French I Lesson Objectives Unit 1: BIENVENUE Assignment


Bienvenue au monde francophone

Define francophone. Identify the population, size, and capital of France. Identify French-speaking countries and communities.

Les salutations

Compare and contrast how the French and American people greet each other. Explain how the French, Swiss, and Senegalese people greet each other. Identify the appropriate greetings to use in certain situations.

L'alphabet et les accents

Identify letters of the alphabet. Identify and use French accent marks.

Les nombres de 0 à 60

Count from 0 to 60 in French. Identify numbers 0 to 60.

Un pays divers

Explain that France is a diverse country. Compare the diversity between French and American cultures. Explain how France has been influenced by other cultures.

Etre: To Be or Not to Be D'où es-tu ?

Identify and use subject pronouns. Make adjectives agree in number and gender. Use adjectives to describe where people are from.

Masculin ou féminin

Identify the gender of nouns. Identify and use the appropriate definite or indefinite article.

Un autoportrait

Identify and define cognates and false cognates in French. Identify cognates in the reading passage.

Dossier : le monde francophone

Research one particular francophone country in the francophone world.


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French I Lesson Objectives Unit 2: AU LYCÉE Assignment


En classe

Identify and use key vocabulary words relating to school.

Les expressions utilisées à l'école

Identify classroom expressions.

Le système éducatif en France

Explain that Senegal's educational system is similar to France's system. Compare and contrast the educational systems in France and in the United States (U.S.).

Les matières

Identify and use key vocabulary words pertaining to school life, schedules, and likes and dislikes.

La construction infinitive

Use the infinitive construction to express likes and dislikes.

Les structures interrogatives

Use interrogative structures to ask yes/no questions in French.

Emploi du temps

Identify and use days of the week to talk about your schedule.

Quelle est la date d'aujourd'hui ?

Identify and express the date in French. Identify common dates important to France and the United States (U.S.).

Les chiffres de 60 à 100

Identify numbers in French from 60 to 100.

Dossier : ton emploi de temps

Write a paragraph about your schedule.


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French I Lesson Objectives Unit 3: LA FAMILLE ET LES AMIS Assignment


Les structures familiales en France

Identify the average age when French couples get married. Identify the various familial structures in France. Identify the average number of children in French families.

La famille

Use key vocabulary words to talk about a family. Identify family members.

Les adjectifs possessifs

Use possessive adjectives to indicate possession.

Les expressions interrogatives

Use interrogative expressions to learn information.

Dossier : Votre arbre généalogique

Create a family tree and write a paragraph describing yourself and five of your family members.

Les adjectifs

Compose adjectives that agree in number and gender. Use adjectives to describe a person.

Les adjectifs irréguliers

Analyze and identify the correct form of irregular adjectives.

Les adjectifs qui précèdent le nom

Identify what adjectives are placed before the noun.

Dossier : Un ami idéal

Write three paragraphs describing yourself, an ideal friend, and characteristics of a bad friend


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French I Lesson Objectives Unit 4: LES LOISIRS ET LES SPORTS Assignment


Les loisirs en France

Explain that leisure activities and sports are an important part of everyday life. Identify the most common leisure activities in France.

Les passe-temps

Identify key vocabulary words pertaining to activities.

Dossier : Un correspondant français

Write a letter in French to a pen pal.

Les sports en France

Identify key information about various sports in France.

Les sports

Identify and analyze sports-related vocabulary.

Plus d'adverbes

Identify and use adverbs to say how well or how often something is done.

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Identify important facts about Marseille, Avignon, and the ProvenceAlpes-Côte d'Azur region.

Dossier : les jeux Olympiques

Identify key information about the Olympic Games. Write a paragraph about the Olympic Games.

Le temps

Express the weather by using key vocabulary words and expressions.

Les saisons

Identify and analyze the four seasons in French. Use the correct preposition when talking about the seasons.

Dossier : Une prévision météorologique

Write a paragraph describing the weather where you live.


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French I Lesson Objectives Unit 5: LES FÊTES ET LES TRADITIONS Assignment


Noël en France

Identify numerous Christmas traditions and festivities in France. Identify and use vocabulary pertaining to Christmas in France.

Les fêtes en France

Identify various holidays celebrated in France and various francophone countries. Explain how learning about a country's holidays gives you insight into the country's culture, traditions, and beliefs.

Faisons la fête!

Identify holidays celebrated in France. Identify key vocabulary words.

Un cadeau d'anniversaire cher. Les chiffres

Identify numbers 100 and higher.

à partir de 100

Express dates in French.

Le carnaval

Identify facts about the carnivals in various countries.

Dossier: Une fête en France

Write a detailed paragraph about a French holiday

La fête nationale de la France

Identify and explain what the National Holiday commemorates. Identify common festivities in France for the National Holiday.

Dossier: Les fêtes nationales

Create a Venn diagram and write a paragraph comparing the French Bastille Day with the American Independence Day.

Joyeux anniversaire !

Identify birthday traditions in France. Identify and use key vocabulary words and phrases pertaining to birthdays.

Les invitations

Identify and use expressions to invite someone. Identify and use expressions to accept and to refuse an invitation.

Les verbes qui changent d'orthographe

Conjugate and identify the correct forms of stem-changing verbs.

Les périodes de la vie

Identify and analyze vocabulary pertaining to the different stages of life.

