
Gifted Learning Support


Gifted Students

Source: Renzulli & Reis, 1997.



Gifted Learning Support Services 

There are three levels of support under the Response to Intervention (RtI) umbrella

Tier One: Classroom Differentiation

Teachers differentiate for a variety of learners in the classroom and for gifted learners, this might include:

Extension projects

Open-ended assignments

Projects with additional levels of complexity

If these strategies have been put into place, and there is evidence that a student needs additional enrichment, then the classroom teacher can refer the student to a team at the school called the School-Based Team


School-Based Team 

Evidence must be brought to the team that demonstrates that adaptations have been put in place in the classroom to support students

If the School-Based Team team recommends it, the Gifted Learning Support Teacher can assist with putting classroom strategies into place.

The Gifted Learning Support Teacher might do the following:

Observe a student

Collaborate with the classroom teacher to recommend ideas to support the student in the classroom

Provide or recommend resources to assist the student


Tier Two Supports 

After tier one supports have been implemented and there is documented evidence that these classroom adaptations have taken place, then the student can be referred to the SchoolBased Team

The School-Based Team will review the documented evidence and if the student has a demonstrated need for additional supports, then tier two supports will be considered

The School-Based Team might recommend the following:

1) Observations

2) Short-Term, targeted support

3) Participation in Primary District Gifted Learning Support seminars


Tier Two Supports What is Targeted Support?

The Gifted Learning Support Teacher can support students by providing short-term targeted support at the school with small groups of students

Targeted support includes identifying learning goals based on student needs, abilities, and interests and it is usually 3-6 weeks in length Seminars

Students can attend seminars based on their age, abilities, and interests

Short-term targeted support and seminar participation do not continue each year

Only primary students can attend District Gifted Learning Support Seminars without a designation

**Intermediate students must have a gifted designation to attend seminars

Next Steps

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After students have attended seminars or received short-term, targeted support, the Gifted Learning Support Teacher and Classroom Teacher will update the team on the student’s response to what has happened so far

The team might recommend that:

Documented evidence shows that further support is warranted and the student might receive further support OR

If appropriate for the student’s learning needs, the targeted support may finish at that time

Students who require further supports may be referred to the School-Based Team and brought to the District Gifted Screening Committee


The Gifted Screening Process 

If a student requires more intensive interventions, they may be brought to the District Gifted Screening Committee

The School-Based Team must recommend that a student be referred for screening 

This process involves the following steps:

1) Gifted Pre-Screening

2) Assessment

3)Gifted Screening


Tier Three Supports

If a student receives a gifted designation, they will have the following supports:

An Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be developed with parents and the school

Targeted targeted Gifted Learning Support will be delivered on an ongoing basis

They can attend District Gifted Learning Support seminars with like-minded peers in both Intermediate and Primary Grades

They will have ongoing tier one supports and consultation on strategies for classroom differentiation


Additional Resources 

Hoagie’s Gifted Page

Twice Exceptional Gifted Children

National Association for Gifted Children Website (NAGC)

101 Success Secrets for Gifted Kids

Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)