Geometry Fall Final Review

*Chapter 1.1 Points Lines Planes Use the figure to name each of the following: 1. five points

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*Chapter 1.2 Line Segments and Distance Find the length of the following: 11. Segment AB

12. Segment BC

2. two lines

3. two planes

4. point on line BD

Draw and label each of the following: 5. a segment with endpoints M and N

13. B is a point between points A and C, segment AC = 15.8, and segment AB = 9.9. Find the length of segment BC. (Draw a picture).

14. Find the length of segment NP.

6. three coplanar lines that intersect in a common point

7. ray with endpoint F that passes through G

15. K is the midpoint of segment JL, JL = 4x - 2, and JK = 7. Find x, the length of KL, and JL.

8. two lines that do not intersect

1.3 Locating Points and Midpoints

Use the figure to name each of the following:

Find the coordinates of the midpoint of each segment: 16. AB with endpoints A (4, -6) and B (-4, 2)

9. a line that contains A and C 10. a plane that contains A, D, and C

17. CD with endpoints C (0, -8) and D (3, 0)

Geometry Fall Final Review

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*Chapter 1.4 Angle Measures 18. ∠A is an acute angle. ∠O is an obtuse angle. ∠R is a right angle. Put ∠A, ∠O, and ∠R in order from least to greatest by measure. 19. a. Which point is the vertex of ∠BCD? b. Which rays form the sides of ∠BCD?

24. L is in the interior of ∠JKM. Draw and label a picture then answer the following: Given: m∠JKL = 42° and m∠LKM = 28° Find m∠JKM

25. Ray BD bisects ∠ABC. Draw and label a picture then answer the following: 26. Given: m∠ABD = (6x + 4) ° and m∠DBC = (8x - 4)°. Find m∠ABD

*Chapter 1.5 Angle Relationships 20. Correctly name all 3 angles in the diagram as acute or obtuse. 1. 2. 3.

Tell whether the angles are adjacent, a linear pair, or vertical angles.

27. ∠1 and ∠2

Use the protractor to find the measure of each angle. Then classify each as acute, right, or obtuse.

28. ∠2 and ∠5 29. ∠1 and ∠3

30. ∠8 and ∠3 *Chapter 1.6 Two-Dimensional figures 31. Find the area and perimeter of each figure. a. b. c.

21. ∠VXW

22. ∠TXW

23. ∠RXU

Geometry Fall Final Review

*Chapter 3.1 Parallel Lines and Transversals Identify each of the following using the figure:

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Identify the type of angle pair given: (corresponding, alternate interior, alternate exterior, same side interior)

1. a pair of perpendicular segments

9. ∠6 and ∠8

2. a pair of skew segments

10. ∠2 and ∠3

3. a pair of parallel segments

11. ∠2 and ∠4

4. a pair of parallel planes

12. ∠5 and ∠4

Write all possible answers for each of the following: *Chapter 3.2 Angles and Parallel Lines 13. Solve for x:

5. alternate interior angles

14. Solve for x:

6. alternate exterior angles

7. corresponding angles 15. Solve for x 8. same-side interior angles

Geometry Fall Final Review

16. Solve for x

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*Chapter 3.4 Equations of Lines Write the equation of the line that: 27. passes through (4, 7) and (-2, 1) in slopeintercept form.

Use the figure to find the value of all the missing angles: 17. ∠1= ________ 18. ∠2= ________ 19. ∠3= ________ 20. ∠4= ________ 21. ∠5= ________ 22. ∠6= ________ 23. ∠7= ________ *Chapter 3.3 Slopes of lines 24. Find the slope of the given line. Say if it is positive, negative, zero or undefined.

28. passes through ( -4, 2) with slope ¾ in point-slope form. 29. Write the equation of the line that has a slope of -3/4 and passes through (-2, 5) in point-slope form. 30. Write an equation of the line that has a slope of -4 and y-intercept in slope-intercept form.

*Chapter 3.6 Perpendiculars and Distance 31. Find the shortest distance between the line with points (-2, 0) and (4,8) and point (5,1)

32. Find the shortest distance between the parallel lines: y = -x and y = -x - 4

Determine if the lines are parallel, perpendicular or neither by comparing their slopes. 25. HJ: H (3, 2) , J(4,1) and KM: K (-2, -4), M(-1, -5) 26. LM: L(-2, 2), M( 2, 5) and NP: N(0, 2) , P(3, -2)

Geometry Fall Final Review

*Chapter 4.1 Classifying Triangles Classify each triangle as acute obtuse, right, equiangular, equilateral, isosceles or scalene. 1. 2.

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*Chapter 4.2 Angles of Triangles

6. Find m∠ABC

7. Find m∠ACD

8. Find m∠CAD 3.


9. Find m∠L

*Chapter 4.3 Congruent Triangles 5. Solve for x and find the side lengths of the triangle:

Identify the congruent corresponding parts:


b. 10. ∠Z ≅ _______ 11. YZ ≅ _______ 12. ∠P ≅ _______ 13. ∠X ≅ _______ 14. NQ ≅ _______ 15. PN ≅ _______

Geometry Fall Final Review

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*Chapter 4.4-4.5 SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS, HL Determine if the two triangles are congruent by SSS, SAS, ASA, AAS, HL or not congruent. 16. 17.





*Chapter 4.6 Isosceles and Equilateral Triangles 26. Find m∠D

27. Find m∠N

28. Solve for n

29. Find m∠H

30. Solve for side ST 31. Solve for side RT





Geometry Fall Final Review

*Chapter 5.1 Bisectors of Triangles Circumcenter and Incenter

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6. P is the circumcenter of the triangle. a. PS

1. Find FG

2. Find KL b. XT c. RS

3. Find TU

4. Find m∠PYM 7. A is the incenter. Find the following: a. find ∠AYG b. ∠YLA c. Find ∠YGL d. find ∠QPK

5. A is the circumcenter.

8. K is the incenter. Find a. m∠JHK b. m∠LKH a. solve for x

b. find ∠QPK

c. find ∠URT

d. Find AU

*Chapter 5.2 Medians and Altitudes 9. W is the centroid and BD=87 and WE=38. Find a. BW b. CW c. CE

Geometry Fall Final Review

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10. K is the centroid. NQ = 6. Find: a. KM

12. List the angles that are

b. KQ

b. less than ∠9

c. LK

c. more than ∠3

d. LR

d. more than ∠6

a. less than ∠1

e. NK f. PM

*Chapter 5.3 Inequalities in one triangle 11. List the sides and angles from shortest to longest. a.


*Chapter 5.5 Triangle Inequality 13. Determine if a triangle can have the given side lengths: 2,3,4






14. Give the range of the 3rd side for each triangle: 5,6



4, 6


12, 11



Geometry Fall Final Review

*Chapter 5.6 Inequalities in two triangles.

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Compare the given measures. 15. AB and DE

20. 16. ∠I and ∠L

21. 17. PS and PQ

Solve for the range of possible x values. 18.