Les couleurs

Identify various colors and make the adjectives of color agree in both number and gender with the nouns they're describing. Identify expressions of color in French.

Les pronoms complément d'objet direct

Identify direct objects. Replace direct objects with direct object pronouns.


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French I Lesson Objectives Unit 6: RÉVISION ET CONTRÔLE SEMESTRIEL Assignment



Review and reinforce French 1 concepts from Units 1–5 in preparation for the semester exam.

Unit 7: EN VILLE Assignment


Visitons la ville

Identify the main idea when listening to a dialogue or when reading a paragraph about cities and their public buildings. Identify and analyze key vocabulary words.

Les prépositions de lieu

Give directions using key expressions and prepositions of place. Identify key prepositions of place to describe where something is located.

La Bretagne

Identify and analyze key facts about the region of Bretagne.

Dossier : Mon quartier

Draw a picture of your neighborhood, and label your home and other buildings. Describe your neighborhood.


Identify various monuments, sites, and museums in Paris. Analyze information about the Ile de France region and the capital of France.

Les nombres ordinaux Les moyens de transport

Identify and use ordinal numbers to express rank, position, or location. Use expressions to say how people travel. Explain the various modes of transportation available in France.

Dossier : L'itineraire pour mon voyage à Paris

Write an itinerary describing what you're going to do when you're in Paris.


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French I Lesson Objectives Unit 8: BON APPÉTIT Assignment


Les repas français

Identify key vocabulary pertaining to meals. Explain mealtimes in France and summarize how lunchtime in France has changed.

Faire les courses

Analyze where French people shop. Identify food-related vocabulary.

Les verbes irréguliers en -ir

Explain how the markets have changed in France.

Au café

Identify key vocabulary words.

L'article partitif

Use the partitive article.

Les expressions de quantité

Identify and use expressions of quantity.

Dossier : Recette de crêpes

Translate and summarize a recipe in French.

À table

Identify the order in which a traditional meal is served. Identify key vocabulary.

Au restaurant

Analyze expressions used to order a meal in a restaurant.

Dossier : Au restaurant

Write a review of a restaurant in your city or town.

La cuisine française

Analyze regional cuisines and explain how geography influences those cuisines. Explain how French cuisine has influenced other cultures


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French I Lesson Objectives Unit 9: LA VIE QUOTIDIENNE Assignment


Les vêtements et les couleurs

Identify and explain key information regarding les Galéries Lafayette. Identify and analyze clothes-related vocabulary.

En solde

Identify clothes-related vocabulary. Explain sales in France.

Faisons du shopping

Identify and analyze key expressions for buying clothes in a store.

Dossier : Un défilé de mode

Describe the clothes that people are wearing.

Le look en France

Identify, analyze, and explain fashion trends among adolescents in France. Explain how fashion in France has been influenced by the United States (U.S.).

Dossier : Ton look

Write a paragraph explaining what clothing you wear, your favorite color in clothing, and whether or not you're interested in fashion.

Les parties du corps

Identify parts of the body.

Dossier : Un ami imaginaire et bizarre

Draw and describe a bizarre creature using parts of the body.

Les gestes et les expressions

Identify French gestures and their meanings. Identify and analyze expressions that use the names of parts of the body.

Les verbes réfléchis

Conjugate reflexive verbs. Explain how teenagers' daily routines are similar or different between France and the United States (U.S.).

L'interrogation et la négation des verbes réfléchis

Identify and construct negative sentences.

Dossier : votre routine quotidienne

Write a letter describing your daily routine by using reflexive verbs.


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French I Lesson Objectives Unit 10: LES MÉDIAS Assignment


À la télévision

Identify television channels in France. Identify and analyze television related vocabulary.

La publicité

Identify and analyze television-related vocabulary. Analyze and explain how commercials have changed in France.

Dossier : Le journal télévisé

Summarize what you saw and heard on the French news.

Sur Internet

Identify and analyze how the Internet has influenced people's daily life in France Identify and analyze the role that the Acadmie Franaise has in France. Identify and analyze computer-related vocabulary.

Les pronoms complément d'objet direct

Replace direct objects with direct-object pronouns. Identify direct objects.

La presse

Identify and analyze vocabulary relating to what you read. Identify and analyze the press in France.

Les pronoms complément d'objet indirect

Use verbs that are followed by a preposition Use indirect-object pronouns in both the present and near-future tenses.

Dossier : Le Monde

Summarize an article from a French newspaper.


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French I Lesson Objectives Unit 11: LES VACANCES Assignment


À l'agence de voyage

Identify and analyze travel-related vocabulary. Identify key information about vacations in France.

Le passé composé avec les verbes –er

Identify and analyze what regions are visited the most in France

Le passé composé avec les verbes –ir

Identify the correct form of the passé composé in interrogative structures. Identify and analyze key vocabulary words.

Le passé composé avec les verbes –re

Identify and analyze key information about vacations in France

Mes vacances en Normandie

Identify the most visited monuments in France. Analyze key facts about Normandy and its cultural sites.

À la gare

Identify and analyze train-related vocabulary. Identify the modes of transportation French people prefer to use.

La Corse

Identify and analyze key information about Corsica. Identify irregular past participles.


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Review and reinforce French 1 concepts from Units 7-11 in preparation for the semester exam.

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