.[17] Conductivity values of ground, pond and lake water are 1296,490, 1590 µmhos/cm

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respectively. All the samples showed higher conductivity than the prescribed limit by WHO. It indicates the presence of high amount of inorganic substances in ionized form. 4. Solids High values of TDS in ground water are generally not harmful to human beings but high concentration of these may affect persons who are suffering from kidney and heart diseases. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) are predominantly used to quantify concentration of suspended solid-phase material in surface waters (Grey et al., 2000).[18] The maximum desirable limit for Total Suspended Solids is 500 mg/l. The tolerance limit for Total Dissolved Solids is 500 mg/l. TS, TDS and TSS values are within the prescribed limit. 5. Total Hardness The tolerance limit for hardness is 500 mg/l. The parameter was within the permissible limit in all three samples. 6. Alkalinity Water with high amount of alkalinity results in unpleasant taste to water and it turns boiled rice to yellowish colour. Various ionic species that contribute to the alkalinity include hydroxide, carbonates, bicarbonates and organic acids. Maximum desirable limit for alkalinity 500 mg/L. Alkalinity using Phenophthalene indicator was found to be NIL in Ground water, Pond water and Lake water. Table 1: Physico-chemical paramaters S.NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 18. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

PARAMETER pH Color(Hazen) Turbidity(NTU) Conductivity (µmhos/cm) Total solids(mg/L) Total dissolved solids(mg/L) TSS(mg/L) Total Hardness(mg/L) Calcium(mg/L) Magnesium(mg/L) Alkalinity(P) Alkalinity(M) Iron Sulphates(mg/L)

WHO STANDARDS 9.2 15 5 150 - 500 500 500 500 500 200 150 500 500 0.3 400

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GROUND WATER 7.32 1 Nil 1296 835 824 8 272 84.8 14.6 Nil 272 0.14 64.2

POND WATER 6.44 1 8.8 490 328 310 18 136 40 8.7 Nil 180 0.08 36.2

LAKE WATER 7.14 5 23.2 1590 1104 1028 76 364 124.8 12.6 Nil 384 0.08 179.5 1369

Syeda et al. 15. 16. 17. 18.

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Chlorides(mg/L) Nitrates(mg/L) Sodium(mg/L) Flourides(mg/L)

250 10 200 1.5

102 2.14 49.1 0.09

52 6.10 29.6 Nil

259.9 3.84 89.4 0.21

Alkalinity using Methylene red indicator was found to be 272mg/L, 180mg/L, 384mg/L for Ground water, Pond water wnd wake water respectively. The parameter was within the permissible limit in all three samples. 7. Cations and Anions The maximum desirable limit for chlorides is 250 mg/l with relaxation up to 1000 mg/l. The maximum value of the chloride was recorded in lake water 259.9 mg/l. Permissible limit for nitrates 10 mg/l. All sampling points showed nitrate values within the prescribed limit by WHO. Permissible limit for fluoride is 10 mg/l. All sampling points showed fluoride values within the prescribed limit by WHO. 8. Carbonetes and Bicarbonates Whenever the pH touches 8.3, the presence of carbonates is indicated. It is measured bytitration with standardized hydrochloric acid using phenolphthalein as indicator. Below pH8.3, the carbonates are converted into equivalent amount of bicarbonates. Carbonates and bicarbonates are within the limit as per WHO. CONCLUSION Water is essential to our body. Neither we nor every living thing can’t survive without water. it can be concluded that in some samples TSS, TDS, nitrates, nitrites and other water quality parameters were beyond the permissible limit prescribed by WHO. The water was polluted and is not suitable for beneficial uses without conventional treatments. Hence, water in the studied area requires precautionary measures before drinking so as to protect human beings from adverse health effects. Based upon these results we conclude that GROUND WATER, POND WATER and LAKE WATER cannot be used directly for drinking purpose. Hence has to be purified.

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5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author feels indebted to Assistant Professor Ayesha Begum, Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis for her invaluable suggestions and K. Ramanji reddy, Startech labs Pvt. Ltd for providing facilities to do this work. REFERENCES 1. M.J. Pawari, S.M. Gavande M.J. “Assessment of Water Quality Parameters: A Review”, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN, 2013; 2319-7064. 2. Dagne D. Hill, William E. Owens, “Comparative Assessment of the Physico-Chemical and Bacteriological Qualities of Selected Streams in Louisiana, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ISSN 1660-4601 2005; 2(1): 94–100. 3. Patil. P.N, Sawant. D.V, Deshmukh. R.N, “Physico-chemical parameters for testing of water – A review”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, 2012; 3: 3. 4. Comparative Physicochemical and Microbial Analysis of various Pond water in Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu, India, ISSN 0976-1233, 2012; 3(7): 3533-3540. 5. Mitra, A.K. Chemical characteristics of surface water at selected gauging stations in river Godavari, Krishna and Tungbhadra. Ind. Jou of. Env Healh., 1982; 24: 165-179. 6. Namdev, D.K. and Singh, K.A. Studies on Physical Chemical Properties of water in Yamuna River at Hamirpur (U.P) with special reference to occurrence of Lead. Int. J. Res. Tech., 2012; 7: 215-216. 7. Nanda, S.N. and Tiwari, T.N. Effect of discharge of effluents on the quality of the river Brahmani at Raurkela. Ind. J. Env. Protec. 1999; 13, 1: 52-55. 8. Water Vapor in the Climate System, Special Report, [AGU], December 1995 (linked 4/2007). Vital Water UNEP. Archived 24 March 2015 at the Wayback Machine. 9. GUIDELINES







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